HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-9-3, Page 4TOWN TO-
N bk s ErlmMtbJ Crud
arrived. and win sal shear
FINS T LORINQ.- 1toured taw. ease
rkgMews* u
styles .ad paenra
oNap• Deal 1.11 to use them
yog~ma malted the
ea to
imp Stewart dean lea beet
prima and gw•raabas smatetao-
A. B. Cenral, the Nad(sai ssasrtaker, has
re beet hearers Is Iowa. •ad is prepared to
•see est tweets& te ars:-et.m style, at row
steams mum !mediate., Mild always ea
Te Omen Wet Mona is the seeing, tra 1..
see musettev% bet Is the anima tae mast
i•it1 .msed
,s,tieos. iest 1'. ! A Edalsetabled trim le the
jewo sto tkla•e lastyle aad materials.
Ben. Qor Tams ow Ha Leer.- MU.w. thsomee
piss: wef J t tasseaLlis ~ tdd he riesty.
d mtg s. aad Maef ` satiety an tastes pests
swTun Woused Cratrutt Tarrwluwcs
lissom will asset regularly ter the uaaaadlss
. beetles" " sv ns
Tsday arteraes& at t!•
aneweteithe week 1. medially learned fie Kam church. Every woman its
At the Cash Store on cowboy 11 weeds et
raw auger ter way IAD oomit. 1 have a Ilse
iheatt. dem. I am lag Groceries all tirade reeamid eso/-
C,eckery .ad slam+$' or •1l kink, and will
sot be sadersoW. ('all sad inspect my seeds.
No trouble to sew geode. ti• N. Oda. Me
grocer. Square.
The mild September.
The Mikado idea Nm abash:.
The work en Asbessa'• hell Est at- 'M
K T. •••ted., Fwd. 1•elaln iI _ esveral anbtnr{a epa•ad for tb.
preaching sompleto•, sad the energetic Atty-Oesl Mowat, . its Moat MI le. sinisr fora on M.,s,eilay. sly shaves
ppltoepp(r t.sttoer deserves euogratslauon ups the guest of bis father -irk" 0. F is the fifth 8whool • a ie that , t Mi •
his esterpeiae. Strsubei fityield who talon the junto: dingoes •r
Bumgsor vnitore who have sojourned Rev. (l. R. Turk delivered kis peNe•tied b, Mr. Sharma•- 1. the eit•MMr
i•r Mr. Thea Perim ie•°mw aeei.Is•t t•
at Guiana this seams speak in high lecture, "The Leading Meo of the Nine- Mw an- Mgc ps l dtt.r the m••d.l' lame
routes of the sir, the streets and the ser- dieestii see at Grimsby t doesdayalast The sad "'ateo• taboo Ow ouster dr
roMies . rimes% of lis Pattiek'• War4 Saaeet 1Jer
Min Jdd, of Buffalo, who was the /)lube of Friday baa the (ulbwilq 1- std b Mw Blast.
guest of Mrs. F. F. Lawrence during s "The lecture on "Laden of the 19th y
portio. of August, returned to the Bison Gentry," by Rev. George R Turk, of A Tueoll Csepel, -O. Keith. afire
City last week. Ooderi°h, was an 'loosed • ,rt, and "Reddy," was discbareed b!
J. A. House, of the Bell Telephoi• evoked the hearty applause of the •ndi Toms un Thursday. The pei•u•r, who
Co., ilup.ctor o1 iworsmeots, was ie sees. leaving • must tavo:abls impression was • drive, with Forepeug►'s erne,
of tectures• a
Ow l.bi.lit " had been charged with stealing nvereta
town a tele
ay and 'Thursday elamis y'
elspkoees CortcuTAsulla•rtsne PRaroattAucR otter ci s.III he David Comm", an-
other drew bed, was also •rreetd w
the este charge, but after an .a•aiva-
ties before Mayor Williams M brokii
jail by kicking out the luck in the Clin-
ton "ouoler," and made for parte un-
known. The ev:dwce goes to show that
illicit drinking was being indulged is is
Kelly's hotel, Clinton, tau the day of the
- A concert sod dramati
Kim Ilfisrgacb, of the Cwtnl Sobuo>l, wit be given m Victoria Hall on Toes -
has returned from an ewjoysble holiday day neat. The first part of the Fru
trip, and has 'mottled down to routine
gnomes wig be supplied by leading awe
business voce mon.
dears in vocal and icetrumeotal melee -
The town bead played a Dumber of Ouse, assisted by Mrs. Revell, of Turun-
pieoes is the park on Friday sreou.g, WThr second part will cuuast of the
and was gsttth appreciated by • large popular drains, "Felix O'Callaghan," by
.ambmr of spectators. the (lodench Amateurs. This company
The 8. 8. children of North street usually present their pieces in good
and Victoria street (Methodist) chinches style.
picotsat Hulmaesville today (Friday). A Mr A.Mc0. Aran is able to be aroused
good time is expected. again, atter a siege of three months. He
Miss Henderson, et the central school is making arrangeme.ts to ship the prise
•tali, returned last week from a p'esmant fruit at our fall .bow tt,jtbe Colonial eibi-
visit to Detroit and other pots:., and bruin. Any person desiring to mod
has resumed her duties. fruit, etc., to the Colonial exhibition,
K W. Fear, of London, will begin a sin do w fres of most by consulting Mr
series of lectures on biblical truths in the Allan. Samples, etc., can be lett .t E.
hall over Ridley'• store on Sunday even- Bingbaun'.. A bushel, half bushel tar
dug. No collections. See advt. quarter -bushel will be sent, it desired.
The S.Itford School is again largely at. A shipment of 25 boles will be made on
hooded. Mr James Wilson, the nwoel- Monday neat, and another shipment will
be made on the following llwday.
Neu gayer pe. •d Keg pal, takes Charge of the *odor vl.e,
Mme, and Miss Kathleen B. Ball, the junior.
And the time of the fall elbow 1. close Samuel Sloane returned home Friday
at hand. last from kis surname vacation. The last
Mrs. Will Moore is visiting at the old couple of weeks he was at the Grimsby
homestead. camp ground, and spent a moat enjoyable
Miss Rose Swatheld is visiting friends ti°is.
in Hamilton. Miss Phoebe Cassaday, of Berlin, vis-
ited relatives in Ooderich and Auburn
Miss Jimmie Bell is paying a suit to during the week. She avers she likes
friends in H.rriaton. everythiag German except Lager and
The pings loomed is not yet completed, sourkreut.
bat will by Rest :►boil• (Gey. Sutherland, of Henaall, was in
We have pegmd appthyy "plilmto°i' town for a few days during the pest
on the jouroaljatie ;midway. week, visiting old fnends and attending
Mrs. Dwyer, of Saginaw, is the puss/ to business. This will nut be his last
of her sister, Mies McMann. visit sitter.
Miss Carrie Bares is the guest of hog Moors Chrystal 4 bled burs soli •a
eagima II. 8. ewa/iM, lank Ilia& !•:aiii power boiler t.. 8. J. An -
1 TAlee n hilh.L ,Tatting friends thews, el Cliutnn. Mr. Andrews will
36 Tamiltoo end other points. go extensively into the manufacture of
Mia. Stoop, of Clinton, is spending a sweet cider.
portion of her holidays in town. Dr. Hutchison, of Montreal, arrived
of Mies G
- Mies Miry Walsh,pen of Toronto, is the i• G°d°rieh on Tsedsy on a brief visit
Vtetxt.-et to his parents. The doctor is working
ss: op • good practice in Montreal, and is
Alex McKinnon, recently with B. still • bachelor.
Xaceorraw, has left for Brantford. Coo. $. ,) .° of Pettolu, formerly
Mies 0.oeOns Martin will return to of Coo.
was in town last week on
HammenLQ•sIl' Collage nut week. ha way down from a trip on the upper
The regel.r meeting of the town coon- Lakes. He was recuperating from a slight
nil will be held this (Friday) evening. •stack of malaria,
Harry Bolton and ton. of (Guelph, Dr. M. Nicholson, the «sat street
spent a few days in Ooderish last week, dentist, makes the preservation of the
Mies Clara Pillar, of Kingston, is the natural teeth a specialty. Gas •dmini.-
guest of her cousin, Mrs. Fred Pridham. tared from 9 a. m. to 4 p. no for the
George Fraser has returned from a painless extraction of teeth.
month's sojourn with friends in Beall- 8. P. Halls, of Goderich High school,
ton. relented from • long trip out west to
Miss Rom, daughter of the Provincial friends. He roamed io Illinois and Wis-
Tre••urer, returned to town on Friday consin, and had •delightful time goner-
ally. Mr. Halls eared his holidays.
Mies Ada Fisher is visiting Port Ho- Get your auction sale bills printed at
reg, Chicago, sod other American THE SIGNAL office. They are al wive done
promptly and at low rates. Notice is
points. drawn to sales through THE Snow- free
Bro. F. W. Johnston has been appoint- of charge, which is reed by thousands.
std D.D G.M. of Huron Lodge, No. 68, Capt Sandy Fraser, that genial and
LO.O.F. well-nntormmd Scottish Canadian, has
Allan Cameron left this week to con- returned lob's temporary home is Mich-
iaaos his.tdimat Upper CanadaCollege, igen. The Captain is one of the best in -
Toronto. formed men en Canadian politics who
Mims Nessa Kay, elate' of deputy drops in to see tut
Etaster Kay, is visiting relatives -in John Bioko, buying for A. M. Polley
oriels. & Co., of Goderich, shipped from Galt,
Malcolm McGillivray, the grocer, is Aug. 24th, • oar load of heavy draught
selling groceries very cheap in the North horses for Pennsylvania. Good judges
street store. . , . . them to be the finest lot ever
Dave Fisher, the well-known horse- shipped from Osh-
awa, is visiting a number of the (all fain Ven. Archdeacon Elwood leaves W-
eaves She lines. day for Whitby, on • brie( visit to his
Mims Dupont. ret Toronto, has been daughter. Mn. Reith. He will then go
the seed of Mn. Ross, wife of the Pro- on to Montreal, where he will attend the
vinci.l Treasure,. Provincial Synod. He will likely be
Rev. G. F. Salten spent a few days at absent about three weeks.
Grimsby Park last week, and was much A. B. Cornell advertises in another
pleased with kgs visit- column that he is the sole agent in the
1 Holt, fon the past twelve years • eosnty for the Raymond machine. Dur-
residentof Australia, is visiting his broth- ing the part six months he claims to have
or, V. N°lt, barrister. Mold more machines than any county
agent for other machines. He has sue.
The Misses Savage, of Buffalo, N.Y., oeded in working up • fine trade.
are visiting their sister, Mrs. G. W. K K Watson and a number of the
Berry, Ltlghtbou.. et met% 'b of the town band lett Wednes-
• Iiev, Fr. MoMante, of Windsor, who day evening. on the North Star for •
has been visiting relatives in town, will trip up the Lakes. They will be gone
return home nett weak. two weeks, and have taken their guns
There is no fountain pen to equal the and lines along. They intend to live on
"Wirt" pen. It has a gold nib and bah and bear growls during their ab -
oblides like a dippiag pen - ♦ease.
IMeaL QLat: CuaxrleS.=D. Cum•
ming., well known as iii• "Dunlop
architect,- has been is tow. fur • sou..
er two rebuilding • house for G. Nether -
gall, on East street, neer the station.
Mr Cummings indulges in a hills mere. -
Son nearly every evening in the way of
quoit pitching, at which he is an adept.
Hs 1* the 'bock of the walk" so tar as
his Goderich record this summer is eon.
cored, although good pitching has been
dune by other "boys' who handle the
iron circlets. His motto is understood
to be "I fear nee foe."
THE WE.vru*N FAIR. -What bas got
to be known throughout Canada as the
Mrs. W. E. Rothwell, of Galt, is pay- Mr and Mrs Megew were called away
log a visit to her mother, Mrs. Jolter during the week to attend the funeral of
Mitchell, Hamilton street. • grandson at Evmondville. Before the
Charles Cribb left for Hamilton last burial a d both condtchild
k ill
and died,
interred in
Saturday, where he enters Kthey's Ina-
' chine shop as an apprentice. one grave. Mn. Archibald will have the
Mies Logue, of Lancaster, Pa, has re- sympathy of many friends in this neigh -
turned to her home. Min Polley will b,rh.o,d.
be her guest for a few weeks. The lot issue of the Wn, Col con•
Mrs. Miller, of Detroit, ,... Mies Alice tains an interesting sketch of the career
Ferguson, has been visiting her mother,
of the late Capt. Beatty Capt. Calhosnl,
in town, for some weeks pest. who was at one time stationed here. It
is accompanied by • very faithful por-
Min Maud Start has returned after • trait of the deceased. Capt. Calhoun,
year'. absence, visiting friends at :Fier- while in (;.,clench, dil her work faith -
ton, Durham and Kincardine. fully and well.
Mir Josephine Merlin has returned A number o1 ladies who attended the
from Sarnia, accompanied by her cousin, Mikado on Tuesday evening did not wear
Miss Shia Aber, of that town. hats, bonnets or any head gear while in
Miss Annie Elliott, atter a t.leasaut the hall. Their good sense was much
visit to ber old home, returned by
humsag. appreciated by the gentlemen ;and
hum Valley Thursday to Saginaw. ladle., to.•' sitting immediately hehind
Mr and Mn Jas. Stretton,of Unreels,ithem. The high hat or tall bonnet a
public entertainments must go.
were in town Monday. They had been ! LE. -n ee Cot R.'. --it is understood
venting relatives in Colborne township. forcible speaker, :rased the po itical bis -
Thee Porter, the newt • inted that an effort will M road• to Ret tory of Cansila from lM cnngoest t, the
y appointed Chaplain McCabe to lake part in the present, npoks in glowing terms of ib
assistant in model school, has arrived in North -et. chunk lecture course during rut extent and slmoet boundless re -
town, and will begin work on the 14th. the coming winter The Chaplain ought sources, quoting •telling array of facts
William Reid and little .laughter, not to he a drawing card. We would •Ice and figures, sad predicted a BRrest future
AamiUow, •n the gust:• of his parents, .uggst that Dr. Borns, of Hamilton, be fair our vat I> ominuon, Mw ('•mmron
Mr. and Mn. .lames Reid. Ile looks "put upon the gat." He is an old fay -
also witched briefly on the questions of
well- orite in Ooderich. imperial Federation, Annexation, and . past. it aft ,rded him inbnite pleasure
The h ody of W Sinclair, lot nn the Si. stn Coerce,. will 1,e a independence, expressing his aonrictinn to etchangm friendly greetings with his
Cruiser. has been Lound near Port grand sacred concert given by the Whyte that Canada would in the not distant mon, and he and hie wife heartily re
Frank Morns.., m body a yet undo lime. in the Victoria street Methodist Cuter. become an independent nation. i siprrcnts the good wishes which bad
covered• ehugeh, tomorrow evening Neter/lay He urged upon all the cultivation of f I' enc nipanied the magwifieunt donation.
Mrs. Green and her d•nghtrr, Mir Th. trustees of the ehurch aro anxious spirit of traoti.m to ('•dada, and not to i oAfter partaking of the mpieereaa pre
Orem. Ore. wean called awe this week that all should hear thee* celebrated look to the Mother Land for titles of ds. I pontoons of the hooter until the "Inner
Ilay the sadden news of the inners of singers before they genre for the States: tlnnion, lint M he content with seek) Men' was full •turd that n ditty to -
Win. Atrw 1)reen's ynnngmet son. They and they have. therefore, put cls ad. honors as th• Canahen people can c•.n. Ivarda him had oleo boon fulfilled, they
lot fo. (•a.11M,m, their hoods, by train mission fee Inc the evening at tis seats fee. A hearty vote . f thanks as given bunk their departure, hearing with them
es Wednesday morning. Daly. Flo the Isctermr amid applause. the best wishes of the host and hostess.
Tug Mesita Mis.rr&ija This inks*
sling troupe gave eatertai°ments in Vic-
toria ball, Saturday and Monday even-
ings The attendance Saturday evening
was not great, but Monday then was •
garner turnout. The company is •
unique oro, and bas a standing contract
with 8. Dseu t Son, of Meowed, to
advents' their cigars. Feen. of the
performances were well up to the aver-
age. especial)x the slack wire balancing
by M. Joseph Brawl!, and the bass
angina of especial??
Highwarden. "Rocked
in the Cradle of the Deep." by the latter
was capitally rendered. The Irish ddi-
tiN of FA. (Gorman were 01 an eaceed-
itrgly laughable Cbar.Ctero There is •
lot of 'Iambic in the troupe.
ttageorsres• Cert.
Before Mayor Horror sad Jas Stoppard. J.P.
John McBride, of the Albie• hotel,
was charged by A. M. Polley with per-
jury. The evidence was very lengthy,
and at its conclusion the magistrates
committed defendant to stand hie trial
at the nest coinpet•ot oesrt of jurisdic-
tion. Hs was bound over to appear,
himself in $100 and two sureties in the
sum of 1150 e.ch. lop to the time of
writ.,.a McBride had been ua.uooe•dul
Western Farr P;;; a held in London in obtaining eddies.
from f3•pi. 47th to Oct. 2nd Special
efforts are belief put forward to :wake 11a,lumDews.
this ahcw superior to alt that have pre-
ceded it. As • portion of the old grounds The steamer ()uteri° of the Beatty lis
were old off last fail, the Government left port on Saturday for the upper
has granted the use of the military Liam.
ands lying adjacent, which will be 'Ib. hergs phaeton, with lumber howl
0000eeted with the regular t/abit-clow
grounds b the closing of ''.otral avmue.
Write to lie secretary, Geo. MaBroon,
for further particulars.
A Pancrt'L Bin- A week ago last
Sunday while attending to his duties as
night watchman, Constable Yule was
attacked by • vicious dog owned by John
McBride, of the Aibion Hotel. The
animal bit the guardian of the peace in
the hand, inflicting some painful gashes,
and Mr. Yule had to cowry his hand
bandaged for a week. The dog was shot
• few hours afterwards. We are pleased
to sen that the constable is sone the
worse for the savage attack Had be
been a smaller man, or a man with leas
nerve, the brute would likely have given
him a terrible worrying.
Tim Nair ENTSAwca EzaMINAnoe.
-We have been requested to cell atten-
tion of teachers and candidates to the
following changes in the work for next
examinations. For entrance the history
has been increased by the additico of
the outlines of Canadian history with
particular attention to the events 'oboe --
quest to 1841: the municipal institu-
tions of Ontario and the Federal form
of the Dominion Gorernment. For
drawing book No. 4 or No. 6 is requir-
ed. For third clue, the literature will
not as heretofore be the same as for
sewed, but will consist of 19 selections
from the new high school reader, viz :
Nos. Io, 82, 35. 45, 56, 57, 63. 67, 69,
72, 74, 79, 81, 87, 90, 92, 93, 101, 106.
THE Musa. -Thu popular opera was
produced in Victoria Hall, on Tuesday
evening, by the original Mikado Cum -
Port Frank arrived in harbor last week.
The sehoonw Enterprise of Port Albert
landed a oarro of lumber .t the U. T.
Dock last Wednesday.
The schooner Evening Star wiled for
Detroit last Friday with,) cargo of curd
The steamer Saginaw Valley nude her
usual calls on Thsrday and Sunday.
Tbm schooners Ariel and Carter amvd
last Friday with lumber for this port,
and riled again for the north.
The schooner lane McLeod of this
port, lumber laden. reached the G. T.
D,ek on Saaday afternoon. This is the
int appeararce of the McLeod in
Guderieh harbor since last fall.
The tug F. A. Fidget. that arrived
in port on Sunday front Kioeardine to
goal up, brought between forty and fifty
citizens of that town with bee. The Fol -
ger hint been engaged the past ten days
in the neighborhood of Kincardine,
gathering together s broken raft.
The schooner, Annie, of Pert Frank,
arrived last week with • ear/10 of staves
for M. Carl. The owner sold his vessel,
which is capable of carrying 9000 feet of
lumber, to Angus Matheson, for three
hundred dollars. Mr. Mathesos, it
is understood, intends to use his new
purchase fcr trading amwg the fishing
On.Week Onl
From 27th Aug. to 3rd Sept.,
eeaoept .•,me New rail Geode )est oeseet0
Good Tea, 20, 30 6140c. par lb.
ArrP.S. VEST MAEKR WANTED, must be ant --lama.
Judas's Bleck. Ooderich. tett AtSt.. IU.
..II . .: 11
Stew Adveetleemede Ibis Wee&
Lost --This 0/ea.
/sruitsre - A. B. ('oraell.
New Gouda-- A11ret. Munro.
Stray Cattle Edmaad trete.
Board Wasted --Thomas Teeter.
Hee, Read This - M. M.tlillivey.
Servant Wasted -Mrs. A. Morton.
Notice to Crediton Sheriff Gibbons.
Eked" deer below the Post (raice.tN eat
. Ogee -Odd Fellows Hall. North $t_
Ood.lieb. ::'barges mederata. AB woilner-
ranted. NSW
She People's Itotumn.
wt at ga1•e ler •smell Amlly.
Apptr q RS. w. MURTON, .SColbueas
L 08T-ON •t \DAY LAST -A
'Wert- hmstsia pen Nark bard -rubber
•eld nib.. The Seder will be re-
lea♦iag it at this sacs. UM
room wasted in private Emily or hosed-
Appllyto THOMAS PORTER.tat iiittW Ett-
drage. lasZlt
11afr. Cook. Apply to Mrs. URIi 1111120
be fair writer. Psell glary.
Mat E. CAMPION. Banister. Ooderich.
geed water, cellar. and ether ee.veal•
woes, •ad contain four or ave b.dreosas
Apply at this Mace. !•L
-Owe of the :moat prattles! aad meat
metal bests pubi.ahed ; every teacher sbosld
hers • Dopy : no school should be without It :
it malaise e.errieen in capital letters. attire -
TIM ions. punct nation. errors in English.
specimen letters. beautiful) graved, ole.:
price M Beats. C. DEAsa
. Arcade. Tor-
onto. 1m*17m
PROF. W. M. CLARKE, (Organist
and Choir /easter of 'Inez (M 1
Teacher of Vocal aad 1 1 Musk.
Oedertb. Out. Terme Moderate. P.O. Bet
10*. ' MID
receive pu is fears orof mese. is prepared the Mfa.o. 2/ I leer.sete
The employees of Mr Jos Kidd, of the i q•svtavts .er s:-41 per quarter
International Salt works, called upon
him at his residence, Saturday evening, SHORTHAND. -ISAAC PITMAN
last, sod atter presorting their oomphmost - PROM/GRAPHT. Theosapopulareys-
paby. under the management of Mr mob a000eipanied by their best wishes tem taught. isrk
tructa books tor tele at Tee
mp let
ann. The audience was large to Mr sad Mrs Kidd in their new abode. gvnAsponmharenA.Kvery bay and girl Dula
and fashionable, and the reception of the Mr. P. 8.1 Fox read and presented them
choruses, solos and recitatives were with the following ddrsss accompanied
hearty and unanimous. W. know of no b7 • beautiful silver jewel case to Mn Strayed Animals.
entertainment that has ever been valuable salver Castor to Mr
in Ooderich where more general satisfac
given Kidd and a valKidd:- TRAY CATTLE -STRAYED ON TO
tion was expressed. The exquisite droll- • "Goswau'H1 ►y . 26, 1886, half of lot s. tie pees of the nwderoytsed, .n -
>k ssea 11, Rest Waws•.eb, a
ery o/ Ku- o, and the superciliousness ,J. amph Kidd, jr., b'irl. the let of August. three yearliag cattle.. ix.
of Pooh•bah, uew
prd in orotund tunes, owe heifer. dark red. one steer, dark rel. with
We, the employees of the Interna• white ce forehead, one ester upntted std
caught the risibibilities cf the audience twirl .the
works of this Len, desire to • and soh te. All t) Knot order. The ownmr 1.
every time. Goderich is indebted to nark in some tan idle form our high re't°ested Ice pw expenars sad take them
Mr Con Tracy, of Stratford,
for this g awns. EDM: N ARF,\N.
privilege of hearingand seeing the opera
appr..iation of you, and this fortunate :toes, wawaorwh, Aug. kith, Ices. lOti-
ot the iuksdo bythe origi°•1 company.event that .effords us eo felicitous an uc-
easi..n, tt'e congratulate you upon your' REWARD-STRAYEDCATTLE
New MILLING AitaaeoruIJrr..- The recent entrance into the ranks of the •J -Btra and from Lel !z. ('on. 3, Mist
N'awanssh, a .nt the 11t h of May. l he fnlMw
Millen of Huron and Perth held s meet-; henedicts, and extend to you our hearty..' 1 e: One heifer throe rart old, in
ing in the Town Hall of Listowel en the! wishes that every prosperity and suceeu calf• hey ef°te mss" ,ip the :knh Jn y ; her color
24th, when a local asaociatfcn was form- shall attendyou and our estimable is red and whites, snp.e t,rht might call her
y a roan, with nice stn.ght barna. Line leo
ed and the following officers were elect - partner tbreugh life, and we, attempting year old heifer. red with white on her tail.
ed :-John C. Hays, Listowel, Preto- to show you somewhat of the spirit we ! :liar, wdm-*prcad horus. One Ina yold
rod steer, a link whit,- on ht. flan and •
t- bear towards yea, exceedingly re_ white spot on hi" Ince, with • split 1.. hie left
gest that our ability has not been equal ear. One
hi" side+ si weer j ho white halm
to the bight of our regard._ ,'We therefore trearold heifer std with little whine mpnrt
ask you to acnep t these presents as • through her. and • black now.One r ear -old
slight token tat that affectionate esteem
pressheifer. the heti meetly white with red hairs
aad respect we M, ardently wish to tax -
press : A easter for yourself and • jewel
ease for her whom you have chosen as
dent ; Noah Wenger, Ayton, Vice-
dent ; Wm. B. Hutton, Wingham, Sec-
retary -Treasurer. After considerable
disc.nsion, it was unanimously, agreed to
abide by a uniform scale, then submitted
for the exchanging of grist. ; sloe to purr
chase wheat according to retested value.
For example, it wheat tests 60 lbs.. then
the current market price is to be paid ;
15 61, one cent per bushel above ; 62,
two cents; 63, three cents shove : and it
below standard then to pay lees in pro-
portion. This plan is considered fair and
equitable for both farmer and miller.
The WA., of Friday last had the fol-
lowing reference to a gentleman well
known in (Goderich and vicinity :-"Mr
D. E. Oamerm, of Lucknow, lectured
this afternoon tea large and appreciative
audience on 'The Destiny of Canada
Mr ('ameron, who is an .ingtient and
through it. the nr.-k mostly red. with a white
yet on bar forehead. (gpe year-old heifer.
the body meetly white with red haVs through
ft, the neek mostly nit. with a white strive
down her fax. Any information coneerning
your partner in your future journey these animal" that will lead to their rrcovery
through life. With one accord we again +111 rocelre a reward of $5. JOO!N 1',
tender you and your estimable partner PIO\' RIyt1 P.(/, IML
cur 'rummest congratulations, ■std wi.h
that the' pathway of life may be for
both strewed with than emblems of -
happiness so fitly augured by such • STORE TO RE -THAT
happy heginning. 1 ITCATED ran,t eaT. the 1!••sms, at ern
Mr enc oecupted by Mir O .'.Illiqr ry
r K idd then spoke for • few moments, au"...I'•.ssemion11Irrn us. of /.cteler
during which be on behalf of his wife next. Apply to arks. H. Nor:►
and himself, tendered them their most ":roomy 71•s
For Sats or to Let.
sincere thanks for the very kind expert
mons and good wishes of their beautiful
address and their valuable donations.
He sincerely hoped that in the future
would etiat the same feehnga of respect
and esteem that had existed in the past,
at..l that an occasu.n of this kind would
, only blend them still firmer with a de-
termined resolution to fulfil our duty in
the future mere efficiently than in the
to rest. ono mile from Kiehl!. lore bus -
deed arms, all Arend and new, free frost
at amps, aaA • breakage of shout 1• arms gees
In with the land on the hank of the lake.
Barn and stable and • new dwelling honer es
the pptremi.... Terms Are years. MD AEI.
DAI,TuX. I Ui.11 P.O., Ont. fOIL
.,rI 11111111
It. Mire. censer of square arid WA.
street. Gederirh, over telegraph elle..
.ate rued• to IoM at m p.r cost. IOW
IJ Oederisb.
C.8s..uart.Ja J. A. Wowed'
It. N. Lawn If
RiPTERA Afterimage. Solicitor.. etc
Ooderich. J. T. Gamow. W. Proodtoot. 17fi
Barristers. 8eltenors in Cbaao.r7.sl
. 11. C. Comes. Q.C.: P. 0.
n. 0. Cement. C. c. Rom,
Y.O., Q1L, Y»H[•
the CotMRt of Physic/tau sect
year*. ot ISI Ave. 1n the Maitland m e-
cessinn. rel the Township •.f Ondmrich, apply
by letter to J 8. I.IZAR8. Ntrat/mrd. 111110-iflelertea Tow'n•hlp-
Mr. Smelter bee sold his farm r f the
10th eon; to Mr. W. Cole. Mr. Y will
remove to the neighborhood of N' Ingham.
Mr. Sterling has sold his farm of 40
aerie nn the 5th mon, to Mr Henry Rs
tinge. who hen had it rented fee some
time heck, for 51,5u0.
• NMof
mune lc.. Perak -tea, ee,sees. sad
Aeoouobet. ate., Pert Albert. 11155.
Miss Jame Collinson s
her brother in Hallett.
Rev. Mr. Turubub •n
Marys, were visiting at J.
Mr. Betaser as/ family
are es a visit to kis tacker
Miss J. Morley, after
ganglion and other placed
horse in Woodstock on S.
Then aro at present wt
attetoding school. too 11
teacher. The trustees el
get an asswaui .t once.
George Bissett a around
ing with his stsamt r. (le
tow with him, and Glees s
He threshed out Messrs
Beck. McAruy and J.
E. CASE, M.D., C.IIL, M. C. P.8.,
L. Ont. Pbysiciaa. Surge's.
&c. Oloe.--(That formerlyoccupied
by Dr.
Hstcblssoa) Demitasses. ight edea--Mar-
itn's hotel. *Ml
l015. Castsr te. 0see .ad releasee*
Brace 'teem. sassed deer west el Y i .
Psys clans. Burgess. Asessshere. to
ogee at or. •Ibs..es'e r'esNasoe. seer to
g aol Qederfott Q. C. Saaasew. J. C. Bann,
Loans anb insurance.
1 Straight dean. Arty assess:, Private
madam tee low rate et 34 pee mat. per ar
■ w. •EAGER & LltrIB. Qeierink. INS
F1' N 115 is geed es Mareaseset the low
rate of rITll AND A MALT not CLNT•
per asaam. Write wed' hie
11162. MEAGER & eed.riei. -
e500,000 TO IRAN. APPLY TO
rich. 1 M
-01 meanest of Private reads ter levemmeet
t lowest misses *ratclam Mortgages. App:/
Mn Campbell, mother .
bell, let vow Huron. die
evening, 22d ult., atter 1
She was seventy nine year
The new Presbyterian n
1y approaching amidst*.
Stevenson has the wood
Murdoch Brew the waw
Mn K McDonald is vi
in Belmont. Mn J (i Mut
in • few weeks with her fi
trait. Mn C Shaw, of F
hie attendance on her fa
fa et $bm point of death .
---1 ie15N•' Aid society
fatem•.etion with the Preeb
hare, on Wednesday, 26t
the following officers :-P
Jso Cowan ; vice -presider
Leeman ; secretary, Mies ,
treasurer, Mies 8 McD'.0
the following Thursdayeve
bar of the young peopof
neighborhood, formed the
sueiety having for its tibiae
met of their minds, mo
tellectually. The follow in
Chosen ; - President J
Tic. president, J J President,
11 McIntosh ; escrstery, W
treasurer, F McLennan ; o
mitts*, P McIntyre, J Mc
M Matheson. The mw
society take place on Tw
of each week, and all who
prove themeelve as indio
cordially ior•ttd to ante°
1 1 sad ej per seea es ars .c aaa farm secur-
ity. Apply to R C. HATS. 8.W1w. Vele-
rich. 15511
Only JRrsrtlase Ceespedee kevreeeseled
Ie/ Mosey to Lend oe straight Inas. .t lbw
lowest rate of interest going. 1a say way ter
salt t1. onrrower.
tororrt('E - Hme•wtd door reipas 8q..re.
West Basset. Ooderich. le(Llf
w. F. Pool..
1',... 1.. re awl Maris: Iraerwner deeaf,
0111 x,erecente Celbnrae Hotrl.
The " Leaden Anaonnee,- iwcerporated 1710
The " V.tIowal,- established 11ll2.
The " Iland-in-hand." the only (`nmlany
lieen.ed to Insure plate glass, in the
The ahn.•e are all Ant-elass and old eetab•
!felted enmpanies.
Roars la• w al lowest roles.
(lonerteb Dee. 24th. tag:.
Bt liTa DAT PARTY. -Mu
23, was a gals da Mu
the resideoce of ar John Mot
There were four gement tor
prwnt. All of Mr. Mon
Otero, rut : Giants Mut
Joseph and wife, and Hi
and the following sons iml
Mn. Alas Reid end fees
Ma Thos. Harris sod fi
field, Mr. •tad Mn. Win
family, td Adield ; Mr
Beck ; Mr. and Mts. E E
Waw•nosb ; Mrs. Marvi
Buffalo, was represented 1
• ter, Luna. There wet
friends present, via.: Mr.
•s -reeve, and wife ; Mr, a
BaUnws ; Mr. and Mrs. '
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Street
Mr. Disbar. of Deegan
Morley, of Woodstock, a
reeve, J. Reck. Just be
allwere Mhered amend
on b•Mll
themily. pregaot d btu
Morris, with • beastift
walking stick, on his 76(1
in • abaft address trusted
lire to **jay assay Biers
with his numerous Emil
in reply got up to receive
so overcome that he coob
several minute& Re the
all for their beautitul pre
d that the Lard woul
such good health at hi
then told shoat bis settlt
lot 6. on the 9th con.,
this towesbip, sod in
was a wildentesa He t
Wresting amount of tb1
township, he being •
municipal council for to
tea all enjoyed theorise
gismos until it got dark,
for their differed homed
11 tInii TO WAli ATO PER
E T*)It(iNTO (IRAi. TitCNT8 CO'Y
are prepared to loan uneasy at • per coat., pay
able haltearly, on
on area -close hum seoertty.
Apply to
Aren't for the Toronto General rtes. (boyo
Mmsre. ('aweana, Hour & cheerer have
sten • 4rgw amount of private fssda le lea t
on new -elms farm Mrnrity.
Oodericb.0.1.1. 1E{2. 1e11-11
To lend on farm and town property oil low-
est Intemt. M 1. No rem-
m.rion charged agent, for the 'Freud and Loan
Company of Canada. the Canada Landed
Credit o'omrany. the London Lean ('ompasy
of (hada. intermit. E. 14 and 7 per rent.
N. R. Borrowers ran obtain tt"onty 11 nae
day, if title rllefaetnr]y.
1175- Barruttmn. 4v., Dederick
W on Perm and Town Property at lowest in-
terest Mortgng.a parehaned. ne ('ommlrloe
charged i'en veyaseing Peen reasonable.
N. B. Porrnwmra ran obtain money Is ane da
1f title is satisfactory. -DAVISON & JOHN -
PITON 10,rYser.. eta.. •edeslok. R1
T1O\EER and Land vlwter, Ooderleb.
(1st. Haring had consldenhkt .tperiese• la
to sectiormering trade. he Is la • pneltles to
discharge with thorough mtlefamibn all ooty-
mis.inas palmated to him. (trdet'. MA at
Martin'. Hotel. or ono by mad to my adder..
Qederteh le. 0.. mar.fwlty .11, d.1 to JON*
ENOX County Atact tomer. i1l•1-11
Envelope it $igno'1
AMk• as ■
Children usually de
large quawtttieo, and
should be giro:: them.
More agroeab:e or tea
which to secure it than
peeiatly in good, sweet e
dance of sweet apples, r
should be had in every
there are children l'n
ways they are importan
of the whole family. T
in a pun form. Baked
are delicious. Few bre
superior to slices of awe
butter. Cut the slices
leaving the skies and cat
This dish will take the
for two or three days it
fruits have in thein as
for the sustaining of ttf
the apples. In some col
ezcic ire diet for week
prepared in various we
4 •,a
t• Ooderich. o.n Thur
lstl Igirabeth mma, 1,,
1Mw, aged to years.
alederteb ■
!Reported by TelephOone
Wiest. iPatti onshlbis
Wheat. feed i
Wheat. lapels()
tl bush.
Wheat, Sue
,,- over. Ifa 11 est. • ...
tour. liaised, cwt ....
roar, tetrmer b•kee•. •
tom, IMteetl pe,. evrt.
_rimy.6 eta•'
jp, :..peeked le des
torte, est ..........
ran. .tr,wt
-sopped Moir • est
8egs.e gwe• ems:
Crest lo..............