The Huron Signal, 1886-9-3, Page 5r
N. Jame Coliiar a ion es s visit le
her Mother in Hellen.
Rev. Mr. Turnbull and site, of St.
Marys, were TiMtine at Jr. Stewart's.
Mr. lietsaer sal family, of Hamilton,
are.. a rWt se hie father's, Jae..b Beta-
Mitts J. Morley, after visiting Dun-
gannon and other places, left for het
Mime in Wu,datuck u0. S*tmrtlay.
There cru at present seventy scholars
attending soh..ul. tuo marry for one
teacher. The trustees sh..Ald see sad
Set au usu'•ul at once.
George Bta•ett is around here threat --
lag with his strait r. (7e..rge has rood
tattoo with him, and splendid work.
He threshed out Messrs Kinds, Jarvis,
Beck. McAruy sod J. Walters, teat
Mrs Campbell, mother of Ales C..ip-
bell, let coo Huron, did ..n Sendsy
everting, Std alt., after a short illness.
She was ..venty nine years of age
The new Presbyterian manse is rapid-
ly completion. Mr Mas
Stevenson has the woodwork, and the
Murdoch Beer the manna' and brick•
Mrs K McDonald is visiting friends
is Belmont. Mn J O Murdoch is spend •
in a few weeks with her friends in De-
troit. Mn C Shaw, of Point Edward.
is is attendance on her father here who
is at thePo int .f death. • The Western Fair if the gist event of the
season for the ps.ple of Wearers Metarte.
A Ladle: Aid mei r w The Directors nee deterinlaed that the forth -
in cun.ction with the Presbyterian church C''mof UazhiWtion seen equal. if mot carper
here, on Wednesday, 46th ult., ander '1ThesCpo1mmittee u• Attractions are pvepar
the following o6onn :- itresideat, Mn Fora .ullsptlou1ste of which willeach abof the
e pub.
Joo Cowan ; vies -president, Mn D Mc- Itebed lour on.
Lennon ; secretary, Mus A Mclennan ; Write to the Secretary for Prue Lists, Post -
treasurer, Miss 8 McDonald. And ..n eA. Protremme oraar latorsatle• repaire4
the followingThursday evening a num- R. \PHETTEft. GEO. %1cBROOM,
7 R Yrr•ldeot. ftecref•ry.
bei of the young people of the place acid
neighborhood, formed tbenselves iota •
society having for ata object the improve-
ment of their minds, mural!Ly. nod in
tellectuslly. The following officers were
Choir ; - Pr sideutf J 0 Murdoch ; 1aIM►le rrrtrtarr ante• fees with
vice president, J J diboon ; 2d ries do., I ceaeds'•P.Ntar WsMei•
H McIntosh ; secretary, W J McIntosh ;
treasurer, F Mclennan ; .ana;ing tows -
mitts*, P McIntyre, J McLennan, and
M Matheson. The meetings of the
society flake place on Tuesday ',enlarge
of each week, and all who desire to im-
prove th.m..lve as indicated above are
cordially invited to attend and terms
0s *Lara 11•11.11 Mae, aSTALIn..
r170 BE OOMMENCED whenever a
wSv:le•t ameba' of sebnartbeve le obt is l
e to cover coat of pubileatte•. Sebecriptioa
to the NM* Tohruee Olt 40. to the Provisos of
o►atarlu or to Quebec $*2.)5 to New Knit.
w ich or to Nora [loreI1. &l . to Maw4obr w
to Walsh Cnamble left to Prince &Award
Wool er to Nortbweet Territorial* ril* M -S0. tach
Province 11 have a MN -
now seed air
Mausger aal Poblreher.
Mesterei. Ub Aug.. It111. lrM,st
Vesleru Fait
Sept, 17th to Oct. 2nd, 1886.
Liberal Premiums.
Now's the 'Mae!
BOWS DAT PiaTT. -Monday. Awed
23, was a gala dayat Morns/isle dfarm,
ale fa,
the residers* of uba Morris, rag. , J.P.
There were four generations of that nares
present. All of Mr. Morris' suer were
there, via : Getrge Morris and wife.
Joseph and wife, tad Beery sad wife ;
and the following soca in-law : Mr. sad
Mrs. Alas Reid and family ; Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Harris sod family, of Ash-
Wd, Mr. sad Mrs. Wm. Holland sad
family, of Ash1•14 ; Mr. and Mrs. A.
Beck ; Mr. and Mts. E. Shorts, M Karst
Wawanosh ; Mrs. Banes Howell, of
Buffalo, was1 by her daogh-
• ter s EmMere were several old
friends pr.eent, vin..: Mr. Wm. Young,
s0.-1eeve, and wife ; Mr. and Mrs. Robe.
$&lows ; Mr. and Mn. Thos. Sallow. ;
Mr. and Mn. Wen. Strachan and family;
Mr. Dialler, of Deuganoon ; Min J.
Morley, of Woodstock, and the deputy -
neve, J. Deck. Just before tea, when
all were gathered around rte table, Mr.
Jo•epb Morris, on behalf of the rest of
the family,resented his father, John
Morrie, with a beautiful R..ld-beeded
"1°" walking stick, os his 711th birthday. and
in a abort address trusted that he might
live to sejo7 tray [aero such birthdays
with his numerous family. Mr. Mortis
in reply got op to receive it, but he was
so overcome that he cord not weak for
several minutes. He then thanked them
all for their beautiful present, and trust
ed that the Lord would give them all
such good health es be has bad. He 1
then told about hie settling on hie /Or,
lot 6, on the 9th con., in 1834, when
this township, sad in fact the county,
was a wilderness. He gave • very in-
teresting secoont of the progress of the
township, be being • mt ether of the
municipal council for ten years. After
1e• all enjoyed themselves in different
games esta it got dark, when all started
for their &Sweat homes.
Ton WlbsTakN ADvtartstut.ef L011400400
Just taade another Important Mop in adv
1t now appoint regularly int weirs page form.
and in addltioa to all to weltkaown popular
features gives l• each lease Sas Jour, Sot -
moo the International sabbath tfrtiool t.w
i .a, a Complete Story. etc . etc. 1t Is really
t.preved is every weleect. For BALANCE
OF YEAR the price Is only Mr_, or i• clubs of
ID* and over Mac. each. Postage stamps ac-
cepted for tractional parte of • dollar. Soo
Ow hot.
Fi t, subscriber will be entitled. with -
eat additional noel. to one or tie fellowiat
premiutaa, which tdtoald be ordered as per
somber. vii:
1. Portrait Gallery.
2. Howie and Health.
1 Chase's Recipes.
4. Ladles' Poe Work Guide.
MIReIIMered tatters cOMe at our rink. al -
dress pieta], _
VOA- Lwttwrt.OwT•anl.
Apples as Met.
Children usually demand sugar in
large quantities, and in some form it
should be given them. There are few
tore arr.*ab:0 or healthful forms in I Guarantied Fresh and Pure, and at Lowest
which to secure it than fruit, and va-
,,,:...,.... riance o in foul, ewaat apples. An •bun• Fresh Bottled Lime Juice
dans of sweet apples, ripe and tusci. us,
O co o
N f'7
O ��a
Has on hand a full stock of the foliowiag
seasonable art Lim :
Paris Green,
London Purple
Insect Powder
- __A.wJ..A_,gA,.r _ A__.
Stock will be
Draper ea
should be had in every household where
there are children Prepared in various
ways they are important in the dietary
of the whole family. They supply sugar
in a pure form. Raked with cram they
are delicious. Few breakfast dishes are
superior to slices of sweet apples fried
butter. Cut the slices across the apple,
leaving the skits and cutting •,act the core.
This dish will take the place of, mats
for two or three days in the week. Few
fruits have in thein as many elements
for the suetsining .d lite and health as
the apples. In some countnee ant almost
exulc•ive diet for weeks is made of apples
prepared in various ways.
Dt a•.
I. Oaterirh. an Thunder. Miguel 2*tb.
ISM RRrabeth Prna. bolos rd wife of 11 to.
Drew. aged 40 years.
Gederleb 10arte1•
'Reported by TeleOononicw. Sopato L hits 1
hash 007v*po71
hese titre.
Wheat, trod awiistful V bask ... • 0 on .•• 070
Wheat. Iilprl 1 n stmt . ..... • • SS0 •t 0 W
Wheat, hal) ..... 1 110 Y 1 00
.oar. (fall), ti cwt. . 1 10 .s 2 10
tour. leltedt p owl . •S s ..• 1 IL a 1 1\
our. tritest bakers.* cwt....
war. tritest, per. cwt 0 se 4 J y
au. • herben • • 00 0 `e a 000
rum • blob 0 SII or 0 w
Ohl•1 W O1S• ale
Oslo.. • us► ......
-ay. era ..................•.0, 7 M d ei
as (acorea [iii i i h: • ...... i