The Huron Signal, 1886-10-8, Page 8R TILS HURON SIGNAL, FIRIDDY. OCT. 8, 1 11 ' • I, - ,r A U TUItti The G..aet• that Cams llMttre tow rt. t i 1 a rt a d fe is 1 • • Light 4 rt.winal 4 steads, The Judge's (hors. lar ♦mead Jamar. lere.ewh mewl Aam bet t at' (et a Moo. el Se. meg 01101011. heti leave to ulna fly.111.111,4 tem pesertionant : 'rimy have vistaed she ON ams tepid us • aateitectory or.dNMra here M rile .14garde tis cleanliness et the psalms..1 and the ardor arid• absetfiafKj is d lise prisoner. Wirwbe i deatetg erd+l/ upon the tnartegewtent, We found tbarsin them inane penes's, .sed no pew re- c.•otrnettd thea renewal rti=dy en lay possible to sun eaglets, wthey may regimes batter treatment W• also Rd•.:r ter Hnaoraltee M•. Jamie..O'1'sol..pr Gad therein two vagrants, that the poor, Thr *..i#.. "failed uu ltulidA Oete- edit therein 1 from time to ebte her 4tlt, l+lroi ' ys etxthnwi therorn for the want of suieahie place. We think it a a rnDuo releMwn U. 1Icl)onald,plerk of arms. upon the humanity 4 the caon1wky Donald Outhrte Q V:, Cronin counsel that prople whose only u/eew, 1. their name DAY, Court -paned at 1 ooi..ck. p m ty proclamation The folb,rsssy a a Inst of TY. utANp 50 119 Alexander Morton, foreman, J 'hn Loll, Wut Iilvtttns, J M. Huchseau, ''1•. Baker, Wm. Bagshaw, SA.u11e1 1$ruad• foot, %m. Bailie, Robert C.u.ta, J. C. Little*, EJward McPh■t , J .hn Catneo- On, Wm. Canl..ehan. lira). Crawtoru, IItobt, Douglas, L Hardy..lobneten Nu- tble, Tbonwa L.peley, Mother! Murdie, Arthur Tunlall, 1i.•••rl.• '1'10 'r - awe.ru. regard to both the arena. and iudigeur The ears hs. In t wads the usual pro- lionise of the jut, sod would .m that a dametion hu I..rdableedit reamed the jury: }'s a.ngratuIletrd them upon the feta et.) P7 "( the presentment was submitted at the cnntmal "'radar ..1 the count] them for Cheat entiu that n they had thaplayet was a light one, and consulted of but Ca*tl,a--Mlkab sew t Ioqeilt. ?h. %fruit, 24 TM &.ij Us ' M f tw11 Oi. INN, let sed fa (71w.e1 114ditelteets Woedrr Ind odeyaoo. Twu year old Roller, Retbeeit ed. White w,wwWpaos, rhe las seed ''Ad Ties Aatttese-a ()ne veer J F Utahans, ltd Gordon Yates. old heifer, Tobe Adeesow, fd Wm Irak Special prose for the hest SOlbs butter, bmf. Heifer seat 4 1e181t, let sed old in linnet, 08 by Rev James Carrie, the Theo A.(;ersom Hud calf of 1806, donee havlu✓ the pr.vtleg* of purchasing nos Anderson. Aired bunt, 2 yarn the butter at market price, Thomas and over. Peel Reid, 2d Tb..s Anderson. Wood . Hind et three tamsus sad one isle, Thus £wderww. Gulls CATTL. - Milch cow. raised calf i. 1886, John McLean, 2d Jas Luis, 3rd Mow Melt/Oen. Two year old heifer, Moses Mo$rien, 2d Wm Jams, 3rd Tb... Anderson. Steer salt ..f ISIS, Muses Moltritm, 2d Chas Giron. Helf- er calf of 11186, Ju Lane, 2d Wm Jones.Fret cool 11nr..J.i, hrrea--A Sands, W pue.rty should be associated with the Two year old heifer, raised calf au 11186, Young, us ThGledhill. (minimal class; acid we would .venially- Rorkthrees-Fatted us or steer, Juhn )Mir•t hosr'trr - Elizabeth Salkeld, R urge the moiety ouuncil W take themat• I Iiallout b, 24 Hush Garvin. Fatted waw ter into consideration and prt,ride • er heifer, Wm Mallough, 2d R Girvan. Murray. boom of refers a:, the earliest possible Toki working is, MemMcRrien, ?d (:rut" °I"'onr"1$1 de.• --Finlay Anil,', tuotsent. Ws congratulate your lord- John Msllouele Yoke tau ya.r olJ son. Jolt] Bellsnty.e, A•ibt Murray. , hop upon the very hello res l calendar which atom, Hugh Guerin, 2d Amite.. .on. Auuron. I•t'f:..+' 11'ur:;-)ties Pyne, Val. A has been brought beton you upas Chia., Yoke one year aid stein, John )llaLmin, i Deuuuu, Miss Lizzie Venom. your first appointee in our smutty. Allif 4d Herb (:areas. of which is respectfully submitted. Lotto WOOLID Sugar -Aged nm, EJ - Aloe. Mo.Tos, Foreman. - win Gaunt, 4d Jas 1) Stewart. Shear- lite hearlits lordship, in reply, stated that he ling Ilan', R F Lane, 2d J O 8tawsrt. c occurred in their recommendation with Pair aged ewes, raising Iambs in 18Nti, E (gaunt, 2d James Rom. Pair 'mar- ling ewes, J It Stewart. fete ewe 'Amba, E Gaunt, 24 R E Lane. Ram lamb, E Gaunt, ' R K Lane PI.:S -ANY Hazen Hoar, K E Lane. Sow, that has raised pigs in 18116, James Liana Fuwi. - Pair gime, E H'Ktan 1st and N. Pair White Leghorn, J:.. Lane. 201 W(a Jackman. Pair brown Leghorn. . G Til JVis.at Hones -- Audr,w Hamilton, Joseph Si lately, Jobe Rutherford. t•..re• .o.d Poultry -- E S McLean, Richard Potter, Joseph Wilson. Sher p, :!viae end je1plre.ixf.-kubsrt Murch, jr., Isaac Salkeld, John Halid- e in. ale case, "barge raps. Their were w connects -a with the anoua matters other eases which had been left over that had .funs before tient. The mon- other previous court*. but hr was Tut partitive absence of came was something con - dealing with thou, m new tams before upuu which the county deserved cton- this court. He found that where the _adulation. Wherever nrduatry tug lata, were wel: eilk4, the cr.+ps Iwuuti- temperance went hand in hand therelel, awJ pm pie industrious and sober there WAS A t duutnution of crime, as the people had neither time nor inclination to indulge in ecu) habits. The erime..f tape was too well known to need any lengthy remarks from him. If upon the evidence it was ((mud thar the pinion charged should be placed upon his answer before the petit jury it was the duty of the grand jury to bring in a true bill. They had n.. rivht 11. try the case, but were merely called upon to say whether they believed the prisoner should be placed upon trial or not. He was sorry to observe that there were a Seatorth, gentlettun, be appointed trus- couple of persons in ,jail charged with tae u( saki estate, and the/ all papers, insanity. The jail was no place for securities and moneys now to the hands them, and it was to he hoped that an of defendants beluoging to the said es - early change to a more suitable abode tat be handed over to the said James awaited them. The necessary explain Weir, and that the proper taxable coats tions un cases would be made to them of this action of the Of and deft as be- -br two counsel and toe ooe.ty tweets refaeetur end ttdteat tans peed oft of attorney. and ere i e said carate, with a reference to 1). • be done to enable them to come to a McDonald, Esq. Deputy Cierk of the just decision on thr cases referred to Crown to take the accounts of the ds- tbem. On the conclusion of their labors fendant, if the amount cannot be in court, it sould he their duty W emit agreed upon between the parties. the jail and make a report upon it ; after McLean v. Vidal --An action against which it would give trim pleasure to Hun Alex Vidal &rowing out of transmit - discharge theta and enable them to fru Ilona conr.ected with the estate of the j back to their homes to resume the labors late Hon 3f. Cameron. Order made re- which they had relinquished when they ferring all questions in the action to S. dame hither to aid in furthering the Mslcor.snn, local Master. M. C. Came- ' laws of the country ron for plff.; C. Seager for deft. Thomas Angus was sworn to take Nelson v. Ferguson -Action to recover charge of the grand jury during the lane. Judgment given in plff's favor, present assize. with costa C. Seager for plff. Perdue v. Clarke. ---The matter con- The court is still in progress. plained of was contained in a I lli hed in the Clinton papers signed p by mares. the defendant, Robt. Clarke. it referred This was Mr Justice O'Connor's Ent to the death of the late Mn wedto (:uderich in huffi ocial capacity Tack, of Goderich township. Mn Trick was a sister of defendant, and he in- sinuated that there were circumstances connected with the death of has sister that left grave suspicions of carelessne ., or worse, on the part of her husband end Mies Perdue, the plaintiff in this suit. The jury 11.14 that the letter was nut libellous under the circumstances, and brought in • verdict for the defend- ant Clark. Garrow and Scott for pl'ff ; Osler for deft. Court adjourned at 11 p. m. till 9.30 to- morrow. szeoisu 051'. was a consequent dtminuttua of Crime. The grand jury were then discharged. Heywood v. Fisher- Action for seduc- tion Garvin, Q C., and H. V, Elliott for plot , E, Meredith fur dint. Verdict by consent for plff for $42b and mots Davis v. Fulton +t nl -Action to re- move the executors of the late Hugh Darr ... K. Drnccy for plff ; Gamow, Q.C., and B. V. E.butt for deft. Judg- ment for deft, by oe.nsent,fur the remov- al of the defendants from the position of trustees of the late Hugh Dana, deceas- ed, and that •lathe. Weir, of the town of Tuesday, OeL 6. Court opened at 9. 30 a... poosomat to adjournment. The Queen v. David Conner- The grand jury came into Wert with a tree bill for larceny, for larceny from the person, for larceny, and for rubbing from the person. Mr Guthrie, counsel for the Crown, moved fora bench warrant arainst Dav- id Connor on the shove indictment. His lordship directed the bench warrant to issue, and it was accordingly issued. The Quo* v. Arthur Wyatt -The grand jury came into court with a tree bill against the prisoner for rape. Pre- ooer was areuyrned and pleaded "mot guilty." The Queen v. Herbert Ligbtle--Tie grand jury came into court with a tree bill for arson against the prisoner. The Queen v. Thomas Jackson- The grand jury came into court with a "tree hill" ageism the prisoner for arses. • The Queen v. Wm Drummond -Tb grand jury came into court with "Do bill" against defendant for larceny by haat... The Queen v. Won Drummond -The grand jury came int, court with a "true bill" against defendant for misdemeanor. The Queen v. David Connor - The grand jery ams inte court with a "true bill" agaicst the prisoner for preen break i IAwtence v..'/e village of Leeknnw Action for material supplied to a build- ing. Cameron, Q. C., and Travis for ff ; ()arrow. Q. C., t' r defendant. Ily rMINIM of counsel, his lordship diapet'eed with the jury, and reserved hi. judgment. Court a.ljoarnrd at 6 t(1 p m.. until 9.30 trmtorrow. Wednesday. Oct. 6. Court ..pend at 1110 a.m., purs.ast t.. adjoorn.ent. The Queen v. Ann Hastings The grand jury came Joh. e.•nrt with two "tree bill. • against rho prisoner for lar - cosy. Prisoner who arraigned and pleaded sulky to hn h indictments. The Questa v. John McBride The Knead jury time into court with "no hill' against John Mellride for perjury. Court adjourned at .:'W* ..til ti.30 to- morrow morning. rni7Tm net Thursday, flet 7 omit opp.ed st 9:30 a. et aemrdioae to7'b. joey memo men .fleet with the feer Tar jaws d our 1509119541tlaly tb Garbraill. Daeid McColl, of Hensel:, is the Roost of Edwin Mforrris. Miss Jesai, )lc(3relto'r it away this week, rioting friends in Lyekaow. Mies Timely, of Carlow, is visiting at 1;'haa. Morris'. The Dunlop architect is making m -re improrrinents '•u the It:dgewoud farm fur H. 1'. Attria. "Are you for far luiuber wood,'" it the tali of the y.•un,; .rem here wets - Harris, 3d D Breckenridge. Pair days. Pfyestlatb Bock It E Ione "d T T.aae 1P1NE TAILOI ! Sent& lisewnisbsaga a. (ets atm prepared to Mew elmp1ete umertm(M tri FALL GOOD! OctR(J::7 (es •t! tM w r _ d Minh ..d s vof epi l [ Dish An ImagoesCaseates Tweeds.e>bNoh CHEAP I CHEAP II CHEAP III rResee.ber, W Hoods Wight by the yard eat tree d chary.. 8. XacOormtlo. Owderich. `Sept- Mk. 11sf. _ - - IOW • 1 tram the public ■tt& the aatrousu..•nt that 1 have epned nut • Motor Assortment of NEW AND Srrzzsm 11sus Coops Suitable for Autumn and Karl, Winter Ware. Tne range of Textile rotaries are w warted tale ac•.oe that even the feast haNdloes as be guITSCD. PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS, Meek and Colored. Plain and Striped Mabee and Veleta. Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. LC •--1-'4i`1ees C Xl1xle 1Iesier'Sr Pair Brahma. E Huytan. Ione, black A c,nvention of the Reformers 4 Full rare. •. and at prices unprecedented in the annals of the Hester] sad O1ore Trade Spanish. D Rreckearidge. Pair Ham- Perth has teen called for Tuesday, the ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSORTED. burgs, E Hogan, Pair beldame E Ho- 12th of iktober, at Mitchell, for the gan. Pair Barnyard fowl, E Hogan. 1st purp..ae Vf nominating the c.odidate.lir An unnaually large .test of Comedian end Imported E (1TT1NO YARNS Rest Makes. sod 21 pair sem. Jas /Any, 21 t the House • ,.' c,,.mwoua and L ,cal Leos,KEY NOTti--bleeds meld es tbetr merits. no mnsrepresantal tau made, and strictly one price ' Heron. Pair shocks, Jag Lane, 24 E nature. il.ogan. Pair turkeys. John McLean. A_ M7.71NTRO, Gaeta -Tao bushels fall wheat. ThosGet your printing at Tea Smog. OMerich, Sept' lel. 11111L 31114- Drowse and >rehetdtshor. Hamilton, lcl T Anderson. Two hoist t ( - spring wheat.John Salkeld, 24 Jas Lane. - -- -- - Two blahs!' barley, Th... Hamihon, 24 John Salkeld. Two bushels peas ;parse), , . LI .• John Salkeld. 2d Thos Hamilton. Two C. , SOLICITOR, &c. Our .Stock is Now bushels peas mall), Th.'. Woods, 24 R i,,AAYS (Mice. corner of square and W r►t' E Lane, Two bushels oats, Tine Ham- street. t 4'nch. over telegraph ogee. 1'rt ikon, 2d John Salkeld. eau Vends to lend at 6 per cent. 34,,30• ptete in Every DAIRY -b lbs table batter, H Girvin, "'EAGER S LEWIS BARRISTERS , Respect. 4d Chas Durnin. 20 lbs packed butter 0Oodvrloh. , r (in crock?, Thns Anderson, 2d Tho. C. tlk.uest 1e. J. A. YowmR Hamilton. Jar of hooey, John Mai- _ E. N.r'f - lough, 24 0 Narria Ioaf_home-m 4. p RR4)W & PROF-D•FHFt!e-: 14-1-11-- (; Proudtoot. 13 S C POOTS tread (let diploma`, John Mallough, 2d Jame. Rose. Loaf bakers' bread (lit diploma), Peter Hesston, '_d John Mal - lough V.nertiLgm-4 named varieties pota- toes (peek each), Andrew Sproule, 2d Andrew Draney. fi heads cabbage. Geo Harris, 2d Chas Robinson. 9 blood Lown$ ane insurance. beets, Wm Maltou,th, 2d John Sal- keld. 9 mangold wurtz.l., R E Lane, £j IV E ANI) A HALF PER CENT. 2d Gab Hams. 9 long orange carrots- Straight loans. hay amount. Private John S.Ikeld, 24 Chas Robinson. rJ fundset the low rate of .S per cent. per an - white Belgian carrots, R E Lane, 23 ,Inn ' ntca' thAOER a LEWIN. Oodt7feb. 11662 Salkeld. f early horn carrots, Tho. WE HAVE PRIVATE TRUST Hamilton, 2d R E Lane. Peck onions, rUNUtl to Trod on Mor. aqr at the tow Chao Robinson, 2d Geo Harris. Peck rate of otTE AND A HALF pin CENT. per annuls. Wrote or call for panic Wars. Tomatoes, Chas Durnin. 12 ara corn, per 3Mt SKAOKR & LSWL4, Ooder1ch. Geo Harris, 2d Jno Salkeld. Pumpkin, T500,000 TO LOAR. APPLY TO Geo Harris, 2d Thos Hamilton. Squash, Chas Robinson, 2d John Mallooch. 4 eiv 1 RDN 1BOLT&CAMERO 1. Gods 70 The sber.ff showed to advantage with water melons, Chas Rchinson, Ld Geo his cocked hat and .word- His full Harris 4 heads cauliflower, Thos Ham- \1ONEY TO LEND. -A LA R G E figure .et off his untlorm to advantage. ilto.. li heads celery, Jas Lane, 2d .f n') amount of Private Funds for investment tt Iowosi rates ow rst<iasaxorttfage.. Apps B. H. Osler was a prumineut figure in Martin. 4 citron., Geo Harris, 2d Thos to OAItROW t You(; i»'oo r the court room Monday. Thera are Hamilton. Collection of garden vegeta- usually important oases when B. B. is blot (1st diploma), Anirew Sproule, 2d R. RADCLIFFE, around. I Thos Hamilton. - There were some new men GENERAL INSURANC d, amongst Feasor -4 named rariMie. winter sp- the cnnatables, but they attended to plot, 4 of each variety, David Mcllwain, REAL ESTATE AND their duties all right. 24 Thos Anderson. 4 named varieties, MONEY LOANING AGENT. Another suit like Lawrence vs. the fa11 apples, 4 of each variety, Mr. Raabe, Ow4 FTrstrinss ('owpoalcs Represented village of Luckoow would worry the 4d Wm Mallougk 2 named varieties jurymen to death. The way Garrow ane pears, John Salkeld, 24 Thr. Harris. Cameras wrestled with the question was Collection of grapes, Gordon Young. 2d a oauSims to all beholden. Geo Harris. Plate of peaches, Thou Ih.iM Guthrie and A Watt, of Harris 2d Mn J F Graham., Plate Q..yb.lssbsd after the sewn base s, nt crab apples, Thos Herrin, 2d Thos Ts .w1*le 1a1N..I 7 . MMaimeinas•. David Melt- R._ wain, 2•1 2d Jahr Martin Collection of Fin. Lieaad Mortar Inewernsest Rl$TKCR Atterecn Soliciidrs. etc odorfcL. T. T. (.assn lt'. CAMEfid)N, HJLT & CAMERON, JSterlstere, Solicitors in Chanerry.tc.. ±.tenth. M Cameros. Q.C.; P. Js. O. Caning. C. C. Rota. 1.51. COM &jo ar Money to Lend on straight loans, at the lowe.t rate of interest going. in u7 wa7 t suit it.. ammeter. g 'OFPiCE-Second door from square, West Street. Oaderlcb. MC541 INSCRAICE CARA. .T n d Our Prices Suit the Asrch„aseris Poekeie SxOnS_ • THE COMING HEAT C+URNEY'8 Hot Water Heater •e 1. NIP RADIATOR. SAUNDERS SON, Sole Agent& Specifications for any sit- job given on ay- pit/ethic. /Satisfaction guaranteed. First -Miss stoves k Rano' sod a tall fine of TINWARE. The Cheapest house UNDER HE SUN. West-st., next door to the Peal Oise. teoderish.Oat 7th. If1, TOWN OF GODtM& Alexander Morton, of this town, boson garden flow MM of Anatltlson, 2d John O01J RI( -If, AFRs:R'8 rem 1 the honors of toremen of the grand jury martin. Os■MIii - d ho_Ase plaits, Joe or um te. opposite t'olbarae Hotel. TAXED - with bottom;ng meekoees. Martin. Inc' London Assurance.' it p eed i!! Thomas Angus, the latest addition to The "Naeioirrl," and." l.ned s Psoviscs or ONTARIO, o fty-rant Cit We of • war - the count] constabulary, had charge n( MAfrvrat+nna- 10 yards of all -wool The " Handda-nand." the agar Company Town or ommuutn. -rant trader the haad cloth, J O Stew•rl. 2d Mn McKni ht lionised to unsure plate glass. In aha To WIT! 1 of the Mayor of the the grand jury. It is unseoewary to 2 Do.ovea. Town of liederick, and the teal of the said state there was no communication with 10 yards union cloth, Cha. Derain. 10 The above are ads erst class and old ...tab- day of Mlun. bearing date tie Twenty-sixth the outside world, yards, all-w..O1 flannel, (itord.m Young. ionated u•orapraiea_ day of July, earn 1 to me dtrotaed com- 10 yards union flannel. Mn McKnight, (/oaemlcYLlee 1f1S lowlmmandiag me to levy upon the (ands in the fol. 4d Thee .Anderson. Pair wool blankets, nooreg 1101 re rears of taus. loos the n is herebyygives. that unless clic said said Chas Durnin, 241 Jag Roe. Piet single 0n 0/ TG L()AN AT a PER totaw, soother w all cents are ...ones & • l/ OOV CENT. 1 shall proceed to sell the mit lands buy frolic DUNGFANNON SHOW. h•roets, David Wilson. Collwetion ab TNR TORONTO ORNERAL TRUSTS CO'T Auct(o., or u much thereof as may he soe- inetwan, Andrew Sproule. Best made p tient for the paytnp11 of ths Taxer sad ('sets T1s ♦.weed anM wawwsm Ail'e•e1w7 pair p.nt., Jas Lane. Set horseshoes, are aisle Mlt ed toy, lose Bey at peroast.. pay TO thsyrou.OV OODSRIt H. oma L, in the raid AY. M Molds Ila at....t HoYa(./es. (diploma) Sansei Pentland, 2d Robert TYRMS TO SUIT BORROWERS TWENTY-TH1POday of !'e0VF:MRKIt. 1e11. Thompson. At the hoar of TM'U o'clock }.. em seatdans tarot security. hart isstrra-Dribs. carriage, A Mor- r The ten/. ore patented.) The fall show under the auspices of ton. stogie been, A Mortnn, 2d 1t AVply re - the Asbfi•Id and Wawanosh Agricultural CA>lBRON. HULT & ai.rstROV, _ II _ McM•th. Wooden axle (arm w.&gnn, Barristers. (iodrricn, d Society was held in Dungannon on Tees- Robt Thompson. 2d J Brunner's. iron Attests for the Toronto General Trusts Co'y. cant or Survey. g . day last. The day. which had been Mean. ,• N. HOLT k C rsRitoi have 3 < F IF hewn plough,int and 2.1 11 R•II Soo. threatening and cloudy during the fore- One hone cultiest.'r, R R•l1 - Sin. r••tiawaww'cs of pelr•tr Mulch to toot - noon, faired up n t1. afternoon, and a Turnip cotter, R 13.11 & Son. Turnip a b. Oe me 1. 1153. ty. 1011 -rt its /:usw/nfl Numl,er ee 1 2 1st pleasant time was enjoyed by all who m 1 ! iM ! M drill B 13.11 & Son. -let " ti z its 0 .r, favored the show with their presence.080 PRIVATE FUNDS Ng !I Ii'i : LAnlmt' Dtrsarxarr- Tatting, Wm ,pg The outside show was not up to that of 11 !! t 43n6421; former ]nen, but the inside department, Cunningham. Coochet work, Wm Cun- To lend on farm and town property. at low '- !! Itt " .r5 a Ti esp•eially the ladies' work, was a credit ningham, 2d Mrs 1 F Graham. Em- mule^on real. u. dna for a L.nsitt aitdo Dean Ito Cr7 ' 1 7t' 0 al to the Society. The dairy produce and broidery in linen, Mn .) F Graham, 24 Company of Canada. the Canada Laded M' !s 7f.: 17 i0 t: Miss Buchanan. In d,1100, Mn J (•' ('rept` P.weloany, the London taxa Comp.n7 1110 Fist i• 1 * 1 M ! lit toga. manufactures also reflected credit 24of Canada. interret e, •ad 7 per rent. 11 Cleo. Wilson'aRun ey 1 S 1 1 0 10 epon the (sale parboil of the enmman- Graham. Braiding, W (unnineham, N. B. Reviewers ran obtain money in tae M 1 t • ! 1 b sR ity the section, while the display of Mn J F Graham. Toilet cover, Throe day, if title eattdacrory. i rrltsoa'. Survey 1 s f ww0 1 ,t to 'u I3A VIPON t JO)HNATON. IV :; j 1.{ i1 1 1 71 3 5 11111 IV I,C4 Bwrnaers Lr., (loderlch IS A 4 20,0110 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND i Ilr en Farm and Town Properly at lowest iso tonna. Mongers purchased, no Co.mtr 1e. charged. Conveyancing Fees t'esee.nele. N. R- Yorrowen ran obtain ramify 1a one If title 1. satisfactory -DA Vr iSON t JO tITON Barristers. kr.. Onderlrh. 111 PASSAGE RATES REDOCED. y Woods, Antimaa ear, Mn J F Graham, roots, fruits and vegetables was • gond 2d Jno Salkeld. Bead work, Wm Jones avenge. The exhibit of hone! was Fancyknittimtr, Wm Cunsin ham, 2d idol,creditable, and the home made Conning ham. that the housewives of the Mrs J F Gr.bam. Fence patch work, neighboring townships were adept at Mrs J FIIrahAm 2d Thos Wood.. Patch' kneedin(1 the staff of life A handmade • 'frost (in wool, Jas Roes, 2d Thos bed wwww se,manofsctered by A Sproule Hamilton. Hsmiltoatehed Wrnl fin ningh•m, ala.,attract ed . u'aia nhle attention. Thoa Feather fI 'wen, Wm Connineham, 24 lirl..w sus give the names of the suOcew- John Mallough. Hair (i.'wers, Moss Ba• (rl a:hlMU.n as shown by chanan. Paper flowers. Mrs Jones. rug MISR LINT. Berlin wool work (Moto Wm Canning. ham, 2d Mies Buchanan. Berlin wor.l work (raised), Wm Cunningham, 2d W P Grierson. Embroidery in worsted or silk, 1M and 9d, Mn J F Graham. Bet- tie wool flowers, Wm Jaw, 2d Thos Worlds. Farmer's seed wreath, Chats Donna. Lies. shirt (hand reads- oa- washed'. Mies Ruthann. Lines shire (machine made - unwashed), Miss Lima. ltoshamsm. Pair knit mitts Miele made), Jae Lane, 24 Mn .1 F Graham Pair knit stockings, nom Aw- derwtin, 24 Gurdon Young. Pair knit .nee•, tlordon Y..nng, 2d Thor Hamil- to.. Sofa e.ahioe, Wee Cwsninetham, 3d Thor Wonda Pillow shams, Ther Weida, 24 Mrs J 1 G,ab.m. Point Its, Mm J F Graham. Mailroom work, Jae 1•..., 9d nes Woods. Rae - lea shirt, Tb.s 1itlfM.ni.fiMb 16r• Amu O►,q M.bb meet. Mn J F graham, lig Titian Were& lag ..bis 11111U101-Anur'VLTI'R•L- mond man, Wirier raised foal is 1686, Jobe Mal - lough. 2d Wm McKnight. Two year old 611], Thos Hamilton,2d Time Ander- son. Twr, year old gdding, Wm Md - lomat, 2d Jobe Bailie. (lee year old filly, This Ambience. One year old gelding, Wm Malloegh. Foal of 1686, Wm Cun.iegham, Id Wm McKnight. *ipso t.eeral purpose bores. (( ...l by A M Rosa, M P P), Jae 0 Ntawart, 2d Samuel McDonald, ROAR ann CASKS ant -Wend cave, having raised foal in 1686, Harry Morris, 24 N'es Jones. Two year old Nl], Wel Cunni 3d W Oliver. Two year Mil int, W. Jones. One year old gelding. Tbos Anderson. Foal of 111116, W J Ring, Wm Jones. M. tonne e brims (epselal M A M Reim M P P), t .essay hens, !1 M.- iA1 ( 1= let 4 1wISeei 11 .1 Iw iM 138 1l: '• ▪ South 1 115 i 1 1 LO T 11111 .. 1 S Q Rest's Ser.', 11 1! I'1111 0 meneogall'.'1ii',.y 1 WI M ow, 79, fir! Park & Marwood'. • 1 '3 1 1fI C S V 4 Survey. Huron k d • 1,3 t * Tf 10 1K { ;; 1-b 1 10 el efll Cedanet I3 4 (1 • 0 zl " Cypress's i! 3 a 1 Mot 5 912 ii S y Se 1001 f 1 -e c1 •Y 7ps1es rtrret 1-S 3 1! I ! i rS 1-, 10 49 1 it It fy ANCHOR LINE. S TEAmMlot IVt1tY SATURDAY (rest NEW YORK to •Lasww 170 1.NNweQ=T. es of to or trees a•welt ('AINNS~ e1iA, ast.(.eb rawer harts.. L STstar••L m1. ti.sell.T•WI, At.a.sb-cm or SS30I' trots aNew York. W01014721DAY. Om. 11 Redeem :.see .ed gw.rd. .sen et BS Far Rooks et ?SUM ,A . N eiRethv i.twe- mammiliiNew ark. or A. DI N. Pest OOes, Oedwteb. Ootswleh. Mar 0. lees 11111tia RILi. HEADS, NOTE HEADS LETTER HEADS ANi) ENVELOPES CHEAPEST IN (1Oi)ERICH AT SIGNAL OFFICE. W. i.. HORTON. Tw,wrrr Town of Nwdrr(rlo 'nut= Ali. Inth. Dm. 2111111111 • Auctionetring. TORN KNOX OIINERAL AVO. • TIONIIR sat Lead Tweeter. OslsreI, Ont. Maytag kat experiende the suet he le to 1 p.MNe 01 Mocha/we with wttsettl5.. . I -Osage! Aseilemmew. 1 CORD Perseus wishing feet reed meet arm= eat ruse ru laser this ante promptly by leaving their orches at GEO. OLD'S STORE. Our agent store orAao ou Used. • lot othe wood such as .hero .labs, .dotage, en-. All the wood can le busg1.t et the mill or delivered. as the buyer desires. i enn:unmet guaran, teed. IIYIRR BIBCHLBRI rens Reserve louts. 11417 Jun. 3rd. hoes. Mikado PRINTED GOODS. NAIRN (tae (opered This Week 3 Crates, 2 Hogsheads, 6 Ca es, . r F• CRI[KERY A]D Faiicy Glassware! 1n l' etre 4errtment er Library Lamps. No Charge rcr in`..,y newt t• see C. A. NAIRN, loam mem. sews.. Oedema& Mt. lath. 1ML ari .110. e...a reef. Riaat this felons J' s Wand r treere oar `» " end • a1 for bal. of 1888, tie. ss •-.1•1110.111.1.114••••••%••••••••••••1114011111....0.- . - - _.1......a,_.........._.e.