HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-7-9, Page 66
our Inatome» felt in ■s title and m n strongly supported the eiotius. Mr. Foe Nettle Rash, Suesieer Heat Lrep-
parliameaMry eleetioss, by min Scott, 1[r. T. McGillicuddy and Ur. dots •ud Jousts! toilet purposes tom
I edly. Our legislators wpm both side. of Williams, while iu hearty sympathy with L,w • Sulphur doap lm
Business Done at the Conv.n- polities ars afraid to touch the temper- {boson' of the resolution hesitated to
aims question. W• must clow in nor ssbe:nbe to de letter, uu the ennead that w �fURON AND BRUCE
tion et Ohntoa. ' ranks and make knuwa.wredealstrengtk, the emotion of ',leder. from the candid-
-' ...riathe .,testier led vote .eeken to deceive, end betray IRAN AND INVESTMENT IOIPANY
Mr. Jawea Thompson ssgweeted the the i people, by giving a --
otmatbin o
, municipality and the biediug of the tem • =prowess wares b the oblentwa- Serweity at Lewwf Reba of %ssMrd.
■ eemate .. ea tee raises ■.ellr.tr t/a1
/p Public lertl.p ■ NI
' and compel yolitioiaru W take • decisive Gies Rare as o,spurWuuy for uaprioctp•
tftse isle. f ,< Electoral Union* in every purse aamd lett. h .. vetes and after f�i, fpt•pwN, is Lipesiesig ."were eco Petr
psrance people together with the pledge The reeulutiuu, however, when put,
A cuureotion of temperance worker'thee they will vote only for andwate* was carried by an overwhelming autism -
of Huron county, was held in the Rat- I who give a aatiafactury promos to sup- Ity.
t.nbury :it. Methodist church, (Atrium, port t uriooiplesat the council Mr Jas. Thompson moved wound
u. Friday, June 2sth. The President i hoard and in the halls of parlumeit. A by Mr. I. Mc/i1 1t caddy• that e•e
of the Scott Act Association, U. D. Wil- I few ,sen in any riding eco elect whom Itcenae t.apectur to the county he m-
o on. Esq., of Seel -oak, took the chair at they will, for by acting is uniuu they can quest
10:30 a. in., and the meeting was opened ' hold the tsalanee of power. For himself in melt taseimpab4y of their respective Deposit•, ucconliwunmety to unmet
with prayer by Mr. R .bert Turnbu!!, of he was prepared to take that stand, stok ridings who will take lain -mations in 5.J time fete.
MOKIII•.p. I t entire! no and vote forman who Scutt Ad cameo, and that all who refuse
Cd la
he President, in hie opening address, not pledge himself to uphold tem- to act be at mn repotted to the Hus.r- 1 sir gime usdvn.:h l bk1Yn sad mon►
recounted e i portant events and 1 M Tho peon did enable the Attorney (lenwral with the I
ed to ascertain
all the luagislntee •t, 4 owl ,i per ('roto laterosi dllow 4 ol.
cute sit peranea pnnCI) ea r. m -
Hoe .C('6 IIOI:TOV.
changes that hod takee
Oiliest place since the out favor pigmies, but would go in heart eeyuiwt that they be dismissed, and that loosen.
last c ,nvet.tiun was held in May. , ily for public meetings in every polling the luspectot 1.11 cogged to the Atluruey-
The tatrwn d the delegation sent to division of the ooenty. General ills nod nd reliable men
tnt.rvtew the county council had been Rev. A. McLean had been somewhat to be to their stand. And
unsuccessful, that body, by a large ma' di.00urai.d about Soot. Act enfor.e- that the nsp.ctors be respectfully ad•
jonty'taring refund to m..00rialize the smut. It had been pettedly • failure rued io prises w Wan alt mess. that may
Olstarto Government for the appointment throu,th defective machinery for carrying seise bafur. .buss nevonilrates who are
of a salaried Police Magistrate. One of it uut, though it had esrtaiely Gut been willing to act.'- -Carried.
the chief :natters to some before theme- altogether a hailer. He was recently
remtiou would be the question of how toMsaged in gathering statistics fur as
hare that !ening part of the Scutt AO ioSsial report epos the isulrsnno •/u
enfurcemest machinery supplied. le I ties, two ie the eoens of ye worn s■kt/
the while the eser.ty seveetee a magistrate bis opiate. gl tow whether
.d without that Deicer, he would strong- I there was s. much drinking gouts on as
ly 1 bringing all oases et V ' beisrethe Iliote Act o.uum in force. The
Litton of the Act, that could be fond itaaRistswie expressed the opinion that
out, before the ordinary magiatrater• there was no decrease, but upon aonsu't-
Even if their decision were sppewled! ing his books found that during the last
from the result of having tf ► year of the Crooks Act, thirteen cases of
be good. The inunlation oil A 1.w muchlied AWN below him, w.hi1.
cases as that brought before Meesaa I diming the Silt year of the Scott Amt
McMillan and (inwenlock on the 24th}}1i�� leen no such cams at all. sail
ins... in liclitllop township, when the stat:spar &leo iwdicassd • IRMt (alltwlsr/
senior county judge, a would-be mem-)id+reithenneas sad grimesdist rosea
bar of part.amust, and need► oil the frets it. From away settees there its
member* of a municipal counted were
subpeoed as witnesses, would open the
eyes of the public to some facts they
ought to know, and he Trolard would
have the effect . f makes' soma of ear
prominent moll ashamed of their con-
duct, and cause them to hesitate :u vie.
late the law.
Another matter referred to by Mr.
�1'iuon, was the change made by the
Uiomuti.w r t during the las
momenta of the late session of parlia-
ment in th. Scott Act itself, whereby
the tines obtained from un-
der the Act must no.w be paid to the
(iiovernor-Oen.ral instead of to the
Lisutenant•Goverour of the Provisos as
formerly. Ho hoped the fact cf the On-
tario Government being deprived of the Hogarth and Andrew Govenlock, which
tines, would not influence them to relax i cummitta. Jy presented a re
their efforts W enforce the test or with- ( port which • was treerired and taken up
machinery any of the achinery for that per senot;nt.
pose, which they had provided. ; Gees. 1 .1 that report, which reads as
This appropriation hy the Dominion folia.ws, was adopted by • unanimous
Government of all the tines, would or rots :- "Rewired, that the action of the
creme, be a serious dttiieult y in the way • county council at its Yat minion in refes-
ot the Ontario G. t administer- nog to ask the Onterto Government to
mg the law, as they would derive s•, appoint a police Magistrate with salary
revenue from its operati:.n, and would for the county, as requested by the tem•
have the salaries of inspectors and coin- pumice people of Huron, is deserving of
miseioners, and the cost. of 1 censure, tut the convention oomniend
prosecutions to pay. He trusted, h .w- the mime of those memb_n of the comn-
erer, that this loss would a - .t prevent oil who stood by our mese and supported
them from faithfully doing their duty the motion for such a me ssorial to be
Though many obstacles ars thrown to sent, That we hereby re -affirm our con•
the way of temperance workers, he saw victims that the appointment of •salaried
no reason for serious tr, Police Magistrate to administer the Scutt
for in spite of all difficulties in the way, Act in the county is an immediate nece.-
temperance sentiment is a.lvsncing. He ; any."
eloquently appealed to the members of The second clause of the committee's
the convention to be true to the cause, report, also unanimously sustained, was
the name testimony of • material falling;
off in drinking habits, and he was con-
vinced that wash good was really accom-
plished with the Act .vee imperfe_t0y
a 1 at nt. The Chrutien
1 e, however, are not do -
jug their full duty and must be aroused
to a sense of it and set to work.
The Prestrike' called upon Rev. W. ld.
]fartia to engage in payer and the tion-
ventdon adjourned for dinner.
At roe o duck the meeting was again
called to order and opeoed with prayer
by Rev. E. S. Rupert.
The President nominated_• rerlutiou
crxnmittee consisting of Mr. T. Mc(lilli-
easie y, Ree. IL S. Remelt, flame. W. M.
Hestia awl Messes, R. Atlanta, Septions
Mr T. McGillicuddy moved, seconded
by Mr. A. tiorenloak, and the Greeting
unanimously decided ''That a meeting to
further the interests of the Scott Act
wase he held in «sty Municipally and
that thelltt•cutive Committee be desired
to urge upon the Branch Associations,
the clergy, and the beseeches of the W.
C. T. l•., the i of holding such
meetiars. sed assess, tf necessary, w the
management of such gstheriega.
waa agraai that Cha neat convention
should be bald it' Se.fortb sarlf in
September. 11 11. boassiletiaa was
pnmonouneli by lip r. A..Illafawas end
the conveutlon classed a successful sea -
Lolly e'ered.
Mr. flerkieshaw, 26 Pembroke St.
Toronty oared cf a had levelness of the
ksee pent, up.ou which the surgeons
were about to operate. Other treatment
hail been tried in win. Usryard'a Vel -
low Oil was obs remedy weed, 2
tlma... to oats wet their Hill Heads. tetter
Held& kc.. to 'rioted at thes osee far very
little more than they generally pre fur the
pipet. and A to advertise their busses.
Call and see els and get prices.
lr. it h' isedio no papa -
reline haws v sp
such tlHfvsrsml mesa
usendatiou, for the alleviation it affords
and the it affects in kid-
ney diseases as Dr. Irditi Barea'a Maxey@
Cure. Its ae6on i■ these dietressisg
sem tats u simply wonlerful. Sold
by j. Wilson. gra
iZ,.derkh. Aug. St Wm. Mi-
TO owxslt.•t Of MTOi'x.
Use on your Machinery only the Well-known
KISS esti,.
piles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia
Removes an Unsightly Hut hes.
Owns l.riasu..ms in Cattle.
dpIna1 Mesrtits.
di1Qt tw■IID
SIX GOLD DALS nave be"'w'r..d'td,wsaa loot tato., Try
►leu our rt'UIaa. a5i& Y■Au& Ger )our Ytag•ees
and Horse ro..rn. Nrnu:a. t irrd r: /mora 1'111 CU wes'ka. b7
re, -ale bYATES & ACHESON, oderich.
Toronto. Jots Ion. Ise:.
Agricultural Implements.
C. H. GIR v iN
Mang IC noes.
Tonnder,wesk Lobs.
'Sparta. ttlegbene.
No .table should be without It. Railees&
naming andxprv.ds companies all sae Oiler'
Liniment. and in the Brest retag ,t.Wesut
Belmont and Lorillard R has achieved wood-
en. One .nal wall cont ince.
Write 11. It (i(Ll:.y. 'lot 3111. N. T. P. 0.
who will. without charge. site alt i, -e on all
diseases and atter on the Irmo
Auld by alt druggriwase Ay. end •I.ne bottle
and in quavtl .t kt.50,ts which there tscrest
saving. The Linisse.t in white wrappers is
ser family use : that La yellow for cattle.
4:1I.. Iodine Ao.es.Ma never Gad tattle
Tem dere.
l%. ed y .11 the I,adlae hersmsea ne Jerome
Park, Fleet wood. Brighton Bea. h. 4heepabeed
Hay and liSetrotad. Never dta.ell/It ate
Tonic. A e aad Diuretic �staer
Worms. Cum tediges, CsLtc. Hats. Sere
Throat: Catarrh. Pink -ye and
Rhetmattem. The dose is small and the power
great. Tho Towler an 1 sad
■�tha•dpb ■dNag Meataa ton bane)
Mew wde<
Sold by J'. JO*D*N, d!u Ooderith
OnI -
"Olt -I
"]ialden,♦ I?eb, 1,1M0. Gemlesses-
1 ...Tad,. h attacks of sick headache."
Neuralgia, female trouble, fur years in
the moat terrible and , man-
No medicine or doctor could give me
relief or cure until I used Hop Bitten.
'Tho timet bottle
Nearly cured me :'
The second made me as well and strong
w when a etttid. -
'And I have been so to this day.'
My husbaed -vas an invalid for twenty
years with a serious
'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint,
'Pronounced by Boston's best physi-
cians -
ind continue to fight earned and mai- Securable'
Y t,. the effect "tial in the opinion o[ the Soren bottles of your Litten cured
ted the battle 1:.r temperance reform Scott Act Association it is desirable that him, and I know of the
ein the present line• and he believed the at the next municipal elections only such ! 'Live, of eigl-t penoni
day to be not far distant when national i men should be supported ac a-ro favorable in my neighborhood that have been
prohibition will crown their alerts. to the enforcement of the Scott .kat. and
saved by your bitten,
The announcement was made that tyro ' the appointment of a 011areJ Peliee I And many more are wing them with
great benefit.
'They almost
Du miracles '
lin Mrs.
itisoge Walker mould not aesept the pest- Magisttete,"
tion of President of the Tuckenmith The third clause of the report asserted,
branch of the Soot Act Association, a • "That in the opinion of this convention
he would be absent from borne all sum-' it is necessary for the proper working of
mer, and on notion of Mr T. the Scott Act, that all tines accruing
cuddy, seconded by Mr. J. Wattles. the frum convictions. should go towards pay -
selection of some one to till this position ' ins the expenses of eaforeistthe aot gM-
was left to the Executive committee. .rally in the county. and we humbly re -
Motion of Dr- A'illiatwe, wended ' quest of tide- Oevernnr-(%eneral
by Res. A. E. Smith, the full.wing reso- . cogged, _that__the`-iaee beau app:
lation was adopted .-"The members of This repletion oleo received the
the Huron Scott Act tss ociation in con- unanimous approval of the Convention.
vention a.see,ble•l, hiring hard of the Clause four was to the effect "That as
death of Mr. Melvin -en smile,. of Tuck- the intelligent education .if the people
ersmith, late Vice Prasideot of this As- upon the Temperance question is neces.-
sociation fur that township, wish to era- ary to the proper enforcement of the
Toy to Mrs. Smiley our sincere and deep Scott Act. we earnestly call on al minis -
e ves thy th h h great 1 Iters and chs. people throughout els I
R. P. Slack.
111. Roc(' int* the Agricultural In:plentet.t (, .a.se(w, sad represents the f l:owien Ness. -
1(ARRIS as SON, Brantford, k lNliEit", MOWERS and REAPERS.
('UCKSHUTT. Brantford, Pi.. wt:, HA Y LuAlifetiat and SCUYI°.r. fl.
L. cosi MOWERS.
AGR�T t'Ofk
Takes pleasure in that he ha,
opened out a new
Confectionery & ?nit Store
iN GOD} Ri('li. on
aiVetetnpKnight'.Barber4be . EASE AND SECURITY
The nock Ls .sew, and ha. bean boseht from
the hest houses.
Ganulite No! YorK Sllier Soiug Iacluues
Ilas.:.'on *Ira ••t. • tea down hewer the Colborne Hotel.
Keep Your FeetDry!
Tie; :as, u tL.s.t a . rry trotting rot by I
AT T71 I
Cia1 b's� �1oc e .
1 have w t, 5..d eke 1Yges •} M : e r r r shown is e4d11eak. II.. w
nal h is • batter shoe store. tom i:+e "ma IYs ieough alt the iats.Mdlmde szade
to rite 1..,... cisfawh.de. l will se l at
Prices that Will Suit Everyone.
Ladies'• Beets. in Button or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00.
Yis8ss .an& Children• Btrong School Boots. from 750. up,
Boys do., 11.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap.
1 sin and cap: eon yen , b. 1..t: goods and prices.
. DO w NINc-
Cra1,1. s Ri, c'., C n.er est street and Ss uare.
V.R.- To the nada. Leather an,t dn.: r ,rs .:, any- q•sr.t{•y at IA wise Privets-
A call is re.feettull7 invited.
Goderich• Sarni:kn. MI 7010 It
4.... --
As there are manyinferior
grr.M• corded wth lots.
hear atc,oferwtand sold
prInpitgy by s,mewuso`-
ing on the reputation
our ire.! ('
VOW war.
.neo impositionby
big ` aetwtl.. ee
M Tv * r 5 K�e sent�M dr :o tabs withal! the teff. !tote f the l..yypprraa
ire *Art tke h'aI w•h..h a Tuts!!A VT bet sial IbWJia. and 1. I'WA1tD
EQGE RHYNAS, Druggist,
�wa80� AGIiIT ^, G}ODERICH_
• ETIOap
•fdeor.l1 Cer.11espoda
tfil h arse ors geaim
Po with her In her seat ran
We loin in the earnest prayer; that the county to agitate in tete pulpit, and
and of all consolation and grace, and -.I pubis meetings -
lighten her sorrow and her ti. bear with ' towards that tend. The tofvention was
true Christian resignstioe, the ills of of one mixed upon this r.eolativu and se-
tae, remembetine that the hand that corded it the same treatment that the ,
afflicts as Divine.outer received. 1
The president elle wed a discussion tr... Mr. Jas. Thomppss•m m, led, se:.nded'
take place, without a formal resolution' by Mr. Herbert Elford "Text we. the
being mired, relative to the Police Mag- mbers of this convention. hereby
idraey, and the action of the county pledge ourselves that for parliementary
council in refusing the request of the : ana mYrtia pmiuoria.. m;l
Association. only for those candidates who will give
Mr. T. J1c( slicuddy thought a thor- us a satisfactory pledge that when elect-
, ugh practical campaign should be ed they will carry out our wishes, and
oraenized and the county stumped from that in ease ui both sendidatea in an *l-
oad to end with t object of retureing action agreeing to be sa pledged we are
a county council who will ask for a a< libert ie support rt either etadidats, �tt w ruw.loww " /t•:d
salaried Polies :Magistrate The large y tit$moI t ne•,er r.
tt:n....r,n,rressie .hroner-
g and vete with the political patty to kee ,ars• •nd ,.verw.,rked weenies reMnsMr
m& ority obtained for t�{e �t Act :.. ..
¢ ... -Tar• a Farnit.
when it was voted upon was the result' nes nsr.wwtgc.•vmka. Nerds'
of • vm motion called forth • lengthy disco but admlrwhly' edema atnth'ni-.i of purpose,
tl;orceo eamp.ien when the tern. ' ann, in tete course of wbielt many I bring a meat potent Sp.rlfe for all these
;wanes people displayed eaniestnese and ee "vowed their o ion ' r'hroale yr. alttwers and Dawes 1"1,11.0 to
enthusiesm. Te him opim a picniea etadr I ofwPleb The en+frivanewat of mon itemised.-
nbla: m s sh heW in � M tat in strict susfut'etit� to eke rose :a• � of Pleb r•s.n,at the fine11,M' Hove! srrdr*-
ink Inal. sit•• her coo n e
hvalids' Motel
strait -t rirt.t.rw . "" cad nee.
Tel ray.leia..dng sego....
AL • - CHRONIC fre Mi nes. Hi. -y
Yank •tt• tr•tu.•ri Isere Mines. Ilhsy
tn•:e. •1 at home, thr pd�y.�
assn.. lien ea if bare Diann- Ooam. and
.re we or send ten cent. in stamps for our
'• nesting' Gelds -leek:' which Oyes all partln
..yrs A•ldrea.r WO•I•o'a !Marxism tic Saw -
GAL Aa.00Auu .OS Hato Wit.. Ito Rsh., Y.Y.
C Niai� ere tion. afforded Carne x,•r-rien--
part of the county and the sauahon fully Jir. J. Wynn thnnph• the trmperar.ce
discussed, and levitation. extended G,
lean -
opponents of the Sc•.tt Act to be present lie had always allowed political lsen-
and take part in the discussion. One t Ia. to outw.tph their temperanes eon -
cause would 'nee nothing by light b.isR vlctsona, and thought it high time to re-
set in upno it, verse the nrder. For this part he had
Item A. 8 Smith headily approved, Isiwnpe plsold pnittiee at the tap and
the ides of holding petit. metlrllgao f•rapdranerat the bs� 3S8 for he hal be.'
tiered the thstructfMt t t ad
During the eler.nin camiu:gn he and v.neement came from the krdittcal p•r y
Rev. alt. Danby held meetings in an
parts of their townships, in sehoul hour to which he was appealed; lent he had
es, churches and every place where they oow lerned that both parties are in the
r•,uld Get • meeting, and they intended way, and bad turned the matter the oth-
to again adopt the same course. .r way up, and in future would support
Res W. M. Martin also endorsed the i first at whatever cost to his
• urgesHot5 Ile regretted the lack of political party If his party were in lee
public interest in the carryitag out el the wa7, he would not be afraid if hurting
lsw which wsa evident. Even ominteten ' it' but would want to beet it if it did sot
of the Gospel hes been entirely silent do the rithi.
more the vote took place. in ord., b' Mr. Jas. Thompson thought that nus
make • eaeessa nt the entere.nsenl of the that the 0. P. R. is built, and we menet
law, we must preach 11, and inmate it and longer wrangle over that question, and
work 11 in exactly 11.e genie way as we the N. P., whin had long been a bene
worked for the carrying of the Ad. est is sloe an established bel,
The 1'readent strongly favored Auld- I we had better eall a (rues is Ito mill. •
dog public aumptiaita Gad dsacussioes. Der w. r• been waging an lona and make
dimply le in Otani and work TM torte our apologia' atf rpgt tad
e1• Qwallets wee kept h.fove the puhie a tneltler to shoulder nn that line
the more penpl. will he ennvino.d ti 1 coo accomplish • emmpbte vietnry
flat • verve veeM b We Meld sten make . Mr. J• P. "art and Mr..).
C. Se..this i.
plde prohibition..M- ,
In adapting ti-medf.• for their eon•. ewnl
ir. Fiera': Favorite Prsutiptiee
. the result of this rant experience Per
Internal eenge.tles. I.flave.tatlea
and eleeration. It 1i a 'apeelfle. It
u a powerful rt neral, M wa-U as ut.•ritre, tinge
and nervine, and Imparts rigor end strentrth
to the whole ey-.t,•m. It tuna weakness of
•-,mseh. IrwWp•atk.n• blowier. weak ia.•k
..•rr.w. pnrt„suos. exhaustion. Artrllts «si
fl••e plee.ures, in .•lthnr ser. Farnrtte
H„n r shy by dPte011r1=4-
artts Under
/un-egl►e. i.e w *roved he*tI..
PROs ;t.eo, ►~'a• !.Olt,!
Pend 10 st•nts In stamp. for DrPierre's large
'hewer es DUsens of Women ,110
p.pefgeveredt. A4 -lo' . Wo.l.12_1 hta•t♦Is•
• A50 Jesoogoa. ALAN taasaaatnoso meet,
eutralo. X. Y.
▪ V,f'
o s * V; LIVER
• Vo
ex ems MIA
♦1T1 -1111L101 s and C.1TMAaTtf .
I4.e/nee. ere�tlpa-
item. �Del f ee(l•e.
art velles.Att.rk.,
m,N:y sing t`7 ter.
leree'e 'less.■``
rt.*Iv Pollee.. >r
eras a rel, hy Dri.gwt.a..
EfU1:J3.6.'=314 DIZZINESS,
Aod mart up.cI.s of dr.eaae arldws fte,s.
MMrAar-UVIElt tostsfao•Illener Us oat
T. ■ILBURN 1 Ilk h" TA■fo'
West Street Peat Market
an It win pa you t to bey m, ar Furnintre teem the under. fined, se 38
-nve sew as contrite,
i do not adopt an et k s,M se•:
(a.! vertietrg a cheap apaley, tut w11 yell yeti • gen
maila the at prices that jar� to.urpin..•ft .tiwfl eonalt!,ro
1. nen.
1 hareabet added the prosess sit enomha.t.g, so .bat patties having to tend bodies n
riends to a dietetics ora do es at reasonable test.
West street, Go<r.teh. tenures) 1Le )post 011e aid Bank of ItestreaL
Sept. Nth. 'seat e,110
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street. Goderich
A good neutrinos, of Hitehlin. Hed-lira, I y 'ng P.uom and Parlor Tun Iture, Junk •r
iblea C .. $o .e, D�aswe =zoos. •M. lin th,arda. teed -steads. matt rewr. Tf..b-etasd
■n. No .s, 41'hst-r ts, ►n lilassoe.
to R. - A es'emit of Cottle and 8broudr always.s hood aloe Rearms for til
at reasonable rate .
Pieter* rimming • essetelty.-.._ A call eel:raea.
Augros & Jolilisioll.
Caret' Anisettes sad Prompt Iteilrer,.
A (:AL1. NOL1('rTRD.
Dee 1111. nee >a -
Now thetgrre tryou wish one ortwenice remiss athome. tome Pttter out 1.
He has over
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
,11nr tt��a���.rIserh Isferinrssnods• Ca: and Ne stets 7k
�1t1tE'yet.era sndwtstbeaold
The Lak1 Sprig Bazaar Pa1ris & Fas6ias,
lege 11
ad tt
Ike tl
w oes