The Huron Signal, 1886-10-8, Page 3#4
Mime the Oareeet
D� leu►+. Farnham seated himself
(a '
+ salt i
th2,11::3 d►
ed and shrank u er e e t his u-
SiKuilicauw then if never h.fore. Why
o odd he mut be •mem min wall i Me
had uttered this t .}Idol unen.taily •
blur{r}ed awes, bat hu ne.vr felt kis
IjltleuuM as he did that nicht when
IL; •mrd of outttewpt and sourti
the toll fwd lips .4 Used LFuu.
She was the acknowledged belle of the
Mu,keton V..Iley, the daughter of the
senior member el the tine of Lywo,
Haight t ey e 0
of Ssid
eiww, b• Arabi,Arabi,t ca hilddof
the pi -e woods. Muakeso'u was the end
of the world to her, add at the tune r1
which we 'onto was • mere tillage, with
no railroad c.nuwttiena with rho . ulnad'
world It was the lumbaremetropolts of
Women" Michigan, and rapidly growing
in importance.
la was at a dance at • •..K b muse near
Maple T•.i, that Mart Tot chain rimed
tie rebuke described, A great hulking
huger had trodden epos the skirt .•1
.1110e14 cashmere end ripped it at the
waist The l.ttger merely said "plank
the divas, ' end kept uu w.ah his dauo-
"Toe ins It ug puppy "' exclaim. d
,1au.t with flushed .heels. And then, a
moment later, she turned on Mark Fern.
ha n,her escort.a little pale faced fellow,
with mild blue eyes end effeminate cast
of , with the one wurd th..t
opened cur sketch.
What would she have him do )
T,.., well the pale lit.le b.rokleep.r
knew the backw....l. code. It was his
duty to inai.t on an apology frees the
0 bulky logger, ..r floc him for his ingot
enee This Mark Parnham was not
AAIB so do. He knew the Mau who bed
insulted Janet as a bully and hard pet
front near the Dam, a rill* taoalhe.. nY
er some sift miles from Maple gap.
"There's no ass having any trouble,"
saki Mark. "If the fellow troubles you
_ a:ain 111 wale with kiln."
- "Oh, the idea!" exclaimed Janet.
etlrl ''I think the nest time I go out in com-
pany it will be with a man," and she
turued bet back un the little bookkeep-
er. and began relating her troubles to •
group ur eiris rear. The "set' was dis-
arranged by the incident, and another
couple was called on to fill op the Rap,
and them the dans. wear on as though
notLing bed happ.sed.
Mark •I Graham 1Wfiosd indignant
glasses termed toward hie by the back -
wood laws., sad knew that the word
et coward was repeated from hp to lip.
"I wonder if Janet maids' be better
satisfied if I should offer myself a sacr.-
tiee .n the altar of her offended dignity.
I might stet my head knocked off, but on the bank ,,to see :he ice go out. It
what nanoid be the use f 1v11 see that was a grand sight, as the huge cakes,
Ds•uite and take him epilogue, if I diej Heard a foot in tbie west crash -
the next mimste. taw down over the day ih • mighty,
Rot the little bookkeeper was not al• seething, gnarling raft. -
lowed the privilege of receiving • thresh- c ►n wet? it't'e.istiM. eery ,wept
ing for Janet Lyons sake. A mig,hty MaM, hurled with tremendotle
had &pp.ated epee the some in the per- fury by the rapidly rising where, which
son of Richard Welltngtoo, a magnificent the warm spring rains had augmented
pacturo of muscuiar d t, with to • might` flood. Cu.,.hehiatt the ice
the dress and air of a gentleman. He Pinto $ t*iKhty jam 01 pb• lags, The
wsa Lyon, Haight t Oo's foreman in ine river esu fart c'ogging, and s 1
great hall at Muskegon, and • prime was formed against the dam which had
favorite with the senior member of the lately been built across the river.
firs "A jam must not be permitted to torm
"The coward permitted that ruffian, there," cried John Lyon, as he saw the
River Ilan, to insult him grossly. 101 rolling and tumbling mass of logs halt -
be a lung tame before 1 am .ern in hu ton(, choking the river on the brink of
company again, 1 ..e tell you that," the dam.
Janet was saying as she passed the little Among those gathered on the bank
bookkeeper leaning an the arm of Mr was River Dan from the Dam.
Wellington. "Gat yet pick levers, boys "' he cried,
"Where is the fellow now T' question. in • loud voice.
d Wellington.The logs had already formed a lam,
"Never Wail. I do not caro to see bins and men in red shirts, with picks and
again. Let it drop '• pesetas, were flocking to the danger -
"Bet I will punish the nasal as he de- use jam, working with might and mai*
servos. No as shall umiak you while i to keep the mighty mass of pine mJr-
am amend, Janet." ing.
"No, no, and the fur girl clung to the The female portion of Oxbow was nut
watching the of the red
his, and thea they west spin.
ehg swag over the eventual ate weed
vara Tv.. you with that high strong
sa u't it)
witted a to4keeper.
actor doessubiethen 1 trod
os her dreg. Sich trials 1 don't admire
n ohow. No seeable gal would wear 'em
1' • dance ; bet tbsit I've been thtukis'
I .i dot do the wiser' thing tonight,
cap, so when you see the gal ag'iu, jest rocks and stories.
tell her I'm worry 1 tom her dress; 1 did- Both ego felt the awful danger al-
n 't to for to do It, nohow. You'll tell most oertalJ death, that stared then' is
bar T' the face.
Farnham said that lie would. }trier "There's no chance for them Mien;
Dan was garroulous, dud did wont ..f the they're good as tone, that's sartin." et-
talking„prod the little buykkeoper felt tared River Dan. - leaving no harmful effect upon the pa -
thigh under his neigh wauuors the Swaying and grsaietf, the floating tient.
t■ut merman had a good heart after islatid seemed deer moment readyto `
4 K r Choose the right way, however rough,
sal ate, over iuto the iwghnK Paten below it will certainly prove easier that the
"You see, I'd been ta:iu too many A dumb horror rested over the crowd wrong way.
drinks, as what ailed use, cap. I would- of startled luytxem .r shore.
did seem se theegb Sher mew thser i she bold a dead weigh le her arena The
bet they were meed for the time es by treat yowl of Meek Partabsa had time
a *}mole. Ie the eestre el the dam • hoot the small Wily dwwsr•
few of the lop held Eno, and woe all Oxbow did }teen pond at the femoral
had .wept thnetltab but this bit of jam
se the middle of the stream. As es-
pouse, of foamia' water boiled past ea
either side and the narrow jam swayed
wad trembled es it bleat( suspended over
the dam. Below, 10 feet, was • sea of
beam where /he water, iso pouring over
the dam, was lashed to wild fury on
of the Matte bookkeeper, and ane some-
ielt siueew there was a least--tbe
bene of the Muok.gos. Wiles Diok
W.)lingt a asked for bar bead two
teuetM later, hs tact with • rind no
fund. Souse people Powdered why
Janet Lyon sever tarried. Does the
reader wonder 1
Sufferers from the effects of guimiae,
wed as a remedy for chills and fever,
should try A er'a Ague••Cure, a power
tonic bitter, wholly vegetable, without a
particle of nor noxious dreg. It acts
promptly, husking the chill, oaring toe
fever, and expelling the poison. yet
n't insult no respectable gal fur uoth:m' A pallid choked girl, with streaming wet.h True farnesol me
The ted sale of lioscAre's
Is the world."
'1 -he explanation and ap•elogy were am-
ple, and all this had coins about -,tth-
out blood, a row, and bloody faces.
On the whole, Farnham sett that tie
hid pursued the wisest course. after all
Tae little b. •kkvep.r left I"u'tr Deli
at the Dam aid tiuished his , •ur,,.y to
ttehow alone.
Mr Lyon made no mention .f the
trouble at the dance to hi. 6ml.'seepee.
Hu daughter stave an account of her
.soort's cowardice, but the lumberman
fai.ct to take the it-terest kis [laughter
Matters went on after the tied faahicn.
Mark Farnham had been a frequent vis•
tt.•r i.t the L7cn House, but stere the
dance at Maple Top he had held himself N" use : a boat w itula go over in a
aloof. The little b:okaeeprr had been jiff"- Them fellers can't he saved."
hurt in a tender spot. and he coal(' r.. t "There is one chaos in hundred."
forget how Jsurt barked when ahe utter• A low colt:* 'stoned the words, and
ed the word coward. Janet saw a slender form glade past to -
The foreman came often to Oxbow, ward a small Indian mune that rated
and Janet and handsome Apx,„ were on the bank. About the man's arum was
a coil of ,ripe. When the man gained
the teateiso eke of*, water he swung
his arm aloft and cried :
"Some of you tate stn end oJt
I are going to rescue those men 11 panes.•
"Goodness ; its the littte bookkeeper.
He'll drown, sure."
hair, reached the water's edge and stood
with ouu'retebed hands appealing tc
strung ta.11 fur help. No one moved.
".Aro you e11 .awards r" she cried,
I icing the multitude. Brawny men with
red shirts were there, but none moved
at the appeal from the girl's blanched
h ps.
"Nu use, miss," said Itiver Dan.
"That er jam won't Isat many winnita.
Noted', km help 'es. ; they're goners,
"Tete yonder canoe and go to the res-
Janet would have rushed to the res-
cue herself and not strong arms held
her back. N'esk, muaeieg, almost
fainting, the girl pleaded in rain.
much together. The loggers coupled
Abe --imam** ..f eke-++o.-+end-,mina:ted
that Dick would faathet his nest before
long. The little bookkeeper heard, but
remained silent. Be could r...t dismiss
a subject that was of a most painful na-
ture to him. He believed Janet cared
something for Lint until that affair at
the Mat tile Top .fiance Fr...1 ;hat time B'.rt Mark Farnham heeded not the
she had cut him effectually. He had comments of the crowd. He seemed to
pride u well as the belle ..f the Musks. realize that time was precious, and at
once pushed the light when canoe into 1• ■ 1 tost4Il .a. ( Iepertaat sew. Kiss.
the river. Seizing the paddle, and fin- Any men, woman or child a in a den- C. . - Mrs Campbell has been
ing his rope so that it would pay out goriest condition when neglecting • con- troubled for a number of years with In-
state of the bowels. There tan gestion and Conatipatioo, and was in -
from between his thio knees, the little be no perfect heahb without a regular doted to try Mc( regor'a Speedy Cure
b nkkeepet began peddling up the action of this function. Burdock Blood and found it all that was needed, and
strata Strung bands had gemmed the Bitters tum constipation by impartiu_• • would 1 its use to any patron
the end of the rope and at began paying i healthy tone to all the secretions. 2 similarly troubled. This invaluable re-
medy is sold in every part of Canada at
30c. and $1 per bottle. Sold at George
Rhyne' drug store. (1)
German . yrep within a few years, has
as i.nished the world. It is without
doubt the safest and beet remedy alar
discovered for the speedy and effectual
cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest
lung troubles. It sots on an entirely
different principal from the usual pre-
erriptirns riven by physicians, as it doe.
not dry up a cough amid leave the duseaw
still in thea system, but on the contrary
removes the cause of the tnouble, heals
the Darts effected t leaves them in a
purely healthy concision. A bottle kept
in the house for use when the diseases
make their , will save doctor's
bills and • lung spell of serious illness.
A trial will convince you of those facts.
It i. positively sold by all druggists and
general dealers in the land. Price, 75
cis , large bottles. yeow
impracticonle theones grew out of
thought without knowledge or lack of
The man who wishes to
help the world most bear a part in the
world's interest and oecnpation,
N*gttest Probe.
The well-known drug fine of N. C.
Polson & Co , of Kingston, writes that
Dr Fowlers Extract of Wild Stawberry
has long been considered the best remedy
fur Se ismer complaints In the market,
the • highest terms of its merits. Wild
8trawberr; is the best known remedy
for Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and all
Bowel 2
Let a man try f•ithfslty, eminfully to
be right, he will grow daily more and
more right. It is the oondition on which
all men have cutltirated themselves
M •seaYws • wow •.ase•.
Imagism the organ which provided
weesesedatiosi far the Brawling Brood,
and which fee yeah W beam the heed.
quartersof lir. Mwsdit►'s owearies, is
Om tole of as Iaiepemd.ea
Turman, Olpbs
"My daughter has Wien the medicine
hitbfally, asoordie" to dim itiess, and
her health and *pints are now perfect.
The bsaor is all gone from her face. I
wish every anxious mother might know
what • blowing Ayers Sarsaparilla is in
such sages.„
• Peeress i seems es.
There has probably never been • clear-
er Mae of false pretence than Sir Joie's
professed repudiation of the J[uif since
the tune Sir John "wished w God he
could catch Riel," alter having provided
the money which married him beyond the
reach Lf juatioe. Those who would cor-
rectly interpret the "repudiation" must
compare it with former deliverances of a
similar kind from the sem..luarter -
Montreal Herald.
4 Catarrh Cured, health and sweet
breath secured, by Shiiuh's Catarrh Re-
medy. I'rtce 60 menta. Nasal injector
free. For eels by J. Wilson, Druggist.
f5Hrepe's Laos 4 empemM.
Hare you • had Cough, a Chonie
Il.arseneas, • feeling of Tightness in the
Cheat, Weak Loots, ..r any similar oi,m-
plaint 1 If so, buy at once a bottle of
McGregor's Lung Comp,und "It will
cum you." It contains entirely new
.peci8n, of which one dose a utore effec-
tu•I than • whole bottle of the old time
. i. bfteend$1
bottles. Sold by G. Rhynes, druggist.
Try it, and you will sever have reason
to ootnplain. ( 4
Ter, False reoesi.e.,
The Toronto M.i.t if the 14th Sep-
tember, 1878, .luoord wheat at $ 00, to
$107, and assured the farmers that the
National policy, the great Farmer's
Passes*, would raise the price at bast
26 cents per huehel. In September,
1886, after over seven years of the N. P.
the Mail quoted wheat at 71 cents per
bushel!! The .tfoil.annot dispute these
tigurei,nor terns the statement here made
a "wicked Brit fabncatton."—Erssz
Centre Ltberal,
The Appetite
May be teenaged, the Ingestive orgasm
atresgibeeed, and the Bowels regulated,
by Made( Ayer', Pills. These PM e
purely vegetable In their composition.
They remain neither ealumrl ser say other
da,geruos drug, sad may be taken with
perfect safety by persons of all ages.
1 was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia
sad tbwtlpattoa. 1 had no appetite,
became greatly debilitated, and was cam -
stonily a*tctrd with Headache and
was. 1 consulted our fluidly doctor, who
prescribed for is., at various times, with-
out affording more than t. wlwrary relief,
1 Anally commenced taking Ayers Pills.
In a short time my dtg..tluo and appetite
my bnwib Pero regulated, and, be the
t hole J ftdabed two hazes ut theme Pills my
teuJency to hea.bu les had disappeared,
sad 1 because .Iron,; and well. — parlor
X. Lugs., W llatluigtun, U.1.
I was troubled, for over a sear. with
Loss of Appetite. and General Debiiitt.
1 commenced taking Ayer's 1'111, and, b. -
fore !lambing half a hog of this medicine,
my appetite and strength were 'tanned.
—C.O. l lark, Daubs. y, Coen.
Ayer'. Pi1ds are the beat medicine
known to the for regulating( the bowels
and for all diseases cawed b a disordered
Stomach and Liver. 1.uffeered for ottr
three years with Headache, lodleeetiot.,
and Conettpaion. 1 had au appetite. and
was weak and most of the time.
three hoses of Ayer'+'ille, and. at the
same time dieting no orf. 1 was com-
pletely cured. My•e organs ars
now in fusel order, and 1 am in perfect
heath.—Philip Luckwuo.l,Topeka, Batts.
Ayer's rine have benefited me wonder-
fully. For month. 1 suffered from Indi-
lghrht, and had a bad taste to my mouth
every morning. After taking otos box of
Ayers Pills, all these tr.•ubles dlaap-
Fearel, my food efitte.Md well, and m)
sleep was rrfrt-.hln— Henry l'. Hew-
meaway, Rockport, Maw..
was 'meal of ale:- gas hs the use or
Ay-er's Pills. They not only relieved ran
of that painful disorder, bat cave nue in-
creased rigor, and re.toretl my health.—
John Lazarus, tit. John, N. B.
Ayer's Pills,
1`repared ter Th. .7 f Ayer k ('n., i.owr:t. tlrw.
Auld toy all bra,alat. a.4 Lea:aw a liethrtt...
In aged Repute.
James McMnrdock, writing from Kin-
. "i4.- f3, -Iter-eie--tri
eases of the blood, liver and k tdreys has 1
an excellent reputation in tai• locality. Faginaw, Bay City, Godertctl,
I have used it, and .peak trout expert. Detroit and Cleveland.
smolt, a well a observation. It is the
iinly medicine 1 want, and i advise others SEASON ARP ANCI REIITS.
afflicted to try it."
Crossley an6 Hunter, the evangelists,
are about to begin .pecal services ut
Mount Forest.
gen, matte from that Litt' eight they met
Y strangers.
The pall. r ..n the little bookkee fere
face seemed tr deepen. His eyes were
hollow, and hos cheeks sunken- He at-
tended business devotedly, and 00 vee
noticed any chanie In little Mark Faro -
Kant. out rapidly, when Farnham turned and • k Testimony.
The winter passed Late in March shot swiftly into the centre of the The testimonials we publish may he
the le. in the river began to move. Soon stream. verified by any person who may doubt
• t. roaring f.!1ed the ears ••f He managed so that the canoe came their truthful.18.
Swtx, Dec. 18.—\'athe I 1,
the citizens of Oxbow. Pe+p1!e gathered down on the upper aide of the swaying hsve used Nerviline in our families u
jam. Instantly the lyase was sucked prepared by N C Polson &Co., of King -
ender and lost, but Farnham sprang to son, c►nt., and certify that it Dever fails
arm of her Appollo-like compeni"n. "It
shirts. Right in the canter of the river, \Cru a1d, telirve, etre whaiecer be.
ie not your quarrel, Dick. I shan't ping Apollo turned away with • thud- De .o arra*'' bow long goading thIte carr, de
not far from when the water baled and der, roe meet
permit you to make trouble now. I seethed over the dam, esu Dick \\'elliiNow i. en the 4emreet. ane tt arrnrdiuu•,
know if you had been in Mark Faro- qi• Not fur a faun 'foetid 1 rMk my life } r,N Yle In t:.rder,.h by 11 t a nrRD
4l t
hams plug you would have promptly ton, giving orders to a stentorian y, tee, out yonder again.' 11
It sea • dangerow plan, and Janet He was act called upon to du so. He who has learned the science of w•
knocked the rulian down. Ism so Lyon's cheek blanched as she ase bene A eat crash and roar aiekened fiat I loner easy hide i¢nr, ance. and even awe
ashamed of Dim. Hs • •little coward." Fr quire • t (,r knowledge and
The logs on the further shore were rued on shore. The jam, with he lone wisdom.
Again that word. 1t ant like a knife,
t Tins Far frar•taa
keenever kept moving, and the current of sue occupant, had disappeared•
claim that Puttietn • Painless Corn Ex• —lay to -la--- it strikes us that them
hent ban ed if
the surface of the logs, rope in hand,
and .1 zickly made one end fast to an up-
right log.
to glee relief in coughs, and rheumatic
puns ; and we have no hesitation in re•
commending it to the public. W Pub
Note, Postmaster, Elgin ; -Haut, W
"Qel , Mr Lyon ! There's no time Waaaait ; ELIza Puwet.c, Elgin; Ca-
lea.1 Plied Baowx, South Crosby.
Ten cent trial bottles may be purchase
aiU-owner 1, and ed at any drug store. Poison's Norvi-
tliptd t�.jteokkeeper to go ahead, but line, the never -failing pain curs. Try
this he absolutely refused to do. it now.
Mr Lynn went forward, tramped the We instinctively applaud thecnurage of Bltchss on the face or hand, Cuts,
, hand over hand, to the if h ld h
The Seat reaatate resin ear warm.
The "Win" fountain pen is the beat
thing yet invented in the way of a self-
feeding oen. It has a gold nib, shades
est Y a dipping peri dews, and never occupying Relays, meals and berths included.
_ I% is a writing wonder, A am
�1e sae be seen at this office. Every, For rate. of freight and passage, and all
lawyer, doctor, cletym*n, school -teach- i other inturmation, apply to
.T and business man should have one, ! WM. LEE,
?hoe. McGillicuddy is the local agent. Agent at Uclerich.
_.-,,_ Neater must tie given by parties wasting
The 1-:...inv.t ....1 I'"mnuwllous Steamer.
Sagin.aaw Valley„
wf. f•at•11. Master.
win run during the ?.-aeon of Navigation. as
bola., w s :
Lrarrs C.wlericb every Thursday. at 1 u
du L p n.., for We) CO and Saginaw. .a111rg
at .:...d Moen. fort Hope sad Ts was. waki, g
wen Nest Sheet Heats at Sat
Reach. for Roger lily, 'tit heroin. Mackinac
Inland and Si. hens.+. and at Hay ('Itr win h
steamers Inc Harris. illy. 41,, , .. and Alpena,
returning to t:od.rk h ne Sunda,.
Leases (ioderirh e..ry Sund.y. et
Croon. her fort Iteral. Drtro,t and (etelaad,
retarn:ng to t.nderi..h on T. tirade,.
This route will be conduced during the st
WO of Lai upsilon.
for the whole htot l`h Tltll' t.oatio: ons
will be lamed for
•.--_... Thursday Excursions,
eau lk•e•ect'mrrd. Jou.ITIk, halt 2061
McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate
has been tried and found to be the only'
wsitive cure for Balt Rheum, Pimples,
shore. A great aha ut went up when he
Nest came Dick Wellington. Ile was
heavy, and the nope sag♦tei badly.
Farnham fel: the jam tretsible at each
surge (•f the f.oreman's body. Suddenly
the log to which the nope was attached
gave way and fell. instantly the rope
dew far one into the stream. Dick was
ss •assertion ; we • ow honor with• Burns, Stam that nothing
still higher approval the courge of self- •ass will heal. Try McGregor R Parke 'e
restraint. Carbolic Cerate. 23c per box at Geo'
To faletal■ true Lie Mynas' drug store. (4)
gnu must invent twenty, but truth can
never be strengthened by bolstering. 1 That Hacking Cough can be so quick -
The testtaoey .1 every lady who has ty cured by Shiloh s Cure. We guaren
seed Dr Pierce's "Favorite Preecrip- tee it For ale by J. Wilson, Druggist.
tion" for nervone debility and female ,1 Sleepless Nithta, made miserable by
weakness carries conviction with it. The that tumble angh. Shiloh'a Cure is the
facts aro stated ut sueh a way that no remedy for you. Fax sale by J. Wilson,
one can doubt them. All those psuliar
near tee cher. and was rammed. pains and .inking seneati.•ns which ladies
The little bookkeeper stn*d alone on sufTwr from. can he overcome by
the jam, which was now trembling and of this wonderful preparation. If roe -
threatening to fall to pieces. Farnham's ars a sufferer from female weakness,
don't fail to employ It.
face blanched. He seemed to realize
that lie was doomed. Leak Mere.
"Another canoe, •Buick' to, twat, ,,tenet deo
And say you tae near dead ‘t ell, well. 1 asp -
Dick \Ve{lingtsw, and sate Mr Farn' Asthma and broaebitis lace keep you 1. bed.
ham." Hlllow.rooeasse,, .ick headactee ; 0. e7 keel t
It was Janet who spoke, but the drip- Whenwhfj a iomeditciee and ttaral�uaW ptlkl
and the pallid tittle bookkeeper
beton felt ba utter inaigni8cance aa he river swept that way with the fury of
A ems eat diaooneotately on • dot rstep
eat Lataystte avenue the other eight, .
when a pause -by said, ''Hullo, what'.
the natterl Out on a striker' "!stn,"
answered the diec,uaolate man, "suffer.
iug from altakout, that's all
Fatal Attacks.
Among the most prevalent fatal and
sodden attacks of diseases, are those in•
cident too the summer and fall, such as
Cholera Morten, Bilious G.Iic,Diarrh.r t,
Dysentery, etc., that often prove fatal in
a few hours. That ever reliable remedy
Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,
should be at hand, for use in emergen-
t'''. 2
The Captain of the British yacht Gala-
tea is named Henn. Aha" Henn—hatch-
C H C'- -I A
P.rf*m* of a good name heralds the way --lay tout—lay taw; herrn hatchway
tcehat eight He wsa glad when the an avalanche. The red -shirts had been
dotandmime to an end, But Jaret was workinv an hoar with desperate 'intr-
oand many of them were exhausted. ,
already tacked under the rotes of Dick ri
*II irinton'• eu
TSV tier when Fareham went "Go ash. re, boys, and get s !ouch
"The man IS past
It was Dr Gonld w;to
a he nose from
terwd, bleeding form c.
for her to ride back with him. Another the greatest danger is pant. Welling- i Foos bslnw the dam the little tx.ttk-
A11 earthly he p. tract .r is • sure, certain, and painless is • pun there g
uttered the worts, remedy for corns- Fifty initstions prove we can twist it into proper shape.
ting the bat- I h to b. the beet. At drugless. 1
n the awl. I • Meed, two.
insult The pallid cheeks of the little toe and I will bold the fort until you i keeper had bean dragged from the
bnokkeeoer bold two .pits of flame as he return.ever, bis.dinz grid tnwnet--
went alone to his Butter. it was Mr Lynn who spoke. 11e had et •he feet of Janet Lyon. who bent with
"Oohs' past gone t the Date, ain't y. T' goe to the centre of the river with the .creaming eyes above the dripping body. ,
A stalwart forge, in rel shirt and over- coolness of an old log -driver. The men „8„...a to me, mark, .peak "' mo.o•
ells, loomed up Wore the bookkeeper in obeyed. Tb. greater part of the logs I d th. be11e. The white lids unclosed,
the tmoo.•ligbt awl paved, the principal dander beim a pair of blue eyes !nuked int tthe face of
lanhom N neer rwoogaiad the tan over. Halt the ricer was yet blocked the kneeling girl. A smile touched the
who bed eatsnd him swab ►wssiliatioe with loge piled to a great height, form• purple lips
Ude eight ing • jam that looked impregnable. ••I saved him—Dick Wellington' I
"I as going put the Dam," "1"•••4�oreely hod the last man reached the
hl.. H e 1
Alone r
"1 .:rest .s "
'1b►►e you'd take a psasoger r'
a' ti ; get
11. hag. bs117 *Mel }}Ilei t[[11Ss taw t4. aely erra}asle et the jam. It bookkeeper'. heed, d 'samara latw
knew you lowed him ; it was for your
,shots, whim a wild cry row show. the yke. JamM i ktww you will t•urgive
roar of the foaming water me for being a coward row."
"Good heaven' they are het "Oh, Mark ' Mark
Tine err went up, as all eyes were A faint tremor meted his frame as
bilis" topes Mr Lyoe sad hie foreman, the girl attempted to raise the little
As a speedy cure for Dysentery. Cho! -
ern Morgue, 'harriers Clic, Cramps,
Sick Stomach, Canker of the Stomach
and Bowe*, and all forms of 14ummer
Complaints, that is no remedy wore re-
liable than 1)r Fowler's Eatnet of Weld
Strawberry. Dealers who, sell it, and
those who buy it are on mutual grounds
in confidence of its merits. 2
ta.Mise bet I..taaseneess.
All pain• or eche+ will instantly re-
moved by dripe of Fluid Lightning ap-
plied over the affected ppaans. No time
Leet ; no numerous mealtimes needed ;
nn pesltieing or using greasy hniatewts.
it will n+.t blister oe diee4or the shin.
Meld et ?fie per bottle Ay Geo.. Rhyne.,
devisiet. Sateen from M«rslgta ..,
rive se that they serer fear it whew their
boons • bottle of mid Ltght-
Biog. (4)
Sew a Dade Cassa. t'eld-
A dim young men in the height .of
fashion was ritdently sneezing in a street
oat, when a comp•m..n remarked, "Ana,
Chawlea, de•h boy, hew d'ye catch that
dweadful mild." "Ana, d.ah f.11ah, left
my cane in the lower hall tether day,
and in socking the ivory handle, an
lw,edfu) cold, it chilled me almost to
death." if Charles had used Dr. flar-
vey's Red Pine Gam hie 'geld w.ieki sot
trnehle him very much. For sale at J.
preeeripttun dreg store. tf
swami wed,.
The complexion is often rendered un-
sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots, and
Yellowness Theee it is well known are
Mowed from se inoetive Liver awl bbswl
Dr Chaes's louse Com pentane Ow blond
awl whole arena. Nee Receipt Bn..k
foes toilet reeripse. Melo sed saggestione
sant how to preserve the euaplexi•u,
i Bold by J. Wilms.
°11A:t oN
laandice, Headache, ."+.anew. Tsia Ie tle see `
emus sus , as a•1 ales.. seri+atcg( troga a Mages, Da. Cmosi s Lvea Cc al .111 be heed • sr
and amain te.msar.
L...r CC a
—plains rests .11.17 wiitett th.t 1 1
xmpeended eseasteees eell.kaown liar ressiaw•
Waauaeaa Awa DAN narroa, eeolt...d with MO.
miter ,n.slrw roots, Irak. Yd tory, hoots[
....stet dart et the xlac.r'. Sweet), tlwek +o
Mood. 11oo.000 SOLD
'tyre 'eras' meatee et 11r. Oriole Rae* Ilei
.rev add i.. Cane/. e/we. or, wast rear) •+.
..ser. oaf chill why lr .nr.AJwI PJM LA,s ion
Naos tr tq this r .-. sot .'egad.
♦1111rmr1 Imo Soo Atlas M
Wrapped awed hardest Dr. Chow% 14ew
SOstia sad ftecip
eek 1114 to i r'omen saGi'ls see men=
. end wad sea aha the p aa ere. ti Wath&
dol t Mtn dt11a • ands nod made
Tar dyers 111151 sootoe hum. .s•sa
T 5.SAtt••e a ate-. twos a/ade. 5._a .'
Oct ►iu4. 11l;, SNP y