The Huron Signal, 1886-9-10, Page 3i
.8/141 tli :NIA 3 i 1 f 'a :.' aA ia-,J Si t
J 11»f'JN TIBE. �.If a.latisati, thoatt� yes;
them as seam, last night. The devil N ie
it !'
"Canto yourself," said Morten,
with the dreanwt smile which Beatrice
had ever aeon. "The devil has bad
plenty to do in the matter, w doubt end
w bare you ; bet in this cam neither he
sue yue wets to blame, 1 unlocked the
"Yoe -you! You unlocked the doors. ins glances of tract sod suction into
known.* that his owe mama ruin 1 each other's eyes. There was miry no .0 Lady Lilts.' eyes. She and Berth
Fool!" need fur speech when eyes could be w looked eagerly et Lord Morten to see
"Fool, indeed," said Moreton, bitterly. eluywot, what enact had been produced upon him.
"But not perbepa an utterly rile m you Maggie came in with some natural Murveu est like a rock ; impassive, grey,
would have had me be'" dignity and • hale nervouu,aas as well ; motionless ; it might have been thought
The dilator muttered an imprecation but alto expected to bo queen of the oar that he had not heard • word. Beatrice
between hie teal, then, turning round, canoe, mud cam somewhat emptied to moved away from his chair and came to
caught eight of Beatrice. His agitation find that the first words spoken concern- Maggins aide, then, laying her hand on
changed to fury as soon es he saw her ed her not at all. Fur Lord Morven, the young mother's arm, she also spoke.
face. after a slight bow to her he had not "Don't be afraid,' she said. ' We are
"It is you that bare dupe .n this," the faintest co.eeption t1 her none air of all anxious to do you jurtie.. Lord
Ito mid. "I told row that if you breath- her errand -turned and spoke at toes Morten will tell as ■hetherGerald spoke
ACTYU0 or "Ja0osine Wirt," "Coots
Yawn PYrttsutt ,',4c.
erIW. £LIVB_
Mom* Mi sheerly .Nest when Bee-
r Uleaen Against• ha,
of furniture,. though for support,
contemplated her with blame yet au-
gwi.h-stricken eyes.
"Gerald In he atamwtred. "Gerald
I did not know --" ,
"Say nothing : ' cried Beatrice, sing-
ing luta, a chair and hiding her face in
her hands. "Keep silence if you like,
but du nut tell ma a lie."
•• 1 will teal re nn Ilea," ttm tun est
in • wastrel -nag tuns., "and y.t . I can-
not tell you the truth. Relieve me at
any rate whoa i say that 1- " he paused,
drew • lung breath, and wont on in a
firmer voice -"that I did tet cause tier-
.Id'e death. indent that is true."
:the raiee.l her head end looked at him
with milked distrust.
"You •track him," she aanl in a low
s nice.
"Yes." MLotve11 hung his head. "To
my infinite shame i struck Kinn. God
forgive nue ! '
"But the Wow it led, sure!y, to his solved to question fur herself.
• death f" I ••Morten," she began, 'of wham h understood better than Lilies what Lord to other arms. But when Beatrice
•'N0."l Dr. Airlic •pmkirs* 1" Morven meant. He scarcely knew that .trailed her wonderfully radiant smile,
"How can you tell I' But before he could even try b, answer Lilian was in the room. His mind seen- the little fellow stored •nmewhat doubt -
"I can tell. I am sure of it. Beatrice, ' her another 1 occurred. The ed bent in one direct.on ; it would be fully, them smiled in return, and held
would 1 not tell you, if I had caused his a door was ope.ed__timidly this time, as if ...k.. to force 15 into another. Let out his little hands toward. her. Bee -
'teeth t I could net look at you end tell • the new -comer hardly liked to show her- Morton have his say. trice took him iu her arm., and then
Inn a lie to year fan°-b,-cauae 1 lure' self ; and both M oven and Beatrice "There is no change," replied Bernie west up to )lorven, mho still eat as if
you." Thee. seeing that she .hank uttered • quick ezelamation of surprise. manfully. "I did not come to speak of 'turned to stone in hie great arm -their.
back : "It i. to., lat. to tell 7o0 .n now, It wee Lady Litlaa Ruthven, who came it at pre•eut ; but I am ready at any I "Look at bim,I'telph," she said. "Is he
gently desired to bring AM.
Herne was wt at all di•eeoeerted at
fiudiug Lilies present. He entered in
the woke of Maggie Drimmond, whose
beauty was never more brilliant than i0
this moment of trial and possible defeat,
mei as he saw WW so tllumuaa:tua of
pigment kindled in hie fem. He and
Linins both made an involuntary move-
ment towards each other, then restrain-
ed themselves out ut consideration for
their friends, but fiaab.d bnyht answer -
tag ; for it weans eau then a week sync
that he bad bidden me good-bye and net
Jul fur t;leabeevi.. He said he would
be back sun*, and I'm nun he likit me
then ! If it's true Oust he cast me off,
it's • sad woman I shall be no the
rest u' nay days ; but •bother ha cast
me on or no, the riddle's hie sin, and
should be treated as each by his .an kith
au' kit
"No." said her beetW,7 7- '•N^i
as I have said, he did mot dewy it, He
told tate of ►N.striae"--e nets of pant
passed toot. Lord Merwen'a tams et the
recollection of Oemild's msefeowuo-
"end beented me to Bare for hie wife and
children. You will understand," he
continued, addressing himself to tty�s..
"thinwithout tbruwiag auy ig/ tits
any Due, 1 must have proofs of the
They all listened to Maggie'. outburst 1 identity of this lady and child. As the
"More than else of as rosy nal that.
my lord. But pet hoesspwni ueeaeioe,
perhaps, For it is owns, to We erred
and terrible mistake that yo. *ate tried
to hole the foot that Gerald -pour Uel•
Mal Ituthvins is mull ante."
ro ss
in silence, but with varymng degrees of I toy will probably be my hetr—
"nution. The tears rushed A dight shock seemed to run through
the bearers ; they *lammed expressively
at Beatrice, and Lord Morvan saw the
*lance, "Illy cousin Beatrice, he said,
'tis about to be married to Mr Anthony
Lockhart, of Glenbervie ; and I have
every intention of going abroad for •
few year., when all these matters are
settled. lu the meantime my brother'.
wife was Margaret Logan. Is this Mar-
garet Logan 1"
"Then is no doubt of that," mid Ber-
tin. He turned to Maggie, but she,
forgetting her position fur • moment, had
retreated mensal steps and wee looking
at Anthony Lockhart with • strangely
agitated . "0' Glenbervie !
she repeated. "Then it's a richt again 1
and Mr Ai.thony has come to his sin I"
At first nobody replied. 'Then Mar-
tie answered. "l'es, Anthony has comb
to hie own. He is nutter of Clamber -
ad a word you would ruin everything. It
is you and your lover who 110111 lis/
min game. But you shall suffer for*
And beton ekh r Monen or Realise
could reply, he had torn front the rode
es If a legion of evil spirits were pursuits,
Lim. Beatrice looked at Morven for ex-
planation, but ke, with kuilted tiniesaad
i,dded hp., avertea au nese ant amulet"
resolved to give her none.
There wan a painful pause. Beatrice
I waited fur soma min•vtee anu theu re -
to ltertie Douglas.
"1 do not know why yell kers.s.s;":
he said. Ilia voice wan low an+krokati,
like the vuioe of an old roan, and it
leart'ed Bernie pito grave attention.
"Before you t peak let me ask one
question. L it true- -aa Beatrice think.
of you and what be said.
Maggie turned and gazed at her. The
grave and earnest saympathy of Bea-
trice's tones and looks seemed to Impress
her. The detient light in her hazel eyes
quenched for a moment in a rush of
tears. "Oh, my teddy, she said pas-
- that you ars in the same mind about ei nately, "it's no for my sin sake, it's
niy sister Lilies f or is there any change for my bonnie bairn'. T'
• • the child,' said Beattie*
"Morron !" said Ltlias, indignantly. bolding out her arm,.
She had Hushed crimson with anoer and For • moment Maggie heietated ; In-
gham., and would have left the room but tie Ronald was not ... .. 1 to atrang-
fur Ite.tnoe'• detaining hand. Beatrice era, and might cry if he were transferred
is it not I You hare learnt to despise up to them with outstretched hand. of time to avow my 'evoke Lady Lilies. 'not Gerald's very image ! Will you net
me, to hate me -nod I do not wonder. greeting, flushed cheek. and sparkling ''Very well," said Morven. He was !tell us what you keen i" fabs drew
Y warned you to beware of eye and words of apology upon her standing, Kith his hands on the table be- i nearer to him and spoke in a lower tons.
me. Yt u broke your promise to me, tongue fore him, leaning a little towards the I "If ever you wronged poor Gerald,' she
iteatrice, but I do not blame your." I ••lib, Mlorcen;' she said, "i could not assembled group with a worn and weary lead, "you can at any rate do justice
")fortes, 1 th ,tight your car- !stay away. The Claremont. were called look in his hollow eyes. "Wait then, i now to his wife end child and so mane
ed " she said, greatly softened, but , back to England, and I did not like to till tonight. Perhaps you win change I a
hoping that he was his ( stay at the eoesio8 all aloha- You will your mind If, after all you hear, you i Morvan rose from his chair, petting
regret. i foigiee ane, will you not ! I am 'ogled to still bold to your choice I wi'I put no lout his hands with • wild creature, ea if
He uttered an agitated, scornful i be at ho m. obstacle in the way. Fat do not corn- ' to entreat her to my no more.
laugh. Beatrice glanced et Morten in some mit yourself, you do not know what may I "You need net tell me that !" he mid,
••Not care 1" he exclaimed. "Where I alarm But he did not seem displeased, happen before the clam of day. Nu ; standing up, with an eaFect of such stern
haye your eyes been Beatrice t Or per- • Ha timed his sister un the forehead, end words : stand back, Lilies. Till you `dignity that all except Beatrice Esti bask
haps 1 should rather say what has my i then turned away from her with a heavy have heard .1l that you will have to ! abashed "I do not nee t to he remind -
tongue been doing to keep silence eo i sigh bear, say nothing. Yuu will out End • ed of my duty in that respect. This mat -
ions 7 I ought to have told you. morn- 1
"It coma to the same thing in the that you have much to thank me ier.
irg, noon, and night, that 1 worabipped sad," he muttered to himself. "Nothiug
you, that I was wtUieg to kiss the ground !can natter now."
e col c n ; and
on which you trod. and be trampled be- Lilies had left th d ops
I made ice• ed that the old butler 1
w.. making signs to her from the hall.
She went away to speak with him ; and
returned in a few momenta with • some-
what heightened color and a puzzled look
epon her face.
••Morven," she said gently, "will you
allow Mr Douglas to speak to you fur a
few minutes 1"
"Douglas ! What does he want with
dr that you hated, nut Lure itself. ALd moo' said Lord Moores, Then hie eye
i thought -I thought that you hated fell upon Lilian. "it is useless,- he said,
Love sadly rather 'ban angrily. "He should
"I never hated you, Ralph," said Bea- out hare come- Lilies, you are mistakes
trip, dewing nearer to him. bus this man. He is not fit ffor you. He
"1 wish you had. Hate wou:d have
teen nearer love than indifference. Oh,
Beattie*, le it Ns Bite 1 C h.1 ikt
you baa -r
Leath your feet in return, until Beatrice ce pe
you believe my words. I forgot that
women needed to be told of • mat's love.
1 was afraid of wearying you ; but a wan
teats is never weary of hearing her ow*
praise. Forgave BIM; you are nut like
other women ; but I thought you still
more unlike them than you are. It
seems that you tan near to be cereeeed-
lieten to tender words. It was I
He saw the reproach in her enesasehe
looked up.
•'1 see," he continued sorrowfully, "I
understand. I was lint -and yet I am
too late..'
Bestricns eyes slowly filled with
"Dear Ralph,' she said, "I em w
sorry. I have wronged you no re than 1
imew. I thooght that you wtuld nut
care -that you would be willing enough
to give me op when you fund that I did
not lore yea as I should -as a woman
weglht. Forgive roe, and--fcrgive n-
isguinm to marry • different woman,
"It u you who are n•i.tak•n, Ralph
its& Liles. "He is not goin,( to taar-
ry anyone but me. Int, dear Ralph, will
you not be kind and good to us ! Listen
to him, at any rate. He will •Xylan* "Then 1 can have no hesitation," Mid dad. .
From whom did your lordship get into committing a great wrong *veinal
everything that seems strentle, and I Bernie. ttl.urd !toren, I em sure it is ockhart I did not then know
shall not mind being poor. Dear Ralph, by no wish of your. that this lady does that information I" said Berrie, with ir- Anthony7
g repressible satire in his toot. who it wee that was blamed for my fault
you will let him come, will you not 1" not occupy her rightful position. lore and sent to lucre is my stead for a
id," said Beatrice quietly, are the last man to allow jour brother.* lour] Mlurvem winced. "It was Dr. D
brother's child to De Aiello,' he said, somewhat onwillim*ty. shameful petty theft of mine, that I've
ter has come upon me w ■untleuly that
Now, sir, way I ask what is your bum- my silence is surely ezeus•ble. I do not
nem with me 1" know this -this lady. But i did know
Berths had colored deeply, and was 1 heard it from his own lips --that he
looking at Lilies with en had married a yang woman named
which seemed to beseech her to bars ;
confidence in him. But at Lord Mor- I
men's abrupt question he turned away
from Lilies and gathered himself up for
conflict Maggie had refused Beatrice's
kindly invitation to seat herself ; with
her baby -boy in her errs, her face
lighted up by an unusually vivid color,
her attitude slightly debut. Bartle
glanced at her and then at Lord )Iorven
before he spoke.
"I do not know whether I had better
ask for • few words in private before I
go on," he said. "But Miss Essilmont
knows something of the circumstances,
will she kindly be the judge i"
"Go on, Bertie, ' said Beanies. " It
is better to speak ulcer, while Di Lido
is away," she added to herself.
Day and Night
Duran, tut smut attack et Itruaeldis. a
ceaseless tkkllaig In the throat, and am
rzhatrttag, dry, harking cough, 'Met
the sufferer. Sleep Is banished, e*d greet
Meets. This disease 1a also
attended with Iloerseness, and sometime.
Lees of Vole.. It Is Itebis to become
chronic, tarot.. the lung, sired ternta•te
f•s.Uy. Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral *north
speedy relief and euro In eases of Bron-
chitis. 1t control. the disposition to
cough, and induces refresbi.g steep.
1 have been a practicing physician for
twenty -tour yrar•, and, fur the past
twelve, have suffered from anal attacks
of Br.nchtl.. Atter all the
usual t'entedk.
Without Rslitf,
1 tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It helped
ate Immediately, owl effected a speedy
cure. - 0. Stovea11, )1. D., l'arrolk.s,Mlin.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in decidedly the
best remedy, within my ksowleise. for
chronic lironehitk, :rid all hug d
-)1. A. Rust, M. D., South Paine, Me -
Was attacked, last wintcf, with servers
('old, which, from eximsure, grew won,.
and finally settled on nay Lungs. By
nlgbt sweats I was reduced ninon, to a
skeleton. )1y Cough wet ha,-em,ant, and 1
f ret neatly mat Meed. M' i , DP .Id
- Ni .u.
"Not l," said Anthony Monptly. Ile lite a month,'iAftertektt • v:.rlous reurr-
*lied his eyes and fixed thein upon Ben ales without relief. I was dually
tis face. "1 made the claim in anger'
-ander a mis'aken impression : I dente
is withdraw it now."
"Yoe carom t withdrew tt," said Per-
i1* •'It would be wrong if you did
"Ay, ay'" broke in Maggie, to every•
body's surprise. "It wad be erant; in
deed gin ye dodr.a tak your sin birth.
richt, anu art straight what's been crook -
it for sae m any a year. It's fur Gersld's
sake that I 11 speak the truth, a he wad
bid me do. if he were Ltre. Ye'l1 has
forgotten maybe, my Iced, that I'm
niece It. )lra Pine wha nu
o' laenbery;e in his last illness--"
And ten Magpie launched forth into
• full account of the dying .omen's of
your o1.t Mr Lockhart, and of the part
which she herself had played -a story
which gyve moro pain to some of her
hearers than she had perhaps anticipat-
ed. Certainly Bertie Douglas suffered
keeeniy at this exposure of his mother'.
greed, "An' I tauld ruebody for years
Ian' years -not even Dr. Atriie," said
1 Maggie, ezeitedly, "thoutrh often he
spout at me about the box , but when
Uerald an' ale was mast an' tote I coula-
ea hide anythmt from hila, alt he heard
the Mill story an' hsntle man that 1
luene time to tell ye i' the r.ot,. i mind
o't fine, fur I never saw him sae
eager rim see muckle out about.
He rpeireti a' manner a queetio no about
the papers an' the bit boo an' the in, Ti
Margaret Logan ; and that the marlins*,
though somewhat irregularly performed,
was a legal one. He spoke in terms -in
terms of the highest affection and re- 1
•pest of his wife ; and begged me to care
fur them -arid for hu child. I have the
legal papers in my own .. • ."
Maggie drew a long breath of relief ;
she snatched her child away from Ilea-
, trice s arms, and pressed it to her bosom.
"It's a' richt, then," they heard her mur-
aur, "my wee lamrie, ye shall hae your
sin name an' your own place in your
father's hoose."
, Lord Islorven ',token at her sternly.
• "1 have said that my brother was mar-
ey, an'----"
"For heavens sake, ' said Lord Mur
ven, ruing to his feet, "if yt u have any
respect for your husbands memory say
nu more i
Maggie stared at him. "It's juist be-
cause I hae • raped for him that I mean
to speak," she said proudly ; '•juist be-
cause he was aye generous an' kind, a1
though maybe • bit fetish now an' then
-an' I'll no keep silence for ony Man's
1 biddiin. Maybe, my krd, yell no bas
h d the afar It was the thocht 0'
Cured By Using
two bottles of Ayer'. t berry Pectoral. f
am now in perfect rfect health, and able to
resume bw•tne.r, after hat ing been pro-
noutaeed incurable with ('onsumptiun. -
S. 1'. Ilenderroi . sautsburgh. fens.
For years 1 wan in a denim. I bad
weak lungs, and suffered from Bronchitis
and t atarrh. Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral re-
stored me to health. and I have been for a
long t.:uo comparatively vigorous. 10
case of a .udJcu cold 1 •!want+. resort to
the 1'.ctur.i, and end speedy rellef.—
Edoard E. Curtis, Rutlaal, Vt.
Two wean ago I .ugered from a severe
Bronchitis. 'rhe ph,.ician encoding me
Meanie fearful that the diecare would ter-
minate In Pneumonia. After tree* ven-
ous medicines, without bend'. he finally
ibed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. whkh
relieved me at otter. I continued to take
this medicine a short time, and inns curd.
-Ernest Colton, Logansport, lug.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
'hewed t)• Let. 3 ('. A rr k es , Lowell, Mar -
Sold ►y all Lrugebu. ere, el, iia Poulos, 51.
As them are many infester
goods. conned with
solo, ete.,ottered sad=
u c,•ra;ine by aeras WM-
ppriocipled merchants Wei.
lag o• the reputastow et
our g{eNd/s e'eesrwee
w. warn the ladles assault
snob Imposition by demi-
ing their attention to the
L ecrosdty of *Ming that the
ie stamped on loner sole oral) Caroline ooda
Without which sore are ,!ramal
DRi.. U
OF THE Stil.
s K sem s,arts4a �
s(eseEL-a on ikOt70,i""_'-•`
Ila remarked, "but I have not ear T -' ICJ�hf'3.
Abet had every reason to believe he well � trade him sae &nervus to Dr$FfP91A,
get at noel hw3. 1Be said tr, me, 'When IN['tl".f ^T/0H,
that tip brother's wife and child were
t. I wasa boy, Maggie, Dr. Atrte led mo JAUNDICE.
"I ant afraid,
"that you both misunderstand B.rtie s widcw and yourrepented everettafter-but but Ian found out
purpose in coming here today. Not but I wronged in any way—' ' ' who went to Glasgow and reported to
what he u taw to you. Cilias : do nut) Miy brother's widow and child ' ' I me that Margaret Logan- or Futhven- (since and tried hard to get to know
gasped )furyen. Hi. face became dead- ! what's become of Lim. Now that you've
be afraid of that nut I mean that he end her esu Runa d lel died of fever,"
"And you trusted to Dr. Airlie's re-' fold me this I believe I Goold do him e
comes today on other basins• line ly pale ;hue eyes showed a sudden terror. , ,d turn. Ill get the hoz out cI that
must not be alarmed --Mr. Drummond, Beatrice carne round to his chair and port P" asked Bertie. g
laid her hand on his shoulder. I "i did." hale, if it's there still, by hook or by
of whom Dr Airlic wrote to you a with
A "Ay, an' that's me en' wee Ronald...! "I ant sorry that yeu trusted Dr. Air- crook ; and 1 11 Pee that justice s done.
him here.. for tear
'liberty too ; it was my fault. "Lilian a fair face poled for a moment. mud Maggio, eoteenetng a step in the ! lie act resell," said Write. W. fronted '1 wool t go openly, he safe,
l�i Site held out her bends to him. Ile I "oMrs Drummonl with him 7" she es- pride of her glowing and defiant beauty Lord Morven as be spoke, and did not there should be difficulties put in my
turned as if to take them : but suddenly claimed. "But what ha he to do with ! towards Lord )loryen's chair. "It was' notice that the library door was opened way ; but Glenbert ie's an easy to
his face changed. Ilia lips turned white; Mrs Drummond f" i the mild doctor that Farted me heed my • just then, and that. Anthony Lockhart get into, and gI 11 just make an expedtttos �n>�ke alltbe cl^f atent>ea of tW
hie hes Matted around u if he had ''It 1s all right," said Beatrice in het I tongue. He to ild in. that Gerald had stepped into the ro.ns. Bat Beatrice there wine night and explore • And 1 I wcd rPfltt . o.rry-
heard a sound that brought terror to his , ear, I said on his dying bed that I wane his sew, She drew herself out of the little � bellowed wine workman s clothes for *gel
. __mals. ).itdntr4ahnut weakening the
"I know it is all right," rejoined L.dy I wine see,
ono 't H looked t before he went hen Maggie's voice )sn�•of the .ecrett } t t1>»
And every species
disordered UVEB.
vo, and that his 1• •rdship would put i circle, and met him with bar finger on t'.im, slog saw him off, and he kissed me �sAam. upp the mmptrritie. mind tool
can - aatste
• ..o ,ilia. indignantly. "I rarer thought it me to prion if said onything a t i , I her lip. ear • her is some sur- or k d time Cent Act d �
would not give me )our hand if you knew was anything else ; but i conform I du not
says that the doctor lee d, and that it's of hie introduction into the midst of so a great v rang— mart>rartu+ L
plain gnaw that I was Genld's wedded apparently excited group of persons. She b:oie down utter'y aid sobbed I Vdiai�oo, a e�4Ysn Ilefenrentd
wife." She laid her hand on his arm, and n.
alma. Her role were the only sounds I Erysi lana flea.
"Lord Marren can n•bahl tell us, y -cep- beard for a kw minutes in the ruts the Beart. Neree tea€ant and
D 7 brought him forward a little way L I noel Dob/llty ; a'.l these ►mol many
.t any rate," said Bettie in • very
ing him still, however, outside rho rang where Morten, Anthony and Beatrice .5bm similar Comp]i•iaUt vi -I l to floe
quiet t ne, "whether ,r no Gerald ,.r Mettle's visi,a. Sho had chosen to iehike a:1 stood a_!:ast at the ore:peeted I b_epllyDn t 'lA 'M
••.-- Rothe .on his death -tied denied his play a difficult part ;chs �ant•d to act turn given to a rt. ry •hie. they hoot in- F•i'C)�
which )inrvew had perhs;t. anticipated. Morven bored his head, end seated
him• f ; be seamed tired tI ennrendintt. 'uarriaga es medietriz between two men who were , terpretcd •n very d'nerently. Now that j T. gaAitE t 4-. preerliaos. ''scene`
Ms inset door of the roots suddenly t Lord Morven looted stupefied : he did ritala for her hand ;hut she was certain !
canoed, and Dr- Airlic appearcl• t\ sa His face was very pale, end hie eyes I 1
i the cls was in their !Anna, how pain
it his feotateps which Lord )torten had h not reply thatPe , the mystery ed t3 'dthenhod 1
datinguiehed 1 His usually ,sat attire
and p churns .peak, But Mr Douglas , prion, not knowing what was the mean-
"Ah he said with a green, y , 1 gr.
I began to tremble an Cha . . me I Stomach, curl --
here has lookit into the matter, and he ing of the midden eummens, and for trusts:,; hint. teil••ng him to sit rich
all if i did not kill ()meld- I am guilty see why—
still. "You will see why presently," said
And then he flung honest! back Ifo Beatrice, ruthlessly cutting her abort
the sofa, and hid his face between his oVuo hace only to woo alta linen. Otho
baud•, sr people have more mum for fear than
rice was !forded, She would hare you. Ilorven, shall they come into the
but fc.r an interruttion-one ro'm 1-•
to this appeal• m1. would ..creed -as certain, r- tit ate vee. ' er.
(fore a look i atter wanness acs ape C S M^ nS�
also of despair. Lilies, still standing, "Can 7^w r•wsember, Morton r' Be• ►ape m Ra.ilsnd in the Forest ret Arden, i been nn thief. He had tried to teasel . `/ L jliViiY
his b which her cowls trice whispered anttiowly in hi. ear.
wmm agitated sad (he we 1' Hes departed a ' I nrloeied rt,. .. note•
first time in her life Beatrice saw the name ie Margaret -Maggie: dad Ea speak bright spirit. to the love which tins wife and sister at
once to meet Bettie, and •ica, to send t bed upon him. Fut what "Oh, my lord, send Ma*zie, suddenly lie eat moth," mid Bertie, He has shown were the feelings of three who had con -
ret reconciling differences and heklin • •
wee dwotderttd, his lace was pale, watched the dour y w is g g the
honor whin h he had Inst by his bony- gest door le Rkfn•a' Ion, hisnore. eases
andunsteady. For ret out. For trice "Did Gerald speak .,t any me 1 Her old wounds by the charm of her bras•, hood's act ; he hid 'none: ted his claim I o onsunuy sedinz'o i• welt-
Bootee in a state of extreme nervous ex- sear+ -an argent message to iilt of her 1 ' I am sorry that you treated Dr. Air- least had lavN 1"t r• 7iteeh
ei sweet. He was not teen sufficiently
Lockhart, bidding him come to 1M of vehement nn into i A ii Groceries,
1 throwinga tone ve pew diabolic.tingenuity in pnverting the olrmned him without • hearing 1
on hr *ward to (aware. her ; 1. "Tame" Towers at tree.. This 0000, •h
• e ay
.d to the Earl, and almost wrong hie ad rho interview between Lord Morven her voice, "int no for my an make that truth. For hie own gnats. i suppn.., he )Morten spoke first. "My God he
own kande se he addressed him. and the visitor. as long as possiele : and i woeld ask you listen to me ; it's for wished to keep Gerald R•thren's wife sighed, scarcely eb•ove his breath.
"My lord- my lord," h. mid, "it is whet it could be pat off no hostler the the heir" Look at him, my lord, and and child out of the way for the prevent. "What have i done t' He sank back
b hays done this r• loft word with the better that nn Slr am wb0Ahee h. inns kik• Gerold. It's He not only persuaded you that they into hem chair and buried his face is his
lifted his nee from a s Ii.cklaei snivel • e,. • n
m em to understand at noes into the library. For -that woe him dearly -an' me fern, allhnngh the holier.' that Gerald denied the marriage Then Anthony spoke, with a face of
votes unlike him own that
• o f 6' bred. t 1j A •h Ig N Awn (lershl's sin laddie, an' C3essld ton d
Marvenwere gado but he led Mn. Rathven to, panda.
+ what
did not
"What ie 111 he asked. tie going to kappa might tend, she aleetor eays that he denied nee on his cap'w his death bed. •marble and , in so
• M it t To. ad not kr.^. what thea,►l, to a N..isi Mlos bMesss him djiag bell ! He mast hea he" wring "Bre 1.114 not doily it, Melly. !" his hearers turned upon hint in amen
gabbled the little doctor. as1101is pees ee 1 s� gig the m. iw his hang wheelie sang see, I'm think• It woo Cilias who apokw moist,
lam 6slpperamd,"
whtoh wilt be found to'compete fever7.
a' rein' -.lit cents y ( read {` Not, wit\\ __
say other stock in 11•:e •lelaty,
to retinaieg glees to my rwwetstme be
their p•trawaget I WNW ids* •az eah-
en sod rimmy
cal I, to nab moppet y steel
0.1., $o1N?OWN
e,tn►Kees els ef thetipsasa►
0ederte1, Feb. lido h, 11W