HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-9-24, Page 7T8= 1URON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. SEP. 24, 1881. JIIST IN TINE BY ADELINE SERGEANT, LUTNes o► "Jacob'• Wire," "Ultima Fatah Pnsrssuns,"$*t:. CHAPTER XXX. (CUNHHIneotD. So they set off, and arrived st the inn 'n time to hear that Lord Woven bed preesed•d them and goes upstsin t, Mee ooknboe the duetur would allow hint to OM/ Gent ld'a its sole. For, as Anthony told Hilts tee, (herald though gentle as • child and apparently quite sane, seemed to be rapidly sunkt.g Ir eahaus tion ; and it was doubtful whether the donator would let him este any other isitor. 111e wife, .a they learned from the laudaty, had boon admitted ; but Bettie and Lilts.. who were wattles( in a lower room. were denied entrance. Presently the doctor himself appeared with tidings. Mrs Ituthrru had come spy, and ltiorven had gone into his 's risen. There was a pause .•f intense eiprr ttu..n. And yet no one knew what could ha expected from the anter. ire. It Naito last minutes only, end the d .c - welched the dtghdtte4sie._with watch iu Seed. it ,t before ten minutes heti elapsed, !airlifted iatsstly, hot the musk bed diad f Mgt, t1/ the tb,we couples et wham we I away. He mead bear uotl : he' 1 bike, Antkoay ..d Barbas •es daskiag ed tee lrrent over the stones the haAint tat them all. and the howling of the tried Soesetitmes It °coon to one or •Iwther of the personages of our story to woodsy 4, himself or herself what would have halite mod d Anthony Lockhart had mat come back treat India with his cousin Berne. Would Beatrice have married Mures° 1 Would Sortie have been sop arsted from Lilian i Would Gerald have peri.M,i i° the herniae house, or died of exhaustion in the gloomy region below to the Towers 1 11 is out duly Bea- trice who reflects s°metimea with • thrall of dismay and also of hearty thank - (ultimo on ,what might have chanced to all of them, if Anthony had not have been brought to their aid, if Anthony had not been (''I,y Heave's'. mercy," as Beatrice used to say) "Just in Time:" Tens LVD. below, shove and •rvuod him. It was • little difficult to keep his foot- ing. The wild wee strung. mod seemed more than once as If it would take him in its wasp and hurl him headlong duwu the clif. He pointed honest( firmly in an angle of Sha building, and watched - wattheed and waited with • *tent and cooter glitter of the eye. Ile had not lung to wait. t►ut of the Jarknees-how did he get there l --a moan's figure emerged, creeping and crawling .lung the face of the cliff. He rtwhett the plateau, then stood crest for • moment, breathing hr rd, as if ex- hausted by the climb. A gleam of moue :seta shone upon his face and was gone as(aw. But it had dune its work. It bail shown Lurk Morven that the matt w hom he was se.klni,the roan for whom he had waited all through the eight, the man whom he hated and meant utterly to destroy, stood before him, Stephen k a hero e■ the terlfr, says Aunerio.'s favorite poet. All very well, Mr. Longfellow, but how can yen, when halt your time you feel sick, and do out feel the other half. Men of .\:rlie had Come back to the Tuners by nettled principles and highest aims tied thio strings and perilous path, beet_"' ! their aorta thwarted by diastase. Night- sweats, • hacking cough and .ether symp• tow!. only ter, plainly say consumption. Heed mod adv°». Try Ur Pierce's G .Wan Mediad Disoovery" and the bloom of health will return to the your cheeks, soundness to your lungs and you eel be a basuLeat he (mired the clutches of the law -and still more the strong hand of t!.: master and victim over whom he had lorded to the hour of his might. But that hour g as past Morven's hand was at Attlie's throat before the doctor felt hie presence uear. 1 they heard Morven's foot upon tate stair; The old roan tottered beneath the heavy and looking anxiously through the sin- prep and tried to plead for 'fleecy. doe, they saw bun ;tri *hail; the street. I I. it you ?yell' he panted. •'Let ate :•utwne a eel unnntpp •t •d gall triumphing over pale indeed as death and troth Lazuli un- • nstul.ty in tbat ssctu.wt, an English traveler gni: ill mage :" Then, as the grasp re .n cor train peon basset for f.iUths.rrow tbM aeein;;leyea, Lit with the stateliness of , !mod a very little -"let me to. or I will .o;kJ CtWrr. As far as tire testimony tat bearing, the pride of lifted head and ; ezpow you tc the wor:J.' ISO Woven I Pinto', 1s rauYnnel nrttve 19 the drsalful lure that La•1 been hie amine- battlewensthat lay xt:.nt overlookingthe lordly gee Ned not a word ; he only grasped bine banio of the Lfute Big Horn. the t.o.ly of the ILL-NATURED FOL[ TRAITS OF PERSONS WHO ARIL OIVEN UP TO MISANTHROPY. Ste Plant Storeys Caltivatlea Reiter Thou bawd }aster. -why aeras gee tett-w Mta.k t.yewod - 1 Lea. Leder. Ate stw.. Ito plant repays cutu•.ttwt better than duel nature There 1. no lack of kindling 1• this world of ours, but quite a terse modem of society allows it to run to ware., and 1. tuned e. apwratee and diseppmns. It le largely • matter of *die -alien and habit. Spoiled chil- dren are atlowwl to set into • temper when they do lupi get what they want They grow sip auto ere-gralsed Ines tad wanton, and after • tiro they hie the power of routroilhg their crabbed instinct& Men of well balanced minas aro taught tuner or later that we are all more or is dependent oo each tat her, and that ne one can •for. 4, t. • nu.aothrope. fist the rarest thing in life is • well balanced mint which linesmen the faculty of Intnupsu+- t1oNn Men go through Ille without friends, and wonder that they do not achieve the nuc - 'cm their 'abate would justify; it rarely no auto to them to analyse the causes .,f their failure: it they did, they worubd fusel that just At • p•rti.•ular juncture, when they were ,Lout to Aim fortune at the flood. they lacked friendly help, or they met opposition from wone they had offended without oattaaoo A SCLLZ't, aches 501. The ill natured man wan usually :t sullen, sulky boy He kept binned &heft tract bis e-bosdtelh.wa He was moras in his family, and p uses. d sueb a capacity for slaking (ourself dmagreeat,ts that be was promptly H- ann a gain in his ill temper and b. culttrated Parte and 1 lrtIon. it accordingly As he grows to maritime! b. in Montana tiers is Rill a Etude ne•y ernsh fl::ds that p..,ple ate., rh.•try of ers.dng hem high hats and p:,., tau the pocket:AAA mat for (ear of a querns!, and his opinion of the, with: aids of the tenderfoot To rite a stuck* pokey of cbur;t.bnees rhea higher. Bright men tenant be kept under, and if be po.- sss6 caryutity. hs makes hs way. It cysts boat newo exertion than it treed Savo *lase 11 M had had allies; but he 1. uonttut to owe nothing W easy .one. To be a nett rule man, to owe his swear wm of uW. The watched him to bM own exenttoca• suits his solitary nature. terist is f Moro tightly, and ikouk him as a will dasking. t;•.:den-bair.-d Cyster was fount we Ile drive.s his plow through society, earense s.:tufty enol he was out of sight, at d beast shakes its prey. ; mut:lat.al Ly the hand of t:/‘.s••. age hiuuz, .,t what little frail plaits be uproots by tie Eben they drew lung breaths of mingled Did he mean to :ill the old moa and undefiled by the touch of an arrow. Thin ,,,,r He is a Isv.itrve, ..U-.swruatg bdo- tact triumphs over E.-11,o:i.-Cur. Cauca; , Iu- tielual, •rot a,,luaiutan xs avoid dlstaglo. s sdaees and relief. For they thought the himself 1 1)r had he seized his in • fir -v -sari. .,tit !dm rpr ti.- aal.. of • quiet hit& Hewitt wont was neer ; and little dreamed that moment of uncontrollable passion to i ways sae told re no port v to Use hub. harmtlrm deceits by tilt should see him walk the villas, which he was nit master of himself and le a never -failing cause of disease. At whish. the -da••,. '1.I.' render lits pl.weant to ltii swoon of the ear neurals(is re•h other its galls a spade • spade, Jones street no Moroknew net w00% he bid 1 1\'hu osn tall f- t 7 , toroth• o Yd *otos feel Ile has an unerring The night was dark anti Aiald1lfi1e- Zit Nearer and nearer the two men drew to' eche, 'and a host of similar diseases tae eye for Weoleteetiem of human weaknpsg, and t The, resat .Iuestiun then u find the iciest, surest, anal most d • and merit trio him • Womb+ with Magna, to e,1 : . . . 1 i.o:l ,r , .,.6.. .11 . ..mage::. ! . I remedy. Poison's s Ncrvttnte b7; •,,., „ . an who had bass tar strangely restored old aro wawa bra lbs old man's lila exactly fills these requirements. it is eats be found in every tat trios big an ell's ate hi . w... tat up at Hartford, CudrL them, and to care for the child. An- at last, but Morten spoke no word. pr"mot, efficient, and must economical, tenure wertby of a mote of uttrllert it asoristes1 of . t,atl...n a1.te and a , Coin. for it exceeds in power scary known is Diawrnnrreo mire. screw, worked by hand power, beneath for h.,ny and Itertie,after staying with them 1 here Asa a terrible crash, the terrib'e medy,and is as cheap s inferior articles. We laugh at Aimee, when he declares that lifting purposes, and a horizontal screw for 4 some time, set off together for Mrs sound r.f the descent to two human I A 10 cent sample bottle will give es•-ry be haus everybody and wane; 4. live in a aeermyt. Tb.' result was anything but a one - Pirie a house, walking and talking with bodies Into the gulf of darkness ; then i leu test 't La bottlesde"'rt so a' ""t to ere a ham" fares I:ut a•a& • a "tun"' Snare et could ti steered p- there are hili of Al.setsy rill round us. They 1 nmpen h ¢ dnwew w e . It bane To appreciatecoxn- isa and Beatrice rwassised al Ne ins the ftltal frogs ; feebler and yet male to 4 aeurt hetes 1111011101111 103 /1s omeeena ll .pikes resin 1'.e...... to Los - dee a a mattes naleeea. The balloon T.wpllear, wbueh to fitted with • patost smarms sad propelling separates, and u whsch the aeruawt Litman anti Mangos aeceadsd fns Chsebute', Fran., as 1I °'atuek tart Tkunday .vestsg, daorsded i Load.n at a u vkwk the sot tsuraing. Tia aortal navigator* etWrsed to (.'hwbuurg. and will attempt a tuyage Inns that place to Nor- way. The ams rowed feat. with cambial. , proofs .n the sew bora sesames d halos navigation was performed in France toss September 24. DWI, by die young military engineers, the brother* Iteaanl,fruin tllr case!, at thong's, within • fru voile. from Paris. Starturg at t7t' t. us. the aeronaut. reach.+! Point ill Jour alter ;' 1. 111.; 1o.tufuG.g w the camp at b.M p. m. a dietaace .( three• tulles each way. (A. the journey in the .nitward trip the wind was egatntst thews. upas ing the advance a the apparatus ter ward the espwtel at Sha rate of four metre. per second. The rate .f lead .4 the halluwy as rearward try the "klg balloon," was els lindens per second. The ren0botua .f the . crew was Mty five per mrnuie; iia Juni• ,ter omen metres. The volume of the helloes was 1Att0 cubic nietrew, filled with pure hydro- gen ydr -get gas. The suchiln, was rigid biome. 'Loser, constructed by Ni. t;ranuar, with a battery by Captain Renani. weighing in all M0 kilo., and capable of socking At the rate Mien for two hours. The wholes '.uraey was per - formai with perfect rsrnm-w, and the bal- keel acted in • neat s•li.fact.ry manner. At- tire the journey Captain Charles Iksanl sad : •'1 amender the Kidskin of aerial navigation solved ley the result...( our rslsrrinwnt." \ journey was also made .es Sept. tea, 14411, with much the slaw rraults. the only difference being that die wine! was with the aerial boat going out and &agganntet her on Ste rrtun, )our ney, and was light all the tiler, hh.wingQt' at the rate of one u,,•trr ,ter -e. • •o.l. The aver el was •hent 1151 mve•.. (In Nosrmler :1. lawn. (',1•tain' Renard and Krebs med.. a baboon ...vaKe iron \,'itchiest to Bell•ncwurt, atnt returur.t, Alighting at the' point from ahicb they started Ht forty et, - insulates. This we. the thin) attempt made by Captain R.uaad with his ledl.sun and S teering algoaratu., the second Saving ;snivel a teilurr. His first attempt was in August, 1Nlti, with such goo' results a• to create the greatest interest in all the military circles .4 Europe. The Irlkasl was cigar -.hap ed old d.wnkd at each extremity. In the tear w.•:e teats for two aerrna„t., awl the ball,.,n had a directing apparatus and redder. The force was uhtaurued by • series .4 electric setuueula tors of ten )asses lower, and the bedlam was operative f..r fair hours. On (Icts,ler 29, lard, an experiment took ,1acw at the Place• de la 1 h•fen.e, Cour►evoic. Pans, under M. Unseat, but the able appar- atus faded a,..i the result was cesswttwetly unaatidacto,rv. lit June, 11•7'i, Prf.•srr t;rimisy started from Jlont real for New 1' ark iu the air ship Canada. Mut 1»• had a fear:nil asps.tener and Caine clear hating tits life ow rug W the poor quality .( gas used 1,79, 1'n.fe'.sor . R. Ritch• person ac chance to t . Large but at a little increase stens-that furor, it only _ cents.dnfted rules. w k•. "card. the old friendliness andtwntWepce which • silence -silence Bruen only as 'xf.•re ly i are in•wtlr.tf.tppvointal men-tn•rl wSo have ad only been broken for a time. They I the rush of the torrent and the :r.trea• i Tie frog. at Newport tz te u ;(onwnate mari1 sant have me ad much let say to each other,aud sat far ried wailing tat the wind. happy bogus: men wise have. fornnnd ex- Dngs of many aorta owe sem in ICowpat. •ggefated opinions of their own genius, and and some very beautiful ores. tTpdssdd g:eeal Eitel that the world r reef treating there 1 future, b.odiwi Dachu; houadt tar turnsplt dope. But when was Stephen Airlie, who Thus ended the talk of vengeance acid uglt, bow Ioggud bui:dngs enc mast the eye toot the night discussing present. past I toxrlt•IIOS. ht Rern•rvls of Luny )•.•ll. w fat, bus 0 ad ' 1 1 s, mysteriously from i of puni.h i ent. The b idles of the two and.orne pot duge l.ut not so nany as of old. (hie t•earious little ks,ka nk. tat attar he scene 1 And where was Alorven, men were found at dawn beneath the ' buutidrm duty of an ausest ttuui to Ertl every 1cliff, snd what Stephen Airlte'a motive and very fat bat. Ifo bat lydnted ore, snd o». br faults. ., 1 I P all thea sk.. you an sus under, tis Minket. Fear tf I.hvsk-al purttehrwnt totally .1 4.. "Airlie probably got wind of the true ball been -whether greed or lust if pow- dim - ugh h4 thio black hair, tale a smooth. tat cries tnalern Aleesin from bring as frank as tate of affairs very early in the day,' I er, oras some whiapere1, revenge fur a plat' took, whish a sized to comb fr...0 lair till: but th•y cosufe tbewrisni by speeking to:mg u404 every rU.xatstp, tfk. a prise 111 of every ane h•bind tb.ir lack& Tia d letckhatt to Bettie Douglas, "and great Ambit committed ou a member of fghtrr. Thte dug is the cru d -or P sp-e:l higher for Irdicidual, tM purorhbcharactrr; managed 10 slip away 1. I his family by Morven's father many luxury. and belongs to a rich lady of New tdk whirr his p opnaterir,, Elie hlttrrsr is their retches like him are tow clever to bs 1 years before--, ti:e world would never b At on ries Ste ik tett. stores at the (-sinewy. It b their joy and their pride tc steno is a troy kleotcb terrier, no larger that traduce those who by their station cannot re anted as they deserve. know. Enough that he had gone to ho• :tarsteno Lk.,eher. oleo: creatures. he a sent the assault- They love to circa:ate "I'll tell you this," said Bertie en.?- last account, and that the Kt/throng were very pugnacious, hence is factrned to • Yet) scandal abaci women wbawl. ho so aatttrvl tr. t •. •ally . "d that, fellow gets off scoot-, henceforth delivered from his blighting large cha. at ti* end of which one faintly protector; to seek out , and justly: men to whom plodding t is too slow, and w h•' are SIkd with envy at the more rapid progress of their fcUwr ot }Inhere's Ansate declared that it wee the rc-iintee this diminutive but fierce beast' stick • knife in them: to select the weak, the free, I shall think there's something influence. peas bark is hardly 1. wicr 0 tut that a • defeiseiem, the wud.dunand the brttred. te writing with the of the world.. It was rumored long afterwards that iniwpiltrample to. A man driving in an open wagon ample tbsa down-t3•n Fr ocfa , Caret shall indeed. Is he to blight the lives he had paid a wondering piper to play en Mame' etr.a't was seen a taw days iint, kla w.tb three lit-oteb terrier. sitting on the sleet f half-• dozen men and women, and es "Morven's Lament" tinder the window boob, him end not a soul else in IL. eshads.ti cape T. .:1 the old house at certain intervals. but-B..ton Trtveler. After the above year is ended there "He will not escape," said Anthony, the story could n9t be verified. Lt:has, need be no person suffering from Kheu- gravely. "S somehow- jus. at any rate, never believed it. tic* will be dose. let In dna world Gerald, now Lord Morten, recovarei perhaps." sufficient strength to travel with his wife Tlose he rose and wean to ibe witiiirs and child to the South of France, where to look out. Bente f. tiihit ice taw' the soft air and tired him to him start. a portion of his former vigor. Maggie, sash brittle of Pelson A Co. Get "Put - "What's Sha matter 1" he asked- tenderly denoted to him as ever, provedms's."1. a nttivatt.w Te. 1■ (.yl.,. The tultisatiou ,.t tea is rapidly incrwieg "Nothing. 1 thought I heard •cry : an .pier pupil in the arta of •refined and Wald be a Pleas Trlek. i both in India and Ceylon, although the pries thatt was was all.lt. The wind, i suppose." cultured life than one could have entice • ; iuuy. del .f...1 be t'ne:ile in the seao.p•p,r , r dimteishing. It a sutsatod that •beat "It's a wild night," said Bettie. Then paled. But she was • woman of really that Jay tiota•ik iu:•ano r tin Lotto Every 70• Fein will ruetually bs the ser sal production they wesilent for • time. But they I remarkable strength of character ; and %time the cluck ti:.s" ,e n 4 Gyle . "Tro. ate t1 .d. %Wouldn't be •• isms heard nothing more, having made up her mind to become brisk tnow U muse e:bteggyard was to woke to • wtGveSee t Parke's e'e15.1/e•Verses. A wild orgbt ! A will night, indeed. worthy of her position as Lord Morven's an'.thop Is cion k fur'ko." Have you an old Sore, Cut, Burn, Bruise, Cern, Huniem, Salt Rheum,Pam- The will howled round the metalled wife and Ronald's mother, she spared no \\'hen gyms terms tat malaria ase r in Ple, Blutehea, R nigh (lands or Facet Erase of Lord Morven's h wee ; it broke paha in accomplishing her end. ' >:d Mrs any f nm P F't"t If thereI t el hf off great brsnehes of the trees and hurled Logan and Mrs Pirio were simply pen• t' Prevan them down like giants in gruesome play. stoned, and never disturbed her peace. The stomas scudded blackly along the In the stately women who still guider atooreel. A euro ie wamnt - sten sky, with soiree • shapes of moonlight •liwtald's step's, and amiss to live fig his iuilartce• in between their serried ranks :the trusts alone, of the admiration she 1•Va, Against Doedbsade. of wind dashed rain in the faces of heist excites lehereever she goes, you would The tica:rit'al ma:.a11's' righteous war Felt end velvet bonnets will be the !lathy ed from time to time. A great never recognise the relic w -haired lassie Loans& a4kydbc" M" has ts',,sn. At ono bass• Nature* of winter millinery. u. failowi:pg aunt's bas beam ptee•Pd in Plain Shot. changeable, a oven drlpwl dllo ars tempest sac •lartra 1 ; and to the super- who watched by Mr Lxkh•rt's bed, or vi. w: g but 1lte air admitted f rye now worn "band,- the under tsbri of Ice dramas salamis it might hare seemed as if the the tragic heroine who rowed to gain her t in ;n:4‘14: -"It iend Idil the rentllatrom.- Jet and band tat bonnets genw•raly will in The Last Tear. -egae. A Isle Meow mt(ism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Revd- „an you get me sone r.tnch tipe today. as IIe f lls you that pre- azhe, n them sent npr partition in the t iworld is as euud •. Put- they only purchase any bottle e of iFluiid 7°' go down ups: rhes answered, with • pooled cam's Painless Corn Extractor distrust Lightning, as it cures indantty. Pain l...k .fit :: ' ` l t it is Head. The risme Y dear. ostrich tips,' vales nn each bottle of Putnam's Pain- is Fluid Lightning. Sold by 0 Rhyme', Tim Corn Eatractor. See signature on !druggist. (2) The Last awlsdle+ From the I':rfsesr-p Chronicle. &r01. time mei a couple "f young gentlemen came to this city with a patent last. They took the ab- :tate nu•v.urement of the foot and modeled the last after that. Vit, perfect was it t., he that any shoemaker could, by using it, nuke a hoot .w shoe which would be a perfect fit They asked I1rs a pair for there. One .i the victims talking with a d this puler, yesterday, said: •'1 Souk a pair with the rest, and there was scarcely • bon- nets man in the city who del not give them is order. They arrived in due time, a whole carload of there via Adams Express Couupany and C.t►.1). 1 paid for mine and placed them tome side. Some weeks after I thought I needed a pair d shoes and took them down to my shoemaker. He commenced to laugh u sow as he saw met, and pointing W a large pile tat lints on the Anor, said: Throw them down there, they aro worth 30 cents.' No one ever gave the story away, but there are hush• Mina Men in this city yet who will blush and 1151 strong Iaagnagn if they are reminded of thi. little episode. ell tie Tips see Wanted. Protan TM Rite. " Harry." said a young wife to her husband, tke Ayer'. Agne Cure at once• ' so, is u one cure, nam y, e t the development of the dis- Gregor & Parka's Carbolic Cerate. It ease, and continue until heal:h is re- you but try it, it will asnvince yore. It ed m ertr costs but 25 cents at el Rhynsa' drug (2) FASHIONLET8. souls elf the lest and dying were wailing endo and be known as (itrod's wife, in in the midnight air. ('bs ego ,urns . Granny's Lagon's attic. Ycu would eel- She afosy-fa..rtsg Walter. And over the cliffs on which the Tower does find a Sappier pair than Lord and summer *..t Mr, t d e wait pitnote beigh y was built then pealed out the sound of Lady Mouton. pre 1, , ;:, ;crew; b u o wit d sew from the strange music- the tune that heralded Bartle and Lilies left in char, of the ; ,1.-a r_.! was Ste •:111 mat.!# watching the N trim: batt pure extracts from plants shame and dishonor M the Morten race Towen,and living on • handsome income :oilmen t9ayto3 !tiering gemma -Cambridge snd r•ortt ars used in preparing Mc - i u. • •ni.•Ir Gr000r's Lung Comp• end, the modern -the plaintive melody of "Mower's nettled by Gerald on his sister, as well as seep now ptsp filar remedy for Gelds. Latent» on Beetle. own fortune, are also happy The tenacity with which people abide , Coughs, Brtrchitis, Croup, :\.theta, and It Md often been declared that no as the day is long. Glenbervie has by their early fair faith in Ayer's Santa- pal affection* of the throat, boors and living man meld stand or walk upon that never been re -built. Anthony and Bea- Peeing' e 1l,est bl metal n the fact that ?t i. chest. All mineral poisons and danger- living tor dreg during the next three months. At present these are trimmed wit coiorud (Mlle, n :ally green, yellow and red, alas.. Poem.. "(M," he replied, as if he knew all about it, "d course 1 an." end he went away without betraying his ignorance. That esening when lie carne house hi wife met hist at the doer. "Olt Harry." she cried, "the tip. didn't come. You begot them, you naughty fel- low.' "Not much 1 didn't," he Nod with spirit; "hut theles didn't have any " " Dian t hese any! Why, I saw them in a dozen peaces yesterday. WWII. did you go!" . Every place. Prank's and Joe's and Sam's and a whole lot more places. They could fir. ole base ball ups, awl horse -race tip., and regatta tire but nobody had any ostrich bps, and 1 (5 P it upas • had jots." She looked at him ek.eely for an instant, kink in the situation, and mutual exploitations resulted in an amicable settlement. The First Sign Of falling health, wbether is the form of bight Sweats and Nervousness, er le • saw of Gretna Wearisome sad Lade 01 Appetite. abuukt suggest the snot Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This len la most effective for gtvteg tow and strength to the enfeebled system, promoting the digestion and artmltatlon of food, meter - log the nervous forces to their normal tu•dttion, awl fur purttytng, earkbleg, and vitalizing the blood. Failing Health. Ten wean ago my health began to tall. 1 wit Uvulae(' with a dbtressisg Cough, Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervoos- ness. I tried various remedies prescribed by different phrslclans, but became so weak that I could Dot go up stain welt- ing to rest. My friend* reeoae- mendrel me to try A3rr's sarsaparilla, which I dkl, and I am now ss oaaltbs ren strung as etrr. - Mrs. E. L. WiIiente, Alexandria, Minn. I have used Aver'* Farsaearllla. In my family. for Seri/feria, and know. it It ts taken faltbfully, that it will thoroughly eradiate tbla terrible disease. 1 bate aleo prescribed it .a • tonic. as well as an a:ter- a lte., abs must say tint I hone.tly believe it to be the best blood medicine ever 1. - W. F. Fowler, U. D. S., M. U., Greenville, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. it would be impossible for me to de- scribe what 1 suffered from Indigestion and Headache up to the time I began taking Avrr's Sarsaparilla. I was under the care of various physicians and tried • great mane ktttds of medicines. but never obtalwid more than temporary re- lit. After taking Arer's Sarsaparilla for here ohne:- and time: - and my stomach •ert.•tined Its dutks goes. perfectly. To -day my health is com- pletely letely rester(d. - clary lLwky, Opting - Mit -s. I have been grcatiy benefited by the prompt use of Ayer'+ Sarsaparilla. It tones and int. igorates the system. regulates the action of the digestive and assimilative organs, and vitellzes the blood. It is without doubt, the moat reliable blood purifier yet discovered. - H. D. Johnauo, Atlantic ate., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ayer s Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Tr ,1 C..' yer a Co .1.01..11. Yam. Prim SI; ala bottles, Oa. STRATroK '. Aug: tub. tattS. About three ,este ego I was teed tau .rah Lrumio:is, end for az usenths wan unable to do anl- *bing. lour books of Ur Jur s Medicine eontp:etely cured see. od my t.e•a::b hes been Mee -rate airiest. +w deet -t +.seer-Sd::s-Det- In Iny ii'e. as', II ,lp u. r. G. T. H. Works Stratford. For sale by F. dor :an. l;oderirb. Get your auction sale bills printed at THE SIGNAL (ACC. They are always done promptly and at 'ow rates. Notice is drawn t., sales thro ngh THE ShiNAI. free of cht,Ae, which u read by thousands. the e Peer need, and ; ons substances are avnided, which rwn- rde est the Tonere that fronted the river; trios make their home 1n Lon ton, and is not Maalled in .T"ellenee by any new dors it safe for children or adults. Sold M aa Lard Morro/ knew, then wit a spend only two or three months f the candidate for public farce. Int Pette at $1 per Mottle at (I Rhynas' the women who ns led away sy series .4 tier but, i1e tahikms riches .n simple a fa.. Th.- real sawn natural harrow plateau some twelve feet year in Scotland. Anthony is an excel- t.,tu ,,rime kat! beset taken sirnMnfy 1ff, dreg store. (2) a Ow to utter who want he.,at wiress oleo not I a leteth beneath two of She ditties room Tent landlord ; hilt it is Bettie w to a snot tip ateytnatw bare rallmm to k cow br A heavy voce is more en k *win 17 n»•tl»sleet slop B w ARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONSAs there are man s• imfeeioe g oonotdias., corded with )tate, b.u.p. etc.,oiter.J sad sold psomeas (aline by some un- principled merchants trad- ng cu the reputation of our sea./.e e'aeN a.e. we warn the ladies against their such impose:ion by draw- ing atter.tloa to the that necessity of somas at the Milne ' CROMPTON CORSET CO.' is stamped on inner side of all Coes aline goods. Withet ewhile toes sr. mats, Love LpLMe Is • MwW 'r N.as5e. A genuine love episode in the Prince of Wales's houeehnld h•a recently catty -ted • pleasant degree of attention. Mr. Rubsrtwsst, • persss onal attendant of the prince, has been seriously ill at Windex for several weeks. A .' tirewman .4 the pwine.es, when the illness serried likely to result fatally. declared that she loved thr sick man. th.syph she had pre" vi.etsly rejected her sklr+.w.. The result was that .he was married us him while he lar eerkwrly ill, nursed hien to rra"very, and afterward the prones* organizeda I. - Ahold filo 111 crl-brat.eii of the happyr. rut. A Word to the Earls. F1,1111 the Omaha Rrpublirnn. Let not the virgins of the far east be be - wetted by fehb..4 the wealthy novels/ye in \lantana and Wyoming who are said se he Iwaiwing op and down the land in watch o4 wives. -\s a rill. thew els li are loafers and WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS. D/ZZ/NE88, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION. fLUTTERINO JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART. ERYSIPELAS. ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, ENE STOMACH. HEARTBURN, DRI MESS HEADACHE. OF THE SHIN, And mere ,psch**., of dIelt►e e s arts* ea •taar dUyVEai 0 lnse10 iT T. LLBURN & ea. Prsori=o,v THE KEY TO HEALTH, n w windows, sad thealso a difficult practically his working right hand on the condition "Aunt" \ is.et. 1i, said family •Me pwrlrupled by • "nail card after - pith leading to it rip the aide este the crag. estate. For, in .pita of Anthony's di.- tees• m : `D' d"Mnon"' dont eIda* wards for months, giving your address. •n' his pr' an' sib dr chile, ma don't seder - at trout - and remembered it when t sou strias sats lea" tensa eru ds , ^egtnl at the recent teachers' ex•mi- his hod lied that it should en He would market 1 tole him 'bout eau.' dem timbri B•sar He had known it well in his boyhood, hie to the t (l'enborvie vies n 1Fots l t inti■ on. thing M! The Lac'nv w school pnpih who were kat M .d ^f transferred to him as his grandfather amt t seri wW lel I s ie nations Mrs precasted their late leacteachIJr f►e lmMee►t bol toss mere upon •v. tri ow •egor Everts vet.rli .r, D. D. Yule, with sgold-headed ,sae. Holum! been wulei.te all the inswing in not have been pentodes. without it, for Senator Envy rr'snuy esbtM eon of hr les v it was found, ren examination, that Lord smw asnrIn Europa, and it 1. nosed as • mei- Ueenrense • Mealy owe.. Aiellos rooms k otic perhaps 1 Etta rooms, « the long and ter- Morten M had eons time before his death taw tact that at one time it •trM1rWm frees last it,•sse elide aoeowat with the liWe doctor ; bet lett • large sum of money to Beatrice aloe. sD sbses lits to le test deo nagaelty e, sow he salted se tellfile. He feed. his Iiseilmont ; brit thew AMhoony would not sed N lies rdce dy way downstairs ; he west into the din- like to give op his wife a money, and to saaeeti !bat b seek tb osMesq imt-rearm esti opened • low etde-door, glad to have smoothing of his ow=. He WsiseisliWr 8 avia bite'" - whish hal MSIR toes we..td sed was west iatn Parli•mewt mom after hie mar - generally !negotiant. The eight sir felt nage, sad is ane veil kaown ss • R4v. tiny B. Franey, of Jeesey City, t all littoral measures, attribatw tM rsooretT of bis wife from gaol nth ppeebr f p h to Oil ' L' w to for .test orf tr mm k elms m',. tor- Jordan. Oederieb •s4 fresh ,pow his brew, He stood staunch els ^ ' an athek n eritnn N glee. s int- u?esl the *tam of teef above the diff and sepeehllt of thew kith bs f i i Ammonia. roe este by T. 1;. was osty tour or dee feel wide. He limit object taus wor stag • When we say Mieiregar's Speedy Cure ie the only perfect curs for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints. Indigestion and im• pore Blood, w* are telling plain facts, of whieh hundreds upon hnnelprede can tee- tify who hare been rest.wsd to perfect health by its use. We would therefore advise you steely if you are a s.hjj)eee of any n1 the shove trocuMes to give Me Gregor: Speedy Oliva a trial .ad he env 'Mesa. It is sold i. I,Or and SI I.Atlee et 0 Rhymes' dreg store. (21 tfeeoerfeey f ed..ww Theme. A Mies Ihrt'y at Newport, bring eh,ded in her aunt few appearing in an imnner est hath • ins tines, replied : "Why, auntyi deal think myself that it is exactly the thing for • young girl. and 1 saw is a tsewada user that it was very wicked. Mut then it was described in such glowing and attracts• terve than 1 could reset resist getting on.. buck to poor, weak human nature. 5.se.ey The Seat Peeler A. honest medicine is the noblest witch of wean, and we ear ower • ns' ewadnrs that 1)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is ant ..sly reliable. bet is slowest infallible to ears Cholera Murhus, Dysentery, Canker of the Storeaeh sod dowels, sled the ratios. Bermes, Ms, Onespl•iuts, whoattacks see I often etdden *ad fatal. 2 Trnlneks all the dot:la d avenues of the Howey, Kidneys and Luer. °erry- IageA gradually without tha system, all the impurities and foul bursars of the secretions; et the name g; .Ad time Corrsctifit7 of the Stomach. suing Biliousness, Dye. paerpsahia. Headaches. DtszInsu$. Heartburn. Constipation,ml nesse of the Elkin, ness of JarmDrover, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Scrofula. Fltitterring of the Heart, 11 , and 04m - oral Debility ; all thew asp many other similar Cnmpl•lnt$ iTyilDtootehme hammy Dntlaf L W1,M1R A Oh. Preertiten. Tart► C. L. McINTOSH Nest dnnr in Rhyne** torn Rtrwe, keeps' eo,sstannly aAdln4 to Isis wrp:• selected stork.. hoi, e Fresh arooerles, weak* w111 be fogad to compare fasnr )Jy, ►N% as evgards quote, snd price. w. h any Meer stock h nils *trinity. TEAS AND SUGARS A BPEC1ALTY. 1a rel•rsing thanks to my e.damees fee Moir pateseess, 1 womb/ also levee say MA - on who will.. milt tad see/est my Meeh 0. L.. KoINTOBH. A rein Went dee w tbe Sawa. ooderLk, !tie Nib. IM t