HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-9-3, Page 21
- _.-, _. ._.m._a.mm.-_ _ - -
a•.M.,t ...eW. A Common Cold
ballsA low. yuwoa 1.•
s often the begtuotAg of stooge Wee.
Boas of the Throat, Dr..cblal 'ibbes,
awl ).Anis. . the Irupurtanea of
early and effective Iradmeat tamer be
1. Aner's Cherry Peceeral
,war alwars be r-lled epos ler the speedy
con of • Coll or Cough.
lose old, wtsich. by w Alt land free.
orient expo
sueut exposure'.Warneub terrtbb uIClk
• olf ow wiz 1 be palm 1a
the cheat, from which I suffered. IoM ` �`
After llot t lug various retw.dtr.. Nbout
eetnerseared lathe'
Aye▪ r's Cherry relief.
Speedily Cured.
1 am dusted tbat thh remedy resell my
flsfltsstMee. we rias ta..a. ase. WILT SIRWAN OH�I11QI11D.
owes M Assm.ls a tl.nmee. �M'w
• legestly mid t. an Ottawa Yves ?1e American Heinen* Am Manes Children cannot
Tbs (a sa at... pee s.aes0. u the tulles mg =none hla• earn mosey. If N r.wly • tulle -•ane
1 was , to the 111, tUy tree T..'k.. w mals
Graham's Elwood Trip Through Shirt � �'I W out eu ase►. Ytm
urn t•. the earn of wi during the aft fur every dolma they bud. pay 1.•r
the Whirlpool Rapids. know I am ant a total abstainer myself fop tie (l•a•'aaa Retwd hated term : fo tg the milk, a tow luta per week
bet 1 kora, low the 800tt Ant affects ser Provide water Amok, pare water. for miaow dishes, air Wingiike •w the
THE CR.%N KS' C at UISE Kr, L P. Mitchel •a well known see•
Memes use nese s ibe Tee,Ible %meaea
Btlfau), N. Y . Aug. 1I. -Over 12,-
000 per.ple welt dues to Niagara Falls
to see Charles D. timbers, the Philadel-
phia ouo.por, go through Niagara Ells
with his head pr.trudk..g from the bar-
rel. .1* he whirlpool ennui to be dealing
ins ►today with these cranks, and they
sire urowiug odder. The latest a Prof.
A. L. Don•Idaun, • prvfe.aion•I swim-
mer. of Btltiuioie, who "toted today that
some time nest week he /should make
the attempt un a raft made of betr 1•g
Lrsbane. Seemed Trrte.
Graham appeared un the Maid of the
I4I.t lauuiul dream., iu tights at 4
o'clock, aid was loudly cheered. He
wee towed tutu the muddle of this river
and ten mu,ute. later was luwere.l into
his novel craft. This u.ne it was aro
ringed w that his head would be out all
the way, it being fixed so that he could
not get it back int.. the l arrel if he felt
disposed to. It was rigged with a long
funnel on top, which was to supply si"
when the barrel was under wrier, and t.o
this was attached a flag. When he struck
the rough water the boat rucked frutn
side w side at last the flagstaff snap-
ptld m/. I0 tie misses* be was
ant the teat mf los endurance began.
The bacnl was tooted on the white
breakers until It seemed as if it must be
dashed in piece*. It docked continually
end hall the time all that could be seen
was the funnel by which tho men inside
was getting his air. At last it began
describing the eddy of time whirlpool and
after a few momenta shut out into the
smoother channel and swans down
streaut Graham wet oared the Vlevtl's
The limes reams attacks the editor r r
T►iak, reader b. are tnhse►ed d w h woocoal or ku,okag. •
mock ow
.011100. of *1. glias than ow 10 Ails- I have bew
otncts to sewn u( tha Pape. for w llkambly der- - drink of awl wale, w a hutdq m. every towel yon hem; far they Easy here
troths', Oanada, bed other places said al
ways had to u sole silo Twos fur waste of
tune on account of some of my men get-
ting Jrunk, which of course threw my
machinery idle aid u ale me have to ml
ce'ste my prom with ran allowsea. for
such waste. I have Aoe • contract for
the construction of the Brockville,
Weetport,asd Sault Ste. Mane mad, a_ul
a large section of it rues through town-
ships .where the Soutt Act is in force.
Those that my the Act can't be enforoid
don't my true. Well, perhaps in Www
it can't and uI the country places it t
ass all right to tight for order d almost unknown es those localities when
tug the eleetiuos. t says that • seas who Waver animal. are .grapy w of the bail d licit naso air w pig, a can (w
Wok part is the »bohiva, with tb. ..Ther
sad was tat Batuob0. o.•!d sot means of yuesahlwg thine. their own all eking
Pn•w Give the horse inywent opporteady cattle --how meek seen Interest they
ounaietestly support the "Rielites." The
(titles is Dot krgimEl; It dose nut du- tiro much overheated, mei Where eel- ways le whisk • child can earn smutty,
taEgsuh between the assn who desired I jag.
Tu driuk freely tmmdiately alter and that, too without paying him for ht•
to suppress the rebellion arA re establish eating out. • tsrurable digestion of idle kiadaess W the bums people, either;
the authority of the law ,in a humane way, tend. •ted, their he hM an almost ourzprealble
and tie men who west W the Nurtk-\\'set 1 The aeries dog requires drink ire- feeling of pride sod i wh•n
Ilk" some raw-hwd•and•bluucy lose. to tl dun the hot day, as dues also he buys a..methiwg with his owl earuingr.
to yusuch thirst at titans whoa nut will take! There vie au iuhuiteuueiberul
eaterminate the Meta, burn their ih. any; suit• duh e[ tush water should There u uu batter servant ue the world
hooves sold desolate their homes. 1t was stand when they can Rare amass to f t
all right to put down the rebelh..n. Ia it l ndeubtedly many • dos u drilea
was all right to restore peace and order I to madness through lack of rater ; and
I aeon* the banks of the assk•tehewas. It I the testimony a that duo bobi• u
perfectly, but I must fawn up that it puts w ay P
against discard. Thus tar the editor of , dogs can drink when they wish.
down • oil. of drinking. There are some
men will have whiskey at any price, and
some even of they are law breakers and
know they are se, w lung as they
this paper was in accord with the author-
F,.er1 city, il "and cuuwtr Lown
toes. But hero he stops. He mw no . tI1
h to the . should lie liberally supplied with drink
for putting th t
can make money. I don't expect the human of the unhappy people. He could irig fountains for anima'., and they
soot' Act or any other Act will dor not seethe justice of lolling the property
should be w c"uatrtseted that .ren the
neverwhiskeywredrinking, but 1 du know that f • defeated foe. He did not think it smelled Jogs can drink (rum them. No
never had mon satisfaction with my me
fthe Militia than a fountain, and that penmen who
n right to insult the gallant dead by jump gift to • people confers • greater pleasure
than under the Scott Act working. cI
tinct that I can get a better clad of men,
sten glad to get away from whiskey, men
I can depend on, melt that will be stead-
ily at work, every day excepting when
sick, and there ain't many . f them get
U• .antenna OalAea Yet.
Tbe i0 -series alts Dominion Govern- la mad man for • petit ottruce. Pur
t11i.t in rdireueaEo the disposal' of g others. hewpyert-
Seutt Act fines isdiagustine and dishe•rt- 0d the '•Reel. e " caudidate at Chamhly,
wing to temperance workers all oyer the and will continue to support the "Riot -
country. ire" candidate whenever he gets the op -
We were toad that the Act by which potently. The above facts have never
the Ooverumeot wok possession of the been published before, and there may
money, before used for Seett Act enforce- be worse to follow unless the l iii . nand
meet, was in eke interest of the Scott Mere like it are mere careful in their
Act, rand that an order -iia -council would personalities. And now we must remind
speedily Issue, providing for tree appro- the Citrin of another fact. The editor
priatwu of these moneys to; enforcement cf this paper did not voluntarily offer his
uses. All this understanding is dare- service to the militia authorities. He
rocks part of the test, for hie helper, C. garded. The Government hd deliber-
1:. Carlton, ran out on the bank as he ately taken the line of action best adapt -
was passing, threw a rope, which was rad to defeat the object of the Scott Act
fastened to the barrel, and the success- and prevent its being carried. We are
f ul navigator was pulled ashore in an r.ot in a posittna W dy that the 1t•nor
e4haosted oondittun, Ills ems and ;eK„ jnt.reat het elmolute control of the - 6`'iW we put mW his hand inviting him
WCrt1 011e, *knitted, and niiR!on na:;ihei, but that t`abioet is pur- et Mr.
Siudikoa he adm its. North H has neverWest. This rdenied
it. And the editor of this paper acoept-
0d the offer, threw op all his literary
employment and went to the North West,
where he was to'd by General Middleton
that "no Home Ruler could be a loyal
man." And the Government of the
Dominion stood by the General. By
water. their accts they, too, implied that a Homo
Ruler is not a person to be entrnsted
As a chap and easily made reliable with an importar.t military {.soi tion air
fertilizer this is .•f great value. It may command. L the 4',ti:e,. mattltied. If
be used with much advantage wherever not we can tell it a great deal more..
planta are grown in pot., Then is 110
kind of plant it does not benefit, and it Leander; to be • nes.
may be given to those which produce
fruits, flowers or tine foliage. It has
the virtue better than any other fertiliz•
or of clearing worms from the soil in
pots, and this u a groat gain in itself.
No kind of worn) will remain in
the soil which receives a supply of ewe
water occasionally. and it causes fcliyge,
fruit and dower to assume a much dark
.r color than they do when it is not
used. It imparts extra vigc r, and ought
to be used all the year round. Ferns are
Dwain the mama,e.p)cielly benefited by it, and the fronds
Nttcaa• Fawn, Unt. 21.-
W 3 Ken- assume a deep green color under its in-
fluence. Strawberries in pots, Pines,
Bail, of Huston. today swam successfully iVines, Pelargoniums, Fucbsud, and in -
the whirlpool rapids of Niagara river. deed all plants improve in texture and
The trial was to cattle • wager of 110,- appearance from its use. It may be
ing un * herr budte., u a.me .
turn did oaths bodies of the dead ut the twins aside • stream from • held and
ovist at Batoche. He could not, gives a wafering trough to the n.•d-
d a Catholic, agree with tho men who mile, or meek* a fountain at which
oallod theM.tumeek*
so0 ofe s • man and bast can drink pure water, is
d he hard officers .peak of the Halt- telly •public benefactor.
breed dead around the village at Batoche, Remove the harness from the horses
and ha did not think it necessary to hang in the hot day whenever you desire to
give them • full, free red, and once dur-
ing the day, pwfevebky et eight,* thor-
ough currying and grooming will
not only give rest, but will do about
as much towards improving the animal's
condition as will 114.41x.
never applied for employment. Oa the
contrary ho was sent for by the Hon. a shade to which •u,mals can rest trots
Mr. Cwtigan, Sir eiuoi;•i.. Caron and the heat of the sun, to the great non
Hon. Mr. Chapleau. He had nO Idea fort of themselves and benefit tq tueir
of "offering his services " when a tele- oasts
Provide shade. How instinctively we
seek the shadow when the sun is pour-
ing its hot rays on the dry and parching
earth. It the pasture is not presided
with shade trees, In a ounveniest Local-
ity set four, six or eight support, across
which place straw or grass, and thus, to
a brie( time and with tittle labor make
111.. B•t'lat5
tloold be seen our all parts of his body.
Ilia neck, too, teceived a hard tug, but
was apparently in working order. He
maid it was • far harder test than before,
although not so exhausting, for then he
was nal[ dead for wast of air. Graham
was congratulated by the crowd upon
getting out of the barrel, Be announces
his intention of dropping from the Can
Weyer bridge, presided he has an air
cushion under the barrel, and has an-
nounced his lnt.utiou of dune so at an
.tart j= date.
aeOI's fatal feature.
L. Soots, the fisherman of Lewistor.
who was drowned iu the whirlpool, had
been hangi.i around all day, intending
to earn 110 offered for taking Graham
out of the whirlpool, awd with a cork
life -preserver had been giving exhibi-
tions in swimming and diving. About
noon he jumped into the water off
Thompeon's Point, at the outlet of the
whirlpool. The body was recovered at
suint s policy quite as antagonistic to
the Scott Act as anything that the li-
quor fraternity could devise, and as en-
tirely in the interests of the law -defying
elenlentcf the cummunity as the wont
of that Ste t JpulJ desire.-lesnada
L t t be mos
perly. ocn can trach that lemon pi. deuly developed lou Pneumonia, presrut-
perly. Ieg dangerous sod obstinate symptom.
My pby at once urdrr"I the use of
Weeders .t she t eaea.ar t Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral.
A trip to California tn.y be excellent were followed, and the remit was a rapid
sad pernunent cure. -11. E. etwp.uu,
Bogen Prairie, Texas.
than this mine morel ; u u o t o We. Wchina*, Pawtucket, Id. I.
use, it mat be rightly ewagrd, and only cold,
l normae the harems on your working
teem, and you wilt diseorar that %lands,
cheek -rein, and emptier" gee mm$y tur-
tunng contrivances, serving no useful
purpose. Take them all of for the con-
venience of yourselves and the corufurt
td the horses. Keep the stable well
ventilated and free from the ,tr lig am-
monia, which is injurious to the eyes.
Amu the animals W protect themselves
against dies, feed regularly, hitch in the
shade, sled remember that the care which
will give comfort to the lower entrusts
will make them doubly profitable to
their owners, aside from tete humane
beanag upon the subject.
wbkh s
as • means of recreation •aid sight selene;
tut in pout of fact it can't compare its
effects on an invalid's system, to Dr.
Pierce.* "Guldcu Medical Discover)"
euiver.ally ackuuwhdged to be the
the greatest liver iuvigoratur. blood puri-
fier, ooisomptiowu cure, •aid geoere!
nritatiaer, and tonic in the world. By I
its use, tbuusanda whom physctaw au,ld
not help have been reetuted to health
and happy !lying. For sate by dru*' *,ire
As If by Nagle.
I heard of four bey, who were off ri a when i'ol.ot
• Nara-rustisapplied to any kind of pain;
Boys, look out' Only a few day, ago This is always the way
sec:tided part of the town, smoking cig-
ars and drinking beer -boys whims
parents had not an idea of what they
were doing. Thee. boys had had the
best of training from Christian parents,
and were members of the Sunday school,
1 wnuld not have believed it, if I had
not the information from the best auth•
ority. Whet they were asked what *hey
were doing, and were remonstrated for
such conduct, they said they were learA-
iuq to be men. l) what a mistaken idea!
Not a man who is addicted to these hab-
1 it. but will tell you, if he speaks what he
knows, that such habits are a hindrance
instead of • help to manhood. It seems
000 meds by Boston parties, he to re used to expel worms Were the puts are .
csive 11,000 of the stakes There were full of roots, but as a general fertilizer I a strange coincidence that whsle I was
but few rleetaton the again baring been : it should nntLbe much employed until• pondering over this sorrowful tale 1 had
pereaoe : When he reached the spot the roots have taken to the ail freely. It heard, a letter came to me from ■ rouse
not wanted until then. I man away out on the western frontier;
kept quiet. He relates the following ex- i
where Captain Webb is suppled to have and this is what he wrote . "I tact that
lust hu lite the water seemed to go fur m Many have much difficulty in getting •
the act to mix with the water, but this I some of the best years of my life have
under him, and •huge !der Bruck him is smelly enough managed. Any orein- been in a measure wasted. I thought
on the hod and shoulders, knmcking
. ary old bag should be taken ; half fill it when I was a boy that being • man was
himave •
for •few seconds. Hs with sort, put • brick or large done in-
toned his swimming expected
of tto, use side, tie up the mouth, and put it into
whatever and sever .:per ted lis come the tank or barrel with the water. L. •
out afire. When sheet time the water will have pendt'it.
srrsafltu ills wauLront. ed through every particle of the soot mid
he was so benumbed and partly uncon•rted 't t pulp.The water is
scions he (mold net use • limb and did
not know what he was doing. The cur-
rent took him right into the main eddy
and sacked him down like a flavh, keep-
ing him under fully fifteen seconds.
Upon remaking the under current he was
allot out of the pool fully 5l) feat from its
center and when he reached to the water
he had partly regained oonsciouaness and
knowing there was
NO 71111 TO Awtte
before he would ■gain be dashed do wn
the rapids he swain to shore. Wiles
landing he image t vercome that he again
became unconscious and his sunstanW
were fully half an hour bringing hien to
with stimulants and rubbing. pain than any other remedy in existen:e.
When asked if he would over make Try it for Neural„ia, To.,thache, Head -
another trip he said most emphatically : ache. Itheumatiem. Sold at 25e. • bottle
"No ; there's not enough money in the by U. Rhyne', Druggist. i3)
world to induce me to repeat my after- i -
' noon's experience. A child would hare I "Pshaw ' why didn t the fool hold that
the same chance to g.. through the rapids i ball ' It was an easy one.' That is what
and come nut al; *ieht as an cameo n spectator on the grand stand said when
swimmer.'- the catcher mimed a "high foul ' coming
It took hien three minutes t . go from right into his hand.. in a few minutes
the railway Imago t.. the wIdepor e{ more an easy one c*me into the stand in
Kendall is 24 years of see, G feet 2 the vicinity of the same spectator, and
inches in height. weigh., lel:' pounds, and he jumped over three men and lost his
is well proportioned. Ile was Lyng!) in hat trying to get out of its way. That's
New Suric . hut spied meet of L1. life in the way with some folks. They get wrathy
Beaten. Itis c•rk vest consisted elf five when other folks fail to doo what they
pieces of c••rk lel 11,. het 1•.0„4 niches thess.el.eecouldn't do in fifteen years
wife ad 2 iachgs Ijyck. and was sown pristiee.-(Hartford Post.
in who..can1ass a ulnar t . a 1.f. pva•
set ver. flew a Dude rawgbnfold.
- -- - - _. - A elite young iron in the 'height of
"What is OlOGreyor's le;•oc•Iy Cure fasLwn was deltoid; eneexing in • street
tori" ear. Omen a eo npaut..n remarked. "Air,
1, a for i)yepepsia, Livor Cum;,!aint, Chawl.•., deah Iwy, how d'ye catzh diet
indiyedio.n, I:tiwesness, and it n tke 1 dweatiful cold." •'.two deah fellah, left
finest bl.w,d purifier in the know• world my cane in the lower hall tether day,
today.,and in sucking the ivory handle. .a
"Des it give atisfection T•• 4wea,tfsl cold, it chilled me almost to
it u sure to duesppeer d if by magic.
Stringer. mors penetrating, and quicker
in action than any other remedy in the
world. Buy a bottle of Nervillee to -day
and try its wonderful power for relieving
pain of every description. Pain cermet
stay where it it used. It is just the
thing to have in • house to meet sudden
attacks of illness. Only 25 cents a bottle.
Sample bottles only 10 cents, at any
drug store.
A little child ones asked hie mother
the question: "Mother, what part of
heaven do people go to who are good but
1!"-Chnrtian Advocate.
Wm. Giles, M. D; Milford, Del;
March 24th, 1880. Dear Sir. about three
year ago 1 got a buttle c your iodide
Awmoouia Liuimeul It cured my horse
ment vin, a
nd Was used tke 1* 116. ffamt
family. It cures
all aches on tan aa well d horses. It u
all used up now. PIeso .end me one
yore by express, and 1 will pay C. ll. D.
Address, Haskell Lewis. Milford, Kent
Co; Del. For sale by F. ',octet).
A httle city maiden, on a *iiit to her
uncle's farce, saw • thresh*Lg machine io
c'p„ratiun fur 11'0 fist teem. "1116, mem•
to ! ' cried she, tusking lute the house
put of breath, "there's something out
in Loads Jab barn with two horses in
iia tial LMF kN --gals( and gang mad
sever Ret say where.'-Phtlade 1p ie
stggest ofTbesr Ylad.
A forty -five -inch •on1ower u being ex-
hibited at Travers, CaL
M. Estrada, a French engineer, is
building a forty -too locomotive, which u
expected W attain • speed of seventy-
etght miles an hour. The driving wheels
are to be eight feet in dameter.
The largest balloon in the country, ac-
cording( to to the San Franciscori.runiele,
has recently been built in that city by
to tarn to smoke and drink : and nn Kr. A. P. Van Tassel. It has • capacity
known to my parents I acquired these net 1:0,000 cubic feet.' gas, and has been
habits, which 5000 took • strong hold constructed for the special purpose of
upon me. Tail your Evangelist boys cabling the well-known aeronaut to on -
that amok:eg and drinking mnater made a dertake a journey across the imminent
eonve I into a 1 man, but have made many fouls of mt
I from ocean to ocean.•
then in excellent condition for use. It men•' A msyniticeut diamnnd, weighing 180
may, however, be too deny fur giving Don't touch a drop of liquor, boys. If caratsof the finest water and free from
to flan plants as 1t is, but a •luantity 61 ' you only knew the misery that comes , all M,
as and imperfections has ;aid hew
it may he lotted and put into the paw from intemperance . How many men cut in E land. it is owned by a syndi-
with clear water, the strength to apply have been wrecked by it ' How many I cafe and -ie said to surpass iia weight and
it being a matter which canonic be deter- hearts have been broken because the gustily all the historical diamonds on re -
mined by the cultivator.-[.lournal of loved ones were slava. to the accursed cud. Nome ids of its value may be
Horticulture. (London. cup. It is the first step that tells, re -1 gotten from the (set that a hale piece
member that. Don't do things that you' iced off the end to improts its shape
Reasons why you should porchase would be shamed tc have your mother produced a brilliant of nineteen karats,
Fluid Lightning in preference to •
of all know. Ah my 0.y you will 1* your
and wee .old for 1'10,000 to • diamnnd
other remedies are : Rapid result- mother s your truest, beet friend. As
cures instantly. It is easily applied -no the years go on you will find this asser-
trouble- no lent tiine. It does not re- tion to be a true one. A boy's mother
'tlraire ~Mani use one appliestiun is , ought to be his councillor and his conlid-
etfectual. line b.tl.e will remove more 'kilt, and his judge in matters that he Is
incompetent to decide for himself. Ihon't
do anything i:, an underhand manner. It
will teach you to he unreliable and dis-
honorable. Cultivate thew traits of
character that will enable you to attain is now 27 months old, that when but ti
to a high and noble manhood. Stand months old he would seize held of a kit -
firm. Be decided. When you are ask -Chen chair with one hand and hold it out
eel to do Ghee.:hinge which you know at ann's length. One .lay, when he wee
are not right say 'No.' Don't be afraid
'about n months old. he was put upon
of the jests and scoffs of your enmpan his feet near • coal hod two thirds full,
loins Although they will not admit it,• when he seized and lifted it from the
yet they respect you all the more for flu .r.
your refusal. Resides, your decisions en If. G. Hotchkiss. of Lyon., 5 1'.,
the side of right will be the cause r,f •.th known as the 1'eppermiat Katie, says
en of your companions seeing
,No.. that .even -eights et the peppermint of
I one straightforward. fearless, manly boy the world n raised to Wayne (-minty. The
will have a great influence for good over avenge crop is ahr:uti100,0110 pounds.
a large cummuuity of boy. Try it lir The ay.rige mice paid f,.r erode .al is
yourseleea. - (Evangelist. from /1:1 7O to 011 a pound. 1b RI, a an
idol •.f the m•nr'y Mut i. io peppelvninv,
elevenses New• Doak.
Mr. Hotchkiss said that a farmer Let
Cooi,.roa N. -Myr Campbell has ben year hsr.ught to the refinery as ordinary
troubled for a number of years with in- sleigh Ioa.f,wkich. when meaaus••d, proe-
geshun and Constipation, and eras in- ed to he worth 84i111) of curse Sae
duced to try McGregor', speedy Cure was in the crude oil, whtoh the fernier.
and found it all that was needed, and distil themselves.
would rec•mmend its use to any person -
similarly trouble.!. This invaluable re- 7 Shi'..L's Vitalizer is what ynu weed
mercy is odd in every part 01 Canada at' for constipation, lose of Appetite, Demi.
SOe. and el For bottle. Sold at Georgenem, and all symptom. of Dyspepsia.
Rhymes' drug don. (1'. � Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For
--- - - _ I ale by .l. Wilson. Druggist.
\\'e cannot point to one irate... where ' death." if Charles had used 1)r. Her -
it did not. rep. Red Pine Gum his cold would not
"Where does it hese the largest ' tr.rble him very muck. For ale •t J.
sale 1-' , %% limos's' prescription drug store. tf
i Blight in the city ,1f Hamilton, .hen
au manufactured, there hay been oyer }here hints ran rat their hitt Iieart.. 1,116-r
ens thousand dollop worth sold in the Heide. tee• kc. printed ae thh. oelr" for srry
fast year retail, and the rest maturity 111.1e more then they generally tofor the
T R 1" j ppaappe►r. and it help• to. rl .'r their boatmen..
..f the tales sty 17 tn. reenmmn1ding it Vinland see samples •ml get price
to another. For sale af ripe. alga 11 per -
bottle by 11. Rhyne, druggist. 3) A RvwsRp-(k one cloven "Taiwan
- - rev ' to any *tie sending the hest four Ins -
f, Por lame hack, silo far chem. u.. rhyme on ' IR a ..• the r•emerkahle
Rhil.'h's 1•o,r..u. Plaster. Anew 25ceots, little gem for the Teeth and Pall.. Ask
Blur ala Ly J. Wilmot, Drug,list. your drugeest or w idre.s
The one place in the country where the
most railroad trains peas is stud to be the
Union depd, Elizabeth 5 J. A man was
put on for the purpose last week and
counted up 8,2:15 as the total, and in one
day of tweoty-four hours G('0. It is a
crossing at the street level, too.
It ie mid of John L. Sullivan, jr.. who
Kentucky colonel -Waiter, something "Ite0der," in infer -wing you of this
to drink' Waiter Toes, ash : watch, wonderful remedy fo-r Coughs, Colds,
ah i Kentucky colonel -Young man, 1 Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, and
said something to drink ; 1 don't want to all affections of the threat and lungs, we
take • hath. • feet that ere are doing you a resat kind-
- nese, as if you have any of the abort
10 ARE Vol.' MADE mi.enhle hy e..mplaint., if pow willhin', try it we will
indigestion, ('onstiption ibrrtinees, guarantee satisfaction in every case err
Leta of Appetite, Yellow SLin ) Shiloh'• money refunded. Ask for McGregor's
Vitalizer is • writ v• rare. For sale hy Lehi 1'ompnutid. Price dec. and 11 per
J. Wilson, druggist. 1 botpkle .t Rhyne' Drug Store. (3)
A Wraith, kwse$-
Tl.e trait fill season of this year is pro
laic with many forms of Bowel Complaint
such as Darrh.ta, Dysentery, Colic, Mi-
lers Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Ac ; d
a safeguard and positive cure for those
distressing and often sudden and dange
ous attacks soiling can surpass that odd
and reliable meducuw Ur. Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry. 2
"Mary, I wish you would be a better
little girl . " said a father we sot of, t..
his little girl. 1•uu have no idea how
sorry I am that mamma has to scold you
so much." "Oh' dou't worry about it,
papa, " was the reply; "I'm nut one of
those seaman*. chtldree! Half the time
1 dost hear what she says." -W ilmiugton
Home Weekly.
Two years ago 1 suferrd from • severe
Cold which a'ttled on no Lungs. I con-
sulted various physicians, and tock tee
medicine" they prescribed, but received
only temporary relief. A blend Induced
true to try Ayres ('herrn Pectoral. After
taking two bottles of this medieere 1 was
cured. Iiia•. !lieu lben
..d t gv,givesr ft
%oral to my vblidrra, a
The Best Remedy
for ('oldr, Coughs, and all Throat awl
Lung di -waives, et rr to wd In my fainlsy. -
Bobert 'V auderpowl. )h adt ilktook a s!Pa. Cokl
Some thin ago ted, grew worse. anod
whichvente, ea toy hying 'Mhomes. Ihad a hacking
rough, and sed veru weak. Thew who
kiew nes beet considered my lite to be
to great danger. 1 coeditor.' to suffer
until i commenced tieing A ees Cherry
Pectoral. Less than one bottle of Oils r
usable lnedfrise cumd me, bed 1feel that
Rfe to
lowethe of my
curative forayers. -Mrs. Atm Lockwood,
Akru,a, New York.
Ayer's Cherry Pedant U eowddered,
here. the one great remedy for ll diseases
of the throat and lungs,
In demand than any other medicine t W
Chas.- J • F. Roberts, Itlaiaou•, Ark.. 1
Worth s
In a lung letter fro:, J. H. Hall, of
Bsddick, Gape Breton, N. S. ; he says:
"I believe were It not for Burdock Blood
Bitten I should be iu my grave. It
cured me of Kidney and Liver complaint
and general debility, which bad nearly
proved fatal. 2
A bright little girl in the First Pre.l'y-
tarian Suoday "ch. ol, upon being asked
what sort of a spirit that of the Pharisee
was, replied : "IO was doing • good
thing, and then feeing big over it . -
Hudson Register.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
err gg l C. Pinot I1, 565 mortise, {s.
bd Oy Druggists-
Le4ies tvvble.l with Pi.nple..BluteMas
Rough -Mad. or Face, or sores of say
d,tecriptl,ln, sh,.u1.1 use McGregor £
Parke's Carbolic Cerrito. it will lea,"
the skin in perfect health, smooth. clean
and g •..A color. Be sire and Ret the
erectile. maple hy Mel:rese.r .t: Parke.
Price 25c. Bald at Geo. Rhynes' Drug
Store. (n)
ib FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver
Complaiu.t, y•.0 hero a pti0ted fnaran-
tee on every Mottle of tate h's Vitalizer.
it ..ever 1.11a to. core. F,, sale by J.
Wilson, druggist.
Owe Seeing Volunteers
Eudured the severe marching of the
North-West campaign with admirable
fortitude. The Government sbeeld have
supplied them with a quantity of the
oel.bisted Putnam'. Painless Corn Ex-
tractor. It never fails to remove corns
painlessly, and voluuteers and avcryb.wly
else should have it. Beware of subell
Lutes. Get Putnan's Eztractur and
take no other. -
If your child is stubborn or hard to
administer medicine to, 1)r. Low's
Pleasant Worm Syrup will be apprecia-
ted. 1111
4 Catarrh Cured, health and sweet
breath secured. by Shi1..h's Catarrh Re-
medy. Price ren cents. Nasal injector
free. F•.r srle by J. Willem, Druggist.
As then an many Inferior
goods, eorrled with lata.
hemp, etc.,oOered and *MA
(.orsiiwe by some un-
1'rioclpled merchants trad-
ing on the reputation of
onr sessal.e t'.eaYse.
we warn the ladles against
swab Imposition by draw-
ing their attention to the
wesaseity of seeing that the
b stamped on Inner side of all( oral Inegnal.
W1a1st whisk sew are gad,
DY'(P,:IA, DROPsr,
d*.farMree on LIVET R, es �K eTAnd &ewe t dleMaa 1freeseoewet_a
T. nuLwRN & ee., ^° ti...
Nest d .or to RhynaaDreg `!tore, keeps
constantly addle' to lie well.
*elected .toca. charms
Fresh Groceries,
wlich will be found to compare favorably.
Loth as regard. yealit) and prier, will
any other stork In *Lie t icinit).
in returning thanks to my customers for
their parrnoase, 1 would atm invite any oth-
ers who will, to tali and ,mire., my stork.
Routh West ..de of the boner..
aoderich. Feb. 18th. 18811.
' nlnclu 011lbs clogged avenues 04 carry.dm
Bowels, Kidatrys and laver.
Maid gid gradually without weakening
system, all the impurities and foul
humors of the secretions; et the tame
time Correcting Acidity of the
Scuring Biliouseens, Dye.
Heaclecthee, Dizziness.
IIear.Lttrn. Constl Dryness
of ' . - 9kia. DrJeAllhdiol, Malt
4al Dimness
the Htt,I. . and Ocm-
oral Debility ; .11 these and many
other similar Complaints wield to the
h_ LO Dinfluence of Bim.DOuc
T. IMAM • Cob I'ssav'.+Issa lmwya
Saginaw, Bay City, Goderich,
Detroit and Clevelanil.
The Elegant and ('ommodinus Steamer,
"Saginaw. Valle
TIM wit a1R, .•Nor.
NMI eon dorIng the °.wenn of Yanlgetto.. as
Leaves (:eAerlch e' cry 4'hnriday. e1 1 le
• ke k penu. for hey t r,) and Pagte:aw, calling
41 Pond liypeh. Wort Hope and Ta was.srak
- lrtg
ieieuert,,As with Weal Share Iloate al ttata�
!teach feu 1:oWer City. ('hepeygan. Marklwae
Isha/tl sett) tee. Ignsoa and at Itay City ern!steamer. the Ilarrt.r)e. (l.ened* and A1psw•.
return Ina inert dertc!A on i nndar.
Leases llnd,'rlrh ever) 4'lmi&y, at 11o'clew*
noon for Port Huron. Isetredt and (9erelaad,
returning to (i..derteh on Thursday,
Th+. mute wilt he eontinne•A der`{* the sea -
.on of oa' I1aliun.
rr 0KMrr
fee nh. whole RM'\ie TRIP` Irmitlnwews
w III he leaned for
oecupying a day •- meala and berths Ineh.eed.
You rat.• of height and pae.ag., and all
other lwformatlnn, apply to
Agee. at tendw*eh.
(nt4ee meat he gores by panne wallas
Tl.nreday Kerursion..
Jamie l;.h. 1811.