The Huron Signal, 1886-9-3, Page 7) THE UUUILON SL(31tiAL, FRIDAY. SEP. 3,1886 Fun an Fencg. MIngakidge. away and Mlat}sar. Prepare the lady fur health s' d vigor by taking 1)r. Chase's Liver Cute. No Spring M.d.cia. tootles* it. It easels tee the Liver. sada digestive, sad parities the blued. Lute bottle aad 1teripe Bunk, $1 Sold by Jae Wilson. Bill Nye u a kind, .obliging won. tiuwebe.dy wit.+• t., him fee ba suite grsph, arid stared to reply the follow, tug note free. the humeri.' : "Derr air, i t the sts.uw .,f any amens.uaia, will you kindly rices, me of 1 writs my wt." t•raph myself I Yours, Ball Nye.- Tor ye "T. 1M Resree. a' When all other ,wine.lies fail," fir Bowl l+ent,latut, C••115, Cramps. Dyson Rt; "then Dr. Fowler's Eatra_t.d Id Strawberry comes to the rescue." 'l.u. onus W. H. Crocker. Druggist, Wateadowu, and adds that "its woe are large Bad auersssice," 2 Iowa Inas-Talking about dry weath- er, why it'a an actual fact that In lows the wat.rrr.ri•.ns haven t a drop an 'm- imeo to be waked before we can market '.w. Nebraska msa - Shouldn't be sur- prised. Wteb you could have Aeon with me on a rid. 1 took duriog the heated term. "It 4, .h 1" "Welt, 1 didn't feel it so much, but it was a pretty sight to ate the cern poppiiig in the tields."-- 'Omaha World. • Comprise /Retd.ws. • "For ten years,' says Jennie M. H .. reit of Wellaceburg. (hit: "1 did not see a well day -was all broken down with dyspepsia, liver complaint, catarrsk and National Pills will cure constipated debility. Three d•.ctura abandoned hope bowels and regulates the liver. lot o Burdock Brood Bitters came to my rescue. It is the !wast med• icing 1 bare ever taken. I may ibis fur GODERICH BOILER YIO113 the benefit of all suffering w I did. 2 The illustrious traveler k,oked eon• • y at the mountains. "Huth- acing very stress sl',ut here," he wid, Chr '$til lgl`i , Manufacturers of all kinds of the noble landlord, turning to the gallant 1TATNINERy, MANINE. UMIGMT MIN TUIULAN clerk. (Pronounced dark And a great BOILERS. bosh of 1 awe cave into the office and sat down on a truck listening SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS to the trwoiseless act Ate. of the huay pea *bat was laying a gY_t-^f atedut fear .ect and all !rods of !ghee[ Icon work. to the yard. -(Burdett.. I pyran AND wAris rlri riTTsse:s A fere Thing. ctastaattr es hand. A sure cure for Summer Complaints.- k)o hand, ready for del' very : tri cure from your drugriet one 37; e. it 1 341 rl•r. Sew Sleet Beller. 1 .tile of Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild t e i•r. new Moller. Strawberry and use &rota -ding to direct- A CoRplete 204 -band TQresbiDg Outfit, Inns. It is icsfsRable fue DMrthce,, I Boller. li,ngine. Separator. tc.. all in good Cholera Morbus, Canker of the Bowel', aorklag order. Will be sold cheep. std Chultr.e iufaututu. 2 Mail orders will receive prompt atteatior. Marra t pp. 1:. T. 1. Nat1.■. You are richt, my r -m, too much sleep P.O. BOX 361. u injunoua. Beware of too much sleep. Goder,.h, ?lay %ih. IMI. But, then, too mu'h wakefulness is 11, 1 gu d likewise. Eighteen hour'. deep will hurt you lees than six F.otar's win* supper. Rosa of the wakes! times )uu have, my le y, are isle to hong ren serious injuries by causing you to indulge i t too much s'rep -! Burdette. We tootles that mar ssimia made • rosy esedinabl. ,tautliug Y the We redraws". .aautauauuu, uu teas ONUS (lido having paved. lo the report three amass were .5.555045.51 asaw.g !lona who psalm&voLil. ow was awe -as the hat of the mown mead.d. blr Straw% was ku.d su..uglt to i souther, Vary Ptittde- .ilb. .b. looked wily a few mark.. f passim* on History, the piper ae eked., as body heves, was decidedly 101.- jost. WO I that all those sae roue/hided ss having posed. We rte proud to say that u ores passed (ro•o out school than flow guy ather cuuutey school its the cuuuty, and taktug all tchoula into c•ausdereti.in, we see that u stands second, (Wit -rich school betuK brat. Groat credit w dee Mr. Nevrts, 11.a tares!.! tsaeh.r, Mr. 1lcPl.se, hit prsde- cods,r, sod to 'lie cand,.loiestbem..•Icos. that Who Tabu an Istslut in Edalc•- tIuU. -!Gould yrz glen' me the price of a meal asked a tramp of • .enerable and kindly dieptsad looking man. "2.56'1 you hod any work 1' queried the truer able party, em he took utl tea glasses and wiped them preperatany to replacing them so as to look at the mendicant "Llwkey here, nester," e..nllnued the tramp,"1 want • fair aneser to my time two. 1 w asking yam for money au' n.4 work. Will ytt answer use questiun wid a yes •rwad•no'' scornfully. "Make out .his bill," said a ..real •wakeslwt There is a great awakening of the elu; gish nrtr•bs of the human system when- ever Burdock Bkwd Bitter are takeu. It arouses the torpid Livor to actsun, re- gulate the Bowels and the Kidneys,puri- Ees the blood, and restores a healthy tone to the system geuarlly. A deacon of • Greenville, Pa., church las a striae of buttons half a yard It ng, men out of the contribution box within a few years. Wh•t business has the da - Man with the buttons 1 They were a•n- tributed "for the heathen, and stoniest scores of heathens hare been obliged to hitch their with a shingle nail because of this 'mhouiana deacon. What gond are these deacons, anyway, if a button nest be stopped short of it, geieiun I-(HvFioke Transcript. Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is a cheep m and handy forof obtaining the hal- ing virtues of a sulphur bath. lm A little boy was watching his mother make sandwiches W carry to the tactile, and asked what she was putting between the biscuits. She replied : "Deviled ham," He thought for • moment and thou sa'd : "Well, you need/.'t give me any of that bad man • hem, fur 1 belong to the Star of Prolnt•e." Worms Nese much sickness among children that From an's W .ran Powders will sutely cure. lea MACKINAC. sf. trees >petteanwt SUMMER TOUR Indere lien w ere. Lew lora Pere ?site pm west Stares. DETROIT AND MACKINAC tat !Fess Wart Des Primases DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wake mar ewe "Pictarpgra Mackinac," Illustrated. I Osateawi 11si 1'egaMlm.. ia0ed lees. Detroit di Cleveland Steam Nev. CO. C. O. W OTTO111111O T. ■ ,. Ge. ,�. Att. n ear wee $ earrog r CUT& Whoa we say klct(lppgyt'• $pbody Cut e is the only petlldm-'Mee for Ilyet. per., Liver Co.uidataita. Iudgsstw* suJ lou' parr Kluw, mad are I.Itlag plate fa.os, eel which buudrrd..pion, Liumlireds sow ten illy who k..• a 5..4.11 talesatred to wawa health by ,t. 1•a . \1 a ...old therefore advise you 511145ly It I " 51. a ethos ul any • 1 the .boot. truuWail. to gave Me- Ulrgor'. t,.rud) (;.u. a 11141 and Ise ODD e laced. 11 a s...0 1 .A) anal >1I loathes stU lib) 1.a.s'silo...• Ir t�) 14 SHIW11't(CURE will ,wm_dute- y r •iete Comp, IVllw.par.g C ugh and bitews••nis. tenor e•..o ray doe. drtriratat het•en: 1e h_-1. ....,e• heart the tel ui •.is to tint icso.,.hl.•t on Dr. Van Burn. • Kidney fuer, then buy a br.t.lo aid relieve yourself of all those distress- ing .sins. Your Druggest can tell Tan all about it. Sold by J Wllso*Uoderbeh 2m Have you ever tried McCrei;or & I'ark.'s Csrbulic Conte for woes u( any kind 1 It is beyond doubt the very hest preparation in the market for ht-aliwg and coring Sores, Burns, B uu., Cuts, Pimples. Blotches, and is the elop- er 11►clhod of applying °orb ill.. Acid. Sold at (1, Rhybam' drug n we fur 2bc per hex. {1) '.. eEWARE Of COUNTERFEITS, cox&co. COMMISSION AND STO3It BROKERS (Members Toron'o Stock Exchange). 26 TORONTO -St, TORONTO Direct Wire to Montreal. New York. Oil City and ('hicago. Colborne. Stocks, Bonds, Grain Provis- The second ci the series a temper- , ions and Oil Bought or Sold *nee meetings hitter held in this town- for Cash or on Margin. chip, was held in Zion church r.n Mc ti - dei evening the !tilt. The church was GODERICH AGENCY, - WEST ST., well filled. Mr John Kernitlban was called to the chair 1y a unanimous vote of the meeting, and filled the region 3i1L- ' R. RADCLI FFE, air aPF-111Y DAVIS' �jrig PAIN -KILLER 1' ::tcnituzenen BY trtitrafridrt., Mina/rm. Missionaries, Jlanayers n/ Facsorte.s. Work-Mops.Work-Mops.Planfati,.na, Ytuues res 11.4rpituls, -in afe r',reeryl..d,fereryw•he'rs who has ever green it a l ria:. Ta1:E'( INT!R!(ALLY MINED warn • NINA "GLASS or nor N11IC AND A ' , IT WILT. at rt►LSD • SCTER r•FLIt10 Cr as von SUDDEN COLDS. mulls., CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN TIIF. STOMACH, SUM- MER AND B(IWEL COMPLAINTS. SORE THROAT . Ie. •rrLICV EITSSSALI.t, • QPatli�e't N as mores IT Tag MOOT IVVOW TI.'B AND NEST LISINEPT 05 L•tIU 1N 1:Lt10T15O TUE P•1t a tlf ill0 T•011olf SPRAINS, BRUISES, T.REUNIA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLEDFACE,TO4)THACIIE, BURNS, Fin PSI BITES, Ea., [e. ?acres. per R4Ulc. NIT Beware of Imitations. with great ability. Rev. Jaha StItju 'w1h, ism 1634.3mNaa,egcr. %,ay, Rev. JAhn !hung and the pastor of Zion church. Rev. Mr Keette, dettver- ? n : +t t • '"""'"" .•d stirring addresses on the great ones- . G3ILEfR tion present ma. atrsnu gl{ urging Liniment Iodide immoral.= the need d o of using the ballot a means I of pttiee what we want, i. r„ the right Wien in the right places, in that the laws may be enforced. `11.00 were raised at the meeting towards the funds of the county aaseciation. The next meeting will be held in Leeburn church in about two month. The muoicsl part of the 6 was acceptably filled by Zion church choir. McGregor d Partie's i srbst1r feral*. Hareou an old Sore, Cut, Burn, P-uise, Corn, Bunion, Salt Rheum,t'nn- pl., Blotches, Rough Hands or Fees 1 If so, there is Ion one cure. namely, Mc - Ci & Pkrke's Carbol'o Cerate. 11 4101111Ct try it, it ail emotive* )-stn. 1' , bot SJ ease at 0 Iihylra+ dra^f stn t e. i74 Dern. The woman who is always well and' neat) dressed is able to exercise a treat- er influence for good then Tee who is the reverse. The well-dressed woman is more attractive to the eye, and the eye is terse of the main avenues to the heart. (Sher things being equal, her interne 'e more potent than Ger netghhor's whnse n putal ion ofilreseing.' • just as it happens'. at home in grime indefinai.le way emits a shade over whatever sorter s'el may ps- e rse, A women neatly dressed is ready ' for emergesssist. The chance caller and the unexpected 'nests finds her ready to ✓ retie them. Rot perhaps the greatest necessity for looking well at home exists iw the home itself. To the taenshte e d mfr emu family erode we owe the first The vie' Moot and In the twccrtain A1.t. r.t>1tl.H t•',): IT. Went • !(rick. Enlarged JOin'.. minarets. Rhe.nlattsm. .ur'5ia. theeios. Sciatica. P o'apesa 17 t e, reverie \Se_aae0. The hest and Of* rens's meetly to relieve gtn of esti k oil.. r . ma: ter of k ew long swot - .R• 1net aeit r.Crf swarnetred (Tight' t(wn olkJoist.. Varisiosc Veins. Yates (Tight' or Rick Headache. No oil or ernes@: Is clean and sweet t will not toil. tellcaaasatMy s .f the sway.. tr'jk1 'a Weser. lilahntes, lnroatlnesce of 1. rine. Is the ealy alterative powers. tCan he taken In the world nt e Ilwer f cores ('ramps and C.lac, Diarrhea and Dysentery. PAM by alt Rrwgtett. i.l 5e1,,., elle. Write [)r. (►I1.1GS, hoz 1.44111N. Y. P.O.. who will eve advice on all dl.mms free of "bagsa eTllewareofdr. lee* end noon trrfr(ta. 1 he Z15.1%1.105 ha* the none. blown in the 51101 and far..afalle or the dteeasett•r Mme .i rr each cork. Giles' Improved lndl11 1' 111 REMOVAL JOHN BROPHY less removed hie I.rdtw dept/ io the Mead u• West street. neat door to UAC !tear Mistime c, w Lars M km on eaklb.ton BEDROOM SETS Oat cannot be hostas for good Ip or low price on top of the earth. Uruphy won't he uad.rwtd by any mass that breathes. and his furniture is made expressly to hook wen and haunt wear and tear. NOW you know wbete to go. Be sure and call upon JOHN BROPHY. Godericb. May Mkt. UM Toronto Cash Store AHEAD A.G�AIN- NEW GOODS ARRIVING, ANIS OLD GOODS SOLD AT COST. Call and see our Stock of THE NEWEST STYLES AND bND &T BOTTOM 7 travelling Suds. GRAND TRUNK Neer. Kaput&1 Milted. Ueder::b 1 Lr.) OS CM 11T15 p.m 1 3'a pm. .r i•t(urd I Ar. 5.44' a.m Ldp. p.m 7 Japm. Went. blazed. Mlxsd. K: Stratford Lr. I Ills• a►1:16 p.m $ pea Godard 1. Ar. I le20s.m l 1iy.m 1 1: p.m HIGGINS' EUREKA r011 PURITY. SWEETNESS. r FLAVOR I8 UNEQUALLED. DAIRYMEN it will greatly improt a lour BUTTER & CHEESE. Agency for tt'macro Canada • Nags Mesa Piry, HAMILTON, ONT. !tient' fur Free l ,rcular. %. Martis .Sal . tale. Misty PATTERNS. •..._ P IC/C8_ Amusements. Remember thestand : THE CASH STORY. 1 t IPT:I:Ii H MECHANICS' INSTI- P_ger_ , Aid ;;, cur1 utltF..aetlsirceet`a:.dt SAD" NO .tarn. s)prs from I to 6 p.m., and from 7 told p.m.. ABOUT 2000 VOLS IN LIBRARY) !.oaths) Bd1'tJe, 1f iltty ur:.tlflvstrated Pop cs, .i .•-tt:hoes, sl c., wt Filr, MEMBER/411P TICKET. ONLY SIAM, grating free we of Library and Resdfgr lt•owb Application for tiara cithip received kp Librarian, to roods. .1. H. C'OLBOR N E. A LEX. }PORTON. President. dor rc t ary. Goderich. March 12th, 1t75. ltbfa4- Gtxirrich, Fcb. Ith, 1540. I0'_I-7m The Latest Frelick ad American Stylos! HATS, BONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings Etc.. Etc , Etc. The Chicago House. God WZST STREET. GODEItICI! GEO. R. BROWN, Successor to 1)R. WHITELY.1 MO PHA MACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Having lately added a Fresh Stock of Drugs, Dye Stuf, Perfumery, Eta.; lo the already well-selMed Mock, bees to inform the citizens of Ooterich that he is now able to supply them On PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS at Reasonsble Prices. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR sI OAN'S INDIAN TONIC, 121'P'be Greatest Blood Purifier of the age. Every Bottle Guaranteed. Sunday Hour :-10 to 11 a.m.; 2 to f p.m.: $i0 to 9:30 p•m• Albion Block. Goderleb. Feb. tib, 1861. 111111141 1 Spring Millinery. MU. sILzEELD CAMPBELL'd ` • CATHAR "- COMPOUN T is effective in smell dose., acts without griping, does nut oc- casion nausea, and will not create irri- tation and congest ion ea do many of the usual cathartics ad- ministered ill 11se form of fills. Ac. Ladies and Chil- dren hav:ng (''. 0 most se nritive sae maths take this medicine w iW out trou- ble or e.•mpinint. CAspea' rt.'s l'aTwarTtc Cow MI ND Is especially ndapu l for the cure of L1vL2 C•o)trL.tlate .iso 1',tt.tot . 111‘. Caine MI. Fos AtiD STOt':.ett AND Loa4 or Ar - --------:*TITS. . Fes SICK BEAD r. win Tlc.rr.re! t. *lit ('o..TIr.TI,t4 1....Ttv►%s:•.. Fast ALL ('ti,ipa. .IT155 AklOI% i Eno% A Ih.onui.al.n FTATE ter THE bit, - 115('11. This medicine bei:r; in liquid form, the these can be cattily regn'.ated to meet the n 1uirt menus of different per- s.'tu, tl:ng making it equally well adapted to the use of the little chid as to the adult. Put up in three mums t,ottl.•., snot a:.id by ail dealers an family mcdacinei. rri.•r f:rhtl. 25 ('-nes. asfe. en re. reliable and eters-tiro. IM not gripe. P srelr r Me. Yo twereersran. y or aloes Thep ran be re' ed ea for all of aka Sltuns:b. l.iset. Bowels, .c. M all dragger, at t 3r.pigalterih :re n 1. i1 ..issty 4.NWr G: a IR AUA`7 dl stem QedM:�.il. ' 11' 7 dial, JO egg OA -1\11.r LA XL -1--JI.J Co This 6146� Tar Mishb a 1 r wtlie �.cFi�sre �O sere wt • w N.ard-e owl '� arderrd MOO A I. LEWES Ill -Has opened our her - SPRING STYLES IN MILLINERY and has now the latest and most approe c et y es in C.ASNAIRN HAS EVERYTHING' YOU WANT ---IN GBOCEflIES. NEW AND FRESH FUR-- i8a6I He is showing a sptend.d assortment of Chia and G1ssre. Come in and look, i.' you don't buy, No Trouble to Show Goods, C. A. NAIRN ('out t House :scare, Cederich Dec. ith 1RPt. QODEI1ICI3 d NG 41 1LL fcallicrs, flowns ibts, Stiisc& PLAN' BachaflanLawson_ RobinsonE37ABLISIICD 1635. OF ALI. KINDS. free Inspection of the latest novelties in headwear, which she has how on v:ew, is cordially incited. 2011 Sash, Doors & Blinds I n!ALLax IN AL1. *5555 Or Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ooderich Foundry , ry And Ma chi e VOrk5' I and Dut:e:er's n,. r of every deerri}ttdn. �j(�j v�/ fYdd WViii�.k ` w I SCNo0lt FUNNITURE A SPECIALTY. MANI. FAC'TCI4KRM or s�wNl-agisksinit. saes. Runoiman Bros., Proprietors_ CONTRACTS TANEN FON STEAM ENGINES. FLOURING 11115. AND OMR ■ACNINERT WANTED Flouring dills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System, Iloorac Power, (train Crushers, Straw Cutter. Agricultural Furnaces, Stites, eta, etc., at Luw Price.. 411 Kinds of Castings .elude to Order. ItrSt•1t •s. R. W. RI'lc:i*** Ooderieh, Nov. 10.1961 1910.11 ' tiA Order prompflylattrndsd to. Ooderich Aug. 2. 1Se3. 2-1y The People's Livery vitvm e 1 i 3011 1101, Proprietor, The subscriber Is prepared to urnish the Dub !X.111.s NOW COMPL�Tl i ! The F'Wet Rigs AT REASONABLE 1'RIcits ( CALL AND RICE US- Oppoalt the ('olbor O NOW COMPLETE!. Hete Gewle^rho 18 oderich. Feb. Iltb 1 1 A CHOICE STOt K OF 1 DRY CSO 1E31E3 caldi x ceiloo_ byrflorNidsekreasstirikl sis.hu d cM Heart. Prowl* eseelts low its !lee in ors of Seddon Islia taloa wising fns. loo- of !hoed. Ac.t. Or Chronic f%errs. end in the waknew ttsw innwisW► accompeeie.. al lscn.ery from �Weraesrting Feer... No remedy gin .a ware apesd/ rrliar In t aewscy1 I ppnads. sad is al eons .45515 sur an serSCTtta aad etsTate 1J atilin aarT is rsstisoL iiff A. its ELIXIR aril tr a,..d1�rA11 511144 MAO SWd by e!! !toter, its AA.Ir. reef. DAPI, A LO RETO'S 00. (Limited) gots A.sw r., , , - 1101MtItAL. P.Q. Dress Goods, - r Sh i rti n gs, and Tweeds.l Highest Price Paid for Satter & Egge.l GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. (Aaisrieh. April no, INN e Cot Y. rs triiiiVi" •N5 • .401.••• stn r 1. W01131 powDEas. ?r ;.•tease t• t Is. rams '• their mille eetsd 1-a srtPus Is a mfrs. . t4 s+•t r tram" 14.0.1.snor SrM