The Huron Signal, 1886-10-8, Page 2• 2 rill HURON SIGNAL, RIFDAY• oar. 8. t888. AN OPEN LETTER. Hon. H. Mender to Hon. T. White, of thew Maltreat! ()•sett.. A miasmas assume .1 welts Tresaery- reuses" Weeds teem tae los uessee•se adman ladened Hearken. In en open letter to the editor of the Montreal (;unite, Hu. H. Mercer says as,uog other things .- You are au and you hold corruption au much in horror that you found no dant:tilt, in defending aad ap- proving the gravest ut scandals, such as the Pacific and the Tanasry scandals. while you with a holy wrath and the warmest Indignation the admin- istration of the Hon. Mr July --of this man whom you rightly declare today to Le the most houe•t in the whole Prov- ince of Quebec. In your zeal for :he defenoe •,t political honesty you du net hesitate to say that the Liberal party would have • claim to your ounsicl ration in this Province if it had at ita head such a nnan as Mr July. And knows that there is no limit to your abeam of and slanders against Hon, Mr July when he was Prime Minister, and tb.t you had so hesitation to denounce him as a dis- honest an, pusbini your zeal so tar as to distribute, in the Eastern Townships, w pamphlet notorious fur it. foulness, i ohich you calla] upou the English masking electors to aid you in driviny M- July from power. for the le scandals of which you falsely alleged him to he guilty. You adopted the same line of conduct towards the Hun. Alex. Mackenzie. who could find rot grace at your virtuous 'hands ; he ala,. according to your paper, was • corrupt mai., steeped in scandals and unworthy of the confideLce of honest min. And to finish with this nomencla- ture of your acts of pointed virtue and of your pious denunciations of the Liber- al leaders, I will recall the !aye! manner in which you treated liar A. Dorion, who also was too dishonest a politician to deserve any mercy from your merciless pen. As you can perceive, by insulting me today, you place the in excellent com- pany, and you truly do me taw much honor ; and, without meaning any disre- spect or offence toward you personally, I must confess that I am forced to arrive at the . that the best means for any one to establish • for hon- esty is to have the Gaulle to call him "s dishonest mss." You say that "to further my ,awn self• Leh air I have not hesitated to stir up feuds of race and creed,and set citizen at war with citizen ; that I am s dema- gogue, who seeks notoriety by ar.:uaing the worst passions in the human breast." I suppose you allude to the position whicb I felt bound to take in revard to the maladministration of the Northwest *Ctrs and to the execution of Louis Riel. It is true I blamed, and do blame the G ,verhment .ot Sir John Macdonald, eatresdi ar dilat.rieees d SJttlr David Meepbereve Last.-Gemenssuir Dreamily, and iamb believe that W mesa Teaas asset OM Mall MI AOrNte• VEST LIMA tresCI, tr 8ST.trooIb ItAVI MOM Eeuwtr MKT Art Fee, Mr SOW .till prepared to .tele beeestly .ed h( ie foal of these Yt wbM l. es s pall* sed repreesetative w. Mks the same 4404 as these swore iodise Alii et the Baal et Louis Riel, I tM.by, ea you elite is your artiste of today, .tir up hoofs of raw and tweed and set ciliate at war with airier 1" Aad are you still prepared to d..ous,e me as a demagogue who seeks notoriety and such integre as it may confer by arousing the worst passions is the human breast, whoa I am onit guilty of pass- ing the same eosd.mnatwn ulna Sir John aced his Minister as passed that pad by the Reginajurors 1 Allow me again to ask y..u,MrKditor, if I am mitre guilty iu my tornado upon the Riot question than the Ottawa Con- servative members, Msesre. Coursed, Desjardin•, (sirouard, Venae, Masses, .Dupont, A. 8 Derelniers, Dug., Ilur- teu, who on the 13th November last, chime days before the rieoutw. of Ri•1, sent the following despatch to Sir John bleed naiad ;- `•Tea or Rom, venue res rtal-LM1TAltcas, WOt-L1 as AN ACT OF ell ILTT, rot welt'H pax t&PVOUTE Rs- aPONAI.iL1TY.' How is it that you have not one word of censure to pass upon these Conserva- tives when you are so severe rgaanat the leader of the Liberal party in this prov- ince, who has .aid nothing more than they did 1 Aro you so indulgent towards these Conservstiee members because some of them approve today what they condemn- ed yesterday I And aro you so wrath against me because I do not approve to- day what I . 1 yesterday 1 If to gain your approbation I meet •ben• don my honest convictions un such an important and issue as that involved in the Northwest troubles, then I positively and indignantly decline to seek approval of my public conduct at your hands. Allow me again to ask yoo,Mr Editor, if, in the con'titutional t against the Tory adw , I am more gouty than : 1. La Miaow. dined by Mr Toms, the C iii, . ; 1 ,"u inn city, and thitelicial organ et See. Mr Chapleau, Secretary of Stele, which wrote as follows ou the 13th November last. "We have demanded mercy or pity for $ 1 criminal. We shall cry shame against the . of aluna- tic. We cannot suffer them to be deaf to supplications. We cannot permit them to insult with impunity the s principles of humanity." 2. Le MunJe, edited by Mr V ansae, member for Yainaaka, and the official organ of Sir Hector Langerin, Minister of Publia Works, which wrote as follow.: - "The hanging of Riel was, under the , only an unworthy co*P c.esion to the exigencies of • faction of the people of 1 t•tat'io. * 5 leafiest* and prowl eowash, ebee.,.. riled to bjewaihe Barlielospeaki.R misrity is this provisos, .ad I defy yes, MI Editor, to p tat ant era Slagle weed et eat of taw that smell he made 1. beer • ehasuwe et the etighteet hostility es Wwitt ter wards the metertty. H.vleg diq-4 el that parties ell wear enwarvented .&tasks I wilt, if pa will allow alt, in wheettegµeemmeaii.s limn, try to mower the elle/yea of 010' repties and part trwnhety which you have heves% ageless steer and I hope to be able tepee. to yoe that all my pub - he as elf r private transactions have been ho.orrbls, sad teat while beteg favorable to a meitttus for the purpose of saving the Province from the ruin to which partyism is fast bringing it, I have done socking to deserve • want of ounbd.00e from in party or the seasons of any heard and dtaintereeted Conser- vative. I have the honor to remain, Dear air, your °hint servant, themes Misuser.. Montreal, Sept. 21st, 1886. which, in my humble opiaiun, was the direct cause of the Northwest *roubles, Sir John caused Riel to be hanged br- and on which I throw all the odiouson ha he was told that if M were not hangs 1, he could not oblate 10 votes is responsibility of having hanged a polit- ical prisoner and an nufurtunate maglo• maniac. Can you say that in thio respect I am more guilty than the civilized people' of Europe, of the United states and of Eng- land herself, who with one common im- pulse and with one voice prayed tor clemency for Louis Riel 1 Am I more guilty than the six English Ontario." 3. Le Nuureliiate, of Quebec, edited by Mr Landry, C Member fcr M. , end the official organ of Sir A. P. Caron, Minister M Militia, which wrote a. follows : - -- "The French and Catholic element have paid their tribute to the hatred of a faction. • • For it is ueelese w Protestants who composed the jury that conceal the fact, Orangeam, which is tried Reel and the l together, always a Hindur of d in the and who believed themselves bound in Conservative party, has created an abyss between os." to u 1 the pruner to the clemency of the Crown because, in Not to take op so much apace, I limit my quotations from the C their opinion. it was the bad administra- tion of the Northwest witch had forced .. to these organs, altough by quoa- the halfl retell ,hat , log all of them I could that Riot, without being legally ilia•ponsible grthe French Conservative organs went a for his acts, was not morally so. For, as Sireg Johdealn's thivr in the t agitation against you are aware, or aught to be, the jury John's aiurernmest than I have dune. would not have rendered "a verdiut of guilty" under the if they Allow me again, Mr Editor, to ask you had not been convinced dist Sir John if, in my declarations against the Tory Govand his Ministers would be governed by than the Homent, I Mr Mowat.ve been more guiltyM Min- their recommendation to • policy „f than the Ina. Prime %in- clemency. And the proof of this was Met of l►ntario; the Hon. Mr Fraser. given on the floor of the House of Cum - eminent ,ter f Public Works, and other mous by the leader of the Oppoeit amine censurstateeed en . f that province, who Hon. Edward Blake, when be read a severely cenwr.d the mal• icn letter from one of the jurors in the Biel trial, from which I quote the follow- ing :- "In ing him (Riot) to the mercy of the curt, we (the jury) did so because we l that, while the statement on the 8.wr of the House of prisoner was guilty and we sould ale, Commons :-"My opinion is, then, that by any means, justify him in his acts of l a great wrung has been done and a great rebellion, at the same time we felt that blow has been inflicted upon the admin - had the ( t duos their duty i t• itration of criminal justice, and for and redressed the of the half- breeds of the Saskatchewan, as they had Goo the Executive is responsible to ns, i am unable honestly to differ beau requested time and again to do. from the view that it is deeply to be ro- there never would have been a second gretted that this execution should have Riel reheilion, and consequently nn prat- been allowed to take place, and. there otter to try and cntdmmn. We could not fire, ill favor'o( that view 1 must record but condemn, in the strongest terms pis- toy rote. " Ode, the et diletorine.• of Sir John Macdonald, Sir David Mac phonon, mid Lieut -Governor Dewdney, and I riserty a1Lngt'e THAT HAI. THR,ot TRIM' BUM ON TIO AL AA A,.'RxM,RIF+, Yxt1 LtTTL$ %Rai y, Ir ANY, W..11.1) HAVE BERN BROWS TRIM RT TEE J, kt'. ✓ e, s-'. e e s "Although i say 'we' in nearly every cane in the above,11 may p aslhly be that N hoe. ynnr brother, and by other lead - not every one held the same sieves as ars of the Tory party, refused to approve myself, but I certainly thought at the ..f the course of the C in the time that they did so, 1 •m still .'1 Northwest and the execution of Riel. the same opinion. With all theme facts and peed/vents Have you, Mr Editor, forgotten that laid before the country i can,with all jus - the special t ..f the Toronto tics anis fairnessclaim the right to brand Mad. (a wh.ch, today, is so you as • public slanderer when you state severe for those rho are opposed to., and that "i have not hesitated t.. stir up who condemn' Sir John's « t fends of race and creed and to met on this question) ,ant from Regina on citizen at war with citizen,' and that T the 3.1 d Await, 18045, tis time of the • e a demagogue who meeks "nnt..riety trial, the following despatch : and such influence es it may confer by "Runes, ? W.T , 7d August, 1lttii arousing the worst paesums in the "Teals ov rise Jtnnta vi Riot a . Ass human breast. - TRU. NM Tat YRa\Iwn OF T5R RR.'On The with which ? have the u seeAnow TO NRa.•T 1a rest, In Tita111 h -,nor to be indsetiltrd is constitutional OPItalnw, RIIL SHOULD NOT RE and 's not directed against any roes or HANOED." • • • creed, bet simply against a Government Allow a le ask you, Mr Editor, if, at t Wawa which T onn.,dered to he Seder the •ir••mstewees, I am more unworthy of the Oaracti•n people and Icy thou these juror', when I hotel, as nysin•t their sorvante in the Govern- 401,rhat "we could not let a- went at Qeehese Atom Afi,s th. strongest tome pemible the Although • Frereh Canadian said a .of the Northwest and who 1 the t; of Sir John Macdonald for having executed a political prisoner ? Allow ine, again, Mr Editor, to ask you if I am more guilty than the Hon. Edward Blake, who made the following Allow me. finally, Mr Editor, to ask you if I am more guilty than the honest and t f the Coun• ty of Haldimand in Ontario, which, by .neaps of the ballot. rendered, the other day, a solemn and 1 judgment against the 1 t of Sir John Macdonald ; and which, although strong- ly urged to do so by the Hon. Thomas A Eastern ■trees. In • recent letter tram R. W. Dowtcn, •f Deluraine, Out., he states that be has recovered from the wont form of Dys• pepsia atter suffering for fifteen years ; and when • council of doctors pronounc- ed him incurable he tned Burdick Blvd Bitters, six bottles of which restored his health. l THE "MAIL'S" JUMP. An article TMs has nested ■nee •sten• ue.. Under the heading, "Prohibition in Canada" the Toronto daily Mail recently published the following as • leading ed- itorial It to worthy of • journal. "The Mad has determined to cast In its lot with the advocates of prohibition. A ooz u plagued to hint that our is probably due to the that prohibition to now the wioning •Ode -that, in fact, we are fair weather pilots and on more. But tt must be evident that a long and severe contest still lies between prohibition and victory. The s.00emes it has achieved up to the present are at beat only isolated and partial; the real struggling is yet to come: and we do not think, therefore, that the tried friends of need suspect the beam fidm. of Any naw hermit who throws is bis foetuses milk them at this stage. - "Many old (reads hare been kind enough to advise the Mail 011 this question, some saying that the (Allure of the Scott Act has forever discredited prohibition,and that in allying ourselves with a doomed , we are simply Edo de re; others again say- ing that prohibitaoo on its meats is un- sound and indefensible. Our answer to the latter is that whilst, judg- ing it by the strict philosophic inter- pretation of human rights, prohibition may have its defects, it is the only i yet forged by the wit of mats with which an effective blow can be dealt at • crying evil. If moral suasion could check in an equal degree, we should prefer moral suasion, but the world has been trying that agency for a long time, and though it has saved any it is not an adequate remedy by itself. On the other hand, whilst no one pretends that prohibition remoses d absolutely, no reasonable person can deny that it strikes directly at its very fount and origin, for it is plain that if there were no liquor there would be no abuse 41 it. If any opponent of prohibition can point w to a better t measure or to meat good, we will gladly embrace it; but at present, as Mr Gladstone would say, prohibition holds the held, and we intsnd to do what little we can for flee , op recruits, guarding the tamp, keeping the weapons bright, end even carrying a banner in the fight if the leaders think fit to entrust us with one. "As to the failure of prohibition in Scott Act, it u necessary to remind our anti -Scott Act friends that measure was not sought by prohibitionists. It is • and, like most comprom- ises, • weakling. Its failure, therefore, would be no argument against a general measure of prohibition. But has it failed? We are well aware that it has , TB 11 "OHUSTAIUT." Oneeof Masai [taM/s s.ees •41tee eetya UM se tTeem, The apphi..tioe 4 the wed "sheet - auto" b ea ubowert-tole tele hes beso e gese and is accepted so eegoesttoa- utgly by • bored pexis 1144 het floe stop to castor* the tmeigie sites dews He4 wed is that eoeseeeiae. jt ms obeli in this wise Two r throe years ago a piety et yan.et folks ed this sity were enjoying Uwe- oelvetat a Hallowi en party is the ortho- dox way, with apples, oats, eider and - jokes. Or plows Elea, who had probably boa roadies .p ee almanac or volume of Joe Miller fur the occasion,ni fairly deluged his oumpauoa with anecdotes. Some were good some were bad, some were neither good nor bad, but all were uomietakably aged. The young luso worked industriously at hie aeacdote rill and ground out his stories at the rate of about six an hour ter several bolus His listeners good- naturedly laughed at his venerable wit- ticisms until the hour of midnight approached. Then a (un -loving young damsel devised • plan to stop his How of Wk. ''Have a chestnut, Mr Smith? ' she said, when the young man 1 another story. "Thank you," be replied. "A. I was saying, when I saw the -- "Cbe•tnut did you amyl' put in one of hie hearers. "No, but - " "Try• few chestnuts," said another. "1 ve some replied the unhappy yoaog mac; but, as I was saying, when I saw the -" "Chestnuts r said the original con- spirator. It was no use. The young man gave op hia ett•ry-telling, and the came "Chestnuts" has clung to him ever sine The joke on the young an was retail- ed in every direction until an actor at the open -house heard it. He thought the word "chestnut" very ezpree•ive,rs and in theooue of conversation with his fellow tl it in its sl . It was inatautly caught up by his , for if there is anything your thorough good actor dearly loves it is • new Sang word, end within three months the wordbh•etnut,' to designate sIh tale juke ran rcugh the dr..ai5g- iMhts d were Micelle from Now Teri ,T the vernacular of thp-Veited States, and st use the primmest maidsn sad the staunche deacon do not disdain to athe expres- sive Slang term occasionally. Pittsburg u Itobealive, city, with its nateral gas, typhoid fever, and city hall nags, but not , ' ly knows that it was the birthplace of 011e of the most soca:maul slang words of the century. The history of its origin has never appeared in print before, and n» one can therefore say that this narrative n • "chestnut." - Pittaberg Penny Press. Sept. 25, 1886. Council met at council room. All the members were present. Minutes of la.t meeting adopted. An amount of Dr McCnmmon, Kincardine, for attendance on William Turner, was reed. No action taken. The collector was present. His bond was accepted by the council as sat- isfactory. The following orders were made :-K. McLean, ditching on l3. IL 9 and 10, $2; Aah6eld and Wawanosb Agricultural Sl.ci.ty. $25; A. Spindler, culvert and ditch 8 R. 11 and 12, W.D., $211; Wm Holland, gt'ading and graveling on Holland's hill, $16.16; A. & J. Tay- lor, planking bridge on Nine Mile ever, S. R. 3 and 4, ED., $66.77, and lumber ordered by p thmasters, 86.60; H. C. Rich, repairing culvert near Carrick's. 84.40; John McKay, ditching S. R. 3 and 4, W. D., 83.30; Alex McKenzie, balance on culvert opposite Mt 1, bound- ary, 83; J. Cook, ditch on boundary, 1.11, 4. Il., us.W' croon rsanaer.on, grav- el, $8; Joseph Hackett, ditching, Con. 12, E. E., $2; Alex. Hackett, repairing bridge, con. 10 and 11, K. 1)., $1.60 and culvert S. R., 9 and 10, E. D.. f;3 50; Jaa. Glynn, gravel, $5; H. S. Fisher, plank and repairing culverts. D. L. $14.f.5; John Kilpatrick, ditching and culverts, S. R., 9 and 10, 115.10; J. u 3 not stopped drinking outright -a miracle i Ashfield) 88. Next meeting of council would be repaired to make men 'cease 13th Nov. next. to do evil' - - but beyond question 1 WN. Leese, T'p Clark. ,in those localities where an honest attempt has has been made to enforce it, the KEEPING THE SABBATH ScottAct has greatly I druken- nem; and that is something well worth 1 striving Inc. Prohibitionists, let w say i a1r1e1 sat ..Ter aerwwlf or ttesllN 1a. again, do not swear by the Scott Act, ; leaders. they simply contend that it is better Bennett, culvert on boundary ( paid by than nothing; and that, by the way, is a A proposition which the liquor men them - salves do not dispute, otherwise we should not find them opposing the Act. The real goal towards which prohibit- ionists are moving the of as well as o1 sale throughout the whole Dominion, which is • very different thing from • local option measure, beset wherever it is in iter t of a Glasgow paper describes his in the iodated Wand of St. Kilda. Whs. he awoke .on Sunday morning he desired a little water to wash with, and was sup- plied with • cupful, and inform- ed by the servant that Mr. Mackay, the Free Church minister, had declared that the drawing of water on the Sebh.th was a violation of the Fourth operation by breweries, distillenee and C 1. Aeocrding to this taverns, ani by the innumerable in- account, the day's ezer^_ies at the Free flueneei radiating from them. S., vast ("harsh are severe to say the least. and a change is not to be There ie a sermon of two hour length accomplished in • hurry. Public opinion in the morning. This is followe4 by a • has to be moulded and hardened, and short interval for A bell mt re than a majority of the people then rings up the for a two brought to the ormviction that drink u • hours' sermon in the afternoon. From direct, downrightant! irredeemable cures the church the tit. K.ldians proceeded to 1 the Sunday School, and are then allow- ed another short interval for tea in the evening there is another religious service, at which the spinsters and bachelors each repeat • psalm. it, through the seventy of thew religion' exercises, any St. Kildian goes to sleep, ! , the minister tikes him to task by name, ; e thus: '•Lachlsn waken your wife, she ; t won't nod tench in hell. I think.- The i q Starch is rough in the extreme, there being no flnonng. A stere was recently sent, but the eonscientioua scruples of IT the islanders would not admit of it• being placed in the church, so it was I b returned to the donor. which aught to be outlawed from among men. This a (mouldable task but we believe it ie pneeibis to ocmplete it within five years, provided prohibit- ionist" go straight Inc the mark and avoid the pitfalls which the politicians, Conservative and Reformer alike, are ,.e to die for them at the instance of liquor party. But whether victory comae in five years or not for five -and -twenty, the Mad has sufficient faith in the troth and righteousness of the. calm to enter the ranks ea a full private and serve in that capacity to the end." Prof Lnw'. Mask Sulphur Soap is highly r.s,mmended for all humors and skis d oases. lm; 12 SHILOH'S CATARRH REME- DY -. positive Mr. for Catarrh, Dip - Iberia sad ()linker Month. For sale by J. Waimea, druggist A. '•..«...fleet"' reser- Ten Mai( Blair to bar. been .n is• depeodeet taper ..s it began. Ha• is tis poitfw at the besia.ntig d tLe present year: "MattJe. DarasirssT, "Veneto. Jan. ikk, 1886. "p.erdary IDeprtatummt Sear.s.ry of S1ste, LIMON& :- "Dow &s,-1 uadeteltad that in• Writing are beteg nerd to the Revis- i.g b.rviste a re.peotteg the pnntiag repliced by thew. I hope yowl Bea w your inllwtes toward• seovtng the M.fil Job 1)ep•rtm•wt a share ,•f the pnntmg for the eity of Toronto and the edition of York. We here every facility, u,"/ Wink toe haw a claim o. the Gorrruw.eet Jur this print.ny. Please advise us what course we shall adopt in order to secure • portion of this printing, and chew, "Your truly, MAIL Jo. D INT, lyigood) "Per W. A. Sesresar. "Manager Freeman'. Worm Powders are agree: - ble to take, and expel all kinds of worms from children or adu'ta. in.: Fun and F>ancu. There is nothing Ince N, oover faults, and it may be said that money covers more than charity. 10 ARE YOU MADE miershle by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness. Loss of Appetite. Yellow Skin 1 Shiloh's Vitalizer is • potties cure. For sato by J. Wilson, druggist. Where one man "wants but tittle here Tela." N ere as others within Aallline distance who want all. 6 For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous fluter. price 25 cents. For sale by J. Wilson, Druggist. "Some men have so much genius that they can't do as.ythina but 'it down in the st.ade and think about it," sale • 15 FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed 'menu -- tee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never faile to cure. For aide by J. Wilson, druggist. The hating remarked that there would be • tine nave In the church, an old lady whispered that she knew the party to whom be referred. Shiloh's Vitalizer is seed , lomat Appetite, 'Oozi- ness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per buttle. For sale by J. Wilson. Druggist. "Did you ever think what you would do if you had the Duke of W • 's income!" Village pastor -s -"No ; but I have sometimes wondered .kat the Duke would do If he had mitre." 8 Croup, Whooping Couth and Brun- chstis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by J. Wilson, Drugzi•t. '•D3 you think I could mould public opinion T' asked an aspiring young poli- tician of a veteran in the profession. "Perheipe you might," rid the .,Ober "acme of the Sorties you introduced in your speech seemed • little mouldy." 16 A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 ant.. For sale by J. Wilson druggist. "That reminds me of the way Johnnie thanked hie papa for taking him t.. the circus," said Warsaw. "Now, Johnnie, you had a real nice time this afternoon, didn't you r 'Yds, papa.' •Well, what do you say to papa for taking you 1 'L -i -let'• go again, pa " National Pills aro • mild pnrgat►ve, acting on the Stomach, Liver and Bow- els, removing all „ 1m CAvaen A RzLArgt-Dr Blitz : "How is Colonel Blank r Dr Mit.. • "He was getting along finely, but yesterday he took a relapse and died within ten minutes." Dr Bitty : "What caused the relapse?" Dr Mita.. "One of the morning papers published a woodcut of him..' Maud : "Mr Allround is a sort of uni- versal genius, isn't he r Mabel "Ye., he i. clever.- Maud : "He is something of a lawyer, and some- thing 4.1 a musician. What is his pro- fession 1" Mabel : "Well, the lawyers tall him • musician, and the musicians Ball him • lawyer." '1 Sore Eyes . .wpm are always (r Qispdki wllb the body, and .Nerd ea etredMet tete et Its eeedttlse. When the eyes bewees week, sad the Ude lefinm.d and sem,* la an evddsess tint tie epees hes Weems dee dared by luratels, ter +ilei Ayers sss.apsri le is the hent kaows remedy. fisrwhta. which posineel a psidel 1.• dtmmMastykes.s m• mach «y. ws=el as pltJ.Lw l seaesesd Amo eelpg7 BR. ss a then time wow Curd My eyes are taw 1a • .pls.dll ewdlt1M. sad I •m as well aadever. - Mn. W Illlsm liege, Coward,r N. IL Pur a number of years 1 was tr•uhMd wttk a humor to my eyes. and tree =Aft to obtain as !' relief until I Baan using Ayr's Bannparlll. This ■ has Wetted a cam a euro. esti 1 1t to be the hen d bleed C. E. Upton, Nashua, N. H. Frost childhood. sad null treads • few month., 1 have bees silk -led with Weak pad Sun Eyes. 1 hare seed ter them, complaints, with bees•etl results. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and rousider it a great Woad purifier. - - Mn. C. Phillips, Weyer, Vt. I warred for • year with lniamma- tioe is my left eye. Three ulcers termed oa the bail. depriving me of sight, and ceasing great pale. After trying etaey other remedie., to DO purpose, i was lastly !educed to use Ayer's Samsonite. aril, By Taking tbree boUles of this medicine, have Weis entirely curv& ay sight ha. bees re- stored, and tbere is no alga of IRAamet•- tdes. sore. or uk.r in my eye. -- Kendal T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ride, Oho. My daughter, ter years old, was afflicted wtth scrofulous Sore Eyes. Ionia( tbe Mat two years she sever saw light of say kfed. Physicians of the highest standing wetted their skill, but with so permasert sneee.s. On the recommendation of a friend I purchased • bottle of Ayer'. 8sr- Ila, which nay ,daughter commeaeed Before sli•lbad used the third bottle her sight was/ restored, and .he csa sow look steadily at a brilliant light with- out pain. Her cure is conipkte. - W. E. Sutherland, Evsagelt.t,-Sbelby City, Ky. Ayer's'Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. lyes a (a... Unwell, Vase. G eld b sti Dmightl.fres pt; she batt.. pt. (:et y"ur •octtun sale tNlls printed at Tut Sio a r. other. They are always dens promptly and at low rates. Notice is . . a• aloe through TIM SiijAL ired of eh•rge, wtttels is read by * hovereds. A Rswass-1)1-ere doses "Turin at' to any one sendin+r the best four 11n - rhyme on ' rtAsgtaT, the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and L'et:.. Ark your druggest or address 14 SHILO►H'SCCRXH.ill Immediate- ty reli.to Croup, WItmagleg Cough, and Bronchitis. For ads by Jas. Wilr.n, 1ru,, :irt. BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS As usere are many Inferior Bonded with p.sc,deredanaleio A beg its aloe ssitee Ise waeur les rMss igSlwi. .si leasNelw by Anew - las their sateason tbs. aaesaity at meted that the none CROIPTON CORSET CO'' le stamped os taxer sided all ('.Tapaspods. Without whish aims are gamier Mrs MaryThompson, of Toronto, waa afBicted with Tape Norm, 8 flet of which was removed by one bottle of Dr Lbw . Norm Syrup. lm: Jones : "Smith, you aro the laziest man I ever saw." Smith : "Correct." Jones : "They say you sleep fifteen hours nut of every twenty-four." Stnith : "Correct." .lone.: "What do you do it ten f" llmith : "To ardor to to .ti srnIze. 1 You see it costs you n..thing t sleep, but the moment you wake up gipenees begin." - - 13 "HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 30 eta. Fur sale by J. Wilson, drultgiat. Always 1..14. 'What's thin article about the late John Smith enquired old Mr Rodger. 'le he our John'' Guess he is.' 'Well, well. He allers was alow- er'n mnlaases in January. He never was on time in all his life, and they used to say he warn t to his own weidin' till the day after the ceremony, and now the day after he's dead they cell him the late John Smith. it beta all how those do learn so much about a person.' Reasons why you should purchase Fluid Lightning in to all other remedies are : Rapid result - urea instantly. It is easily applied --nn rouble no est time. It does net re- nis constant use --one application ie •ffeetoal. One bottle will r•noice mon pain than any other remedy in ewiatense. ry it fur Neuralgia, Toothache, Head - whit, Rheumatism. Mold at ''Lc. a bottle y (1. Rhynas, Druggist. (3) Seeing is believing. Read the test t monials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van h Ruren's Kidney ('urn, then buy • bottle and relieve yourself of all those distress- t ing ``.gina Your Drnggeat can tell you allthont it. Sold by J Wagon GAdnwh d"Then you thiak my finger will have n be amputated, duet(4' "Yee, it will ave to come .df." "How much wiU the oh cost I" "Fifteen dollars." "le that leat he toast you edo, divine ? I'm a poor man.'' "Yee, 816 is the best i can o for no. teaser, bet I'U Bet two of 'ai off for 826." I 4e• WILL CURE OR RELIEVE C!L!P'ffelEJB, DIZZINESS, DYS?_ PSiA, DROPSY, 17010EST/OM, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. Of THE HEART. ER%SIPEUA ACIDITY Of Boftr RHEUM THE STOMACH, HEARrIL ,, DRi NESS HEADACHE, Of THE SKIN, • ""!'7 species of Atone (ro.,, c -'.d Li VER, K,ONEYO, sr 110061& OR BLOOD, T. ■ILBURN & QR. ^"P : THE KEY TO HEALTH. E;f1i1 K EL, --)co 'Unlocks elate dogged avenues et the Bowels, Kidney, sad Liver. Moff ear ggradually without wsakeeing file system. all tie impuritess and loot humoreoithe Corteotleg _ - I- the soots linos , Dyes =Wee. of the nes•7 DeFnsss Mrysipelae. the DMart., lN two sMed Oen- Versimilar Cemple1Ms alihappy ink` 1 1 II. IQLs = • M. Pitsselskes. >rttele. C. L. McINTOSH, Newt deer to Rhyne.' Drug Stere, keep con taatly adding delta well - selected .conk, ekeloe Groceries, which w111 he frond to nompve favnr.Ny, both ea regards quality aad prlee, with any other sleek 1. this 'trinity. TEAS AND SUGARS A *I'W IALTY. is ""1"" MrahnR thanks to my ....Baser ti.v ars 1 w.W nap Isvis. alta nth• •n were w •.NI WWI Inrpeit my Mass. O. L. YoINTOo$. sow, west We of this thwmEt WHeteli, rile Mt. Is11.