The Huron Signal, 1886-10-01, Page 2k dy le 1 fot cat Mit , t :ts 44 of ell' Per w illi vat• w the^ ed A f oat, Ch d MI d d troy hi rim HURON SIGNAL, RIFDAY, OCT. 1. t886. • I wooW admit that lin regard to which Irish UdWLs all the batiste and all forces of serofulou an rapidly purged away by the biters was our must of Irish natteoalsty _ use u yer's and y, and Be Govern- len easy epos m lig 'shoed sect were Meg • lis• prosperity, b pre,_ tag his ataadard If they woald not "Nu Donee is good mews," se the man .•ed from the odd - - lb' that were eromiwlD is Ice the aeiMabie r/ a the Pietism All import/int in world rivet ere united and which are the diseases,pitmaparillm �M�' � lb* ta►•r had streak 1uaAs�e•d was the gest tone of our greatest questions betimes follow PRACTICAL SPEECH bati0®. thane(u gas .�• $ Pupa t u Ron. A. M. Rome est the Op t grant. He rw+g►t we had come liar • would Mixer its In rte tulat• fa the vines which td sot et rgrt O of the Provincial Hshi .Madera harms* Mak had jest Mas palmed. It was netts that prime for e.s.ew1 1 rues_ssII, - Tf• grail did art seem ensaerggtwg, sed it Ina .Uy ed The rarrrneww tasrlmm- maw- wee doebtlal 1r. view ut the new eastern ea tee as Eames amnia 1.ye of supply that had lately been de- veloped in the Host►weet, is Auteuil* sod India, if wheat, our fosses great At the opening of the Provina.l Exhi- .gtienkeiref staple, wowld ever womtssaad bittou at Guelph last week, Hon. A. M. the prima it d{i in the peat, and in eon - Rosa, our popu'ar representative in the optima, we sometimes beard disouerg- Oaterio Legislature, who in addition to Ma slid gloomy predictions se to the future pruspecn of profitable farming being Treasurer of Ontario, is ale Com- bat there was win the world miwre oeter of Agriculture for the Prow- that can more noddy act pi tbem.elree ince, was prwnt, and was presented w new ooeditioue than (asnedisnm, sod with the following address :-- Canadian farmers bad not been slow to (carni, Sept 21st, 188;, stride out in new directions, when old trodden paths had b.00me obstructed T•. the Hon. A. M. ions, C Farmers dtsoovered that they mold sot yf Agriealtwre for the Prunncr J as of old put their main r'disno• on atm, : whilst and grain, and they turned their Oil behalf ,.f the Agricultural and Arts attention more to stock raissug and Association of t)oano, I tender you a d.iryiog, and they had found these new hearty welcome to this, our 41st sunset linee as profitable as the old. Fruit cul exhibition, ture was also receiving ,neressed atter• We eau assure you, that the interest tion. The development of our cheese which you mid your colleagues have industry bad been extrsordin•ry. It taken, in astatine and encouraging this was perhaps not generally known that ass.cation in develuptug the agricultural in Canada's exports the article of cheese and mechanical r'e•uurce• of this Prov- takes:he Iced of another agricultural pro• Inc?, has been highly appteciated, and duets, no less than $8,245,000 in value we trust that the substantial benefits of this product being exported in 1885. which have been conferred upon t he While horned cattle comes next with whole Dossitiiun uugh our 'tuned ef- $7,377,000. air wheat being only $1,- f ,rte will afford satisfaction to all who 91k1,000. Much of the success 111116 have the interest of the country .t had attended our chew industry sod heart. the rapid t which had brought Tt will always be the aim and erdonor it to be the meet important article of our of this Aasociauon to merit a continuance agrieutural esporta u duo to the of that ronhdeoce which lam been shown admirable public spirit and indefatiga- tt by the people of untario, who ria° not work a the Provincial Dairymen's asso- but recognise that the efforts which have clarions, east moi west. Our remarkable been made in developing the material in- progress in fruit culture wee no less des tercet of this province have met with . to the fostering care of the Fruit Grow - lance measure of success. en' association. These aaociatlonm ha It is • satisfaction to us to know that a narrower scope than the Agricultural although there are numerous successful and Arta Association, which tares a foe - exhibitions held in different para of the taring interest in a'1 Cie industries of Province, this association still bas the our Province, but the success which has confidence of out only yourself and your .tteuded the efforts of these two sub►r- colleagues, but of the great body of the dinate associations shows what can be yeomanry of the country. doneby concentrated effort in special linea We gladly recognize the efforts put This year witnessed the birth of two `'forth by the Governmetlt-Wemeouregissg other similar associations under Provin- the youth of our counts" to devote their eat patronage. The Creamery sasocis- attsntion to the punch et Agriculture, ti..n, and the Beekeepers' association, by placing withiu their reach the beoetits and he had not 1 i t of • sound Agricultural education, and the stimnhs wbiels would be Sive° to we trust that the institution which has these two imindustries through been so eminently successful will con- these 'would before long tinue to attract the attention of those show results as ae had been who like ourselves feel that the prosper witn•••ed in regard to cheese and fruit. ity of Canada largely depends upon the He was glad that they appreciated the successful d . id tour Agncul- work of the Agriculture "College. It tuna resources. wu the one farmers' 1 in•titu- Hon. A. M. Roes said in reply that it tion that we had in Canada, and not - afforded him great pleasure to be present withstanding all the criticism that it had to assist in the opening ceremony. He been subjected to, it was doing a good had accepted their invitation nut as a work for the Province He (Mr Hoes) compliment to himself, but to the great had taken the .. . last year to industry he officiaily1. visit some of the beet of the avrleultural To many of the der members of the colleges in the United States. and he did oouneil who had been the leaders in not find one doing the amount ..f agncol- agricultural activity in the Province, the tarsi work that we were doing at Guelph. unmistakeable evidences of program and The American agricultural colleges were improvement in all that pertains to agri- gradually drifting awaywere grcuu ltr culture and the industrial arts, which as their pritnary aim,and eau dnmonatrated by each recurring ex- verted into industrial schools for instruc- hibition, must be indeed highly gratify- tion in mechanical trades. The manage- ing We saw year by year an increasing ment found their agricultural cleasss cumber of breeders tf thoroughbred diminishing became the average farmer stock. We saw the mechanical appliances dove not realize the of a thor- to assist end minae easy the labor of the ouch educational training for his sons fano multiplying and becoming more who are to follow farming. He fcund complete, until there is hardly an opera- the same idea largely prevalent here. He tion that the human hand has heretofore thought the farmers did not in this been called upon to perform that is not matter maintain as they ought the dig - mors accurately accomplished by ingeni- city of their own They nus mechanism. We saw our annulate- were quite ready to send their son who torero and merchants showing an in- wished to be a doctor, a lawyer, or a creasing desire to take advantage of these clergyman, to a oollege and to take his ezhibittons as grand advertising med- degree at a university, but they thought iums, and the splendid displays they a common school education good entomb make are no less profitable to them than for the one who was to be a farmer. pleasing and instructive to the visitors. When such was the case, was it to be There could be no doubt of the educe- wondered at *at Nos] be the eommun- t'onal value of thtss exhibitions. No ity take the msec et Ida Ewa estimate man o • woman could spend even one day of his valuennei g�sah dib. fanner as if in examining the magnificent ho was not y the meal of the pro- ot thoroughbred stock, as tineas could fessional man or the merchai.t 1 He be seen in any part of the world, the knew there were many amongst them choicest sam0 of agricultural products who had obtained success with small in the agricultural and dairy t- unt of education, meets, the immense diversity and artisticptoo n much d used to and education excellence of the inenufacturee, and the for the fanner unnecesssary. In prac- grand display of meckaoical skill con- tical work they no doubt knew as much tined in the machinery hall, machines of farming as any agricultural professor, which seem almost endowed with human but they had stained their knowledge intelligence, as if man had been able to through 30 or 40 or 50 years hard exper- t ibue the metal and wood of which they erce and in gaining that . are 1 with the subtle brain they had no doubt many failures;but they .ower and intelligence which contrived surely did not want their sons to undergo em -no one, he said, could view all so long an apprenticsship,gain knowledge this without having the mind enlarged, as slowly, and become grey before they ilted out of throw• were thoroughly ted in their calling. o►ieteet and most especial owe. air 'r ability, they imports were b a hews carnet the mime- ietsgrity and great weeld It Year hair i. tursittS tray. dont w may •Iway ►• relied ropes for the rpeed7 of ger pro•pstt' y wild al& to is heart deserve to Low tM�r t to veteoed .p po � which bur* oat ate ratit`L\omt � dyes of th � of a ow or Cuagh. 'emirs read. with these eaadiwal primaries, seal redoes deer ' War s harmless, ward Blake's torwra.l►f artg\uet pa cold.' wb+ew. bl oral Dolor of the exposures, hemam. support the lJ.wde et sash a statesoaw, earl w 4th melt a noble regard futlwwar nod lows. ho was repro, A Comofl Cold to .11.n the by*litg ut eerie• aiso- tows of the Thew, Brnaeilal Tubes, sad Leap_ Tbeedur'. the Imp•rtear'e of early sole .Ere1Ne nutmeat caneot be ue.ut asad_ Ayds C'berry Pectoral or. t Ile able b Gro heart wd •owl of w men wealth. ♦ people std IW- 1J• and mane diw.ss • I.tat 1 mer mtaskd wkb a within ywouldthemselves w .asalire atad fre- is they stake Dever r du b samosa \~ to and will restore the nae gusts' • weria. laalt7 produced and ao d he ht• baa goes to educate public •sots• g sett!! o. ��' is mwore 'takes they prod hair, stimulate Its growth, and brio A soregoie more t\aa they ooDaumd. A glum* at vent -E I11* sod r.cProt.a sentiment back Its Youthful glum end beauty ty a o1 w�el�Itt a ht agric our exports .kind shun the high position r -to take the owed views ofthe thine y Atter trying , fret erbmi s rrgseesti progress. Camakes s an element ut our gumboots. Is itmacedoinesho that the Irish &Worst hcw.ver much they may be .totals ra1Mf, 1 oemmrm•aase'd fakleg years h averaged *epode form some C•tholiss of1 Ontarioisseshould ...ciallybe almost biassed are toad of the word "Iwpartlal.' Ayr's Cherry Pectoral, sad was year bad .vnraS•d about 80 millions, in his se rt earl especially Au editor ones pre an "Impartial ac- Speedily Cured. and more than ooehalf were agricultural when they bad Sir John's onalsaal count of a thuudentorm. 1 r sathfied that this remedy saved my products', while our exports of .nanufec- organ, the Toronto Aida, mead to Home,IId. tem' Ute. -Jus. Webers!, 1'awtsteket, R I. teres land been but between three and Rule and Onngeism in a ssvere cold. Dike .my four millions. rte mentioned than yearly every issue for wises months, yes. Tba complexion is Lftan rendered un- 1 dteo emitted/LI a v h.e14. w pes.sat- igeres to impress the farmer. with .w years, pant 1 Why shoot,/ they not 1 sightly by Pimples, Liver tipots, and deal? esd ti"... a eymptor- idea of the o{ their own occu- Why should they Iola wit. their en.- Yelluwn.ss Thw ,t s w.0 koowo are pb�Y ea.. ecdeeei tis este Qi Dation mise el reject their in Parliament tented*, caused from an inactive Liver and blood Ayp+ CMerf fail,a remit was i rapid p p d rakes the blond wen of it ve raised their cause and lou- and whole ■ m. see 1>:•••'Pl s Prairie, Tema. ptian tbruwghsat Canada ••' for toilet receipts, hints d Two Hr. sore! mfAtrsd "But Tout's* Sir John has repudiated on how to preserve the Dump (clop Two /ea eettietl a my Lapis t6 V1 a�r� THE O'DONOHOE DELL The Deoeived Senator Tells the Whole Story. I e■ the aeel1.i r•tlttrat aa..tf•a• of the toy, Senator, the Hun. John O'Dnnoh.e, of Toronto, who has been spending a tee days in Montreal, was called upon a his s rooms, at the Si. Lawrence Hell, by Herald reporter. The Senator was found surrounded by his Iriab friends of Mon- treal, with whom he i a prime favorite, and who have the Wittman admiration of his zeal and devotion for the interests ret hie co-religieniats and co nationalists in this Canada of ours. The Senator is not • particularly handsome mac, but he is clever and frank and hospitable. Lead- iog questions were put to the Senator by the Herald scribe, all of which Mr O'Do.otoe answered in his own way, without evasion or attempt at conceal- ment. "Senator," queried the Herold repre- sentative, "is it a fact that you were ap- pointed to the Cabinet, and did not get in i How did it happ.s "Well, 1 have no objection to tell you or to . u i 1 that I believe and know I was appointed to the Cabinet. The Premier assured me that I was. Th. Governor-Oeneral,Lerd Lorne,telegraph- ed me he had signed my patent as one of his councillors, and Sir John treated me as such. Now, 0 Donohoe, mid he, pok- ing me is the ribs, you are one of u.,and being one of ns you are entitled to koow what is mud ut you. Here are letters attacking you, which you have a right to, and with that he handed me private none assailing my appoint- ment and enticizing me personalty, thus whose eloquent words in ter iameut and Dr Chase's Liver (.urs pe k sd Pmt ern -1!. E. gimpooa, �a Mogen; n 1 io an from a severe h lesicu. es e Nail C• • Sold by J. 'ils.n. wilted various pb7trr•I "Repudiated the !flail.' It is .11 - tiuetllcllles /bey Nat. A �+t�d�atut the d humbug. Sir John without the Mull u The elevator la •hunter that u always only temporary re. Atter nowherein Uatario H. might as wale as taking try A er'l C ht baud ! in sewn. mto two yer's e t b tnaidas i was repudiate his tocsin or his rig cored. Mace thea 1 have +ter the P.e. He might as well repudiate his party rat...'• t ere [steset•r iota! o my cltlWreo, sail cue"' K I. bxdily. As the Mail writes the party Is the best remedy for corns extant. 1t The Best Remedy think and votes As the Mail advises, nets quickly, makes no sore spots and and ue 7lraae and all the party canvassers and - effects a radical cure. A hundred f r aid.. ougbr used to my ttrstJly.- ing agents end other small politicians smitationa prove iia valve. Take neither ltt.bert a,i,Irrpetol, )lr•dv . Iti and the little all over Ontario wbditutes udetrod as ¢oo,d our thn chose Some time ago 1 took a slight Cell/ think and ay Bud do. Th farce of re of cite genuiye too often offered utilesbarn aeok1 tookl,gw worse enduttdlation u altogether tea, farcical. The - pettiest on my lungs. Mad a backl•L oak Tb oee who overnmtnt party in Ontario is per- meated with the Mall's sentiments - don't forget that. Thea are the pass- words to office -the battle cry for the elections. The Mail means Sir John and the C t ; and thio everybody in Ontario, -Home Wile or anti -Home Rule, Irish, English or French, Catholic or Protestant, knows to be the fact, It needs no special demonstration. You do not undertake to prove that water tuns nown hill. du you 1 You are not asked in a withering bot day to demon - state the sun shines. Not mon silly 1. it to question the feet that the Toronto Mail exists by the Government and for the O t. It is devoted to the O. t, body and bones, and re cosine the Premier himself. Of all the hollow, flimsy bits of humbug the dee- nevus Premier has ever attempted to impose upon the public, and with whieh to hoodwink his old and confiding Sup porters in Qxeb•c. this preteuded re - pod tien is the sickest." "Then, Senator, you don't think any- body 1. deceived by it 1" "Not a living soul -not a horse be iog above the age of infancy.; "And yon are of the opinion that the G t cannot carry Ontario ?" "I am of opinion that the Mowat Gov - ernment will carry the Provincial glee- our tions, and Mr Blake the Dumiuion elec- i do not find all their investments gulden, ions by any means Bet an investment ui That New Y, rk darley who dunks cough, and was veru w petroleum must be loud of Ilght bower- k e�wrcamte 'ow r"dlnueee to testInT.nr• la ier Ile ages, until I couuneue d uaing Ayer'a Cberr7 ],eN lbai cue barba ut i d. vat- Mrs Mary Thompson, of Toronto, was uaP blkine curet me. and I feel that 'Holed with Tape Worm, 8 feet of stitch i owe the preservation of my itte to 14. was removed by one bottle of Dr Lowe curative }cower. -Yr.. Ann Lockwood, Wurm Syrup. lot: Akron. New York. Ayer's (merry Pectoral U eemaidered, A contemporary has an elaborate aril- here. 11.e on, great remedy for sil ammo cle for amateur vocalists, "How to begin of the throat and Lungs, sad 1. !ears to sing." How to get them to leave utf in demand than any other vitedkt.e Of its u still an unsolved problem. time. - J. F. Roberta, Magnolia, Prof L,w'a Magic Sulphur Soap is Ayers Cherry Pectoral, highly recommended for all humors and rrepeNio eon by Lr . C. A� III o..L sl.srtiar► . skin diseases. 1.: It is said worry kills more people than work. The perfectly nom is the tramp, who hu no work and no worry, and uothing to ems him out. Freeman's Worm Powder* ere agreea- ble to take, and expel all from children or adults, lm: A little girl calling with her nether at a new house, where the walls were not yet papered, exclaimed. "What a bald- headed house, mamma.'' National Pills are • mild pergative, acting on the Stomach. Liver and Bow- els, removing all obstructions, lm treating me, as he mud himself, u one ..�phat part 1. the agitation of the Dr pierce',"(:,,Iden Medical Ihsoovery of us," by refusing to withhold from me Risi question playing in Ontario i" I is certain to prove a good ,ing. It cures the attacks of my enemies, because that •'A. you know, it was played for all it' !cough, consumption, bronchitis, sick - as a member of the Cabinet my colleagues eras worth in Haldimand, and you hovel headache, skim diseases, dyspepsia, cos - could have no secrets from a brother 1 men the result. It will probably b• tivens's, scrofulous diseases, chills and councillor in regard to matters affecting tried alt over, but whenever it is attempt- fever, and dumb ague. It reaches the his personal standing." ! ed it brings on a discussion of North- , blood, ani through it the whole system. "Had you any strong personal desire W et affairs and of the pregnant question I Agreeable to take, permanent in its re - to be •member of the Cabinet I what caused the Ncrth-West rebellion ; seta. By druggists. "I can assure you I bad not. R hat- and how does it happen that rebellions' ever feeling I had aroma out of the wishes sod popular votes in favor s.oeesion ( A little boy and girl had been rautinn- of my co-religiooista and my desire to occur u°ly Sir John Maodunald's role 1 ad never to take the nsst eq¢. But one serve them. Where I am 1111°11111 am lobes u food for thought ►n such polna, eveoinq the girl reached the nest fins, and the people of Ontario are not going I seised the stc, and started for the hones. broadened, an s nil in which the daily mechanical routine He did not a vales resisted expo• o f one occupation is apt to confine us ell. rience as a main factor in agncu'tural moot." l{e was sure the people of the Province training, but it is a slow deswting agentfor "Hew din u acconunt formy th h? iriah highly . 1 the them of the if etch one is to gain that . i " e council of the association in .. , himself. Agricultural aviation imlart- Catholic support which Sir John Mac - end developing the important interests ed at an arriculturai college is the re- donald could always count upon hereto - they had in charge. He was glad to see corded and verified experience of thou- for. v, El that the council has of late years en- sands of practical me°, ndensed and nd largely because of the t• ra.rts•• ail' v. FROM FROMdecepRI practis- deavored to widen andws rge y xtend the scope tabulated for instructive purpose and influence of the association. Their old men met also recollect that circum- ed in connection with tine Cabinet sp. system - system of prize competition for model ata ices have changed since their early pointment to which you hare referred. farm• ; their schet.e of pr.e essays on days Successful pioneer life required Sur John did not deceive me particular- agricu'runl subjects, and exasninationt strength, muscle, and endurance rather ly : his act was a gross deception peso in agricultural eduestion were all et.pa than skill or education. Their main tiled upon • who pecple. It may Le in the right direction. and were evidence difficulty wu the clearing of the forest. regarded in some quarters merely u a that the council rightly rea'ized that the - Once cleared a virtin .oil for years re- trick -an underhand and a disreputable bolding of •n anneal exhibition is not warded their unskilled efforts with abut.- trick, involving a personal insult and a the made sim and purpose o1 the as.ocia- dant yields. The same unscientific personal deception. But it was some - non. He thought a m,sake had leen tillage on our partly exhausted soils thing more than that, as his letter to the made by a!1 the *emelt ural societies in would today result in lamentable failure. Catholic bishops shows. it was a blow almost wholly confining their efforts to Still brains and education are greater at a race and a religious body, which has the holding of • yearly show. It was factors in farming today than formerly. naturally excited disgust, and might ba not the intention of the Legislature that end strength and muscle are not so expected to be resented. But there ia the grant made f••rthe eser.ciati"n should indispensihle. le it not • mistake when more than that in the felting off of the be wholly devoted to this purpose, se farmers send their brightest boys to the I former support. Mr Blake, who leads air the oountin may be seen from the statute which lsocieties, which the opposition , two leading , creates these which slimmer. house, and keep the dullest to make principles which must always attract arse, along with the awarding of prises farmers of. This M des to a mistaken Irish Catholics to his side. He has been at exhibitions, the holding of meetings idea that these are more re- in days of Home Rule adversity and in for discussion, dissemination of 'gricul 'portable and lead swiftly to advance- days when Home Rule la .oft the eve of in the world. The triumph,the true friendof the HomeRule inti pllants, and, importing Is, relays ds ment and just principle. He hae expressed on all end playa, premiums for •aeays on farmer wAo has •ab appreciation of the agriculture, I and rnanufac- dignity and respectability ,occasions the most liberal and the moat fael.res The "'Howl show has, how- calling should give as thorough an e,lu- sdvnced news on this question so dear ever,absovtred the energies of the greater ca•ion to the son that is to follow farm- tc all tree lrieh Marts He did so when pat. of the societies to existence, and ing as to the one that is to take one ..f it was an unpopular question and when it hu been • want fre.lnently expressed the leaned pr••fea,nns Keo long es the to at:rotate Home Rule was a s-n.•re beet . in the idea that „f men's ,.nneiplea Then. again, on that the farmers had no aan papoose that leaP the t Irene" question, Mr Blake has been ',rough' them t.orether fart papoose of learning and intelligence ars not • rime d,ecumion .nil mutual t requisite for his selling, so Inns will he consistently opposed to Orono. semi Tae Government have under his ad' ire teal that he does not rank socially with went. and claims. He has en deavored to bring into existence such the professional man or the merchant. xgcra rtiraru. ate wit/Plitt" had referred in their address to not regarded as having aelhsh aims. If I could have benefitted my Irish friends Yid the Irish of Ontario I would here To TES 5I.•ir.t_ IND.;IND.;which the paraxon imposes, for although A cure for Cholera Morbus -A pos. is irksome and fettered for active and la- hers of the Cabinet [nay stump Ontario, � olive cure for this dangerous e(omplaiwt, dependent minded men. The fact that exhibiting of Riot with a rope around his' Sir Joh"' Macdonald was bound to send neck, in the hope of arousing religious and fcr all acute or chronic forma of and sectional hatreds, but the electors of i Bowel Complaint incident to Summer and Fall, is found in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry ; to M pro_ tamedfront any druggist. 2 ■rCrepe s Speedy tare. - When we say McGregor's Speedy Cure is the only perfect curs for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, l - and Im- pure Brood. we are telling plain facts, .,t which hundreds upon hundreds can tes- t' y who have been restored to perfect health by us use. W. would thereforeis adve you aironly if you are a subject of any of the above troubles to give Me - G. seor's Speedy Cure a trial avid lie con• tinted Itis sold is 50c and $1 1. tiles 1 sod' in '•Moth to be carried awaby .ectiona Her brother followed, crying, sr, sectarian cries untilsuch questions of mother. Susy's been and got the erg their responsibility fortwo rebellions in the old hen measures by." the same territory, or for the vote in renal■ Cure it is a high and au honorable position, It favor of session in Nova Scotia, Mem- • private and oontidentisl letter to the Roman Catholic Biahop of Ontario, • - plaining in his own way why 1 was not i e npr f Ifitlthe duties of - Cabinet Minister Ontario are intelligent and foresighted and not easilyimposed upon by such ex- biex- hibitions sad such screaming. They say m had been agreed upon, shows you that ,that Riel w punished For whatever he I was tt go into the Cabinet, not for per- ! did. and now they want the Governmout so al reasons, tent as the representative to show that the rebellion, with its hies of the Irish Catholics of Ontario. What • of life and its enormous costa, and all ever my faults may be it is generally re- I the excitement and public disturbance cognized that I here never failed to up- and bad blood that it produced, was tin - hold the legitimate claims -of my c o -roti-' avoidable. They want to know whether ht not have gionists or to resent any indifference to it and ug the trouble en nipped in the embeud (animation,their inteeesa." "Well, M O'Donohoe, if you have not They are anxious to settle the (antion, been a Cabinet Minister you have as great in their own minas, whether Sir John a reputation aa ft.'.if you were one- Will Macdonald, f.•his own purposes, did you now kindly sate your impressions of not deliberately the political situation in (Ontario?" a: Loon' THE NORTH-w"x+.TUITTU t•LTIx,i "I am confident an important change has come over the people of Ontario to gather to a head; and wnat those par- lance the last Dominion general election. poses were. Depend upon it, the people I believe then has been a change of un- of Ontario are not all fools; they have no timent yery unfavorable to the Govern- nsire to fly at the throats of the people of Quebec although the course of the institutions, and the scheme of farmer's They 1r. tris p•.eitinn, and for that reason he institutes lied '^ i 1, mut the interest which the Government had has drawn Dish Catholics to his aide. the very gratifl)ing suers which had taken in the aasociatios, and in the de- whoa you And a man 1 irfaA attended these held daring the past two v.lnp.eent of the agtieultural resources sentttneet on thew two great questiows- winter, and the numerous application* 'mritaTrf tI'. Awg- �trh, th15. About 11.eee see/ease I was tail up with bnoecbltls. and for eta tweeths was enable to do aay- ihba4. Your bottles of Or Jere Mod oeanpletrly cured est. t`tle cad inatte n.. hrnr•roce -ver aimre. in fart 1 never felt bet- rr in my life. W. 11 MammaMamma0. T. 1t. Works Stratford. roe vele by F. Jordan. Uiedsrick. Get your suction sale bills printed a Tea Sew. L office. They are blimpblimpdone promptly and at low rates Nc'tice ie drain t,• augh les throTwo Sinxat free of charge, which is reed by thousands. BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIOS £. there +ed wiIsiterier th h.wv. este ,arms/ and •sn as Qssall.• toasenelits toad- =rt. ea` d toe r p4?.eloat r. earwe +ladies eal..t w.eb Impeettlem bt i avowedlysw- ael tlltthen italliwItall wit he Dame `CROMPTON CORSET CO.' le stamped Daintier side of all Coronae good.. Wittiest Whish SIBS are pawky. WILL CURE EILI' ISNESS DYSFEPBIA, I NOICEST ION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, OR REUEIR DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERINO Of THE HFART, ACIDITY OE ENE STOMACH, DRi NE 88 OF THE SKIIfr, at G Rhynai drug store. And ear, adtp�.yx[R K�tost[�e, eTorloboeT 5 For lame back, side or chest, use - B40111/ELS OR 01.000. Shilok'm Porous Plaster. , price 25 cents. T. ■n4BORN & gra. Peeerme=ofeOr For sale by J. Wilson, Droggi.t. Seeing is believing. Read the test it onials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Ogee, thew bay a ►t fttle Moil lead unreasoning •rad ignorant and relieve yourself of all those distress - persons to think they have. The ing iains. Your Druggest can tell Toro Mail will probably drive the last allO►bout it. Bold by;l WiJsonGodertch Irish Catholic out of the Government 2m ranks, but it cannot force the people of Ontario to undertake 'reconquest of Quebec' or the of the Roman Catholic church in your province. All the same, it +ill leave nothing undone to accomliah so bad a purpose." "How do you find matters in Quebec?' 8 Croup, Whooping Cough and Brnn- I find • great change has come ever chiefs immediately relieved by Shiloh'+ the people of this province, and I am Cure. For sale by J. Wilson, Druggist. 7 fibih.h's Vitalizer is what you seed for constipation, loss of Appetite, lhxzi- nese, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Fur male by J. Wilson, Dregi,ist. assured the Provincial f t will be defeated. If they be, i should say from all all 1 hear that the Federal Gov- ernment will sitter even more severely than the Provincial. But the best reply to the question ie -found the Canadian Premier's forted, though hollow refuta- ation of the Mail. This. no doubt, was done at the demand of Sir John's Quebec - it was a sigh of great weak - 10 ARF. YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin 1 Shiloh's 'Vitalizer is a mettle* cure. For sale by J. Wilson, druggist. 12 SHILOH'S CATARRH REME- DY -a positive cure for Catarrh, Dip - Iberia and Canker Mouth. For sale by J. Watson, druggist. nesse it wee sgneallnq. it means that I IV, • Cane much eiekness among rite Johne party in Quebec are ie I children that Freeman's W non Powder r.trr•iu.' will sure) cure. I Haring do*n heavily on Senator 1 O Donohoe'• time, as well as pattenl? FbIRt DYSPRPSiA d L.:ver ted ksep him from the eoenpant rel ce, a t tmplaint, von have a printeend rnsran- lerg• holy of admiring fneods, TI. i1.,- tee on every Mottle of Shiloh's Vitaliser. 1t never fails to cure. For ale by J. aid representative withdrew. Wilson. druggist. If your child M stubborn or hard to admmieier medicine to, Dr. Low's Plesa•r:t N oro Syrup will be apprecia- ted. 1m Joy Ia Meet eked. This may be truly said of Poison's Nerviline, the greatest pain remedy of the age. it brings enmfort to the weary sufferer when failure has attended the 13 "HACKMETACK," a lasting and mese of every known remedy. wending, fn¢rant tar/area Prise 26 and 30 ea. is an abeolote tete for all kinds of pais, For sate by J. \Grit!, druggist. inion*!, extavwal, nil Intal. I'urehw s ` l t SHiLOH'R CI;RE will immediate 1A cwt sample Mottle and try this meat t ly relieve Cr,np, Wh.wpug (,eq►, and remedy, Nerviline, nen. pain cut* Rrotse►i►ts. For sale by Jas. Wilma, Dos.'t forget the name at any drug store, treggist. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Dnlecka all tine clogged ammo@ of the Bowels, ><idnsys and Ltvsr. earrr ing�, the impurities ie impuritieswithout weakening tie systsm'ties andd baad humors of the secretions;} at the clues Yes Correcting; Aeidlty o[ tlb. Illeaoaob, curing Biliousness. Dy.. �Hua�oie. Dimein•ss. Constipation, Drowse °[nDropsy, Dimness el Jammtios„Balt�d Rorptbla. Fluttering d as heart, N.rvotaan.ee, and GO - .sill Debility • all theme and man other similar Complaints '1S W to �ltiasppppyy anemones of Ei+OOD HMIS& T. IIiJ11CU • Ow. hsseM.e. Ta•.1► C. L. MCINTOSH, - Nett Anne to Rhymes' Deng Store, keeps = ,onstantly addinag� to hls wet• eeleetei etoek. choice P=enh Croce::eb, whitcompote will be room, lo mpote favots hnih a• ruga,.'. tomtit, amid •rr:ee w.J ant o her mtoci. Ir ,4s nielmity. TEAS AND SUGARS A t PIAAI.Tv. in retntay.g the.L• to my cim begun for their patronage, 1 woven, ecce Invite ..toy •tk- ere wbe will, to 10,." sail . vett toy a:eck. 0. L. Mont roses. month wait MA* et the egesre. O5/erirh, tab. Irl*. Mk 1 THE D ter "When Mart f" at way, as eh planed the I'm w el moury is ter, a..' I you could to lose a two drilla you've g'. 'Friyou coup er motto "Well, I dos' k cur'ue 1 I've r fest au' wants a f, iroue y writ bt„ut. humeepal grit n,•th w1', and wore out, table yet awalluw's "l'. g, Jae ., a A big Int kitcbeu a iqt " "11e c, her nee with you ain't nil You'd b can't do male vi :other eb nt•,re m, "I.il laughing tip •.* .dded, e prub.tio ''lihsl the farm ways wit ,.You Aka that five "I do said the with th hey to. hey evil Mind. 1 Santhy "Oh er's wtf, in her t five dol the •: "The c jaculan of Dolt 'twont a r.bbo wish I back, x but Ic three d spend trust A WI. ad saw. !edam 1kin t aga•Di 1'o0 posed oilimtde the b had b, life be take of al and a was it goner •'crit! Mart shin made brow of y( as m can, ps.,, and froz 0' t l brit cou mu bac "vt los" t ltf al lea CT fo ep bt a h • 1 •