HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-7-9, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 9, I886.
- __ _ _-------_ ----- aha paled ; ►es eytvdiLted.
yoe'Y not be sorry you have same -1 of disquiet or displeases") �' her eager* sew yely 'Meth -
••s, yuan to se..sad, earth it did not often show. The flee- She premed g
Least. frets." for saw that smoothie, was mars. Be et sad listened breathlessly as the due -
"What .aise4ef is brewing now 1" followed her into the kale patter•
said the doctor to hiamelf, with s frown eleOlter she beekaoed- hies ; sad there,
He was in his Gen little study, which fur ones in his hie, be' Mend stewed.
formed one of • suite of rooms lung sp- And Stephen Airlie was not s.s lylhas•
pcopruted to the ductur's penults. He ed.
hesitated few • [•e sum ase after read. A beautiful yuwaR woman in Mask
tot abe Meter, thea t.•uk • key frust his clothes, wit\ dark heir wit! gdst\erwd
pocket and opened a dour which was under a dainty Itttle widow's cop, sat in
serer uelucked save by himself -the, a tow rucking chair by the centre -table,
dour lata hie isburatury. dem heoast a Iu ber arms au ritually heaurful baby
sharp leek mead is ase whether every- bay lay fest asleep. Sbe dau nos none
thing could be safely left. There were when Lr. Atria* came into the room
various jars and bottles which be exam- abs looked at his for a esomeet with
toed with wove care, electrical and chino gathering defiance in her eyes, and then
she turned her gam upuu Ler boy.
Maggie Lipa :" see eselaioeod-
But rite weed•r went eat of his fair regiment fur hair, an' so I met him
•ren as he spoke. He nodded his heal there."
tette oar thrice, and •tuveyeel her with a
snails. "As I expected,'' he said quiet-
ly. did not appear to feel the full fora of
••N/,t Maggie Lc:4an," said tin bearer- this remark, he explained kiussaU fear-
ful young woman, as quietly asDb him. tber. "That was why Gerold Rutbvea
half /lead spaniel ea which the doctor , self bad aptken "Mrs. dsrsld Ruth- sant for you to meet buss there, my poor
had been taking experiments in vivissc- nen, JI you plasm, Dr. Air:ie." girl, Your marriage would haws been
tion The threaten was cruelly tsanttl- "That's what sM• keeps on sayia',' biadieg according to Scotch law, slot
id, and had had part of its brain tumor- mattered Mis. Pim. "Is the Imre clean asssrdiag to EosYeh km."
.d ;set it stall Gerreed, awl DAiello coo. daft, doctor t' IN •tale's face paled and thea lashed
tewpluted it with a look of singular The doctor did not immediately reply. Iscariot. "11I no believe h," she timid
interest "The vitality of some oaf these He regarded Maggie steadfastly fees few passionately. Thea 01tsr a moment's
brutes is extraordinary," be said to hint momenta ; then polled forwerd as aid seasollection, she sada, - "Te're i
self with a contemptuous smile. But faabioaed easy chair and sated himself serum, dexter. Be totle4 ase his sin
he was out ibinkia)t of the amoral jest in it, depositing his hat and stick on* tree wife N Seetl•.d, too h.loew wit -
• he should do so while the remota- levislit OAP would bays s yacht sad I lees floor beside him, and Jowly patine oft ammo He told m• that that made tee
beance of Bartle was soil strung within spend limit sunay days and welts upon He left the dog to its fate -utterly tit-
n• R p binding n aJeht be."
herI the blas Mediterranean. In winter they different to its aufferiugs-closed tb.
It was Beatrice who felt Morven's ab- would visit sols of the great trattoria doer was acid aalooked asotb•r, ■bicb
urians mast de.ply. Eke did not expect country hooses, whose Mervin woetd be 'Oswald *Pow • marmot atoms passapa
hies to take off her shoulders it. burden knows sad weleoteed as a friend ; and kit tirSs Stine in a tight of steps. Dr.
ul asd . fur tw'spring then would be ones more the Alrh. went down the steps sad stood
p round of balls and concerts .cud cc for a few moments beside the door to
that I tell b her share but erring
she might M them in this way, she felt
I►M she gelid $oeapt the respuasibiIitam
of s great postures with tron aLne, bed
also with sacred joy. But who would
help her to carry out thea idea f Nut
( Woven certainly.
Aute:w ni ••Jacnere Wee," "tlenrej She *addenty woke op to the 0...■-
iec.+s I' , cgs," a,%. sorrel-ew that the fellow -warier of her
dreams, the wan wldo would be the
helper, the c,uusell•-r, the guide of
sora s life see Ibis. had boom the fea-
tures, the outward sembla,tce, mot d
Long Musren, but of Anthony Lock-
tib blushed crieuwl *Lee she found
it out. She was thoruuahly digusual
wok herself. "Iit.w can 1 be so un-
womanly 1" she said in her thoughts.
"How mold 1 let my naiad stray in this
extraordinary manner 1 It was s tow
fancy, and 1 will net er think :,f it attain '
Neter, never ! 1)h, why did Mureen
The last farewells woos eo ogee, and
Beatrice, Lilies, a wsiuug-Sud, anal a
.eerier set alt toper the expe.htion which
was to brie back life and health to the
4uleI eyes and pale cheeks ..f 11.e girl
whom lure bed loess W warted, with stash
cruelty, eppereotly by her brother. Lady
blues was cep stay Riad ttet %Lorena was
nut Koine to accompany tbesn tr. Switzer-
land, although she thought it • little odd
est him nut to offer O. do e... She had
n ot travelled 'ouch it Ler life Miers. !wit cote. with u• 1 1 never si:oald have
Bet she reflected. Beaton was quite as tbught of such a thing if be had been
•oergetic and &raided as Women ; semi hers."
Konen Lad guns it would have been t And, as alte rneatally scourged herself
l*atrtce who really decided everytbiag and sat In duet sad ovate, she ams u Irl
sad made all the arrauywnruta ; and Ile A magic mirror what her life with Mor-
/tf was w fasledteas about hotels and travel. 'I `en would really be. He would take
ling companions that his absence wee! her to London, he had said, sod she
more of • :else( than s trouble to har. would boa pnwoted, and pea the season
Baudaa, sweet a was tier nature, she in whirl of gaiety. Morvan wee tiring
could nut divest brrerlf of the heeling , of country life; and he had planned their
that be bad been hard upon Bertie She future eery fully. They would gu abroad
had out (orgies" him fur the separation in the •utomn ; they would study art
fro" her lower ; it was imp+aibts that arks** the wonders of the tabun gal•
ical apparatus at which he cast • more
pummel glean., sad • pile of beautifully
wrattes manuscript, is which he was M
the Mbit of recording his
Beyond this room there was a grislier
apartsent--oat mush bigger than • prase
or • bei closed --tato which be peered
with • look of interest. It contained
one thing only -a living thing, alas !-•
ter peseueded with his speedo
"1 have no doubt," be mid, "that you
are attiag is t erfectly good faith. I do
not acmes yogi of any inner to decisive,
or W extort mosey by tales preteens
But as • tatter of tact your story n not
consistent with the truth. Gerald Itetb-
vea deceive you. U. mole you believe
yeeraeU hie wile. whim you were out his
wife at all."
"That is not true ; we took each other
for nam and wife before waterless -we
slimed at paper," beeps Mamas, in agitat-
ed, ins ignast tome.
••Where r'
"At Alnwick. Ile combine leave his
"Alawiek is in YaRlaad, out in Scut -
laid," said the dodder. Thea as Maggie
party : t t a way s
at seemed to her that Noreen haat fur parties sed ,wtusww. Tho prurp.ct had Shiva they Id. The il+oor wee low rad
,tune failed • little in taw chivalrous due no charm for Beatrice. tele shuddered Weld, very solid in • n, studd-
b tlbleh the was accustomed , as sbr tbeaght of it •ed with nails, and secured with iron ban
"What s hitt I" she cud to btly)t. and a padlock. It looked almost like a
androse ntir y, t he nfteasd, the poly door. The doctor listened at LM
entirely, to tbo party "}}•►•t • dreary, eiaifsas file iNf sena ��
,r wosas with beart or brain sed i Thole fee sone time, but the only
eau as tar a. Pewit This refusal was sound to be heard was that of a low
almost more pcashag to Barrie* them T° 'mums cm's s Pr° day long as
t�asei•g, as et an animal in pain. Dr,
nes' wbfch she renewed before mkt left that to work. ha mudded to himself with • satisfied
tbs Ttowees. Two untoward .vests M 'thou she Mopped abort in her tease- look u he turaed away. "AIL quiet
this kind naturally had their effect tome
bee salad. She biked herself little dread
his dews' et ber plea for Lili•i hippi. t were • child ' I du net want to play ;
hes 'eyes with an air al rofenional ser his true and legal wife, eves if the Ober
GUMta 1. Sams so n ing M
"Yoe don't lock very well, )Mie," "Oh M told yes that did he r fluid
said at last. aha doctor, aeteativuy. "Where are
wee, ' mid Maggie." She smoke your witnesses then 1"
slimly and with care ; it was evident Illitiere'u hes 1wilsbd. The remeoa-
thatshe wished to imprem bee heater':hesoc1 of her eonverwtlon witb her
with kir superior education, and refine- giendsaathir mems bee to bile iniad.
meat. Her swoop Wad hes. The ditbealty
is n t tbatts been hili it's of rovinher startlers was Si.. great -
Apr -
The First Sign
Of Miss health, whether tt+'t\i tams of
Night Sweats and lierrettsaaes, ear an •
seam est General RMrtaasr and toss of
Appetite, should wagger the cos of Ayer's
Sanapartlla. This is most
effecttte tor giving tone and eltvatb
to the .al•sbied system, preemies the
Armies and ewlatlatlee et food, restor-
ing tb• aerrous furdes to their eerier
condition, and tor purifylsg, earkkise.
and vitattaies( lie blow..
Failing Health.
Ten yeah nu m beak\ n to fall.
1 wee troubled with a di Cough,
bight ewers, Weakens, and revues -
seas. I tried 'serious remedies prescribed
W *remit pb ssclars, but became so
creak that 1 could not KO up stain with-
out eau ng to rest. 31y hinds noose -
sae to try Ayer's 8araapant a,
which 1 did. sad I ant sow as health•
street as ever.- Mrs. E. L. Warne,
Alexandria, ]llau.
1 hare used Aver's Rarseparllla, in my
Wally, for Scrofula, sad know, 1t It Is
take' tsitbtully. that it will thoroughly
eradicate kyr terrible dream. I have also
prearrlbmd tt as• took, as wall as an akdtn
solve, and must ay that 1 ho•m�stl) believe
1t to be the beat blood medtelas ever
L.- W. P'. Fowler, D. D. 8-,
el. D., OresaiWm, Teat.
Dyspepsia Cured.
It would be haspoestble for me to de-
eer1M wbat l ariiseed from Indigestion
sad lissdaeb• ftp to the arae I bagaa
taktax Arse* 8e. aiparilla. 1 was under
the awn et 'arts pby,ietaae and teed
a great maw Mei et mmdi°laes, bat
never obtalsed mon than temporary re-
lief, Atter tattles Ayer's Sarsaparilla for
a short thee, trey bdatdleebe disappeared,
sad my Nemeth perioniollsodoilos wore
perfectly. To -day my berth is some
pIrW7 trsyosed. - Nary Barley, Spring -
I have been greatly benefited p) the
prom ase et Ayer's Ssl�jeearrperllli. It
tweeted arise h1 `_� •s 1►Mi�a i
teehrreRvaae�et,ed e • h
wiboat ddoosbt, the meet nibble Ibloolad
pettier yes av ear n, I T Memo.
Athlaeta ave.,
Ayers Sarsaparilla,
TMpe•d b Dr. J. Q Ays h Cs, teeea, Yale.
Pete. gas an borne*. tits.
I u ane tae- P
the bairn - the Luy," setts corrected her- u Ibis gaup bad entripiad, and her grammimmiimamaam
self hastily. grandmother's readisem to sewer to any
Let one ase the boy," said the dos thing and everything that might be re- 1886
tar, leantor forward. But the mother mired, seemed attmely f&Wo is Dr. Air` SEED'S.
pressed the sand's Use more *body to lie's presence. SM was net eat out by
her breast.
seems for • eoo.).iMor.
' -Not yet,'. she said. "ll.'s better Dr. Aldir saw the herblike*, .tad toad '
time and beRsn to talk to I.[lias. Dotting there at any rete," he earl. "1t is. sow, "111 show him to you by and
the rest of the day she occupied hemi( not feed$tg time yet. I will go out at bye."
i whether Monro fps p\pnging,or wheth-
, , 'Hier b! roadie or talking oma„ "Wham I'm pito-if it's that ye're
while is the train, oractives He betel the doors with great are meaning," Mrs. Pirie began wrathfully
R sks we.' saw too booming to realeby upon and deliberation on bis wayback to bis -but she was intercepted. Tbedootur
his tree character. There appeared teodente of the nraorsmests for thea
. oatethimg &ilewble is hie refusal to let journey when out of It. She would not room, pot the keys in a sate biding- tamed towards her with • ooeraeau
Lilias marry the Dims ate weed, simply allow herself use momenta space of Place, securely fastened the outer door,
beams* he hod not ell tie f,,,a,,.e tbuuaht. *lamed
the w}wpmSilo\ be sailed his own, mut ( "Pardon me, my dear Miro Pirie, if I
^• • "it is no s " she said resolutely to went duwameiss. Me rlaminto the suggest tier 1 should be left for a litre
axial potation to which Larson Y
daughter and sister, might be entitled.
Bestric.'s thoughts turned
ably towards the ire. which she h.4
heard sauneiatid by Aatbouy Leakier*,
the titan of the people. the man who, is
spite of many a wrong dons hies by bile
knows. loved them and worked tor theri
e[ith all bis .trsnzth of body and mood.
"theta the people," he bad said simply
eao.gh, whim she asked him whether he
veiled hinewalf a tioaialist. Yet the rake
of (Le general gond be was prepared to
surrender his individsal rights ; his mo-
, tions were raided by duty awl regard (eve
the claims W others. Berries [eh that
if she were • Moa abe would, like to act
as Anthnn) Loekh•et was no,w duittit ed her abroad for that reason rather our friend might grow • trifle outrage- of all this, Margie 7' . not Asa over too lightly, allow me to
04 then low- I Nil youd.c»t'
l• "It j` 'Tbe oe splits sbarmly and direst. e to 'ninety. Maggie leaked as if she were
turned to .tone by hi. words. She hod
clasped her child -lightly to her suer ms
, her face had grown deal poli, -her
-os the altar o[ lbs tttmdern M/doeh of Juaiah's courtship, and had, in his own Keep it to yourself, for pity's sake, '•I've told you already. I'in Mets ium were fixed and dilated. When Dr.
wealth sod is.l►iem His woods and mind, little doubt but that Liltss w..ald he said. "Du you think I want to Gerald Rethven. Yon know what that I liras• had hn:ahed, she uttered • few
deeds had brought hose to her with ter- return t., `3ootlaed the premised wife of handle it 1 If you leave it in my Bare I mean.. l'in Gerald • widow. And this' •meds in a low, startled, and well-nigh
obs torm the difference of rootit• which the rieb staanta. tont. shall sot the doors opens -I warn you of --this is Gerald's boy." in•adible voice,
existed hetet."hetet."herself and her betroth -i
He had tantieed that the sight of Lil- that." By a sudden movement she turned the . ort true'" she said. ''Dill Gor-
ed. If klurcen could do this thine, hill isa' sad face and Beatrice's reproachful "Me dear Herren, control aureelE "a'd f Did he tell you that I
heart and soul must sure) D* eaten to 7' child's sleeping face so that the doctor i ear
y eyes seemed to touch Morten very keen. said the doctor, scathingly, as Is. took t plainly. Maggie knew wLt marts +ifs, due/or i"
the Coro by the dreier of worldly ally and to rote him
ail times to a .tats of op the key and pocketed it owes store. she was doing. Kae knew welt enough ''He did indeed," replied the ducts•r.
tion and petty pude. Hew ihee °Geld nervous excitement 'which the doctor felt •• You fu et -you t ef. There ie n°' 1 "Yell no deceive me, will you, do:c-
bbe loos him 1 --how make Nina a dutiful ° that her child's face res that of Gerald
to be prejudicial to his awn interests. sin in gaining a wild animal ; it must he Ruthren in miniature. The likeness for ! she said, mill below her torah.
wife 7 ash abet he had a 1441. mon of Under the circumstances Stephen Airlift people. woe entaimble. "�t'ia ye .wear that herald tease word, 7
P done our the welfare est ()leer ie.
Anthony's democratic •etitimeat : She had had little difficulty in persuading the Think of this, and try to see the matter '•I see," said the doctor, with $ grace Neil ye a God to witness that be said
would have respected that For, is spite Earl that his presenes at the Towers was in its true Debt '' nod •'I understand. Yes, 1 daresay he hsdns married se 1'•
u1 her ,ad,lgmt+ota •ud wrnodiop, she now especially necessary, and that be
A with t ierable aeeersey.
"You know you bsvwllow to being PGOVt1M.—Red, Lags trite, ALtite, White.
The Largest Stock in Town.
forward," its said, easel/ "Yea knew
Utast yah ham sense here heal elms Moo
mittisg a diecredlhbb leu&- o -" ' "rt'g q Mt" it's s lief treed )Maggie,
spy:mgitlg to beg feet. But Um doctor
went en.
"You wast to gain hooey sad pavilion
herself. "I am bound, and I must make library un his way. Moryen was there, time rose with ay ywog Mend bares for your driid, tend roe think it will be
the best of m) cusdition. 'Erin in a es Nei, with an open book before bias. There are matters which she may prefer may to paw ynttrteI till' • Ger•!d ltetb-
palmce lits may be weU iel: I awe tag But be was not reading, mad there was to discus' with each of tis separately ; do veu s • iduw. :tut so gamy sa you think,
to lead a tolerably maul sort of life, see esprdwon of extreme and painful std- you sot think .o l' girt. Gerald litaibren • ai•test.mt on
"maybe ay, an' may\• no," mooed j his deathbed that he bad• leernat and
• en, at the Towers, em I1Rxvsn'a Sias sea *Km his rues
I hall used 't tlDon't les tae interrupt your stead- Mrs. Pirie drily oslthough her interims' taw" a *tandem Yost Siff to emiritd
Lucerne. e •
OR�, Timothy Seed Orchard cram.
McMi&y Dime, Red Top, Lawn Gram,
Renta. mid Marietw'A
41.,111A NS- INa►sr,(Aviles • utter Beans.
OA}Ttt a AtmttaLan, BAek Tartartaa,
Os. -Yilb: d lbotttsneeeta,
• .satrann. Beres
Pt plea- W alta Marrowtat, mad
yid. eta. rlwn.lel O'Rourke'•, Mc -
le Hoa, etc.
Yi.d—lil�iitl� CYtax tired, Linseed Meal.
M ANGOLUs-Mamtnoth Lona Red. est all
TUs�wede, and all other Keeler
tl:4itROTe.- White 11.1... iced Field In-
terwtedlate• aid all &Lids of maroon car-
rots. • get to t W mp, Coen , 1 before your testimony or that of Swa warSaed• and sal klads of Tield aM
love. • les,•' said the doefor blandly. "I :nerd• evidently appeared. "Gin le bring l y 7 ?veer (iarArn !feeds. carettdty •elected room tb
1 t was rather a dreary way in which tc !
17 wished t o totell you that I thought of lire lassie to reason d/ ctor I ! n.. Rion t witnesses. Lord Monne, himself, ere horse. •
A o1 mesh Ground Oatmeal
out fens little weft Du you wish say ye. There's the dinner to cook for t ktloea the :vera. Lerida Rdsttheen was justarril'ed.
oderich .
Iirhs were left b*hin,1 at the Towers. Niemen hooked at him for a m mod demigod, butoo.leri b. leek. !Mb. Ides. fMsdn+
he said curtly. i behind her decisively. Toe doctor's est year positron the time, C. contemplate a brilliant
going '
to impact my -ah ; laboratory -while I the tea brew gentleman •bane w, sae 1 a false, tad rata, and Lit his pie b SAMUEL SLOANE
Meanwhile, Lard Morwen and Dr. am ontl 111 awn' to the kitchen." entrap you very skilfully. i sin ivy Hamilton Streit, O
moment She a her exit with mune noise yon, i[ indeed you were rade
The declot had had many masons for an
d then down at bis book again. "No," , than elle usually made, abutung thedosr it is highly probable that you were aware r *ppgOSt�
wishing to keep the E.d at holes. He all 6 and that uN -j- a
had seen the necessity of getting Liles "No I well, perhaps that is beat. i face changed when she had rote. 111 you are rendering yourself liable to ins-
Next door to Dhotis. Delmore.
sway from a place where she might meet 1 scot for a• attempt to extort
eeretawtly 1 u b we
But had I not better leave the key in hardened and sharpened suddenly. Prison P selected si,,�c, cbutoe
Berme Douglas may day, and had ".'der your charge! if I were to be detained, 'row, b. Mid, "oat is sot seeing money -an t fierce which the law does
Obs siekesed at the thought of that than fur the benefit of her health. He aaa.„ Hs laid a key on the table as he
Maggie glanced at hi
worldliness a mind which set hooey and had contrived, moreover, that hie cotton- voice.
Bred her .bite eyelids
land Walton love sad parity sad teeth. spinning friend Josiah W '[ -iggins, should • dark rad flesh Shiva was )tor• means," she said, '•theta
M etetfioe�
emu of emotive moulted to los Asim my cern usmse'attd hey it
considered that lye mired the one chosen the Beatrice and her f.•rwhead- H. punk" for key aft --y last.,.
"And what may those be 1"
She WOO ybsttaed of Wortnsa sus Asjsu to Switzerland M the Mee route as alma
only inter -s hike "MIS like Linea 'mein ; be thea loped to facilitate
rre„asi•ed the truth whim He waited for an maser, but Murcen that h* is Gerald'. boy. But the toes- The doctor seemed to flfhch for a mo-
le 1*sttttelt+el) wild nut be spared b s.eampwy the merely laid bre head town on his folded tion is -Were you Neeetd's aife 1 Aryl mat : then be smiled pityingly, as A he
it was presented to kir. ahs knew she f two ladies to the mart Swiss pension arms as they vested upon IM table, and e'.n his widow f were carry for the benighted eoadutia,n
ted man sympathy with the wurkinv where they menti to pans t (ems weeks would not speaks word, `Fite doctor - Ma.ggids eyes flashed. For a moment "f bit mend -
daises. aha toilrn and suBercn of the in Ihwe. he moat to bind Lord Mor -
shrugged bis shoulders and sped softly I aloe seemed read) to make • passionate "My fuer rir1. ' he said blandly, 'gm
world, than with those who wore perp'e i u 7
roti W himself by •4an
11 sloes[ d closer out of the room, and ". his way. "He reply ; then she commanded berm fend am rnd'7 tot 'went eve
t to every rything
asd 8e linen and tared aomptuooJy I mends, and prevent his \stet ttadel) in -
is eery weak," he Sid to himself, dents- answered camly. '•I am that," she said, that I have said, if you rer1uire 'mato
looking the doctor is the face. "Wherst
are your proof 7"
Again she hesitated : again the etrog-
gle swerved to ire waved within het; but
this emotion triumphed and elf-oont-
mend went to the winds. "(ht, doc-
tor," she pried, bursting learn paaionabs
tears, was they sae papers found when
Gerald lay a -dying -1 - Doi be as speak
of ms 1 For it mai he that had the
Fresh GTocorie5,
which will be fonnd to compare favorably.
both as regards quaint} nod Woe, with
sery other stork la tib vlel•IW.
every der 1 finmaeed by Beatrice Easilmoelle_ --- • ty;--frbe troo the lea[, sidewalks nit
As yet the metal of • Beatrice's nature moue saw very well that Beatrice had dm Park -"weak as water, is spite of
rang tree ; it had not hese oereodd b7 nearly pnvuled with Lord Moores on that proud outside. 11 was always so ;
the destructive in/wows of rank and the day when he had interrupted the his father was so hereon hist -Gerald to
luxury. It was more in harmony with oonverialion of the eosin. He thought (Jerald Sores, perhaps, than ails 1
Lockb•rt's aims than with any that Lord with anme of the way in sometimes wonder to ayseU,"mid steph-
Morren had set before her. Bal this whir\ be had rye -established his aaceed•sot Aiello, with • curious little smile,
she did not know. ancy over the Earl. "The ver) secret .,what will become of lord Mertes and
oh, wet in the railway carriage with of nay anoeesa," he said to himself, "lies his family.•'
ah let her fancies drift- She had in my being always is time to prevent Hw alked fly, and reached Mrs
Pine's house soon after the hour of Proofs, and h• ul - y lel
• m stoat
• we. a to me n
even, He lie/keel a.
keel blandly at the hoe to him, ' he wad lsake a richt
as he mounted the steps, and caoght mss ! nue* me ' I trmMmd a' to hiss,
eight of Lr'ekh•rt'• figure et use ret the and you ken doctor, yea ken "reel that
upper windows. Anthony drew tree at Gerold L,'ed meas his sin soul.-
oul. '"fin far you are right," said tree doctor
themselves, indeed, but r the trout of would haus told her the whole story the doctor from lifting bis hat and Grail- quietly. " f:enld wee very fond ret you.
their poorer brethren -bending eves. The lock has boao w lar decidedly en myiag his reoogniliaw with *legitimated eor- I gathered se much before be died."
r } iseident of their lives to one haat sad aide." dislily. Aa1\hey'• Own Maggie stopped i "Bespoke of
noble aim, the help of needy thea. For Al this true a letter was played by v ?feel cry ng
of no seed- a servant in Dr. Airlio's hams It was Wise of savor mold not 1Qe 1' she vasp*d. "Ile IoW you -o\,
tbetessivmt, eo pride plass, he heard, but it was quite correctly dig• doctor, what did he sayT'
leen loamy, ''Plein lulus tad \ala written on thaws rated paper in pale
i reed by the visitor.
tseUse haw an occupstton she mie°hiuf. 1 was in time to keep Morvan
wee enlaced in when she began to frim. frost Disking a fool of himself on that m-
a picture of her futon Itfe with a man rasion, as i hare been rift en may other
who wee one with herself is tboegbl and amorous, but only just is time. A sewn -
sopranos. She maw mu
w herself beside him, smut later and be would hese yielded !
I Mlirre that h
to peen
. Wass
working with bier and for him- not for iter ?ninnies lutes, and ! ones, hat not en clerkly as to prevent
do so." •
"Swear, then, ' she said, ranting a
bale as she *peke, ant teeming even
whiter then befr.re. "Swear that Ger-
ald was a traitor, a lever, • fause black -
hearted villein, an' then -an then --I
will be:iec• y• .i
"I swear, then," aid the doctor.
"Ca' Gad to witness," she gasped.
Niel the weeds, or 111 no believe at."
"I call (Ind to witness, then," aid
Airlie, •nmewhat impptieitly, ' if you
will have it so, that Gerald R'stbv•n told
Kamm,me in the Kamm,Kamm,of L.rI Mentes that
you were not his wife."
She etaggersd • litt'e as if Phe w.,ald
have fallen. He casoht her by the arm
to steady her : but she shook off bio
hand. She stood erect, with eyes that
darted with sudden desperate light, withw
l cheeks paled by a pioon before whenco
even the hardwood old dodorm;send
la retofa
rninor thanks to y coetom'rs for
their patronage, i would also invite any oth-
er, who w111, to call and rnapeet my o' k.
0. L. Mcxa� ,1 SH.
Sewn- west aide of the tdquare.
Oodeel'-Is. rob. tush. lees.
thinking," dte+ettew to Humanity, be the b oeralik bit. fiat the handwriting was i "He spoke el you -yes." said Dr.
meted oars'Mn. Pirie rues Dr. .tints at the d
Well," said
tlitgi,ta, WI* Wooled h view, B.ttede. "Hemmed [fir,' it began "Vial yd"a b. to her ehe•rfs �''" and 1 will An ilea thy justice to say that ire
d the people sae their fairly neat tad geed. ems Rei.. lie MIA me the whole story.
thotatll-5 the ohs maid hear 1. be mink. de he s kinda•m to step down this
Bbl W tfw•gs ekreik trees the Heart allersonse to my house, as 1 harm to
of wraith sod power, *seepl re loam- entomb you on very ihpnchat heelewa.
..osis ler the good of ether peavls ; M I elm lett to tremble yoe, bet 1 think
what is the matter now. Ian. Pirie 1 Can *weir regrMted the part that \. had
I dP swain foo > s i' played inwaade yea, and that he begged
"9111* in h.ve. plsaee, sir." mill ern. me with big last breath to ask foe year by Burdee Blood Bitten, whieh petrify
To se.
ObmtIn to skiediesenes, hamar. of the
blond, tows .d old notes are cored
sad regulate all the secretions 2
Pirie. Her enld Imlww-e LAOS wore se. psi
To the Wood Ilrwtvn of she Serremeding
Ws wish to my that we "'represent' to take
your Woo: in exchange for Goode, or w ork It
for you trio an of the followi.t umbar+. eta
Blankets—White, Grey or Hors.
Shirting• -Grey or Check.
Clothe -Tweeds or Full Clothe.
Light or Heavy.
Plannels-White, Grey Colored.
Union. Plain or Twill.
Sheetiage--Broad or Narrow.
StockingYarn - Write, Grey.
Clouded or in Colors.
Carpet Warps made to order.
par W/rt{n
mane tie work eanaot tie
rd'• wi,l endeavor in neat Baer. Le dO
t the ser It Is hyoesht In, it required.
Contest Ppieining aid Ifeeitego or apl.sl g
on the toe, corm or flee. Aare or tett twee.
ea tegetree.
We are ea • peeltlsw to de all triads of .r
tow work. Nosily Mae to • fell est emulous
mill, a•d we will riarantee to do for you All?
•gnat. If net a 111t1e better thea say la eo
A cal respectfully selIeIted,
East VIA Woelea Mos.
OsAeHeb, ]tat tab. Mt.
All Mop Pima -The 'Waren ill s
Dr Low's Plesm'M Wolin hyrep veli a
rests ',flies ores its rinses, tat