The Huron Signal, 1886-10-01, Page 7MwmbI. Mw a Anew aowL Larslss Tlompmm, stab p degth .1 1 air. awl the d the department .! animal Wary ha IoM stens. woe k....e as a tIRvwry ..d sei.Ntb wrath- relates to a recent report the toaewiag iatrMi.g lactiwtt: 'I mads. food ail tamer tttU me a track' thee other 4.y whim 1 tap bks the rears Ids clever holds have rapid le base as .murk seed as they for's►I7 did. 'Yee dmu% allow the learaU. Omni W 1.. Med en year form, .lo yowl' 1 - aid •Yes, rr. 1 do,' he erred, ' 1 snake my boys burs up every plagued wet d them.' 'N 1' piemd-' I replied. •AoJ that is why low clover seed fade row BormhM b ish* clover .sed.' 'You're a crush!-You`re • swab r M waeWmed, and looker' at me as If be though 1 tires • GI abject kw tM hues flic whim And yet it is a taut fiat a we'•aE naw d bwmbl* barn, in a Mg dower fail, b i1W is the owner; for thea* mews an chief agnate in fertilising Use blaasu.n, lber by tma.rtag . hoary crop of .red. la Millealla Wee aro no bucu►ie bees at our Lind, and they could mot rais clover seed Nine .u14 they imported .*tee bumble bean' Tosses ea uteemargara°e• Nara an the chd provisions s of the sew law M of the Oaf asp pay pts), wbnisala d• alar. Atte, and ..sty diadem gel Manufacturers shall ren- der regular Mersa to rhe United Hl.Isu ed - lector of internal revenue. The product mast be cold is stamped packages, Auld shall be eased two emits a poured beaks the sums peel by mamuf.Lgnrsr and deader. Tat stamp must be used to the packager Mowing that this has bees pati The cord -oleomargar- ine shall be plainly stamped epee the pack- ages- °k imported from abroad shall be used Arleen team a pound. Thum n olutleg The law an to be pinnal with km primeme°t and there, one or both, a. epeelied ie law. The tines range from ISO up b 111015, and yes tempa.ra. Yoe IAMB THN HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 1,1886 geese/ tame yes. Keep a shade oe your lamp or gas harmer. Avoid all *odds° chat.aea between kvht .ted darkness. Never begin to read, ante -.r eaw for novena minutes after coming from dark- ness nit,. a bright light. Nevar read by twilight, mooUligbt, or on cloudy days Never reed or sew directly le front OI the light, window or dour. It is host to let the light fall from elven, ubliyeely, over the left ,hculder. Never sleep r. that, on first awaken ing, the eyes shall open on the light of the window. 1)•, n,.t u.. the •yasivht by (Petit e• scar t that it requires a light to discrim- inate. The moment you are iustincti.ely prompted t., ruh your eyes, that mum - rut stop using them. The reason why cards, dancing and billiards never lire their charm for some people is because they are social amuse- ments; they till up all internals of silence and awkwardness ; they occupy and di- vert the aUentie.n, yet permit • quiet m- terchenge tf thought and sentiment without interrupting the course of the play, anti they ,I,Ir• shallow, uniotelluc- . al and enipty headed, but agreeable, graced ul and idle people • chance to shine as t.nIIie'try as thew posesssing mon sterling qualities. S..ei.ty loves gilding. not ',Aid add, for it would be hear), e1 n,hersume, impracticable. tiesvi taad which the law MIR be wrested every lima. es- terday r' naked the lawyer of e woman, HURON AND BRUCE WAN AND INVESTMENT MOIIPUT TL. C4 epuwp is Loawiey Muswy at Ars Stew.rety at Lousst Pate* of astern& MORTUAOES PURCRASED. SAVINOS BANK BRANCH. I. 4 sad 5 rr Cyst, Interest AUurfd va D.:punta, a«Uni;wy fu .,nwwt and base left. urines :-Cor. of Market Square and North Street. O-lerieb. H')RA('R HORTON, God 'kb Are. stk. iesIN - peri. my °Yet Nem bey °wird Nide d case in which husband and wife we "kaow6tgly." which wasenimiDgly lusted w i n .otstrea "N.,,' she answered, with a se ,, Into the bill to the sate. The . 1: mew pross that the amine knew Ana "be wasn't on ten stand. He wash., was Mal 1' log ot "n the art. That's the kind of a man he 1,,,,,o is, • heueteT then is anything to set un, Sweet cora Tedder. from a satin ..ly to the top rail of a worst ('ut it before the stalks base turned alto fel ea. . Viae yellow U P of! Ali 11se tears, sail, The (N•dv rather happily dubs the Mod rid tea a eap•rwtaly ; bare tae dale en Tories "the Bunters .' They certainly tires ters7isbt ►mune than and t►ae u bare Ween hunting their beads against sheaves et about tweet), pounds !when drys, ever thong w item night fur mine time. whisk b easily gsae.d arta ..oda( ..t . y hue, and ••t these asp in tau noon., pm. Perhaps their skull are built that way. triad as "ells et wail grate are, rev bound The phrase "'lightning rapidity,' was elosly at the top to shad rain. They cure m I probably first made use of by • man who Ulla w.1 vvs7 well. with twett<y-tirs °Mases, , tmoughttelly placed the hot end of e or o00 pounce, la eaeb * ooh, mad after a 1 Harr in lits mouth and forget dust Low 11•°.16 ray be gaNred unto larger •buck"' quick he pulled it out again. err small slacks, In two tiers with a rep, sad! - - r hole ten to chart A led took k. y h thawing lou sheave, ora tow in each (the for he first time. Upon hearing the and e_1 with the ' f ie a grossed read an aetapfr anneal for oar am r pi r awns fro ono day for cam row. t due n,' said the mther. ^ "I won't," D7 Ih g en Ma ereP m tW way H b quits : be .hooted, I Waat tui onetbaasoakey.' . bamr oaken, nrksn cwt mixed co% or gen he was ,on his feet instanter. "lits they to measure vet t►• fodder without waste 1 A Raw aaD--Of en• dosed 'TiAmaa ar vias, sed ta lead rsgularty a8 w Qtian• et" to any Noe eewdin f tie bed four lin- PTV cosaths( the abeaveti The use tat awed little G6em for the Teeth and Eat._ Lek corm fodder II eate°dtng rapid!), your dru;pteet a addrees Owed, It Trse• National Pills will cure constipated G.s tar waw b sew death to potato b./a bowels and regulates the fiver. lm IA it Herz. of Bridgton, N. Y , near Reader e lbw, las flue two years past used on Isla vacate visem water which has been wterm . pail gas tar. Put aro quarts of gas and 111 the pelf wttb water. stir it up wee sad et the tar Mete: t uc kle the 'clew with the water tram a p This iia proved more effective than arts greet 1+ He has bio tried It on currant bases., and ends M messily effective. It r and perfectly reliable, and no doubt w /rte pushy sere d.eAY se Insecta ut •very kded ea trees. Tbb use ter min he had ter 81, • barrel, mad ewe barrel would apply e ..nale taw..hip, Poach Sorer. The barer is fatal to all peach trees nal, fully pso eded spurt its ravages. This eau be a satwtwfy dao by the application 4 the following wash: Four gallons whitewash. tan pert day, two quarte fresh cow dnrppinga ewe evert lye that boars au egg. Mix thew ingredients to a proper •tit wMw. Lamer* tM mount term the top 't the room clew to the tree, an.t apply tato wail tote eapossd roots not to the :mb'tle trunk of the tree, faelud.ng the b•.i!ow between thou lowest braacb a Cover taw roots again with sank The wed oaks be applied t tory .sped► Howdy by mesas of a teen Milian_ Veal Churn.. thrrein 'mew ough decay tie entente la fah in R ens ODOM of ) of pews' to Arty uta. et Sr will uweeteu it Put kt the poems and tldir up well. The water sea turn Pie *M. MAN it does not ck•ar u. a few moments a Mlle more of the perna u,,atu is pedalos should his tickled_ The refuse UM set U. lb a eedtmeut at the bottom of tin churn May withoat ngredal arasaar.ag, mid by sur rh m• un reAseeee. ' the reelarkable T5.tep to De .ad to Skew. Gress is seta paying crer is the .oath. Iowa a tam leading dairy state to the nines. Michigan amber wheat in one Mealyv her yielded thirty bu.M4to esu acre tib animer. Don't 1st the ragweed go to.e.l upon len: °bubble Adds. It ruler the tarts 4 the milk and tsAtwa butter. Brides that, iA looks lib &dram Down with M! T)n not let your pigs glean the wbeet Cells unless you can hit than Imre a run to grad, sheds and water Tt h dangerous and un- profitable -Swine Journal It the railroads pay the damage whir+ bat beet mused to farmers in Iowa by fire from their iocos*oUT'es. M will take e..nr of the prides trews the watered .leek. -Iowa Regis. Mr. --- • mommall //" PSRRY DAVIS' 'Nag PAIN -KILLER New DRESS GOODS OPENED TO -DAY LT J. C.DETLOR & Co 1* iscun°eNDLD AT Physician,, Miaireve, Missionaries, .Mummers e' Fact. tea, Work -Mops, I'tunGUi•»tl, . milk t in Hospita.A, -in short, Wei has eats pawn it a triol. TARRY I*,Taa%LLL T el11D WITH A '.I% a t. LAM or HOT 11 1 1111* A UP eLGAI, FT WILL B P005D A Javan W*IUill Craw Ma SUDDEN COLDS, CIIILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF d CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACU, SUM-. MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS. SORE THROAT . •c. ArrLl$D ZETEam►LLT, IE raaiEsl'g Ilda retires IT Tea Marr Ain AIM IlilemrT es 1 1TM t7 MX MOrina THE Pala A111 USA Vann SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHIACITF., BURRS, FROST BiTES, Lc_., Lc. per Bot:lc. WV' Beware of Imitations. -fix tisderich. Atilt. Mph. til BFOR PI'ItIT'I. art F.►.TNEris, a. rl.AVUR IS UNEQUALLED. 7 travelling *vibe. °RAND TRUNK KA.T. Agynus. Mta.-d M110d. Oederich leve7#a. la HH'ISp.m S! Stratford I Ar. al . I Wea.w I sp.= o 711*.. V/ VDT. Missed. Mixed. Exprss Sarwcterd I Le. i lM s F • le :to p.m eou tyederk h I Ar. IO;L • to 3Au p,m I IIA! p.m HIGGINS' EUREKA 5112.T Toronto Cash Store AHf1AID A-01AIN_ CAMPBELL'S ' CATHARTIC COMPOUND NEW GOODS ARRIVING, AND OLD GOODS SOLD AT COST. Call and see our Mack d THE NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS, LND LT BOT'T'OM pRIoacs. Remember the *tend' -THE TORONTO ('A is effective in small sines. acts without griping, does not oc- casion acasion nausea, and will not create im- tation and c,vlti,ln as do many 01 tate must cathartics 'ad- ministered `.n the foram of I'ills, Ac. Ladies and Chil- dren haring the most sensitive •i..- machs take this medicine wr,Lout trou- ble or complaint. ('A tis C rc Cowr'nren e to especially adapted for the cure of Ions COw,Wiw £XD &LIOCS 1ll•• Spare. Pa! ACID e1u5ACH a to Leer ser Ar- Worm. mils Rica HILIDACes Ain DTapsrsu. 'Oa C.OI•TIPATION OR C.OvTlvaltwM. moa ALL COWm.AINTs Aalaln0 now A DImOsDaaaD •TAT► or TME STu- MAcw. Itis medicine being in Ilgnid form. the dose can be easily regulated t7 meet the requirements of different per - sows, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the lathe child as to the adult. I'ut rep, in three Ounce bottles, ant 100:d by all dealers 1n family medicines. Pri c la •:i. _7, CealA. sed tRtlwed 1 a.wah• Pram G.UQannfr ste.eettprr. The old Accreh name for a draftt.,ard Wow a "dembrod," beimg simply s Scotch pyre nion haat the Frame el elle (hells: equivalent for Anita or °lege!' . i. e. "heli de lames," or (as ',the gums is chided in Frenab daintier." "Can .how me," sed u{d `teeter• Yidy. enter • Loader w s table cloth d dw,bend patters "' (She meant, of mums. via*, a ebegder rtj41. "W.tI ' replied the wt barn, asadem. very beepentane- et' sumute M broad ss r • e The Mot rawly for a fly town sheep 1a to shear it .e aria am pustihie end as chew as gas be dour Then t.,....f l women* end water equal pans awl bathe the trots infected with .gdThis will utotutlly kill Nam in My.. Qat.•h the sheep. and if any mag gets have ssc'spsed the first time. ghe an- other emigration in my from tour to eight hours. if tak an. i,1 apldi •etitm Now not re move all, repeat every tear 14. eight boars ase to to (.Iced. Than smell, any healing ewws*rtrw t to the part where the ,nag*'4. w.Tw 1f yeti Isva ao dntmsmt spry al.lard two or three Mems daily meth tam he ewes are entirety welt Otos gt,nd net illpn bed aR 1Le thew --Indian. Miter- ed - - t dashed Hera in •little t oA,•• said a bosom mdM M editor wM RIM tpittjer- ed the sanctum. The shout to state that ire didn't tate ;melt', eel • t the young lady produced a h.enti lel golden roll of batter. it was sect/pied with thanks. 4 DON'T BUY Slop 1eCT.Tor11 N"Ht:N Not t AN Gt:T FIRST - CLAf38 riX .7J U TMT `• .'Ili -- AT'__ SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE. A Yrs.b Meek of Goderlch. Feb. oh. Ma 110M DAIRYMEN it will 11rea117 improve your BUTTER & CHEESE. Marne). Icer Ruler° Canada : OakIa4Jesey Dairy, HAMILTON, ONT. /Cad for Free (Uvular 'it Ma. J010 -I1 Marek Amusements. ('I ODERi*-il M I l'H A N 1(:• INSTI- VxTUTE LI!tit AItV AND READING =E. oar. of bast *levet aad Sesser° top Maximter- Opea from 1 to a p.m. end from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 Vt►LS IN LIBRARYI Leading Daily, N-r,L1' and Illustrated Paper., ilio .o.i..ts, kr., on Pile. MEMHERSIill' TICKET. ONLY NSA& <rsmNsg fret ..at of Library are zumiii s Doom. Applleatlon fur wewb.rship received flit Libraries. in router. J. H. COLIM..ItNit. AI.t:X. ]IU I: TON, President. F.rcretary. Uodericli. March Ift INN- C, OI7ERI17ii PLANING MILL vv The Latost Frouck and Amecau Styles ! HATS, BONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimming's The Chicago House. Presorting Zettles Fruit Jars, Coal Oil Ctove3, A, 4 (.l'., PMwonaW. The Cheapest House UNDER THE SUN. West-st., neit door t•. the I'. at 1'dice. p.d.rtrh. July 21st. 4851. t;AldP0BELu1 B 9 444ci i. r of tDat:rig 'Aa atMsd s hpvi a low se hiw* tm.tt the ,set ways ra low w «5 & 9Mdw eIshest tiara arising fro- Low of Mood. Aces trChron. c Diab Diseases. and is s w•aknar that e ani, for rt o.ery foto Waning Fere.*. Pio noddy oil! pK OdeSteady MO( in ► Bad', Tod wpose A * h ee.* abed. 1.o.. t( post it. Thr ♦ ponedelu T• and a 1 cases where lb Y arretTI 'lad c north`. W:, . tTlrvLA b required, f . , aka E XIR wrdl be 1mrALV• AeLa Se1.i by all Mali, t i.f Mrdscsie r. DAVIS di LAWRENCE CO. (Limited) Soca Alarms, WEST STREET. t,ODERICH Ooderic April fth. Ila GEO. S. BROWN,' 6tucaMeor to DR. WHITELY.) !42 PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Having lately added a Krell Stook of Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Eto., to the already weU•aeleeted Mork. baps to intorno the enlaces of Ood_erich that Ise is now able to apply them wits YORE DMLOS and CHILMICALI at Beasom*W. Prioea. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. BOLE AGENT FOP. SEDAN'S INDIA N TONC , ce.nie Greatest Blood Purifier .f the ate. Every Bonk OaarsaMSd. $umday Hours . 10 W 11 a.m.; 2 to 4 p.m Il to 2'!0 p.m Albion Block. Godertch, Ft b. 4th, 1518. f Spring Millinery. Baas. saz= -Iles opened our her SPRING STYLES IN MILLINERY and hu now the latest and moat approved wy1M 1e i boas maps & T timmi Fealhers dowers Rb , Or ALL KINDS. mrAn inspection of the latest sovehiee in hr, dwear, which she has now a clew, is cordially is v ital. 2044 Ooderich. April rind. 11188. 1 ESIABLiI+ 1Et) I?L3. - Buchanan,LawsoB a Robinson. 11•XUru Tc baba 05 Sash, Doors & Blinds D1ALX114 I? ALL KIDD• O, Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder', material of every description. SCISOOL FURNITURE A I/Ew*LU. gfrA Order prosaptl) fattckded t0. Ooderieh Aux. 2. Li'l,. 2-ly The People's Livery tor srA Goderich Foundry and Machine 'Works, Runoiman 13ro13_, Proprietors_ CONTRACTS TAAEN FON STEN ENGINES. FLOORING RIAS. ANO NTNER RAClMERI WANTED. NONTRIAL. P. (1• JOHN KNOX. Proprietor. Tbe.eb•aribe: ispreterrd to urnish he pub l: with The Finest Rigs AT RIGAS0NAHLI5 1'1t1(4.$ CALL AND 14 PIE L S-Oppos the Collor Hate Goderich. Ooderich. Fel,. 14: h .18 11168 Flouring dills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. Horse Powers, Olstn Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, eta, ere., at Low PricaLl .111 Kit/ (l., of Castings Made to Order. R. tip. Rt'iciu*A W C'. P7.-.7=313. Ane;:saes' tot •ke Cr ietn the!r cue per-sii-t. Is n 11.1.!a. 1• r •. L. ,1 ef.crr.ai lieraeysr et w.eme sr AdNsm J. B. Rrec1Mst, Ood• tub. Noe. y. UM NOW COMPL ;1 ! NOW groTO MACKINAC. The poet rislighirot SUMMER TOUR low 11.1*. sear Tenn !Q W sea Howww DETROIT AND MACKINAC Aad Anal writ Dal assw.A. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND WOW rue ire "Picts eagw Mackinac,' Illuatr.Mi. • 0*nsalas Ten 7rrtlssmre. Mailed Pees. Wirer & Clevelasd Steam Nev. CO. C. D. W ITCOo T. 0190H. . ART. DT5 .COX &CO COMMISSION Ain STOCK BROKERS, t vteo,tv-r. Thirties, Rl.0 k Ps.. b..na.1. 1 26 TORONTO -ST., TORONTO Direct Wire to Montreal. New York. Olt 1'iry and cues's. C M PLETJ± ! Stocks, Bonds, Grain Provis- ions and Oil Bought or Sold for Cash or on Margin. GODEAnCH AGENCY, - WEST ST., A ('HO1C'E STOCK OF 131EILY CICOCII3191 R. RADCLIFFE. and. C -roceries_ SPECIAL LINES IN Dress Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds. Highest Price Paid for Satter 85 Eggs. EORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. pederieb, April 20th. ID J -.:y 7Fth. 1.458. 11143m Manager. GODERICH BOILER WORE Chrystal & Black 4nn,.fe.•twee/ of all kinds of STATIONERY. MINE. UPNIGNT AID TUNIILI BOILERS. SALT PANS, SMOKE STACK aad all k{ndal of Sheet iron work. aTi.A1 Ali WATT! MTS t'ITT1*W constantly on hand. On band• ready for delivery : 1 Se ■.r• t w Merl Moller. 1 1 M.T. rue 5.45.►. A Complete 2nd -bald Threshing Oiti reeler. Caadne, Separator. tr.. all to goal working order. Will he weld cheap. Mall orders will r.c.lre prompt attention Work. t Opp. 4.. T. ■. Ma4Nw. P.O. BOX 361. Go,lerleh, Nasi 581.. hair.