HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-7-9, Page 22 THE HURON BIOJ[AL, FRIDAY. JULY 9, L886.
..rk:ait macbisery, and keep :see with
the regslremeeis of the trade in eon
carat impruvemeata. Th'!1..y� 'oaks a
.p.wIty of the "Harris Cuhgs esgime."
A Sketch of the Manchester of They soil from use sad of this Previa,.
to the other, and their buriases = es
tending so rapidly, test they arop• ktug
• large sddiliu. to Ode works, •100 It
aaa.etbsas abe.a No Mets =amen she s 16$ ft. They emttginy *beet the hands,
?reseal diene erten. principally aided nswehasies, who earn
good wagon P•ig over the ire 'The Manchester of Conde t is .
hedge, we neat visited the saw works of now getting
T•, get .ray infonneta a hen., yue here as evideao.d by the doe prIVat. dwell
uyp .noted Jaat seaauo and sad those ,n e'r.a tae kostrwM ft.r.t t
to catch it m they Iiverytetn ,s eon ol OOSetrweuovi. Th. estimated In his address* the Laval University
stir and bustle, but we food the ubh, last, the Hes. J. A. Cha
lag manager, Mr. Jauwi and from him Yalta 01 iibt$35 ,0 erected last year i.: on Tuesday P-
J.less, tleerotary 01 State, referred at
,sailed eassthnig of the progress made Put erto .sos.d iho. and ibis year they j some length to the motion of the Premier
by this Ina. The proprietors are hots naps' to „mei those fi,Puras. The r _
Mamoru Yankees, shrewd practical men, P"rtiaa of the town. n being built j of and
the new himself
Cardin�al. teachp• +manner
Govern -
and about sixteen years ago. they started the hall odes, and tit •tow yeses, w I al to lead Mom• to bol'e's that Canada
with u or az bands, and haus made duo attesttua to parks and tree oration .
solid prugnms until today they ship t . u'u tis part of the atl father, (LIt will (meet fwas ur the rwebted to tehuuDelphinia
o ih.et wed u onn
al parts d Como& •ad Caned States.. "',"rut` tul tent. 1 anti.•' c re wtth l the Catholic KChurch. Hie statements
They now have 80 hands or. their pa] out referring bneB] to
roll, all skilled eh cs, and the ran CRIRIT/RT. aroused to much curiosity and were tom-
adored so strange that a Heald reporter
wages paid hen are perhaps the highest While not having so naturally b.e•ttf•1 1 went to the Arrbisee*'s Palace leM
in the town. They saanufacture ell s situation as we have, they have mode i evening to lied out flu whole truth of
kinds of saws, from tee finest hand -saw up for the dencieney, by the ata be- 1 the matter. Rs was received by the
to the largest cireslsr, and with • hand .towed on it. I think nowhere in Cana- I very Rev. tither Maroc hal , Vicar-
s^me saute of diem and well equipped da can it be exceeded for the beauty of I General of the arebdiocaea, and atter
shops, they do tie largest trade in Oa- its *mignon', which aro clipped in , wzp►siaing the object of hie mission, re -
nada in their line. Th. nest place every conceivable shape, until you won- I aired the (Oolong statements:
visited is the king of all. The establish- der whether they are really living or "Tou an state lively that neither
moot pointed to with pride by the pe- simply temporary ornaments Meek tn; StrJobn nor Mr. Chappl.au nue •n of
pie of Galt, the ground. The make and flower beds l the other Dominion Iilinisters bad any of
AND K'etu.Ot'GIR. are carefully trimmed, and seats are thing whatever to do with the elevation
This firea hes recently mad. hires ad• provided hero end there, end an hour of Archbishop Tascheresu to the Card-
ditwna to their woesahop, sod now em- oma be .pmt with profit is thin city of malate."
ploy three imitated mad fifty hands! the dead. M "But Mr. Cluipleau led many to be-
►ILa ASD W ATti i
To see them turn out at 6 u clock is a 1 ltevtt differently in his address.
sight. They employ s11 Sen, the work Owing to the substrata Wino solid bed "Oh, well you know that thee* poli -
being of such s nature that girls could rock, which peep through the _oil fre- I ticians are ever ready to mak• capital
not engage in It. They manufacture
ensues, boiler, portable mw mills,
shingle and veneer machines. They .bo
manufacture woolen machinery. 'They
aro working fall time, and have orders
ahead. Theca sate works are far behind
their order, and they bad mversl on tits
of Canada" (hk, like other towns in flour crated for shipment to Nor. Scotia,
Canada, had the usual among d diff- British Columbia, Winnipeg and Q.e-
cultiee to omens* in the lack of senna ben- Th.y bars more than • pi-oviocial
Janeiro sed neighboring ports while welTHE NEW CARDINAL.
were thew. Mr McGregor is an .ifd
Garderlok boy, sod was • clerk for Or1I•
Geo who st one time did business hem, The vicar-GwnKal Ixpo/M •
bit It wee before my time. Nice Little Tory Game.
Them are • number of other msnufsc-
toeiss in Galt which in the limited time
at my disposed 1 could not overtake, but an A wtesweee ween gam ae-
I'kink bum the sample 1 base gtv.n riesenesims s.taeesi e. weans/ rase
res. is ha. luetly ..rued ten' title — ser Jobs add taw s.. .-p ,/•ease ems
T ae.ai.e N de WIRY the •NNaeMN
.I f.rdlaal Ts.ebereas.
M'r,ttes tat TNa 11t•maw'wir•i.-
Like all great manufacturing centres.
Galt seems too busy with her local to
deans* to spars time to improve her
naturally beautiful situation. Built as it
is partly in • valley through which runs
the Creed River, sad partly upon the
two opposite bulb, nature has bees rob-
bed of the o•toral beauties furnished by
the woodei hills on either side, and very
little has beau done by the town to re-
plenish these depleted forests. To the
eye of the tourist the town itself provosts
few pleasing aspects. The streets are
narrow ant dirty, being littered with
piles of debris and build,ng material.
TRI acssi*a
partakes of the grand and sublime, and
viewed from either the Credit Valley It.
It. bridge, or from either of the hills,
the scene operas like • panorama to the
eye o.1 the spectator, sad stretches away
until the eye meets the green foliage of
the forest hill tops, and the blue sky
above, while below is the valla the river,
like • Aiming aerpeat, winds its war
yeti! lost to view in the bend of the val-
of Galt is merely • repetition d the early
days of most of oar Canadian towns, and
the trials ani hardships seduced by the
first settler form the ibeme fur the
stories the old like to tell end the young
to hear. The founder of Galt was Mr.
William Dickson, who is company with
a carmen* mimed Shade, a shrewd Now
England Yankee, laid the foundations
of what is now terssed the "Maaeb,.t.r
■emasesss Worsts&
"Tried in eke balsam •ud fou 4
.sating," a the general verdict rent. r-
ed agaivat moot .d the su celled cure• ler
long troubles. Such • deoisica hes hey-
er been given against Dr R V. Pierce s
"Coldest Medical D.ocooery " Oa the'
ooatrsry, it is ouwocdod by thussamde
who have tried u, to be the only remedy
fee ouoeamptkw (ssrotei of the lougr)
and serulukws diseases generally. It
will out euro wham both lungs ore must
goon, but if taken *hen the dare is In
the first Magee it never fails. It u also
eyelike fur sash serotulous affections as
Mew sores, whits *weenies, hip-jotat
disease, and great .Ming elvers, and t•,r
blood taints generally, flow whatever
cause arising. By druestste-
of tion, fad the farmer bad to reputation, and the name of the firm is
exchange what they grew for familiar to every mill -man in the Pro -
and store truck, money being • moos vines. The baa of
commodity. However, it las keg since CANT sena yD UO.,
overcome all these obstacles, wita - whorl) we nett vMiwedonaako a spesiatity
Ire easy insane of nation, having : of sad hail,
the Grand Trunk proper, the Greata ani carriageasiia.ey. The late
Western branch, and the Credit Valley ter breach ssa • aew hes fee Canada, bet
rtdlruads running through itWhile - elessdy the Laid b toe yew for the
speuding a day in the town 1 took s roe cepa., she to sag toll time
thewg\ the principal tm wuf•etariog es- 1 ith their eedore. They skip
tabliebme.ts in company with Mr. Wet. to alt parte of O•meia, sad have bees
Ludlow, *retired manulscter•r,who hes filmed orders reasetly for Britt•\ Coign -
carte blanche to all of them ; and • short beo They employ 39 hand•, ell skilled
description of ay vat may prove in- OeChogjeo
tweeting to year modem. C TNI GALT mace nes t>rlfa WOMEN.
at the heed of Water street we iir•t mi-
tered the The nett plseo visited is a new venture
TWRID KILL in Canada, the niaanhctpr•re of wood -
of Ella & Godfrey. They make •cpm working knives Irowt�, having to import
cislty of C•aadien tweeds, end sell ea- their dfrom the States. Me H
tinily to the wholesale trade. They torn to gradually working op •hod o, end n
out 3400 pisses d cloth moonily, nily, and and set ally p ing own the opposition
and seta his own trade. He ie
employ about fart/ hands. P^uap•11y • tiottoughly Pr•etio•1 mechanic, sod
girls. Mr. Ellie is quite • genius, and ran snake any kind uta knife used, it a
has patented several ' In sketch is furnished. He employs at
for the manufacture of cloth, present 16 htaod.
notably • pressing machine which does
the work of three persons, sod is almost TER VICTORIA wvisSL CO'T
entirely automatic. The bras aro now is the title of the fin over which ll[r.
perfecting • machine for extracting the Robert Scott, the present mayor of
oil from wool and cleansing the cloth Galt, is the presidiag genies. Mr. Scott
which will completely revolutionize that lea mea full of push and energy, and to
pert •of'the business. It is their intention that la doe kis present success. He is
to patent this machine also. The nest the Ent native of Galt who hes attained
place visited was the establishment of to the mayors east, axd the popls are
JONI( WLSDLAW & co., justly proud of him. iris firm mtaasfee-
who manufacture fingering and fine tures wheals, hubs, carriage goer and
stocking yarns. 11 , Mr. John everything that a carriage ttaakse re -
W ardlaw. is an old Glasgow maa, and quires y employ 30 hands, and
lies bem "spinning yarns" .11 his lite. their works cover half an acre aground-
tground.The first thing that Mikes one here 1. the Mel ship to an pare of the provineet
nature cf the machinery. It We paid • short visit to the
is all manufactured in the old country, CULT KNITTING CO.,
and is very expensive. In this place the occupying • large stone building on the
wool is taken io on the lower Boor, and river facing on Water street. They OM-
grao'oally seconds to the top story, whereo 100 hands, men and women. They
the self-acting mule and reels put it in make the finer grades of genu' and led -
shape for the market. The machinery we, under clothing, and an hour could be
asiloyed in the manufacture of yarns is spent profitably in watching the busy
very intricate in its workinrs, and when huger as they deftly cut and sew the
one sues the nice precision with which , , pia They meet with era.the wool is earned through the various a opposition from both English
stares of , on.' wonder at sod American manufactures. butareable
the amount of brain labor required to to hold their own against all comers, de
perfect the machinery. This firm sells pending more Upon the ezeelbaoe of
direct to the wholesale trade, but their their goods than upon the protective
urns are distributed to all parts of the tariff imposed by the L They
Dominion, and they handle about $80,000 sell direct to the trade, and ship tteir
worth of wool annually. A man acts as Y to the remotest corner of the lase.
foreman on each Boor, the principal am- on remember reading in your boyhood
ploys,. being girls. They employ about days of the manufacture of pins, how it
40 hands- As we passed Up street we took feu men to make nes pin. The firm
dropped into the of
ei•LT /RLT aged . (1., c uasuoR, OUCatr AND CO.,
but did not go any further than the door. which was the last one visited, carry on
This is about the dirtiest business one the manufacture of pins, in
could well engage in. The felt is m•uiu• with their other lines of wood -working
lectured from the pickings and refuse and woolen looms. To me
of wool, and the process of refiring and the manufacture of pine proved interest -
extracting the oil is such s dirty joh that
one los no desire to enter into the de- ing, and the various stages from the coil
tails This is a tavonse snot with the mer�f Wer. in the r v e of pia heady too
farming eommuuity, and last year this our readers. , meal Thee r like rem wound
firm sold 60,000 pairs Tbey bare re" • four The wire is firm wound
neatly extended their business to Buf- from the nk it p rf bundle, straight.
to cW�h n
falo, 1-.S , where they have built a fac- dee, u male it perfectly h1tA'bm
tory, and expect to be ready fur the fell the bundle is large month, it is eros
trade. They employ tw.ntt hands in : tarred to an &alumnus machine, several
of which stand in a row on the Boca. It
Owls (iti{ilactor.yr. m.0 �bt,vq Direct -London yy a oelryber ref Dunlop lads.
(' opposite are the the end of lie -lits country r oafs
. wire inserted into the machine, whish is
nor women all the attention required. All it teats Sue's $c.ttla•ofu.—Jo.hn Frazer, of
of McDougall & Co. This Aran mann- is to be well fed, and it will do its work Ie , 8041111141, is engaged u fere
factures pumps of all kinds, upon which , enough is right. The wire is drawn through by
jaws, and whim mit of Lerneide Farm, fur the coming
they •» constantly making imprui. - en through to 'md°m-
met.ts. They male .new pattern, all make a pin, •small knife cub it aff, and The big picnic at Kingsbridge draw
iron windmill of great power, which an at the same time s small hammer goes quite • num of people to see the el.•- holt • at Rhywse' Dreg Store. (3)
be used for grinding, cutting wood, and forward and "pub • head on it." The Ings. Our Architect 'lief not meet s fore
other purposes on the tarts. It is Sect Tins then drop into •grooved wheel, for tossing the iron oirelek =Ian•
nog with large sales. They alai menu- which covey. them over s number of re
facture iron fencing and cresting.- That volvingismer wheels, havingtwo mo itis our painful duty to record the
Yell direct to the wholesale Ind retail florin. These point the in. which are Reasons why you should purchase death of moo A. 1.5, bell, who died on
trade, and their traveller goes from Nova then carried on and dropped into bozos, Fluid Lightning in to ell Monday, Jett. Vet, at the age of 60
Bootie to British Columbia. They em- which a» taken to the lower Boor, where other remedies are ; Rapid moult— ]mea The whole community moron her
ploy 21 hands. We next called in to pins undergo • cleansing 'where cures instantl. It is easily applied—no loss, but, though we shall no more be -
the the g g P trouble- no lost time. It does net re- hold her familiar form, or hear her
sad are than sent to the pnp.mrs and vim, constant use --Doe s cation is
,.•LT Loot TOOL A:D lirham ie peeking room, where • number n ill. ! friendly us granting h.», we rej.,ice the
The noise of the be•ey drop hammier and g effectual. One bottle will remove more
Ilse ceaseless ponchos of the I Ater tri ere seated .t .mall msshmes, reeemb i n down • pain than an other remedy is axisteo:o. nur foes is her gain. A large concourse
hammer strikes t\e ear. Everything trip sowing sad bins. into nvasns rowhen one Try it for Neuralgia, Toothache, Head- f..etni�thendepg .rrttud a attended the
here u ; the cutting, pooch- R ache, Rheumatism :told a1 Rbc. •bottle d
lag and shaping regsirittt greet power. mooniest of the hand and foot prate in bJ G. Rhynes, Druggist. (3) 12 SHILOH'S CATARRH REM
fires and twenty to or ooe row, and the repo&
The glowing res • the busy workmen DY—a positive sure for Catarrh, Dip -
make quite an animated some. tt'e ex- ity whic they are papee.d or tet.xiisb Iberia n, Canker Mouth. For sale
leg. TMJ heves rmae\u.o w►tsh works 15 FOR DYSPEPOIA snit Liver by
pec(wd to find here our old to.wnamsn, jell tsetie•11, but it asetint raaning l iwriplelnt, you have a ppunnted rUenw- J. Waimea, iregt;tst.
r Wis. Bothwell. who is manager of when we went through. After tisa pin. too on every bottle of ithib\'e Vito/ Mee.
them works, bet M beim out we amid leave the pspesine mebine they go to it never falls to curs. Por .ale by J.
.sly tet the number et saes employed se the pocking table, and ore pot on in Wilana, drggiot.
about 1110. So we passed os to the saes reedy for tis. iaarket 1,4°B
40 hands
sits rodeo*T, 150155 •Inn ams WIN, a» .m ed le this faMory, .'treat 14 $Hild)H'B C�1tE w� itMedide•
numb* of whom .» girls. '[1e firm ly tolieve Camp, W\,te/Aag his nod
)fie•.» Ce wan & Os., proprietors. Thr ie *menial up the South Amalim t trade,
tte�mottitis. Fo,r sab by Jun vlileilm,
firm meaufaetures all kinds of word end an owdee was Ming put so druggist.
gosotly is the streets, it is isepss' ole to
bane either gas ur s p tem,
the cost of bkeais( arsine would be
eaormoes. They csnaot hove water
welts either. They are now baildisg
electie light works, sod impost soon to
have the town, as well as tee petocipal
stores, factories and hotels lighted by
the electricity. Galt pom . two good
ram occurs gore,
whi.b is the oldest, is kept by Mr. C.
Lowell. sad being situated
to the R R treaties, has a large oom-
misraal and tourist trade. Mr. Lowell
is a gcutle esu who thoroughly under-
stasads the busiher' and pap particular
attention to the 'orator' of lou guest&
the other hotel is tate Imperial, a 6ss
brisk building, of so» modern sppae-
aces thee the Queen s, and caters well
for the public.
out of anything and everything.'
"How was the aomiaftion made?"
"The question of naming a Canadian
Cardinal is not • new mos by anymeans.
The matter has been talked of for the
last seven or eight years. At home it
was felt that Cas•ds had • strong claim
to this great honor. Qeebec, as you
know, t. the oldest See on the auatiomt,
and we all believed that when the honor
wee bestowed it would go to the Ancient
Capital. which 1. the mother of the Cath-
olic chunk w the coatiaeet,"
Lefler nem Re.. T. Tb.ersee. • reamer
■ermine. wee et Ib. •seerers.
"What arra the difficulties which ere
spoken of 1"
"Well, Canada Is • sole sy, and before
the appointment of Cardinal Morn, of
Australia, iso Cardinale had been chosen
he the eolmiss. Whoa that appoint -
moot was Stade, a few year* .go, the
Mesas was removed. Dunne
the bast year or two we all knew that the
rustic 3CJLDIaG.. Holy Father was anxious to confer this
The G t are lust fiaishieg a favor on Canada, and in October kat we
were entified that the time had come.
A Common Cold
Is ones the bepawal of mites agse-
tisas of the Tined, $r.«'Msl Tubes,
ad Lgags- TheISAre, the tm#p�s of
only sod net -calve treatment esauot be
eked. Ayer'. 4. harry t'eetural
reg siways be riled wpm Per the moody
naw of "'Oita .e Cm*.
Last Jsasary 1 s s =toil with •
sever. Cold. w\kh. Iygreat tre�ret ire
roe, becems s S
i��� w luaus. • it
After oarless plug
obi relief, I
Aye" C Peebrrd, ,� t
Speedily Cured.
f'sm .atlJed that this remedy raved my
life.—Jwo. Webster, Pawtucket, It. 1.
1 contracted a .eve» eeid, which sud-
denly tirrek'ped;�outrtf Stile
iqg �aqg the nee of
](y peylebih st Dere ordered
Ayer's t. berry Pectoral. 1i1s l strlwtllu,
were followed, and ti Rlmrapid
awl permanent cure. —
RoRer Prairie, Teas.
Two van sr. i micro! from • severe
Cold which moiled on my ands 1 ear
phesce~wd' but received
only temporary
,bey prescribed,
A friend Iadured
only temporary
ask *skim try Ayer'. t d til � 1 wwee
ed. two bootie
toral t Mary lMen and cbateonsider (t Pec -
lural to my
The Beet Remedy
for Cold., Covet'., awl 01 Thrall sat
Lung disea.... ever It'd 1. my randly, —
ltobert Vanderpool, )Meadville, h.
Soule time ago I took a slight Cokf
whit h, being argi .ted, w worm. sod
matted tam my lungs. 1 had • hacklag
cough, and wee very weak. T\ese waw
knew se beet iso llder dl sa fe to nued te sufferhe
In great onager•
tint 1 commenced ming Ayere'. Cherry
NreteraL Lees than ew.' bean of �• z�
The following letter, written to a
premium* person iu Clint on, by •
further peat* til Brucrbeld 1'resbytertau
church, will be of special iuterest. and
should meet with a ready response: -
Vancouver, H.C., June 18t h,1882.
Deas lila,-1 write you num in
the midst of • terrible calamity which
has Walley our city last Sabbath.
About hag past 6 p. m. one building
aught has -suppueed to be from sparks
from loge burning on C. P. R. land. A
heavy wind was blowing •t the time,
cod iaeide..I two hours the whole city was
• mass of name, with the exception of 10
buildings—this isallth•tis leftof the .ity
of Vancouver. The reoauns o1 7 bodies
bare baro taken out, but it is estimated
that nearly 100 must have perished; the
hest way so intense that there must have
Men complete cremation of tummy bodies: _ _
2 belonging to my congregation perished wb emedicine the curvet
stk.n o, my IUs w ha
Mn T. and I amt to Sabbath school curative power.—)lira. Alta Lockwood,
at 3, but !here was so mush smoke in Aura. hew 1 alt.
the ebur. h we dismissed the *bolero, Ave" ('berry Teetotal N eoaelaeredr
n ot dreading any danger of fire, for we here, tae ern. greet rete dy ler all dresses
aro getting used to a t deal of smoke o. the aim* sod lungs, sat is sere
herInside of hall en boar the church than sh st1r tIRdtrbs d las
was a eta of 14m.—and was burned to 1 cis°. — J' F' Rebate' >wPsY, Ari.
the ground W. got to our house j oat A er's Cary Pectoral
y t
in time to save a few things --I saved my yI)r J. C.Ay.rklaw.Low.11 Yaaw
horse, • vary little furniture and some u gg els. 1'riIR g3; au,
s w tam, a•
of my best books. The excitement was
intones. The following examples .i11
giro an ides of the excitement: 1 reached Row use M rwse.U,a• we•mehed y W-
and • waterproof, and instead brought Th. (test Uermou 1 u the
out two pair of old torn pants I had east only specific for impotency, nervous de -
e[ One an went into his house to got bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
kis silver, sad came ort with an axe an pain in the hack or sides. no motet how
one hand and • hatchet ir the other. A shattered tt:e systema may be from ex-
womac ran fur her jewelry, and brot:ght ease of any kind, the lomat G.ruisu
out a holism in each band. Another Remedy will restore the lost functions
an gut bold of • satchel ani went tc and secure health aid luppmess. $1.00
get all he could in it ; be grabbed • pair per hoe, six boxes for #6.00. !told by
of crinoline, put that in the satchel, and all druggists. Sent on receipt .d prise,
ran. .another ran from the tiro with portage paid. by F .1. Cheney, Toledo.
only • strainer. These instances are Ohio, role /gent Jur United States. Cir•-
, but they, eerie to show the tiler and te,tIn:o,ials sent free. Sold
io t very
y of rho We bare by Geu. Ruynse, s.Jr y eat fur Gnde-
IoM very hm.tly. but our grutest loss rich
is our beautiful church, which our
people have lately built -1m had only
been in it four S.abh•the, and it was
rapidly filling up. My people hero lost
all, madam unable to rebuild. My only
way of getting • place of worship again
for some tiro 1. to make / personal
to cocas of my old friends.
showing your interest in the cause of
Cbrist and your sympathy for the suffer-
er, I thougit I would write you and eek
if you would kindly assist us to rebuild.
This is a hard place, morels are in many
respects low; there ide mime Sabbath MAVft'VOY
breaking, and eo great need for a plat. f3..resm* la isitih�lisersa
of worship. Our good people have shed l •es.i �R`miaeLDi�ria'sa,?ras"i'as�ie d >•"k
many teen over the ruin. of OW Zion. i..,, Oa. Csua�l..0 c.. 6. arsad . stir
I hope the Lord will pet it into the ad molls mower.
hearts d them who have mean. to help NATURCS IIRMEDY
liberall W. had a vis beaut,t ui ffs�eaga�4 ..carat Dr. C7,.s.'. flew GLw i
,t y 7 t.i.w .0 .y{irt neve eebiy .alta rhe ice tlrr it i
organ in our cltur:h, which we purchased 1 srvwded freaarmre•..tL►*... H..re.tetar.,.
from Doherty & Co„ Clinton—this, too, ter:. � a� h..�rriryl
wee boomed; we will miss e1, for Mrs. T. i.wer6l.ia es rhe bine" areal. lw."min
hes bad to lead the singing in the church,
and it is hard for her to do so without
the f L I would be very thank-
ful if you could induce • f.w friends in
Clinton to sold a an organ of the same ween nel�. Iwo INN MEI
kind, aloof( with a good It wrappedreeaa Ueda 0,. Cha•%LiewCm
may sera bold of me to plead to thisOwe 04
rosette tfal.ssslrld Memos c.:e. ots
po.o.s�eghr� emedics O wise
—Gone. sa
yriQh mane, (in. A sere she ps4 w
K .mea
hasdwme poet Sties and customs build-
ing st a cost of $25,000. It is fitted
with all the modern .ppiamesso. fed is
heated throughout midi steam. It will
he finished this m nth, and will he one
et,the finest bsildin,ts in the town.
Wks troubled with Pimples, Blotches,
Roegh Hands or Face, or sores of any
description, should use McGregor &
Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It will leave
tie nkia in perfect health, smooth, clean
mad good color. Be sore and get the
geoids., made by McGregor & Parka
Price 25c. Sold at Geo. Mynas' Dreg
Store. (3)
Grocer Ito clerk —Corer up those
to keel the cies off. Clerk—
Shall I cover up the currants, too 1
Grocer—Of sours@ nut. Flies and cor-
rects are so much alike that the dif-
ference is not discovered until it is too
"What is McGregor'. Speedy Coro
for 1"
It is for Dyspepeu, Licer Cumpl•iat, I ober last that the Holy Father was
Indigestion, Biliousneve, and it n the l •nzio•e to name a Canadian Cardinal,
Moist blood purifier in the known world 1„d he was „bed to convey the intelli.
today. I eeoos to the British Secretary of Foreign
' it give satisfaction r'•
Bet, as you aro aware, the Holy Father
sever appoints • Cardinal before having
Gest obtained the essersaee from the
country in whish the prelate resides that
*tick an t would be well re -
saved. A Cardinal, stthowjh an secl-
ssisstie and s councillor of His Holiness,
is also • political personage. Therefore,
before the tot Mgr. Taea-
ereau could be made it was neceesary
that the British sod Canadian (lovern-
mentashoold ioform the Holy See that
they would look spon such an appoint•
merit with pleasure."
"Ther' the appointment was decided
upon before Sir John or Mr. Chapleaa
were aware of itl'
"Certainly; the whole thing was de-
cided The HolyFather wits solicits to
give this proof ofhie lois for his Catho-
lic subjects of Canada, but the official
could not be made for
the reasons stated above, because if it
bad been it would have placed the new
Cardinal in • false position."
"Well, how was the difficulty bridredl"
"Mr. Chapleaa in his capacity of
Secretary of State, was informed in Oct -
Affair, who in turn would transmit it to
We cannot point to one instance where the Papal Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
it did not Sir Jobn, who is • good tactician, was
"Where does it bays the largest going to England then, and he under-
ssle 1,. took the sseion of notifying the British
Right in the city of Hamilton, phero ��„ he did, and the eus-
it is manufactured, there has been oyer, a , ,leepaten wu amt from the
one thousand dollar' worth mold in the Fore OGioe, til the appointment.
last year retail, sod the greet majority I �vi pemade t,
which was all but completed, was made
"Then Sir John did not
with Rome Y'
Plot at a11, and if he bad, it would
not have influenced a decision which was
already arri •ed at. He merely facilita-
ted nutters in mu far as the British
t 1 in the man-
ner in which I have iodinated. "
"How was the t of Mgr.
Fab» obtainedr'
"Oh, well, that was • necessary con
sequence of the other. It was felt that
Montreal thr nigh its wee
deserving of the honor w hich wee be•
stowed upon it. The Church of oot-
re•l, se a dutiful daughter of the C`.rtb
rat Quebee, saw with greet pleasure the
honors which were bellowed upon its
"Reader," in inforrwing you of this
wonderful remedy bo Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Brosebitis, C and
all &Swamps of the tient sad is.gs, w.
feel that we are doing you • great kind
neve, se if you have any d the above
complaints, if you will only try it we will
guarantee satisfaction in every cam or
nonny refunded. Ask for McGregor'.
Lan Oompoand. Pries 50c. and $1 per
of the sales are by one ung i1
to another. For sale at 30c. and $1 per
bottle by G. Rbyou, druggist. (3)
new a meas Camila feN.
A slim young man in the height of
fashion wee violently sneezing in a street
car, when a remarked, "As,
Churl's, death boy, how d'ye cat:.h that
dweadful cold." "Aw, climb fellab, left
my ane in the lower hall tether day,
and in sucking the ivory handle, so
dweadful cold, it chilled ms almost to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Har-
vey's Red Pine Gin his cold would not
trouble him very much. For sale st J.
1% neon's prescription drag store. tit
Mise Rota Fritzley, o- f tialtford, visited
here last week.
Among the gallant redcoats in amp st
1 woe etta.ked shoat two
Mire age woo sstbeaa, tad 1 wee
ea bad as •penes could he. 1
teM4 Dr. Jests 1(yldss w get
relief after *.&q,qe the veu..d bet.
do, 5.4 after whin 'ewes hMales
I dee .d .. tremble.
Jon* I1c1I•r.a, Itr.tre d.
Pet mak he 1, Jo4aa,
nigukufflyeD Eel
Nisei 500,000 SOLO
Nes, w .h.c' .rilh.. otl Dr. CMadi Rados Berm
ewe add f. C..a6 air./. W. anent awry m..
.vera ..f child rise le Need./ wall Line. Com
plan.' M a fh . earrAr.r rsmeit
way, but it is for the Lord's cause and
for • placeof worship, where the Gospel
shall be preached for the salvation of
souls. Mrs. Thomsen has been sick since
the fire, suffering from the effects of the
smoke and fatigue, bot I hope she will
soon be better. It is like beginnlnv life
again with a, though now we have little
to begin with—we lost our clothing. I
trust the Lord will spare us to get over
it,aod that by the aid of friends of Jesus,
we will soon have • church again.
I •m, Jour very fraternally.
THoar•s G. Tsoa•ox
formerly of Brucefeld. )
11 WHY WILL YOU cough whoa
Shiloh's Cure will tive immediate relief.
Pries 10 cis., 50 cts., sod $1. For sale
by J. Wilson, druggieL _
Ti! Imes. R=nv t=s ton Pftue. M en.,ar W
SOLD eV ALiesthiLlllls a
T. e't.Aweos • e0. ewe. 4 .al., Sr.ie..'
Oet. fled. fat's. 151117
ovEn sn; aG
Ry wearing the only
(late of the fire of foram. k Nnrrf.l
Vahan' oaths ellegosd awesome
edtrhyeBeereb. Mimes did -
WO/ nredualy without wiseing the
soden, all this intiousiiii, Mel god
lumhe sans
lima ofaatles�e off the
Month, eating Bp1oonnen k Dls•
=Clomettpsaae. Dryness
at tho akin. Brom Monne of
V1Moe. J .Ealt Elhouns.
the H tom Min-
eral D.b ; aY these and many
Mbar similar hep _ in°"ae.0 $QaDp�
1111,ti fi 00.. pegrUIR , Sssstm
• auasgbt alhem.
There is scarcely say (right more
R60O1..J Spectacles led Ede glum._ alarw,int to s mclher Mete the o lelo.e
mond d wuap-iso IiabAs at tbo hoer of
night. Whim Hayard's Peetorwl Bal-
sam for the threat .rad longs) is at hand,
croup and distressing enayha lose half
their terrors. it cores cougbs, melons
avid bmme\itia- 2
it. on Thee Oared.
Don't allow a cold in the bead to slowly
and surely develops into Catarrh when
you he nursed for 25 conte.
A few spplriatinna will sere iseipient
Owe or two bones will eNn oriiviary
One to Eve bones will este ehr sis
Sold by Jam.. Wilson al fee per box.
Try ie—eabe no ether—it well sure
These spectacles and Rye OI•as.s hate bees
used for the pant II ears, asd mem is every
IaMasee unbounded satisfaction. Thiy are
Int hesT rir Tot wn5Ln. nay never tire•
ea4 last dray years wttboat chaaeo.
roe YACs DT
Yates & Acheson,
■as•wARE ■glNu*uTs,
W,rylaad Read, Ramey Read.
(Late Iusarws ft MI.rrle, H.rtferd, Osumi
MN..esseettee with any ethos ens is the
nwwlat...1 Canada.
Jan 1118.Web 1111111,
tau. 4