The Huron Signal, 1886-10-15, Page 1WHOLE NUI BEYEAR.Mee I DEVoTE°L coUN THE HURON SIGNAL In pwblistted every IrrIaj Meesntt%g,, b7 Me Otttioueir Barts.. at thMr miles. Fiera et GODERICH. ONTARIO, Amens despasuhed to aU parts of the .arrowed leg wwtry by the earliest midi sad trains. Teams. --1111.111Ie advaaoe, portage preload by pysbbsbere; $t.7a,tf pand Adore ms uoeths IMAM if sot ao pald. Thi rale will be trolly enforced. RAres or A-ellgbt eewts per it.. for drat laaertles; three trate per line for ewe sabsageeat Inaetiee. Yearly. lutf•7early sad euarttwty oontreeta at reduced rate•. Jog poIltT1 els— .1. have aline eret ryas ebbing depart meet ino.aaectioa.a.dpoems& we the mum complete out fit and hr.t faeilltiee fur turning out work In lioderteh.sre prepared Lode boniness in that line at I.rioesthat elkeeed be bestsn, and et • anality dist casein he urp.se•d. - - Terme C.MM _FRIDAY. OCT Ibre, 1886 TILE ILEF(,I:V (OYVIKYTION. The Reform onnveotion to be held is Uoderioh tomorrow (fiaturday, Oc- tober ltith), prumisas to be one of the must important Retinene a ever held in West Huns. On that 000mmon the Reformers.. the Riding will nominate the staodaro-bear- e» fur the Centurions and Legislature at the next election. M. C. Cameron, HP., West Huron's tried and trusted man her an the Domin- ion will be prwsrnt and ad- 1.111 dress the electors uo the issues of the • day. The cowmane will also be ad - / by Hen- A. M. lions, Treasurer of Ontario, who doe over a decade has tattbftUy 1 1 the riding in the TiFiitew Urtario. A Ihewgth imposition of the political ritttMiem may be cuntideetly Looked for. r After the ssisetios of candidates the - - na..tiag will be thrown open to the gen- eral public. AND now it is oe the boards that four provincial legislatures will be offered to Ireland by the Tury Government. Sir Randolph Churchill and his friends mast be careful or they may kill the Irish with kindness. Tor Anchorin, which broke her shaft in miff ocean, arrived in part dunng the week. Rhe had been under sail for Wes weeks without having sighted a ~ptesiog steamer, or fast sailing craft, upset which to unload mails, or by which to forward news of safety to aasiuus friends on shine. Herrn Perth Refotseru Mot on Tues and nominated James Trow for Commons, and Thomas Ballantyne for tribe Legislature. The gentlemen chosen are the old members, and the convention did a wise thing in making them tn. choioe. The South Perth Re- formers have the winning team et the next election, and the Torics of that rid - R A ra•MIQ d HeWtnneed, who wag present at the Cayuga meeting, cosecs t Hon. out Wte did prodeeet $ s portrait d Rial ► with • rope around his seek, mod say, •'This is the latest saint of the O.thclie church." The Hamilton Spectator, which 1as stated it was present o. the °cession, will now have an cpportunity afforded it of potting in a canter -affidavit, or otherwise admit that it is of that clans of spectators who having eyes ansa not, and having ears hoar nR4 We wJ1 watch fur the $pac/.Iev's s . j otAxu political demenett tion will 1w held in Wrexham oo the afternoon of Teseday, October 1pth, when •dde.med will be delivered by Hon. Edward Blake, M. C. Camaro., )L P. for West Herrn, James Kott:eryille, M.P. for West Brace, Hon. A. M. Ross, Trea- surer of Ontario, and Thomas Gibson, M.P. for East Huron. Special tares and railway have been so ranged for, and the Reformers and Co•- servatives of Huron sod adjoining memo t vie are cordially invited. The gather- i:ig promises to be the greatest political event that ever took place in East Hu - on. CANON' Woeattts., of O.krille, has written • letter W the .Vail flndinz fault with Rev Sam Jolliei mind meetings, and ceaaerieg that Parma/ for devoting et>;mneh o1 its spies to the deliverances of the Georgia evangelist. The Moi,' very properly informs the irate imam that the labor of Sam Jooes is a swab, of deep teneseet to many of its readers. and endorses the work of the revival- ist, if not .Il the methods. From the tone of the letter of Canon Worrell we are inelimed to believe that his piety is too intense he eosld not say grace before meat without the aid o/ a prayer book. Atter the "Sails" get through with their revival work in Tnenoto, the might possibly And another opening i Heir line d 11047 WWI QTed M Oakville. gNTELLIGENC THB of TES WL'RT. WeettremaY ime Camera. had a wit - sees in the boa, avid asked for testimony eewu.rning the "gutters" on the roof ..f the Lecknow town hall Gerrie, the opposing .uunael, objected to the evi- dence as 14, the "gutters, ' and eked the ruling of the court. Justice O'Cueuor quire! remarked, "If this evidence con linuas much lousier we may ell bo is the gutter " When the t°dictrnebt tamest James Bailey was presented, Jammu 1)'Ci.onor held the paper between him and the light, and after discovering• hope in the uncia of the d..eeesest 1 narked to the cue.ty attorney, "This indictment is no good ; it won't hold water. At the close of the court a pros met stood in the box awadang sentence, and bis luriabnp awaited the arrival of the c.,uoty attorney to ask that sentence toe passed. As the county attorney was dilatory in preseuti°g an appearance, his lordship remarked les the clerk of the cruise, "1 fear we will have to get a search warrant to tied the county attor- ney. ' And Jamea Adduun was sone polled to as, "Order ; silence in the court !" to Aoki, off the siserrimeut Bao. tines d sus Amen taw W this 111FHtgbatm—'Poser undfar bile seta e11llima orsi11w with ham in Ma seams. If the T►ava would pet in twee work fur the temperance cause, it wield be in the front rank of progrest. Teta Hamiltut Spvrtetor,taught by the of ted Haidimaed election is awaiting Is In the matter of the Quebec prurinutal elections. In Munday's article on the probabilities of the resell in our sister province, the "ifs" and "beta" would alasoat fill a beak& Lesket Olv Wednesday the oerwmuoy of un- veiling the statue of Tl , Capt. Joseph Rant, was satisfactorily in the presence of a large con- course of spectators. Notwithstanding the strict law against treating Indians, the people of Brantford have elbwed Ti to go on a "bust," Mi. BLARE points out that the Meal bas at least done him the honor of steal- ing his own theory cog eerning the fran- chise, which he alluded to in a speech at Owen Sound rome time ago in the following terms : "I do not wish to force my views on any other Province, but my opinion is that the beet Dtiwtnie* feas- ible* that can be devised is $Miditatia I registered manhood sefrage,d111lt l em for the principle "One man, see tete." JaILER DIcKSoN, of the tlllnnty ell Huron, in his masa synopsis of the (Dusty jail st•aistiise, points out one ie - tweeting fact is with the Scott Act, namely, the gnat tallies( of in the number et peewee confined in jail for mama sed abusive language Only four persue went Beet to jail for d Frieede of t will rejoices to Leans that, a the whole, the year in the jail was a quiet one nom• pared with prvtous years We recom- mend the report, which appears in an• other teolutus, to the atteaties of our readers. GODERICH. OHT., FR MAT, OCT. 15, 18b6. ii ti • Tim-WRIGHT PAPERS 1 aaan, so Iuuw as Ito sees there a a chains to hold that nodiiiduual a vote. 1 Here the ■pplaws was redubbled Our tellers dee admire Sir J.,hn's takt. Public i 1 then ...itched myself on tee the Can- , ads Percilik Rale way, begone' velyaperk- in', took eft brakes, and put •.n • full had of storm I was a lightnis' express mskin' up time. I started at the east $ e'reh 1 s:bere at end, and went west, young man. I ex- t►as. ■ed the rrr.rat of ',hoed the once inane, termite ; 1 rushed Comedian T.rts.m. thrit the disputed territory ,w* Conser- vative nolitishure dont care to dwell there since the bu*ndary award) ; 1 jest In introducing to the readers of Tat wet esy whistle at the [rate lakes pees,. Seism. Ceche Untacke 1t- Wei ht, of 4 ague to enteron' prohibnttou territory with lt-est Wawantsh, we have no explanative 1 so permit ; then 1 crewed the muskets., to offer for his using our columns other j and awithon.ut'.reitednkii'ov,er anthe d myprairiroin-he'slike on stern:•buf- tlniaoke A .prey t' the R. w fight on Q. • -11, falo afire ; I riggled up and down and devoted Conservative, is full ,f the • thru the passes „f the Beelike and at idea that route of the .porches and upon• last I seemed at the Percitek s shore, al Inns now "wasting their sweetnew on Incest out of breath, ass 1 •hirsty es•,ugh to drint the o.hun dry, if it warn't eo salty. the desert air" of Conservative club. aid It Win' a Conservative meetin' there ooutmittee meetings might be used with advantage in the columns of Liberal papers willing t.i show fair play. HAY - tog recently "stumped" us, as he put it, a, polish a contribution from him on 'Albite affairs, we accepted the challenge, and the old gentleman, who is gawey and brimming with confidence in the ethcacy of every cry and notion that is of Tury extraction or adoption, has sent us - the follu.0 t letter. We hope he will bag, ted with others from time t, time. We peeasrve our . ld fri.md i spelling ; Tits Landos A . "In Ill probability during the next six weeks it becomes a matter of considerable import- ance to the 0 1 to use the power 1 which they poetises, and to secure the farmers • better pace for grain, butter and cheese. It these gentlemen, by put- ting on • customs tax, can increase the value of wheat from 70 cents to $.140, by all means let it be doom ft is of very considerable" i to them st this moment. Eves their most devoted have lost faith in the power which they claim for 1 Mr Farrow will require too get the hens of his in gond humor, and per - seeds them to lay their biggest eggs, or it will indeed co hard with them." 111, I ' 11,111 MI6 aYhi.44 was uo seed of coin to British Columhia f..r a drick. The pint cf this last oh - serration was k•ontslued in ablack bottle. Wipin' my lips 1 wound up my allooshuu to our tracts-kontinental ralerode by say - in that to Sir J din and the C.P.R. and to them only, was dew all the praise. paasin' by iu konternptuous silence a very tasterlizmn' kwestshun frum the imper- dent pub *hu bad before interrupted. and whir now asked: "Uncle Uoiecke, who paid the money !het h':t that road' I'm gain' to send a koppy of that speech to the Tideway co., and if 1 don't get • -we" for boomin the rude. then Caned 'an paterotism will be given akruol tt mow, na perpi'aI zees w:;l lea bleedin 111111 Y Iai111 I1 li 1111. Is 1 -L ,.Lowly tOta - on tbeL .., , - . lido • seances that renders his opinions pecu- The last thing 1 touched was ticker. luny ittercsting : Its potty Mrd toilet a strait -out Conrer- valive who won't touch it. I eipasbisted ALt.Ovat'+ Saootsot•.a, oo the sudden and unexpected sumrtur- N'est %I/awauwh, set . f the 3/e;/, and was a tryin' to fret Oct. Net, 1896, rune way of akountin' for that supri.in' I To the Editor of The SienaL .ttitoud, when it dawned upon me that ' Delta Si*,-Thare was a meet:n' of chars was a remarkable lak , r yunanint it• the yang Conservatives of this aekahy° amongst us fellers on that sobjek. If held in the skoolhousa last night, to, there had been a wine all. beer Savin' take steps to form a Yung Man's Con- klaws, .oor old stand-byi. it would have servative Klub ; for wear p,litiahuus, bee° • sort e'f 'mil'!" wwnla' Itke frt•m of whom I am one, t.eleeve that in the the more tirey tickers. And wine an perlittka) game klnbe is tromps, altho beer is a putty elastik komper:ni-e. But oar aide doe's dimities dieoods or there no• it's out an' our Prwtnhishnn.r.nd our geiverlaoi in ins shape of kaeb ur fellers ain't edderkated on to that pint timber taunts. yet. The hulk of our grate party will The meati°' was opened in dew form- never go past a pint o1 beer. N e are get- s sort .f meantain•dew form. I frit bed tin' split un the kwestshun of Proutbi- at not seeii more yang mei them. shun : and so 1 avided the rocks by ee- l -mine men b g.W.u' rather ekarce in sumiu' an otikular sir, and *skin' in my our grate party. This is • lastin' du• Q.,.i kwa•wio' toles : ' What is tee dooty grass to the yuth of West Wawanosh, of the hour repardin' thin ticker and kr tint it a fact.. . d by „win. Pronibiehu n kwestahuu 1" and tbinkin' men that our grate party speebally favors the "Buy" 1 As a start had to be made if the klub was to be urganized, and the British eenstitooahon and t cheer was to be kept in safe bands, it was pro - Montreal Pe.t• The Healy Wood- worth midway is but an histamine of the highway robbery that is heir" practisd by the of Sir John Ilovern- naent ase the public treeanry and land.. Then is seemly • Tory semher who is sot pezoamllf, ase lhroegh rewires and friends, implied is ammo ..d tree - sections, lty whieh they pr,rlitete their palatine*, as geardt:ee of the asthma' intenete, tnwarda the 1 ref their nee pockits at the patois expanse. 11 ie this ayst.tsaWe monogrtios end the hope .1 "swag' and pleas that axplaie • the Tory ,Bagasse to tem Umiakttation o that is adsei&.dly ka • Ito- of stew decay sad reYaraO, I then tixt my eyes in thuliyht upon. the Acre, as if to ret an anter from the! pine note. 11 vias a notty kwestahun. But no sootable anwr came. Whoa at last I t1, kt up from that Ling and medit 1 tatty gaze on the florae. the only pweon t posed *scowled and carried that pony left in the room was the imperdent yuth humble servant take the chars and call the meetio' to order, which I dal. In my openin' remarks, I called to there minds the benefits the grate Cuo- s.rvative ?arty had bestowed on the euuatry, with pride to the Casa& Oomps y's self sakri&ce in open - its op the eeeetry for the settler, and 1 made a passiu all.xrhen to the anxiety of many of the old-time Conservatives to Pee in that sakrifoe by Bettie' there trends snug berths with the company. We hays beard of the Fainly Kumpak, says L Gentlemen, that was a tyle en - dimmer to keep the rains of power ca the hands of a tried few, sad not rials the fortunes of the keentitoueben .ate per- kisite. in the keepin' of an imperdent And, says I, therein' myself together and 'main' , that paterotio spirit met deed yet. I dwelt en tae dignity ..f the U. E. Lyliata, and also of the pat .; of C. , mer. of old famlies, who loved the krown.tid a ptrrsi•hun. But, says I, alloodiu' W the littleness of the k.,llekshes .t the last konvenshun .t Smith's Hill, I do beleeve that the d.cidin' karakteristik of the Canadian ljow.ervative today ia, that he is wills' M surrender the known iu bole or in part,ini thinks be kan make a half-krown by the transakshis. Jest !semi was L bya young pewee of Radtke' ,wiinkvoted the Moil in the most .gtteravatin' man- lier to the effect, "if British connexion is Burt by the N.P , then so much the woes for British eoenexion." I konfees the meltability of the kwotatton kinder staggered me. I recovered my ekwil- ibrium aef ishiently 10 ejakulate, Sir, the Mail is wow and has alias been an indcrp.no'eet paper, .ewfasizin' the ad- jektive as i froze the int.rrvpter with a glance, for i got kohl again might gunk. Then I glorified the Che.itan. When who had been so aggervatinin Las inter- I respehuns duriu' the erenin'. I couldn't chek my risiu' indignashun, and sommerly dismissed the meetio' for lak of a kworum. In West Wawanosh the temperance kwestahun must be handled matey mire ly if you want to work up enthoesiasm to the ranks of our grate party. There is no ?rospeks of the `klub at the time of ricin Hopin' these lines may be yused to shake some of yure readers in their Ratl- ike! opinyuns, I remain, Yours paterotikal'y, U. R. WRIGHT. Jail atatteties. The /allotting jail statistics have been kindly furnished w by Jailer Dickson, and will prove interesting to many of our readers :- The following is a rynnpaie of prisoners oow:mitted to the county jail for the year mutate 30th dept„ 1W$ '4o man deserver thanks for gi,ieg Number committed, 52 'nudes and 10 what he has not the power to re- femalew; total, 62. Of the total number tarn. and few death -bed charities 18 were t prisoners and 44 would be beard of if the &mere by were ametey priming* I thus the govern- any effort could avoid parting with Roofs went fid to ddriy On expenses of 18 arta chattels, houses and tettelitints. against 44 which were a charge upon the For my part, 1 take no stock in death- oounty. The daily average of prisoners bed benevolence, if charity has not been in jail was 6. The average number of the guiding star of the giver while of days for each prisoner was 50. Ont beelih, attength and the power to du of the above number committed 3 died good were his portu.n. And, rtriu, e as in jail, vis.: 1 female, aged Cif; and 2 it may appear. he who heel come in to males, aged 82 and 86 respectively. speak favorably of the beauty ..f death- Nationatities-Canada,21: Ireland, 16; bed charity, murmured as the Lps if Eeglaod, 1?; Scotland, 10; Uwted States, yours truly ceased to move T. truth 1; other countries, 2. • that thou utterest ; yea, verily Religion -Presbyterian, 20; Church -There weren't many .'f the neigh - of England, 16; Church of Roue. 14; bora to Canton Iwai Thursday to hear Mathoxfist, il; other denominations, 'l. the "loyalist.' ' speakers. I thought when Married, 20: unmarriee, 42. I saw the yellow bills postedsroiod that Temperate, 27; intemperate, 3.1:. every one whu had the jaundice against any of our orators trot stuck for an ides, offences for which committee,- - Ar- I t ►;d 1rr:an t t•'uld he down tie the railway we jest holler like thunder eel rimily molt, 4; contempt of court, 4; drunk and ' j•tnetnoe to hear them, but the special Sir John. I says in my mast •dieirin' disorderly, 4; vagrants, 18; larceny, 12: rehlway rates didn't en on the "trolly toles, Hars'a a man who reeemblee Rt. insane, 10; rape, 1: stabbing. I: horse 1011" 11 this section 1 didn't go, but I Pail -hs it all things to .11 men. There stealing, 1; lease broking, 1; total, 44 reed the reports of what the self•coneti- lint nothin' narrow about Sir John. 1 The remaining 18 were f w trifling of- toted d,•leu;ates sand, and after readint applauded hie raligioes liberality. That's fences. Y..n will obuner the small num- there I carne to the c nclusi..n that 1 a man, 1 says, eke has been a trio blown beer onmmitd for assault, only 4: in for- (loin t miss much. i have only one Orangeman for over 40 year, and yet he Wer years assaults and wring abusive .twestrw to ask the "loyalist dela/Nies.- eon rite affekrhonate letters to hr deer language formed the large majority of and it is this "Hay* you made a wli- trends the Catholic btobopa, and kick offences. This year nely one was rnm- tsrawv ert to your cense since coming jokes ..n Purgatory at a picnic her the milted for Mise abusive language. Thus to CM•ds--Ur (.ronvhetekh• barred 1 basset of aparisb priest (At this pint I is worthy of notice, eepeeially in rennet- Hai, rive ram*, wise* and date. And was (nosily, oppleaded by the edmiria' tion with the Reott Aet n..w in furor, its- if you haven't made any e.enverts what's aw is.eee) Ste J..ha is a leian, mage i- perfectly though it has been enforced the food of your meeting and haw 1 wished he meld a'h*aed one over the county. There was nae more -Aad speaking ,d Dr Oronyheitekha, speakm' nor for hiss -Rir John is a teen enmmittd during this year than thele, his wasn't tench of • . far who is with.' to shah* of the Freebies nous year. The greatest somber is jail thews is mighty little 411s.eee between *ass sone es he rum they are hosed to .t ssy time during the year was 17; the • C Redman. liyine upon leave him aper a Ione sad peoitaNk at- lowest number was G. Last year we car- ( t pap, and a Tory Omer* taebme►t no tenth rides ; het, I went no rid epee to the mewing year 10, while man who is a loyalist for revenue per to say, nw'1l sever end nor ..brit and this year we earned over 6. Th. year. poem only. The bisectors ,.f • high* Airline maitre bis Seger tet as a whelks, w a geiet owe is jail es eivibmtii.n and bawler patriotism shah* .f a 1--, sr amp ether ee_prei with a m.mber of yeah back wouldn't hurt either of those, Aaaa, WHAT'S UP? Things That Are Happening Around Us. A Caedld Opiate% ewes Peat Menem ■e- ar,okarr What ave a .Loyal. ant Wleealea Den. r -I was calmly resting in my easy chair gazing out of the window, and thin: ing of the pest, the present and the future, when one of the neighbors drop - ;• on matters and things. Hs didn't watt w exchange ideas either -he wanted to be a giver on the occasion, and wanted me tc he the recipient eef his oracular utte-ateces. Ile began his oration hf launching forth a panegyric upon death- bed charities, and the way he wagged his jaw you would imagine that he had a million or two to invest in charities after the breath left his body. When he stopped to catch his second tried I grip - ;.cd the subject with both hands and took my innings, and proceeded to de - 0 111h the arguments of the enthusiastic To do this, I reversed the usual ;,•rder of things by starting at the end sial w• rkice hack to the be2iniing, and I did it in this wise (1) 1 laid down the preraiau hail! the man who orbited to gi:e charity until he was on his deathbed was an unadulterated fraud, and didn't repice in an atom of philanthrophy or s•nev'tence. (2) That the death -bed charity man didn't give out of the full- ness .1 his heart, but simply because he couldn't take the raw material with him, unless it was done op in tire -proof pack- ages. :i) That the death -bed donor did the act from wholly selfish motives, and often deluded himself into the belief, that by giving to charitable purposes what he could. t use himself he was Keary to popularize his memory with the multitude whom he left behind. (4) Many of thew old tight lists who never gave even a cup of water to the poor in Christ's name while in health and strereth, trio often imagined, when on their death -bed, that a liberal donation for charitable purposes would gain favor for them in the eyes of high heaven. These and other solemn troths were ad- vanced by me in short metre, and I summed up my remarks by exclaiming : So far as charity is cvuoerned, give me the Iran who opens has purse and his heart whin health and vigor are his poi M YYNRSPestt'tam IMAAkIC tteseeyer• of tame tins. Time must have demonstrated to Miners. Cation. Cumo & Cu., that in their desire to advance party exigencies, *sant the rejection of Mr t3lekes Irish Homs Rule they dealt a serious aloe at Irelandi rause, and placed a weapon in the hands of her ad- versaries which they well know how to o w. This view. which was taken by the Liberal press at the time, has been borne nut by observation and Mr James Brady, of ingers.dl, in a recently published letter says -- -Mr Cosa Iran. re,.Autism was supported by the avowed racemes of 'hone Rule. hreaase arose their point of view, it was 'perfectly harmless.' lit very wording shows that it was so iutenusd to he, for it was a refusal to tater- ter. wee Imperial legislation on the subject. I+ lee n tlNe i.giMatasiw she Hen tali parliament. in prua.f of this 1 nay make public the rxprr-.myon of opinion of Mr Wm. O Brian. ra M C. for South Tyrone, and editor of ('aitrt Ireland. and one of Ireland's dele- gate* to Use great convention just closed at Chicago. tyhen the delegates of this moires - tine were pairing through St- Thomas. Oat, they where turf at the station by the well - kaon. patriots. parish priest of Ht wThomas. Rev. td'. Vlaanery, who aceurdcd to tissue a hearty Irish r.•.eption and welcome. We have Father Ylanaerye as,tttauce that Mr O'Brien told Wm that if \Ir Itlake's resolu- tions passed. the.auae of Mr Gladstone and the 1: t.h pstriu:a would have been greatly strengthened. wbrre:u the resolution which was i.a....l shit' C'u.ttpn'..t was of no use to them wliste,rr." Mr ,loldwin Smith's open hostility to Home Rule for Ireland was so intense as to lead him 1e lfoglana almost entirely fur the purpose of assisting the oppo- nents of that measure. Again and again has Mr Smith used in England the Coe - terse resolution as evidence that nut otly was the Dumtiuion parliament bet OW -people ..f ('ee.ao:a--at.rstile- ho Hume Rule for Leland ; acrd he uuw caps the climax by commencing a letter to the London Tietr,, as follows .-- •'Mr. 6Ia.Mtone. in his pamphlet at "Tee Irish -question. • (Mee more asserts that babas the RriU.h tare to the colonies on his side. and he exults in the belief that England, la upholding the Union. is deserted b all ebiklrrn. Clore more. as far se l artada la concerned. I traverse his assertion. 4 reed - mien in favor of his podayl moved is tis Canadian parliament by Ai* /rlO ed Yr. iJIake. was thrown out byan overwhelming major- ity, and an amenment which any Unionist might have .ubeeribed was carred to its roan. It may damage Mr Brake, materially, in the estimati..n of the cutaatitueney of the London Tina's, to learn that Mr Blake is a -premier Cladatone's friend ; but here in Canada, the reference will rather help than mar Mr Blake's popu- larity. The pint of the above extract, however, is the declantkm bythis arch- enemy of Irish Home Rue that Irt could subscribe to the tines of Mr Com ugan s rer.Iutio.i. The IIootreal Pat notices this point :- It is hardly necessary to repeat what we have again said in as strong langaagr as CWe ott- ages eg wield end oun.erning the ad°at Oof( bias in that matter. We hope, that now be sere tae fruits of hie work, he will himself acknowledge that our condemnation of Ma wenn of action was Justified. The West deadly opponent of Hosie Rule for Instead points triumphantly to has amendment as owe which "say moment might have subscribed to." and regards it as an assertion of ('asada. In her perliameei. elle is so Home that me Haler and 1. opposed to the priacapis. This. it Is hardly necessary to M r wet the caw, but if the impression that it Is obtains f-ree in Great Hritein, and bean evil In- _ ; Who believed that he u bat the fluent*. we know who is emitted tube blamed for the unfortunate fact. Netrsel et the worldly sopa. iAfeorlld to his keeping, and like the f•itbfal steward that hens, vase that of which he is custodian so that during his control of it the greatest good will obtain. But, c,ntinaed 1, let us pray that we be pre served front falling down and as the paragon of charity the wretched being who has spent his life in hoard- ing wealth, without a solitary thought of the responsibilities which has wealth brought with it, and who was only brouzht to realise the fact that he was but • trustee of the treasures, when the Angel ed Death stood by his bedside and beckoned hint to cross the Dark River. The Irish people have always bean cursed with traitors to their caoe. ; and the experience of haat session in the Dominion parliament shows that Meters Qrtigan, Cdk»°, es al, helm Canada's contribution to the rdt of dis- honor -Ottawa Free Praia. ■swat's Tribute to MAO. "They had also at Ottawa • Govern - meet in power which had been doing all it could to premed the success of Home Rule. They hew that Sir John A. Macdonald had weer pretended to he in tauter of Horne Role. At the timet of confederation he had deelareo that be would rather hemi legislative moon to govern the whole cow try and he had that ,yew .111. Hte Govenimout was not a Hume Role tiuvernmeut ; they huh shown that in many wive. With , Mr Blake bad gnvete/wet wee imprsi- ble. (Cheers.) He rej.•iced to learn from thew in a pewees, to know that whilst Mr Blake had had at bis back bot an stall fotiowing ins the Hous of Commons, h* had been making • reputation amongst • those who voted against him, which a nuw about to bear fruit. Thou who had been opposing him hal gradually felt themselves oblg- ed to admifthat in qualities which were important in a political leader Mr,Llake hr exceeds the political leaders of the Censers-ative Lofty. (Cheers ) Its ex- ceeds tam in the :nos* valuable quali- ties that he'onped to a+tatesman. He need net 4:0 more tLau refer to tae :nasiraiti.ent rate rv, to the careful thoaght that Mr [hike brought to bear neon his rlhJett H• n111d not remind 'them how thoroughly an unselfish mad patriotic pol own he had al wap leen. It wnukt he the hest attesting: head 'd paahc .Bain it was enceoreg- ' int( t.. know, it re satisfactory to know, that this feeling bad been extending , a•nnngst has old opp"neuta. who at tb. next Betnera election could show that 1 they were decided t o her, me nn 1. rw 'y'nent, hot to become hr filum` He was erre to ey that he could u.lp loelk to the L. ee»la In (mane. hot there were a geed many • 1 them end he could rely on them. in Quebec that proviae• nail determined u, hear a Liberal nesse in listens. (Cheers. i" The entire Omens army is to be pee- - e♦- toted .0h repeating rt .s- t+', . England is said to be pr.parie" • tome r rola, to the Powers. asking for ilir motel wppart to Rolg.rlan tedeiat, t ewe. u iia et untry 1 e .a,e r .• e a ';4 • •