The Huron Signal, 1886-9-10, Page 22 lHk HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEP. t0, 1886. SANCTIFICATION. advmeed saint. It is as whoa the words "Iteestved Paytsest" is written agrees the hos of a vote. The debt is disottaes- ed, and wholly. The tetter, however, r SAM. Jotleph YoCoy, of Ii(Maond- id I Le I "4 noc P& slave or Inas IMA a growth, like that of the plilsa growling ep from the seed to he • [reit hearer Well. It L the ! of hams tip Wks tad A !.phs ..sI mgrs fres- hmen await i swd .wd.ma.tiw, but est dsekwMiss of sir is tys Itlo, sa Qin tie S.otiem. and _ d outward settees •vd tassel .osaks ago, Rev. Joseph Me- 11•601sr8000rd with the e1 1Emeadville, pr+aohd • sense disks* law. •' >• Matelotsperfect, �7t ossa as your Father whish it V heaven en ,baaslYeatiuo," i. Lags eharek. as pedant:, says CbrieL The mon we Goderich. The senors gave s: mooch adra•as in knowledge of the Intik of satislwtioa at the time, that a ragmen mud, the greater will be therefore oar WM leer• hi "vara' peewees that the sPP of sasoti6aatia J•seiiw twa, wktoh u mi act, changes our rola- Miriam .heeld be plrlated in Tae SIOn L. ties to the jeweils of (led. traysterving This preacher has put his views very Our nwpoosibtlity to the person of Jesus, pithily and clearly and takes piece at the beginning of the 1 Sea 4:I : 'ler for 1• the will of Goa eves Christina We. S•nctifssstion on tae ver :ettaoatiea.' utter hand, which is a growth, follows The Mary of the founding of the churchjaatifiatluv, mad Vac!"Rlorl6eatwn, t Tbsss•lotweeu reeorded in the 17tb t wee up oke barn of our lift Den at p and death. chapter of the Acta. It took place as 111. la wnctificatiun necessary .' villi, on the Subjdwt. Mee.. et • sesta.a rawaesee •a Aare., oeeeetes, IAMING A NB11SPAPZR. I!the time reedier cold ai ht, sad reaper,tow.a ells tibot me( looking iwe • Withoet say prelatewbsaever, she dropped the poker. W M M mesh bras didtt strike the hearth that Yr Beal Mopped his readiaa abrspity sad looked oar si.t1 the top of kis &p.s iagsiriaR- M r BunDy bugged tMute 010••1 �e ly. ILw Booby W • bapp thought end gdekl it was to Ile B. devils, genies, pree.ee " y y weak. �. "Joke," said she, "yo u remember emus ranging lima better puM•(oke[bmra- that has beostst. am/ilts time tad to tell me how - - leu. Fioe'taws mead not be in any great •r^"• �t� to It br tits unit ell aN ' are nraia" ote"eM' hurry to sell There is little fear d aasid }{air Y r spaplorw ague "MAMA: was Mtn. es, yes ; sums u L gatft•r•d• =mines. r "What du they press the papers for r' Farm and bar&E n. "Thy don't press this mega ; press 'meat's relights. mad after they are priat- ed, they aro circulated throughout the s.17. OA, I see." mad &her waitsag mane little time for him to .ernes., Mrs. Busy asked, '-l. Nat all r "Is that all 1 "Teak ver, fes !" he graabls& from M►iad the paper he W rammed. Salewo. followed. He toad ea avdls1 14 - ed ter (ally an hoer. His wile having revised on the • was M copied is t tag it, at t same theme aurmsrivg, while koekiag irked, st the ashes, ''Types, matter, galley,prools. For Toilet Use. It•sserwber that •Wale tow mad meaty Ayres Hair Maur mere the hate •ash eapesded ie. ti•IeHo/ tieys.r w Bader- aad pol..t, imlteels tie r t- :•sere s - dra a�ae will pnve • meat Ma'am of kes\oaes 0l yv,hth, tlllweos it M glewm Thaw is • remarkable fat Ilam off i• the di •alp ,hearse, .d Y ohs owes Amoy Slip d wool thisleor 1. the Mama 1. dal hale preparatfsae. Ohio sad Pemeeylvll•ta .lea. the idiot s Hair visor k.. lives me is the l,is M ____ In wT.a t aim per A� S �srl�ot..Itrt..tw IUl i Mmes. J Pt semis bsid far as deems w soot her ti.. .t.ilia limo kat year, without weed sa e= w� d i ezpMNd to ie Mill Baiter. hair 1 had. was grewhig Miaow. taste he .ppb efep i. the United th'e'me. 1 tried Ayer's lldr Mur. 1 used tea • 11 aVv •red e.1 a N W en will • keen s e to business, are - Ju.run H. Chapel. testa, whoa aseane'mosey, es t wrist p „riently, eradiates, �druE. Ohms is Uk.a1y W its very shed An year. aid cooties d the Vtwr, w� Med of arm the Market will rale high AmeA.a we alas Pe. etMAL 'Vas, but tker tune lova- promise, o promise, but it was of no avail; she want- item and Billiotaaness Sold y r 11a, color. d • fires ter for One ruse of Ile. Chasse Live Lure "weal any lett en 'beer hands, tt well faded. sal dry, and fe out In large will sun thick Headache, Dizziness, sod t A er s Hair Vigor stopped ve." Sour Stomach. 1 to 2 bottles are warea my hair to a - "No, nue : piers,, Jubn." ranted to cure Liver Complaint, ladies- There is always • certain amount,.( alallli ,y..Itor. As restoreddr•e•tag ler the Again he toed to content her south • J.W4.u. obworious matter which find• its wa deb preparattos bas ao 7141. - our wells. As the water u genera . , u , ed to know, thea. just "how papers an put together." He hesitated. The lunger he hesitated the mon ispatieot Ara grow, and he felt it. Booing that postponement was of nu pail jtur•eyed westward Iron hdIPP1 This to a very important question. ava►1, he heaved a long sigh, laid au" t eeth Aapbipolis and Apolionia to There are too many who desire to be (f arty, ad thence on to Berea. caved (roe deetruotwn, but yet ouotinue hu prpr and reluctantly began to un - TT is situated at the head of in sin In other words, they want to be nasi or len wile's editiauon the "inset • beautiful gulf, and w at tho termines p Idea"; •• el navigation in that part The main 'aniseed in order to .siavr. ncti ratio ; sen to a pbxe," raid M,"theonPy i ut they du ant desire esoeti6catiun. meat to the room- rod leading westward ram the Roston They are quite coateot to remain in Where dues the copy come from T ' garrison town of Philippi also led through ria p1 it. Accordingly it occupied • pwition of 1. We must be either in (hod's pees• - she sorted. military and 1 importance. once eujuyiug his approval, or we stout ceu riled' the editor and reporters, of BMW ►t grew in population and wealth. b e an oatast from God. There is no Like other 3 cities, anch es noddle course. "He that isnot with Me .(►h, I see. Guist_ aad T in rioters' times, .red - Theo tt is given to the type-set- 7i'e a lam Me But (lad u holy. and � „ New York and Chicago in modern tines, cannot tolerate sin i. His ptweoce. tam- 'wealth ett wealth socumulatedand with it luxury cannot 1 1. 13. "'lab f purer eyes What do they do ; sit en it ? ' was devebped, and license followed in Hai,. t' ou are o "No -thunder, no ; they are the cum• 1j :has to behld evil, and cant not look ton who set tt u 11. thin til the populauos became ver on iniquity." It therefore follows with.• Oh, they oompcN the Dopy, and thea taui1 )4. certainty that if wean to dwell is. God's But how dues it mit T Paco To this ace Paul tame, and accord- presence when then is foie ew of joy we*se P' leg to hu custom he entered the myna- must be holy, like God. The heart. dim He drew another long sigh, and Calmly of the Jews and preached Christ. position and character must be in her• "Pse lied ' of the Jews, and mon of the de- runny with the Divine will The editors compothe copy, then coot Greeks believed, and a Church of2 Noraorer, Chrkt Jesus use into send it to the oumpoeitio• room, and the Christ was founded there. Stora the the world to eve his people from their type -setters put it in type." Apostle w" driven from Ti ' by sins He came to destroy the works ret ••Wlut, the Dopy the Jews, who stirred WD the the devil. But sin in the hurt is the Yes ; they set the types up &o they people in opposition to iia, and h. went work of the devil, and sin Mill in the will read as the copy reeds." down to Betty. He was very anxious soul and life is sin from which that soul Ob, I sea sheet the prosperity of the little church, is not et saved. It fuUows then that if A Pao"' *newel •• 1sa Is". they needed sure iaatruc- the work of Jesus u to be completed, the "John,' said Mn Bunby, "yon stop- •• •ad So after louperson saved must be delivered from unat the setting the type. departure he wrote to them letters to and made pare -.made holy.eueordtag tot t do they set the type in T" alispiete what he had began in person. the seated as of the word u above la a sti:k." n His gat care was that them Christians, illustrated.sIt u not simply "B• has '"A stick ! what kind of a stick 1" surrounded as they were by so many holy to lee saved," but "Ile ye holy, and "0, a stick u a device that u just the temptations, and weakened by the force then you an saved." Now we see that width of the columns of the papier, sad of old evil habits, should oyeroome these, one cannot truly say in 5.1 the fulness of holds seventeen lines brevier.' abstain from all forms of vice., and be- its meaning, "I am saved," till he cap "And what is brinier i" ease sanctified. Regarding them he "A kind of type that u pleasing to the say "I am sanctified." Aud if complete „ nays in our text : ''For this u the well of sanctification does not tate place t 1 our eye and easily read. God, even your sanctification." feet have touched the farther bank of "Oh, I ase." I. Wind is eswcfifhoation ? The word the dark river, ad we are ushered intao "Whew the printers get •stick cull," ie a compound of two Latin words, and the gate of the celestial city, neither n he went on, "(bey empty-" "An the printers different from the ?" mane amply tae act of making holy, sod the oonditios of holiness so effected And to avoid confusion we need to °b- ares that the word "holy" is used in senpinn in two distinct senses. Ac- sordingly, unless we steady understand tie meaning of the word holy, we shall Still . nd what sanctification Mesas. 1. Holy means sacred, consecrated, set apsrt fur some religions ase, devoted fo God. For example : Ex. 3: 5, where God said to Moses, "The plan whereon thou atandest is holy ground." Holy ground oertaiuly means consecrated or devoted ground. It was reserved by God for the time beingt is he was then to communi- cate his will to Moses. No new quality was imparted to the ail, but the locality was reserved. Lev. 6: 16. Here we have the "holy place" spoken of, viz : the snort of the in which the sacrifices was to De deiced, sad where the priests were to e at the Wowed meat. Num. 5: 17, &peeks of "holy water" u sed in certain eases by the priests, not meaning that the water was poseess.d of soy intrinsic quality differing from any other water, bot water oon•ecrated for the ritaslistio service. Then is Ex. 20 : 8, and many other Pisces, we read of the "hely day." Now las go•lity of the duration is exactly the Nass on Sabbath as on mit other day of the week. If one were est at sea or d ose in the desert or prairie, mid fail to keep count of the days of the week, he could not by any quality of the Sabbath day distinguish it from any other day. What God meant by the command was that the seventh day should be conse- crated to his service, and hence a holy dem)e an other examples of this use of the wird any might be given, as holy gar- ments for the priests, holy beasts for sacrifice, holy wtioo, dc., do. 2. "Holy' meats also morally pure, free from sin. It is a toonl quality, and can belong therefore only to moral beings. For this nee of the word refer to such ges se Lev. 19 : 2, which b Booted n 1 Let. 1 : 16 : "Be ye holy for 1 ale holy ;" John 17 : 11, when the epithet 1 applied by Jesus to God ti-• Father ; and Col. 1 : 22. In this latter reference we bpd it emaciated with the words "uu- blameable" and "unreproresble.' The etaeutial difference between these two meanings is very clear, whon we apply the word to Elia s -its. They were holy men according las the first sense, in- somuch as they had been set apart to the priestly office, and so reserved for sacred occupation ; but they were very unholy Even according to the second sense of the berm• as they did wickedly in profaning, the service of God, w that God lrttr..y• ed them. These two ideas arty related in the way lie order indicates. One who is holy, Le., pare, will be consecrated. fie will devote his life to O.d. lint it does not always follow that one woe is consecrated ja� ear. ll, Whet a the jure Prn. ► Aretiu d we my till then "I am saved." Sanctifies - ties is necessary to salvation, as it is the very masse" of salvation. IV. How is it to be secwted It is the product of the HolSpirit operating in the heart; Eph. 1: 18; I C`ot 2: 12; John 3: 3, 6, ac. And our own effort with the Holy Spirit, making use of the means of gra. yield- ing to gracious' influences, cherishing the work ofmid in every way foster- ing the trine life -Phil. 2: 12, 'Work out your own salvation (or sanctification) with fear and trembling, for it is God who worketh io you to will and to do of His good pleasure." in the memento of timer I Some there are who confound ancti- faMiun and justification. They can find tae ditierence between hr log pardoned gad remit ed into the church, and being gaact tad. 11 we accept of the 1.t meaning of rtholy' only, then surely there can be little difference bet weet the tau things ; hitt if we have regard to the 2nd melt.• Sag which is the reel and important meaning of the word, there r • vast dd- bastes between juett6c..itn and mini- sfer• producing seatitetes. irisin. The tame, N as set, done at Mme, ...d done irompletely. It is as per- i' r ,r l.,n« b•ek, side or chest. use inW7 Joao in the sees ret :Ly humblest Shilob's I'nroas Plaster price 23 cent.. j_Meeer M Christ Jesus as in firs moat For sal by J. Wilson, Druggist. esr•Gae-use. What does that spell T Why. "back- ache, " of course, though you would not suspect it at the first glace. It spell what hundreds and thousande of women are suffering frost every day of their lives, but what they need not suffer from, if they knew the virtues of Dr. Pierre's "Favorite Presct'i4tona. " All those "dragging down " pains and of nausea and weakness, peculiar to women, can be cured bythis same boon to . . L It u amost magical in its results. Every boy and everygirTowg1ii%ole • good friend. Most people naturally pick out a "chum." That is • good plan. Such a friendship teaches us lessons in generosity. The selfish people are those who never knew what real friendship is, sod so cannot see bow pleasant it is to do things fur others. Then are too many selfish people in the world now. They make the very air about them sour and blue. Pick out your own friends. Thnee that other people may select for you will nut be half so true.-fl'ncle Mark. TM Maw fatting Winds Of winter bring to the surface every latent pain. it is one of the strange things associated with our physical well being that the very air, without which we could not exist, is heavily laden with the germs of disease. Rheumatism, neuralgia lumbago and other complaints of a simi- lar chancier hold revel at this season of ti:n year amongst human nerves and bnmsn muscles There was • time when A IfyearallPrGeta iMM•t.. ly low about thus ssison of the year, It will be as easy task pumping out ad cleansing before the nausea rains fall and bring toil water up to hath -weir mark. An agent of the fall Mall Gazette, with • view of testisg the tries inward- ness of prison lib, wassd himself to be committed to • Landes prion. He re- lates as follows the bos.aeent Aides of the prison ch•plais :-"I had • visit from the chaplain after I had been in prison a day or two. and the interesting and edifying iatervww coels-Med of theme o ueetiuns as nearly u. I fan remember : • Ybat is your name ? W hat are you What are you here for I Can you read and writ.? (Brilliant question tc mak a tea who said he was a journal's:). What church have you been in the habit of attending 7 What was _your father 1 Io bow many d.t aid od make ti world 1 What did he do on the seventh day 1 How many commands are then? On what meant were they given to ]Mees t What did our Saviour come into the world for ?' After receiving my answer to the last the reverend gentleman remarked: 'Tbon how careful we ought to be to avoid sin, took up his bat, said 'good morning.' and the interview was at an end." 10 ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion, C Dim, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin T Shil.h's Vitaliser is • positive cure. For J. Wilson, druggist. Melocipede is the new nava of a m eel bicycle so fashioned that the rider can kick out melodies, waltzes and reek as he travels along the road. "No !" he replied a little ono of tem- per. "they are one and the same." "tole. I see." "When they gets stick toll of type, as I was about to say, they empty it on a galley-" "And in throwing it upon a galley, don't it all fall apart r "No ; they lift it from the stick, and laps it gently, very gently, on a gal- i.y-., "And what's a galley t" "A long article made of brass,in which the matter is proved- " 'What kind of mutter, and how do they prove it 7' "Will you wait • moment; if so, I will try and explain -but give me time," be said, nettled a little at her - stion. "All right, go on." "Type when it is set up is called 'mat- ter,' and when the first of it is token, they all it-" "Impression of what r' "Oh, bother -the type When it is first printed on the galley, that is called a proof, and they all it proving Limon - "Oh, I: 'utast Dom the galley print this 'deed "OST Saba p' she cried in tomes 01 reproach. "Why will you use such words 1- "1 was not swearing. The apprentice around a printing office is kuown as 'the devil.' " '•Oh" "The proof sheet which he makes, after going to the proof reader, is return- ed to the printers and the corrections are ; Try,. it, and you 'hill serer have reason to complain. (4 made." 1 "Corrections made in what i" A Minneapolis milkman died the oth- er day from drinking the milk in his own dairy. Water on the brain was what knocked him out, according to the phy- sician's certificate. 7 A rreseres series. The fruitful season of this year is pro- lific with many forms of Bowel Complaint such as Di•rrb.ns, Dysentery, Colic, Cho es leMcrae, Cholera Infants's, kc ; as • safeguard and positive cure for those distressing and often sodden and d•oge- ous attacks nothing can surpass that old and reliable medicine 1)r. Fowler's Ex• tract of Wild Strawberry. 2 The Chicago drummer who called • St. Louis girl as angel mistook her ears for wings. Ayer. Agus Curs acts directly on the liver and billiary apparatus, sod drives out the malaria poi.ue which induces liver eomplainu and bilious disorders. Warranted to cure, or money refunded. However successful a man may be in resisting the authority of his wife else- where. if they attend an auction sale to- gether, he will have to do her bidding. A well -brei and well -raised calf sakes the cheapest sow that can be procured. Dairymen cumplatu that good cows are difficult to procure. Or- dinary cows are not sufficiently profita- ble to pay their care and keep. The way out of the difficulty is to breed and rear your own cows. Cheese ought to be eaten instead of • much meat, It is just the thing to take its place. Bat then we must have cheese, not quite w aromatic with the stinging in casts. Thereon many chases* factories where a hint of this nature au be applied with benefit. Make cheese people like, hod they will boy it. They buy other things, nut leaving out whis- key and tobaco. That is the way the world goes. If your child Is stubborn or hard to administer medicies to, Dr. Law's Plesaaut Worm Syrup will 1» apprecia- wd, lm A great many mows take an Infinite amount of plea•nre in waiting until you have cot the pail full of milk, and then retending they detect, at a point with in the direction of the milk -pail, a fly. which it is their bounden duty to feel with their foot. Of course that tips the milk over, and etiquette demands, upon such an occasion, that you arise w ith a profane abjuration, take your stuol by the led and whack the sow "ernes her south end with it. 3 Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by J. Wilson, Druggist. The habit of feeding cows bra, meal or cut feed in permanent avengers, with sharp eagles to catch laud retain the leavings until it sours, mildews mid in many eases bemuses Infested with maggots, is slovenly and perai- cious In the first place each annul should have • box separate from the manger ten inches deep, twelve inches square on the bottom, and flaring to six- teen at tap. If thew ars frequently rinsed with brine they will keep sweet, and the cattle will Mk the box clean at every teed. "versa ■ In • long letter from J. H. Hall, of Baddick, Cape Breton, N. S. ; be says: "I believe were it net ire BerdockBlood Bitters I shouldb iia y tmve. " It cured me of Kidney and Liver complaint and general debility, which had nearly proved fatal. 2 A is made that an electric railing be placed cutside the regular rail- ing of the Brooklyn bridge in such a manner that cranks who want to jump will he so badly shocked as to be un- equal to the und.rtakine. Meerepra Lung Composted. Have yea a bad Cough, a Chonic a feling of Tightness in the Chest, Weak Lune., or any similar corn• plaint ? if so, bay at once • bottle of McGregur's Lung Compound "It will cure you." It contains entirely new apecifia, of which one dose is more effect tual than a whole bottle of the old time remedies. It is put up is 50c and $1 bottles. Sold by (1. Rhyne", druggist. "The matter, my dear. It Is then given to the foreman." "What, the proof T" "No, the matter." "And what does he de with it 7" Ins bable but I..laalsseont, "Will you wait a minute i" All Isaias nr echos will instantly re. "11 • foreman takes the matter and mored by drops of Fluid Lightning ap- places it in the form." plied over the &fleeted parts. No time "What kind of • form 7" lust ; nn nauseous medicine. needed ; "An iron chew, which, when it has ee poulticing or using greasy liniments. all the news in it which in in typ., and It It will not blister or discolor the skim. a not locked up, i. called • form." Sold at 25c per bottle by Geo. Rhyne", "Locked up 1 How 7' druggist. Sufferers from Neuralgia as - "With quoins and side -sticks." sure w that they never fear it when their fortitude alone could make life tolerable, "Sticks and coins -ha, hs, ha -what but now with the absent of powerful, hoose contains • bottle of Fluid Light - but of asitia 7" Hing. N penetrating and none •oothiryh ram°."Not coins, but quoins, q -u -o i -n -s." din pain becomes a thing of a moment. „And what are they 7' "Good gracious ' What is that fellow The ltset, the most powerful and met "G,�n.us gracious, any mor. ojues• yelling so fur 7" asked •south .red wo,- certain pain cure u Poison's "raise Jiea. tion A quoin.'• h. resumed, "u a man as a fruit peddler howled bie'tefrain Nothing equals Nerviline for penetnt- small block, and is wedged i l between under the window. "Ile a only crying ing power. Nerviline a beyond cam• the chase and side stick with a shooting berries,' said the men ..1 the house. 'orison the grandest di.cerery for the stick... "Berries ! I would like to bury him relief of pain offered to the public. oA ,hooting stick : Huw does it without any crying," rid the disturbed Druggists sell • sample bottle for 10 shoot 7" housekeeper. cent. ;Leg. buttes only $:o Genu at any "Shoot the quoins into place with the Prof. Low's Sulphur Snap is a elms,• drug store.aid of a mallet. ' sodhandy form of obuininit the he.!• 8 Croup, W hoxoping Cough and Bron- chitis imniediatsly relieved by Shiloh's Coro. For sale by J. Wilson, Druggist. in England the population doubles in fifty years. CucumSen and the festive watermelon evidently have hard work among the c••neervative Britisher'. tare itetwies Is a process c.nd.tcted by the nem, of tight hoots •11 the year round. Corn reaping is hast conducted through the agency of Putnam,. Painless Cors Kt tractor, the only safe and sure -pop corn an. Putnam '• Eatraetor is widely imitated. Beware of all p.Ieonou• and She diel not ojit oe underet•nd, but sew ing virtues t f • sulphur bath. esti1st th white ret his s • flat it would' not do to (platoon him too much, 50 she hi.ied her time and he went on. by • y Merchants an tet their Rill !leads, Letter Ned.. Re.. A••. printed at thea ndl.-e fur relay little mere than they a-enerwlly par for the "Sa melimes the matter is 'pied paper. end it helps to terror their business. P Can wad see samples and get pries,. "How's that i" Seeing is believing. Read the test "Why, when some type a knocked monist's to the m 1 let on Dr. Van neer or dropped on the floor, it h use• iia p , lees, and is called by the fraternity, Buren's Kidney Cnre, then hay a b.tae and relieve yo.nr•self of all those dietrees- ing pains. 1'••ur Druggist an tell you He thought he had gotten thrcogh, til •bout ti, Sold by J �Yilson(loderich but the irrepr•saible wife continued "On 'the steno, was the rejoinder. t+r■arnown, "What kind of a stone-• round Aug' Mb, out: Ahoat three yeses sae 1 was laid oner" up with bronchitis. .ad for six "No, a flat one -a piece of level mar- atoseth. was aasbl• ,e do •ay. tileast. Feer hostiles of Ur Jag. bis. " tledl,. ne rose t telt' rand me. "` Ile I ." ad my health leo Ammo grout- to "Well, whim the ((win is Made up, it er in my Ills. is pet on the printing ,,•chine and the K. H Marr. 'edition to O. T. It. Work, Stretford. Rem prem.• For nate by F. Jordan, Dederick. "When n they make the form up 7' 2m t see 'emr ITKe Ie. fast 1 never reit bet A Sere Ta/s. A sure cure for Summer Complaints. - Pr.cure fromoor droglut one 374 gent bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and um according to direct• ono It is in(allble for pardon, Cholera Morbus, Canker of the Bowels, and Cholera infantum. ' 2 The New York Examiner informs its reader" that "a smart farmer • wife kept an account of the somber of miles travelled in a year by her husband in roing • long distance to water his horses. When he heard the figures he had water brought coevenietly near, and also, like a sinsihle man, took tine Mut broadly, and put many in the house to sane his wife's steps." We only wash some of our farmers' wires would do likewise when the water supply ie not convenient, when doubtless it would be productive of the same good results By taking Ayer," SarsFarilk many a poor sufferer who submits to the sur- gwr.-aknife,bceanss of maligant sores and aerufulons swellings. might be saved, _sound and whole. This medicine perces out the which pollute the blood and cause disease. Fair time will soon 1* .r"und again. Now, don't be selfish, and g'. alone to the principal exhibitions. Take your wife and other members of the family along with you. Railway tickets ars cheap to the leading fairs ; then is something to see and enjoy, and they will appreciate the visit So puny of our farmer friends take in the leading fain themselves, and forget to britt their helpmates , the local shoe good enough for them, where the main pleasure is to stand around sod gossip. -1 Rursl Canadian. Dr. William M. (files, Hartford. Conn March 24, 1879. Kir i have pro- cured one large bottle of your iodide Ammonia Liniment of Hagan. Sisson, Butler & Co.; your agents for this city, which 1 sent to an invalid friend In Zurich, Switzerland, whn had been three years confined to her bed with rheum• atom, and I iy& happy to announce that i learn it has WIfected s radial relief. The patient is now aIle to walk and work, ai.d the cure is solely attributed to your Liniment. 1 •m now requested to send another parcel that others may be benefitted. Yours testy, George Berg. 15 FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver 1 t'owtplaint, you have • printed ratan - tee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitaliser. it never fair to cure. For sale by J. Wilson, druggist. In the history of medicines no preps ration has received such universal enrn mendati.ou, for the alleviation it affords and the permanent cure it effects in kid ney diseases ea Dr. Van Buren's Kinney. Cure. its action in these distressing is simply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson. 2m 9 THE REV. 14E1). H THAYEit, of Barba, ind.. my' '•BMh myself sod wife titre nor lice" to SHiLOH'S CO5• Si'MPTi1SN CI' RE. " For sak by J. Wib,s,, druggist. YI60Ryouth, end Ott, lair, ma 1 be preserved ter an taderlM perish by the use of Ayer's Balt Flow.Mto be- come same o're f the ale caused soy hair fall oat come iro toad dry slid freely. Nothing 1 tiled seemed tieda Ayer a Hair Vigor. Tures breaa y 'pod until I omenemettd 'islet' ms ai this preparation restored my balk to a be•ItJ. coalition, and It r neer &ass and plant. My seal p is cured. sad a r also tree tram dasdiuI. - Mrs. Z. L Fun. Milwaukee, WI.. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by Drepru mad r.,fut■.n. Purer:. saravv, prompt actio■. aad wonderful curative Properties, costly place Ayer'a fills at the beat of the list of popular re'nd'er for Sick and Nerv- ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail- ments originating in • disordered Leer. I have been • gnat sufferer from Headache, and Ayer's Cathartic Pile are the only medicine that has ever given me rebel. Oso dose of these Pills will qui.-l.ly move my bowels, sad tree my heal from pain.- William L. Page, Hfclunond Ya. Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Ter. J. C. Ayer • Co., Lowell, ram. bold by all Dewe r Revels► 7 Shiloh's ViWisor is what you used for constipation, lost of A ppetite. T)iati . nem, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 eats per bottle. For sale by J. Wilson. Druggists. (12 v4 i"ta Saginaw, Bay City, Goderich, Detroit and Cleveland. SEASON *RRWKE1ITS. The klemaat and Commodious steamer. "Saginaw Valley" ....Willi. i. rs&seer. Win law during the sena et Navigation, as 1.1Mws c12 sea I oderlcb seedy Tbwreday. .t 1 e' d .a. ter My (11tf and isatin•�n con o Sac w Pert lope •ad Taws*, semi era fora with "vent 'there Arab at or Rostov 0117. f' a a. M 1 sad et. lesse...mee.a ata y !amen for H&rrisellte, (ler and ♦ calla, retuning to Uoderich on Sur. . Leaner (Iaderie► every Randal. at 1to'ejaek aeon, for fort 11Derr.,it and ('rwalaad. ret seeing to (:oisste• ow Thursday. welik�fat� .,mete will heseed■ wed dories- the esu. e _...hese. TZCH Fears kr w$.le Rot'VD TRIP Will be sassed for nl12_00, meow {days. meals and berths int laded. Per rates of freight and passage, sad all ether information. apply to WM. LEE, Agent ala Goderich. Snake mn.t be trivra by parties wasting Thursday Excursion. June 17th. Iran. Int ys geTrice,Cmdatiats�{�ea�acha!li.eI..T.iw '. tM sora -anti• resat er my thee.h ra a memo tour, Ds Coral I.tnaa Cs= 1.s basad a ser sad amimia remedy. NATURE'S RIM (DV ' atil he�bs soccer of Thr. Che.'. I.i.er C� 1 t ear's too meas with n t.ei flu J , l flea ti,.t.an'a w.l4kwowa liver a a SMA DAN5LI0N. cerabred rare I: sleet w tis ANA Inalle roar , beak. sad hoeing o •00,000 SOLO ia�elr I e. me -4•1P team.. e/ Dr. Gash R..44s Pars awn sell i. Canada .Isar. We wire every 1111.11 .ase...a/ .UN/ sole k tme11d wise Lime Caw ''hint a try this meaner ........ oestrous'',. Ost1 AMltt Ian ' Wrapped areal r De. anon • , valuable Resesholi Itedlo{ Olid. sod $...n etc s11suillegever ass meet 11.ed worth rate Wydor -' d`i".sa TRY Nears Os ate (Sew A Saba owl tle(• tat' s10S41444. Poke. K testa. TRY Cosec's gust, sae tears Pius. vs vo rev 1,.f •OLD Mfr ALL DCALC $ ' T .Omaweoa • 00.. Mie yeses, M.tdr.A ""JAMES WILSON. ._ RIQH- Oct. find. INA >Alily HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT 60111PANT %7,i• I oap.wy i. /....witty Mown/Ole Fane Yecwrity .t Lowest Rotes of Infer.st. MURTGAUES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. .i, 4 uwrl 5 per Ovral. Iwbre.t Allowed ow i►.pcata, n....rvfieg (o atws rel mid ti.we left. (►Frit'IC one. of Martel Square .ad North Street. uo.trrkh. WRACK HORT('P, 0e11.018b Aug. Nb, IMI, MS-