The Huron Signal, 1886-10-15, Page 7• r A NISTO*VO1 t MOUS* The IM U • Mr sestinas Dir ti/se• M TbesMMI. Owl Yo.R.-ate net, itet.edtskllly Nutt/ all Ir .snip, old village .,d Thornhill, there wads . .mete -built, sibeianual looking far. h.... Time has not dealt seedily with I. id bUN• tat, and the veraidah that wMrosads it is sadly iv owed of memos. The hones has sr baan occupied for 'mink .ad but leo. fedi auuon/ the oldest inhabstaels, are ,wan of the tteprt.et lest played by it. former 1. - mats a matters that ham k.ag sums passed into history. 1pve.tigatiun by The World reveals the fast that ear early es Mal the face o1 et.h�ei.seea meal spntogs that shifted in the r'" -e Thornhill had attracted hundred* of rimless Irmo • drtaeoe, .sang these a number of Southern .'aupedi etre truer the tanm bor- dering eydehng on the Mune and Nun Ilse Ons oe Hie Wise bought the hula referred to above said • Med. and it soon beim* a sort o1 ►wdauarten kw the Itasca d South rn gentlemen tfut found C.o.d& a goon vaster ground from w'.tch to observe the •• Hitt. uapisee.atno-. at Mice. It is quid that (;over:`.. Lid • Blackburn and other paktum' refg.s way, aa.dad vellum at the old farm banes. sed tea may old Trrrw.t.rlaas will re- usuibee th. my...rime Mr White that caused • venestur, in times days by ugrnng to buy the Leader from Mr. HEX. This nae at Mystery was interested •1.i in the old farm hums sad its nocupaot., and .t wan even heated that he was a secret serves officer of the W sshipguwi Government. Use thing is cu- te* however, that he pained the at.fidente at the confederate colony is Celtsda by eper stating hima.UU a persecuted New York south- ern sympathiser OW types .at recall to mud how he s.sd to occasionally"sub" in order, as be said, ,• to keep his hand a." His . ubaqu ant attempt to purchase the Leader, plant end buildings, and his negutrtiou with the than edieonal .tag d that paper. hot color to the dessotive thmwy firmly held by the corn porton who had "Card" the individual on hi. first appearance in Leder lane. Tb. oyster. Res 11541b411\1 80 worried hon erlf iuo%he om- ideates d the occupants dd the old farm house that he became nut ugly a "regular boarder," brit was also permitted to ase. t sea •'*dine the various plans concocted by the confeder- ates to harm.. the Washington Government. it is aid that be was preset when the its fascias yellow fever ernes.e wad broached. and K .leu stated that he was the tiros to Rau • munimte the alleged pint W President Lamaist. If the stories told by the oldest inhabitant • re true it was is this stne odd farm ho.... that the 8t. Allan's Enviers met to p.r(e•ct their plans, mad it was bore teat the ooy of that used to boner round the old Leader of hes, came for funds and unformawin gamut the "keg muds," with religious regular !l7 every Sunday. She Weeid• $ Neve To. How Terw M ttao.- A couple from the humbler walks ext life cease beldam . justice o1 dee peaty W be mar- ried, when, the cerrt.:.,ui being over, th.bride an w wen.. minnusly- '•luta the mat- ter'" asked the new hri.sad! k'1 wile had you that 1 don't know hew to ouch," .obled the brad.. "Dust fret: 111 tint have •.Thea( fur you to a..k. 1'w a poet." Tee Nora Deaak. Plea is Jammed Awwn/. First lady. toe l.murr trend (hw fries! Melanie is dreadfully eetraysgan1 Do yen knew, 1 (tined on bre wa.h.tasd the other dray Mt er than ten tooth -brushes! Sorted Lady -tly ruinous extra% Agana! thee tooth - far every tooth she . gut. Night eat Se P.ratr.hr. Prone rd H.:.. 'I'm um." be sed, rnbtang ha chis in a wolf satisfied way, "1 think 1 coiid marry either .a.../ the girl., J I felt disposed to wake u. eR.rt "Ye ," replied Mr fraud, with an alarms bon .1 recidnitton and mimeses.* "Yeti 1 tlinmk I meld. 1 ow se. a are getting .long toward the time when grid are not unwilling to marry." "Yaw and net wry particular," oontinw.i 5...• rand the conversation abruptly con - Another Seas Wird. It is said that Miami.. Steak. sch has dis- covered another argliaingale. This one, like Mme. Chrome Nilsson, isa Swede. Her nam. s M1kL Sigrid Armatises She i. still in her Imes sad is remarkable both for beauty and • superb soprano totes. It is now fully thirty years wean Me Pgrakosch discovered vi. greats( of all smog birds in hi. young ..seer - ,n -law, Adelina Patti. but long as is her reign .ad poet as has been tie eight .1 time .lice his Leat marveloas diecovary be is still en wasted in the ..arch fair great IrNL 5. ever sae Now Item Plain mini. New Yorker tot ars esMilfe$411 1 thea pi.lwrs! Bosso.ian-Ah' Nn• 1e6 "Te Donn d Sahara New Yorker - Nkat • meagsi6ast hall ground that wuull male. hey • *.meat.. et 51.M.g. Hook binder--W,H you have it hound in Turkey at Monica)! Purchaser -O, emery, no. What is the use o1 senting it way of them. Have it bound In Taranto. The 551dr's Nsaeake. "And what ha• petty been thinking stout thio livelong day !" asked a ,owing husband kat enema*. "(M, Richard, it wail such • noprise." "Wilma •" N that beautiful Wagner ansae that kis floated into the house all day kXlg. I didn't Uwe thew wae a rtpen•resM.rt r1Par •ra." " There oast: that a boiler ioun.iry." p� Why Every Parsee wke.Id Marry. Prow the Philadelphia: Nrrnld. "John, 1 want you to go to church Sunday morning." '• Me go to church? What for!" Om pastor is going to preach • terrace t.• huw6 •' isn't your pastor a bachelor!** •• Yes.'r "T: ti let him talk about something h• know. indeed 1 won't go." neat • Unshod. ;Sem •Ac !'Ail.delpliia (IIU. ilaatry-Jut one mo rmat Deltegg. F,icuse me. I am in a bit d a hurry, 1 export soy wife home from Atlantic City to -day. And you are Forint to meet her! N.. Int going hone 1 hat oil seen the home stere she WI, and 1 want to brush ter enbwebe (rani the frit dor. Yo. as., I dated all my letters "At Nt. aeJteate rernr*.s. " What • lovely crow, Uncle Jan♦rti' ss: claimed a Boston girl, the morning latter her arrival. "and how r.anicafly she shakes her head"" "Ye., last don't get too near that mews oaatios.d the uncle: "he's se ugly critter." �. THE HURON aII81L, MUT OCT. Ai int MP or: Tete ate. lite inns ase •f $rams a.A Yt_, lraI 'eat lint. ! hen `IM bent age, wKh td hundred. of liera. awe premillos tM .asst tm. ,o -- Rai r ,adagio by ....ling the ..a, shied elap-�' �se , a ntl� l Y swills MM. rlfldOT\ri low d donned Ten merles cu tad. hind ISM (`pis Valk very con area , EMT MilITSAMailez Tia nal share are its ...a.._ A Inds law .ay In the dart Ma. t lifts and which give it uaoeer k. exquisite power of ass& Dr esa biter, too, Denizli 1!M Jahn Labbook Maki aK They ~Oa dant h.anek 1110 who peep* they only at , Hied to inch sousde as cancers them, their own Peale 'boar" it stregglkirs tea bear $ very long w•7 et, mad 11r. nteedr. (aka VIM the cid key ad waraing pan music .t swarming time is by no means explode.. Their aside many hinds .f sounds be compares with that ext meet bunco beings a. tl w are as U we heard set, wherein) it • child cries for help we wake into activity. Bons aro 1�so wash, anodes i or serve f«�Ty have a Nervous with ganglions --1 e,, knots or lamp where tie nerve thread (neat• A been train is a larger ganglion pined la its bead, dlvtded- like can --lab two bbsa In germs and drams the brain is small The worker has propor- tionately twlee as much as the ant sad moa than twenty times as ta♦eb as the cockchafer. Intelligent tlt.mgk s is. wo need n.i suppose tt to be • htge.class nethssmq. tan because M mils sea hexagonal Mr Cheshire says that if you put a sap babble on . bit of slate one side gets flattened. Put another rims to it and the con- tiguous walls become quite flat, antes to the equal tedoe.e her Wass. Now add gag time bubbles, ee ret a tires occupies t1M metier; a cross section d rte central bubble veil sou bsst ell Um contiguous walls ewes Wein being tsar, the free ons curved This in the ens In the hive, the free walls of the dumb always running in • sweep, and the haregomsltty being simply dm to the premium of is. bee against another ae they .re working. -All the Year Routh Naard Is ■ few Tarn asM,s. Small boy There's • roan Fein' kilt on els l.lriek below ! Officer Hoe funs 41 'till me an' ieery here .hake oil a gabber wig Mk' thea OI hal, thew Wass. Unit. • -11111K11171:4 os �sDDon''t trek yenrelI 10 Meth. If things we (t kelp M ea �r Sae* �r If it y,.. r1s1 et ply �a happened. 4'brmaa s law hop ` N ` , .gowns etlsYwNlwg ma. its a W pks to spas 11 e nd taws to walls M ter sot .--SassuswWn lemma seamen Me at Don't eat with your knife. Isn't set croe►iegged before eeimpaay. Don't .wing your feet or trot it, or eit with your taws turned in. Dont rock nicamaetly in a rocking shale Ware a,oipany It mike. prophe nervous Deet drum N u► your fingers or wriggle year hands Dsu't pick war tenth before puerile. It's nasty. Une't be pnhte to strangers and anemia and brxri.b et home, au.omg tate people who bunt you nest Data make a anise etch your mouth e s usimsi wbet you eat. steer M. skirls. The steek to skirt barks ars now placed very high, amyl se near the bale that the ewe - Ma of hair t. nrA required, as the upper steel seeks. • very boatant tas•a.n. To do its the placket bob of the foamdatioa skirt a ands loses sad the ops placket spam slips back and forth on the reel arras the top. Thr back breadths at the outside skirts are than sttnelird to a impends bad, and booked ea ark .ids Mot bait besseth. • 5- A tarewtte bangle mutate d eamer•nes Mender gold or .ivrr wire circled, no two or which are decorated .like. As many as eighteen to twatt1-f.0f eI tins are worn w ace arm, each one tnriepwdeat d the other, not L.ahg cattessted !a any way. but haa.'ioT loos around tate arcs National Pills are a mild purgative, anulie on the Stomach, liver and Bow- els, removing ail of lm: T.. sit as a passive bucket and be pumped into whetbsr yon oaeeest or not can ext the Tong rum bewebillaratiug bra aO creature, how obeisant never tie flood of uttrranceo that is descending. --Thom- as Carlyle. )ars Mary Thompson, of Toronto, was afflicted with Tape Worm, 8 flet of whish was removed by one bottle of Dr Low's Wurnt Syrup. Done LD Deovf!ta-Donald (trying un.ucoraafulty to divide a flock of sheep, "Hoch, boch, to stupid brutes ; tern • 4w wap o' time mil gang tuns roads .t one time. His collie 6vo�gM.s�a--�♦ - 10 ARE YOU MADE miseraaM s7' Ind'gest tun. C. *5 Ipatson, Lu>mai/ge_ _ Iww of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's ital.xer a a positive cure. For sue by J. N thou, druggist. 13 "HAC KMETACK," a instinct and frafrant Dorf um.•. Price 25 and 30 Ma. For sale by .1. Wilson, druggist. er•s-s•Amome u"i,,,42,i 1U , HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVL. TIENT ‘OiIIPANY skis Gawp. ey w i erwl deg Af iw. /l"p east• MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS HANK BRANCH. 5, 4 and 6 port ant Intense Allotted us il.possem, .crVrdlltP 1.1 amount unit time left. OPTI(•E:- Co- of Market Senate and North aurae, limier it. h. HOR.t('E MORTON. *.,.••stir Roderick Aust. ilk. i1M8. - tet Faro NEW 4%>'\' �17 eas New DRESS GOODS OPENED TO -DAY .'-wr•tagi- . J. C. DETLOR & Co's tlederk h. Aug. tiltb. INS LrausIU*g &MIM. uR.1ID ?SUNK ease- ezppraie. Ytsa/. *tied. UoderMhLe. Tee a.. p.a. Hal pa. rtr.ltord I Ar. I /.4e a.. I 1I:Y LIS p.s T... N'KNIT. limed. *iced. Eip rest. lsity sntiturdLv. aM18 p.m $.i6pont Roderic It I a -u 1: Ar. I !/:Mama I I:9d p.m I 1:40 It= HIGGINS EUREKA <rx OM* PURITY. ew-EETNIYM, 10 IMAMS IS UNIOQUALI.ND. D1IRYlEN it wW gn.tly imw.v4 ywr BUTTER 4 CHEESE. Aimeey ler Wasters ( .made : The Latest French Rod American Styles ! Oakland's Jpiismr Dairy, / HATS, BONNETS 1. •' PERRY DAVIS' "UM PAIN -KILLER It R*CUtlaLxass BT PA,reiriona, Ministers, Missionaries, Munu.lrrs Q/ Fssortes, Wurk-.Anpa, Plantotioes, Nurses in 11ospda18, -in Mort, eserplwulyeverywho. KA. Ana ewer glees it a triaL Ix Ttt1XALLT MIXED WIT* A woes GLANS ur MST MILS AXp at.0A*, 1T wtu.55 5111411115 A WIT= 5.84455 cots Sea BCDDEN COLDS. CH/LLS, CON -- GESTION OR STOPPAGE O1 CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAiNS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT . •c. ArFLlae I, IsxCL MA. esOvix IT TIM MOOT arr*CTtra AND NUT LINIM*ST ON IN tti.OTIX0 TUN esti ARIar*O FROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TiSM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, ac., ltc. ::.ids. per Bottle. 1i' Beware of Imitations. "Sill I CAMPBELL'S" CATHARTIC COMPOUND is effective in small doses, acts without griping, does nut co- ession nausea, and will not create im- utuon and congestion as do malty of the usual cathartics ad- ministered !n the Tons of Pills. &c. Ladies and Chil- dren haring the lee* sensitive sto- machs take Wsandl lea without sees - 1 C-sem• a's CATHARTIC Comeorwo VT7 adapted for the cure of Ursa Court -align AND BILIGL s UIs- 050552.. Foa A.•1D STOXAcm AID Loss or Ar- rITIT6. FOR SICK IISADACas AAD DTetssr.,A. Fos CuwsiirATION OR l,oaTty5XEla. FOR ALL CoMM.AIXT. MUSING rime A Dn1ORDaacD ITATI OF TMS feTo. ■ACM. Thin medicine being in liquid fore, the dose can be easily regulated to skeet the requirements of different per- sons, thus making It squally well to the use of the little child as z.t a adu1L Put up in three ounce locales, and sold by all dealers in fancily medicines. )Tease /;docile ^_S ('!n!•. F t CA�dLr.1= a.aI1B Aij$ "le, �Oe.di111 ew�fs rra+4/ Bees of that vas sedi.sd.., • nob • tee s vedacM sulegiTft stags, tad weaayy se..cougmistd pyo of tk�aller.taospre..ia r lM follow is we is been of Lkddee Ertreetie• Irking nes Lass of eked, Aon. er Clus.ie Sher.., and is the weasels that invariably accempe iestMroovwy hew Wasting Filen. Nooyrrenssd^ Is y. rim !ol�rellii014* i Abak d Blbd Lan of Appetist DtI W. pa.i..p, and d ae cars wine. 15 Aeart8TS lad cI•r.II0 eTuwct v ear is unwed. tb. ELIXIR will he &�= fauna iwTaw- 0,4 41:0 PAUL /e e Se/d by mu Pooh.. ie Af,di. iwrl. DAVIS A LAWRENOE 00. (Limited) Sots A.;.,Ts, MONTREAL. P. BILL HE ns, NOTE HEADS LEITER HRADA AND ENVELOPES CHEAPEST IN OODERICH AT SIGNAL OFFICE. N ♦ J M o L7 8. Ais plowmen* 'et reefs: -their nee NIT ..tt-. 1. • seta, mrvs, wad ddoersrl tie mosey N wearsw La Childrea o **Ma HAMILTON, ONT. larlill Feathers, Flowers, FancyTrimmings mar<b 264,E1114 ,ee m lmussments. 901►1y Etc.. its/ Etc. The Chicago House. Wer STREET. bODER1CI8 Oodrrlc April 9Nb.INI8.1 8w9 GEO. H. B OWN Successor to DR. WHITELY.) , PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Having lately added • Fresh Steck of Drugs, Dye t. fin, Perfumery, Etc., to the already well -selected stock, begs to Inform the citizens of Roderick (bat he d now able to supply thea wits PURE 5)R UOS and CHEMICALS at Bensons hie Prices. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR SLOAN'8 INDIAN TO NO , TtLThe Greatest Blood Purifier of the age. Every Bottle Oasraatasd- Sunday Hears .-111 to 11 a.a'f V 4 pm.; S!O le f1fi11Aa. Albion Bleck. (1oMlek, Feb. Mk. *I. Mae spring Millinery. 1 MRS. SAT... Ln -Has opened our ker- SPRING STYLES IN MILLINERY, and has now the latest .ad alms approved styles 1a Feaihe,rc Flowers Ribbons Shapes & Trimmio O -ALL KINDS. rAn Inspeetlon K 01 i v.htn in bead wear, which she has now os view, Iseoedia87 invited. Ooderk►, April tt4, l� 9401 DANIEL CORDON, CABINETMAKER, AND LEAIe1NO UNDERTAKER. Anyone can advertise. but 1 can show the Stock. i have snore .tock on hand than any two houses in town to amines from. FURNITURE. I have now or. hand 10 different styles d Bedroom Suites. 8 different styles of Sideboards, 3 Parlor Suites• and slams anything In the Furniture line, all of whieh will be told AS ('HEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, AND 110NT YOU FORGET IT. in the UNDERTAKiNG i give persona attention, ani the benefit now et nearly 40 year. experience. 1 think 1 have the best Hearses In the County of Hume --I will leave the public to Judge. I have .v.rythtag usually kept in a arm -aka a e.tehlbksest, each as Uaskets. C'oues, Shrouds. Habld, Gloves,. Crapes. Je Embalming dose when required. ',serf Ou.raatee to glue eattstactlon In every mass. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. O. AND BANK OF . dodo. EAL, Gederlek, Sept. nth. 188. 4064 -Jt,, Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runciman Bros., Proprietors. CONTRACTS TAKER FOR STEAM MINES. FLOURING MILLS. AND OMR MOMENT WAVED. Flouring /tills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, eta, etc., at Low Primal All Kinds Of Castinfs Made to Order. J. B. Rt•NCIMAN, Goderich, Nov. 9.18(! R. W., Rt•r1awti*p NOW COMPLETE! NOW COMPLETE! A CHOICE STOCK O1 DIM lir taro SPECIAL LiNES iN Dress Goods, Shirtings, ^yenv It and Tweeds. Highest Price Paid for Hatter & Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. .duff, Aiwil fink. tet 1 GODERIVH MECHANICS' INSTI- TUTE L1BItARY AND READING Ret)*, our. of kart street and Square sap stairs. Open from 1 to p.m., and from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 Y'OLS IN LIHRARY1 Leading Doily, Weekly awl Illustrated Papers, Ment:inea, de., eft FIttt. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY 53.N, granting tree use of Library and R.eedtat- RQom. Application for mrmberrblp received by Librarian. in maims. J. H. COLBORNE, A 1.E X. MORTON. President. Secretary - Dederick, Murch 121b, 1815. 111111- PLANING 961 PLANING MILL ES1AHUSHED 1858. Buchanan, Lawson : Robinson 11•"I. rACTCaaau or Sash,Doors & Blinds DLALiaa IN ALL KENOS Or Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's teaterlal of .eery d...er.p0 *, SCHOOL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. air Order promptlytattesded to, Oodericb Aux. 2, 1181. ill The People's Livery errA ft JOHN KIWI, Proprietor. The subscriber Is prepared to uralsh the stab be with The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLE PRICES CALL AND SEE 1./S-Oppos the Colbor Hese Ooderch. Roderteh. Feb. 14th 111 USS MACKINAC. SU ,acne eunoia. Lae Isom Year t6rS per Welk YKaes DETROIT AND MACKINAC and Stew Week Day mw.ass DETROIT AND CLEVELAND wee. air ass " Piot./waw Meokhs.e " illustrated. r C.e5Nrsa ran pee...um seine T1... Detroit it Cleveland Stamm Nay. CO. C. D. WHITCOMB. Gaff e•.aa. NT-, 1CTUO1Te 5ICI4. COX & CO. COMMISSION STOCK Bsoxess, tMeinhen Toronto Stock Kschonget, 26 TORONTO -ST,, TORONTO Direct Wire to \lr.ntrral. New York, Oil lily and Chicago. Stocks, Bonds, Grain Provis- ions and Oii Bought or Sold for Cash or on Margin. GODERICH AGENCY, • WEST ST., R. RADCLIFFE, July 9Mh. lank NA -A -Sm Manager. GODERICH BOILER WORKS Chrystal it Black, Iwm.far••.rer. rat •1; Lind. of STATIONERY, MARIIE, UPIISNT AND IUAIiLIR BOILERS. BALT PANS. SMOKS STACKS and all kande of Skeet Iran work. STEN CEO WATES PIPE ►TTTIaCs aeelleatly on hand. 0n 1.641. ready fur .5.12,.., 1 NS N.S. tis541.1 Sot ter. *." 1 . 81.7. tete M.11.►. A Complete 2W -band Tbre:biog Oetit, noiler. k:nginr, *roars tor, kr , all In gond working drier tt ill it mold cheap. Mall meters w111 rer11, a prompt stilettos. Weeks Ogg. ei. T. ■. Ms1Ne. P.O. BOX 361. Rsdsiea, Mar Nth. Ills. A