The Huron Signal, 1886-10-15, Page 3it
A young farmer who was very utilucky
sat ou has plougb • lntiesent to rest, and
f'-" then .n utd woman crept pent and
Med : '•Why du you go on druJgi•g
d■y and night without reword 1 Walk
two days until you a,me tar • great fir-
Irwe that stands all •lte in the forest
and overtop. all other trees If you can
hew it down you will wake your for-
Not waiting to hate the advice repeat.
ed the farmer shwWered his ars atd
Muted on hes juurusy. Sure enough
after tenpins two days he came to the
6e -tree, which he instantly prep•r.d to
out down. Just se the tree *stayed, ai,d
Defuse it fell with a crash, then dropped
out of its branches a nest c.:ntaining two
sets. Ths eggs rolled to the ground said
seeks, and there darted out of w.e a
young eagle and out of the usher rolled
t veld nng. The eagle grew larger as if
by enohamlmeot, and "hen it reached
the size of • man it spread its wings as .1
to try their strength, then, .,ariuit up-
ward, it cried : "You have rescued ms ;
take a. • reward the rung that lay w II e
other egg ; k is • wish Msg. Turn it On
your bnger twee, and whatever your
aitib a it !Mil be itthilled. But ramnm
bar there is but • single wish its the ring
N.. simmer is that 'ranted than it Looses
its power and is only an "edit ary ring.
Therefore, courtier well that you desire,
s', that you may sever have russet to
repent your choice " So speaking the
eagle soared high in the air. circled over
the farmer'. head • few times, then dart
cal like an strew toward the east.
The farmer tte,k the ring, placed it oh
his linger, std turned on los way home-
ward. Toward evening he reached a t••wn
where • jeweils sat in his shop tithing! a
•.venter, on which lay many c..stly rings
-Jo ole. The fanner showed his owe,
and asked the merchant its value.
"It isn't ural* • dues," lie jeweller
1.1 1 1 I ,sri
----15,.. tb•t, the farmer p'
bneetily, and told the man that it was a
wish -ring, and of greater vales than all
the rings in the shop together.
The jeweller was • wicked. designing
Wean, and en he invited the farmer to re-
main as bis guest over night. "Fox," he
explained, "only to shelter • man who
wears • wish -ribs must bring luck."
So Le treated his guest to wine and
fair words; and that might, as the farmer
Ly sound asleep, the wicked man stole
the magic ring from his hnger and slipped
on, to its place, • common one which he
had !nadir to rumble the wish -ring.
The next morning the jeweller was all
impatience to have the farmer beiges'.
11e awakened him at cock -crow, and
said : "You had better go, for you have
still a long journey before rm."
As twos sit tie farmer had departed the
.1`; ib shop, net up the shat-
ters, so that so one could peep in, boited
the deco behind him, and standing it
"r, the middle of the ro.rtr, he turned the
ting and cried : "1 wish instantly to pos-
sess • million gold pieces '
No sooner said than the greet, shitting
gold piece. cense pouring down upon Ltw ,
to • vides torpent ever hie head,
• eialiiensed arms. Pitifelin be wood'
for mercy, and tried to !mull NW unbar—
nbarthe door ; but before is seesssisd, `•
stumbled and fell bleeding 1• li•pettd.
As for the golden rain, it never slopped
till the weight of the metal crushed the
door, and the jeweller and his money
sank through to the oellar. The gold
still poured down till the million was
complete, and the jeweller lay dead in
the cellar beneath his treasure.
The noise, however, alarmed the
neighbors. wit., coma rushing over to
see what the ratter was ; when they saw
the mac dead glider bis gold, they rot
claimed : "Ddidiy *fort *ate be what
blessings kilt." Afterward, the hag
came sod divided the ptivpigiger
In the meantime, the farmer reached
home in high spirits, ant attired the ring
to hie wife
"Hencefo.ih, lir. wets agar is
in want, dear wit.," he all "Our
fortune is made. Only we most be very
careful to consider well Just whet we
nuikt to wish."
The farmer's wife, cf course, proferred
advice. "Suppose," said she, "that we
wish for that bit of land that lies between
our Iwo fish's
' Tbat isn't worth while," her hus-
band replied. "i1 we work hard for •
year. well earn enough money to boy
So the two worked very hart, and at
ba t time they had earned enoogh
money t.. buy the coveted strip of land
and still had come towers. "See," said
the man, we have the land and the wish
as well."
The farmers wife then suggested that
they had better wish for a cow and •
born. Bat the man replied : "Wife,
why write nur wish on such tribe, 1
The hone and cow we'll get anyway.'•
Rare enough, in a year's time the mee-
ey for the horse and ener had bee.
earned. Joyfully the man ribbed hie
heads. The wined is again saved this
year, aid yet we have what we desire
iinw lanky we are I"
Bet sew hi wife estiteity adjsisd
him to wit for eomethfsg at INC
"Now that les bares wick te be p.M-
rix HURON SIGNAL, RIFDAY, OCT. 15. 1.885,
• 1," *be said, "you Mare and toll, gad
•'e etl.etwH withung. You aoey
be king, bona', wren a gentle-
men farmer, with chests overflowing
with ►nW ; but you dun't know what
you want."
"We are young and life is young," he
• iewered. "There is only woe wish in
the riug, and that is wetly said. Who
knows but sometime we may sorely seed
• hie wish 1 Are we is want of anything.
Hire we nut pr.rpered, to all peoples
e at•„iiJmeut, aims we possessed this
n o; 1 Be reasonable and patient fur
• while In the meantime, consider
what we really ought to wish for
Acd that was the end of the matter.
It really seemed as, if the ring had
br..ught a blessing into the house. Gra-
naries sod barns were full to overflow
ing. and in the course of a few years the
pour farmer became a rich and portly
person, who worked with his sun afield
during the day, ea if he, too, tiad to earn
his daily bread ; but after supper he
irked to sit in his porch, contented sed
c owfurtahle,and return the kindly greet -
614 of the folk who pulsed and who
wished hies • respectful good evening.
So the years went by. Sometimes
e beu they were alone the farmer's wife
would remind her husband of the magic
ring, end suggest many plans. But es
: e i its . b. i 114 1k p.en.l
of fists, and that the best thoughts come
last, situ wore and more rarely mention -
ad ring, and at last the good women
ceased awaking of it altogether.
l'.. be sure, the farmer looked at the
ring, and twirled it about as wavy as
twenty times a day ; but he was very
;artful never to wish.
After thirty or forty years bad passed
sway, and the farmer and his wife had
.tr.wu old and white-haired, and their
wish was still unasked, then was Cid
very food t.. them, and on the seine
night they ouch died peacefully and hap
Weeping children and grandchildren
surn,uwded the two coffins ; and as 000
wished to remove the ring from the still
hind as a remembrauce, the oldest son
said : "Let our father take his ring in-
to ilio gear°. There was always a mys-
tery at'.ut It ; perhaps it was some dear
remembrance t fur mother, too, est
often looked at the ring --age may have
given it to him when they were young."
5., the old farmer was buried with the
ring, which had been supposed to be a
wish ring, and was nut ; yet it brought
as much good fortune into the h'.u,e u
bead cou!d desire.—St. Nicholas.
nese Trade.
The reduction of the internal revenue
and the taking relief the revenue stamps
from Pmpnetary Medicine., no doubt
has largely benefitted the . , es
well as relieving the burden of home
manufacturers. Especially is this the
tom with G,ws'a Artgttuf Roarer and
/karuer'a Ii.rtiutw Syrup, as the reduction
of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been
added to increase to rise of the battles
a,ntstmng these remedies, thereby giv-
ing one fifth more medicine its the 75
cent rise. The August Flu.rrr. fur Dys-
pepsia and Liver Complaint, and the
(:erswas Syruj. for Cosgh and Lung
troubles, have perhaps, the largest sale
of any medicines in the world. Tne ad-
vantage of increased size of the bottles
will be•greatly appreriated by the sank atllicted, in every town and tillable
is civilised countries. Sample bottle*
411 I'. 1 • { , the MOW pow
_-- reeaabatise.
A considerable amount of interest los
been created in journalistic and, we pre
some, whiskey circle., by the conversion
01 the Hail to Prohibition. We say
conversion because, though our contem-
porary is a young convert, we have no
right to suspect the genuineness of the
pr.fesion eo frankly, if so suddenly,
made. It is the duty ul prohibitionist&
to receive the young convert in all chari-
ty and hopefulness, and to believe that
the conversion u genuine until the con-
trary is shown. It would be interesting
of the Nail would rice its readers a
short amount of the ciicumatances that
hitt up to and culminated is its conver-
diin We have and with much interest
and not a little cariosity its first articles
on pr,hihttion. We find nothing there
that we have ask met • thousand limes.
The arguments advanced in favor of
prr.hihitinn, and our centemporary,s
method of meeting objections, are se
old se prohibition. Perhaps the Vdil
would have no ohieotron to state the
argun.enta that influenced its mind most
when about to, make the turn Its ex-
perience might be very useful to others.
The ariiuments that wrought conviction
on our neighbors might convince any
number of anti-prohibitionieta Them
our contemporary might state how them
argument& name to have so much weight
just at this particular time. In fact. it
would be•goodthole all round if the .Mail
would rime op and tell rte experience.
Meantime we welcome nur contemporary
t.. the t ranks. and hope it
will do mod 1 manifest that -
td.ndeaty which is so becoming in • young�
convert.— Canada Presbyterian.
tvevibedy Me t Ile t
Bred this carefully. if yno or any
friend ere suffering from any kind of
pain, internal, Ineal, or external, try
Poisson's Reveiliee, the sere pop p•ia
mare Nerrilins is one of the must ele-
gant combinations stet named to the
public for the relief of pain. Pleasant
to take, powerful in effect, sure in re-
sults, and ehesp because the mincemeat,
put•et, and intuit amain pain remedy in
the world. You sae test Ibis great re-
medy Ivy going to a dreg nem end hay-
ing • 10 seat sample bottle Try it at
DT • positive *era 1.r Catered', Dip -
thesis and ()heist M ' . Ter sale by
J. Melees, drsgttnt.
y*tsg • atasAMYrs Iters. reeking antra
The brothers Robert and Alfreci Tay-
lor are ,•ppueiuq fur Bovero
of of Teens..., the Got cawed being •
Democrat, the other • Republican They
beton{ to tone •.f the beet families in, and truth have a natural gilt
u( oratory. During the last few days
Alfa voice fined bin, and realizing that
Bob ram gaining ground on the stump
in axsequenoe, he hit upon • plan W
checkmate him. The idea wag wtptetted
by an . of Cul Dick Menefee'
of Kentucky, in • C. 1 race
many years ago, Cul. Menefee had
served one term in Coogreas, and harinr
had a taste of Waahtngtou polttic&I life
hie heart orated for more. He was •
very popular man in his diatiict.apart of
which lay in the mountain regions, and
tf success. His rival,
Judge Hogue, was a shrewd man, how-
ever, arid, when early in the last days of
the courses, Menefee tufted the moun-
tains on h,r.eback, he found that all his
add friends im that region were pledged
to vote for H/jgan. He geld not under-
nderstand it, but he sow that unless he could
do a.•methino to stein the tide baa defect
w as a certain. He ...on learned that the
secret of Judge titan's ;popularity was
that he played the viol's' at parties.
Menefee wag f..r • time at hie wit a end
hut one uight he found a large patty
gathered together in a country school
house with his rival playing away as hard
as he knew how. Ceiling woe of the
twist inlluenttal men in the room to nue
side, Menefee said quietly: 'Judge
Hugan.,.layv very well.' •Yes,' was the
'ming around sod fwrdili_N_rt 811.63fur
1 notice that the iodge plays with his
left hand up here, said Menefee. Hogan
was left handed.
'Why,' said the influential citzen,
'What do you mean''
'Nothing much replieo Menefee. in-
differently, 'only he always uses his right
hand when in Lexington.'
The story went ever the district very
rapidly. The well- knuwu jealously
existing between the citta are.* country
hell'sd in along, and Jud. Hogan was
.rrtwhelmtngly defeated.—Ci,,c:uuatti
Times Star.
A peculiar virtue in Ayer's S.trmr-
•rills is, that while it c'eanse• and
purees the blood from ali currup,i�na
and impurities, and theret•C routes out
disease, it tuvidontes the whelr system,
and wakes one young attain.
When the scales fall off a man a eyes
he ought to see a long weigh.
Rist ...Needed
By erery mac and woman if t)•ey. desire
t, aecure comfort in this world is a corn
shelter. Putnam's Corn Extractor.haUs
euros in two or three days, Rod without'
diacotufurt or pain. A hundred imita-
tions prove the went of Putnam's Pain-
ing, Corn Extractor, which is always
sure, safe and painless. See signature of
Polson & Co. on each bottle. Sold by
medictoe dealers.
Is a man upon to the charge of amault
and battery fur cudgelling his brains e i
Many forget that the hair and scalp
need cleansing. Extensive use of Ayer s
(lair Vigor has proven that it is the best
cleansing agent fur the hair ---that it
prevents and remotes dandruff, coots
and soothes the scalp, and stimulates
tit. Mair W rtt4eweisxwwth.
"The numerous marriages in (hl City
and vicinity remind me of my summer -
at the seashore," remarked old bachelor
Bilking. "How's that 1't "Methinks I
Wan :till hear the manila: of the tied."
'Aitiction sore long time be bore.
Physicians were in t gin.
But had he used Dr. Pierce'• "Golden
Medical Discovery, ' the greatest blood
purifier known, he might will be 'ovine.
For all sero'! this prepara-
tion is • sovereign and never failing rem-
edy. All humors from a pimple t - a.i
ulcer yield to it. It will cure c,nee mp.
tion (which is a scrofulous disease of the
lungs, if taken in time. All drugei.ts
have it.
"I don't see that the Irish have any
ground for complaint," remarked Zebe-
dee Smith. "N,, they have no ground
at all. That's the trouble. The land-
lords own it all," replied E'enezer
to *.,red Repose.
Jame. McMnrdock, writing fmm Kin-
sale, says: "B. ft. B. as a remed. ('.rdis-
eaaesof the blood, liver and kidreys, has
an excellent reputation in this locality.
I have used it, and speak from experi-
ence, as well aa ohservtinn It is the
only medicine i want, and I ads ise others
afflicted to try it." 2
Be stocd nnder the window and sang,
"Haw Can I Leave thee." Het he did
leave, and so suddenly that the dog went
back of the house anti wept.
14 SHILOH'S CURE will immediate
ty relieve Croup, Wh.mopine C..ugh, and
Bronchitis. For sale by Jas. %Vllann,
"it is d to think," said a
complaining shoemaker, "that whatever
pains 1 may take with my work it is
sore to be trampled under foot."
A !seder. lingerie.
In a resent letter from R. W. Dnwtcn,
of Deloieine, Ont. • he state* that he has
recovered from the wont form of Dys-
pepsia after sul .mtmig f..r fifteen yellers ;
and when a council u( pronoonc
ed him incurable he tried Burdick Blood
Bitten, eta bottles of which restored hie
health. 2
A doctor is sometimes a oure-inus in.
didual. The ".nwaetimee" is the only
thing that koep this statement out of the
realm of benne.
4 Catarrh Cured, health and sweet
breath aeeered, by Shiloh's Catarrh Re-
medy. Prom 60 emits. Heard injternr
free. For eels by J. Wilson, Druggist.
Loll.. MIT.
The enmpk.cion ie often rendered un-
sightly by Pimples, Liver Sprits, and
Yellnwisse Them it vs well knows are
caused frau en inactive liver and Aland.
Dv Cheat's Liver Coro parodies the blood
and whole system, Hee Itweetpt Book
fee toilet reesip.a, home end
ea how so peg .ware Iii eenglexlee.
Bold k7 J. Wdse.,
as you would handle
stirs,- is good advice. Old flour barrels,
outage carefully washed and dried, will
impart a musty flavor to the fruit before
mid -winter, especially if the air in the
cellar is mutat. The first apples which
are put in market barrels should he "fac-
ed '' 1be facing consists in placing two
or three layers on the lower bead with
stems down ; that is, with stems pointing
tueards the bead. Clean, bright apple.
of ordinary sine should tan selected for
this porpoise. The rest of the apples may
be poured into the barrel. Thu pouring,
if properly dune, will not injure the ap-
p se Eters c•n be peered. Ise a bas-
ket with a swinging handle. one which
can he 1 .mored into the barrel and turned
while there, gad hold the apples hack
with the hand, so that they will not pour
nut too rapidly. Two or three (lose
during the filling shake the berm) gently
to settle the apples firmly. Face the up-
per head lfl the acme manner w the lower
o ne. it u desirable not to head up the
barrel at urea. Cuver with boards 10
keep nut the rein, and let tho barrels
stand .-pen fuer or live days. It is not,
however, always possible to cover the
barreis. in which case they may be head-
ed up at once and corned down on their
o des. In this condition they will shed
water.— American Agncult?rut for Octo
The latest remr ly for Coughs, Colds,
Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis,
etc., to McGregor'• Lung Compound.
There is co remedy it. eaiatenco con-
tain,,,a anys�e-�1-11Z4-active ingredients
e aiuosan: ►Io (lrecnr's Long Comp mild,
so do not say you have taken everything
until you have tried this for y. ur cold or
couch, and your opinion will be the same
*a all who have used it, viz , that it it
the hest.. Sold in ;✓.k and Si h.ottles by
O. Rhyne. druggist. • 1.
A mother said to her little girl, wh•.
was whtppt:ig e:r 1 dl "Ntnp now ; you
here pnnish••d her eno•rgh.- "No,' re-
plied the child, "I don't sant tan be told.
as •ea .•ften tells you, that I am tow weak
with my children."
■Igbest Pentre.
The well-known drug tirm of N. C.
Polam & Co, of Ktneetun, writes that
Dr Fowlers
Extract of Wild Stawberry
has long been c n idered the best remedy
fur Sumtner eomptsiote in the market,
and adds that their customers speak in
the highest terms of its merits. Wild
otrawberry I. the It, .,1 e,
for Cholera Morbus, Dysentery fad all
Bowel complaints. 2
"See," sail a young tr the as vo'nr-
thing like a mails flitted sea ss the f.:r
of her sleeping infant, "an angel is
whispering to him." Fire minutes later
the infant was howling the roof off Ole
acus with wird on his s'oma^h.
new a Dude (aught fold.
A sliin youn;; roan in t'me height of
fashion was violently sneezing i;' a street
car, when acoimpanion remarked, "les,
Cheeks, dean hey, how *lye cath teat
demean! car d. " "A w, d. ah fellate, left
my cane in the ower hail tt-titer (lay,
and in etc!uno the iv •ry ':;azole,
dreadful cold, it chilled ane almost t,.
death." If Chr.rlee hal vied Dr. Har-
vey's Red fate (:am his c 4.1 .•:idol net
tr'tble hies very much. For sale at J.
tt •sot's prescription drub; store. tf
-Did you pass the e.ra service exami-
nation "I don t know yet, len I g'.?
the right answer• to some .i motions."
"Wh;ch ones were those I "I answered
e ll right when they asked me what my
name was, and what state i was bort
11ave you ever tried Mc'(:re[or at
Parke's Carb.,;ic Cerate f..r ares of any
kind 1 it is beyond douot the very beat
preparation in the market for heehaw.
and cantle Sores, Burns. Burns, Cuts,
Pimples, Blocher and is the only prop-
er method • 1 a; 'yids Carh-.lic Acid.
Sold at G. thy ee' drug store f. r 2Lc
per box. 1)
She wea a. 4— -
Maj. Grenade (anxious to make him- i
pelf agreeable t•p a wealthy spinster --
Bern to Florida, Mie. Verjuice
No, indeed, major ! I'm eery delicate,
don't you know, and maid not pomibly
endure the aufferine which such a jaunt
might pr idler. 1 really undergo ruch
excruciating pains in the chest that ---
Maj. G. (interrupting)— yes —er-- par-
don me ! I've been troubled with the
same complaint myself in India. Diet
yourself, my lady ; Itte on rice.
\Lie. V —Oh, ma j..r ' what a horrid
notion. V.hy, the stuff is oily tit for
Maj. G. —True, true ' I Intent. You
are no chicken. Allow me to eeggest in
But the laiy closed her fin with a
fierce rattle and flounced away.
Rase loss Toothache i Use Fluid Light-
Have you Rheumatism I Use Plaid
L aiblet•g.
Have you • Stiff Joist i Use )maid LOW
Here you Neuralgia! DIA Fluid Light-
Have you Lumhegof Use Fluid Light -
Are you troubled with Headache 1 11 ae
Raid Lightens'
Ham you any Pato i Use Fuid Light-
it will our you the testiest it i. applied.
Try it. 25c per bottle at G. Rhyne*
drug store. (1)
"How can you give me suck a dirty
napkin as that r' "Biot pard..n, ung, got
folded the wryer( way, air. There, sir,
how is that 1"
A Mad, roes.
As • speedy cure for Dysentery. Chol-
era Morino, Diarrhoea Colic, .Cramps,
Sick Stomach, Canker of the St.•wach
and Bowe's, and all forms of Summer
Complaints, that is no remedy wore re-
liable than Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild
Htawherry. Dealers who sell it, and
thus. who buy it are on mutual ground.
its ooutidm ncs of ita merits. 2
The he. t-hlsck and the college pro -
tenor work for the same object that of
polishing the under.taoding.
This is to certify that 1 have used Mc-
Gregor'. Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint, and do t.onestly any
that if it coed me one hundred dollars
(100) a bottle 1 would not be withuwj
at. as it has done me more good than all
the medicines i ever used, and I feel like
a new man.—Your' trate. AMC Sr►it.,
Carleton Place, Ont. This medicine is
for sale •t 50c and ,I per beetle at G.
Rhyme' drug store. (1)
A man d••est not nerd to ow•o a railroad
tr loose a train.
Leek Mew.
Look here mr friend don't tri, n up your neer,
And gay you're near dead. Well, well. 1 sup-
Asthma and bronchiole have keep you in bed.
kiliuunnrp4 sick headache ; 0. my poor head :
Now. wt.y doirtm a. err •u,:h terrible ills.
When Irr Jug. medicine and ineah,aWe pi
Will a:d, relieve, curt whatever It he.
Or no mailer how long standing the case, do
'„t •ee'
Now go to the druggio. ane 1: areonling,
F'or e.,ln its litrlerich by F'nami: Jusm.v
A Cincinnati p.rk dealer has had his
career written up. It sin the funis of
a buy -hog raptly.
in a Dassetwoe t.ddlties.
Any man, woman or child is in a dae-
.eruus condition when neglecting a con-
stipated state of the bowels, There can
he no l•erfect health without a regular
action of this function. Burdock Blood
!titters euro constipation by imparting; a
heaithy tone to .11 the secretions.
Vaal Altaeo..
Among the newt prevsient fatal and ,
sudden attacks of diseases, are these in-
cident to the summer and fall. leach as 1
Cholera Morbus, Hilton* C..lic, L:arrho't,
sentery, etc.. that often prove fatal in
• e. hours. That ever reliable remedy
Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,
should be at hand, inr use in emergen-
cy. 2
lti A NASAL INJE('islli free with
each bottle •,f $hileh's Catarrh Remedy.
Price liO cents. For sale by .1. Wilson,
1 That Hack irg Cough can !.e• r -, Twit
'y mired by Shmlohs Cure. We guaran
tee it. For sale by J. Wilton. Dturgi.t.
3 Simple** made lsi.erahle hy
that terrible cough. Shiloh* Cure is the
remedy for you. For sale hy J. WC'ann,
. Druggist.
Seeing is he:iermn . RAad the nett
menials in the pomp let nn Dr. Van
Ruren's Kidney yore, then hay • befit*
and relieve yourself of alt throe dietreas-
in pains. Tour Druggist can tell you
'plate at it gold ley J Wilson (lnderich
•'What kind ••f a doz is that. my ti't's.
man 1 "He's part terrier." "Ai d
what's the other pert P "Oh, just dog. '
Freeman's Worm northing are agreea-
ble so take, and expel all kinds ,f worms
from children or ada;ts. 1'n
Things that nee sot dr-ne at the tirht
time are nearly s•,re an forte themselves
its when es rase least hear tote t rent -
W of them.
Lr w- ARE
Aa tlsn are many Inferior 1
goods, content with jute.
pt etc.,oQared sad sots
as l orating by some un-
principled merchants trad-
ing ow the reputation of
our •_saws Ceeeltnr.
we warn the lades again.*
*nab imposition by draw-
ing their attention to the
necessity of seeing that the
le stamp.d seiner sided ail Corallin. goods
Without whish at. are gamin.
The First Sign
of bans. ►gait,, whether 1a the form et
Right Sweats said *mousses, or to •
sci of Geeerel Ilfesilams and Lem of
AptieUts, s►•uld pa re taw of A yore
Sarsaparilla. Tide i . la safffil
effective for "trig less and stresgtb
to the enfeebled, prut.Iteg the
digestion gad netaalietbu of foal, resters
leg the nervous forces to their na(1111114
condition, and for purifying, esrteltg,
• ted ritallateg the blood.
Failing Health.
Ten years ago myhealth began to
I was trouhled wita distre..lug 4'
*!*shit Sweatt,. Weaklier, andprerr
nein tried varies. friles
by dM" -w ret phrens st became t»
weak that 1 eoo1S bot Rimgo up stain with.
out stopping to rest. My frkade recent.
mewded the to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
whit* 1 did, gad I am slew as heakhv sect
strung as ever.— Mn. E. L. 55 Mumu,
Alexandria, Minn.
1 have used Aver's Sarsaparilla. In my
family, for Scrofula. and knew. 11 it le
takes* faithfully. that it will thoroughly
eradicate tilts terrible disease. 1 hate also
prescribed it as a tuuk,as well as an alter-
atire, and must sty that 1 honestly believe
1t W be the beat blood nit -divine ever
eompoutided. — W. F. Fowler, D. D. 5.,
M. D., Greenville, Teuu.
Dyspepsia Cured.
It would be In* mo..lble for toe to do.
scribe what 1 suffered front lidtgrstios
and fleadac be up to the time 1 began
taking Anger's Sarsaparilla. I was under
the ran of various ph,.klans and tried
a great ninny kinds of unelicines, but
sever obtainid more titan temporary re-
Ifef. ,, ea ,ot
t short floe, tiny hesded's
and my stomach performed Iia d�r.
preterit'. Tieday my health W ram.
e elf restored)L
.—ary Marley, Sprint.
Arid, Mass.
I hare been greatly beneete.l by the
prompt use of Aver'. Sarsaparilla. It
tones and lucigoratrs the ermine. regulates
the actiun of the digestive and assitnilativo
organs. and vitalizes the bl.00l. It Is,
without doubt. the most reliable blood
purifier vet discovered.— iI. D. Johnson,
U3 Atlantic ave., Hruoklyu, N. Y.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Prepared by Dr..1. C. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, Mar.
Pelee el; ala bettlse,
Saginaw, Bay City, Goderich,
Detroit and Cleveland.
The F1.-gnnt end l'rn"uud,ous Steamer,
aseinaw Valley"
w M. ae ICU. •a*ter.
Wi11 ran during the Newsom of Navigation, as
Milers :
Leaves Goderich evert Thursday. at 1 d
slut k p.m.. for Ha, 1•01 and Saginaw. callers
at rand it.-ncn. i'uri (lope moil T. eas. inagnr'�g
e-ninectionl with Weal shore floats at fisad
(heel for linger ('iiy. l'hrb.r-nn, Mackinac
Island and St. Igaare. and at lin, illy with
seemers for Harriet i:1r, li.• role sail Alpena.
returning to G,.d.ria h .•n iznnda).
Iran r.Ioderich e..ry sonde'', at t' o'clock
n oon. for fort Huron. lietralt and l'leteland,
returning to (b. drri. It ..n Tl nr«lay.
Tbi. • will to• c,mt,a,u•d during the pea.
. ori of •
for the whole ROUND Tltll' iecn:inuoas
Will be issued for
ectwpyhigedays. mesh. and berths minded.
Teel' . reteof freigh, and passage. and all
er r inforou.t tub. ripply to
Agent at Coi'ertcb.
No, ire wand he given by ywrlirs wanting
Tkurnday ttieuraiuna.
auto Cih. WWI. 7051
OF THE 8111,
Aed every sands* of dMee* arise.fret
dgerwsred U VER, K.Oslfflre, •Tl7ttiAOth
BC1b&LS OR 51000,
el the clogged acnnsa of the
Bowels. Kidneys and Lbw, tarry-
aming off gradually without weakr' i"g the
system, all the i ernritise • t foul
humors of the secrettons at toe same
time C... . , AcI�ty of the
Stomach. e't"ing Biliousness, Dya-
medss.. Headaehen. Diacitrzp,
Hearties, Constipation. Dryness
of the Elt'tn. Dropsy._Dimness of
Visi(rt. Janntdlo., Salt Rheum.
Erysipelas. Elutte-fng of
the Heart, N „ . , and Clea-
oral Debility ; alt ttbr se r-- 1 many
rther similar ('omplairds v^' 1 •n the
lame D Brri& & $I7HDOC'[
NAV[ YOU tar
i.,,Coplaint,Denerta, 1*di�rsaie.,. llilieaseo
{sand,'., He.Aaclri, ha+ata.e.. Pam in as sok
nativeness or say disowns ariin,i final • derangeire,. M. totem t Lorna Colts will a Mood a ser
cantle ntie remedy.
11112Y171 A 118.. Proretrtet•, '','""est ire.waresd wares of i1.. Chun'. Liver Cart 1
Neat .tone to Mire...Mire...i.• new Moore keeps
oenetaMly •Adoaagg tri Ate well.
*riveted .tock, .holes
Fresh Groceries,
wl i.4 • tl to. 'n'tnd •n arm'.•. 'i- ,,r.'•'y
soh es regard* •ityalIty ar..i fr;• r. nobnary other.toek Is itis t.rinty.
In retuning think. le my eoetoorre rot
their patronage. 1 would etre Incite .,y nth
ere w e iv ill, ie oils a,41 tapeet rim stook.
ft1.'h West tilde or the aroma.tlrieriM. ria
L Nth, ani.
ave' cessp1a int realm bMly rA etM tart sleet M i
wr-'pennded b nal natures well-lviown liner res•Wen
Ya.nenke AND 1),'un no.. combo's(' with maw
nh.r m.aleabts romp, tart., and her aaenu .
uwwdet dsu es O. Kidne)., Stomach. BOW/111 am
arose. 600,000 SOLO
'+tier asebl/ .su:hw •f rs. e 4✓, Rome *04
w as sold .e (aware mire. We vest missy mow
e.rmea bei ,til/ silo 1, tress:./ with LAW Cam
Moat to t7 tAl ,,:,R,at svmsis
ilsertems Int then Away Pett
w,sep.A areeadsw.T twtia.d ik. t her'. i everCan
is • v.:..1 le ?leasehold Medical tools and lb
sn.a (it gaged a+walni..g over von awful reins
preorio•-eil int .edict awe sad deggiew es (geeing
bb, .std w.wth to limes the pica of the rediclea.
TIT owe geneses t OL A sats sell pint
Iniad.- Pelf.. .e ren.•
'i? Cairo Knorr at Uwe Pala .s ss. Nam.
t 1ei11aae041 • 00-. (tele aaa... Oreetm.s
OMa Thad, Urns Mts11