HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-9-17, Page 3JUST RV WeADIAL1416104 Amnon or "Jim's' a Wtrs" "Uttsss Fain..' Ps sa, rice CHAPTER XXX. K'xtr Kamp. uttered • cry that runt in the Italtewer•' ears for u.uy • day. Okla started forward and seised Anthony by -1116 OM- "A ive ! ' she cited. 'Alive ! sty Gould slit• ! Wm own, tell ore ! I.11 dee--1'11 dee --il ye dines tell Pae true !'" Arad then, without further Iter - ley, ►hs fell at les feet in a sw.e.n so death Gar, that it premed as if her word* were slrrsdy ywt.tird. Beatrice and Iterate &bugles both cattle to Antbuuy's awutauce. Moreau seemed incapable ..1 u,..ti.•n, and Lilted had mutat into tears. I. wawa while they were ideating alag¢ie.. odd tiugere end swrdravurtnr to reit.•re het to a..tu,ation' pv tight Beatrice cast ops appealing slanee 1 into :tntb .uy's face "Ott is it true 1 else stud. And h• replied gravely, "Quite :rue. But he is very CIL i hate lett hire in sere keeping at the inn-" "Let me g., to him ' said Lulea I "Oh, (Jerald, t:erald—" !tut hertie'a arm was around her, and she sobbed out the rest of her $tntenee upon his abeul- der, whole Anthony eiplai•aed that Gerald was in • madly exhausted condi- lieu, an4 could receive no t isit..n with- out the d,actor's consent. Maggie'■ first action on her recovery was to bunt iutu passiueate tears mrd ; call for her ahold. 11'ath him clasped to' her breast she room and begged to hear' once more that the news sea true, and then to ♦gee at once le, her hwh end. Soo! too was told that he was warmly in a Bt state to see her, but this ' only 'doled to her impatience. She wan$ ed no explanations, no advice ; she only wanted to get to Gerald a side. And' tnally Aetho.y, who quietly took the whole matter into bis own hands, sent her cff to the inn with • peecillwl note' to the doctor, and • promise to follow in a few minutes. The others wished to go with her, but he begged them to delay. "i eonnot let yuu see him, and I cannot leave this house." he said, glancing around him "'rarely, "antic I have given some account of the manner in which I e.sse to tied Mr Gerald l:uthvw, Some public explanation of his state arid treat- ment wilt, I think, hare t' be made by Lori Monsen.' k I • 1 1' J ►h, .Anthony, be tauraiful, ' whisper- ed Beatrice. "I here no right to be auythiog else," be answered in a lower tote. "I myself have made terrible mistakes, and I am pun,ehoed for them now. It.at let Mra Rut ',vett go, and then we can speak more freely. Mrs Pate came with her. l Me herr. Slee is waiting ao the hall, sud sail go back with her." Beagle was adhsady at the door then a new thought seemed to strike her. She turned back and spoke' "If I've for- gotten any thanks,' she said simply, 'wit's Lecauae my heart's too full of jey let roe speak. Mr Bertie, ye ve been a true friend, to me, and Gerald *Ili tell ye so haenaelf. And the twa teddies- -they have been kind to me. And if Mr Loch - hart found Gerald for us- - ab he :say bare been -I shall thank him an' bless him i the days o' my life. And my Lord," mid Maggie more timidly, with a new glow upon her face, "it was my Lord that tried to find me when we thoeht Gerald was deed, and spoke the truth when we &eked him this day about the paper., an. I'm grattru' to him as *eel- ' "Take her away ! ' mil Jlorven, sud- denly lifting hie bead. '•I can't bear it. Take her away !" Maggie, silenced and abaihed, dt+tw j ba_k w ith tears in her eyes. "What ii t I that I've mid 1" elm queried almost wide fully. "Ia he no glad -no glad teat Dorsi(' is alive 1" But no one answetel her. Anthony took her out into the hall and gate her into Mrs Pirie's charge. Then be came beck and shut the library door. A terrible silence fell over the little group as the advanced and stood before the table on which Mc.rven's tient heed was now resting. Lilian and Ber- tie held each other's hands like children and stood ale, 1, but Beatrice drew near to the stricken, guilty man. She !-'milt Town beside him and laid her hand on his arm, then looked bravely into An - ma '1'H$ HUIOH 1114311AL, FRIDAY. SEP. 17, 1 6. • list. if L.f•tll re- stales. He »oY Doi two.. ft ; V "Yes have lard tis whole seen," ''Yds, Ili Aida r' emisiated Bttotiiea, quire hie s could not eves misty the evil mimes of the he said ; ''do you inaw bask r "He most do bruueht to punieh•setsL" ltl.rveu 'had wirseed and storied as ke Mas who had tried to practise it. In hie "I love her," said bertiw "What "Dealt yuu see, Beatrice, said Mor - heard thaw words ; he sow lifted his eyes it was oertaiwly the nop.rdoable oaken have dose an make no diflsrewce yea geesUy, "dM/ May pergl•baweet boli ♦Lips, whist" awee deadly pale sed lined by stn. to coy Iota " isg upon Airlie ea oleo Mil apes ase r !":""it Uel,• jw sold Beatrice, with so mus hatred for the "Than take her. Take her fru,n Be* He Homed atirlr'1Sr a tt'm*est *heir hemrsely, 'q swear to yuu that I did two sin. had • gtpweter t ter the trios s hood tar Gerald's if yve will nut saying the words, sad added in an is - know Atli yesterday --abet he had bees sinner. 1. spite of Morveu's srrooIS, is take her from mine I shall trouble yuu ward voice, 'I am a ruined moo. But harshly treated- r«'•adey I found tt spite et the fact that he hied been tempt- mu sora I w sus.g awe,. It out sot that dues uut matter. Airlie shall out rut .,id reeolvid'M intwrfers-" w to kill the mea ahs loved. that be bad bort yna, for tmoe, to shake hands with emote. "►teaulved to interfere 1 "said Asthosy tried to sisesi&o both lilies w1 Gerald me augaln, if you will do it. W were Ne*Irw woshi hale saawered, but to with seine ators... "Were you net friends la the old Clays, Bertie." 'silenced her with a word end • look. "It "W* yiU be trends stdJ, ' said Bertin is all that an be said soda•-. (loud -by., earnestly, be be held out hs hand. Beatrice." He beat down and kissed "No, that is irspo..ible. 1 shall have her forehead. His lips warn cold as no friends henceforth," said Mune*, thou of a dead man. with a suu,se eelmosse of tune. •'1 "Mr Lockhart, I will not forget *hal tbaak you for your kindness, You will you have said." be a good husband to Lilies, I ern sure. "When sr* you going 1' eked Bea - Now go. I have still something to say trice, u he turned to the door. to Mr Lockhart. ' Wath bee hand upuu the handle he It struck them all that he was speak- luukel at hoe with a taint, ghastly undo- ing as a mss might speak on the eve u( • "I am going to see my brother," he re - long j .urney, t:r even upua hie dying , plied, and then he went quietly sway. bed. Beatrice felt a thrill of feer-she "t►h, Anthony, go after him ; save scarcely knew wby -in observing the him !" tried Beatrice. Ile is desperate ; look with which he regarded his sister, he w111 do Lam'e1f harm mf he is nut and her betrothed as they left the room. ; watched. Let us go after him together." it was the look of a mall bidding a long "We shall do no good,' said Anthony, farewell to those hs lured ; the look of a who had something very lake moisture mean whe foresees death, or separation in his eyes, and was not ashamed of it. which is w',rsc than death. the ',aster in your owe home 1 what it rot fuer defy aid year Htisbt to know how your brother was treated 1" "Quite true. I should have known- Ilestrice, I appeal to you, cried the Berl, soddenly eosin timbered that rest- ed gorttle on his aim, "yott know the %retched bondage is which Airtie has kept nae ! You know the threats that be employed to make taw quail ! He ac- cused nee of murder to yuu he threaten- ed to accuse me hufure aN aha world. I cook] have saved impel by telling the true story ; but at what a price ! Surely you understand !" "Yes," said Authooy, "we understand that lou tried to purchase your own im- munity at the price of your brother's happiness --portiere of his reason. We uuderstauu all that." "Anthony, Anthony, don't .peek to him ill skies nay, usuruotred I%tt•,tri e. reproachfully. She did not meat Lurd Morten to hear her. but she had spoken ni ae clearly than she knew. Murree olrew his hand away. to hio pride and to his beer, she weld art forgot the claims or kinship and of old association. Neither oould she for- get that she had done this coo what might aeon like • wrong to the earldom sy. ; although in her own mind she we. n.mvineed Chet it was the highest right. But memory .till made him dear. She listened with bowed heed mud clasped hands tightly clasped as though she were set/erase buddy pain -whale Morren plummiest slowly and heavenly with his story. "•1 .truck him," be said, after a long sod dreary pause. "I thought that I had killed him. He fell back fainting. You remember, Beatrice, how I came away from bin -scarcely knuwir-g what I bad dune. Airlie comforted me afterwards. Gerald was better, he said; Gerald would recover. Aud heartily I wished then that he would not. Ifs bad diggraesd us a11, I thought ; and it would Is betas, i< he was iia hi. grave. "Bet thew was worse to come. In a day or two Airlie began to hint at what the result of my blow might be. I had "Yea," he said tieing, "let hum speak not killed my brother-- but I had In - as he pleases, Beatrice. He is right. i jured him. His reasua was gone. He have ncthing to say in my defence. I would be, Airlie told me, am idiot, ►f not ren but tell you how the thing came a raging madman, for fife. eteout. You know the state that Gerald wa on when you brought him here trim :he tiro at Glenberrie. But you, he added, turniugf toward Bertie and Lilies, "you, as yet, do not know. Listen. Gerais/ was carried into this house iurer- sab lee ; he was dressed in workman's ew , as his--wife---hat told m; his heir mrd akin were darkend so as to die - grime bit, ; and he had in his possession several tools generally used by house- breakers, as well as the box full of rap- ers and valuablea,a.f which we hare heard. These (acts were remarkable,perhaps sw- piciow. Bet I thought little of theta -- indeed, I dud not know them all foe some time - though Beatrice and Mr. Lock- hart were seriously disturbed by them." "Why was I not told r mid Bertin trickly, as Mon'en passed. "It was nuy fault," awwered Boat- rioe. '•1 distrusted poor (Jerald -and i did not wish to expose him to saspi- cion. " "But - you f' said Bertie, turning to Anthony. It was the first time that be had spoken to bio since their quarrel book place. ''-I did as Beatrice wished me to do,'' mid Anthony. "I bought hit silence," said Beatrice, "with a paper out of the box itself. Mr. Lockhart's will had fallen into my pees - motion, and 1 used it as • means of pro - meting Gerald." "I newer meant ft prodsee it," mid Anthony in a low voios, "I *sly want- ed to get wanted to tet it into my own hands. I wish it had been burnt at Glenbervie before either of us row it. I was a fool. I'm sorry for it -that's all." "Al, said Bertie quickly, now I begin to understand." The hands of the the two men met for a moment in a close warm grasp, end Beatrice knew that her end was grained. The reconciliation was made without dist.lay of emotion ou either side ; but that it was a genuine one, nobody who knows the nature cf the two sen could doubt. Lord Morten seems to have scarcely noticed the little interlude. tie had fallen into a gloomy reverie, from whieh he now looked up and went on with his omrr*tiwe. "Gerald sent let iiiie,111W said, "ibd me .n Leo that I would bear his nks y p ' B y glassed pension the blood by cleansing an to tell me the .to of the box. that 1 see you suffering, sinning, yet�, &w story no longer- i dared not it--- iall the seen tt"es of the system. He eau laboring under great excitement, .truing to repent-- what sin I that I "ia short, 1, was a °award, There has and he spoke defiantly. "You did tot been no other onward of my nos and 1 should not give you my hand and softer ' know that I was a thief and an mean -t yon my bit help and .potash) 1 ' And ase beforeEven Gerald, whom I in D' this mood he s oke-addre.in diarydid you 1" he acid, 'I came to g him• , Glenberrie to steal, and it was I who set da.pa.ed, was bravo* than I. Amd, , melt rather to the wounded %pmt of the knowing this, I see clearly that the world' man before Dim than replyingto his ' the place on fin ' In my calmer mo- d a ono- hadno place for me, and that i me ' :sense I have seen that he meant to ex- actual words not trouble it very long." plain aha► he did it accidentally- I am "What is past is ped," he said, "and He rose with a wild look, a disordered sure 0 it now, Bertie-- -" r you will do wrong if you let ,the past r "And so am I sore !" mid ilertie, gesture, indicative of greet ague) 01' burden you so that you lose heart for the mind. His hearers had been too much warmly. future. Resides, Tour wrong -doing has I " -- -- But then i was amazed, indig- astounded byhit ed this revelation o recover lain in intention far more than in deed ; ' , dilluated. He did not speak eery themselves eery speedily. Beatrice was and it is not wise to pry Ino elr.ae'y into intectedly, and wandered off into the the tint to grasp the real meanie, his connone'• motives and intentions. The in• st. ry of the wrong denials ha boyhood words She •prang towards hies, and jar, to your brother—I speak plainly t, Anthony Lockhart, which I then heard i because i feel strongly amounts to "'that was riot true," said An.houy. Mr. Gerald Guthven is now, to all ap- pearances, perfectly sane" Morveu turned uneasily in his chair. "I trusted to Airlie," he said, in a low voice. "He told me ---God forgive we. what does it matter what Aube told me i I ought to hare ktuwn ; I omght to hare seen for myself ; I should not hare let sum cow me and Ilareaten me iglu ubodi- eax. But thelia what I did. $e made the piss ; he devised the story of Ger- ald's death, and kept frim -for the pur- pose 0 bending me to his own will, ami now believe -in a room near his own spartmenta, away from the house, away from me. 1 have never looked on Ger chi's face since the day when I said to the world at large that he was dead. 1 was told that he was kindly treaded that his cries for help, which I did heats sometime. in Airlie's rooms, •here the mere ravings of a di ;rseted mind. Even these I could hardly bear. I hal deter mined that anything was better than the life I led. The reason you found ecce.. to him aro easy, Anthony Lock- hart, ar.d were able to procure his escape, was that I had a few boars pre- viously withdrawn all barriers. I had **looked the doors, II be wanted to e.rape, I had eons* to think that it was better so than that I should lima for ever under Airlie's dcmiuiun-s prey to the haunting terror of discovery. "You may saythst f am a mere egotist to speak in these terms, as if the matter affected me, and me only, But I believe honestly that Gerald was sued. 1s open - in` the doors, it tit true that I tried to shake off the responsibility of his fact" Moines's voice rose a little, as though he were arguing with another -or him- self "There was danger lest he should get out and be recognised and brought tack ; then was danger -ye., there was danger, though I would not acknowledge it to myself -that he should wander away through the half -choked passage and be lost, or gain the face of the cliff and fall, as it is said that our ancestor fell hundreds of yeah aro. But I was desperate. Anything, I thought, was better than Airlie's tyranny, thought I oould not bring myself openly to defy it. Lord M even stood perfectly silent for a few minutes, seemint to sea iothtng. Anutho , hie arae guided and his brow bent, stood also, his eyes fixed upon the ground. He was dissatisfied with himself and with the part that he had to play ; and yet he did nut see how in justice he could hao a acted other- wise. At "1 This last Morr•er•_ spoke. have one thing more to tell you. morning even I should have said that you were the haat man to whom I could tell this thing. But I am beyond that now. I am lorycnd hope in this world. I will therefore confess -- "No, lhlorven, no !" Beatrice inter- rupted him pas.iunstety. Anthony dues n ,t seed to bear. "Hot i need to tell,' said Mcrven, raising his hand to atop buth L'eatricei protests and Anthony's disavowal 0 any wish to bear his confession ; "when yuu have no right to rel use me the poor sat- isfaceion of telling what I choose. Mr Lockhart. you are going to main Off cousin, I believe'" "She has promised to be my wife." "You know that 'Deltas tome minor ge l to seen ( ' "I inert it." "But as you please, Beatrice." rn", 11 DEP il$IT Mai& Mel •miser M wisestN t et. ractnn,rFes.ti•-Two.. - . fythatt 1 late used Poison's Nerviltne for rheumatism, and have found it a val- uable remedy fur all iuteral gale, and and would greatly reeom:need it to the public. -N. T. Kingsley. Leeds Couuty, Jan. G. —Ws are not in the habit of puffing patent medicines, but we cannot aathold tour testimony as to the great value cf ':erviline as a remedy for pain. We here pleasure in recommending it as a never -failing remedy. -Rev. N J. '.Allen, Benj. Dat. ton. and many others. P. A. v'hurch.11 states :-Then seems to be no ted t,. the r eetWa a.f Nuniliue. I mend you s few testimonials, and can send You plenty more if if use to yon. Sold everywhere. A spare Aalr-tear. Mammy years ago an officer of a company of yolunteeis had barn putting them thr•'iigh their drtil in Scotland, and hav- ing just finished, caned tbrm to "atten- tion," addre.sin:t them as follows: "feel, men, you are, upon the whole, a capital body of men, end I have no d •uhr. sere an enemy to iuradetiootiand you would do pour duty wiled cal'ed upon. Now alt men in this :ompany will please hold up their right hand who w,aula.l be willing to go where and when ren mite., to do d..;y fur their Q teen and "You may merit her of ell Marne in t't'uatry. ' All hands were held up but ono, and the cfrt^er addressing the 'urin- ate matter, if ever you thought of blas- mire caked him why he would not en. sag her," said Mor,en, rich a sli„bi, sad "Weel, sir, ye see my feather is eettin' smile "The enga't.tnent was a mistake oey sold novo, an' there wed be rsebudy to look e'ter the kye if I was to pang, but if tiny Roosien buddies were to come doubt yuu know, es soon as she t,-ld Inc noun' this way• I micht be aloe to gi'e that she had no lore for aloe. I was hurt ye • stare half -nor sin -m• thein." -vfirnded ; that I need not say. 1 came - home to ire told by Airlie, who seems cob titter est wt' on ail grounds. I set her free, as no to have hod mem. c/ discovering every- you to"liev-e that consumption is an iufse- te' :s disease, transmitted by tubercular body's business, that you and Beatrice- parasites, the fact that Dr Pieres'a'•(kdd that you—. Well, you outguess what en Medical Discovery" is capable of re- ituring a healthy ccndition of the lungs Op./neer affected, is one which does not admit of question. At the very first in- timation 0 consumptive tendencies, whether in the form of s persistent cough, general debility, hiss of appetite, night -sweats cr frequent and depressing chills, you should secure a bottle 4 the "Golden Medical Discovery." it will purify the blood, tone up the system,and remove assumptive .ymptutns by re- moving their atter, I would say. I went out ; I saw you t, getber in the avenue You may have been in danger of your life before, An- thony Lockhart ; you were tomer In more danger than you ware just thea." "Say no more' Anthony broke iu suddenly. "Do you think I hate not known what it is to be tempted 1 Ay, and to sin too ! I here suffered in any time like you, like other men. It isnot ler us men to confess our sins ono to the other " He held out his band. Murven had mored him to pity at lost. Anthony eould rot at that moment have put his entire feeling into words : but it came to something like the, "When you walked apart from other men," he might have said to Lord Alorveu in hu hied - "when you placed yourself upon s height and expected everyone to bow down to you, then I would willingly hare drag - T a uses Maoists resift she -wooed. The "Wirt" fountain pen is the hest thine yet invented in the way of a self- feeding oen. It has a gold nib, shades just as a dipping pm does, and never fails. It is a writing wonder. A aam ple can be seen at this office. Every lawyer, doctor, clergyman, aeh..rol teach or and business mac should have one. Tho s. McGillicuddy ie the local agent. A Weird el tsplawatlem The liver secrets bile to move the bowels ; the kidneys secrete urine to carry At uric acid, which would poison the I might elude, but I could not say to ged you down and set yuu with the low- Word ; the stomach secrete gastric juice the fns of the man who had tortured i est of the low. But now %bat you have to digest or dissolve the f••od, etc B ir- ehnwn one kinehi with other !TOM now duck Blood Setters acts upo:a these or - Enter1.ri.inv people are beginning to learn the t blue of advertiti,.4 the year r•our..d. The l.ersietency of tho qa who are n -'t intimidated by the Pry of "dull times," hut keep their names ever before the public, will surely place them ••o the right side in the end. Leine. *soy. The complex, -.1 is t (tett rendered un- sightly by i'impl'tm! Liver ord., and Yellowness. 'T:ttee it a coat g aa.wn are canmed Troon en tneetiee Liver sud had 1.1..0. Dr. ('!use's fiver 1' ire Ppnratie's I the blood tad •ho'o system.. 'es Re�y'ape Book fur reor'ho,. Lima and rag.eat` 'ns on how to preserve the cc:ey e:Ion. 1 ON Day and Night During as smite attack of lrearkiL, m semeises tickling la the threat, sad as sxbaustt.g, dry, hashing sough, antra the 'utterer. Steep is banished, aad greet pustnabs tuilwws. Tht disease b aka Wooded with lluarsenesa, and sumette..e lova of Yuan. It U liable to beeves' .hta.k, t,volye the Nags, sad tsrmlaste fealty. Ayer's &'berry Pectoral aloe& Weedy relief and cars in cams of Bros- .diUs. 1t controls aka disposition to cough, sud induces refreshing sleep. I hats been a practicing phya4'lau for twe$ty-tour years, sW, for the post twelve, king astered from auaual attacks of Bnnchhts. After cabau.t ag ell the wand remedies Without Relief, I tried Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral, It helped ase Immediately, and .05 -red a speedy Miff. 1)., srrulltoa,Mtu. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is decidedly the beet remedy, within ray kiwi, ledge, fur chronic Bronchitis. and all lung dla.rases. —M. A. Rust, M. U., booth Paris, Me. I was attacked, last winter, with s severe Cold, which, from exposure, grew wunw and dually settled on my Lungs. By night sweats 1 eau reduced almost to a akeIetua. My Cough was messiest, sod 1 frequently .pit blood, My physician told me to give up Aualwess, or 1 wouhl not II%e • month, After taking various reme- dies without reItrf, 1 coo Anally Cured By Using two bottle. of A ver's Cherry rectors!. I sin DUN' In perfect health, sat able to resume bwlae.s, atter haling been pro- nounced lu.•urable with 1vimmmptlon.— S. 1'. Ilcmdersou, Sauleburgh, I'enu. For years i was In a ,l.'cline. I hall weak lungs, and sutered from Bronchitis and Catarrh. Ayrr's Cherry Pectoral re - 'tared rite to health. and 1 hair been for a k'u g time coutparatively rigorous. In tear of a sudden cul.& 1 ahem. resnttt to the Pectoral. sed And s -,1y relief. — Edward E. Curtis, Rutland, Vt. Two veers two i suffered from a never* Brouchiti.. The physician attends tate became tearful that the di.ea'e wowk ter- minate In Pneumonia. After ming Parl- ous medicines. without 1"neer, lie anally* prescribe! Ayrr'a Cherry- P.-etoral, whack relieved me at unr•e. i continued to take this m eheitte a short thee, and was cured. —Ernest Colton, Logansport, Ind, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, r red by Dr. J. r. A rr a Co., t.ow.u. war. Said b►' all LAneggfau, l'rl.. Al , s4 twnlae. 4• srn*Tronn, Asg: tih, PK,. About three ye rssgu 1 was laid ua.,wih hv,nrldtb, and f.,r U ,tr•`wtl,• wing *Hata* t., do eur- hirer. Year bottles ng i» J ur'a Medielen. remittent; cured me, and my health lin• been first-rate •vereneeecierrart 1 serer felt bit- er is rq lite. tY It MAnas, 'ft. 1'. It. Works 9eratford, Por'ssie bg► r. Jeatau, Uudarich. B� w ARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATION A, there w maty Warior g • Is, contort with JUtq l.,"u,py, etc.,ottcred sad .old As (bindings by some un- {{'rincit)tu,d nerchauta trad- ing on the repotetlne d our Srrwtne i'eenlHwe. we data the ladies vaunt anal homed:ton by draw- lagr tion to the necessity wing that the aaau• `CROMPTON CORSET CO.' is stamped on Inner si.ie of .i; Co. alinatooda, 'Want whisk use ars gsaalwr CURE OR RELIEVE E: -'3f8.7:814 D"„FERS1A. twat irShOA� JAONDiCE. E.?YSIPL LAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, OIZZMIEss DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART. ACIDITY OF riff STOMACH, DRi 4(88 OF THE SKIN, Aad les of diseases fawns disordered U eVER K,dagv4 S .*costes ow stoop, T. MILBURN a Ce..'r°o"t'g,,.�.to' THE KEY TO HEALTF', seised his hands. Qlolu by J. W i!s' n. Ih,ny's face. Ifor the first time, and of his marriage "Ralph, Ralph !" ahe cried. "Do not' great and culpable negli¢ N..* is the silver to :bink about 'dyer ' Now," she .end, "deo your w' rat, with Margaret Lngf►n-stories which he deepsir. We lore you Hill. Thee w •' mica great and culpable negligence, but tieing. and rstle:tion should bo followed ' Anothony. Accuse him of what You did no soften in telling, and which, per- plane for in ell sur bootie- not to premeditated eroelty. You de . 17 judicious action. will, bnt remember that he h my cousin haps. I failed to 1." Lord "L there r he .id with 'Orange, wan not come out of the business without 4 ('atarrh Cured health ami 'Unlocks a l l the et,otood aver: net of abs Bowels. Kidneys and Lives'. carry - Log off gradually without weakening the eyelets). all the impurities and float Manage the .,, 7 . iiM the tater tier Correcting Avidity of the Stomach. sun Biliousness, Dye - popes, hes, DM:toetai. Biartbmmttl, Constipation, Dryness of the nine Droving Manes. of Vision, Jaundice, Ball Rheims. Heart, Scr•ofilla, i':utt.rtn of the'Heart, le , and �- eral Debility; alt theta and many other similar ('ot:.11aista yield to the h- N D nfl8c f BURDOCK ' . slummy a Ce., rteerOtos. ^creeps C. L. D2cINTOS$ rl sweet •ext .moor to Rhynes UrnR Store, keeps and my friend, and that i will never Morro) paused fora moment, and went sante. "I think onhy le your. Be•- stain ; hut there is n,. stain on you that consent to look on him u en •nemew"wg g T breath seen'., by cents. N salarrA to • cun,eatecy di Sb usg to hos well- y •on in more agitated tunes, "1 lest ono- trios, whisk ie Isetre h to hold even cannot the effaced in lime. The "'realest midi. 1'nce rn(1 vista. Neel injector � refected mos a. choice "1 meeuse him of nothing," returned mend of myself . 1 interrupted him and • ids* that yon despair." of all errors is despair." free. Fur sale h) J. Wilson, Urncri.t ,ming • Anthony, blontly ; "bat 1 thank that bade him be silent. I struck him, in "i do not despots you, Ralph. You "Let us help you, Marren," Beatrice igrew •♦ewe. t'sw.bt t'etd. the world will require of you do not) Imp roger- anal then --there lies my are no coward ; you are brave enough to joined in eagerly. '•We will keep the , A a',m yonne man ,n the height o/ rune explan•tioow of the fact that 1 ' guilt." defy the wbnia world now, and we will matter entirely to oureelver. Gerald- , fashion war viotently sneezing in • street bongs Lord Morten's brother fastened 1 Ha utterance became choked ; he stop- help r`1e, will we not Anatomy 1 Lilies, Gerald is the hast mon to hear a grudge ear• whin s comp•m.m remarked, "Al.' up like • dog, starved, beaten, bruised, ;pea short again. Tho "seam.: ptso•rted Bertie, tall bim that is will •land by' against his own brother. Hewitt to bet- ChawI.u, deah 1.y, how dye cat. h et iheaft TEAS AND SUGARS housed In a dame char, almost at the, silence ; and in the taleweo, only Moe- him still" ter soon, sea everything canon as tt my Bane oa,lth� •'Asa, all t fthem t pea! •ar/ deshD, dib ereryon• bslisyed tee's labors breaths swots s the Lilies hrnk• from Reith. hand and eT7 g go my cane in the lower hall to they day, A blank 1 LTY. tag poo did bsforw- and ,n sticking the artoey handle, • him deed emus months ego. What does ear. Antho* • were filed s threw herself enbhsnr open het brother's o dweadf.l odd, it chilled me almost 10 is rrtn-n &(g raves to eon n,, . scy for y' elm prow 1M "hlnw con 1! r' sale sd 1(orven. 'Dinestheir pat *nage, 5 cocotte glen Int.te .nr oils - that moan! If Lord Moven was ignor. !the flour ; his toes as yet sipeuesd so neck. He pat hie arm mend hoar, and nit sin being it's punishment r" death." If Charles had used Ur. Har- en who trod. toads and InetVct my stoat. ant of lie bnttber'• existence and his softer mood. Cruelly to the weak kissed her hweheed with great gentle- 1 "11 cow Ai,hs'a dossg• from bMPssiwR toleo+by's Red re fine (Ism hos u"did .,uid ant 1 0. L. MCINTO$H. him very meed snr wsale at J reap Groceries, vetve .111 Ln f. ml :o rnmpal• fat nrabZy. �l le niter,' ',,tnal.r y and price.• with any other ,'t'.'k .n rine loath emir e`r in;lr. brvthee'a suds lei his Maus es of the ( vowed &11 Ir Vdlgrnat emotion u1 ba Bge•% thea looked at Beetle• to sed," mutters] Antkona a a+e of tele "imam � t�tleob's prs'ciipl o* url.g store, 11 I tpoderish. Flake tlth, ►tet m �"tta Ilailsirli gtatl, iit1,.A�.