The Huron Signal, 1886-10-01, Page 1Ode
la pebllsh.d Mriday Murals'. by Y.--
t(tt.t.u:UaUr BRWat their °Mee. ?forth .1.
Aad1s despatched to all parte of the surround
list eeustry by the earliert snails and trades.
Tangs. -41.30 in advaura. postage pre -paid
Iliaiblishers:111.7*•1f paid 1ore sis mouths
a-fIf wt to paid. The rule will be trk;tly
it*Tas or' 1 . --Night crate per
hoe fur era Insertion; three oents per lice for
eeoasshs.gwent insertion. Yearly. half -yearly
eise quarterly eontraots at reduced rates.
JNt r*i YIU — Xe have ;shwa first-elaae 6ebb. wgdepart tuent la connect ion. and pnss.•sa
the most complete out -fit and b.-.0 fa.•lat i.w
turning out work in fi.rierich. I
loan beMaws iii that line at ',Fiera that eaunot
be beaten. and of a otslity that cannot be
amassed. —Teems Cana
FRIDAY. OCT. Ler, 1886.
RE ORM CONY P Yllp'!i.
At an eathusiestic meeting of the exe-
cutive committee yesterday, it wast de-
cided to call a ,.1 Liberals at
OODEItICI1 on Saturday. O:1 doer ltd,
at 1 p. m. , f or the purpose of nominating
a.kadidate for the house of Commons.
Let there be it grand rally. Every irieut'
tf Reform and Propels should turn out.
" easy an Armor Bearer' The Mo.'
is the prohibition tubi.
Mit ML*EDITH has not yet repudiated
the .Nail, tier has the Mod repudiated
the unpatriotic course of Mr hieretl+th.
dealer. Kg.
Ile is a man
in this country
Ober life.
ie attest the gait we
of the proper stamp ; and
he sticks to his pouuon
A rvenuaarUI.'LL seam in a business
t in the columns of our
cutout winds up with the worts "James
Mitchell, publisher of tar." We res now
why be is so analogs to pitch into Tui
Ws hope our fellow laborer in the
cause of prohibition, the Mail, will rake
op the Dwelliow (1 t fait not
forcing its officials, the inland revenue
officers, to assist in tesiperaees work in
dee manner 611 down in the Asada
T Act. Under a Reform Gov-
ernment these (Aosta will have to smut
or retire.
THIS London A•drertwer puts a troth in
a few worts when it says : "The Torun-
tesjile l says it is in favor of Prohibition.
it i• jest about as sinner. as Landry was
Iii moving the remdution the
Government for banging Kiel But sup-
posing it was in sanest. Does it suppose
that Prohibition will Dome as Ica% as Sir
John is in power 1"
Twa papers which I lemn-
ing tb. Ontario G t for not
making any attempt W bring the anti -
Scott dynamiter. to jostles should apolo-
gize. The provincial authorities have
been looking op the authors of these nut -
mew for several month., and one of the
hardest of the crowd has been caught at
Sarnia. The provincial t de-
serves the thanks of Hut men
and women of Ontario for its earnest
action in looking after thou matters
Nivea since Saul of Tarsus, yet
breathing 1 tenings and slaughter,
was stricken to the earth and changed in
spirit before the gates of Demueas,-111111
there been so sodden and 1 •
oonversion as that profaned by the Te.
route Mad ,,n the prohibition question.
Sesall wonder is it that the t
press and people view with suspicion the
.Mail in its new character. Let us hope
that, while, like Anemias, we offtr the
hand .f fellowship, our confidence will
nut he misplaced. By the way, Ananias
.1 Damascus, to whom the Hamilton Spec-
tator and tar own pions
feeetioulIy liken the member for West
Huron, was • man worthy of reepect.
Tut Run who, said I mine
hotel -keeper had a hand in the Sart,ia
$a•tt Aot dynamite eases now spells the
"hand" with • big 11.
THE Tory pre.. admit That Mr Blake
has honesty, but be has no p..Ley. Ila • e
they forgotten the headline If the old
cepyhtr.k that "Honesty is the best
policy." That'. the kind of poli".y they
need most et Ottawa.
))'E would ask our realer• ahe f Iles
logged on. One by one the sons grew,
to manhood, and, like their sturdy sire
sought after se -toles el labor, there to do
Things That Are Happening 'ea their hither had done them ;
Around Us. and the daughters having inherited the
comely features and the winning uian-
Tbe Old albwsw ea the L/ae- ners 1,1 the nether led captive each the
allows the r learers of the ■strew Tract. , heart of a neighbul nig swain. The mar-
; mgrs 1 ,!Lwed in due rotation, and in
—)!ebbe its the weather teat has done ' course of time the old homestead was Be-
it, but somehow or other I ve another sorted by the young brsud, Then there
retrospective spell on, and my mind wast iuneil°ess un the part of the old
keeps atrarellinp back, despite my let el 10.k, and the farm became tun large fur
agriculture to read the special of Hun, them, ant the tarwhuuae berme dreary
A. M laws. which appears i Noreen.] boat efforts to hold it tight'y ui the
poen r.
page. It is one that is full of common tracts. i're been baking through ai ant lunewuue. Anti they etched for
settee. Young men ,n the farm. friend '• photograph album, 4111,1 as I o
esp.eeiaily, will be beaelittenl by the r I i�144uverille iaarra,Alla gazed opo,'
dug of it. ,sou idle pictures a f.eht:g of sadness carne , hu
over me. There's nothing will wale you Pk"
ich t
THE. St. Marys Alegumes-, which issuos- ' forget today and thine of the l •ng a,^ , Ar sidle c
ed to keep • hundred eyes open for poli- dile a writ preserved album that has for
tical pointers, says :-• "It will require years breu the receptacle 'f pictures 7 it.,p ft'
even Sir John to successfully cope with from dear ones—relatives, friends and ; daughter. -
Mr Cameron - and even then we don't even casual acluaimtaaces. Yes, the i weldth;t there a
believe West Huron will go back on its Pictures hold their (*miller pieces in the gees by invitation let their presence
record " ' ali,uw, but the originals are scattered to by a benison upon th ceremony. The
i the ends of the earth, aye, and under the ell man is still square -shouldered and
Pr1*t X. Moria, of the Berlin ,,,.., ' earth, and amid barren sands stud be- brasry, but the little old woman at his
writes that D. E. Canieion, a leading i neath ocean's depths. They are "Cross- side leeks as. if she sadly Me uired his
Young Liberal, "is u grey u a badger." big the river tine by one, ' and we who
strong ern to suppxrt her the re-
Heredity, deep study and the burning ,d are left but await the call tis pass that wainder f life's j•.urney. Ha besd is
midnight oil have forced many threads way also. Heigho ! but its atrange'y covered by a ix.uuef of dark t%ture,
of saber among the chestnut4-yet-w --tsee that feelings of such deep aadteets - enveloped ed by a dark veil, but
know that he is only thirty -Are years of always pan through my mind when a , neath the bol of the bonnet, *tear
gest, and sold the homestead retain ing
ly • couple of acres, upon which they
it a snug little cottage in which to
sir deelinin_ years,and a stable in
keep the old grey tare at d the
. Today they were return-
ing a risit to the eldest
ebbe there had been e
the old people had
age. Like kind words and our russet- nei{hbor sill send ar•unti fur uty it.pec- tPed• •
haired editor, the eloquent young Luck- tion the family album and say, "Ajax, ' "" " "' ' •tl N
now banker w iii never dye Some of old fellow, glance over the pictures and *bo•ides Tbe fluttering silver !meal w
lido silvered hair has sacs wbich th
1 McU1Li nut' I►1►Y BROS PeaLt►HEia
r ---CAUGHT AT I, AST. tel -keepers to arrangeo some
perste' to blow up Palmer'sI house.
'nosy went to Petrole* in Friday,
and stopped at Johnson's Hotel. Belote
Arrest and Committal of the coating away witness asked Hand it he
'Alleged Sarnia Dynamiter. untended to get the cartridge.. Hand
replied that Johnson, who had just left
them, was getting them. In a few
armee were et the taeiertltes ■t.tery ininutse Johnston came in with a small
of ire a ase. box, which looked like a enter box,
ruled up in a piece of paper. Witness
asked Johnson if thst was the cartridge.
Juhnstuu replied,“ Yes". Johnstm headed
the boot to Hand in presence o f witness.
Hand said to witness, •'You had better
take thio." Witness replied that he
would not carry the lox, as 1►e did nut
want to have anythittg to do with it.
Prisoner sad they had the matter
arranged for Monday night to blow up
I'elytgI but he afterward stated that
they had come to the conclusion that It
would be better to get some one from
over the ricer to give Palmer agood lick-
ine. Witness and prisoner returned to
Ramis, when they were erre.ted. After
they spot int, 3211 witr►ee. Wild 10 pnwner
that he intended to pay his tine 8511 and
get nut. Prisoner asked hint wino he
got nut to go t.. Larry :McFarlane and
tell him too get his uncle down the river
to c!aim the cartridge and say that he
(the pna..Iicr) was just bringing it up for
him. He ale. toll witness that be threw
the caps away when he gut out of the cab
in from ot the jail. Pris ,nee said the
caps were r,lleu up in a piece of paper.
Witness saw Detective Rogers pick up
the caps.
At this juncture Detective lio•gen pro-
duced the bot containing the dynamite
cartridges, which created quite a sensa-
tion. Witness identified the toot as the
14049- sitielt-J., gave to hand before
leaving Pet veleta
t elasa�rtn, who wrist uuder the use's .f Joseph E. Rogers, Ontario Govern -
the Yours Liberals may,like D. E. see if you recognize anyold acquaint- ghee the eye of her partner, and in-ment Detective, indentitied the bis pro -
Cameron, gists their hair Ivltteues by a: ccs.'It doesn't Iuale any ditference stinctively as in the long ago he playful -
tat Haud'Ia1 hotelgat►li (lit er * psew weekste u his abode
' deem' in count u the same which he
early frusta, .r, like Brother Gardiner, whether I happen to be acquainted with ly caresses it. The sight of the Clutter- 1
I became very intimate with the pruprie
SAttu, Sept. 26. —The arrest of Chaa.
A. Hand, prupristoref the Roasin House,
uu a charge of arson, and also with *t-
empting to blow up the residence of Mr
J. O. McCrae with dytunaite, on the'Jth
Juue last, is the talk of the town. Hand
was examined before Police Magistrate
Campbell yesterday, and the evidence
brought out produced • profound 'oau-
THE clime.
It will be 1 that an attempt
was made on the 9th o1 June last to blow
up the residence of Mr J G. IleCrse.
on the sortie date a dutardly attempt
was made to set tire to the hems of Mr
Themes Houston. ]loth gentlemen aro
prominently •sm,eiated with the tem-
perance cause, and have rendered valua-
ble assistance it enforcing the desist Act
in the district. The ... at the
time excited considerable indignation,
but all hopes of capturing the the perpe-
testers of the outrage were despaired of
until Friday night,when Maud was taken
into custody
w4YEltic t'P THE .'ASR
It appears that the Attorney -General
placed the case in the Manila et Ontario
Gov'ernmrttt Detective Rogers, who sent
reliable aawtent to work up the case
the snot. The detective, however,
potted,and was succeeded by a first -
of the Hamilton Tinos, may be getting the originals or not,tbe old, old story ap- ing luck el hair carries his mind back to tor. He suspected lis host had a hand
found in hands of prisoner. It a•ntaio-
ed two dynamite outridges and a piece of
sit tow matter, bW fur over sit cases fuse packed in sawdust. The detective
somewhat bald ; hut n, Yount( Ltbenl plies to be all—onlya hetn,rah repro- the sweet long ago, when she was blithe then told how he found the three deems -
Is •''boy" of the Beaty stamp. wpta,im many imstamew the lucsl,the lost iD1 bonnie, and when care and pain had was securele to t y
nfiniation of
upcious. Allasthe succeeded itton'
and mourned. Next to the family Bible, uut weakened her frame er bent her drawing a a.ufsuwn from lite& who! , John G. Johnsen. the hotel keeper in
luso that Sir John Macdonald has with its of marriage, births form. T., him she is 11.. Name yester- told hint the timers of the pdotters,which t rt o' ., as brought to court io the prix Insnee
repudsated the Neil as the official organ and deaths, the old photograph album day, today and until death does them nicluned himself. Haid said the dyne- Hand was inrerested ie' the hotel which
of the Tory party, he might as well finish should hold high piece in the est:oration Part. Others may see the w nn:les anti ! h11rsret wasis rs pnocw tuhrwfe fluein, and that he ran. timid end Armstrong tDetsctive
he . Greer: were at his betel on Friday.Wit-
the b. He should re odiate Ualton of the familycircles. But there, Wit-
/ -the little withered figure bowed with the At this stage of tha proceedings a'
l,. P party, P cares of three wire and ten, hut to him I clever dude sou practised on Arm mess admitted that Hand had gut two
McCarthy se the linins of the rt stn seutintentaliti and narrate actualg P cartridges from him ; he saw Baud :eke
there u no from the time ;strong fur the purpose of deceiving the shoe' : these cartridges .were eked i^
and President Is the Ontario Provincial ; party implicated by the eunfessiojn of K
Consenatiu Asa,ciatiun ; he should n- —The other Jay I took out .old sobers the cherry-cheshed girl forsook her i Hama He sou placed under arrest fur uwdust in •cigar box ;.there sea• alai a
udiate Hon. Toon White as • Cabinet boats ate] friends to share his joys and nvefusieg to app»ar when 1 to Piece of fuse in the nut which hand gut;
PLrehtnieg" fora spin along the con
who annot open his mouth,Sinn road. I don't all him Lightning sorrows y
without putting his foul in it, or whose because of his swiftness, but because c f °f fifty years ago have riot been quweh• I a ubr and mf ken 11*. sum were, summoned
50. A
"pictures" do notprove to be takinged, and the lore of the past still lingers. pe
P d bis erratic Like myself he's by Inspector Palmer • few days ago f. r
picture at public meetings ; he should getting , ' 1 and asthmatic, stiff- There seems to be an irritation in his violating the Canada T Act,
repediate "Lucky' Thompson from Nova jointed and slow of move- oyes for a moment, doubtless .sins to ot whom was the prisoner Hand. He
Sontia, for his inability to tasks success ment and anxious fur' resting
open, the slight flurry of dust which the pass- cern seized with a desire to be revenged
ging breeze has raised, and he elevates "n the Inanepector, •rad having matured
attend his electoral efforts ; he alienia bike me he can't trot up hill any more, his plarte ta,k the detoxuce into lis
his hand to wipe away the moisture cams -
repudiate the pure minded and stainless aril the down grade jolts his old shanks coublettce Ile proposed to blow up the
Boultbes as s Tory organizer in glomi almost out of shape. It's bard open the •d by the irritation. Thea with h left inspector's house with dynamite, and
utuencies ; and he should repudiate heads of alt branches of living species
hada he draws the rein an the old grey uttered Armstrong, in whom he placed
oousmare, and tuna up the side line, and he implicit sonbd.oce, $i0 w assist him in
his own put efforts to put P.C. against when their best days are over, when the the etecution of hu end design, at the
race and creed against steed. If Sir and his companion are list to my view. Mme time intimating that he bad d ua•
pleasures of youthful hope and nature of The •res specimens of • class who aro y
John means to go in for repudi•tien, he fruition aro put, when the balmy breeze y pesmite cartridges and detonators ready for
will have his heeds full diking the re- of the eon car da s aro one, sad the now rapidly peeling away—the old pion- twmediate ma at Petro•lea
younger y g THE •IRR T.
nrtiuder of his miters! !il•. --- chill blasts of a sweep around us sound- an of Hucuo.— AaA:
fl~ p Rogers was acquainted with all thew
ing a mournful refrain as if it were Bee fact., and it r agreed that his assistant
THE REASON WIIY. prelude of the funeral dirge. It makes MB JOHN t OLE) JItKES. should aceump•ay Hand on his mission
THEIRS i• • good dein of wonder co all no difference in the old horse what his Mr Harrlliell Tory and his interesting to Petrolea to Were the ion^lament ofdetruction. It was deoileo1 that they
sides as to the reason tor the sudden son- past record has been, be is judged by his family were taking tea the other even- should return Friday night, and Rogers
version of the Mud on the Probibiton present gait ; and so with the driver. ing, when the turned upon had a pow of polios staticued at the de.
question. Our own view of the matter Yesterday he may have ruled bulls and • the recent speeches of the premier. n pot to receive them. On the arrival of
the train Hand stepped on W the plat
in their fovea: Lome. The firm t.aif in a ease for Infringing the s •tt had dynamite himself, but these parti-
is that the affair is an t, the bears on Wall street --today he is but a "Did it strike you, wife, that Sir John form, carrying under his coat a bulky -
outcome of political expediency. The unit in a village commonalty ; yesterday has not been telling any of these famous looking parcel wrapped up in an old
Outario legislature, as at present constit- his voice may bare been a'entur in tone stories of his this year r' - on etamivatuon it was
uted, expires in March nett. A tiew and roused enthusiasm in thousands to- "Yes, indeed," ahe replied. passing his found to be a cigar box contenting two
election must Deme o/ at or before that morrow he looks beck upon yesterday third cup. "I noticed that while taking
time --likely in February next, four with regret, and in piping tones laments t3 the Indians on the reserve he never
years from the last provincial election. that honors are but a fleeting show and told that ridiculously funny anecdote
The time of the Domiuien parliament will are more easy p( i
_put run out until August, and so Sir ---But what I started out to say was 'a little too much whiskey was just er'
Armstrong states that Inspector Pal -
John Macdonald has the choice of bring- that u Lightning ,s�ntit .I jogged quimie enougn• ' mer'• house was to be blown op on
stag on the elections for the Commons down the oonceesiu`iir the other day, we "Exactly, dear," said the husband ; Monday night. The whole affair was
either before or after the Ontario pvin- were passed by an old grey mare with a "And I observed, tow, that when he kept • profound secret during the time
vial electious. It u said that the D.- buggy attached. A matt apparently just popped to and smiled upon the cf working up the canosee d The temperancebh
minion premier had decided upon an over seventy years of age, and a woman Methodist conference that he didn't tell
cuter cartridges were bought from Mr R.
K. Bradley, • manufacturer in Petrulee,
for the purpose of blowing up 'Lampe
THE *10150 t.'9ARUR
The Magistrate then read a second
charge against the prim.tier ..f blowing up
the promises of Mr J. G. McCrae un the
10th :.f June sit.
Dectective Wm. Greer again took the
stand, and related the confessions made
to him by the prisoner Hand while they
were driving from Petrolea to Sarnia a
a couple of weeks before. Hand had told
him that several hotel -men in the town,
es well as himself, had hired a man from
Port Huron to blow up McCrae'' resi-
dence. This man was paid >]7b for his
work. Hand bold witness that the
hotel -keepers of the town had left him
to do all this business because he knew
al! the crooks in town.
Head was committed without bail.
The Wheat market.
The following is taken from the report
of Hon. Edward Blake's speech at
He contrasted the conduct o1 the
Tories in 1882, when prices were high.
half pound dynamite cartridges and a and they said the F. P. had done it,
fuse. Armstrong was also placed under with that of the present year, when
arrest for the purpose of maintaining the prices were low, and they would rather
deception •�hich he bad w ee
cleverly prat talk shout something else. 11. premed -
ed earned than ke . about the ol1 w uav who thought that timid upon the unsuspecting hotel -keep- ad: It theta u in this hell-- and I hope
party are great y relut at t e trtup
of 1►etecute Itiogan and
bis aaataumt,
early appeal to the country, and that the perhaps a few years his junior sat in the the brethren he woe* rum 'un to look at who managed their part with judgment
write had been prepared the dates be- buggy% and as Lightning had his ambi- but rare 'un to go.' " i and discretion.
ing left in blank. The plan has since tion stirred and kept up well behind the "And." put in Miss Hardshell Tory, hill* AMINATION.
bees changed.The Med has been in- old grey, i had an opportunity to cogi- who reads the Mu.l before she turns it i when
sou opened yesterday
7. before the P. M. the Gest witn.•ss ailwl
greeted to try the effect of the prohibi- tate upon the people before me. Yes, into curl paper; "1 saw that at the open was Was. Greer, who, to Hand's evident
tion cry ; and an midair(/' will be made he was the husband and she the wife 1,1 air meeting in London, he never told' chagrin was his *opposed friend and con -
by hook or by crook to set some of the his bosom. Fifty years before he had the story about the old Irishwoman who !dant "D1117 Armstrong." Detective
strong 1 mon in the Liberal clasped her hand in his and vowedto sem. aa
to 'had come twenty miles e hid clreec.e, mssUeP e. frtiom gh BarriConstae,blGe reesur r Sorsim
and c• -
rty against the Mowat on love, to cherish and to protect her. She, had left • better lorskintf man at home."' tined that Hand told witness bo was go -
Twa 000muolt assess to reepectfell In- this point. On the question of provin- on her part, had promised too lure, honor Mr Hardshell Tory, jr., who divides ing to Petmlea to get dynamite. Hand
• w said Inspector Painter wits hard on the
I h feeler When t6 Huron Inst was new backward and laking for • hotel mere for selling 11,4 tor, and they
whet ton. hThemwi, the
Soweto/or• or dM1tsei civ rights the Tones steed nowhere. a d obey him, and well had she doneher his time bet een hunting for a rather P.M
say. *t that eeloivasod meeting st Cayuga, t The Mail is to try prohibition
as a e. !r part. en e i .
kaows what It is tubbier about. The o- were going to get a man to ,,.use hist up.
fee does nes take .e hedy's were ter it. It for the local election. If it gains votes the sturdy bridegroom had Dome hither, - (i postillion, remarked: "And Witness west across the tivsr •evsral
Aloes not take Mr white s word for It. The for the Tories, the cry will be adopted with • sharpaxe, • stout heart and • at the rick reeetin=, you know; be never times with the prisoner, who said he
weed that was tittered.pirA Mr White did sot wanted p
more fully by the Dominion Goven. strong arm to hew out a house in the said • word shout the 'beet apple tree wanted to sae the man soli would fire
ear Libretti?! wee of tie mew taints et the the cartridge. However, he had not see
Cube churls. --ae►lton Spectator. meet. If it fails then the Mail can wilderness for her, and the girl- wife with always having the most sticks and •to.aea
Why anew" the .lpettatw tell us,hi• mem, and prisoner Prisoner
the witness him jump back, and shout as of yore for confiding trios, had linked her ict with Rang at it.' " if M would d, it. Prisoner ,Tiro) him
then, what Mr White did ray tel 1 Tbe Deed whiskey, or wine and beer. his, and left the parental home, the lov• Master Hardshell Tory, who hae less p21 to fire the cartridge. Ifs sail he
141.-rhth.r knows well that what he esid )-et the temperwee.Assea• will get some ed ones of the family eirele,the blessings reverence for the Chieftain than the rest wou!d do it himself, but he could nr t
was in substance that the Quebec Catho- benefit from the Mai!'. of civilization, and the pleasures of ease, of the family have, shrieked his relatives iron. Witness understood that prisoner
lira set's petting Risl's Pieter. with in favor of pr.hibitiee, no matter how so that she meld indeed be a helpmeet byretrterkin"1 geese the elf chapto run a weak hip which parented him
Q � rooming. Prisoner told witness that be
IMI•s of their saintly men. Mr White the politicians may intend handling the for him is the home -getting and home- •-scared of the chestnut ball :" witness) could get *nay 200 yards be-
foreit to know what he said. At Klein- affsir. The demand for a polies mien making. They had thriven on their borne . _- _. the sxplosr.n ..oeuerrwd, and M
in elplafnhnq his utterance at Catrate need to get etrangtb frost the in the wesi arses and daeghten were born Ton Mayer _-ef soon h withdrawn ' prisoner/ would keep his hotel open for
doctor, Prisoner said : "if you put the amen
eras that tI 1 II opt* Aad been geilty of of law and oedov will las sniped_ lowed the wilderness binas+msd Irks the Belton, tad has shaken hands with the under the home it will blow the i�Ie'.
buying had the portrait framed and bung The people in the Beat Aet aunties roe. by their united helloes, aided by the reinstated medico There was a bigger up . if you put it outside mttder the
n 1 E 00 u wi ?awn him to run to after he Aral the feet
yogis, he declared that "whet he did say Mair* present attitude, and so the cause to them, and w in the years that fel- his charges amiss* the hospital
there is - a o1 thew
staunch, honest C who
ballets that the '(ItswPnims.sit eon raise
the price of grain, and that they have
shown that they can, that is the roan
whose cote I count upon with the most
perfect certainty. Fur I ask him— I ask
you- what politiciel t can the
can be mean enough for the Government
who say they an, and that they have
shown the" can, raise the price of wheat
to $1 40, yet let it drop back to 70c 1'
fay in that dwellings, sito f►It sod. triMh hnwrer, have had ton mush .xpsrinoe wiles of Provident*, w alsn did child- e= loeiMI over that tooth -provider than if wiroh .: torenda, it will deed the
D P^ windows and abetter the ostaide 01
}kluges of .win* maw, mho ant Saeregirew of Teey Beene* ie*peetere to wish fox ree's prattle soften their ardIsous dubs. it bed bean gunpowder. "Bands all the huildiag." Pris.aner afterwards
t., ,rw,d fishy." them eyrie. and add to their joys, Atsd satins years 'Rowed." said there was to be • lleia•tj et Ltr,1
Huth McCr.stie left 1111 Saturday last
for a short visit to Dakota.
John L•,u*heed Ilium re -shingled his
Mn Moses Thompson. of Kinloss, is
visiting her parents this week at K
Fall wheat hens remarkably wed in
this vicinity.
(1 A Mackenzie has hewn re-engaged
as teacher in our school at an inerea.e of
Mr and Mrs Paul Switzer left last
week en an extended visit to friends in
the Western States.
Daniel Alton, of Ahem*, is spending
a few weeks under the parental roof,
revisiting the scenes of hie -youth.
A number , f the farmers is this vici-
nity ere busily marketteg their grain.
8 Alt••n has the job of eremite". •
dart of 10th cin., near Belfast, which
Ina badly needed.
A nnmbee this Ineality attended
hi different shows at Toronto. Guelph
tial L.,ndon.
Tsar fit :IraL fifteen months for $1 We