HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-9-17, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. SEP. 17, 1886 5 FRATERNAL. GREETINGS. TAM base an.ew$as Oar Sem Mare We am AlNweno S. *Mew rsetew. to O. N 16.1116. Taut Huaori I:t.osAL sailors spun ita geggolls alar the management of mom Mdlull..ddy with this west's DoMhs . It' is a sews, sheet [a,elp& Herald. The 81owaL is one of the racist sad newsiest sasM0R•a or our ILt, and the liters/1 ability whish w displayed in its •deme• sires a leukemia that is pleat ing.—[Paisley Advocate We congratulate Tex Sl•+TIAL on ata success and boos it will continue to Sour- r a•h. 1t is one of our best weekly ea- "" r**1* s, sad well des•rtes the liberal patr•wlige given it by the people of Gad. - rick and tioiaity. - Woodstock Standard. Tut Humor Sumac has jest entered oe rte seventh year ender the manage- ment of the MaGiIIMeddy Brothers. The publishers of the Signal have both surgy and tittles, and tMy tosik• nae of the best weeklies of the west -- [Woodstock Review. 11te M.Oilliasddy Bros, dudes the six years they have had coutrul ul ch. 'Banish' bar. made much in it. Althosgh we du not agree, poli- tically, yet we always welcome it as an exchange, and hope to se. it Mill further improved. --{Winghain Advance. THIS fitting Sweat under the man- a*em•nt of the Messrs. McGillicuddy, of Goderiob, has been brought into the front rank of Canadian . It has now entered upon its seventh year under their guidsnoe with • &Mown record --[Sarnia ►b.erver. McOiilieaddy Brea, have by their ability, and advocacy of soiled political principles, made Tug SIoNAL • power for good in its diatnct, and we cordially wish them s renewed lease of prosperity May the SaaaaL oonliuue to improve and increase in circulation and influence. [Walkerton T.I.aoep•. Altboasb Tea SIov*L is 38 years old. It bis never tater the bxld start orb.Id the important position in Canadian j rurnalnum that it has daring the past few years. The McGillicuddy. know Low to ran • . nay are pogo* men of ability and , arid their 1 i secure is scarcely t.. be wondered at W wish them continued prosperity.- [Wtogbam Tilmes. Tei SToaai. is • Ars( class weekly journal and we .n pleased to notice that since If18D its infamies bag been widely extended and Deady doub which proves that tb. ty In which it sirenbtes approbate the pro ra pristors' *forts in furnishing then( wash • real live weekly .—(Strath• 1'uy ie. Tea flocsakt•w Sweat lad week mi- tered openifs seventh year seder its pre- sent t—tb• clover McGilli- cuddy Bros. The Signal is by no means Laing in rigor u it adyanc s 1n yeses, and we hope to see it continue to go as to perfection, enlarging its fields of wet 1uluees, hoisting its shoal higher, as years am added to its hood.—{Mitchell Ricord•r. Tea Hraoi StnNAt has entered on its seventh year under its preaent man agement and looks as mach like living as erer. It has many readers who delighted in the long ago to peruse the vigorous articles of Thomas McQueen, who made it a power, and they have no mss to be ashamed of it now. May it to on in the advocacy of good . t and public tno.raltty.—(Chatham Bawler. The last i.nue of the God.rich SIOYAL I its thirty-ninth volutes. Th. SIGNAL is a racy. newsy, up -to -the -times It interests it.df Israely in lural affairs, and speaks out boldly and honestly on all mom' question.. Teta Sweat is a successful journal, and is •rideatly 1 by the people of its town and oetghborhood.—(Actor. Free Press_ Thatstaunch old reform paper the HURoN SIGNAL, has jest entered on its seventh year ander the 1 of the McGillicuddy Brothers. Tits SIGNAL s ore of the brightest and most ably Wester -- AND --••••• A- B_ o9.01,?:.1\TED s-- 1-1111 FURNITURE. NEW FALL GOODS Alit ti1LLLl7(tt 111001 ,VY VARA*J' U(T (Tltlilt rt'RxtTtttt You CAN nava T VARA" ON 11I1. AND INDUSTRIAL i AAT EXNIOITiON it LONDON, CAN., Yoll Are s. ; to Gat SffllediaPrirs & Qoality Sept. 87th to Oct. 2ud, 1886. Liberal Premiums. COMPETITION OPEN TO TIE WOOLS. The Weems Weir is the greet cseai e( the ams.o ter th• people ..t t eo(or0 Union Tie 1Mre•(ee• era emersa see 1161 the forth aemla Kahltltia. •h&1 coml. it out surpass as i f Ice ped iesesere. The Co.mUt s es Auraottoes ars permit. ins • 011004i hr each da of the ► i,. tJ1r p t4.vIare of wild will he pals hotMd tater se. W Ot(ea 1. the S•avtary for Prise IJete. Pset- era. FV rMtum or asy tatorwtalt.. required. It. Wt11CITr_ .R, ULI). U.liltOOU, •reMaeot seer itary Nova's the 'rime! aalma xle 'Trustees a;lre% Ire* .•a.a..•. r,..ar Wreak,. with TIM WW1 ah,. £i» a.Riastt,01 Loodoa, hue just mode another tsptrtaat step la adrsace. sod is addition t t al 1(1 w&1 testes pap" popular features gives la each Ism. tam Jon.• gst- moa.. the 10tereatioaal i11•bbatb tlrhe.l L0 sore. a C•mplst. Story. 0te , etc. it is vastly iia rad la So resp. . Per hALANCIL O KA R fly prism is navy Me.. or to clubs et eve sad arse Ma mol P0.Iass stamps ac- cepted tar tracti.•al parts et • defier. Sam - Utas tree. tl}Kaci sebseriber w!u k eantiod. with-, out additieaal emu. tome of the following premiums which should be ordered w per number. nit.: I. Permit Oal)erf S. Home end ib. Z. ('base's Iteeipa L Ladies' FancyWork Guide. eirttegisered letters come at our risk. Ad- dress A1)S rKTISIR PRINTING CO.. INS Lonoox.0,7.0.0. 1 F. JORDAN, man- MEDICAL HALL GODERICH Has on bead a tel stook se the totl•wi0g •eas•eabM antes* Paris Green, London Purple Insect Powder Hellebore. Guaranteed Wreak and Pura aad at Lowest Fresh Bottled Lime Juice, 1 am saw sallies the miebreted ntuM ARM. 1MPf10VLD RAYMOND SEWING THK NNW 171 TM' WORLD. BUY NO °TIMM KCLesper (baa Day nudes !hash's. ams to tears -1111 INIGIVK MIA CALL sad inane ter Yourselves -1W UNDERTAKING A 8P1CC1ALTY. MTS. Best Hearty mad Wassel Pushiness in Tows at the Meet Re•aseabls Bees "2-0T-7" C T T A. B. CORNELL, September tad. MI. lilt( BOOTS_ Our Stock is Xow CoM- plete in Every Respect. il. LESSONS AIYEN ON PIANO OR DRUM IlamUto.. street. Goderich. Wsy • • musk la ser 1 _The sfsalM 111 that 5Si !0. Me& w w ______ 111111. 1111 tAa moats ev pe wt load of tb• a•weot designs and best 466!11/. 1!4111116 a..... e/aTOtlaes, ■AJTLa t I4Trtl•. lana are i•wta0 lance lassoo is Vtmaoh. G sad i.g$I.b Geode le the meta leaky. We ba=rs a 1 (las et I)re Welk gam that w1u were * yes. at kyr the. Dame sod set sane rad them b.*0', that are all said. Newest Odom, t. Triseitage to match dem. roods - TWEEDS, 1VORETEDS si pArtoNooD OUSTLYOl3r splendid see ear Malt. w order at ffti tam over.. FANCY GOODS /e wy Wool 4hawla• F&it 0alo.v. Tam u'ttIo*t. - Hale. Poem tool taps aad Hoods- Hosiery rand U ioree, Klass sad Ladles' liitteaa. meet her with a oontplrte uwrt ml of small wove. A S'astlsc•sat of g. • par cent. will he allowed cm all. (-sash penthasee of Dry Good. of use dollar sad over. Colborne Bros., GODERICH. .4nd Our Prices Suit the Purchaser's Pocket. sgoEs_ WENT PAZ 1a0 7hLQOISE wax?. MUSIC W hen yes oto tot it et Nal( the usual prices at CLARJCI<8 Any piece not se Watt ••ab. presaged la a few dye Teaching ma "ay hone tar cheaper thea Members in Canada. of the BEST 11AKK8 for Sale ON EASY T>MBMB_ ALL MUM Or lltiail'AL NEXT• PROF. CLARKE, Proprietor. Goderlck. Aug. Ink 1301. WM- N1a80 3JW NO N3AII INOII91 I iWJElI (AIV Q RLLL SONVId WW SNVOlIO Assorted Sires. Agra' for :he Taranto Co* ilaR Manufactur- ing nn^ giillsi886 snot the public with the NEW sNu r• maned out • Choice Assortment or YTTLZSM V SRSA7 COUPS edited weekly in Canada, id 1aatl we ars glad $ cotta itsMSCIry(11 r hA t Asa local and county paper `)'n+ 1j y L u C it la a credit to (3odetieh and the empty of Huron. —[Guelph Mercury. Tea Stoteax is in every sense of the Ccaveeihl:t and Benoit.. mid at Reduced word a first -clam lo.sl newspaper. and a decided credit to its dimer publishers, Aye sheat ter the Celebrated 'tunable tor Autumn aid Early inter Wan- whuse ability, energy, sod gooO judg-Tne range of Textile Fabrics are so varied this reason that es en the most fastidious can be whoa here tysced it on a ern food h• • 113VZT]Ii;D_ mintLR. JZTG'S PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS (k.derich may well feel proud of the Sig- nal and it conductors. Tb. M•e.n McGillicuddy an act their part well on the public platform or in the editorial chair. Continued tutees to them. { Stnt- f-,rd Beacon. Vast Wawanosh. A meeting of the council was held on August 20th. Members all present. On motion a Brant of $2 per 'reek was guar- anteed to the Home of Incurables, To ronto, for the are of Mn Welah,it being . 1 that her friends nay the great- er port of the amount. Warrants from the ,evensl school sections for the •mousta required for school purptrr read. Some of these not heing in proper form were ordered tot* returned to trus- tees for correction. Plana ,nd specifica- tions for bridge on 12th concession were examined and a committee a .nate) mg cf the reeve, deputy reeve and councillor 1 L.rckhart was appointed to let the work I ♦ of building the bridge. B. F. Anderson was r. -appointed collecter. The billow- ing/ estimates fur the *cooing year were adopted : County ate, $1000.41; rt ads anti hridges, 11300; salaries. $410; char- ity, $200; printing and stationery, i3,:•: wire fences, 878; sundries, 8100; total, ri430.44. It was agreed that to raise above amount a tax ut 211 mills for eclinty purpose', and It' mills for tnernahil. pur poem be levied on all rateable assess- ment. Moved by deputy reeve, second• .d bycouncillor Todd, that the sum of 1'1 0 expend.] in improving the road opposite the Prr.byteri.n church. Dua- noop eared. The usual grant of Dna- 'snoop sash was noted to the Dungannon and Lockeow Agricultural Societies. After the passing of several •.eeants the council adj•isrned to meet ow Saturday, September 264 h. R. K. Miu.ss, t'p clerk. `f • Medicine and Pills ilAappecreinti Physicians' Prescriptions and Ptmtty 11 ly ili.i e.•td. Only Pure and Reliable Drugs used. CANADA'S 000*? INDUSTRIAL FAIR Arg Agricultural Exposition, 1846 TORONTO 1111111101/11111111M STM TO 1111TH. As fe_ses Programme of Now awn Gaut Attareroas d prepared Ise kir. ightMdss. Paras au/ lareurvekrem we off itr's C e p s •t Peas tet sady Forme sot m any ..lags s apperenea• by p0m card or oder- wise d er- wiSasrde d Ss uMy •lir H LL, Mos I NO 1- Wf'f P , President tteaag15 andSeely FOR SALE. Lot No. 668, ou Victoria-st., in the Town of Goderich. Occupied by T11011Ati McNltIUF:. Thm tet is situated to a good port of tb• Town. 1t has erected thereon a I( story with flitcheshas been pointed lately, 1.1da of ore oaustl w. Tr.ItM`1 or *4At : (Half cashand bal- ance o' mortga0e 10 IMO pnrrha*er. Fur further particular.' apply to the under signed. °ARROW A Agent. for Owner. Oodorieb. seer. Rh. IML >est4f BILL HP:ADM. !IOW HEADS LETTER HEADS AND ENVELOPES CHEAPEST IN GODERICH AT SIGNAL OPTICC Rack and Colored. Plain rand Striped I'luehei. and Vcl,ets. Buttons from a 5c. Size upa Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and -Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. 3-1ovee 71.ta.o Hosie y run nage. and at prices I in the annals of the Hsiert mid Glove Trade. ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSORTED. An unusually large stock of Canadian and Imported .. YARNS Bret Maks.. KEY NOTE Goods sold on their merits. no m Ions made. and strictly one price. 1111 A_ \ v e.L.NTRO, Goderich. Scpt, 0.h. 1301, 10M- Iwiper and cri NI il4j 0/44 0 esi41 W ilk! f1 O4 It xot goo, tf"A owl 1) • 444, A D44 RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! w II I IAS gAY' WILL SELL OFF HIS LARGE AND VARIED STOCK AT Tuve.(., flecking., fTlakritys, tlrfe. 00011, CONSiSTlNG or Hosiery, IfUreys, Pi1k. Cuhm.r.. 1.1 1•.(T,, trio, Fbin,,,1., Colton and WoeL ,Karts, Kid. Cashmore. Lisle, fikirfiw/•, floe,, lti Wire aseemse04. and cartes. ill i rf,, Print,, ('rappers, t4hesrr1s, (JimpAwwu. /Wows, knitted and pais. le's" era per 754- HowdkerrAie,/. Parnarkr, Medells, Wilk, Lbws. Cotton. 1'twMeffes, - whit* and prfateit-Tin, lc*WO, ('..tonne., link 1'rarts , Lart1, Vrltvksus, grlg,n7s, Silks. black and colored. BwaMovlrrtrs, Nati**, Ffannefs, fiAaTfs, 1►►wirers, Lathe.' I-, pt., (..mh. enf Suits, Rlankets, QIw*It+, Hot Table ClauA., Towels, Napkin*, ('.art..'iris, Fon., 11.1., Morrell I vial, N Arh (141'.04r. Fru -tory ('edf..rn, 1.11 ria, 4-r., Ar., kr. The Sale is Still Going On. Oedettch. March 24th. MIL !seam y t t /f J ►le 1 r' 1 .99 5 S — Z =s.-- gool• 9111•49.• 9E9____ alls' vs.. ens ves- •401 vow • • • .1P U AVI NgOgSE- '01 siep b the ia.sst .tyle. its TreeML sew rais. two skarn leo este. bated Ttacbest•s TSltf•s 1' b4 ire„ sed hired a Barber. nee cis tela po.tttoa f0 dA Werk th.. tore. Lady's it (ibitdren's Haircutting trtado a except Sour dais Raton and Stirs ground. vv .1\2_ 1044 West Street. tem doom mot of P.O., Ooderick R.W.M9KENZIE IMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SHELF :AND 55 HEAVY HARD w ARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, GODERICH. ..t FASHIONABLE TAILORING I SPRING GOODS ARRIVED, Anil will 110 arriving all Season. Call and See the New Goods. J= LJ GH D LJ J IJOP, FABHIOI%TABLE TAILOR_ IrRmen.mb.,ylb. Mare -Wes. Cwt. nest door to Hank of Meetteal-N Uoderteb. Match lath. 1301.