The Huron Signal, 1886-9-10, Page 66 Lis Peery s garner. + k Tor ey TIE HIJRQ';� SIONAta. FRIDAY, Silk 10, 1$ 6. • mile Tw..Iataatm. Thais was • man. it said. es* Omit. Whwi sees ours, la We y«tlhfial pews. Con the brain keep tool and ikm heart keep yet« Wheat ties Wood is a river that%rusolq clef I Aad boys n.11 I.r boys. the old folks say. And • man .1 better who's Lad his day. TIM sumer reformed and the preacher told Of the prodigal sou who o•utc back tuthe foil. And l'krietain people threw epee the doer Witt. • warmer wuk-ome than ever hefure.l Wealth a•d honor were Width caneeasd. And • spotless woman sae. e Lies ser band. Aad the world strewed their p•tbwar with Powers 'Mount. Crying. "Gest shoe ladye and trod groom." LiouT o*SM FifOM STa1.. Bases, --. genie tris.. Light cakes are fliers in this way ; wheal )tole reefis To the l Hume hot milk over the Decokes pieces : euld snub freely with • epees ve pees awn wit tM'U Is toe tm sheet the through • c•ilander, Add enough of safae* ea,to ensure Ho • Itwle over a sweet milk to maks • thin batter. then cold r to have un hand • butts of Dr toe full epta.Paul of ssmear, two ..a three I Harvey's Red Pine Guru. Fur wile at - eggs beaten eeriesely, two tablespoon- .1. Wilson's Preseriptiuu drug store. tf' ep Eula u1liuud bskINN powder in ill. our, li Will Yoe Sillier with Dyepe{rela and which sha•uld be added tall the house s user Cumplaiotl shush., ViWi:rr is sufli.3isut cousietescy for blame ..n a Rsseasteed to mere you. For sale by J griddle. Thou cakes will be found de- Willem Drugged. liciuus, sad may be varied by using yellow urn steal instead of dour. 1h'sasLa W Rtrswasu. --- Put a half bushel quicklime in • barrel and add butt• tug water until it is covered nearly six tech.+ deep; Dover the barrel to keep the steam in, and when the violent ebul- - mes* litton is uver add water enough to bring it to the consistency of cream. allosiow four p•tunds of rice flour to each half bushel "f tune, Or the rice liter may be mixed with the water for &laking, mIxurg the flour carefully in ould water beton putting it in the hot water. Stir nese stantly in the hot water until thoroughly set, then your it all over the lime, as din c'ed. Vas t.Sktai..- Mix one-half temp•.•in- ful , f iuustard with half • cupful of vine- gar. heat the yolks of two of thr.elegi. with • little salt, until they are quite thick and light ; then, stiniue briskly :.11 the time, slowly add two or three tablespoonfuls of best salad oil, and four A brave man wcd,ird Ler after all ; tablespoonfuls uf rich, thick, sweet Hut the world said frose frowning, -We shalt t cram, Thea add mustard, vinegar, e w __ salt and pepper to taste, olid sone eery finely chepl,ed parsley and tarragon. Pour this sauce over a heaping plateful of cold nested real, cot into pieces ab.tet an inch lona; and a quarter•inch thick, cover tight.y and let it stani In a cold place for` au lacier or two. Serve en • platter, and garnish with sprigs •.t crisp parsley at..r slices of a hard toiled egg. Wry Trey Serried. Tel lits/"'We lately sant int poste) Bards to the married men of a small teen excellent fur iD Western New Yerk with the inquiry : Why did you marry "f•' We give a few of the responses : „COIN PrbLZNe::-(;,rate ears of green "That's wh►tI have Lee, n trying ter cern. Add tee a %tett - r it a reas9ona- skein years to dad out. X.•' ' fu1 of crease or milk, a lamp of butter' "Married to get so -en with her mother, the size of an egg, and a teaspoonful ofbut never have \o. W•" salt. Mix ell well together; put .i in a I "Bemuse I was tow lazy to work. Fan and bake one hour. '1) be eaten as I I. V." a veitet*ble. 1 °Because Sarah told me that fire other Teel/rout-tee-To 'me •!earl of buil-g men had proposal to h le C." int, water add one quart of tomatoes ; ''1'be old man thought sig r .... boil agaiu and put in one teaspoontul of martin was almost long enough. soda ; as seen as it has ceased foaming, I was limestone and me1•reholy;•n41 add one Fut of milk. f.�ur rolled crackers, B wanted ie some to asky . elf me lively. Dt butter, pepper, and salt, and verve very "1 was tired of buying ie. cream and ret. A N t-rernoes Blatta --A quarter of a dies and &greg . theaters es and monchurey. I and wanted a rest. Hoye saved money. teaspoonful of beef extract. the yoke of J. C,'' au egg bi•atun up, a cup of boiling water Yleue do+, t sett me up. J-" a little salt added, and served with a I:eeause 1 thought she was one &mong shins of hot toast, makes • ipalatenle and s thousand ; new 1 somettnt•es think she nutntivus luncheon, and an excellent is • thvuean.l sono¢ ooa. -repast for invalids. "I think it was loectuse 1 was croft Sort G1Ne:xRBY.F.Al•--Patcellent rift eye,;: now I am tallier*" with two pain gingerbread is made of one cup ,1 suffer, of cross-eyes daily. Pgrr t. outs cup of butter.one cup of molasses, "Because I riid n have the eaperi- four eups of sifted dour, half a table- ease I base now. • G.•• spoonful of soda dissolved in a little hot 'The governor was geing to give me water, one tablespoonful of gin;(er, three his foot, so I took his daughter's hand. well -beaten *ices, the rind grated of one H. ' lemon. I:isius way he added. '•1 thought it would be cheaper than a NFVER put a particle ..f strap about breach -of -promise suit. A. C." your silver if you would have it retain "That's theme* foolaestien that my its original lustre. When it wants polish- friends and neighbors ask -,me. C H." inw. take s piece of soft leather, and "Because I had more 'money than I whitening and rub hard The proprietor• knew what to do with. New I have more 01 one of the oldest silver establishmeuts i to do than 1 have money with B. D." in the city of Philadelphia • says that -I `wanted a companion of the oppo- the housekeepers ruin their silver by site sex. P.S.-Sbe is still opposite. washing it in soap and suds, as it wakes A• "Don't mentii,n it. F." "Had difficulty in un:•etkine the door at night and 'meted soenetivdy to let me in. Boa." "I was ew'hsrras+•ed, &net gave my wife tries benefit of my name sen that 1 could take the benefit ,.f her rune signed to a $r C^. fay- •' cheek aqw 1TI• it �. rtalr:sek. P. J., "I didn't jet cti'd togn to dee it. 9." "1 yearned f •- company. We now have it all the time. KARL' "Have exhausted a'1 the fi✓ures in the arithmetic to figure vat an answer to your quest;„n . between tuultiplieation and divisie.n in the family and distrac- tion, in addition, the answer is hard to arrive at. 01.1. MAN. " ''I married 1•. ret the i,est wife in the world. $IlroN "Because I asked her if she'd have tie. She said she would. 1 think she's re me BRIT .. National Pills wi'l cure c,• atipateu bowels and regilates :lie :lie-. 1m There wase ma.den who went astray In the glider. dawn of her lotus young day. :Ike had more passion and heart time head And eke followed bltudly where fund love led. And love unchecked is a dangerous guide To wander at wt:l by a fair girl's side. The woman repeated and turned trees els But no door opened ro WI her la, The preacher prayed that *be MIMS Titi )'ef- gF, ea, But told her to look or mercy -le heave*. For this 1. the law et earth. we know. '1' hat 1. c NOILJLt ,.:cued while tote ntan may deo. Te toe liteserse. " When all ether remedial fail,' far 13owt! t'oett•laii.t, Coitc, Cramps, L)ysen- tery. A:c; "thee Dr. Fowler's Extras ••f Wild Strawberry comes to the rescue. - Thus writes %V. H. Crocker, Druggist, Wateedowi:, and adds that "its sales ase large and iucressir.c." -' }touseno;a Mints. 'Asia your cull tea; i- t is Meaning grained sued. • FARMERS AIID THRESHERS Use on your Machinery only the Well-known Te tM Medte*t . ani all who= 14 may conceit. Ptesephatine, or Nerve hose. a Ph.a- pOate Element based upon Scientific Fanta, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Booboo, Maes., cure Puham-i ary Consumptl.m, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attach, Vestige, and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of thi human system. Phoephatine is not a M.deeiue, but • Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Nar•ooties, and nit Stis*ulsnta, but sempl ly the Pheslthatie sad liartric Element found in our daily food. ♦ Slagle buttes is sufficient to convincer. All Druggists sell it. $1.00 per bottle. I.owuas & Co., sole agents for the ` Dominion, 55 Front Street east Temente t1 �s n. of cruiser inn. it look like pewter. A s.re•t Ainakealag. There is a great awakening of the slug - Risk .,::ass of the human system when - .•ver Burdock Blood Bitten are taken. It arouses the torpid Liver toaction, re - relate the Bowels and the Kidneys,puri.-__ bee the Mood, and rest..res a healthy - tone tie the system generally. 2 Sae u t:aat•sx.--Fire pounds of grapes, three pounds of sugar, two table- spoonfuls each of cinnamon and sl.pios, tine -halt teaspoonful of duces ; pulp the the crepes, beoii the skins till tender, rook the pulp and strain through &sieve; add to the skins, with sugar, spices and vinegar to suit taste ; boil all this together thoroughly ; when doue put in jar and cork tightly. 13 "HACKSIET.CK,'- a lastinteand fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 30 its. For ale by J. Wilwn, druggist. BAKup rw..:et -Mince half a pound of Iran belled ham, add an equal quantity of crumbs. Moisten and sprud the nixtere over a }platter ; scoop t fear round holes u largess an egg, sad rlge'p an eyeq trim the shell int" each hole ; season with salt, cayenne and huller : put the dish in the oven, and them when the eggs are cooked. The crumbs should be mreist enuu_h to take almost a c.uat when baked. A templet, wrrandewa. "Fur ten years,' says •tennie M. Har - tett ..f 11'all$ceheri. t int: "1 did not see • well day - was all broken down - with dyspepsia, liver complaint, catartsh sod debility. Three (lectors &bandonhd hope for me. when Burdock Blood Bitters mme to my rescue. It is the heti med- icine 1 hare ever taken. I sty this for Cm benefit of all suffering es 1 did. 2 Am awtide.te for poi.on by dew. poison rak, icy, etc; is to take • handful of geieklims. tiiss•dve in water, let it stand I hell an hemi', tl,.a phiwt the pies/lied arts w th it Three or four applications wilt never fail es cure the moot &ggrs- ' vaned case. 1'•.u•.n frust bees. hornet*, i wieder Liles, etc. os in, tintly arrested by the app.i; aur -n r,1 celled parts of (yeoman ash sod htearlrenste ref .oda, well nabb- ed is nn the preen l.ttten er *tong. Ms ea hear 'eery. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develops into Catarrh when yell be cured for 25 cents. A few app:ie&ti..na will cure incipient Ca arrh. One er two b.exes will cure ordinary Catarrh One to five hoses will cure chronic Catarrh. Sold by James Willem at 25c per hex. Try it --take no other -it will cure you. ly OFOWLER5 STREEY CURES C HOLE -RA CHOLERA INFANTUivt 0MPLAINTS r,'cOFi IILOral F_rS 14 A 11A!•Af. ivJPle:Tl111hares,nth Wee+ ('t 1 :awe bMr nsis.d IrsPasser. r. Retaeiy 11 l. 0bre�iu pale. 11e ease Ise ails W J. Willis, issiggia Meat Market. .7.an.. . n AIIdrolvs & J011llStOH Smithies, was vv.leatlt ewewsitog 10 •Mout net. eggs a orangeries trenched, "Aw. . i eyeeeries, dub bay, le,* d re midi that dwoseilelswi." 'A w. dealt felleb, lett MEATS my saws in the Lower hall tether day. sea N seeking the irnry handle, Do 4.42144 o.11, it l 11rt1 me alwinat to oradahta 1J Charles had wooed Dr. Her- ---- we pea Pine (rum ha eels' would .ut Carel A' -miopi ad 'WPM! Deily'''. big weep meek. Tor lisle M J. A CACI. ftoi.if ITfl) awes ggasermtirm dreg abases. V Isct :n► MIN IHL%' Iletil mud $Ur$ IU$titots 11 WHY WILL YOC- weigh when Shiloh's Cure will cite* immediate relief. Price 10 cts., :d) eta., and $1. Fur sal. by J, Wils•m, druggist. 6 Shilolt•r Ceugh and a iesumptie•n Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. For sslu by J. Wilson, Dry jilt, IMPORTANT To OW N EILY Or 4TOCg. FIIILESS OIL. SIX GUID MEO_ALS and11'SAMUEL ROG RE S & CO, TORONTO. F��IebYATES & ACHESON, Goderich Mat .f t,eltw 1 nod wklel- 1.1 and leinaae.ar AL, CHRONIC osseasea A CIALTY--- hu.•nte treated hem or at their *. Ws, - twawd u hums throughn• • els suesessruiy se here io person. said see sw send tett amts in idiot., for OW - Iasalids' pied. -Met, ' • tAwi, gi a e, all Part'. Wars. Address: WOUL00 Ire'1 at Mhi I - CAL J .0116 Made sat-, Mutein. M. For " worn-out," •• run- town.- debilitated solarod teachers. mmilliners, biota- sed ore•rwcwked women generally. Dr. 'Meter's Fayortte Preseritthm'ts the brat of all t.rorrstve tonnes- I t is no t . C�ur" alk' bit admirably fulfills to ~p ~ws so sal 4"1 - being a mod In tat. ulna o, (bn,nic Weaknesses and Diaton.' 1 wvct••n. The treatment of noon ?la -oaten 04 rush ma's, at tbe Invalids' Rotel and' ,rra- leil In.tttut.- itis aRonl.1 s lar¢- .1. n u,•• to adapting remedies for their eon • no 1 Ir. P11rss's Fite its Priswiptike Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia Removes alt ?proal Mems": s'prang Knees. Quitter. sightly Bitches. Cure.Lan,eness in Cattle Founder, Weak Limb.. Amain. Ringbone. W indga.la. rnwult of tbts saes .1^x,.•ri.-ul !For ite internist eotegesi asallow and aleeratlou, It la a %pee fir. It t+ a powerful general. as well as uterine. tonic and nervine, and lantana vigor and at rettJt.10-10 to tate whole system. It canes weaktaw of et.muteh. lndlgest on. bloating. w• AY, back + f. nm us patratinn. exhaustion, debility- and II , In either sex. Favorite Pnw•rij- tint is add by druggist. under our i....wir' pimento/6S. Bee wrapper around bottle. est art werrete S, •::a dc, 11.18 at a eery tr:I lna moa by buying your Toronto. June let h. ata•`. Agricultural Implements. C. He GIRVIN, Marone to:. the Aga. antral tantrums* bue.:•ess, &*d represents the fallow Mg Bosses - HARRIS & SON. Brantisird, BINI)EIIs, AVER:, anti REAPERS COCKSIII•TT, }lrantfurd, PI.d*W!t, HATL(IAIIItRS and Sc VIVLERR. MASSON MANUFACTURING CU•, C‘ltawit, SEED PR1I.I.11 and LAWN iiowEQ... A(HIHT FOR ' wYork Sillger Sowlgfact esGeIlIle Ne , C_ H_ OUR v , t^3e t t Ramillies street. •tar deer helm the ( e.burne Hotel. Keep Your Feet Dry! PRICE $1.00, ret dha.00. send 10 oeaQ in et Walls for nr. I ten•• s I.trn'. Treatise oa Reassess of Moines' I 10 i)• Addlr.se., Wiggle& 111iy7K- LAirr Me5M:a1. A:wiouTllli oto Wan Bugalt, N. Y. -- LITTLE VQrCce S .aur 'to as a�D LITER0o exte�•s PILLS. ANTI-U.I1-iO K and C.i9111:1'r2C. No stable should be without it. 1..ailro•d mining and express companies all e (iilesi nee Liniment• and in the great riming stabieaof Belmont and Lorillard it Isis aelitcted wond- ers. Om trial will conviwte. Write D. It ()ILES. Box 3101. ?I. Y.P. 0, who will. without charg.t give advice on ail' diseases and also on the . .of cattle. Sold by all druggists at ,4k-, and $1.00 bottle and ie quarts at 53.50. in which there is great saving. The Liniment in white wrappers Is for family use : that In yrltow for cattle. Cole, Iodide Asatsseala teens &ad Cattle Powder•. I'. ed by ill the 1•yadinit horsemen en Jerome Park. Fleet wood. Brighton tleach.Sheepahead Bay and lfull's Head. Never dta+apu.nt, are Tonic. Alterative and Diuretic Destroy Worms. e'ures Indicate ion. Colic, Bots, Sore Throat. Catarrh- Founder, Pink -eye and Rheumatism. The dose is small and tile power is great. The Powder arc Lwnroaseerd and P *eebneeri Falling to eNata ■tare Money B elt ailed. Sold by F. JORDAN, draggle, Ooderich Oat 2012.1y PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT IIy wear cg the only FRANK LAZARUS float of tic firm of Lazarus k :forr.$) Rirslved Spectac!es srd Erg Classes Th... SpectaoleeandRyeOlsaacshaveMen •,.ed for the ppaasstt TSear*. and given in etery ,:..tat.ue unbounded Weietaction. They •re Tae elect t' Tilt wo*t.o. They neier t. re. I and and many years without change. --roe ea:•r •v - Yates & Acheson, G-ODERICH- FRANK UTARUSJANUFACTURER tet Maryland Roo arrow Road, LONDON. ',N(:I.AND. Late Lasar-us t Morris. Hartford coon./ re, Nr.. conner-tier. with any ether firm i• tits Dominion of Canada. Jaa. 2..111.16M 0_' I AM4 The Canadian Pacific Railway TNi CREATEST COeFONATiOI ti EAIiTN. fir :M„st 1./ reel and Best KinippM Route het ween MONTREAL, - TORONTO, QUEBEC, OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, DETROIT, - BOSTON, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS KANSAS CITY, ANL) .\Ll. POiNTP RAPT AND WRAT. Refer* pwrrhaetag !P•►MTietee elsewhere' R. RADCLI F FE, Agent. OYVICE Weal Freese. OP emi. Teieegnpb Don'tOdle*. on't Forgot tis reface, 9Merle"Ina. M11, alt SICK HEADACHE, mite.. measurer.. miazinees, t'onwtlpa- tien. rust((eetion, and d111o.s•ataestre promptly Burd by 1r. Pierre's PIaa•ant Purgative P1 tees. v5 cents a alai by r'1lggbla• DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Farmers' Attention GOTS & SHOES ......... E. DOWNING, Cil a"blo'.r� �1c mak. 1 fl .• r �. ew ..n aim $ter laiysat nteck eve.? shown :n (ioderick, Ma ososor ee• -asen neles y : u it, .it a gra:-Jabs store. kgs tie Meet kid.:2iruttgh all the fact Amebae' grt/i o brat. a -uwtktete, 1 w*I•e-! at Prices that Will Suit Everyone. • Ladies' Boots, in Batton or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00, Misses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up. Boys do.. 11,00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap. 1 enc an d w r: »ta tot'. both In goods and pr., re. D0-tCiN2NG, Crsbb's Bkek, Cerner East street anti Square. \.B. -Touts trade . Leather and findings in any quaati:y at Lowes: IYire.. The undersigned hes •('hoice Selection of EASE AND SEC EJ R , Ty Pare. Clean E D S of the following varieties -White Duchess. Lucerne. AI»ike, Trefoil. Pet/ fine and lted Clover, Timothy. Lawn and ■1l varieties of Graeae, suitable (or permanent pasture. Oat*, Wheat. Pens, Barley. Rye. Deana. Iti-hwbeal. Corn. Tares and Flax: also Field and (larder Reeds of last yrar» growth true to name. \ fk.11 aiwrtment of Flour and Fent. The Celebrated 1.• it Churn the bent in the market- .\ t of Chains. Fresh Teas. ten- %i.tin..; of Mark. Green and Japans whole- wileandrotail. � .1 Tarp. of Money to loran. This cu: represents the .foible gross wi•bout rhe heir. Note 0 e •im!tier of t o . .ba `cd spring siusatad In she Pal. by which a l'r1NTot NT but easy INWARD it t 1'1P 11:14 GE ] he,-1. 'Rrt.t. )? N�ASt - Druggist, Masonic Ill« -k, hotel street. (:orlrri.h. a ire n neh.16116. -l"' SOLE ACBE -'j' QOI)ERICri_ February 5th. 1)4: 11611- R. PRICE MMI BALM Restores grey hair to its na tura' color, re- move' Dandruff stops the hai froze fa:ling out, incresees it growth. and sell not sal the skin As a hair •'_res sing, it has nr superior. Guar antes d t almlees Prepared by 1larkness & Co London, Ont. d by all r7»rrl Ar �atl 1'ateiet %.011.104 Remake' 3.88s-_ GirODERICH DANIEL GORDON, CABINE'1'MAKER AND LEA Di\G UNDERTAKER. ft will pay yon to hey yo•tr Fornitere frogs the undersigned, as 1 hive sew as comptet 1 as there to 1n / - 1 do not adopt any pwn••k',Aloe of a.lrertising a nccan,'p.rialty, Tint wla sell you • at n era: onisi at prices that cannot be surpassed tonality considered.. In the 1'ndertakiag 1 have stock suited for the poor as well ■s rich. 1 have also added the process of Embalming• so that parties hating to ser.d btd:cs n r lends to • distance can do 10 at reasonable use Sept. 21Ith. DANIEL CORDON, West street, tial, b. between the I'o.t (Mee awd Bank of Montreal. 2011-3m Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. 00 L E N . BA�Y9 MILLS_ CABINET - MAKER ANI) UNDERTAKER To rbc 11-o..1 th-eurrs •y Ili. .Marr••,,,, i; ,,q (Quatro: W. with to any that we aro prepares to take your Wool In esrhangerorGoods. or work it for yo i :neo am of the (*diapering artn-o-.. r:r Blankets -White, Grey or Horse. Shirtinge --Grey or Cheek Cloths --Tweeds or Full Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flannels -White, Grey, Colored, Onion, Plain or Twill. Sheeting -- Broad or Narrow. Hamilton Street, Goderich t gond assortment or it.tcben. Bedroom, I't':'ng Risme aid Parlor Yn-r it r -re, .• •1. ae t New. Chair* their. -ane and wnoI seatc.l•. l upboarde. Bed -stead• hartrtair ►- Wash-e1a.1 Lett nges,Safa.. what -Nota L N. n. Arnmplettascot'meat ofCodicil and :limeade always nn Land also Hearses for ht at reasonable rate . Picture Framing s spec:alty.--A call solicited 1:51 stocaiontlePamorn Col 4tee ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Our teenitl.* ter this work massif he ear - We will endeavor la m•« MOPS to do ,tt the day It is brought In. If required. ('.4. 51* &pinning and Reeling. nr !Spinning on the (-ap. Deane or line. hard nr eon twilit, as regwtnd. we nee Ina position to de an klwde nI car tom work. o.oally dine s• a loll set realism milhawd wr will guarantee to do for yon folly egral. 1l not a 111t1e hotter than any la on en nes rid lain. A ea r• peetfullysellelted. E. McCANN Red Mad Weeks MW 9derte May tt*h,11M Now thetin. e it you wish one or two Mee rooms atItems. tose•Petite ore He bait over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Roa,,I f u colors and at pr,-..keel►an •cry m-i'h Inferior geode, Cal and sseletll. The arethe boslvalneia teas. aadsnnst koeeld The Lalesi Sping Bazaa Ptos & Fashioos, AT BLTTI ;Flt's