The Huron Signal, 1886-10-8, Page 1IN -NINTH YHAR. oi
obligated every Friday Moral by kle
OUDDT YWR. at their 0u. North et
to dsspaaobed to all parts of tae sorrowed
country by the earliest quails and tralae.
Ma. -+1.111 le adv postage pre -pad
obtainers;fu.t,l,u painter, SAI months
if sot es paid. This rale will be trk•Uy
A.V swriat wa. -Meta cents per
throe cents per Ilse for
asortlea. Yearly. half yearly
at reduced rates.
We have alma dm -elms
IsessseeHea.aad peewees
Wawa cad best facilities
MINI eat work qg etieh.are prrpareo
► ie timet YM at primulas/ eaanot
-cad ee • ratty that cannot be
FRIDAY. 00i'. bra, 1881:.
£LBM) XV, P..t LL b'
Reform Convention n will be held in
trick, on Saturday, m ict. 16th.
e .neetine promisee to te nee of the
imputtan: that has leen bald
odsrich of let. years.
• caodidatee for repreaeotatiun da
Dominion Parliament and On -
Legislature will both t,e select-
, o n the occesou, and addresses
p,litial situations will be given
M. O. Camerae, M. P., Hon. A. M.
Treasurer of Ontario, and other
known Reformer*.
meeting will not be restricted to
es, tr�ft-Ssefy Ritormer and Cas-
sties is cordially invited.
there be • grand rally.
following slashing letter has been
by Dr. Rollins, reeve of Exeter,
ouotaiva mesch that will siveaatiefse-
to book sides in the tempseanee
troTerey. The latter is one, hawse -
that strengthens the position of the
t Act sdvosates who ask far a paid
the Editor et tow Timms.
u, -A Weed Mettow i of the
SNAL, el the 94161rhiek
an attack os s}Mlt, ler
Bind absurdity. t sang sar-
in a posits weer. 1 heiswith
the artiste. EL. appears that Mr
D. Wilson, norm e( tl.afortk, 'sed
'dent ill the Watt Aet Assesitllen,
asked to eemg 1Yr Satoh, and
Fisted will+ kis. lie
cad glows.ttwsse1 resa.ns for such
MSL 1 Any mice to hereon filo. 3
,e.11ithe nat. Mr D. D. Wil-
rmtld net be sere that the reeve of
titer would p by the .widows is the
I always had a better opinion of Mr
D. Wilma than to believe him cap.•
of Mss.ass owe of kis felluw•r•eves,
his sb.w6.i. .t a 'Magma* to was-
' 1 perjetee, swing leo earthly grosld
such a Rion seeenestiou, than that T
the goat Att. If teat is lir
D. Wilson's opatios of .very anti -
Act ems la the society, hyt car -
would be a "pewj.dicsd judge" as
saga is reason Na 2.
11. d like to tell Mr D. D. Wilson,
he isn't appear to know it)12101 there
is the county b..dreds of mss who
the Act, who are as reepest•We,
as "owl staen•, and just as
Awe enmusitttl.g a perjury as he ..
Being President of the Scutt
As•ocistioa, dte't seem to ill Kr
D. Wilena with mach Christian char-
y, if he is eorrstly reported by the
Mr D. D. Wilson claims a reputatioe
)C sod h.wvr, bet I eats amen.
, that such aboard prejttdioss
aliesattioec as that atetaia.d in Nu.
whence that reputation.
like to ask the RrofrAL a few
relative to this same matter.
Yeo k that I ant singled oat from
nave sed magietrate in the county
e ach a gross attack 1 flow is it that
reeve of Stephen, who refaced to
serapes? How ie it than the reeve
Hay, who Y also a strowg Scots Act
n and who has never acted, (while
over at once and „es • can fur Mr f D. D Wihon muses out of tbi. dtecos-
Wileua's judgment, I. Mr D. D. t1',j. 'siuu too wbieh he has been an uncoil. ,
sono like the ember for Knuth Hume, �ooeww party, is a much better light than'
capable of dictating where and under
what circumstances an iuh•rwatu.0 .hell 1 do either Dr Bolling or the week -minded Things That Are Happening
not be latdf The Act u quite as openly It c 11 Act eesvea Around Us.
violated in Seaforth aa it is hen, nail The moirel of the whole is : Let
even more so. I Dr. Rollin* vote for • paid police uncle -
From TNr SnaNAE article a perms I Tbs Mitt/sat- Tba .sbe.M1ss of as anima
would sup that Exeter vas the owl tate to uo all the work the 'albite/us
place in the aunty that the Act ways ?politicians and the trembhn ie• , l relaters- Mau Carty-,
4 mat weal.
.iodated I mus tell THE Sh,sat Meat, i trate, ut South Huron are afraid to do.
that Exeter is as morally quiet and law- And in the meantime let the oses.of Dr.
abiding, aa any town in the enmity.
11••.l. and themagistrates be submit- -The other day I attended the assize
.ouch more so, I believe, than either, mw curt • -hiastway it used to bra calved ilia
Goderich or beafwrth. lied to the Pruvuici&l Secretary, to see,
1 refused to act in Scott Act eats" be- just what ie the matter with South assize court, but Istely, they've chat -grid
rause: '11 was wily a qualified maga- ! Huron. • the none to the "High Court of Jae-+
testa by rinse of my (Are and only Meanwhile TNx Si�v*& reit,ratea i
auts I tier, Queen's Bench Division," ur some
=Wired w eofureem town by- other uatlanliah appellation.. However.
law` .1, I Y,111 .I.l pIY'.1 Y•I I,r, ,Y+Ili iil Yr I
paid pIl)lse a giflrate. Thera will he little things like that Joni bother me, so
siuney in it for the couoty,u any haat* lone as the court is the same old court,
inspector will price to any reeve who
and that's what it was, notwithstanding
that • new judge presided, and the
sheriff rejoiced in a cocked hat on his
head, and • Damascus or, it might be,
a Brummagem blade on his left hip. My
i old friend, Jim Addison, with a serious
cast of countenance, and a legal gown,
repeated the formals, "Oyes, Oyea,"
1.2) While every magistrate in South
Harty, Scutt Act and, there'se, refused
to take these eases, I did not think it ray
duty, as an opponent of the Act,to take
the whole odium, risk and re.po�nsibility wishes to nee the law of the land honor
• enforcing it. The men who passed the ed, and who is not afraid of the liquor
law are resp n^sibe for making some party or its bettor
attempt to enforce it,; hut while they.
through fear baug hack, I don t promos. "- -"
to be made s tool of by them. leaving SCOTT ACT PINE..
them to op. its etfrfy, ..'Ails 1 .10 ti.r The at!mitteely detective machinery of the
,tvtrl:, sicca Act bar Oreni I :n one :no-
I can nut inform Tar SIGNAL man. penin: panic•ulrr b the K Int wt the (1.r- dc. which he had one through time
1 arwtuent or the ttr,m�°foe. Hitherto all pen• gone
that I em not responsible to the Pro- aloin imposed upon thole coni ictd of break- of mind, while county high consta-
vltuiel Secy; and that he can eneuire tog the taw Dave wore heti the 1)pati/ion
va, tin b rd ' iI toas.ed
into m ase us a coon u be etc u J„anw er.unc on ble Dan Mackay, marshalled the tip-
j e the .'tet the amount rot trot -ago" sono go to On
through with dismissing all the maxis- mun:ctpality. The effect wilt gavottes* be to staffs. ('.lark McDonald beamed upon
trate* in the county, and making a few iadttce gre&.er vol .,o the part of Local awtL- the juryas he administered the oath of
unties fce this detection cud Vanuhmett of
other ingniriee such as I now make of . offenders. -Exeter Times. secrecy to the good man and true, and
Tat Sloe AL than. o_ The Times, like almost every %cher the good men sad true, beamed upon
OUTS tr�.l,t'papa in Canada, has riot got fully hold the clerk as the responded to his adjure-
young and old IikH the honest fellow,,
A, ROLu.*.
and the result is likely to be • auckdul-
lager for T. K. Hays in that tuwoal•ip at
the next election.
-In Hallett, also, the Tory list was a
day late in coming forward, se that i.
almost looks as if Honest Tom Gibson
will have a walk over at the neat elec-
tion. And au he should, for he has a
solid level head well set upon square
shoulders, and it's loaded with sound
common sense.
--I me Dan Carty is dead ' Mebbe
you didn't know Dau Carty intimately,
for he was neither rich nor handsome,
and held no position of standing, as po-
sitions of standing go ; but he was a man
who will be mimed. ell the game, p_e
was the sexton of St. Peter's shuns, asd
he was universally known as "Dan, the
priest's man." He was a genuine type
of the Irish peasantry-- not troubled
much with book learning, hut gifted by
Nature, like the majority of his coun-
trymen, with a fair share 4,1 mother wit,
a happy disposition, an undying affec-
tion for trieud., and a big hottest heats
towards the world at lame. Trusty and
true in the humble position in which he
was placed, he earned for himself not
ooly the esteem of those for whom he
labored, but he gained from the outside
public wh..rn he chanced to meet the
goodwill of all and the ill•favor of none.
AU knew "Dan, the priest's man," and
- 411Us qessit. .The tensions' Ghvero- tion. ----eetes w� tea kindly greeting as dig
'liana was no "v.note" 1R Tee Si.,. sent has been la tn,: ote of its weal -nod, speaking about grand u
!at artiele, and there was no absurd- piton,:
tea g1 ry' passed and repassed. For months the
tittle gases to harass the provincial gor- men. I'd like to know what earthly use old man had been failing, but pluckily
sty. D D. Wilson. president of the ernmenta. and make the enforcing are they anyhow. Now, I know all he kept to his Some time since
Soot Act Association, had been eriticis• of the Act by those administrations more about the feelings of • man who u ins the hearty laugh of the son of &in
ed and condemned by certain friends and
opponents i rcatise ut his refusal to go to i dtmcak. Before the las meeting ed panelled as • grand juryman fur the weakened and died, and latterly the
tint time ; and I also know about the erstwhile sturdy form bent, the heavy
Exeter and 'wort Dr. Rollins to take a
liquor caw. We repeated certain reasons,
condensed into our own language, that
Mr Wilson had given why he should not
go to Exeter. Mr Wilson did notaccttee
Dr. Rollins of • willingness to commit
perjury any more than Dr. Rollins ac-
cess. the liquor party of a d
to Injure the life and property of m•gis-
testes who sit on Soott Act cases.
Mr Wilson had only repeated legal ad-
vice from some of the beet lawyers in
London, to the effect that it was gnes-
tionable if it would be wise to force any
man to set as • magistrate in a liquor
oats against his will, as, while he might
parliament all the tines went into the
lirrno fund, and ray (kiicieney in
that fund was made up by the mun-
icipality in two-thirds and the prov-
incial government in one-third shares
In ease of a surplus, the amount
was carried over to the next year. The
sly motion sneaked through parliament
last session, and tb, subsequent Order -
is -Council has bad the effect of taking
the fines out sof the licence fond, and
g iving them to the municipalities. Un-
less some new legislation is introduced
by the Ontario O..erument to meet this
new condition of things, the effect wilt
he that instead of the provincial govern-
ment having to pay on. -hilt of the deft -
toe compelled to act, he could not be k,u.y - it will hare to pay one-third of
compelled to agree to • onnviction. Mr the oat of the .&Aide i.vrk, unless the
Wilson stated a truism. municipalities generously turn the fines
Again, if Dr. Rollins excuses himoell into the license fund. The Dominion
Government could have left well alone.
However, then is now less excuse than
ever for not appointing • paid police
because he is only • magistrate by virtue
of hia office, and was only •apposed to
awiet in enforcing town bylaws, then he
vindicates Yt Wilson from blame for
net ktatrisR--sins own meeicipality .
g tig fels nn satchels so. en Scott Ask
work, for Mr Wilson is . . 'sly
by virtue of his foe.
We agree with th. irate doctor that
the Scott Ad megi• who refused to
take asses are jest as had as he is and
deserve °ensure. The only excuse some
of them have is, that they knew Dr. Rol-
lie. too well to sit on • whisky tags with
him, where • decision was
neoeseary to a conviction.
As for the masher for South Huron,
our opioiou of that gentleman is well
known. Bat, we an daenesing Dr.
Rollins, and not Mr Bishop. Mr Bish-
op, however, resembles the average Tory
candidate very closely. I Tits Lindsay lost says -"The Mail
The Sone Act is better observed its has only reached the ground taken long
Omen hes written : ?see
duty 1 The exigency of today.'' Hen.
Thos. White ought to paste that in his
bat for lawmen), when he is taunted
about his "political exigencies- excuse.
Jurnt Wastrel hes peen secured by
the Mechanics I•otnote in Lindsay to
deliver a lecture on Home Rule. We
would like to see the d 1 auth-
or of "Th. History of Our Own Times"
invited to Godericb to lector. on the p From Cameron. Holt & Cameron, soli -
subject so dear to every Irish hesrt. The rendsge in the admid:atration of the
citon for Hugh Munroe, claiming dam -
Kerry boys teem Aehtield would hail him laws of the land and the disjoining of awes for injuries sustained by the latter
with ''e sad mifJr lacltlut " iodic. Mebbe everyone won't &gree on Bnteouia road. 650 damages are
latent pride that nurses to the front stick which one+ had leen used for
when he is chosen foreman of the grand •how now became neeeMary to ala the
jury ; and I know all about the thrill of weakening steps, the square set jaw grew
ecstatic pleasure that permeates the en- sharp, the face pinched, and one day it
tire being of the conscious juror when was said,'Den,.he priest's man, has tak-
he undertakes to ask the crown witness 0„ ill :" Poor fellow ' Sickness had
a host of irrelevant questions : and 1 been as portion long before he bent be -
know how he takes three feet to the yard Heath its weight, and his sickness was,
to stride to the jurors' seats and to rise therefore, but the prelude to his death.
in his p:ace, the cynosure of all eyes, on Saturday last he quietly passed away.
and report a "true bill" or "no bill," as 1 have known many well-known oharac-
the case may be ; and I know how def- Len to crow to the dark bourne since I
ferentially he listens to the congratela- began my pilgrimage here, but I can
tion• c f the judge upon the absence of - truthfully say that I remember noon. who
crime within the county borders, and the departed and left behind him so few to
invitation of his lordship to examine the blame and so many to praise him. And
jail ; and I know abet it is to bring in in the years to °once the children now
proudly a presentment which is read vowing up will tell their childreo of the
aloud to his lordship, and which recos- genial eccentricities and merry ins iety, of
mends the erection of a ... . for humble "Dan, the priest's man." Peace
the aged and infirm who are now con- to his uhea'
fined to jail ; and I know how the been
swells with joy when bis lordship ap-
proves of tbs t, and states
that be will Meso that the .soellent pre-
sentment josh nag is iise$k/ N tie
knowledge of the (Dusty eouneil .t its
next session (then to be fyled away
Tits torsr-iE d tWittors snow
. -
oil wag held in lMldey, Oet, �1{. i'Itllnt
--the mayor, reeve, and ooMedkrs Col-
borne, Murrey, Reid, Bingbaa,Deslop,
until the end of time or some other Humber,Thospeoe, McElwee, Butler.
Period); and I know what it is to make sermon.
up the time rate in the sheriff'. oboe The firwardei s report was received
and schedule the miles travelled, and lad filed.
get the little debenture for time servioe The sexton's report •bowed that then
and travelling rates, and then go hoe t had
bwn 3 &doonits load 3Seeo iaternd
during the mouth cedingg Sept. 30
) M SIM A THAR IN(AUV.DY 118 N('K tersite
By-law No. 7 of 1686, •mending below
No. 8 of 1876, by changing the license
fee for transient trsden fres 640 t..
61110, was read a third tome and passed.
Dunlop drew initiation to the pole of
Mrs Penn, as being • person requiring
Moved by Johnston, seconded by Col-
borne, that no action be taken.
A number of accounts were presented
and referred to relief committee.
The council then adjourned.
The Result of the Cosecs /layer at
C.derecb Tournament.
The tint tournament in e..un.etien
with the lioderich Lan Tennis Club,
which Inas been w operation ser some,
aisle to a clow last Tuesday. The play
on the whole ea* of a high order, many
of the sets, as the score will show, beirg
stubbornly coutested. A special feature
of the tournament was the brilliant play
of several of the ladies, no t,rin in Can-
ada of the size of Gederich being able to
show so many good lady players. The
prizes, seven in number, inciudine an
extra nue kindly given by A. E. Gilbert,
Bay City, Mich., will be distributed to
the successful competitors at the club
grounds on Saturday. afternoon, at 4
()Vaal:. It is to be hoped that the incen-
tive thus given to law• tennis may result
in come action being taken towards pro-
curing better club courts for next season.
Mine F. Horton and Mr Drummond
beat Mia. 111, --McDermott and Mx Ruch-
ati•n.3to6,6to4, 7.6,6.
bliss Jobtrs� isd Dr Roes beat Miss
McDermott and Dr Johnston, 6 to 4, 6
to 4.
Mpv E. Widder and Mr Strachan beat
Miss E. McDarmutt and Mr Widder, 6
to 3.9 to 7.
Mise Aggie Ross and MI C C. Roes
beat Miss and 1). Holmes, 7
to 6, 1 to 6,9to7.
Miss F. Horton and Mr Drummond
beat Miss Johnston and Dr Rues, 6 to 1,
6to 1.
Miss Angie Ross and Mr C. C. R..w
heat Mie. K. Widder and Mr Strachan,
7 to 5, 6 to 3.
Miss Aggie Roos and Mr C. C. Roes
best AGss F. Horton ana Mr Drummond,
8 to 6, 4 to 6,6 to 4.
Ii 11a M it0 LSM.
Miss MoMiekiny beat Mise Middleton,
6to2and 6to1.
Miss F. Horton beat Miss E. Widder,
6 to 2 and 9 to 7.
Miss Attie Rom beet Miss E. McDer-
Miss M. McDermott heat Mies Mc-
Dermott,6to1and 8to1
Mime F. Horton beet Miss M. McDer-
mott, 6 to 0 and 6 to 4.
Miss ticMicking beat Mho Aggie Ross,
4 to 6, 6 to 2, 7 to 6.
Miss McMicking beat Miss E. Widder,
6too0, 4to6,6to0.
Miss McMieki.g beat Miss M. McDer-
mott, 6 to 1 and 6 to 2.
Miss F. Horton beat Miss MoMiekiae,
•t it,st.L61 3
ettirruessWe MItOLsa.
)ry Strachan beat Mr Buchanan, 6 to
Iand 6to2.
Mr C C Russ beat Mr D. Holmes, 6
to2and 6to4.
Mr Widder beat Dr Holmes, b to 7, 6
Mr C. C. Roes heat Mr Buchanan, 6
to4and 6to2.
Mr Strachan beat Mr Widder, 6 to 1
satisfied that the grand jury systema • w trea•erer's report showed • balance 1 and 6 to 2.
fraud, • hollow mockery, an expensive of ,628.96. I Mr C. O. Ross beat Mr Widder, 6 to
time cf tomfoolery, and a useless ap 1 and 6 to 3.
fm551 wirers.
Mr Strachan beat Mr C. C. Ross, 6 to
1 and 7 to 5. than it i. in Exeter. We an,
get at least three hotel keepers here who
will endorse this statement. Liquor can
yet be sold to men who can • depended
upon to sear judiciously. We should
not wonder that an anti -Scott reeve,such
as Dr. Rollins has proven biases!! to be,
• vt a,in hie wunicipelit7.. (meld gst • glass "'Welty sky in Gude-
ly vie•MA.
id the Scott 4et, from its
mimes the lash 1 How Mit that The doctor u very angry in hu l
ngartb, s •gi•trate and • streug
Aet •dveeat., of Stephen town- and an angry man generally gives away
refused to act, for fear of be- his case. In .:easing himself by quota
out, p.t off mitt Ire• 1 !s Ing the cowardly enndect of certain
Bst'' 11, J 1f ^r P^"t""I7. Boott Act , he vires away his
r to Via than wine u to Met
is it that there is act sen- position as an opponente appoint -
to thoint-
word of
few every Hoot( Act magistrate in meet of a dilly paid, specially appointede.
Herne. all of whom i believe pan4 He asks : "I. Mr
wed to sell How is it that the Inset Hogarth'. lit., family and property terms
her for Smith Heron, whois also•n • dear to him than mise a to me f" That
Scott AM man, nr a en claimed
hie fries, who is sexed in the is hard on the "antis.' And amain Dr.
mw y proco( deliberst.Iy harking an Rollins writes, that he doe sot intend
.ivy ill" • violation "4 tk. Asti leaving Scott Ast magistrates in "safety
Thief, megYtwlea net he tette era w
e the hile he does the work."
Re. Hew ie it,
weed of eendeweseise for him? Whet I sock, that tltesa M He says magistrate every agi.4rat* in [south
ma the somber fur South Horns, Scott Act and otherwise, refused
to (11.14 Ike cwt Ws. it feaMean, to take es•, sad Ie M did nwish to
hdan eJW &1 How .s °ellen a it take all the Mises, ring red re•pallaihil-
Isamosat the ..peetoir i• so samosa to lay
V Risme. to it el ealoseiag it. Them is se implied
(eemi.g sore y
ployswhine the swooned that Dr. Rollins fears that if
sed W .seer yet he does his whole d.ty there is tagger
w vY
Infermetion before tohie we. many nr property. We
.lases in hi. own .. sever mid es heed Ikiapleet the
tagpwwtdr 1e p i liquor patty .4 Moa
with my opinion, but it the rote of all claimed, if paid futthwilh. Iteferted to
the honest yeomanry who hare served public wuvka eammiuee.
upon grand juries be polled, my little From, Hodgkins h Clarke,
1Vatertuwn, etatisg that an engineer
demur will head the heap by • large would be sent to make examination of
The Canadian Methodist ]tug•dae for Octo-
ber. len Pelee int a year; 61 tarsal mouths:
IS cents per somber
ate by the f:.'• and many reform This number gives the third and coa-
A rod
t and don't you disremember it. water supply in • few days. eluding paper cif the splendidly illvelrst-
f Th got jury is a lopsided institutive rsrmoxe. ad series on "Our Indian Empire -ds
journals, who can
ante it on its change
Mail must cow go on
f orison
cordially congrat- i majora y,
or the better. e
which never has both sides g
^f the ries. From Chas. A. Nairn and others, ask. cities, its palaees,its people.'' Rev Prof.
and help the re- I tog that • lamp he placed nn the corner Show crntnbotes an
ted n t h n ftme-
admirable inset st-
ling the Senate in tion presented o i w n judicial
of Victoria and Trafalgar 'treat. tient- led paper on two famous
the t mol tl& of tilepran,
s if not of I terns• and t• more useless and les erns- u:d
the box•pleating, c liar and snattands t y•
geed t�„ mental than the blue ' 1 ' on ` From J. % , captain of Salve.
t,nn Arm asking naso o4 taxation
• of the lumber•nau s red flannel shirt. their hall on the ground that it se • place
Vote it down, boys ; we've Ito use f .r a. ; aim
l'r to the tis* of writing the Hanoi- of worship. Referred to court o (
ton Rperfafor, who, by -the way, says he I Fn m Stephen Ball, asking that the tributes a valuable paper .w. "Brooks noel
was [stmt at the Cayuga me*ttag et -But I it change the auhj.vt, prod taro 'ro
P I back mess against the hones and lot for- the Bih1e,-' and Rev. J. T. Seymour one
which Hsi. Thomas polo rod lhs JuIlly attention . the poliuiilymil engoutlage merly ooespe.d by John Sheehan as ten- on Gr.rge Moore, the Merchant-i'hilaa-
pictun of Riel with • ops arcuated his Judge Tums has been busily engaged &rot, M remitted. The latter n.rer paid j thropiet. (len. Staphewsm, M. A., of
neck, and likened the rebel chief tr. & of late in revising the inial lith in Etat any rant, and the former dc.e. norm eon L,edon, England, e.Notribate. an intra
new Catholic rant, has failed to state' Hove. Io Grey, I uad.rstaod, he has eider that his taxes should he placed seting aocoent of the relations of York -
the exact words which the Minister of i thrown not the entire C , against the property. Referred to court ,,shire Methodism to the United States.
1 and from what 1 heard i hi„_ u( revision. A charming paper i• given on Chivlolry,
the interior'• aid on the occasion. in P�( asrotT or WA
,v.wwtrrxt. by )hiss Roes Cleveland, sister of the
than interest of Mr White the 4jvrrtafor
iwvs he hu mighty ¢send ¢manes Veer:. T„ „11 jN4,14 r
owl Coil pied if the ToorN „/ President o.i the United States. One
take the steed. do rte in that township the» i• Groh A dwneed accounts ut the flan Cinder
Selwyn, and Patterson, the mat
ter bishop of Melanesia, to whose tragic
death the Queen referred from the
throne. A number of charming pictures
illustrate • trip through the mountain
regions et the Carolinas r ceetly 000-
" "''
wiring Tory nosed Bob Bowen, who the Gtiattsrrtx,-The committee to whom enc..n i et the lat. British Coaferrw..
ZMIZI year undertook the role of appellant. sou referred ibe �ce,nnte of Wallace Boll at been m -sleeted the Geeeral Om -
i Bob, whom lam well segauated with, n and VanTuyl & Fairbanks I ferenee, nukes a reins 1
l.1, That the as of stop b. omer.d t.•
Screwy -we Dr•Tlsa -Mr J. Tobin had a jolly, higheerted Englishmen, het like Weise@ Bell, without prejudice, in fill for 1RR7. Wes. Bunn•, p.ilWer, 'N►
t,, keep "lath" lest week, Mn Tobin inane of his fellow-cruntrysen, seat payment ..f his elates for damages for ronin.
Doing sway for • ton days' visit to friends M tan¢bt anything by the "Mormon lore . f tome is of 1
near London. Old
VW IMO rot oro and tuber sad tone time .n
fel. Kanucks" who first saw the light this Pint!' t. wat-
t ad in pumping water. 2nd, That we d.. Faatw•tu_ -Rev J. A. McGillivray.
Quite • number of r or bargh.ra took .ids of the I Well, M got sot accept the tee started in the *content B A., to..chid his farewell wrens at
in the western fair at the Forest City ell he data to ether, and then appealed „1 Van rayl R Fairbanks, and that the this pia,* nn Kendal lset. in tho.n..v•
last week• before his Moor against the ".4t.,rj mow be deducted from their eeeount, u of the dimmers. he alluded to the frieed-
Twn week• •g^ we notice nor jovial moat Ralf' of be tawnebip of Grey 10- the discharge a too wall, not being the 1v that had always existed be-
friend, Mr 7oega.r, bad a good yield of Need oietpiii the "Nolen' LI4. Tae alae, tween mks eneevef,atirwr cad Aittaaslt, acct
"woes" from one hill, but R Qtaid Jnw. BRtrrda. enwiplitwe ted oke enwtmgalion wpnw 1ha
I re been told, that the
beat this ivy tU from owe hilt, act kat .6 1� C. A. Hnrwaa ttlswtion whisk they had girwn t}y
tad 16 from o.teWw hill&, sppsal woe outside of his jeriedietios, P. Melissa.
Ian chart. The editor who has
pesseAed Word.