The Huron Signal, 1886-10-01, Page 6►
L f 1. but a IONalmost infallible le IO ababith
/ to the stern of the boat and the net
t- i hauled in over it. As soca as the fish I Morbus, Dysentery, Ciik.r of tai`
i &ppssrs emir the surface. if not secure in' Storm us
and bowels, ani the various
the net, await' book is stuck IoM its head Summer Complaints, whose attacks are
and it is landed, the fish are taken etas swddea and fatal. 2 from ;
net as soon as on board and placed intim
hold, when the net is hauled in. (it is
either reset or taken on shore to dry) the
sails are hoisted and wo make for port.
(ln srrivine the fish are landed, opened
and cleaned., weighed by Mr MaLeod,
who Nuys all the fish that are aught by
the Ilea. They are immediately packed
in ice, 200 Ib. in each barrel, and ex-
pressed to different points in Canada and
l'. S. The avenge catch this season has
been from 50 to 350 Ibs per day, which
- at Scow.$b, Gaither greet Musa Of sisal Isspertaae.
the roe's Q `.'.lCf thin N oaten to the mineral babes, 3t Disk u wwttial that the volas
-- to Magas of the bady bleed, ?um bhs. •, trot a
Lasa, I),mmgt'tiioti, addrato..+l to her g
[boos 0a the death a )Iter las tar have %ail gy . WO "per -"per- tare or pleat aboOM have sap to were&
settle." " 10 My hal salt is. cud invigorate its erowtb. Nearly all
rooms permits.
Tle fairest Aowere that earth can) died.
Are often ?labile .s tory rr fair :
Osard aa wr will with strongest shield.
Tbr1 perish 'swath the ,eadareet core.
The oak mar lasts thotaaad'gen t
The cedar !ung de yh
mon on the lily doormats.
Hero the t osehud'• longest day .
Itrtara and toot us toeest u• lem•t,
And not ear, welds rlua inn to earth .
But 110'tr.-. or h tam nr'er are areal.
They're tender faun tam: very bull.
And so we Sed el r our kueg•.
The lovelies. opt •'
Thr dearer,. swso.ssi ore that rouses,
Death wires Sect and la, s 1 Wte.
mirk. Death loves a ah(nine '11. said.
Brent, bot to rants 1 . r- ..1 dart :
Alis tee." ! aontor• . Ir et died
The) sleep titan aborts was hard to part.
Your Ida was a Ictal, 11... e,
\t'Woe f•sy•.,ace Harw «.1
Havel yaf.n.
del4;ht .
lint cruel dt..•1.wi h -alai twaa
'too.1.Modred!her 't'u,: our lrngirgttELL
lint don't tepioe. in Fd '• I./•wcr
she bleurns beast, era: sow
.t .w retro. b irate.. leveller Dower
rr.1411whoa to tk:. tela wide law grew.
ThThem(me '-oto sinan'a p•cl neva now.
Iran;,\ to ., •. w tL L. Lo'd.
oats' we swap is salwind• or allowestour bodily i14 aro bleu unhealthy
dad • bath in this water is a nal enjoy- t blood Burdock Blood Bitten purifies
seat, as well as beneficial to invalids. This fountain of life, and regulates all the
W. had smartly Iequtlas to mention the vital organs 10 a hsakby &anon
hotel s000modatiou, which is excellent, wig, a vosa g tidy say..1l. has lot,
and the Prima ("Mad aro eery 'der'aint° b'sr bow she Desasshe has two
Prism. Our stay was trade at the popular us to IDr ♦rims.
Buehby House, but there are other howls In the history of medicines nu pups
alai called eery go
The ti.heraeu are almost as proud of ration has received each universal coin
me njatios, for the alleviation it .fiords
and the permanent cure it effects in kid
ney diseases as Dr Van Buren's Kidney,
Cure. Its action in this distressing
complaints is simply woaderfuL Sold
by J. Wilson. :m
Prof. Low's Sulphur Boyd is a cheap
and handy form of obtauun: the heal-
ing tartan of a sulphur bath. lis+
their boats as they are of their wives,
sad .peek of them as 1f they were things
of life, each fisherman believonit his
the fastest hailing boat on the Ssugeen
Reasons why you eboeld purchase
Fluid i.ightnicg in pief.rsuoe to all
....her remedies are : Rapid result --
cures instantly. It ia'gaily applied -no
trouble no lust time. It does not re-
quire °Dosser% use -one application is
effectual One bottle will remove more
Pads) than any other remedy in ciliation
Try n fist Nsurslbia, Toothache, Head-
ache. l:heuutausm. Sold at 25c. a bottle
by U. I:bye:Is, Druy;ist. it
-1y etaee,l.d M have
for the est cam •
sold water with its
it is
been a strange
ad Mail to mix
The crow n of Flu• data her twwws
And Heaven's toilJay ler ab rewala. t!'hile the a..iT is minding
The c «Leu stir .o'l of life is u cr jdan Duet area Is. eros.
I II tilt Sa'"•'o`"r' i:• r rr"o, toy. The Toronto Tory utayattrrs are Lok
Au.l thea fo'•eve--*ren neo r for Johnny Marian. it sill be
tongue sed rev-, emgsby. swell
1'tsW will her toss' _Jau'r. Caswell. recollected that "Johnny M ori+n played
the organ," and they have a fancy for
.e Ward ofle:Jta.atIA Everybody is either wholly 'molested
The liver secrets bee to score the or half amused by the AL,,. , n'o'el r 1..well ; the !.sol iiays secrtte urine to carry , perimont of kenning a Tory party west -
I tf uric acid. wbich would f.nteon the i ,ut "taking something."
blood ; the s•nmach secrets gastric •juice j It is pretty cheeky of the //fide- t,► dewy
to •ils;est cur das'•ol:i the tool. eto Bar the .il +dl's right to support prohibition tf
it wants to. We have our opinion maws
a saint who terns down the 'lamps when
he sees a sinner returning.
Catanitu Tug B.►nlrxrt. -The ltr'nhi-
bitio'iiata have strnek nil, and the new
bore is a gusher. Fur the the first thus
is) many months the esteemed Mai is
I't.a• guilty of gushin.t. Ii appears to have
loot its literary judgment along with its
pclitics, and talks of being ''ealutedas*
Its P's Sir
duck Blood lat. •raat•+ ui,o •. thesis or
gaps and i ursties i be blo .d by cleanse
all the secrete". s' of the ssstein.
♦ t:rnpb'c aecrrIptl.a •f Ike Late
The following interesting, account of full private for twenty gra year: for the
Cie Southampton fishing wdtutries, prrposs of "drumm i _ „guard -
ha camp, keeping the wespotu
mineral Battu anti hotel acrnm+idatiusl' bright. and sten carrying a banner in
1,as been furnished the Brantford (tour -ire the tight if the leaders think tit to en-
( Great Britain the o oration of Hume
!aisle to oumtrsandivt attawtioa. To the ntu••d and tocol to Oen seined) 'r""14"4
man with a add in aha headf •n• rhe kers Marr. lb" ya�re•
0r cheat the Il.'m Ata marvrl.'w t",w'r ever tli.e tenthly
sa[rs• sea to cocoa' Haire Ku'. over • then! dlwwa•. wAta drat oagrnt,g tole now
y .+ 1.•t'ratnl n•tnnt7 to tie• pub8.•. M. Yl an-
coldii..• is to have "n hand a bottle of Ur Ilio ,trot • •If oua:y of calker it its 'st es)•
llan•ev's Rad Pin. (;um. For sale at .uitaplI.w Caret" but sbandootd that
J. Wilauu• 1'relcriptiun drug store. tf n.ntw• r tom.:nited for • mr.hrir.• 1...L.
from 1� w�derfill itemrt,atti,... canon td tdr:o•. ur
9 THE BEV. ftEO. H. TR A Y BR, of atn•nb t& , frM"uial,l ncd continuation
� pe -
Bourboti Ina sa s : ••list► myself and
Ili ALL $aylUStt
front • eo•asmiun �q. tea, .s !Bra low,
t.) the wont *errr.Ia. Salt.r ..t iR.
's p.0.0, -M MI' a Ny lad
1p�nciy a anal,. !y eseremora'
fls rs thIs
i,irm Peas
n�(, a�s'lalnt torso oll
`selw` !'leers rope lent took r ,ta cams a w•wo+ I e%141.1 e t sununssec
ils mono, in .a.rtag T r. woes Rash,
Sol I., Carhaweirs, Sore sof ea, Se role
ultras Sores mod awelllagss MIp-
Joint Mersey, whlto Pind Enlarged
Goitre, or Valeta !lel, z 444.11.14.1 gad
satsuma. w th e.,brr•d plats, or Ilam
{„tyre enactst.
or k.w mow amount for r trtatira•
,,��tu, ,.cant1nyya•
Golden Medical SI•r r spit.
Use sad vleal .ireugsY,bin/tyrant
ig be us rt'•ial+'d-
"Tear Bi$oe int Aires
Tome , .•lnwniw• K ,ialueg eestaa
n rM n { whish Is Scrofula of taeLungs, it �
by llessrs S M. Thumpson, aed ftobt trust us with one." Hid we not been
'Turner, who have been 'pendia; their told that the Nod man are slot all teeto-
talers we should say that a writer who
slops over in such faebicn must be full.
Few persons who emit.), the t.e,theetn: There cite be no objection to the brethren
fresh whitefish sod salmon trout at their } carryintt the banaar. If necessary to
tables are aware of the labor, expense their happiness they shall have two
and danger the fishermen have to under- banneraand a deg ors top of pulptower.
go to obtain thein. Having spool a few As the W01-1 i copal Led yust relay,
holidays at Son•hanpton we learned the the MI•,il crates psrnil
a.Iun w carry a
fellowin.; from the fishermen themselves. banner in the prohibition prnceasiott. Pio
They have a fleet of 13. tubing smacks . journal can be refusedlt banner that has
which find an c:cellent harbor in the the Bunting -Titania World,
leaugeen River, which flows into lake'
Heron, jot below the village. Barb I
Twat requires a crew of three men Ladies troubled with Pimplee,Blutches,
and coats about 59)0, the Zoll oomple- Rough Randa or Face, or Dices of anv
ment of nets required for the boat is d.uwi)tiom, should use McGregor S
f..ur sets, each benig two and shalt miles Parl. e. Carbolic Comte. It will leave
long. or ten miles in all. the nets and the skin in prebet health, smooth, dean
other necessary futures costing about and good •alar. E• ute and get the
$1,000, making the total for bunt and inooine. made by ego'
outtit $1,:)00. Add to this an outlay of Price 2°5c. Sold at Geo. I:byres' Ltug
say $300 at tho beginning of spring fish- Store. (S)
ing for necessary r•epaits. The Bahia'
season comment*, in 11(57 tad ends in
November; tho fishing grounds are from
five to tifty'miles distant, a000tdlss[ to
the season, and the depth ei water where
the nets are hot in is from 1f? to 100
fathoms (a fathom is 6 feet) making the
depth from CO to 000 ft; Uo the arrival work of man, and we can assure o it
of the smacks at their buoys, which are reader that Pr. Fowler's Extract of
all marked be their owners, the sails are % 11d Strawberry is not only
lowered. A large zit= roller is attached 1111144441.
'urn- t ,- a r.:n. Io r
dew, 4 ,,,.siwtod. scot ^*!.
r tor iU l ''trod: 1a.
*iIe owe our Ines to SHiWa e CO e"as d tie' 4.1
st'M1 r11lN C('KE. , For sale by .1.
Wilson, druggist.
2 Will You Suffsr with Dyspepsia and
Neer VnniplalMT Itmm10 Y
rnsrsnteed to cure you. Fur sale by 3.
\S'tison Druggist.
T. the Medical Frases.lon. aa( all
1/ may reaves.
Phos thattne, or Nerve L. .a, a 1?Ikes-
i.Uver. Blood, and Lungs.
If ymi ireel dual, dr.vww, .b•bilitatrd, have
mow.,..,,, .kn or )ref! , h-4r'.wn q••t.
M hr'wtrt'an Of .wua.-
Mel. bald tete in mu.itb, int, raw: b' -at or
chins, all, rat mg w rt'1 hot lashes, low &piths
gloomy ghoy fol.•b,dious. Irn•rtltar-t�pa't+
and elated 1..01111... yon arca butt. front
Indiffeetlow, O %repels. sol ervid
Liver. or 4'1111111 ^ In wary
taDa ' 1:11.,`•,t7; s3 tnptow a err ra / •�
: .iso h tow
IlNlcal Db.
New Coodis,
New Styles,
G ante' Furnishing, Hats ane cape, 85c.
nn race nr body.
hate leutt'St leased u •n Scientific •r. rete older
pp a ewrya.(• esenerar"1 Nu gone into the A ; .. .:...tai la:n:. no Li t p.,.o r , sial rag resents tae following Lista** -
Facti, t'evrwlatwl by Profaner Austin, poli Law`&. fiNulw{ of
M. D f Boston Maas.cures Pulman- Stood +aortae.. io Breath.& rote jti1:11 \I 1N, Brantford. I;INUEKS, ,�(tiw'l t ti sad REtI'EF.o
If )s)0 wast a rhoap )rt M71teh soar, call at
_& AI3AM BMI r 'IB.
giwler1,h. June '.J. lel&.
Use on y,,ur Machinery only the Well-known
SIX GOLD MEDALS i.e•,MrrNirti a *%Lf&a lbw IgM uhreergWs ori
ala,. o'Ir r1:a:fitivals aaLa t:wCsaS fes your % sBliss' Poo, 'd..t :'reg ,r,•,1 at 'aero t Ity ell Worts, by
Fur pale b)
YATES & ACHESON, Goderich.
Tonann. J one 1,o1
Agricultural Implements.
o • ' 'olds. AMlha. Revere !cert eti an �"
cry Consumption, Sick Headache, \er- tmdn+t .111.r•ton'ai• '. nu'a:.i:rt 71;rtr. COCKS!'U ri% Brtwtford, PLiAge, dATLIIADEtto arta .71:t'F1 LEES
c.,us Attacks, Vertigo, cud Naunlgia � sr p„c.wuTe. akla •()� �!A\t;l•:�l'TI�RI�I: CO.,(1.hnN'a, SEED 1)ItlLl.ri
l. Ph hat' t pepdedn r. for
N1TLla for PS.00. �.� and
sad 8111 wasting diseases of the, human .and ton gnu lis sato' for
Ifs. P:env'. LAWN st sWEk$.
min Ire ie two a e. to. ion l' �t,,
bat a Nntriuwot, beoatlae it contains no. we 'a Pieperoars ,rllt'�r�„�"o- A(iChT Fs)k
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates easalewe al
; mein
Niro/ties, and no Stimulants, bot admit
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A entitle both?*
iseul$oi.sst to euuvusee. All DregraLa
still it. $1 00 per head.. T.ovnas &
Co stole agent* fur the Ilwariatoa,
r:n �tlab+
tor a _
way tnn.'t cut'. If yen
-. - b,eve s u.•charg. swarm the
I $ Trout 9tflggrt East Toronto osentee or Sell 4.-f
trate. nr healer. tam t•• .7r•II MAI
of Or. „I 1`�tri -)
a..n Bear &ear .- _ mica Wrmlw •' in couson t khon.
y=UY .•utrr1lM' worst
Don't al cold b held t slowly 1 ie • bf Cai�rtrli� Urea grzs..'• ,
low a in *• "cola tr
and sorely develops into Catarrh when and l'a/arAal itlr.aaeh.• m vents.
you be cured for 23 eros&
A fakir a�phcations will core incipient West Street Meat Markets
Oblears will core ordinary
tnMll8 New York S!ii8r Sewing la�hivas,
D yourFe_et__
N1►U Hatnikee meati, a few &en bet w tae ' o tto nr 1101..1.
oe or y
&TRhiftSt011. ne to fire b�'iea will cure chronic hIIIiIFPWS B
Sold by James Nilson at 25c per box.
Tay. --take no other -it will cure ALL KINDS GF
"I am willing to give • young man a'
start is life," said old (funks, se be
kicked Jones ort of the door, "but i
don't consider shy daughter s alwrlre to
be thrown into tits bargain."
fiches!, wan Sam Pettey
As bnnest medicine ii the noblest
LL ly
11 WHY WILL YOU cough alteuM EAr'i !tore will lila immediate relief.
Pres 10 ata fro ora and $ll For sale
by J. Wilson, druggist.
care Attention ad Proms 11. "Jae
G Shiloh's Cough and consumption Cure !tee 24th ISti. 27-
i. sold by us on a guarantee. It coroot
Consumption. For sale by J. Wilson,
-t ,
a5 1
t'H h
h s!' it,
g's) tltcj
n.nM a<
mai dr
drill ho
"Have you aeon Mn -lately?"-.
lady who did all the talking. "Ido, I
had to give up her aoquaratance. f tried
for two years to tell her something in
new a Mae 5'as delis ( d.
A slim young man in the height of
fashion was violent; sneezing ht a street
car, when • remarked, "Aw,
Chawles, deah boy, ow d'ye aid) %:tat
dwesdful ould." "Aw, drab feliah, left
my cane in the lower hall tother day,
is considered very unprofitable. The and in sucking the ivory handle, so
season's catch for each hent will be abut dweadful cold, it chilled mo almost to
96 tens, bet th. Siakertw.n "Jr to mak* death." 1f Charles had used Dr. Har -
it Par they ab.uld take an cors a of fiO0 vey's Red Pine Gem his add would not
Ihe a day. The men are occopied during trouble him very much. For sale at J.
the winter repairing nets and making Wilson's . drug store. tf
new anes, printing and m.odiug busts, ('os -mime - oefun, Geotize, yet'',
ails and tacklsog,and is soon as the bah- male this waistcoat o' mine far ower
ing season upon the; are out every day, bid&" Tatwa-"Wool, Tammas, eftec
wet or dry, hot or cold, rough or smooth, the denner a' saw ye tak' tither day a'
they are hardy, brave, kind hearted. i thocbt ye wud sin require it a'."
noble lot of fellows, who willingly risk se wines
their fires to save vessels in dada'.! or It is now in season to warn our readers
shipwrecked crews, which not mitre- against the sudden attacks of Cholera,
gner.tly occur on theft shores. Nearly Cramp, Odic and the various Bowel
all (the S 'uthantptnn fishermen are Complaints incident to the season of ripe
bco;rh Highlanders. and the
4;3.1'S Is
the language chiefly spoken amongst I (rode, v.yetables, etc. Dr. trawler's !g=
tract of Wild Strawberry is the grand
themselves. They are very kind in • ibee for than trouble& 2
jetin•r any information to strangers con- Yet
cernmc thrirdan{;err•usallinttand please- I, A tun h*a iat•rntar) a chair
that an
i ro
ut positions It
aid to lista the opportunity of taking tOe adjusted t , Ylkl d He
them to, the tithing stations. and if they is des,rned for • boy to sit in when he
can spare the time they willingly sive has his halt rot.
them • pail for several miles out in the
lake `talme'u trout are much more
plentiful at the Southampton fishing sta-
tions than whitetish- about seven trout
to rine whitefish ; but in packing them
Mr McLeod is •,site impartial, taking
them Fist as they conte, ao that ■l1 of his
,rano east"men *ft stirred alike, and no know n
1 rill.&&! Ertl
Therm is M) geee114•11 bet that Drapep
sia is the national disease of our c"untry,
and when complicated with disease of
the Liver and Kidneys is the cause of
unt'dd mistery. Burdock Blood Bitters
will alno,st invariably- cure the wont case
favors shown to any. The natural and 1
only Loel t.( the whitefish is • amsli
white wnrn','iot over from it.. j u. &nmch
long. The tiah are caught in the vicin-
itv] of the feeding grounds. and Kir lease
Wsiton himself could 1..4 tempt them to
bite at any other 14it than the onrm re
Tarred to. The meahea of the nets which
catch the largest of those f1eh are made
1rre;, twine not targe' than &waren linen
thread, whtch is made at Kttherni.,
ie Scotland, and &,mea tit t'snso,
as (tilling twine and is "deny (coo. Tae
pounds of this twine makes the meshes of
net frost five to six feet Besides
de and ons
the fishing,
thousand feet loan.
"Don't see the point, lint 1 realize its
( ane," said the man when the bee sett h d
tan the lack of his neck.
1 That Hacking Cough can be s) quick-
', cared by Shiloh • Curs N'. guaran
tae it. For sale by J. Wilson, Drugrgis,
3 Sleepless Nights, made miserable by
that terr,hl. enough Shiloh's Cure is the
remedy for you. For tele by J. Wilton,
' 4 ('atarrh Cured, health and "wok
breath seewnd, Ivy Ilhiloh's Catarrh Re -
toady. Priem 110 emits Nasal injector
free. For tel. by,J. Wilson, Druggist.
You ran do Ibis at s very tr/Strifetre by bwytag your
Cra'bb's floc]
Farmers' Attention 1 That e now 151 tr,te •;irk ever shown in (i, tlhru h. and tan:.neem every bRa e
,aah�► found a ' s . 111 cram. ( els c'.r %nest • t terou,tb a i the ,oirtmcvlsu grade
tu%le heaving o.w • 1 will or :. s:
This iiodarsi4na.. 1-..n u 1'hu.cs Lacier iterof
the toll Car'foi. -Rhine anri,ee.
L•lcrror, lsikr, toll, Pea Tine and teed
P OWD E R l beer, TuwstiV lawn and a!1 tanatish of
!;masa. suitaWe for permanest pasture. (fats.
Whret- Pa., Barlr7. Ttyc• Beane. Huchwhsat.
Corn. Tares and Flax; hiss Field and Garden
THE 3.V ) BEST F �eNu 141,44s years lost h+ rand to ed.
cul; t -armed nt +-loch and Feed.
The c• r ted t'n}a ('hors- the best in
- the nierket.
A con+,gntnent of Choice. Fresh Teas, oeo-
N+tfna of 1118,1c, Greco and J.pau.-whuls-
sale rad '-tail.
i A lenge ani ,ant of Money to Loan.
I R. Ott. -_,
Marconi. East est sxeet, Osdsrkh,
:lar. h 1lth. toe:. m
.1_ �� �r11��►a� I
i, �C : /'
By wear'ng the only
La, of Ili'• firm of Lazarus & Morris
Rimmed Spectacles and Eye Glasses
Their -inert*. lose and Bye Glasses have been
used for the put 31 years. aad risen in every
instan'•e unbounded .alfetatli'n.. They art
TNR &'JUT 1N TIS 0,11, n. They nd,••r 11rr.
had last Inn •.) )ears without rhang'
1,011 1 ILK NY
Tates & Acheson,
wawawacr 11111111011Vitra
2% Maryland Itoat 'farrow Road.
'Late Lazarus a )marl&, Hartford Conn .1
t'a.N° connect:n o with one other firm is U..
Dominion of Canada.
Janfish, leaf
The Canadian Pacific Railway
hr lles! Direct and nest I unippeti Ronne
het w' een
Before yam Tickets •le.wbwe'
01E1(110/►1('S Wort Mean. (lltwemit• Terripb
Orae.. 1k,ii't !.cern the Mee
ugdsaWb, July 111th, INC *
Restores g --
hair to its :a
tire! col: r, r
moves D*etdraff,
stops the h:9:
from falling out.
increases its
growth. and vol
not soil the skis -
As a
kinAsa hair r:re'•
icing'• it has Ic
soperio:. Guar
aat_cd h iris'_, is
Prepared icy
Harkness dt Co
Look's. Or. -
r -1.1 1 N sr!
6.46.1 1ltcet y -.:,.i
that at Will Suit Everyone.
Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, from $1.00 to $5.001
lel;+;es and Children s Strong School Boots, from 75c, up,
Boys don $1.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap
1 can and «111 s , y'e luta is goods and pe.ces.
▪ D w T•T I N G
Ca Lb'. Bkek, Canter East street and S'tuare.
=.Ts tie train . Lather mad Sadists in ray Cesntity 5t Lowest Price..
1 warn';.i'ea,dInIb loci tiywhisia5,, lhTbell in.. the pr�fy�gtisltPrthe7gl111)
t nouat l the 1Ptaadd. a which a t tt Ibt t V' Alit 'a•7 ItWA Il had 1 i t
ore ss) s e herrn* whe flu- ,:-:.6 is adlueted.
RHYNAS, - Druggist/,
February 5th. 1fi3
I885_ Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
W(19.1sE L E N OEO. nA Y,
T.1)., Wool Grottoes of f)'e Nur,.. . 1inf
' ...,,t,- :
tt'r w i.h lofty that we are prepared ,n take
your Wre,t to eiehanrr- for tlottde, or work u
for you in, ill any of hr• folio, x;n,r art tale.. nit
Blankets -White, Grey or Horse.
Shirting& Grey or Check.
Cloths Tweeds or Full Cloths, N. 111.- A rompleteslsw•meatofCoigne sad threads .Iwai.on nand also 11 (Gehl
at rlasonahie rat. .
Light or Heavy.
Flannels -White, Grey, Colored,
Union, Plain or Twill,
!Meetings -Broad or Narrow. ...r
Stocking Yarn - White Carey, ART DESIGNS IN WALL RAPER
Clouded or in Colors.
Carpet Warps made to order.
(lir fanflhtl.a for this work cannot he per
W. w111 entire, nr .n most oases to de
t eke day It 1s Mmnght nn, if required.
Custom Spinning and fleeting, or Spinning
au the Cap, coarse er Inc. hard or eon twist,
as required.
Wears In a partition to do all kinds of cess neaitlfu colors and al pee/stem than very m-t'h Inferior goods. ('a1 and .*ahem. The
tots work, &anal!' done in • full rot 10.510.
milt and we will guarantee to do for yon fully
goal. If ale a little better than any is on
• es itgeetfulIyrallelted.
Hamilton Street, Oodericb
A gond assortment of Sitehen. Iled-room. ion ng Ito.oio and Parlor Furn'terr r' . 1 eftr
bleu. (hain'halt, rant and wood sratedl. Cupboards. Heol -steads NW:rime •'i at h 111 al
Lounges, Sofas. Khat -Not& Looking oleos...
P.ct ure Framing • spselalty -A tall nee lt d 1751
New the titre at yea wirk oneortwo nine rooms athome, toset Potter
11e 1.s over
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
Sant Red Weolea llil
ROdert 111*y IDA, no
ar thsbootraluelntown.aa .zest east
The Lalesi Spr'iog Bazaar Pa11ens & Fashions,
isithethe wow
Thence Towers
awls, surf thief d tl
Wary to that read
art _rlsrtlSe wrier
the follow lag lawn
good old threw es
,jay whoa 1 Mil r
Ochs have Wad te
/lreeriy dli- Ta
bete is, be Mod
asked. •Yes, dr, 1
boys burs up evs
Se 1 shpphwd: 1 r
year dove Bend
b. clover seri.'
a cork r be earth
V be thought I wen
Mc •Shuts Aad 7
heat d haraW be
Mita the a
cols[ egoista
thereby Inserts( 1
Australia them •
ktad, and they a
Ilene mita they to
Tanen s.
Aare are the .
tuff Mall gay Ilam
acro da'le's IS
der meta row
lessor 00 Internal
be and Is tam'
tread two tants
gait by teaaufacs
must be adxd to
this has beau pal.
the shall be plat
sea. Okomargs
shall be taxed e
viokatlq the law
prtsonrnert and r
M the law. TM
115,010, sad yet it
which ths law it
pari_ say (brae st
teowtngly,- wh
Into the bill in
wrest grove that
Cut tt Wore
-5.' yellow.
teed those swan
round 5 rig
sheaves sr thou
whits n sadly
stow, .ad meth"
&reed as aeon
'choly at t3s to
tris way very w
°r 000 pounds.
■son& may he
or small stack.,
as hag 10) dna
✓ ad make., w
�rvmnd load, as
4 s taut en
eypatting upI
tray to mersun
If soma, sad
pry counting N
cora toddler is t
Qts tar wata
IL s Mart, et
ler, bra for tan
trims water 01
gaits,. art t
d 0I the pe
mad let tartar
crab roe wast
has proved no
Rohr aro tri
gads It wreak
mad perf•cUay
sea troch
• barrel, the
whole Lowman
Tbs borer
fully protects
be sasdan:
renewing oat
gyrate clay, I
one quart ly.
ieg♦sd tete t
mbar. Rosa
the roots clew
to the e=pos.'
of the ase, fa
Inmost bread
aorta. The ,
Dowdy by no
1f the rat
through dao
the craw.1
Sty gikkons
the pother'
tern pane
memaata •
potation shoo
Gs lo a soden
Qum is a
lows Is
ti nliss.
yielded thin+
Don't let
stubble 5.31
sad teases I
dbtnaa D
Do not lel
unless you .
shade and
proatabie- -
15 the ral
been canes
their losses
gran tram
The old 1
dos the 1
'aee[tli or d
'the game.bowl
dulatwnd 1
Iles ben
shear H n
by door
equal Par
gots hoe
ether or
briars 1
macs all
ulna as I
INTO! on
*1. maw
GT • tr 1
,tend nu
off," as
.4 the
&hoist 1
1e1 rnl'
with tl