The Huron Signal, 1886-9-10, Page 1t innalta tie .R'
Is published very Friday McLain'. by Me
UILLaDUI . at their Mee. NW t1 el
Asdtedespatched to all parts of the so monad
iso eeaatry the earliest mails and trains.
Tfanaa,-{l is advan.s, puetace pr -pard
re; $ paid ertore eta mouths
bIMn O * If at so paid. This rale will be trimly
`!vas ori . -Lett oasts per
ter Erni lasertlon; three scuta per hiss fur
Me• Wleeeueat insertion. Vc*tly. haltyeeclJ
Vearier.y contracts at reduced rates.
►t:\TIDO..- JVs have alsoa that -erase
o incuabeetion,aad p{r.T�eerres.
.sig the moot complete mtt-Ili sial best f16a41410*
!x titrulne out work in Gu.terirhsire prepared
tudn buatnees in that lice at prices that rearm,
9e beaten, an.1 of a Vtlty that caaoot be
°rissaned.—Goan• C.eaw
-FRIDAY. PEP 19tiit, -11186
/1.1LItIM.lND; tt•E ".4L17TE YOU.
Thu efforts of the Tories to fore. that
ghastly subject, the Regina scaffold, tato
has been fittingly rebuked
in Haldimacd. The g.rul men and trite
of that county, and of thio pr./vinee, look
away behind and beyond that dangling
rope, and see a corrupt t
goading a wronged people to desperation.
The cause of Toryism i• doomed, and
the dawn of better anti peter govern-
ment is at hand.
fioM[THINU dropped in llaidirnand on
Wednesday. h was the "bloody shirt.'
And the editor of the Hamilton 'f- to-
t vis now wearing crape on his hat.
1►t r of 123,Indlan names un the roll
iu Haldimand, the "dear red brethren.'
gave a Tory majority of 26. It will
thus he seen that the Redmeo as well as
the t rrangemen don't lean hea% iiy to-
wards Liberalism.
A Tuwv briber named Welsh has been
arrested in Haldimaud. If there wee a
law to arrest the persona who had re-
ceived bribes, there wouldn't have beet,
a Tory stuiner in Ilaldiutand during tl.e
put tau or three weeks.
Tae Tories were returned to power in
1878 by the N. P.—National Pulley --
cry. They are riding ter a fall at the
next election on the N.P.—No Popery
--cry. Their eflurta to ride the Protest-
ant horse have been frantic but tub's.
Tut Loudor. Ad.urtiar, puts it neatly
when it nays .--''Sat John has been tell -
ung the people of Port Arthur what attars
rich country there is in that section.
11a forgot to add that but for the efforts
of Mr. Mowat, he would have had that
section snatched from this Province.•
Tua harbor mills which Lave been
running fifteen hours a day for sereral
months put, will run clayand night dur-
ing the remainder of the year. This
will look Lkd uld time.. The new grain
will get a ready purchase frum the mill
Tim man who wit *gig the kart sstw here. Let the farmers who want geed
faction out of this, meek of the Heidi- 1It1Cef for their grain mems to (:erderuh
nand aIection i• a Tory gentleman which this bili.
his name is Welsh. Saturday last he TH r 'rapper appears to have
was caught actively wooed in the brib been a failure. and an effort is now be -
cry business and prorapty jailed. The ing made to bring the Minister if Jss-
caging of Welsh decreased the Tory vote flee, another Nora Scotian, . • -ly
forward as a party fighting maa. Mr
Thompson has Lately being doing yeo-
man's service for the party in Ilatdimaad
to counteract tb• prerelease* given to
Hon Tom White's "Protestant horse"
But as a counteract*? Mr
Thompson has Seen a failure.
THE Heanalten Spectator boasted
the Grit sis•ssors would no leafier
trol the rote in Maldiviand, bat that
every man entitled to rote Mid Lee°
placed on the roll by the ret icing barris-
ter. The result is an increased majority
fur the Return candidate. We are A .:01.,n Dein, IS spoken about tailor
ad with the result. How does the'•iufurmers.'Patrick Heffernan, the
r(Qj.rt.rfrx feel 1 active guveniraent d.$iaal who looks after
We hope the Tory press will ncl fail the t interest in Brace, writes
to publish the congratulations of J, follows on this point to the Walkerton
Edgar to lir. Coulter ill1.P• to Heidi- I Tik"ctip' —"I will giro the ile.•akl an-
other piece of informahun. Every con-
viction obtained in this coucty under
the Scutt Act, has been gut en 'eclat lc -
formation furriehed by the levier dealers
have another chance. Whoop of op' against each other. A particular friend
ma:,d. 'whin Edgar eoegestslated Pre-
fontaine, Y.P. fur Chamhly, on the re-
tina of his election. the Teries adver-
1 timed him all Drat the land. Now they
(la stuck is rising.
A t-,,orr At/ , will bo held
in Seafurth on Fritay neat the 17th
Isar, We hope there will he a large
sellen dance from awa,part of the county.
j,H I cotta flake a little eseti-
Sesand tarn east is bite numbers at the
Psatorth eoaveotion. Oa* of the act ee-
of the 11..0V, is very active in this re-
spect. He wants to close •p the h.•te's
of his hostess, rivals."
theThr s► mrudi ifareshacruueltty~aand injustice.
Tweeds se-
arrast ont account oar nciedawrr•on'dg* r'Hom
Mr Thompson In !laid tmand .
Test was cleverly put, Mr Tbempaon,
but it is a dishonest argument and is a
tions of the gatheriag will he • sp rth negative way of stating a falsehood. The
from P'. 8. kenos, the eloquent Toronto (apposition charge that 2,000 ha'lfbrecds
Ti.. Detmlak a governmeet, seeordiew
to the Mad, has (Welded to head over all
moseys semaitg from dam ander the
Roott Act to the Local Government.
This ts se it should be. Now let the
Provinoal government see to it that der-
elict inspectors do tbeir work faithfully,
or etas appoint saw who wilt Wast
.11111r•m is all right, but there's a lopes
lb string banging out over the attivinieg
TM Ktr+tssa Way has discovered the *w-
hit feet that It was air Jobs Macdonald and
hie •yreac I MI oaaeed the pariWnset
manatee. to no befit at Ottawa lastsid of at
Klapte ParUsment at Klegston t Thlek
of It/ Now Id us sear from nameplate Med
Adelphustown.—Hamiltaa BMstater•
if some of the "boodle" members had
Coulter, Liberal, Returned by
a Clear Majority of 194.
suffered from cruelty and injustice was
correct. The C appointed to
enquire into the complaints of the half- Where,
breeds, and which sat moth of Clarke
Crossing whist bullet& and sword thrusts
were beteg indulged in north of Clark's They Thought That Thompson,
Crossing, awarded scrip to nearly 2,000 the New "Stretcher,'
halfbreeds who bad been dealt with un•
just!) b) the Government. It is a won- By His Tall Talk Would Surely
der that Mc Theopeter iii•- 1 den7
that there was a 0 , sppoiut•i
at all, or that it made any awards.
Ring the Glad News Throughout
the Land :
There's a Tory Rout in Hii1tlu tared.
They Waved Aloft the " Bloody
Sli irt"
But Waved it only. to Their Hurt.
Tis Worse to "Wave the Shirt
and Fall
Than Never to Have "Waved" at
For He Indeed Must be a N o.►, l I e
Who Did Not Know That Shirt
Hid "Boodle."
The "B1i1ad Share" Party Cannot
on that account The Toronto Neter
sums up the situation in the following
words : -"To the Tories, the detest in
flaidnnand means an , to the
fact that the people of that county love
justice and fair play ; despise the tricky
and a:pensive franchise act, and are of-
fended by the reckless lust for power
which placed the ballot in tjM hands et
half civilised Indiana"
The returns of the pa JO id'
lows. —
1H r la,on
Caledon i* - 73
• Oneida No. 1
" No. 2 J
No. 3
No. 5
" No. 6
Walpole No. 1
" Nu. 2
" No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
Nu. 6
Nu. 7
North Cayuga No. 1
•• Nu. 3
•• Na 4
Seneca No. 1
" No, '2
" No. 3
Rainham No. 1
'• No. $
Hope .
To Cling to Power by ('hap-
leau's Rope.
Away Behind Regina's Nooses
The People Knew Were Foul
They Saw the Greedy Tory Band
Grabbing Choicest Timber Land
They Knew That I»Wdney and
His Ring
In Contract. Had a Snug, "Soft
'The Shining Silver, Q lisnk
And E'en the COPPER Indian Vote'
Things That Are Happening
Around Us.
A bermes ea Mame Tree. seasetblms
shoat AreYteelare - Tse Teri Sacrifice
its er*1 bares.
—I was mighty maar securing a relax-
ation from the communication business but it only males the gentleman • tact
this week, ywing to the enervating action and louse playino with temperance
44 — of the weather upon my system, but s subject fur criticism If Lovers Me
- 7' after mature reflective 1 cams to the' Campbell 1 would ear. °Save ve from
20 conclusion tt:at I had better wrestle with
17 the feeling of lassitude that had taken my friends."
of ms, and d-,wn it for once —However, I duel think it is tacos -
10 gBary to worry much over %1'm Campbelo'e
43 -- and all. You see, as we et on the down
37 — grade toward the seventies, the weather
12 — —whether it be warm or cold—catches
je nn to us more strung'y than when we are
- 63 full of the enthusiasm c.f youth, and I the tics will be between Patrick Kelly
74 am forced to admit that a few of the days
during the week now put mused cite to and Feei W. Johnston, with the odds
12 — slightly in farm of Kelly. Ia 1879
_ desist from exercises of a muscuiac nae Johnston stepped aside in favor of Kelly,
cure to any great extent. These are tb• acid allowed Lim to be sacrificed, and I
17 days when the hired man, tLe old sorrel
mares, and the brindle cow like to gather
wouldn't be a Lit surprised tome him
themselves beneath the shelter of the
39 spreading maple in the ten acre field,and
60 for a time seek intermission from the
blistering rays of ()Id Si.••And right
MajorityTotfor Colter,.... la►i 7 30 J here is a z d pace fur me to enter a litres (u be an empty h. oo r thea and
Oneida. No. 4, not heard from. protest against the meaner in which some h Y p'
Thompson's majority over Merritt at "t the neighbors have gone to work and the ot. er toil take care not to Kiva much
the last electiow was only 126. injured their fields by clearing them of " bout.
THE PEELINGS Air urr.\w"A. —Jly honest opinion is that it makes
Orrew%, Sept. 8.—Hundreds gathered timber to such an extent that nothing scull consequence who gets the Tory
about the telegraph and more preteutioos than the raspberry bush nomination cur Rest Huron. The
offices tonight for the news from Heidi. in the fence curner can be Been. This is
mord. It was generally expected the noti a square deal, and I have no he•Ita- anythi a has no earthly chance of having
anything save the empty honor of being
a badly defeated candidate. The title
of Tory uontinee fur West Huron ia,
Indeed, an empty Inner, a delusion, a
scare, a hutlow mockery, a make -belief,
and, like the curl on a pig's tail, u ia-
HceiL1.JOUPDY ocua
solid, flat-footed temperance advocate I
would like to see hitt act differently
from the manner in which he worked
after the resignation of Mr Gibbons,
when Dr Wurthinetun was brought out
as the temperance candidate in South
Huron. Then his Toryism got the let-
ter of his temperaoco principles, and I'm
afraid Le has nut changed his practices
since that time. ••T ' rimy
have meant well t. ward Mr Campbell,
Could Not the Tory Rout Avert.
Oh \\-here's the Bloody
chances fur the nomination. He's about
the bed of the Ini of candidates, and for
that reason he weti't stand the ghtet of
a 'huw before the eonven'ion. I hear
act equally gracwuw!y in the present in-
stance. The bntherly love between
Patric: atnd Fred is akia, to that be-
tween Esau and Jacob in olden times—
one is a illi:;g to sell out what he be-
cenatitueney would go Conservative, and
many buts were made as big adds teat
way. Twenty wiuutes after the result
became known not a Consecrative could
been seen. Sir Hector Ltngevin said :
"It's a crushing defeat ;`that's t!I :here is
of it."
A remiseas laesttew.
Tatar Pdiforof fa. Sear.
Gutman -IL Lr. rite at.
S,.. --i ratios in Tna 81osiL of teday eev-
eal names of candidates to oe.
pose Mr. M. C. Cameron at the neat elertlun
for West Heroic The editors of Tule Sivaar.
have frequently and srgeatly. both in their
paper and otherwise. advocated th; enpport
int, one of these candidates. ]tr. Wm. (.amp -
named. is well mown to be
p earliest sad eosei.te it temperance man.
Imelda. beteg wen gaaliIed in ether respect■.
Will Tem 8wnat support him in the event of
his nomination t Let it answer 'Yee or -No'
without any evasion or equtvoretion. Yours
truly. T:xrirxawcic
As a rule we dou't answer anonymous
in the Star, but for once where in addition to
grid weather, +n $3,000 to avoid capture after he had"
we will make an exception to the rule by
replyingto the above. It lea well-known earthquake has come upon the scene and murdered "that poor man Scott ;" that
caused ruin and desolation and death to he afterwards I• • Ily "wished to
fact that the advocacy of the cause of a
candidate before a Tory convention by follow la its track. You hare all seen God he could catch bin] that in 1872,
the reports, but peri aps you all have not he (Sir Joh,; get tact to resign in Pro-
vencher in favor o f Sir George Cartier ;
that before tke fall of his Government,
is 1$73, be completed the arrangements
with Sir Hector laagevia and Mr
Rubetaille for the amnestying of Riel
and his compatriots and that Mr Mare
kenai• only honestly carried out the
compact which had been entered into
by hie . � , r. Sir John in his
talk with his "dear red brethren'• has as
usual been • 1 if the truth.
But he should remember there is at In-
dian adage, "Beware of the man with
the soft voice and forked tongue."
tion in adtisirg the neighbors who re-
joice in cleared out fields to lose no time
in setting out a few trees fur purposes of
shelter for team ani beast from the steady
rays of the sun. Next to a nerer-faihng
creek on a term there is nothing like tree ter.ded more for ornament than for any
shelter for cattle, and the shade of the real practise' beDrtit. A. ax.
umbageecs foliage during a resting spell
is of fay neater moment to the hired man
or the farmer himself, than cue moist
cabbage leaf in the "cow's breakfast" u
a m.'lifier of • hot sun's nye. Take the
advice of an old chap that knows all
about it, and lit a few trees remain in
every field.
—But talking about the hot time we're (loverntnent of which 1 was a member,
been hat ing lately, why it isn't a circum- but by Mr Mackeuzie.'-
stanee to the trouble the people have But Sir John Macd maid did tell his
had down at Char ton, S. C. '•dear red brethren" that be paid Riel
In addressing the Indians on the
Grand River Reserve on Mondsy last,
Sir John Macdonald remarked .
''I° the firet place. Riel years age mur-
dered in cold blood that pour man Scott,
and in the following year Mr Blake
.offered $3,000 for kis head. Then, af-
ter this, he was pardoned, not by the
THC SPINAL would be rather detrimental
to his chances for nomination, and as we
believe Mt Campbell, although lacking
the oratorival brilliancy rat Porter, the
booming proclivities of Butler, the hail -
fellow -well -met of Bro. Johnston, the
gall of Kelly, the vanity of Corbett, the
caution of Roberts, the large acquaint-
ance of McLean, the legal knowledge of
Meredith, the insidiousness of "Holmes,
tho suavity of Taylor, or the aspirations
of'Joodcock, is nevertheless the must
energetic worker of the men named, we
would not lessen his chances before the
eonvention by coming out flat-footed
in his behalf so early in the day. If oar
Tory friends wish to get our truVtnward-
nees OR the .tnestion of )tr Campbell's
qualifications for parliamentary honors.
been thinking the matter out in the same
litae that I hare, and ao 1 make bold to.
give ytM teineeed lily reflections. la Na
int plow, the theory that bricks and
mortar, on a supposed solid foundation,.
are a sure investment has been knocked
upon the head, so to speak. Secondly,
it has been shown that in a great natural
upheaval life and property is not safer
nn Chore than upon the sea, and Dibdin s
song which we used to laugh at in our
youth, wherein he describes two jolly
tars in a storm at sea, weathering a gale
with their vessel under bare poxes, and —_-__ _____---
oonerafulating themselves upon their THa 1•oty urgers find fault with Mr.
good fortune in being at sea instead of I wrier for atatin4 that if he had been
--------"Fetch Her. on rhore where their lives might be en- on the hanks of the R+skatc•hewan is the
denoted by falling walls and chimney I late rebeilio n 1:• wfruld have
But Falsehoods A �IO Hard O t A d t tet them nominate that to pots, is shown to be not so far wide ut bbl rigs with the iasurgsnts, and yet Sir
re . the mark after all. Thirdly, it bars shown
John )lacdctald •peke as follows at
Boost : bear their standard, and we will act coo
Sous time sioce Hen. Mr. Bloke nam � -.latently in the premises. The Sber, tawd the superiority of wooden buildings over Winnipeg, in reference to the late Sig
I brick and stone edifices, for praetieal George : "He a Fr•ochtaan
ed Dr. Blair,' M. P. for Dundas, as a I Like Clacker,, They Come Home its party, can depend upon it that the when the earth quakes and Beery inch Cartierti him, but washe was alsoTeo a tate
member of the Bundle Brigade The to RogHt emotes of Tea Stilt AL en this question of purposes, eground
iI the shakes. Why, do you know, ( , t As a young man he carried his
doctor thought he had covered up his the Scott Act and the Dominion election1'a e '
that for sh les.• Why,purpoea there is no j musket in 1837." Now, it moat be re-
traeks, and threw out a efiallenys to Mr t
With Cant and Lies, White and will be oorristent, and satisfactory to all building that will stand the same amount I �mhs that the Canadian rebellion 1
hoveat I men.
of wear and tear as the old-style of log- I o,ccnntd in 1837, and Leant, Matthews,
Me battle of Ratoche is destined to boom with pin driven morticed corners I echoic: and many others ahouldered
Blake, daring that gentleman to CMOS to
their des they would be s•tviwg s longer y
Hr earth
his censtitoeney and prove the shb-
to Dundee, and at West WinchNter, in
term in a Kingston public building than
they now are likely to spend at Ottawa.
merits. Wednesday last Mr Wake went
The "blind Shan" politicians, this "boys" the presents of 7,000 warn es, rammed
and all that crowd are as well fitted for home the charges which he ►d previous -
the penitentiary u they are fur parka- ly glade. An invitation had Leen rent to The
be resent at the
on the Hosts, But
Where Are They f
"Doodle" Gang i•4
Now fade as an •:hibition of gallantry on the and csyed chinks. It some of the more their mu+leets at that time in the pat
part of Canadian troops, and a minister wealthy residents of Charleston would ocausr, but they were caught, like Ries is
is responsible for pull dowo their brown stone houses and 118P5, and were promptly hanged• Jar -
Losing tea
f riwtheR G away the halo of rinry. Hoon Mr put up goad tog buildings they would set (tier, Lyon alaek•nai•, Papineau, and
Thompson, on, Minister of ,lushes, at Jar- a "t'uod example to their neighbors, and others tamped across the border and
lixtna triota Had Cartier or
the valiant doctor to p ng via, in Haldimand, stated that not more run lees risk of res Fred (u be W
t who people es a meeting, w th the pririlere of tact, aknot'
Th NoPetaee But a Piece of than H ldimaeeda ill told roes t soar e n life insurance {rt'icics. tlimme a I Mackensre barn attested at the time a
wine ares a err•• m
hailers that the man publishes a in him detebbs discretion,
but with , heafiled if not (`y ve sheet shrift and a long rope would have
bl• dueretien, he failed to apprt against the (1 tin the North- • good log house for •resting place when
jwraal must necessarily be bound neck west, if this be true the celebrated . old Mother Earth a suffering from dys- 1 been their portion. Yet Sir John a
sad erop to the political party whose bear and take the medicine which was to charge at Ttatoehe by General Middle• papas, and I 'hail be satisfied. I
dm• iaterted. Mir Blake read thehorsed to admit that became of carrying
i Tlie Farmers, Too, Do Now Agree per- f a musket .m the "rebel" aide in 107 Air
ton with a large force of disciplined —I lice in the Stop that "Tem .•a tree natriul" while he
cause he apogees. This tea popular de-
lusion, and a Western Ontario oontem- charges which he had previously prefer• 1
pnrary, the Petroles .frhertiur, bee taken red aes..eet Dr Hickey in regard to rail . That
- rod treed the'.
tot troahle W awdseeive come • '
public is its immediate vicinity. This nrtgieal proposition made by the doctor• j
is how it does it : is his own handwriting,to the New York Sir John ice
which peered the accuracy
"This journal will he ran by the pro- railway men,F
pritor, is lot ieterst of the pr-Ipneh.r, of every statement mode. The Boodle
and for the benefit of the propriet. r and Brigade is thus being exp wed one by , He's
hie family. it M the ptopeetl of the ono, and at the next election Iliekey, rat
owner, to foe t for the benefit (d gee Derides Grant', will les another dead
owner, mad for t►e+aa rf them who are
willing to lay him for the wee of the deet ter fall in line with tree late "Boy"
eaeae. it will pa] ft* its •naw va4•r. t1 Beaty, the late Prince -Albert Woe
rtertal, for the mit beset tics -Schomer Whits, the Lb Father in
naapinveg in
jgesat.i and *Wee
f th way dealings, and then r
a Big, Big Fraud it the
Brest N.P.
eft it do moot 11 t'p,s al ( w mato law Rowell, the late "$easter" Yarrow,
M that ilk, f o cute it ti'.
Now in Deepest Sor-
row :
troops, aided by a Getting gun and the mites- would like to know if Tag rcersAi• h� cotepnnctioa in hanging Riel toe
latest implements in the art e f war, al ' would support William Campbell it he g ,• Rir Jobe
deoin the esnne tsum in 1
twee lades away as a thrilling military Rets the nomination at the Tory arnr•n and kis dntaav are nese hr apart.
episode. And General el Middleton a tion. 111 1.e the (frit editor answer '
E1�0.000 boom
proportion a` alta.himself, bdt I'd like to Tut crops on the whole hate boon
"tether out of proportion to the work that ., or Mr synod in Huron this mason. Gain baa
doe. =10,000.000 or S1'2,000,000, and put a ilneat'ten to "Tvon • lair this nets being a owl
'a maple of hundred human lives for Campbell—which probably ,,„tent, to g von cit p Tito rroto pvnmi s an aver -
Told That.a,He Must Quit;petting down an insurrection which was tbeeam• thing Would 1t'tllum Camp.eyes, notwithstanding early dntgjlyYt
"Tomorrow." OaWrT'otw." ettefiaed to 430 h'Itbeeeda,lwith "fanciedit,1Potatoes will he rather under t'hs meal
as Mr Tlsempe.rn pets it, le bell. if A• fails
get the nomination M
yinlc rather liver for itis whistles To tb. Tory , pledge himself to yield ; but apples, pears and the oeebad
p, Ily has been inert gesoeest .
habitee the ,ectsat the 1 1 vote• only for a premotlneed tewpwanes et (ut~high brill, and k,d (Mauna.
The relures from Heidimaad show a lowed nearly 4,000 scrips to injured 1 atvoeste err a iolitisiaa who a ors rttserd int at to high the tariff,
lot of the ((amen he
sweeping victor for the Liberal cards- Iselfbresis and hanged a Intntie. Oar this meaty happy (3ovevwaeeet is a Governesmit "as h al Vol his v' tet ss a I Sider of temper- weeldl be s priS
dam. He tis all the m great reel ed . axe le.healies. II lir Campbell ie • penes one.
the tl.toal B all the more ypeeTiMed OavwrstaiN. ,