HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-9-24, Page 26 i i the Poet's Corner. V UTISSIDAY.. Ted, d1�,�I 1 71arw.stq".• a•• al ,Ala tilt* Ls,gifts ,area, M mum em tw1��•o'r lucre's aftami, mods Mod Ohs .ssaandSAW A t.w.a.1 .sA LAMS nt•mkbd mad IIg. ISM, W. sew the Woo I.aaSo *be*, m sssi; has tura the weedlart.,•flus Sigh ad meetet Ysisrday, of-osty 1UMsedar Tommly. dadtag-+els yeasodaF. Watt Ops apart sad ban of russet krona, Ten .rows. dear Wit, asci the Sower dads* w• E t asping tie mow with your Walling Nes: Mos you . t .k them was a wild rem glow, aaW to ) ,sur eyes there ear • arms ray; Tuu care with aro.e uuletrelcbed-you loyal vas . o, Yesterday. darting --oats yesterday Teuterdity. darling-may,..rday. A ..n I n ids a.114 freau the army swab W.- 'mat your brow the (ana'(s•t !,Sags away, And soon, the kiss from your oriraa. route; Ther boughs • an.red you ate r.w afar.. akisg, Te roti ►out tient yes wlte as partial ray, Thr woodlark praised pat w b:. baxoy sung. Y rwisr.f•y, darting --cul; yo•.1c:.ltly. T,sa.nl.y, darling--o.b ye'dentay. .1%. to, eh. cur: but yssenb•y u -dyad: The r..r cr Sala Wilmer arr.'s, the d.,wrr larked "•y. MO Walt the wolitUark warbles overhead; - 'Katt w t...• %iu low, o(• stoat despair I wens;), Sur b. -an up._ 1... marry way, For f.itw'a b -,sit dream. tl.lt nasi.. the earth m (Air. TertenLy. darling -only yes erdar• OUR NEXT PREMIER. - 1Sea ,*awed slake•', ammo* es F/asea.- u. 9 I a• k S a t. • • 1 a1 n VI filOaf fo wl 1•, VG :n el ref, ini 1 It. w tf it:1. RI4 It 1 Yu' hes tu� Rel ape t lie coq adc vin{ f' Foror Isar of c the Lem. hole] I.Dtt ora The lake •1 rett a eel .d yep. devil for tr. tyro! i.ine hl Ai nak, puck , half if parte! will lal •sled spades the all salt M .dint 16 - meh Pries dc.fptd A Sash eft, w Ch•rl d era ga award death. ' ; •o1" tro•bie 111 Shine' A crowd of 5000 person tilled the large skating rick al P.ct••n, Ont., last week to listen to the Liberal leaders, who ro- c lived a genuine /rat i 'it. It was 3.40 o'clock ellen C. 11. WtJdi- Seld, secretary of the Prince Edward Reform Association, larvae and read an address of wale t,, the Hon. E.iward Blake. The vast audience, at the C )n• clusoru, groan . •o salt... and for several minutes tendered the great Liberal lead- er an ovation such as he had nut received before iu this part of the country. Ilata and 'kerchiefs were waved. and the builJiug shook with the cheeri that, arose. Mr !Shake's face iulic:.teJ t!te ar preciatioa be could nut fully express. Ile' tooled the picture of vigorous health. 110 j began by allow complimentary references to the denotations, anti then expressed -his--pl••sute-rat--the deine.ustrat the magnitude of which was not confined to the audience before hien, for thousands, failing to secure admission. ere attending an overdow meeting in atuitber cart of the town. Ile the presence of young men in the audience and intim- ated that he was the first to suggest and rive to the young men a voice and a tots to public affairs. lie then turned his attention to the representation of the, Liberals in the thirty metero oonstituen- --T.lsi; point.* out that the proportion ac- cording to the votive population was in favor of the Conservatives as 16 to 14. t But by the infamous gerrymander act the number of Liberals had b ern r•educ ed to merely three. He prod uee.' a dia- gram which. tickled the ani lienee im- mensely. One side looked li ..• a checker board with its white and black squares repre..uting Grit and Conservative con- stituencies, This was as it should have been. but as he turned the other side, with a entail white space in • kraut ex- panse of black, he said, 'Thu is hew it is.' He made a strong spot's! t.. the LOYra4 Or TOPCLAO slat ItR'.yY)i T. and asked them if the picture he had presented was founded on righteousness, truth, equity or justice i Ile urged the Liberals of the eastern section 1.. exert themselves and avenge the wrong, committed upon them, as the Lioerals in eight other gerrymandered constituencies had done. Ho went into the financies of the country, and proved that the present administration had been recreant to the trusts committed t.. them. He also showed them how greatly the annual ex- penditure had been increseed, though pro.nisee had been made that the affairs of the country would be conducted most economically. He referred to the pros titut of the civil service system to pol- itical puniness, and mentioned the in- srease of the cost of government in this one department from $823,000 in 1878 to over =1,0110,00') in 1886. in a sar- castic vein he attacked the superannua- tion system, and drew his c 'nclusior.s so vividly that every Conservative in the building -and there were many -hung his heal in humiliation. In the same sarcastic way he reviewed the national policy, touching un the barley question, a suhject dear to the hearts t f every resi- dent of the Bay of Quinte district. He denousoed the ally statement, pug.pad _ into the ears of the electorate, that the t was responsible for the price of produce. Iteferesoe was mal.; to Tory vaponngs in 1578 regarding the de- veloping of manufactures, and to the hope indulged in that a tall chimney would point heavenward at every cross- road. and that there the housewives' veg- etables, butter and ewzs could he dispos- ed of any price. Ile hail heard one member of parliament, 'Mr Farrow, of Huron), Say that the national policy had stimulated the hens unto LAYING ynR): tin 110..1.0 E•.,'.t. 8e combatted the prop sitton that the j Prosperity of agricultural cleanse depend- rupon the prosperity of the manufsc- rinr interests. The very opposite was .he wee. The prosperity of the farmer' i lepended only upon themselves. No -trliaoent.meld rrgnlete nutters in or - if to enrich them. 11' matte a NrIong lint in his oor.demnatt .n of the prim - system of electing members 4.1 the hate, and subsequently alluded to Tsg Lar, 0? P(t'Prtynroe[ ♦ tis tnetnbers of the House of Com - Fearful political immorality .d, and i1 woe humiliating in the that this should he. The con f( the timber pedlars, land and @peculators, railway charter tiaras .ealhingly reviewed. Mr +eke feelingly of the Northwest , sad created unb•.mnded *ethos `y declaring his poseuon upon the iniatifatinn of that vast territory Manitoba. He held the Ctw.• peeresponsible beams of sad *ogled 1••r every droperg every tont of more le fossettiow with the rebel. 'lair of the halfti eds le ran ago that• would THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, SEP. 24, 1886. ant bass lama a war He .H+$ to e S k. % attempt to most° religions serifs in Ontario, acid oo.eluded w •p•triot- io ,.teas... to .usl.deratwa and to the ttasiMility .f sash preview kiting allow- Od M.mtrnl thele melees nearest and of it. He took We tet applause. His •yM.m.iike views on the &sue A t. s . teat amid •rift t rM papplause.brad and mtl question oblate' iJmittstiore. As the thousands lei the bsihdini remarks eulo- itatto of Kr Blake was heard errs every band Mw a ..de Canted Cast} A slum young atom to the behdbt of fashion was violently sneering in • street car, when a remarked, "Aw, Chaplin, dash troy, how drys cat:h that dwindle! cold." "Aw, deah fellab, left my cane in the lower hall tether day, and in sucking the ivory handle, so dwe•df.l add, it chilled we almost to death." If Charles had used Dr. Har- vey's Rod line Gum his cold would west tro.ble him very much For sale at J. Wilson's prescription drug store. tf opats. There a Roo. authority for resting that the • heal -a magnificent gets too Ion; neglectful :.meatus of the f...1L.h superstition of late rear* a.o.•inted with i:--ta grossing in favor abroad and u likely 10 mew to the front ben. As the opal is the only It -,ensu+ dors. which .Ir$av imutatlnn, and Ono speculums are of ttirre appears no good reason why npab &bawdd not nsover the high favor they bold previous to the publication sot Sir Walter &veva Dowel, -Anne or ('.eirrstcin." to whit b romance b astroid to this dote' a 1 putter to bring lad lurk. 1 .. • vtous 4, tb. appearance of this fiction the opal enjoyed Is •original •'harsrter of being ■ toys stone and suitable tor betrothal gage. A National E.11 There is no question but that Dyspep- sia is the national disease of our c.,uutry, and when complicated with disease of the Livor and Kidneys is the cause of untold uuistery. Burdock Blood Bitten will almost i.,variably cure the worst caw known. Telveta Plata vmlvme@ towns in all the new Mors, Akio repped or seine. 1n croft stripes alter - sting with plain velvet. The novelty is in the petits psis or pm -dotted velvets, w►itb small spots embroidered on them in eontnar:- ing relent. such as currant '.4 wrought oU Salarnmbn blue, or navy blue. or green, sail also in tone upon tome, especially in iwown .had.s. such st. Burde dots on leis de roe, the 1:err nrlew•..l shade. Of Etta! Ampersaaee it is just as essential that the botnan body should have pure blood, as that • tree or plant should have sap to nourish and invigorate its growth. Nearly all our bodily ills arise from unhealthy blond. Burdock Blood (titters purifies this fountain of life, and regulates all the vital organs to a healthy action. 2 'Nis Wale. It meow as though the good sense of man) :adieu might prevail against Ib. rnmhtned ef- f•ortaof hairdressers and i:air imp.rten, so tral.n:sly do they cling to a becoming merle when one is fount! to shit then,; and in this ikikom 01 general rather :tbau part* *lar styles, ladies are justified in retaining ena which become them. The hair piled loosely upon the top of lit. bread and fringed in front in the present fash- ion, is met•s generally becoming W women than any one other styL•. It it also neater and healthier: leaving the hack of the heal ,pen to the air. 1 • TMI RNV. 6120. H. THAYER, ell , Ind., sap ; "Both myself sett awe we lives to SBI WH'S CON- SUMPTION CURL" For sale by J. Illiklss, dreggiat. unman and News.,. Prepare the body for health and vigor by taking Dr. Chase's Liver Cure. No Spring lledecine to equal it. It stimula- tes the Liver, ads digestion, and purities the blood. Large bottle and Recipe Rook, $1 Sold by Jae. Wilson. Ole sasInees ret Irvine*. Fro.. the N. F. . w.. Citizen (4e st.•/pr)-Ate yea Mid. my friend! 8tranger-:1y p se, 4r. Citiaes-it ls • great aAicties to be even partially blind. Stanger -It •a, sir, but fortunately it does not interfere with my betaine... Citizen -What Mumma are you is! Stranger -1'm a .. met a country 51511,, I That Hacking Cough can be so quick- ly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guaran tee it. For sale by J. Wilson, Druggist. 3 Sleepless Nigbta, made miserable by that terrible slough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by J. Wilson, Druggist. 4 Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Re- medy. Trice 50 cents. Nagai injector free. Fur gels by J. Wilson, Druggist. 5 Foo lame back, aide or chest, use Shiloh s Porous Plaster. price 25 cents. For sate by J. Wilson, Druggist. 7 Shiloh's Vitaliser is what you need for constipation, Immo( Appetite, 1)irzi• nem, and ail symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by J. Wilson. Druggist. 8 Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron- chitis immediately relieved by hiloh's Cure. For sale by J. Wilson, Druggist. 10 ARE YOU MADE miserable by indigestion, Constipat ion, Dizziness, loom of Appetite, Yellow Skin 1 Shiloh's Vitaliser is a positive euro. For sale by J . Wilson, druggist. 12 SHiLOH'S CATARRH REME- DY a. positive cure for Catarrh, lip Iberia and Canker Mouth. Fur sale by J. Watson, druggist. 13 "HACKMETACK,- a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 28 and 30 eta. For Sale by J. Wilson, druggist. 14 SHiLOH'S CURE will immediate. ly relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. For Sale by Jas. Wilson, 1:0 F It DYSPEPSIA and Liver ComplEnt, you have a printed rumen - tee on every bottle of Sbileh's Vitalizer. it never tails t.. core. For sale by J. Wiliam, druggist. 16 A NASAL INJECTOR free with each la,ttls of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For Sale by J. Wilson, druggist. Dr. Dic Lewis, whose death oeeurred ree►ntly, will be known in history ee the originator of the W...wew's Crusade ref 1873, oat .d whish grew the W wbisi today has • g...b.eship el 900,000. Forts .r interest. The Sandwich Want .re twelve In num 0 in An.. rl an colleens are not .aereasing to gunnies:em t.. lite 1•..i.ul tiM► A great brie i1 • hail, g.n11a the 1•actac wean thr• a .;h w,.4.•rn Ana rim, tit Asha .est and t:e• Planate. pawns el... v toil' led win a psi; itath.. Id the heart or have into '.r t ! tier, • •.a e•t- atema•.t •.f tie• sur..:ia' ,• l ,ei•utd Dot use.• cos W • Olt e Brown l .gourd says.w• sorbing is a Miura', rri?a actio ,• tel •.liy it Wetelligent Not much i. needed el- :u ,t eau do any good tt alt 11 -ben it cannot du ary goad tt ,bould be r.•.:.oe.i An lieu t, wry 9-1 fee: h' -'1 i, to le erected in the grouts s .4 ti.•• ....Eon; Parts • •, i-oa- ental ealJtdtk.u. Th' toter will be ini q.rort- 41 by four pillar& The .cruet, res w LI , oat 11.WIt,(U). aid will be surmoun'e.I i y a pow 'riot rl_ctrte light e tierce 000. ID Great Britain the question . 1 Home Rule is commanding attention. To the man with a cold in the head or cheet the safest way to ensure Wire Itu'e over s cold is to have on hand a bottle of Dr Harvey's Red fine Glum. For sale at J. WIlion 's Prescription drug store. tf Will You Suffer with Drsnemja and i Liver Cnwuplaint' Shiloh's Vita•.zer ia'I guaranteed to cure you. For sale by J. Wilson Druggist. To tie Medleal Itrw.es•iaa. meg all *bog. 11 may rwacea. Ph••sphatine, or Nerve r...w, a Phos- phate Element based upon bcieutitic Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Coneumptton. Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigt. and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the; human system. P osphatine is nut a Medecine. bus a Nutriment, because it contains no. Vegetable or Mineral P.isons. Opiates teeotics, and so Stimulants, hut wimp% ly the Phosphatic and lhartric Elements fount in our daily food. A single bottle is mitiieiont to eonvine,. •ell it. 111.00 per bottle. LvwtaN & $ICK Het1ut►�t:E, Cc.. sole agents for the Dominion, IIIoar L7. adarlr. 35 Front Sheet East Toronto Dizziness.' unatlpa. tion. ltsdlre.tlow, Mea Tear Saar unit llfluta•tassarksri r •mp civ cun-•t I•y tar. Don't allow a cold in the heed t.. si .w'y Pierre's rle•oarai aTt and surely develops into Catarrh when cePwtwraavtizs :. :•:- 1 •:..a.•lruia. you be cured for 25 cents A few application will cure incipient' West Street Meat Catarrh. One ur two boxes will curs ordinary I( Catarrh. to JoI1llSIoll. line to five hAllros exes will cure chronic Catarrh. v I ' hIel akiisal Institute ase., e1 i1Rw.e.. awe .YtiM hal rl..aeae•aa and M.wwa. ALk CINOSIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY. P111141 t• tr.oud Its.• Or at their iota... fluty tn•et...t at home, through tarnvyswuekn.v, w twtew,tuily a. If here lu person. Come and saw us, or w•ud ton wow la stamps 1.44 our "lawkb' OwN a..k." which riser all I•artie-- elan Addrar: WORLD'S U.eras0Aav Maus - CAL *0.1* t 1rn,X, 1151 )tau Ilut'uMti N.Y. ABRAHAM SMITH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER. New C3-oods, Ne Styles, vv Ir Lice,._ Gents' rarnishings, Hats and Caps, 8&c. If )uu *auto Alp )et sl) ltah.ns. call at ABR.& 3 AM c3MITMI'B_ IM (ludrtirh, June 3n1. Istat. FARMERS AND THRESHERS Use on your Machinery only the Well-known for " w,wn-nut,.• '• run-•b.wn." d.•bllltwt. 1 Ordnaol t.aawr', roil,. •rat ."anetre•ae••4. Wooer. i. a ,ors, and overworked wo'mw r e. rally fir. 1 :.•roe's I'ay.rr*te Pnwrintlgn r the• .at , •t all melon's . re towns. 1. W .e 4 a " 1'ur.-4Yr tit admirably fulfill, a singleness ..f p'ertr•r', te•trlg a 111.4.14 potetw t1retiao ter all 1h011.' .'omni• Weakn'ese and Dertw . les ,1tir to wino. n. The treatment .d inane tlw-a::u.•t. :.•,. h core. at the Inad1•ls' Hotel argil'.tre- nut In,m•t,lte F la aRrw4.4 a lung• ..seen nae In ...Iapetus; n•m,do• for tlw•Sr c.us•, ate. 1 Or.Farnrits MsKiptk Is the result of thi• v tet etoevierth'. Weer twa.esaal . .. ..Hary latlaaug.atluz• . sad ulceration. It le a wpeeetl:.•. .55 is a p•w.rful ge'te n .l, w w.•lt as u51- ln.•, 1o414C an 1 ner..me, and e.t.a! to vor"r and rtron*th to the wu.dr ',Ment. It sun• weakness of stomach, ltelhr.-el•:•. h: ',trt•y. w.wk Is•ck. riert-otte prtwtratlom, tea tlnustin.i, *.delay evil slerplwstesa us • atm t -• v. 1•at.weir l rre.ri;.• tion M odd by .irogvtsta under ewr 1•w•iler Oleo rant, s. See wrap;•-t*'ronn.l 1• til••. nit etc wormers PRICE $1.00, ,wet sa,oc.T. ', nd to t.-nts inseam, for Dr. i n. •n e a lents, Tn•atis• r.n 1►hien*•, of t".oven «145 mons, paper -covered,. .udders*. W.rwt tee - t•tI♦ Yi[Upa:....-r.. 4A-.......21.013 Main "Utes, Butlil e. X. Y. ss Matt' YO \ev C zss LITTLE \tazlsa�\t LITL''R A\T14114101 • tool C.1TIN AI.TIC. Market, Sold by James Wilson at 23: per box. Try it -take no ether -It oil! cure you. ly 11 WHY WILL YOU ,.ugh whet. Shileh's Cure will titre immediate relief Ptice IO etas, 30 Ma, a sd $1. F..r sale by J. Wilson, druggist. 6 Shiloh', Cough and consuni' tion Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cuts Consumption. Fur role by J. Wilwa, Druggist. . DUN N'S BAK'bC o! the fnilow:ng vi7:etie.7'-11 Poetic PEERLBSS OIL. SIX GOLD MEDALS have been awarded U .luring the three reeve. Try also our rttltim.wa I ILA aitttasa for your Wanness and Horse 1'owe•rs. \lauutgeturt.l at q.rea till ell N.rk.. by SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. YATES & ACHESON, Goderich. Toronto, June 11th, Seri, •fll-I Agricultural Implements. C. H. GIRVIN, Has Rote Moo the Aer.'roltu.alIrep;rmrnthuatneas,awl rtpeal titsthe ((llow:u.t I:uurs- HARRIS do SON, Brantford, BINDER/4, Mrt%Elt'. and REAPER&. ('O('KSIIU TT, Brantford, t'1.ows, HA't L,•ADEJLY and Seuit.t.51L.. MASSON MANUFaC'Tl'RI\(; CO., U'shawa, Sell) 1)Ru.l. and ACIRAT FUR Ceuuiue Newyork Sillr Seill INFO C_ H_ G'IRVIN, Ilamilton street. a tew doom bellow lie Colborne HeteL Keep Your Feet Dry! Yon can do this at • very trilling cos by buy's, your BOOTS & SHOES 11.1. I:1\1,114' SAT FMK STORE OF ATS E. DOWNING Care A::enlion .d ,'romp nkilrery A ('.t.LL 8OL1( LIED. Pee 2116 114:5, ^7 Crab's M.locl i-- _ _--- _ __ _ f a .LL _ -- L! _ _ I 1 hare now ss }.and • o;,- largest .tock rv.•r shown in 4oderlch, and romprt.ea nary line 'e Fa=ers Milli 14441114 to a tint -c!,,.'1... stere, from the east: ad, through all the intermediate (rai5. ' Lathe hear left tow i..r:r I w dl .. l' at The undersiger . i•e. a l 1.. a Selett.oa of Pure. (lean SEE Lucerne, Alrlke, Trefoil Pett the And ('!u stat rf ver. TuRotby, Lawn ,oases suitable for perm all v etfels o[ i r pasture, lista � POWDER~t' aro (tarter, H)eslleanit itiwbdi.at, THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Corn. Tareslnd Flax: al.o Firl4 and Garden "weds of last years growth -true to tame. A f411assumnett of Fi..ur,and Feed. i The l'elr,ratrd t -,..un ,'hunt- the hest in the taarkr;t. .l 'on•hrnn n,at of rholee Fre.'. T.••., con. sitaing of HL•zk, (terse and Japer.. -whole- sale ami retail. A Sorge stnut.Rt et Momry to Lean. LMZAA'� ! '410 411'&07vE,pS?E PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT Ily wearing the only FRANK•LAZARUS .Lit of the firm of Laura%.t'.1•.r::e Reloned Spectacles and Eye Glasses Three Spectacles and Eve Ola..rs have been wird for the pad 31 years. an4 worn in mart Instance unbounded satisfaction. Th.) are TOR Naar 14 TNR w'nnt.n. Ther never tire. and last many years without change. - VI R !ULU tiY-- Yates & Acheson, ■AROWARE llganuATti ORD DFait ICH_ FRANK UZARUSJANUFACTURER 24 Maryland itnae Ilarrnw itea& LONDON, KN(:I•AND. ,tate Laramie t Morrie. Hartford ('onn.5 ttNo connection with ane other firm is the Iiominion of ('anada. Jan tuh.lint Orly The Canadian Pacific Railway THE GREATEST COOPORATION ON EARTI4. Th.• \I.rt Direct and ,feat Equipped Route between MONTREAL - TORONTO, QUEBEC OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSTON DETROIT - CHICAGO, fit. LOUIS KANSAS CITY, AND ALI. POINTS h:A,tT AND VI' FAT. Rehire your Tlrk.ts elrwbers' roll on R. RADCLIFFE OFFICE ' owl to t. IO•re Dewe I= tiiiir Uoderteh. July title, ISIS. 1513. -R. PRICE, Masonic D.,tk, East tercet, Gederich. March 11th. IRAR 20X -6n IIA�lRsKNham WA BALM c hair 1.0 aua- turret tc::,r, r: moves Dc stops tie tea' fro failL:g out incr:ases its growth. and vv:l not soil the skin. As a hair data sing. it has e- superioe. Guar anteed har,,:1eas. Prepared 1.7, Harkness & Co. London, Ont. Rota hy all 1 and Finest 11 .Sint Dries. CiODERICH Prices that Will Suit EQw+,, wase. Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, from 11.00 to =5.00. Misses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up, Boys do., 11,00, up, all other Lines Ptoportionately Cheap. I ,an ami DLII .01.5 you. ho:h in goods and prises. E e D O ,QCT -N T N G Crabh'. Block, Corner East street and Square. V.R. To the trade Lea. her and finding. in anyg tflyJtLowestPrices, EASE AND SECURITY This ret a double ?s' Iii (f t�swf j eaR jMe the position of the shown spring situated in the Pad. by whk0t .. 'UNeITAN•f but east !Nu-AHDsad l 1't1'. 1t.l) GEO (}hErrnR ihx ,TMPS AiuS, -D ggi$tf SOLE AGENT, C+ODERICH_ Fehrnary Sth. iPrci s 1f61 - Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. W O O L E N co.E33,ArtRY, DdILLB. L•,BBET M:1KER AND tiNllERTAKBR T., tA. A,.J (Jrulc.ri of the J•mrrvnndidg 4.mnfro: We wish to say that we are p-rpsredto take your woos in eschange for ti•.. s or work tt for you into an of the to!lowInn'rtnil's..:z Blankets --White, Grey or Horse. Shirtings Grey or Check. - Cloths - Tweeds or Full Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flannels White, Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Sheetings--Broad or Narrow, Stocking Yarn - White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order, ROLL CARDING. Om facilities for this work rennet be .ur- Wei will ends•• or In most rases toile t the day it Is brought In. if re•t1irp4. (Teuton spinning sn.l Peeling, or 90lnning on the Cap. coarse or One. hard or trop twin. M repulsed. We are In • peeitinn'n do .I' kinds of ens ter work, sswally don. In • full vet resign m111, aid was will guarantee 10 do for you felly «goal. If tint • Mlle better than say la on murr.uadings. A tea aspectlilly.el trite& E. McCANN Rant Rad Woolen ]111 Osdert May Ifith, Ie! Hamilton Street, Goderich A goal ysertamest of K.tthei. Red -room. ihn!ng Room and Parlor Fn niter?. too h ne t Wee. n Slaty rane and wood meted,, t .•pboard., fled -steads Maureen* , Wesh-NS.4 Lounges. clots, Wbat-Nota. Look log Glasse!. \.8.--A sew)pletta.soa'mentofConlon and - rondsalwaleon hand sloe Hearses ter hl at reasonable rate . Pictnre Framing a specialty -A call asi r sed 1;51 ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPZEI Now the tire itnowish sneer two Wes roomiest het..,(emeRatter est 1.1 He be. over 20,000 Rolls the Latest Designs fean'ifn colors asd•tpr're.lssathaw very mn"h Inferiornuts, •r tt.tbostvslwslatown.s• mast east ('+•1•a*Nudes. The The Lalest Spring Bazaar Pt1cs & F�hias, AT Bi..ER•4