The Huron Signal, 1886-9-10, Page 7A bee is very emasimmisel-ie lest, quite stilly. Why should allele resit be tz weed 1 Became they are deeper* mew tr TILE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEP. 10,1886 7 she takes a gamble If mei eau anisee mari.aky by M at I lame r aims' ailiveriesaisa Fun ant, Fsncg. 1:111110 M ME 0 Li travelling Ibuibs. - (oo wrww1 K M • went ma.ad is RAPID TRUNK view of lbw tnl(wr tri•b d a woln•o'e greet 1 sari hie, writes the f.•1 vela. los Ikis °sli mo The feu mea dua'1 bolsi • I the esrioeity Why .aewut the keeper teal that la the w .red. ae01a dNt • Sae wtrtrr. A hewsek JOHN B R O P 1t Y ..ea•. 320 p. Mixed. OM•rlch Lv. I T#• m i 1RMp.m I la. Y. Stratford Ar. 11.111a.se 3a1 p.m ( 7 her puNbiuo u a e•., and act ac It is a mislabels tMitisw eerdi/tly 1 Who dem eke eta many times 1 tk.re is as hetet fvuoded Nae removed hie ttwalMtw thi she stead ea We:Mr* dame if time Seer Preview Mimed. Mlaed. Sa resa Thee eeema to b. male sort oI en af- "Women sdr•rtue- il ew whom) M has w mad Lr. was lab p.m tau p-: look epee h.rs.lf w a drudge ( us.es y atttaetiee flu, b I Ar. I Nlea.a I 3111 p.m I Lie p.m lady betwtlrn a leis etuae and a Aim. I ere Statesmen OftlWea to tin nein..,(. mneme :foe 1 inmost eu cock. (seat d &Sale. even is the kitchen ul $ lerpeialDg naer.' a Iu i• N.ye bet A little child "se .eked his ou1Mr (arm hours ; and it they would look upon ter to speed less (s us; and inure In BEDROOM SETS . w w . batthat caaset a bosses tar geed werkmmaehip or low Woe ea tee et to earth E V R E K A mot agreeable du people N and careworn, t►e1 would be happy. Mow is the tree to think about miter- aut agrwneble 7 his not ibo large matters of the home - timing, alts ,.g..tiw .bosld be fgUuwed le iseng weal be usaerweld by w . •vas weer e tier" la made expresdy es It erases a hard thing that so manJ del arty by jdisiens leek brat ea the eseellos : "Moths, whoa part uI themselves as such, even were weary advertising. H I G G I N S' h• that w the woman as much as mum the little perplexities of *very day life ; To !sake a man realise an idea as you the wasbia . iruuierh'g, shaming mad nalias et, r what m w.esaearT b make baking are all eapect.d meet pan nmiiotA bits u.dentasd bis needs. Advertise- Giederrb. Wy fhb, ISM. ly semi, but the dual and dirt often meat. stsesld sk•n Plass, • wtlwr "- thetsunami long te pitch things out at ela•rly ►+lore ilia peMlo tat tby nes it - tba window, u did Thoreau, to get rid es Meetly *. the advert=nor dues of Ater one But what nerd of maturity, L'c)rC)I1tc) ()a,311 Store After one has come to yesesfull o of dei riits, Itut. ryn•inv iambi are thebeginning to she known that life u full of li'tle mala, I(srn ihv vine .d adverted . the year - and she must prepare to meet them plea- tend. The persistency ail those who saotly. Alen diet k.pt house 1 are not intim dated by the cry of "dull thought the meals must be eaten the Ino- 1 mss," but keep their names ever before meat they were placed upon the table , r he public, will "rely piece them on the but 1 fi..d then are worse things to be right side Its OM end, met than •cool baked potato 1 And it se the woman's place to have the meal ready at the usual time, and if the meu folks are bellied time say nothing and they will not. 4 C..tarrh Cured, health and sweet Aed another thing I find it an excel breath secured. by Shiloh's Catarrh Re- lent plan to keep busy when waling fir medy Price 50 oanta. Nasal injector the men to come in, instead of running - tree. For eels by J. Wilmot, Dramas. about doing nothing but winder why they don't come ; you can wash the cook- ing utensils you have used getting din. our, the fry•pan, potato kettle, etc. then you can der the work up quicker after dinner. P't.eoeyer about thecxok• b • dish, 61l it with - water whereby • minute or two may be saved in washing it. Keep calm and fool when hinders so that when dinner is at last nerved you may not be a "roast- ed lady" s. Charles b tells about, served with every course, but may make up by your pleasant manner and witty remarks any deficiency that waiting may have made it, show in the food. It frets • woman ler to have dinner wait • few motaents than to have the men wait for dinner. Tho latter stand round and hardly knew what to do or fay until the welcome Toice calls them to the table. Have a paper, book or maga- zine at head, and if yvu are getting fret- ted and nervous, go to reading and for- get for a few momenta your trouble. This is $ carious world, and we molt Were to make the best of it and take all the comfort we van if we aro farmer's wives. dudes should be walklsig • netking to do, when the hand -organ w has to pay S40 for a muokey.an r $d dear, why is • gardener like chewier' "New, Johu 1 You know .r eau guess conundrums. Why is ".Ihaauss he u the culler of atlses " Butcher (to your/ h ) : 1 bays nothing lett, mum, but s hindquar- ter of lamb and liver. Young house- keeper • Very well. You may send • small hiadywrtsr of liver. "l'oung men believe in nothing sows day," said Mrs. Ram.buthem, with • deep sigh. "Why, there's my nephew Tum, who was bruight up as • Christian, bet now his .s Aeroatio. " von of the graduates of a female eel lamp had for her essay, "Our C,.weing Olery." But the girls thought it iwp- ' tely named, as it did not cou.alu a tlagle referees* to bow-sIs. At the horticultural exhibition. -He : This le a lime tree. Clan HIS Tura ors not looking. She : Yea, Ohsrtss, I me 11, Set Iwas Mottes- traded the mortar trees R. "The bore to•t," truly remarked Miss Cleveland, "Nes so agony iu his son Indeed no. It is the poor wretch who listens to bis soap eke lies awake and moss for the cIlorefcres. "Husband (handier -his wife some money) : "There. dear. is iib. and it bothered me some to get it for you. s. thine I d*rye a little praise," R its : 'Praise? You deserve au encore, my In leap year Japanese girls who want usbunds sat oat lower -pots on die front new as an emblem. In this country Mt out then themselves with a ng num s. as emblem. The man whose wife woke him up in tab by stacking • pin in him says he '!,like such pointed suggestions. Forty rods make one rood, but one will often make one civil, especially the ease of the small buy. Some man have greatoees thrust typo *specully when a fat person site at to these in the street ears. He (w horseback) : "Shall we take highway ham.r, 8h. "No; I ld prefer the bridal path, I think." A pions old lady raosntly asst u wed - g preeenta • pair of flat iron., • roll- pu, coda motto worked on card - rd, yaailisig. alright on.' "Da you know the nature of an b r soqui sd the judge. 'Well, I ken I inter," wan the reply. "My drivels a canal boat." 14 SHILOH'S CURE will immediate - relieve Croup, Wkaoping Cough. and itis Fur sale by Jas. Wilson, i.t- ,is Bower show two young and talkie ladies were discussing their reaso*s their fondness for particular flowers. I de love heliotropes." said one hey ere so fragrant. They smell like 'spill* ice erases ". Now you know whore to go. Be sero and call upon JOHN B R O PH Y S.Zd'T • FOR Pt'RITY, FEYNESS, t LA TOR FORffi UNEQUALLED Advertising is the pole teal knocks the pal simmour- halt Rheum ['seed. Doe't be afraid to invest in printers' ink lest your sands of Weer* nearly run out. Worms Cause much sickness smog children that Freeman's Wynn Powders will surely cure. lm A thine worth doing is worth doing well. A thing worth edv.rtieiag is worth .dtertising well. A worth advertising ie owes is worth auk- I Mg - iwg a contract with. Syr'sg.ad Myer. Prepare the body for health and vigor by taking Dr. Chases Liver Cure. No Spring Mtedecine to equal it. It stimula- tes the Liver, aids digsatiuo, end purifies the blood. Lame bottle fwd Recipe Bonk, it Sold by Jas. Wileen. GODIRICH BOILER WORDS Chrystal & Black Jda er sU kinds of McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cents fTATIBNERI, MAMBE, UPOISMT ANO TUBULAR been tried sad fogad to be the only re cur. for Salt Rheum, Pimple', itch on the faor hand. Cats, BOILERS. es in Braises, or an n Suthat nothing SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS c(i or & Parki s rbotic Comte. 25c per box at Geo yeas' drug More. ' (4) Try t will heal.reg A Frenchman thtsks the snglish lan- a catty tough. "Dere is 'look " h. says, "which is to put out r bead and see, and 'look oat' which to haul in your head and not for to nee -jest confroirne.' Hews It AIM. C. -Mrs Campb'l has been troubled for • number of years with In- Restiun and Oonetipation, and was in- duced to try McGregor• Speedy Cafe and found it all that was needed, and would 1 its nee to any pewtn similarly trouble,!. This invaluable re - reedy is sold is every part of Canada at 60c. and 11 Fer bottle. Sold at George Rhyme' drug store. '4 t, mew ..* Mee?. The only rude is, Mahe enough. Old Mother MMM is llgelestoa's 17.,niirr &IiooJmarter advised her husband when ying cheep land, "While Ter a get- '+ tin', tet s -plenty." So my we in regard to sleep a full quantity of which is mere valuable than the grardest prairie tarns the sun ever shone. It is during the wakeful hours that the muscles and the nervous system and the brain expend their energies. Muscles are partially re oruited during the day by taken, bat the great t work of the nerves and brain is done during sleep Soch must at least equal the expenditure made through the day or *les the brain is ill -nourished, wastes, withers. Persons who, in early English history, were 1 to death by being prevented from sleeping, always died raving maniacs Persons .Aprho are starved to death suffer brain arvation also, and pass into hallucina- tions and then into insanity --[Health and Home. and all kinds of Sheet iron work. STEAM AND WATER rare rirrisCa oeastaatty on baud. On hand. ready ter deUvery 1 as N.F. Sow Ofd w•Mrr. , • r.r• 'sew *.hero A Qomplets Pod -band Threshing Outfit, Boiler. Engin_ Separator. Ice all in good working order. Will he sold cheap. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. OO•rhs s *pp. L, T. R. Mattes. P.O. BOX 361. ooderieb. May IStb, 1886. • Reasons why you should purchase Fluid Lightning in to all other remedies are Rapid remelt-- curee instantly. It is easily applied -no trouble- no lest time. It does not re- quire eoestant nae -one appliettion is uffeethel. One Mottle will remove more in than any other remedy in exiaten e ry it fur Neuralgia, Toothache, Head - he, Rheumatism. &,Id al Rbc. a bottle 0, Rhynas, Druggist. 3) A Rewatin - Of rine dolma "Trauma ET" to any nae sendin4 the best four lin- rhyme an "YSAIIR[T, the remarkable little item for tea Teeth and Pati.. Ask your drums! or :tddressl ler PERRY D+vng' 7111 PAIN -KILLER 111 ST PAyairiaas, Miti.ters, Missionaries, Mummers g/ Factories. Work-ekops, Ylantattons, Negroes in Ilo pitals, -inshore who Ass ewer tient it a trial WIRD .1771 • wells OLAU or sue MIL[ •ND 510.5., IT WILL la rOt711n • [aria l/ LISO crag won At - SUDDEN COLDS, CII/LLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF t CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN TIIE STOMACit, SUM- MER AND BoWEL a►Mi'LAISTS, SORE T11ROAT .&c. or •PPIJ[D [I3sa11•LL7, $Ir0ULs4C HAI reeve• iT TSR MOeT grr$CT1vR AID MST LI%IM5NT ON 54 T11 171 [[71QTIIO MC PAIS moral ream SPRAINS. BRUISES, RHEiInIA- TISM. NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS, FROST MITES, Ac., Lc. r:tct.. per Dottie. Iiir Dewar+ of Illmitations. Nal CAMPBELL'S;• CATHARTIC r D COMPOUN is effective in small doses, acts without !mping, does not co- nsume, nausea, turd will not ereate ire - ration and rri-tationaldl congrstimy as do many of !lib venal cathartics ad- mirtistered 1n the feast of Pills. &c. Ladies and Chil- dren having the !wait kensitive on. mach" take this medicine re it gout trou- ble or complaint CAMroF.ti.'a CATstrTle Coyne -en is especially adapted ter tete care of LET[g CnnILAtxn AND Ia Llot s Dia. Oltna is- oRDa aa. Fos ACID Seew.te'w ATR Jur or An Foe filet Iii tn,e,R •en Trantrsu. For Constipation An"v oa (•o..Ttrsse.s. Fos ALL ('"5 n4.tl`ets ARFetto teoe A 1)I.nst•Caen ',TATE Or Tea Ste - tarn. nix medicine brio_ in liquid form, the dose can be 1301;y regulated to meet the rt•gnirernctils o1 diferentper- iloes, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the little Addles to the adult. Pett up in three ounce bottles, and wild ty all dealers in family medicines. Pri.-e Rrini! • .1 Crnl.e, QtC L4IJ9 • •%iir. •416Preaczeridejblia ee IM r• oft! e del' •1.• MPBELLS MACKINAC. Sas Mass Ddkesteal SUMMER TOUR rw'.sm. Vont lyre per w.st ltsswssn DETROIT AND MACKINAC Awl Sweep Wast Del *Mwees DETROIT AND CLEVELAND weir gen etw Wren & Otorelaed Steam Nee. Cg. C. D. W uecomesItCN . MIT.. DETROIT. c0x&c0u COMMISSION STOCK B60IIE&S, (Members Toronto Stock F.vrhsngei. 26 TORONTO -ST., TORONTO Direct Wire to Montreal, New York. 0.1 ( 'it y and Chicago. Stocks, Bonds, Grain Provis- ions and Oil Bought or Sold for Cash or on Margin. GODERICH AGENCY, - WEST ST., R. RADCLIFFE, July tt8'h. 1ase 1IS11-3m Maaarer AH 3AD AG AIN_ NIW COOADS AMBI. AND OLD 00000 SOLD Cal sad see our !tock of THE NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS dND ALT . . _ _ .• . L PRIOEs_ Remember the Mand :-THE TORONTO CASH STORE. P_ 0 wimm)a e4'sn ager_ ooderick. Feb. tib, 1ML 1 -Sm M=SS w The Latesi Frouck aud Aiiioncaii Styles! HATS, BONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings The Chicago House, WEST STREET. GOUERIer', 6ederic April ft h. 1SIS. GEO. H. BROW'S', 0neititrt• DR. WHITELY.) 3011 PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Having lately added a Fxeh Stock of Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Eto., to the already wen -selected dock h.. I interim the tithe. of Oederteh that he is sow able PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR SI,OAN'S INDIA N TONIC, Willie Greatest Blood Purifier of the age. Keery Beetle Ouarass.sd. Sosday Hours :-H to 11 mm.: 3 to t p.n.: IMO to 930 p.m. Albion Block. Ooderick, Feb. ttb, 1!L / >nsf0 to supply thea) with PUMZ U08 aid CHEMICALS at Rs•aoaetde Prices. 1 Spring Millinery. 1 MRS. sa=.E, T.r ase ar m el aM, 1sT l,. its t... in Haan d swdrii [ahaaMioa ring Ikea Less d Medd, Atm, sr Mamie Daeasn, and is lbs minims thea iu.srisbly •ice -.,rains the rererery knee Wasting Preen. No rstasly -V'Lionre "di relief is • 1 w Ismigei nr yo er i,eied Klaad, Lass of Appel few- a posdmcy, mad is all eases wi,.ee •• t9 s►sKTrre sad ceirr• • 11111.•wr M r we.1 the ELIXIR will be T toad se.Ate 4.04 AMR. day Sold ' y all Dreier, in Aldi: iarf. Den k LAWRENCE 00. (IJtaitsd) Sots A•IsTi, - MONTREAL. F. Q. A —11ss opened our ler-- SPRING STYLES IN MILLINERY, and has now the basest sad most approved styles in Feathers FIoeN, Ribbons Shapes &, or ALL KINDS. AI An inspection' of the latest novelties in besdwesr. which she has now on view. to cordially '• vita'. Oodericb. April rind, 1866. 2044 TriIIimio .` • i Godorich Foundry and Machine Works, • Runciman Bros., Proprietors. CONTRACTS TANEN FOR STEAM ENGINES. FLOURING MITIS. AND OTNER MACNINERYWANTED. DAIRYMEN It will greatly improve year BUTTER & CH(EESE. Oakland's J rsc►' 1)aiiy, HAMILTON, ONT. OWSen.t for Fre. (•lrcular.11 Mart _.NL. URe. 3010-1y ..Amusements. GODKRICH MECHANICS' INSTI- Tt'TE LIBRARY AND READING ROOM. our. of liar street and !yuan top win. Opel from 1 to S p.m.. and from 7 to 10 p.m. A$OUT 2000 VOLS IN LIBRARY] Leediny Daily, Weekly and Illustrated Papers, 1K71;•ttanEJ, dc., on ne. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY 01.05. granting free use of Library and Reading Itoom. Application for membership received by Librarian. in rooms. J. If. COLBORNE, ALI X. MORTON. President. Secretary. oodericb. March late, I&A . 11M - Flouring Hills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System, Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, etc., eta, at Low Prices. 111 Kinds of Castings Made to Order. J. B. Ruavla ii. oedpieb. Now. M. 1111 R. W. Rurcta•a C.A.NAIRN HAS EVERYTHING' YOU WANT U0Ci 11-11. FOR 1886. Re u showing a splendid assortment of China and Glassure. Come in and look, if you don't buy, 110 Trouble to Show Goods. C. A. NAIRN Court House aqua: e, Ooderlaa I)ee.itb 1561. o -or i IOS PLANING MILL R8IABLIMIIEI) 1855. Buchanan, Lawson Robinson NOW, COMPLETE ! NOW COMPLi iii ! I A CHOICE 8TO(K OF MAIUTACTURERa Or Sash, Doors fes' Blinds DEALER. IN •11. £l**I.11w— Lumber, Lath, Skinikiv and builder's material of every deserl11Ml1S, SCNOOL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. IIA Order promptlylsttended to. Ooderich Aug. 3, 1883. 2-1y Km:1r mi arc:worms el-roceries_ SPECIAL LINES iN Dress Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds. Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs! GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. The People's Livery e JOHN KIIOI, Proprietor. The subscriber is prepared to urnlsh the pub tic with The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLE PRIt'KA CALL AND SER t S-Opposit the ember ij*te Oodertch. Oodertch. Feb. lith 18 IEM O.d•rkrb. April 30th. ISS FF EEM.1.711 Wogs POWERS. Are;'. -•-r' 1• .^ tlrireww dast.•+-yer et ..erne U (La:.1 . n nr Adndle