The Huron Signal, 1886-10-8, Page 6t $ u.ornCl'. woriogme Isr1I _ Haled. I wool • . e pt ger,... -tsessabis W Or IM/ . MM $ 1 were•: , u..owrd .w ot+, I weal . . o.. is tar • arm Nee ht • .r .w ,T two W.. ewe: tater. W btu 1 , , • are , ..1 as 1beF WHIR hs, And fur • tote • a.a lbs Pala Wh :w :J . 1t leas b i a••iterpeed HOW M .r a •wilt .Ilremah ha= lad Ise WI' cheer .1 . •,wluleth., 1......lIIS . Hal ekes i ewe wart and .are. A tale MOO .e• .1,•1 (ailuro boar. Re Inerts praise who will .1.d 10 eu,•tora•e Ik.w. Who eo as hat to,,trt on 1•,. 1, ew. And tights .ill thigh ...r hems ata . ew. Var.... '. h..,g, k .r.I d .. . 1 would.., din• a ...ul.t ha a t co For u y :eau Way 1 could .•.. Wha dela* beet 1 The sweet:sew u' ors wathes's nam The kIwin•w o his broil o claim. The loon eat u' a w�t�.tr $ f•...e Far stair titan goad. Nor Is it aartfer trim to do. N ha haw his friend- are ;rel add true. Loco .waw. e•1.1 .trvn5. Whose heart 14110P/111,04 from year to year. The •ha 1 sw of r d este or fear. Or feel. tree1 I..gofrtear For any wrong. But .i.r hien pensee whom bre is p. ls. N'bu. wr..nli a forgives and loves again. And Ii.0 tylh 1•e 1Rietes. Leets not the dear or frons his rare. But loon tum main a.4 weir sad neer. And bid is lits time wt' hope auu prayer. Ind still believes. TEM RUjAN SIGNAL FRIDAY, OCT. ", 1886. Ay. gie hint ports.. who dooms fear 'I he uphill tight moon )'car to sear. .Ind "the grips fast His aiu d.mr outs, through good or i11. Hila. if they %ender. lett» thea( hill ; Some day of j.. lie 11 gel his OU; He'll wet at Inst. DZV1LS OF CHINESE MYTHOLOGY. Their meters t. Earthwd$srrllag aaerl- eets.e4ptrltnal lfae Aeaxd,n: t t heatbea belief t devils of no-th•Ioit'y begin tLa it periodic visits to this wori•l today. They remain here for seven days. They bring with them the reli- ttvea. in +Tirit form. of the living, and ex - pact g..,o tosecoe.ut nes the. iattcr. Tba t'hinwe ,s dents of i•itta1urg have made all aresegemeuta to give_:bvir spiritual ;,vests a warn, greeting. Al Gra hour* nee or in public 'dame they will offer up burnt sacrifices, ease touting .4 ett,'4nsa . (rolls, earn% nuts. egg, 31... so forth. The Chines devUe are u.uaUi a .tredite.i with teeing very smart. and good judges of what constitutes a good mrrritwt. and if they diarov.,r that mortals are not offering up the first and best fruits of the ani. (bey are apt to act as tormenting as only devils can. The devib tome upon the earth from the ane to the seventh days of every seventh ashes* month. They are supposed to wear the same kind of clothing as is worn by living C:s.natnun. and they depend (:pan their Iv riuJie visit, to earth to set rt:;n,:isd with the prop r outfit ConeequenUy this week, besides the sacrifice of the art..lee above mentioned, there will I.. a gene: el .,Cenng up of s certain kind of money t. Molt u sup polled to lase as legal tender in the spiritual world. This tak u the form of paper richly decorated with gold leaf and Chinese insmP time, and is about fTe inches long and wide. The clothing burned is also richly decorated Whtb many colors. These sacriioes are usu- ally Leonel at night on the seven days of the devil's The Chinese have other serious beliefs about that spiritual world. They thunk that as soon as a parson dies be gess at once to that mod work. There the immortals have laws, poli- tica Inarruges, ay., as well as mortals de ea this earth Whew man and wire die try es. port to be united a�,un hereafter. but when �, q1tunarrinl person die their spirits warder t'aTtbout on earth until their parents have found a su:tablo compraiow for them ,n the upper work. 1f this u not dome, the deed pesvnn`. evil spirit eaten into the heart of the marts) whom h e loves, and torments it to death. The spiritual marriage among the Chiesa a usuallyc•ooducted by women. If • boy is deiad, to find a girl Of ah.ut the state age who ca:, be ha spirit- ual urate. 1 +n1y tbe fortune Wier has the right 4o appoint the day for the marriage. A pried performs the ceremony M tn. repeated from morning until night, until the hour has c.:nio. Thom the priest Gelb the couple, who ere represented on paper, by the MIAMI which they were known by before death, says many pleamat words, and pea - nountas them [Tran and wife. -Pittsburg - Commerrial-(iastts. r a d d ti ' ILL-NATURED POLE. TRAITS OF PEINION6 WHO ME 0111111 UP TO MIIANTHO)PY. Ito !tans tt.paye Maleles sa.r sewer Visas tiled natara_Wisy Sere 11.. ►s1IA aela•h Deyh..d - DInapp.las.a !•an. 1g.d.r. Al.eeeee. No plant ors. ainta ivatiaa briar me gored nature.Thew k1 no Iaek of kladrs= 1a that world of tarts, but quite • large eectkm d satiety allows it W run 1.. waste, and 1n tinier evaporates and dhs.ppears. 1t is lergely • matter of education and habit Spoiled chil- dren are allowed to got into • temper wiles they do trot get what they want They grow u p into cnta.-;rnla.tl nen awl women, and after • time. they Worth. tower of cnutrolllag their crabbed itatuets Maw of well halaareet mush are taught moire or Inter that we are all more or ca. del.wk'.Ioneye+other, and Ibs1 on. tan af►on1 M, be a ntusntiu.ep.. Rut he rarest thur,i in lifer • well balanced send wbieh trawler tae (amity of intro"... ..t Men go thn.ugh life without (Meads, obi warder that they do nut acrieve tbu et e res tbo r innate wtukl justify: it rarely ore sers to orate to .aalyee the canoe .1 their failure: if tire: did. they would Uod that j,rt .t • partivlar jun.ture, when thw were d eery to wire fortune at the flood, they sir:. -1 friendly help, .or they mil important' from .,rave one they hal offended without .alle•e • •r LIAM, at'1.ay te,r. Tb•• ill natured nun was •i,euily a eulle•n, milky 1.... He k, ;d himself e!n"t from Lir ▪ linolf,I;-,wt He watt moms. in 1d• tangly, :n•1 pne..aei .I,Ch a •al.1eity (,.r rukin •'.nada d:wgrectble that h. sly .1.•c,.3 and w*tte.l ti're for pew,. Aske. 11e iw a gain in has W temper and :dl meth ateJ 1 a.x•onlmgly. A. h. grown to umuhasl be /Inds that people rue ehvr of revealing Ids for fear ..f • quarrel. ant his ,r,inion of the .* i••v .d rburii Liovei rises h.:'d r. Criebt m •n Cannot he kept under. end if he pa- + twee e e ap acity. he maka. his way It mete Min more exertion than it owl Live done if be bad Ind a:lie: bat he is rant: rat to owe n othing to any one. T. he • self-made man, to Owe his sureew 1,is ow.. exertions, =its his solitary nature. He drives bis plow tdrnur� aeriety, earlobes of what ►1111. frad planta he uproots by the. way. Ile r a I.-e$tive, melt-ewrttag lajl- Vegetable ur Mineral Poisons, Opiates vidu•1, and a.tlusintardt0 5/4.11 diene iat ilHtlettts. and no t>timulaata, but limp: crith him ter t;a.. fake 07 a quiet life. Howl* ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements be stn part ihe• Urt7.• Farnnie,..1•w{ta by found in Qar daily treed. A single bottle' which the pew. de 1. rr.tlr life plr•eant to is.utliciont to onvince. All I►ru.itlsls, a.5 other. Ile calls a spade a spade, Joie, $31I it, 11.011 per bottle. !.ewer .. a bore and Smith • fnol. 11e hal an unerring o pie agents fur the Dominion, A FACE. Ilia• d.�►ise e'k'1'`'.Ilh.. mond • *AMP 00.6••••01 or. . I thettakt�im) ks frh ell - Ts he wail hie • I dyad hoe bee sed, arch saintly esatira.ea, ee �f whtifh Oa tor 1• .masa Her has l w; ro Wort prest,apio• Int >tie.dior hrertstul 1 �etl�s >k d m re tact stns: eNNor a s..sg.K tae. b..•0 para ro - 1 Mt whkd tile/ I Amu fat vapid be tlllte hoe to Ile - er ..10116 In thehiswry of inedicinee 00 preop•' rattan has received such universal nom mendatiou, for the alleviation it alfi•rds and the permanent cure it effects in kid nay diseases as Dr. Von Buren. Kidney Cure. Its action in thew distress) ernsplsillta u Maga, woa fIrfuL bT.1 Wilmot.. 'Ila Rome tow. lo Great Britain the :enation of H one Rule is commanding attention. T•. the mac with a cold In the head or chest the safes. say t.. ensure Haire Rule over a add u to have on band a bottle .•f Dr. Harvey's Red Pine Oma. For bile at J. Wilenrt's Prescription drug store, tf 9 THE REV. clEO. H. THAYER. of ABRAHAM SMITH, COR & CLOTHIER. IPVU AI.L al11110>RO. INT!' v�T 0-00c1.8, r esti INT! .� �ar�- ; R; N'p�T �;t�1es, Nom• i.aeasd ssaMet•�� T xr ice8_ eats' Fuzni.hinge, fiats and Caps, 8&c. K • clitUrd '1 bf e-rful, our: Sr. Menai 1 under Its 1.. ..�.. ... bre It o Its hereof Its .Iurtiig(r Tel r. Nose Nne 11. NII., Carb.nclee, fare 1.. es, err w sloes tor.. and a eU$N Nott'• joists fatseaw. Wbase In. lissom olsrr..e Thick Teck. end t •slarge Glands. Swed tea meta p Naw,. I•• • Lope treaties with cot od a kale on She I4erease., or the mow aso.aut for a reigho tat, rin•tokww Atr.tkat ••'r w ,tLflO iia THE l.Ir/..„ 'ride hl) ...nose it M. 4/M1W Om Pierre Golder �•ealeal 1) eerfy .est mewl edneetost. a Nlr.kia, Mare•./ eel Its, and sital strength, ,:11 ta-.,sanlwk Bearbat, Ind., my.: ••ktoh era CONSUMPTION, which r Irraata of the Longa, nr- noted and wend toy this i•.aedy, t1 .tarn he- fon• the kat stages of the dlwwr• are n-*elwol. I'ren to maretioue power e�yer tide fatal dioses. whim 1Hs c�sIa�rMs uov dei brat'd reenters' to the pqnbtic. . n .. th, oath, 'relived); of celans k ha '•lbu- ew.aptler Curet*" tut alautYWle.: 144.. nacre as taco bonttn for a medicine w'.ah tr.on its w •rtder{u4 en:..Oksalkite a4 Ire ..,.•. rttor.rtben,nli. ,Ltera l%e„ ► Blood-eamora•.. any-cei.c•uI. prem • •I aid nutritive ►•t pct. wife owe our ives to SHlLtl 'S CON• c. rat ht 1g a r---01. ► 8ti'JIPTIUN Cr RE." For earl. by J. " g `to �Qlbdln, Jrslggiat. 2 Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint! Shiloh s Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by J. Wilson Drown.. Te the 1ledlr.1 r►o)eees.U. ear all wheel 11 rely rearm. Phosphatine, ur Nerve 1.0041, a Phos- phate Element based upon :Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Huston, Masa, cures Pulmon- ary Oeswmpuon, tick Headache. Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Nenral.0 and all wanting diseases ..f the; human system. Pho•phatine ts not a Metlecine. but a Nutriment, because it contains no es - If Mlsrtnh. Jar fed. lift 16 you tet•• 6.:14 Omar,. de:,: .Irl, tea ' fellow color A'et'e. )t11,sl*Ii t. .1 On lacy ar bed% t h Pt+ n �t 9. t "r rts+. hat tr., . to •cot:: Inverts it of wit S. kaalpadiko.loweaerips and g: • r : fewebtelinos. rreso .T) .: and cooed. -• eget.. root ..re .,omni tat-,' U.dlaealer• Rvsp'Pe/a, ayll soe.la Liver, ..z emeneee.fe t mon) (sees only Tor.•1 theta sVml5 01t s•.• et:w- ranettle \i y n•ra•:y f••r ;. . 1,h •o.*,.' Mr, Pierer,. Golder Medical 1)11- r. rg 3. u4•u1 oa•a•d. !ar Week 1"u lege. *pitting of Oi tab rtneoe Q likens 5, r1,0u- rh AN� Sefept CouCia., ,pr! L .. e.-,, tilt S• ie ..n -I...! I. 11•4\ nit liet-c..: d3 et gl•W. or 511 Eel TLE* Nr .•R v .;•. :e n t.•eO{�sr in ramie for Tr. rat rta:'s ' ..< •, • .•M1net•tfon. .1.1 new World's W Altdleal $ o. . tat lee. 4$ eatn :•irate:. In -rim Y. $500 REWARD ..Q:-, 1 : r ..,r I,r •t'r,.la•te , 1 Dr. `‘:4I, v (',Oar' 1 tl •.•1 a t•.1r1• . 1 .ntarrh oaten tt.c "arrear t'( �w. if 7" lie� a dhakt+d• Lo z pt�we 't Oil • .'keep yet stylish sail• raft at ABli A FIt1 �i p�LlTti'8_ ills R8 AND THRESHERS your Iliachinery only the Well-known PEE1IJ13S OIL. SIX V 1 11 11 M t U A 1 S nr b..a awstr/•d h d.$. tltS -last t ►roe :aria Try V `t/ ` rtw err ttTara Itfn oke. siHraQ f at :nary Kyaws rad Hoer Powers, Manufactured as t.e.a Illy 001 work., by SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. Fur 1 1e by 'YATES & ACHESON, Goderich.' 1agIL1y Agricultural Implements. C. H. GIRVIN Iles rose Into the / lmpleme.t ►alines. and rrpr.e.ate the foliowtse Ileums - HARRIS 4* SON, Brantford, ihynl:sS, M(.WERS and RE.lpEalk COCKSNUTT, Brant fon!. PT.ttw'. H.t1'LIIADER.S and Se'UPFL.U'. MASSON MANl'FACIT'R1Nt; CO.. l►,11aw•a, SELL) Dan.Ls and LAtrN•)(OWE RS. .\(:TINT FOR Gollfflne New York Sieger Sewing Iachiiies, Heat 0_ H_ GIRVIN, Hamilton over. a few deers below the Colborne Hotel. eye Ow the .k .-.il•v, of human w•eknnes, and b,,r Front $frost Sist T•er.•sto, nese.oahasivr _ o eat JO. es t.• Lay it hare. To appreciate awl rnrn- srento when •a, every turn are Don't allow • cold in the head to slowly 1 •m, 11, t or o • pain puw:.y: to put Lis finger in the hnl.+ u• lar ea Tear Uttar van be fennel in mat mollies •'t-nlepwk•• Received wlta Favor. • The plan for • Maiverial cum•nersal an• paha; •." originated about five years ago by = Herr ti.bey.r. of Switaerlanl, .semis W 5. - rnreeting with greater favor than has been ar- t., other pr'ojnota of the kind. It i at p that l oapuk is already spoken •d gnat fatality by thousands of Earopoans; knowledge of It is being diesemtnate4 by afty three ua.•ietie• s:attrr.l over England, Ger- mane. Austria. Sweeten. Il•,il.udd. Ada Minor :•i, t other coew,t:ie.. Voapuk man f• t1b- cs' .1 Hottentots and ('I, . - • all Ile other E , n. . in t5. nuartet or in train.. of preparation and two reviews, .4r entirely in Votapuk ant t5. Other w i.h n translation on the alternate pages. nne r^^u:arty 3-n1.lu.ted. The special advan- tage ',( the new language• 1. the ease ails wLi h it ,An t.• I.cu-n .l. a i••ht I.senro having cnt!•;e+1 n 1''o .un .1...s b. ettrres;.,nd r.otldy with au•llaitr in funigucountris.-.*rkaneas Tree 1.•r The Cease for Literary Dt.slaetlee. A New Yowk man 0'1,0 oQlorwi • prison( gr,, fnr the Iia.( short Irby y sent to Lir., by • suer' teed date remiv.l rarer five tbou+•awl mane- .•rtpls. The man was tl Hie ettp-rietwe only .Mowed, b'ewomr, the rater* or the existing lit `:early evewy" mon. woman and child is writing for the poen, the meg tdn * or the waste basket Tae Mar. try market is gIuu d--gluded a 1.sg ugbt worm thea the iteekheryy marine. The retail psi.* n(a story be new very tear to the original oat-Miro* Constitution. more worthy of • mea of intellect and sorely develope int Catarrh when nt*Arrotrcrct, 5511 you 14, cured Ger °:, cents. 1.r.tngh at A be deeltrw that I A few app:matio•ns nil h..hatae r verybody and wants to live in a Catarrh. desert .. as not to lee a huruan fare But tine ur two Mrs,. will curt ordinary there are lot of Akates all round ue They Catarrh. acv in.IiUy dwppninted mor --(nen whnv have Ione to five b'.1ee w111 cure chr•nic trade uuf, rtunt. a nuarria„'.-a and have un- Catarrh. hnn1 v homes, men who have formed ex- -tggerated opinions of their own genal, and Sold by .times WI:A.:11 :It -r per h.•1 God that the world ke not treating rhes Try it -take no other -i1 will cure Justly men to wham plodding i you. ly i. too slow, and who are tilled with envy at aha• more rapid ptognva of their fellows. 11 RELY WILL YOt' cough when Motiere`i Aineste declared Shiloh'. Core will Live immediate relief Price IR cis., 50 eta., and =1. F••r sale by J. Wilson, druggist. bounden duty of an bots.st man CO tall every one ht, (sults. Fears of physical punishment usually deter our modern Alcestis from being es frank u this, but they console themselves by .peaking 111 of every one behind their barks. The higher the individual, the purer hatcharsrter, the wider hie popularity, the bitterer is their calumny. It ie their joy and their "ride to traduce those who by their station cannot re- sent the s.esauht They love to cir•ulate .vandal about women who have no natural protector; to seek out oun-omlatat ■tick a knife in them: to select the weak, the defers loo, the wounded an.l the Male.(, to trample tleeni down -Nan Francisco Chron- icle. The Dogs at N.wperi. Hopi of many worts one sees In Newport. and wane very beautiful ones. Splendid grant :,1. Bernardo d tawny yellow; fat, low, tendril Maxie; hounds tog turaopit dogr. ugly, Inn-i••,;gosl bulldog*, etc , meet the rya, and Mono pit d..gs, bat not so many as of old. 1 hr curious h•:1•• dog looks like an enlarged atd_ycry fat Last He >m printed .mi , and all tile sk.. yosi can see ander his blanket$ through fan thin Mark bait, r, aa- plewatnt look, which is said M t•aato from Ib Icing oiled every mourning, Nae a prise lighter This d. is •t5. child -or pap -of luxury, and belongs to a rich lady of New- port. At one .,f the florist% stores on t5. avenue is a tiny Scotch terrier, n, larger thea a kitten. trot, lib other small creatures, be b very pugnacious, benne 1* fastened to • very large chain, at the end of which one faintly perceives this diminutive but Nero heart, who., bark b hardly louder than that of a maquitn ,1 man dnving in an open wagon nn ninnies' street was see • few days ince with three Scotch terriers sitting on the seat 1•-.,M bran, nod net a soul elm in the vehicle -Iltai.,n Traveler C Shiloh's Cough and lure is sold by us vn a guarantee. 1t tures C a. For sal. by J. Wilson, Druggist. BAKING POWDER THECOO('SBEST FRIEND .LAzARij .'s.4.., SS'U hiettl. sandst. casco oC ._u .. r rni *Cod n the a eepour ret In. sane ♦1 aTttedn10:111,1yt1n•theWOW* casco •et Catarrh. **Cold it the lfeatds'r and Casarrtua Headache. 5u tress West Street Meat Market, Te. cel de this et a very triel,.a car M bssylag n.. Drjl Audres & JOIIIIStIP. BOOTS & SHOES �'. KINIA OF EAT ('are AT-eitioa rat: I'-omp Detive A ('A LL 9tti.:(-31rD. Pee "Nth 1�,. fA• Farmers' Attenti The underrated 1.t, a ('Lore Sr:rrt.ea Purr. ('lean SEED 11T THi 81ORE OF DOWNING, • �±o bb's Eloc (111 salol;n a not sh salaspi ah.. from the neer kid. anneal' all the i$1*z .dtate grade (►tae hoodoo[ so. h;ae. 1 Will sell at Prices that Will Suit Everyone. ea hand the largestelod ever abneroln Ooderie� lad team every line m Ladles' Boo in Bien or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00. of •hr f. Aisls.t Trefoil. Pis Tie. Usr� �' 3t School Boateltram 75c. up, Lncrrul, AI.ike. Tlernil. Ps* Tie. dna Me III ('lover. Timothy, fawn ltd •11 verietiea lova da ....... , >s. Gooses suitable for pernunent vesture. t1►la Y Other s� h�eeQQQ \\•heat. Pees. Barley. Rye. Meana. Ruebv■h•a4 ~ s s.1 �iiDt�J Cheap, Corti. Tares and Flax; •Ie, Field and Garden 1 can sn will suit • goods and priers. .Seed* of last years growth -tone to name. j y n, both la A T 1.1! 1141•04131.1`411...4 Flour end rash The celebrated Union t)hwa- (tie best !• The nt.trkre. .\ tul•iSareeni et ('bore. Fees`, Teas. ee.- i D7 O -RT �T 11\T G .l• Ing of Ikue:k. lateen and Japans--abuiw 7 abut, - sale and retail:. Crabb'• Moet. Corner Earl street and Naar*. A le-e•e areir•►r,t of Money to Loan. Y a.T. tae trade. ►rat and findings In any 4'a* nit quantity se Lowest Prima. PRES••VE YOUR SI � HT Farts and Fiction. In Montana Merolla Min tet.drrnry to crash high tuts and! prey an the pr•kethook and e=t.imwei.ts of the tendert, we To rite • tingle imitator.:( unmitigated gall trionipbit*g o.ew credulity in that meth 41. an Engio,.b traveler on train p.rt•bad.l for $10 the arrow that killed Custer As far as the teetotally of hiat.x b concerned relative to the dnwdfn! betty news that ay *Gait ore•rk■Aing the l.u,k..4 the lrttle !lig illy,., the holy of the 'lashing, golen-hairwl ('ester was found un mutilated by tie land of the savage 1 ns.z. unlefllel by the tow. -I, .1 an arrow Thus f.rt triumphs ov.0 It -tom -tor Chicago la- ter o- te•r 1 matt. Weald 5. a !lean 'retell. "Dimly, 4H yo,, be r'elin' in the nnemp.rs that Jay thrall's income is tau tints Ivory tome the .1 5 t,tkv' 'Troth, ani t h 411. Wouldn't he • mane thrift nnw i(.itre lelaggyard was to saa.• w aa' stbep is ckc k for lm.• Wee Agai..t IM•di.M11L Tie thdatrial m.,,a.•r. righteous mer against "deeilbmadb" has begun Atom bones Ile foIMwing redeye has teen pla.yil In 'Awn view N.dbing hut the air admitted frw.a Let .n 1•.tw of it and help rile eseele tl.s,- C'h1ap• J.awra•I A w.waaa'e T elf Cerro Pearl. The as..y-M.ars.d Walter. Reeve W atcry-bemuse waiter 'at the Mg in my Ilei die WIWI opera hooses ersanier lanai her, b blew. a pitying sigh se abdise of CJ•e•, t k with t6. .5.r- 5. babe In through the window from to f ter of her mirth Was not light. .r bright, mama and sees the old numb erosions the or joyous. aid 1 ear only give an bits of it by .hlmlr.o playlets Wallin gams. - ('ambeidga ft to the Imlas•roismms of ea alermi -l. 5a teak los 10 "r0716.6... pi::....2„...itill tie and ars labor(dMeMrsTea 1st r'ay1N. t*e oaliiaf$Ui ans. et The •olresllo. of teale rapidly irer.mltlg ib far* brad alae of 15.1 datlmr.tlem beth la his end Cayloa, alYdmgh the prim wt•r'tb d hart and lataglsNie give, 11 dYaY - h 1s srhsrt.l that shot it_ erCISIVIONI4611 was rearing tide, 10/411018 pawn&lad (xaettas Mr t$ral[ juM+. 4114411:1 �ry��7 h. the o. tear > b ew si1aWm 1r'�+-Flerls I Ahs polo geislfat M Tin 41ew•L. gent Lads. WWI. Ay wearing the nary FRANK LAZARUS 41.st of the firm of I..,ar,>s 1. MO' Reno.ned Spectacles and Eye Classes Theta fepretaelee and Kyr ryLsi43. Tliybt3e.a used for the pea IS yea and Orel( in friary manner nntk,nn. 1 eon. They `Tow_ THE nrs.T 1'. Tlia 1.0)14 .1i. 1'`•7 asy!,r We. and lest roan, )ears withos. chaagr- Fi$ a•L5 1sT - Yates & Acheson, ■1taw11fa ■a1N'1•J%Tt1 C+ODERICH- FRANK UZARUS,�ANUfACTURER 24 Mary land Roe. Geom. Road F - -PRICE, Mamba 1510.5, Fast street. Isor.rrich. March late 7M6. , IIJ%SE" Restore- t -e - bt t. '.s ... tural chef. ^" move�tt4• stops !be hair, froth (NAME out.';' increase! ata growth.attlld *'J' sat soil the rk;r.. _ As i. hair t'::_ siig, it has n- rrpar•:ar. Go. J -I anteed harmless t 1 a .�b EASE ND SECURITY THE Ti muse .5 tau 75. thy the fu Waal meth as d S orad ally c Thee 1 ILO al have I sad a The eight (halo alma tree crown about years $.odry The amine eat the Brit vent aorto ' Goy to the away ltd so seri! Wore Sohl The end time earl 1 Set 111•e Y1 genre' their stored town I had to Mira Nva •a and d tow. 1Ot eaport u nder (*efts Burin world. Ike Taatfl �yy other satins cocoa slmcM The • from 1 leaves The tk export it wit time, UM re like. Menses Eve • mum There Mate and in and tL the ea enatg' Prepared by Harkness a Ca. Lindon, OM_ Sold Marl Oono: •.23 ra1.-.t Darla, 1885_ C3ODERICI i This est reerra..ate the double trans without the belt. Note the position of the Me shapes miring Owed in the lead. by whets a ('t)NIt1 ANT hes eds.), IN WASH and I PW ARD GEmO the hernia - D��� 80 LE Ata ENT, G-or)ERICH r February 5th. Itue3- Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. WOOLENGE !v • LONIe•S. ENGLAND. *Late Louvres & Morris, Hartford tbss., tiNo connection with •r other Arm la the domini°. of C Jaa. tali. ISM M 1st itifiRmac The Canadian Pacific Railway TME GREATEST CONFOUTION 04 E14TN. Me Moat Direct tett Item Fgnipped Route bet ween MONTREAL, - TORONTO, QUEBEO, OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSTON DETROIT - bafOAOO, PET. LOU$I8,, KANSAS OITY AND ALL POiNT& RAST AND WIwr kilo. ,_nba•tng year Tlehwe elsewhere' o4.w R. RADCLI FFC wear Wait. Opposite 'I ph Deal Terme the Moes. Jab Mi. 1A. fare. To ala. tr...? Grew . 1'.: .Sttrrutntdiny f oNtlfro/ : We w ish to my 11,a• v. a *•e I•n•pnred to tak5 our wool In exch•' v' ' -r 1;,d . M work t ye 1 Into any of til" f ;:•,w ng trio:les. 1.r eta -White. Grey or Hone. illdrt -Grey or Cbeek. Cloths -Tweeds or iftill Cloths,' Light or Heavy. Flannels -White. Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Sheetings-Broad or Narrow. EitAFtreir, CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Balaiatton Street, Goderich A• assertsent of Kitchen. Bed•ronm• f in!ng Room end Parlor Furniture. rn•sh eta Wm. ((ha.r. rale 554 wood .sated.. ('nptward., fled steads Mattreese . Wy►yls sA Louis.., Sofas, W hat .Nota, Looking 0lass es. N. B, -A rompieteamol anent of Coffins end Nhrrrnd. always on hand elm Hearws hr hl at reasonable rate . lire hamlaa 1 spesk.11 r. - A rail *ei'r i t ed StooiiniS Y'r - White, t3rtl,, IMT DESIGNS IN 1 Olou ed or ;n Colon. Carpet Warps meds to order. ROLL CARDING. WALL PAPER you eblthre it you wish firmer two Wee rooms sit horse, tom. Patter not ,, Oar facilities for sill• work easnat be eve tate will endeavor le meet es1wte do He hat over t rhe day it le Wont*. la tf reentr/A. 1 remote Relaslag and Feelleg. eat tipinnit" 20 ea regnIced. We art be a pee11110 eo do aY kills of cm ata wart, tsaeaay e a • fts� Mt cued mill. and we will she. to dolor you holly equal. * r. Iloilo berth thea •ny in we nn the a5. coarse or Ase. hard or soft twist, I A " rilicifrdANN Best BM Week's Mil *Aid Ilse Mk NI ,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs limetife chore end et prireelme then •• or y mtioh Inferbir late. Cal see ileobese. Taw The laid Spiamg Bazar Palictos Fashioos .A.7" U'IlLaMit111 sunrise sr ben used tJ Bi▪ addl like greet KOMI from I enerm than Herod foetus raffia Mee teetun loughs Rut broug hauut their 1 plIWAS MAUI 00114111 that e le boo pros Pelnio every Coma peter Jame the le each t WPWI bookt ▪ 114100 foamy thirty they It le Mrs to sta term and 1 mod e lk ma• rl ewe ober sot sea