HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-9-17, Page 29 rHh HURON SIGNAL, RIFDAY, SCP. 17. 1886. ►' /PULPIT ASID Pala& not as they like to have !kerb elves ap- peared whoa they have their Suadsy I, THE EASTIIQUAE-1.0. FOILED. Slag Itss&1 mertsi.R •.d bulged bhm t0 11'611, ��.»w. Robert, 'Sar Lad tome eadming fry in • Illeistle Assent ea sacs seethe .aid ,resew weer. eats eft -had the orythatelsint ltd homemowsear taws, shah„.. E'•t• 'e Rosas fur sow time, upssod tie dw1 the wen them iame appropriately from tis tees. '•Beeby. !” ►.threat. press than from the pulpit. 1f • poYli- sal stases _out be aw•erted the pe sea { imatr reader hhuel Ret, L d 4yYw a (Ili of Moues Fee* free test, ittistrtbals w a►. (Arra. Geordie* a NSi set>►. "MIMI le"k Pis" ass tie Oe -" el hie otiresad w now tied eio.ise the &fog Eve Lewis looked sp in a Marded way; • •why, E•e- " he bops in . seep iced S. C. September y --At for her teethes Robert seldom salted Mr ton& tlem, sail the mimmtHo Il o'sbak to -eight seethe✓ E melee aR +d - — 7� 'Babs,h," kraits Ms Ere. hssl W NV . a tw+ �yllwortA ,set hostile W the m article on the Pulpit acid the Press, Oeas/setsatisa SON IMtitaDes e• her M tome hs/h. pipK , •Q tie N"Limn I am rtaht shoot from which trot the t flow p'h'i w\toil is rs to rya" aa, eampliag is w pubes pee are jrV heti tm Nt/ sI �lj iihteenelt. Ler ase imptrtur. gems w of SourAt tri ; sag eva.gtaativ tIMo11s. Ds rathee thee b the . very, tied as See permed the •t yah het brdher said atnsly. How sway ordinary political editorials P�1�M! �~L sharp shook d saetkesske "rig Itti 11"""i M ►ss rtes Ile "what \M ooh e t i..saueidea lot; pesifyim� 1 etas, daring thea last felt tie Won 11 o eissk t; siigfst., heal T' would w of the a •a1igesey is tM iMwm was 'lw Wf eeitMillsj tied eredita rite pulpit M d Dere coal l pal Two hila ♦ white wew.m, could Wet tie dyneverwilbost mpreyted �0eIL 7e .1 the harem Nksowm, arts killed by a eslliag prase, peen precsd.c the the pulpit, nor is the pram found when the t pulpit is not. The harvest of the pram Is reaped out of the sewing d the potpie. 1• 0 • • Duly papers oars 'sly live in countries sudoieatly euricbed by the Gouged to foe them. There is the must perfect harmony between the law of preachers and editors. Each e1. kite, their work and are faithfully I uremia( it Stich perianth the impor- tance of the other. • • The • I pawar of the press for good is weakened by the fast that it is eaten.irely used for • ail. Whatever purification it has un- dress in the last half century is due 7 weer largely to the pulpit. Another + limitation of its power for good arises from the fact that the great majority of are euoducted for money- soaking oney soaking or partpurposes, and are so far trammelled. No collision is possible be- tween the legitimate work of the pulpit and the press. Neither is there an (frim of the press superseding the pel- t,. i it Their spheres aro entirely dilatant Su far as the pulpit ie ouucerned, no agency on earth san take its place. God ii; " has (rdained that the living voice of the raved sinner .1411 call other sinners to ' 1m?eotance and to the higher life. All over Christendom there is •powerful awakening and ingsthering of .oul.. In this fuod.mental work the pro i. as • drop in the bucket to the tieing voice. The highest and moat important duty un earth -that of public worship- is not and cannot be conducted by the press, but by the liying voice. The vital doctrines of the cross must be taught and defended by the pulpit. And much of the praai- e.•l morality of the Christian religion de - Fends upon the pulpit fur its enforce - ft 10..t. The power and prerogative id the press lie outside of these things, just a. ' its the chaff lies outside of the wheat. P Mr. Aylfworth, who by the way is an a i old printer and is probably a better preacher on that account than he would ii otherwi i Migni1W W office. Bat b Shen is etimstking to be said ou the other •i side. It may be tree that many ordinary w political editorials would be required for b tike conversion of one soul, but many 1:5 •moons are delivered without any imme- diate and apparent result. The pros, is ti powerful in enforcing abstention from si crime by the publicity which it gives to a the acts and the punishments of crimin- al .1., while an appeal from the pulpit n. would never reach the criminal. News - re papers afe conducted for money -making, but we rarely hear of • preacher refusing • to take hi. salary. Mr. Beaty, M. P. for gl West Tortnto, wrote • book to prove fa that preschen should not be paid, but 4 1 i 11 rot committee of Parliament boa esppeed big Mesa of how money might be got without w earning it. A newspaper editor, like a le l preacher, may have another object in hie work besides the making of money, bot like the p•escher he believee that the yQ laborer is worthy of his hire. Toros and tram is, sol of an. th5 Reformers feel toward use souther no more bitterly than Protestants and Cath- olics ; each is willing to convert the other and let bygones be bygones. The prem has poAnte of superiority over the pulpit 7t addresses • wider �� sire's, and it talks six days in the week, while the occupant of the pulpit i. only • f' heard on the seventh day. The written words ern be studied at leisure, and the Rili exact shade of meaning ascertained, whereas the spoken word is beard and u gone ; before • man can decide whether an argument is right ur wrong, his atten- tion 1. taken by the next sentences As- suming that both the writer and the preacher are anxious to tell the truth, the former is more likely to do ho because he knows that people can talk back at him. The preacher steps iuto the pulpit and has it all hie own way. It would be a breach of etiquette f,,r any man in the congregation to stand up and dispute the vin preacher's statements. And the audience to is predisposed by sympathy to accept co what the preacher says as true. if he ilt makes • little slip, he is still credited free with good intentions. But the editor of For a newspaper writes with the ever-present knowledge that, if there is any flaw to rev. It: rut tie top ger ape one the corn tide heating parses described by Maa.Ly, and ares slave Henry Ryan and Dano Dualism Leveled through the wilds el Canada aeries w rough settler into `nod behavior, scolding the women for hoot poor boue.keepen and 000asioo- ally ebr•abl g • blacksmith cr throw- ing a rowdy oyer • camp meeting fence- Has the prem dose anything to cause this t, ur is the growth d influence a men ooin- cideoce l The pelpit has door and is doing a great work. Bet the giants of the pul- pit, bite Talmage, Beecher and Spurge- on, rely very much on the press to have their words disseminated. Their influence would be circumscribed if the press did nut find Gar them an audience. Even Mr. Ayl.wortb's ideas on the subject now under discussion would be unknown to the Canadian publie if b. had uttered them in his pulpit at M(.unt Forest, in- stead d 'ending them to be printed in the Christian Guardia,.. The pulpit and the press will effect more as co-woreera than as rivals. 1■ seethe It is now in season to warn our readers • gaismt the sudden attacks of Cholera, Cramp, Colic and the various Bowel Cumplatots incident to the season of ripe fruit, vegetables, etc. Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract 01 Wild Strawberry u the t(raod specifics for those troubles. 2 E his argument or any mwtatemout of lean fact, a hondred "esteemed contemponr- the Sea" stand ready to hold him up to ridi- t ee hole, and thousands of readers may no- rive a� lice his blunder. 'there it will stand hn holt] black and white, perhaps to be due from butt - a musty file and called op in judgment against him a dozen years later. . ser In comparing the inflows, of the put A DANGEROUS LEADER. IN ahs erare siaadted *4. Teres 1. agate Steady se $e.II.r broad" illi✓. OAKLAND, Cal. ,September S.-Yerter- dee w citizens GI Bowdrei township, north of doe city, were startled by a noise like the implosion of a steam boiler. On examination it was f,uod to have been caused by en eruption ten the fats, of Christian Lankeelsek. When the noise oocurred a 'loud of smoke and duet was thrown tit) feet in the air, in which were hits of dirt, stumps and routs. A deep holo was left in the earth, which haa nut bow captured. Nsw Vote, Sept. 6-A despatch frim Charleston says : -The scene hon to- day beggars description. Lad night's shock added to the awful terrors of the people and they aro almost hope/Baa D'opatt is depicted on every aide and the sense of dill further ruin a on it. Sleepless nights and the always present tear d impending evil have worn them out, and they wander aimlessly about the city or herd together in a common masa in the squares. If the shocks con- tinue they wiH crumble every wan to the ground. Another fear is that of rain, as the cracked walla of the ruined houses would expos' the interior, filled with costly furniture and goods, to the to the elements, and thus increase the already enormous loss. Then is not a sufficient number of tents to protect the people in the streets. A 4HTLY TO Tae ocea!t. That which all Canada mag justly murmur atm Sir Jobs Meedonald's c ounteose lag ler ar�isisg tb�s effort to stir up • strife which at an moment may bunt into civil war. The Mail, the Hamilton Speedster amid Mr Delius Me- OUt�y do sot dales the pharisee -To .- tario to attack the French of Qeebee without authority from their Chief. The voice may be that of Dalton McCarthy, the Government's trusted counsel, but the hand that pulled the string( has handled a torch before Dow in Montre4L MI thinking men are justified in cuo- demning a movement fraught with such fearful possibilities. No one is deceived by the excuse that the French began it ; the French were careful to explain that their Parti -Nationale was not confined to race or religion; the wished it to em- brace both creeds and both races Their opponents themselves state that it is but an election dodge. They at any rate have not sought to make it a religious war. TM attempt to fan the religious Sr. in Ontario u of quite • different character. If that is aucoee.ful, Cana- dians my soy good-bye to the progress and 1 „t 11 of Canada for a lung tiwe to mems, and prepare themselves for something of a very different nature. • • • s In sending Mr Dalton YeCkre�y oto H'Idiwand the Government selected one who was well calculated to strain every nerve fm :tie cameo, CGovernment pap oozes from every pare of his body. Their continuance in office means the flow of Government money into his pooket, and no one u more ager for it than he ; while their defeat cloths the publiepurse to his hand and sends him to earn his bread by the sweat of his legal brow, a descent from the table of the rich to the wayside meal of the laborer. No wonder that he pleads hard for his friends. But it is impossible to read his speech with- out seeing bow thin are the pretences, how shallow u the indignation, how very •cagey aro the bunts of oratory. • • - - Under whose rule has Quebec sent fifty or more of her sixty-five members year after year to rote in a solid block at the direction of their leader 1 Who profited by this 1 There was not one word from Sir John Macdonald aboat (he aggres- siveness. In Quebec, while the bulk of them voted Ger him, and voted down any and every proposition of his opponents, there was nothing heard from Mr Dalton laid a dataiohg head •n iAKK Ke t_! w at bar firs a sweat with aamkliK "Yee are les bhseteal Se he throws army, ace f ' Hee Isseetifel eyes dropped mail the violet iris veiled with the tong ailk.m lashes that pee her face a seine pee. - Wady its own. Her tawny, golden bait we rich, wavy and abundant. Her euespleawa was purfeet in its way, the creamy white faintly relieved by • touch d Grissom in the ohesb ; and her tiger*, draped is • surlily white late nobs, looped up bene and thee, with beeches of blue violets, wee small and graceul- "You would not like to give up this and this, would you, Ere r Robert Lewis' voice softened as b• touched ha young sister's dress and jewels. "No," Eve says, slowly. "I do are know what you mean, Robert. I have no intention of gi•iag up my Laurie.' "But you must, unl.es--" He peuad abruptly, and set hie Neth together, as if afraid to *peak fur- ther. "Unless obeli"' "Oh, nothing ; but Eve, if Gerald Ashburton offers you soy attwsticws to- night, accept them gracionply, won't you 1" "Gerald Ashburton '" Eve's *yes flew wide open. "He u the must contempt- ible man I know." W ••atraroe, Sept. G. -The President has cabled Queen Victoria : - "Your Majesty's expression of sympathy for the sufferers by the earthquake is warmly appreciated, and awakes • grateful re- sponse in Ainrican hearts." SMOCK AT *AYA!(!(AR. SAVA-rxaH, Ga., Sept. 6. -At 10:45 o'clock Let night •bother shock equal in severity to that of last night was felt her. Hundreds of people are dill camped in the squares. The cootion- anos of the shocks is very seven on the buildings, which are greatly strained.l ,FOL -11 YILLIONs MaltDID. If Charleston is to be rebuilt, if the shattered bourne are to be restored, if those that are in • dangerous condition are to be mode safe, Charleston must have at an early day the command of at least $4,000,000, to be lent at a low rate of interest upon the sseurity of the property to be rebuilt or restored. ,t total Imps ta■ee It is just as essential that the human body should have pure blood, as that a tree or plant should have asp to nourish and invigorate its growth. Nearly all our bodily ills arise from unhealthy blood. Burdock Blood Bitten purifies this fountain of life, and regulates 411 the vital organs to • healthy action. 2 e'a.da !Sleety Tears ase At Quebec on the 7th of July, 1797, David Moines was tried before a special wort of oyer and rrmrner on a charge of high treason. Then were fourteen counts in the indictment. The trial last- ed from seven in the morning till oiliest night, and w prisoner was found guilty. He was oentsooed as fellows :- "That you David McLane be taken to the place whence you (woe, and trona to the place cf execution, when you are to be hanged by the neck, but not till death fellows ; for you are to Is opened alive, and your sntraillea will be torn out and burnt before your eyes ; then your head wall be .eparat.d from your body, which will be cut in four parts ; head and body will Mat the and your disposition of the King. May God have mercy on your soul." The day fixed for the execution was the 21st July. On that day, &taompan- ied by the Bev. Mr Mountain and tee could not understated. papers they had fond in his nrom, and Rev. Mr Stark, he was taken outside the She had known Gerald Ashburton telling him that the English traveller city walls and executed. The rope was from childhood, and the friendliest rola- had lett for home. Then the horrible put around hie neck and he dropped into ; nuns once existed between them, but an thought streak him that ('ray.ou, tskiu g eternity. The body was allowed to hang , icy wall of coldness, worldliness, cr diffi- advantage of the resemblance. w.,uld twenty-five minutes. A platform, on deuce seemed to rise between them -s pass himself off for Gerald Ashburton. w which was fixed • beam, was brought up, beerier Eve could not understand, and How he suffered aid waited, and was i Ct - and a fire lighted to carry nut the rest of one which Gerald seemed determined to 6..11 released, it is needles, to tell, hut the senteuce. His head was cut off, and pee, for he allowed no opportunity of he reached home at length to find Jamas The sneedlest u.w to 1*.e ist entails ld. the executioner held it up in the air, cry *terrine her to elude him. G installed d h Leo "Evelyn, you did not think se coos." "See her, Robert ; do you know what I think now 1" Eve stood on tip -tee to put her hands on bet tall brother. shoul- ders. "I do not believe het is Gerald Ashburton." ••What 1' tear EN 1 her ooecsrestMM d the pelvises eyeshot. Hobert looked pealed. "This ream setas so different frons the Gerald we owe knew that I Aleuts fancy your double aro true.'. "Why did you wish toe to treat him kind) r' "Years amu, Eve, i endorsed hastily for • nen who was deeply ie debt to Asbbartoa. The man died insolvent rums yams ago, •ed Gerald u nue urging kir t lain on m•. It wi 1 mallow tit, the whole estate, Eva" •.What have I de with it, Robert 1 If he does take all we hays to the world, we shall have each other." , Robert !evoked at her sorrowfully. "Your education and training, Eve, will not be much help W yeti in your battle with the world. I I hnped,ai.d Gerald had *sprouted • wish that might be fulfilled -that your attachment t.• hiss might repen into a deeper feeling. Is, fact, Ere, your marnate with Genre' would secure you • luxurious home Eve burst into a good of passiooste tears end raid : "I will never marry bier, We will beg our bread fist," Robert smiled. The idea of this young, dainty crea- ture belaying her broad was simply ridi- eulo.a. Bet he soothed her very ten deny, for her home was dearly beloved, i end the dread of leaving it must be ter - rider in the extreme. Their pimento had both died when Eve was an infant• sod the had been his pet and must precious charge all her life. "Never fear, Eye," M said tenderly "d the worst maths to the wird, we still "I es Ido not believe he u Gerald I have each other, es you my. I cannot 1 think Ashburn's shall be so hard on me, Aahburtoo- Th. Gerald we enea knew for if he would give me a little more sou Rwtle•hearted, gea.rous and jot• time, I think I could save part od my Thie man is as the graves' property." "But hie father, Eve --General Ash- Ere was "mead bat not 000vinced, bursar would Newly know his own moo. and inwardly resolved to appeal to Ger Ten years of foreign tra•al *haapes a ales Gabor. Ger- ,1•11/.1 lacks, tpaei��sa� �sod temper wonder- Some days after • man. poorly clad foil,," said Robest, smiling dew■ Ia.' and pale and worn, as if suffering; toiled her t ailed face. e.. Bat 1 vd rho up the winding road that led to the Aah- Ge allay woof Bit Ir dp t� bertoo manaiue. The way seemed t•• y �w , eater to him, fur he often paused and man that comes huh baring his sem&' laid his had on some shrub or ane, Why. Ever' while his gra eyes would light up with "I tell you I don't know," with an pI.asan and lie bearded lips more ae if impatient stamp of her foot ; bet I don't m thankful prayer. like hist- Then is sostethine wrong The general stood on tee petite steps, about bum ; I cannot tell what-" his white hair blown about by the wintry "Bat you must be civil to him, Eva" wind "What for r' His foes wore •a anxious, dies•tiebed "Because I wish it." look ; and as the steamier paused before "That u not the reason Yoe have his and Mod out kis than hands, he another -I w it is your Lasa Tell me started as if suddenly stricken • blow. what it u, Robert !" "Father I" ••Tomorrow wi11 do, ' The bearded lips quivered u the 11. tried w laugh pilo, but Eve d'- stranger spoke, and the next instant the tithed the h his voice- ragged form wee clasped in the aged "Brother, yen are not well, or trim- arm.. bledt or soeaethinit.' crid Ev*, clasping I "My own dear son "' cried the father, his arm. while tear. of joy rolled down inn che•4s, "Nonsense, E•e ; Ts, well enough. .•How outili I have bees so blind 1 Tee Go and en ey yourself." Iwai+ sou hen tads, and warned me W He hastily wrapper the cloak around watch chat ,OIiaa ' hes shoulders anhurried her to thecae. "lir little Eve," was GeraId A.h- riage ; for if there wasaaything thatowe- pieta), we- Marco's softly .pokes words, as he fol- deni yunserved him, it was Eve's ten- lowed his father into the house, where denies, the strange dor, was soon told. An tenor later Eve was one of the ata,- Thew year, before M Ltd been atop - est in Mn ltiotfi s ari•toerata asembiy. plat a hutel is Venice, where another Her freak yo.ag tan. wasone of abs tnyeller free rooms, Thi. man's per• mat admired in the room, and • crowd of admirers were continually around her. One in particular -a tall, bronzed gen- tleman, with dark, fathomless, *ray eyes -haunted her like • shadow. His wealth end position were ntlgoestiou•ble, pts to avoid society, and did not often fur ueoeral Ashburton', son was heir to Lass the h,atel. One day GeraIda.. d, who • ver, large fortune- Therefore it was was ford d rambling about, was sur• not to be wondered at that many bright rounded by • squad of soldiers and followed him, or that gracious smiles marched b to squad of James s an weal appearance tallied so perfectly el th his nos that they would have passed far brothers. They became intimate, Ger- ald er ald did not uaderstand James Uraysom a standing in the world. He seemed anai- Sore Eyes The eyes are always la sympathy ter the body, .ad af1•rd ss, seedless kin tt Ss co.dlteee When the eyes bents week, sod the Ms Lred sad .rtes, I t. a -Haemes the Ilse mese hes Meer disacdssed M therededa, ter wMah Aye% BarwMMYL r the bed brews reedy. /ate whirl ,.nia. s i the eilseles far a 7rvea advise a phygtatas emmtrs,d Amey M!r a shirt time I was Sereessoala �Mas Curd My a are waw la • sperm l easdltisa, .ad i ea e• well hail serene as ever. - Yrs. William Hage, Cuoco'J, N. U. For • number of yeses I was trembled with • humor in my eyes. *ad was uaabas to obtain say meet until I eomeass•ed using Ayers tSars•D•rUla- This tmsdkM has awed • cempkte cure and I believe 11 to be the bed of blood puriMn. - t C. E. Upton, Nashua, N. If. From childhood, sail until skies aline months, 1 have beer enlace with Weak and Sure Eyre, I have used for these complslnta, with beneficial result, Ayer's Serawparille, and mushier ft • great blood purl ser. - Mn. C. Phillips, Weyer, Yt. I suffered for • year with leitemm - clop 1■ my left eye. Three ulcers formed ou the ball. depriving me of sight, sad causing great imhi. Atter trying many other remedies, N.. purpose, I was dally educed to the Ayer's senapartas, sad, By Thi-;"•; tbr�te bottles of this usedicloe, have berm skit.rely cured. My sight km been m- o tored, had then le ao sign of iwMmms- tloe, more, or ulcer In myeye.- Kendal T. Bowes, Sugar Ts, Rie, Ohio. ; My daughter, ten years old, who atllded with Scrofulous Sore Eyes. Leiria% the lest two years she never mw light of say Wed. Fiancees of the higbe.t .tan exerted their skill, but with ao ' Drees. on the of a friend I purchased a bottle of Ayers Ben- saparllna, which my daughter cemmewoed taking. Before .hes had used IM third bunk her slgkt wasfre•tored, and she eaa now kook steadily a a brlllfaat Agin with- out pale. Her care I. commies -W. L Sutberlamd, Evangelist, Shelby Cly, Ey, Ayer's Sarsaparilla; Prepe.ed sy Dr. J. C. ♦ y.r Sipco; f.ewen. alas.' h eld b W Dse�mi' is itis hmIllwrif , eyeso Gray - greeted him on every side, yet without son, the Austrian spy. He tried in vain avail, for Gerald Ashburton had eyes for to convince the prison officials that they no one but Evelyn Lewis, who shrank had arrested the wrong man. They from his attentions with a dread she laughed in his thea, and showed hien 43) 03 '4l rl Saginaw, Bay City, Goderirh1 Detroit and Cleveland. SEASON ARRANGEMENTS. The Elegant end Commodious Steamer. "`Saginaw Valley" UN. Hs teal. hoer. Wi0 run during the Heaton of Navigation. as folklore Lep,-43* t:uderiek every Thursday, at 1 .• , o. C p.m.. t►r Say City amid Misaw, canker at Mand lk,ir•. Port Hops and 'taws., amikk� with West Sheave Meets at tt•si Mach for Ofty. Cbebppe. Mathes* Inland and Mt. grace. and at Hay City with steamrrs for Harriet Ilk. O.reela and Alps.•, re(nrninr to God.riei ao seed.]. Leases aod.ricl ever) Knaday, at Ile= none, for Port Hureu, Detroit had Clio rttterntng to Galeria' on Thursday. This more will be tewtiwaed Intim the eea- • on u( ear t♦fat1011. rricxEsers '- for the whole ROUND TIMI' eeaatloaeue• will be issued for occupying a day.. meals and berths Lends& For rates ..f freight and passage, had alk other information, apply to WM. LEE, Arent at Oodericb. Notice must be risen by parties w•atiate Thursday Excursions. Jose ttth, 1MS. INS SEW •aanraO tsee! 0 11-. EE Liniment Iodide Ammonia. McCarthy about helping the English ing out, '•A traitor. head. '• He was trinority to make "a gallant fight" against ' cut open, and a portion of his ant oifles the French, while the Freneb were pay- , taben,out and burnt. His arms and legs ing him heavy Legend passing his boodle were cut with • knife, but rot aeperated railway bills. It is only when the action from the trunk. of the French threatens to close the The pamphlet from which the above often thought ; but rine glance of hu own treasury door in his face that we hear is translated, states that the ex- dark, cruel eyes only strengthened the l he pit s uh t e influence of the press, •unE anything of the gallant fight against the oeution occurred about two hour., and doubt. She resolved to teat his mem- tal a French. that the conduct bearing' of the prisoner ory. must remember that some i* .1e go of • • • • was composed and suitable to the sicca- "Mr Ashburton," she began, as they church in obedience to the dictates of "'i I fashion, but nobody reser a newspaper The Government have determined to rot •'toheseen of men." While the preacher carry Haldim•nd; perhaps they will sue• a we t is makn•tr his hest point, the gentleman coed. It is • by-election and every power dy►p. ' In the middle few, with the devout cast of the (;overnmeut, including the habil of countenance, may 1oe hguung on the newly nude Indian voters, will be for ser portability of au sit anc. in Books, or brought to bear. It will be strange in- ners decidin¢ how much th, se last year's car deed if they do not succeed. But if, as constipation. The regular use of Ayer a `•Girl ! ' echoed Eve, Mr violet .]es that villain with thorniest eyes. icine pets sill have to be marked down U+ run is not improbable, that success raises the Pills, in mild doses, will restore the tor- watching him keenly. ' I think your , t'.0 b them off. The same toan'a reading of a cry of Protestant and Catholic through- phd viscera to healthy action. meuiory is lwft in t fault. tsepin11 was not a girl 1 Are newspaper is • voluntary act, and his out the country, as Sir John is trying to y ] /tee. Thomas Cooke, Rector of h: pisco- I Church at River Head, Long is Island fine I don't remember."H • h indeed1's. g . 'n thatA is• mistaken notion, oLowerCanada It t+ English t 1 thrnl the cation is iron o the n h , ak,prick ante g t h lines he is read Ystore in an eligible location, surrounded face was growing crimson. I have for-' derived moat w•.nderfnl results from quick Sot i( he wants t.. think ..f stocks end � the business men through the count✓ll crimen n. have little to thank him for. He by attractive signs, is a superb 'advertise- gotten eo many- things.(brace' Lh.unent ieodide Ammonia m half ti prices,or. in does a, ata Andtime when he i. meal ; for the experience o1 the most en- "But you would not have forgotten Paralysis• Stoll by all druggists. isrtsi not reading the paper. And the ladies ' ,will do more in one act t o retard the � will When they are reading the newspapers • progress of the a.entry than he has dune terpnsfng merchants is that it pays bet- that, at haat. i promised (irnld Ash - ter to spend less in rent and more in hurton to give Floy back to him, when Have you Toothache 1 Use Fluid Light - lotted returned, the pretty King Charles' ning. spaniel that you once petted so fondly," Have you f:heuntatism l l'ee Fluid said Eve, her eyes flashing indignantly. Li htnin¢. "Contact with the world hardens • Have ynu a StlJJoint 1 1'se Fluid Light - nein,' M said, with a fnreed laugh, as a group of young ladies came in sieht. Have you Neuralgia 1 Use Fluid Light - Eve noticed his evident relef,with de- Meg. light, for the impresaion that he was not Have you Lumhaao 1 1.s. Fluid Light - the real Gerald Ashburton was growing Are you treublad with Headache 1 '.. Oft her. Flood Lightning. Although ale had no hope ..1 ever Have you any Pain 1 Is, Feid Lithe' proving Mir anpeions correct, she deter- ning. mineral to Balch and wait if, by home It will Doreyou the instant it is applied. mean., unkntown In an one bet himself, Try it. 25c per bottle at G. Reyna"' hei had usurped the real Gerald A.hber drug More. i i ton's place in the world et would thine to light in roma manner, and Eve rmolved 7 Rhiloh's Vrtahzwr is what you acted to keep herself aloof from the man until fon oxon,tipetiom, loss o1 Appetite, iKsio- s1h. mould analyze the change in him eon as son an sir• Eve had more than once doubted the N.. one 111 doubted him cwt E identity of the mum, but she could nt. Lewis, whose womanly instincts were pt her life, have told why. His owe too keen to he deesiv(d by the deception, thrr surey would detect anyimpoei. clever though it was. An hour later titan : then why should she oubt, she Grayson came in from • ride, and, to his t:onsternatian, was confronted by the man he had so cruelly wmnged. "Villain," eaclaimed the old general, "behold my sem my real son." hat aeon. The pleadings and evidence reran stood under a tall magnolia in her "Foiled,"omwas the only world thr�kw from his pale lips as he fledfrom would only interest legal readers. friend's conservatory, "Little Flay died the house, never to he heard from again. abort two weeks after you left for Eur- And today Eve Ashburton lays her Try Ayer's Pills, and be cured. Misery op.." head on her husband's breast and won - is a mild word to describe the mischief Ah, poor girl," sighed Mr Ashburton, how any one could imagine her eon to body and mind caused by habitual -a perplexed look on his fame. ale hearted heshlrnd could resemble omelet nota, nrr wondering if Mn Mr and -w s Herald. _ f th•af>t cloak is real seal Sometimes • news - silt ••paper is skimmed over, bus ,,,,,n , f,. -t. 1 Petteyween, Ike 0.4 Pettey Its utterances are mote carefully weighed As honest me,licine is the noblest A cure for Cholera Morbus. -A poi- , sod in ( work of man, and we can assure onr otive cure for this daneerots c„mplaimt, by •carton cites of people, with souls to le gm raced, them is the wend spoken in the readers that Dr. Fowler's Extract of and 15 r all acute or chronic forma ..1 each4 p„,,,,,„ Wild Slrawherry is not only reliable, Bowel Complaint incident to Summer Price t t re preacher often Brea over the heads bet is ►Imtat infallible to cure Cholera an,l Fall, is found in 1h. Fowler's droggid of his congregation. 11e hes to guess at , Nimbus. Dysentery, Canker of the Et tract of Wild Strawberry : to be pro - e6. amelal espeeity of his hearers, acd I Itt"m,ieh and honels. and the varion• duced from any druggist. 2 he has only a vague idea ul the mond ; Kummer Complaints, whose attacks are A alb olt.n sudden and fatal. 2 "Blood -food" is the aiggestive name lash soli ao.nare of those who listen l.. him, _ _- Men ohesgiven toAyer's w•rnpanlla, breathe car. h Men are on their teat bahsawnr when w a( its blood -enriching qualities. Chesilthe preacher is present ; the same men if you me arouse curhoaity by an ma. dw..dp 1 some to the editor to gel their at.a vertiaement it is a great point trained. Sewing is believing. Read the fest s,y carp ✓comet, end M is obliged to know ell The faircuriosity sex don't hold all the cuosity menial, in the pamphlet on Dr. Van riser 14 thaw vanities and weaknesses*, to say in th. we.rld - Buren's Kidney ('are, then buy a bottle dwad/l solider of positive faults and meannese and relieve ]ourself of all these diitl►ee.- a whoa a "went is to be made it� s an N •orew s Camuch Sickest* among trigirine. Your Druggest ran tell 700 death.,. to know the people ono a ad • children that Freeman's W one Powders all about it. Seidl by J WilsnGoderich tvremble +.le knew them as they arr. and , will Needy cure. lie2s, *flame fermis f sire ning. nen, and •11 symptoms of Dyapwpeia. more felly Prime 10 and 75 thea r bottle. For She weal to her brother's room Heil lege by J. wider& Druggist. ALL FAMILIES USE IT. Week li•ek, enlarrted Joists. Paralysis, Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Diphtheria, Neiatica, Preiacees Srinale weakueih. The best and only certain remedy to relieve Inpato of all kinds. no metier of how lomig stand - g. Instant relief ntevd orip�Ie.. Swollen Joints, Varices�, eine, itis.. d In- rects or Mick Ifesdarhe. 0 oil or erases; is clean and sweet ; will not roil. I.ttammwllan .f Ike 4MM;.. nrtftara ,4..s.e. Diabetes. Incontinence of trine. Isthe only Liniment in the world possessing alterative powers- Can be taken Interuelly - cur.e ('ramp. and ('olio, Ilkarrhaa aid Irysentery. field by all 'mentos. Trial IMO", tae. Wrote Dr. ft11.ES, he: teed Y. Y. P.O.. who will give ad. ire on all diseases free of eharg.. atll.werw of •nsernpnlo,s dealers and "eon - toilette. The weenier has the name blown is the elans and fac-simile of the discoverer nam. over each Berk. Qilea' Improved MAodrtte Pills Safe. ane.. reliable and •Rena,.. 11e net gripe. Purely r.Y. able. N" m.renrr. •ntt- mony or slim. Thar ran he retied nn for all Iri.nrd.n of !tiro Stomach, Liver, Dowels, eta Sold ny all droggists at 10c, per hoz. Full ••Rpiv "( lar (ides' Re ntedies as F. J1 tit DA \ AA drug store, Oaderich. Oat. 80I11 HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT OMPA 1 77,is 1 eternise is Loaning efo,wv os. Fenn Security of Lowed Ifnf.• of /reforest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. KAViNGS BANK BRANCH. J, 4 end 5 per t7rwf. Inbred ANsuwd cl1 Aponte neeoniiimto mmetmd end those left. O►FICR -('sew. M Mastet Ogssr• sad North *root, tiedsrieh HORACE MORTON. >r•.•54. Ooderk\ Ahs. Kb. Ina, itM- siaii$r' 9 i 4 4