HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-6-18, Page 7;HERS IOWn Olia awes ilaar._ krt your St -• ONTO. derich. Fir Ls. COUNTY COUNCIL REPO3r1. Pastareittara air Samovw Famed la IS NoWlee: allowing - EAVElts l•FFLICIts, ani' F:dlowisix are • numberl tho repot.. tmenneittsee stud others at the recest. 01,0sion of the county council which 41111!t crowded out last week : Tag root" uocsit. The followiug repot of Cie poor house IllOnneattlene erns road aud *down& (r07 00alEtatie IMO Mall,Ilau, Kelly, Sint Cseattoott and Wilmot., Yoar :•oestatiltre beg lute to redort tist harm.; ad.eitissal fur ininter• Iv,. e t ado u e for a poor house, we 1115. Scatted 24 tender.. and ....0tois couate I de ado to esolialtels A pour lium• tot this i.tottn,y, we rot!' ,aliorint the se'sec. t atm of one of the hal ose,og lutes. the C5.50t ..r wtocti st.e 1..11.,,se LA 7, Hu.' r.d,taim141.104„ 53 acres, at $'3 glAC sc.re. o 3, coo. 2, Ooderich Witted*, 70 ae va, at .4;5511r nett,. Lot 23. e iu. 10. Hollett, 91 IMM41, at fiGIS per acre. Lot 21, otal. 10, li titre' t, 63 se. op, A4 $63.50 pet acre. Lot pot i I 111101 &MI pat. in East Wawauosla. 70 acne. at $70 per acre. Your cioeusittee bays oleo coie.prii.t1- the clerk" of tits C•5d11.4154 1.1 Ork, Middleaeu, Wateclo., sod Wei ton, as to the pleas Aid cost tif the- building-, etc.. aonl tiod coot cost as ballots' : County If York., $19,020 Conn., uf Middlese . . 30 000 County of Waterloo, 165 a.:tes. 26,010 Couuty of Welling.ou.,r0 acre21.300 Trona the corre poodence w• gsther the followiug facts in refereuce t.. site, lonidoNs and COIL of MAI OA Woe* of s woes : Teat A small farm is more pr..- taloole :ben a large ; that a low bus di • t, whilst not so herein as a public struc- ture, is more suitable for old aud iutirna Ma(as, and that the cost 4 maintensesce f each imamate per yes', for last year, rn twines every line on Intel mediate grade 7one. )0 to $5.0 )oin 75c, up, ately Cheap. THE II L VON ',AGNAL, FRIDAY. J148 18, 1886. iose lobo belal 1•4 RANI 'MAW ou. • sr, so • lei log t • latrt11 .110;... lr, ih• • oiraillaat to the kiliditgl, 5455 ib. alhwis, 5.610661664 66 • 1 4 5 uti tos •1.•4-4.15551 laA01111Use555 Of 51553 an.1 so recoui. ueood hat Ike %smarms, y .6pup 411,1, iinpa dig opito I &kb!. to tegislative act u. I Amid pa,ed (4) %Vs les ,iDereuct that $1o,000 appiopcia• et; fo. the p.sipisse tami.to•id in McMillan's tootle,' to poor house. D. D. Wm.'s, Chairmen. iq irJ AU AND COVEN HOUPIE I %Vb. Co se unary 111110 mitt bobble VIPs 0 te ti At 0 • s ;us mid tirttehea, suffering from .hetioemises. skiff j evil, and mord*, lame 'acs, eptuatt SIDI 555.11at Sebes. Maul sewl limuri.,•,, %iiet• HaKystod'e Yellatit Od, re u, ia•Iiiii relief, cm. be per• else aid at tlie trills., cost .1 23 mats t 2 The followmg repo, of jail cuessuiLso as mad and odor : We recousesend : (1., 'neat stets* slink.... adtie.1 to ske more tu the registry Dare. (2) TI at the teissits setoitsisouJ Isstsi eumutirm.mwr 115 tirclebahry 511 and ,.roistitl thereat'. IDOAlle tat ear. 5,551 55Ut. 3; That nO tuition Iss 'in. in; !ii Illeautlitio 51111 regard to dm )411 with sotter,asssi tlae three arie,es tea protected with iroe treaties for the ...deity of the pat hot's. (4; We visited the jail, and found everv ts.siog clean tad in sire, order, and t • ieusates, 6 issa,les mad tine female, 5 losiog OASES& 151 1 el der :multistep ell a V514rAlit, all satisfied with Optic t-eatineut. Wm. McPsaartai, elmirmati. %Erbil r 02' NoAD AND EIPIA5K I ..EASINNEE. Tha following report of the road and imbruing, Woe raid mod :Woo- ed : We reco• lllll end that the tender of Jose,.11 l'asso!e, !miser $$.810 for building the abut talents of Port Albert brid,te,11. accepted. Teel the replan recommended liy Mr. Ainsiey cm bridge be r cerded with at (mu, and that, if he this,• all, is- a'As,. ate east sod be titled up, thus short- , Moo.; th0 span by about MI feet. 1 Tani on account an the slime abutments of Brutal' bridge beiog already Imult ' teconituenti the. an *eon popery.' tactile', be built with foot pelts That the spprosehes t 4 Grieve', hello be put in a proper state of repair es login as possible, aud that with the fioreirotni Waterloo wee $41 71, includioi Leepe. suagestious M. Apieley a report be • -:-. •-• . &Ms . J. HellItt AN, lirroAT 0/ 11111. NA I.'.ber A, I. P. 54- Grs-tatute,-Datieg Ole year I laed every school in the iospec That the bridges known as Beaver and a large number of them t eke, but Meadow. Nine Mile, Morrishatok and ill health in the early part of Heip.a by examined by the eniumietionee second ,tine. I nisy rtate that as • gen- ers1 rule I .ake two schools each day stud under no circumseances do I tate so) more than fTiat windier. Iti 'owe rite 1 hate taken only one, whet' the a e .4- 1111C0 Wee larbis that all coo's.' too ire e7..initsed in half • day. The great majerity of the schiro's is waking ve 7 c•editatole r si lir:, where teachers le.11•551 bir eral years in ilia same ss..c.,:on. 1 t oec• tams A hea e there is a constont o.f teethe.. eat% year, the perterea. it :sat so satisfact•ory as is to be desired. Dugs the year • lento ubniber o' caadide.se wrote at the er.tra.scri e15.61 funtions ;tor t, the Iti_itielloole of the c•matv, and a rely ralf lu I EIS IDUOCNOStol. About 240 catolida. as voutio4. Your eopAlo 1.•vd ouktecd have sienitied their iotentiou utast al that eettral rells are not returued in Gm • • Irmenvinsti"!.• in their entirety, not having the ttectsury This oti abet is a good evidence of the altdavit enriched. Your ioereasing intereat. taken iu educational “ould recitninetol that the rolls be not roves,. hereafter AC -opted unless complete in i his particular. Your committee have ltheo:r or NAM. Coll V.I'-1* :IL . examined the rolls and recomii•ended the 1. Recommending payment of f••I- adoplicn of the values set far.h "n tbe loins: Outario Rifle Aseoc:a.iou toant. a„„„,,,d weedy', $10; Blyth Aciroen:e, Corrie Jo 5.4 KA'', $3.50-. Chas Meyer, use of field for The oolv chisio.ea macho i • the asses.- sue"IT. $5.• Bruise's P", 04. J".1 Maid from last yeir were : Clio...a, rais Gibbon, gravelliog approaches to Bt•io awls ed $10,000 on .Ise total ; Hallett, lower- rid‘e, $10.00; W A I-Terrisou, ed $1 per acre. to Ilelp's brid4e, h2.70; Weller k Mar- t i, pump rename, $1; A M. Polley, lir- t"OBT N l'OENI•-rt.:. et • $3; L3tuton Neer /1.'a, $7; John The report .1 toe special committee was VisCher, reps.rs to Walt house, $10 15, read aed adopted as follows Fraser st Porter, atstionee7, $9.1O; Mrs 1. That the wade.' aid c'erk tale Barker half year's board for the Delves:try stele to select and mod • vent, $65; Jame' Malts fey, repairs to tit and proper younz rear the Aet icul- fort Albert bridge. $7; James loirie, lanal College in complitrace wire the cir- books forXegistry o.ffee. $50; do, boas cular from the Dept. . for county clerk, $1.50; do, stationery 2. That the circular re's. ing . c. duly for coon:, treasurer, $25; Geeore 'fed- of Wellihgton druiaa-co .ort, caret*, er of tool', $6; l'Itord pub- Joav r • ; Closi.onan. lishiog Cu. Ca $5 73: -os ilea I4 SIN..AT or Tel 515' 1005. 5 • co. line, Plasie•i'll; in Jail, Sbi H..1- The followiny ',pert of the School land. wo. k on Loudeaboro bridge, $1.50: Committee was rill and adopted : Wet Murphy, do, 84.60: flo'ab We : bell, 26 'weeks' IstaTil of riot in ',I) That in rteoird to the petition from sane todiuut. 02; Chris Dickson. sic- Ilowick and Minto to the tioetery, $2 .4:1; Seefortb 'iAr; $1.50; (mow i on of a unii•n school section, an Exeter Eyler:to, $5.50; .1 Saunders & eabiirstorbe appointed by the Planed. Son, sands ies $9.31; Wm Laelumo. cle,ii- (e) That n.o action be ta"ets ion the ing Maittand brisk*, $3; Goderich Sf cousuontication :row S No. 10, Us - $5.52; 'Ve.rs &7.60; FICRO5 Stu- borne, as the ermined bu no jurimbetiou NAL, IP; McKoirtie, claiming Ilrisseele tile matter. bridge, $2; Seaferth 8..n. $7; C Dor- i3) That the repot. of Mr. Mallocli, I. ward repairs to hridgcs, 1112.75; Exeter P.8 be adopted ; hut the oommittee ' adop.ed, ITaat the marl commissioser be in- tairucted to hate the approaches of Kip- ' pee luidee put in prop -r state of repair, d also the holes in idealised bridge. G- , tITY ;i;-;.;; Ikae u"1". la take thess all a as socon r • c onvenitnt. T'uat the commissioner be instruct: - la hate a tight hoard fence built cm the . f f frl nu'. A nog joor Bee Ale oille pc pied at Tits Bloom. eh tr. hey PTO alwrls dorsi ortespely rod ci toe laws Nsis.;448 %Loess to sales tionaekla Ilia SIGNAL free o c: ar,,r. • .1'Cii :• .r15.1 by thoesetsde. 7 Shiloh's Vitalise/7e •I• -at you used ftv mosetioatiou, Imre( A ppeatte, D:12.1- .secis, and ail symptoms of Dyspepeite Price 10 and 75 coots per beide. For 6 de by J. %Yd.'s*. Druiet. Te Ie. reelea•soui all *seem as Mel 4,0614ww• Photipliattne, cir Nerve If ooa, a Phu - phut*, Element_Imeed upon Scientific Formulated by Prtifessor Austin, M. et. of litoton, Mass., cares Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo aud Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the: human system. Pheephatine is not a Medecitte. but a Nutranent, lietuuse a contains no Vegetable tor Mineral l'itisens, opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but situp! ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements fountl in our d:tily food. A single bottle is sutliciont to convince. All Druggists sell it. $1 00 per bottle. Loyola:: & 00.1; sole agents for the Dominion, Ili Front Ytrest East Toronto west. to e v isost approach 1..rtit,,, lio tit 'wept the socumtilatiL of I aeon. I 1! A. M. C•hirettit, chstsruisti. 1 55 50IT OP EQ.:41LITAT•011 I lEATTALE. Tide folloWitIg report of the equalisa- tion committee was read : Your committee bare made a careful 1 examination of the rolls, and (lied a I marked over past years in the 'natter of a...eminent, they louse adopted in the majority of CAWS Ole principal .1 assessing up to the USI aud your committee hope that each en,' every assessor will adopt (hi, tie of the NM 'Mauve ID aad UPWARD • " °es as MilDpiet will esti yea • gee r to seed bodies et 0 Malt of Kontreal. ie-lbe Stock. LIT9 TAKER' -snare, each as ?met. Wask-etasill se Iteerses for till 1printing estottmet, VS0.1 ti neat- en' Institute of East Huron. $25, the trivalent to the Gots iment grant ; aloes Johnston, $25; refund of pedlar's fee ; JaniesGillespie, $25, is set- - ohm:taco of his claim for filli-og op- proseb to L i bridge ; do, bal- ance in full of °Distract for building said bridge. .73.97; inho Coakley, repairs 1' appromaielbilyb.06b 500, OS; James Nati., jail supplies, $7.28; 'rubies Warta, repairs to Crediton brulatio 15: Georg* Pettykiece, Wingliant lockup keeper, $90; Magistrate& teats in appeal case of Queen es. Chafer, re hawkers end ped- lars' by law, $30. 0. 2. raat the following be not paid : J Ferguson, as caretaker of Hayfield lock- up for 18/16, $20; Dr R W B Smith, ex- amining lunatic before owe...trate, $5, iiriney, 11450 for poelaire, stationery, inasmuch as the full smoont requir elt he law has been paid him. $. (a) That the demand kw $537.78 keel the License Conmatesiosees for ikell Baron be load over mita Deetesiber autleion ; and if the C for WINE and South Riding* make similar ilienends, 161 16. clerk notify them to ante abet (b). TINA 1$ emits a day be granted Mb eekintaer of the 33rd Batt. while ln .., easeT dining dm present year. 0 (o That no action be taken on the yentas for the appointment of a sa'aried Pollee 111_%intrate. (411. WI rereeseneend that the trees - am e etetetuests he peibliehip.1 is tlie unseat ar.d that. he he aethotiaed to borrow sees of $10,000 Inc current socpmetUtetk sad that the sinking hind away. be ineeeted es otos as possible. Ws wertillitirsiZeriu."1911rii=inebirp.P.1 I bee. examined the tesseerver's seetertties man wow. will ver•fas forgatis essembe. 01511 l• Dedgni eit4 see bees. Tb Fa,shias, arig Sir PRILRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER . Pionnciarts, Mirtirers, Misaimiaries, ifiriaagers,gtationerl,k3.-'!Ictr'ScISIlt -E5tOisatat.rt'sier pima it a 'trial 54.L515TeltiaLLT IVIED WINE A WINE 0 LAW' or 110? WILL MID IT WILL NZ /POUND • 156:11.110 CrIti TOR ree vet ho4, Hr. biellorh did not pry the number of tied@ prescribed by law, and we reeromniend that the inspector be paid only in proportion to the work done The school committee of 1885 recom- mended that the inspectors be required to give date of each visit to each school, which requirement has bee.. disregarded we therefore . I that the clerk give maws to the inspectors anti ask that future repor..• be inede in accord - aims with that latiome. W,J. A. Rotates, Chainuao. skrod Many sufferers buying medicine have been disappointed, don't give up, buy • reliable article like Dr. Chau Liver Cure. and with it you get a recipe book alone worth the mousy. James Wilson, sole agent GODIRICH BOILER WEIS Grimrstal & annfaet seers of all kinds of STATIONERY. KAMM 1110111•11T ASO TUIUL BOILERS. SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS sad all AM& a Shoot Iron worlt. SI5SDEN COLDS, calms, con- GESTION 011, STOPPAGE OF CIRCULA l'ION, CRAMP*, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND BOWEL Cl 5MPLAINTS, SORE THROAT, AMASS xxrwraiss, IENCL HAN reorrit IT THE IIOCT Errncrirt s•so 0555 LINIMENT 05 ICAUTH IN : ENIONING TME PAIN •TtISINL TROY SPRAINS. BRUISF.S, RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS, FROST RITES, Lc. 2Scts. per Batt:e. . B•WSTO of Imitations. 'UN %MIN AND WATS"! ran WITTING'S esustestis se bead. On hand. ready for delivery : fla MT. Now Steel MaiMr. I a New 111•111Mr. A Immpists Threki Oat. ' sur CAMPBELL'S STILL LOWER. CARLOW. 1 am coatiasulag te mark Glues down to irsellISZDZW'r 3.11.411.3111C1MT NrA.L.TJ3111 would ca.15.11) elt Irwin tar sad wet It they west te bey 6000 O&M* PItteLe. toadies me, as 1 blame the ellITIC will be BarrLAD visor enmcnues. DRESS UOODS, SPIANuip Wr.As, 121e. per yard. FANCY 1)RESS MUSLINS, ( 9 e. 0001) SHIRTINGS, € 11 c. " CATHARTIC ri COMPOUNIX A trEAvy AND curt!. STOCK THROUGHOUT. Hai lee 'hill weer fully assoried nny Stock ia ell the various Hamby eallInt sad Warden/1i believe you will tackneWiedge tha above 'naivetes' of lew pries -ego Ise semi: aarrx•av bear in mind my menu: "Wool He Uotterseupia." 7_ Mi. CARLOW. April rill. ISM. 2\22ZEB vv INTSCINT. The Latest Freud' ad American Stylu ! RATS, BONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimminal effective in small doe.. arts without griping, does not 0C - e15,;011 Tiatt4e:L Sint will not er..:.te irri- tation a: c a...Patton as do many of the tonal estliarl‘cs ad- minister, d In the form of Pills. Ac. I.adies and Chil- dren having the Most sensitirer $to- machs take this medicaue wabout trou- ble or cAmpla.int. CAMPlitI.I. CATITARTM C0110001111 IN especially odspted Livca 0011PLAINTS •50 Ritioce Di.. olIDENR. Foe ACID STONAeil AND 1.0651 or A r - PIVOTS. YON SICK HEAD5e116 AND DT5TXPIIIL. Foe CONOTIPATI5555 l'41.01TI Foe ALI, COMIILAINTS AR1111116 IRON a . STATII or TII3 ST0- MACK. This medicine being In liquid form, the due can be easily regnlated to meet the requirements of different per- sons. thus making it equally well to the use of the MAI* 4111d it!odireedadulL Pat or In twee ounce bottles, and sold by all dealers in family medicines. Pelee Mail. 23 Cents. C.A-MP3931.11..a..TS Etc., Etc.. Etc. The Chicago House. WEST STREET. GODERICH Omicric April Nis. ING. 2042 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR CHEAP COODS DOK"T FAIL TO CALL AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE trntttttttttttffittffitttttttttffitttttifitttttttffittfttttft Mar. 11, 1886. The Pecple's Store, Goderich. tittnittnnttnnitittnnittittittitnitt tittnItitinttni maj Mod thins all awesl sad esti*. irersme Dep. G. T. M. Inseiey. P.O. 80X MI. 1 (e). Tbe eetissibee isr opleeke, Mei Mk MIL GEO. H. BROWN, (Successor to Dlt. WIUTILT.) PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. 7 Travelling tbuibe -4 IIKA:45415.Tiritt:NK Ooderieb IETIA0P7:114. IrilealAtiain 1 1411.1".1114. Stratford 1U. I Sze. • m 3:3e p.m 7 Se p.m *1.1. lkireloodefraedwit LAyr.. willIelsont:s.nsw• 11180741:43 7.2: Having lately added • Fresh Stock of Drugs, Dye Stuff, F'erfamery, Eto., to the already well -selected stock, begs to inform the citizens of Ooderich that he is now able to supply them with PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS at Reasons ble Prices. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR IIST3DIA 1NT 'TONIC, Ss -The Greatest Blood Purifier of the erre. 0:very Houle Dnitrante,ert. Sunday Hours : - 10 to 11 a.m.; 2104 p.m.: 8:70 to 210 p.m. Albion Block. Goderich. Feb. 115. BMA 2C341 Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runciman. 33ros., Proprietors. HldGINS' EUREKA von 5.1 RITV. SWEET' i 18 UNEQUALLED. DAIRYMEN BUTTER dt CHEESE. ilersic) for 1:. sauada lkkLuh1's , tlerset\* HAMILTON, ONT. dr`kit I for rree Ims.aar.'113 MATtb 2444.1PO4 1.114, Amusements. (10DERICH MECHANICS' TUTE LIBRA R V AND READING 1100).1 cur. of East etrett and square top stairs. Open from I to 6 p.m_ and from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 V01.8 1N 1.1111tAkV1 Leading Doily, WeeLl g and Pleuteated rapers, 31555:517105 MEMBERSHIP TICKET, ONLY IMOD. granting Inc use of Lbrary and Readies 1:00m. A poi:cation for ssss'.b, rship received by Librarian. in rooms. J. 11. COLBOItN E. ALI. X. MORTON. President. becretary. Ooderich. March 5215. D$5. DM - CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR STEAM ENGINES, FLOURING MILLS. AND OTNER IIACNINERY WANTED Flouring Mills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System, ROM Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutter'', Agricultural Furnaces. Stoves, etc., etc., at Low Prices. All Kinds of Castings Made to Order. R. W. arxenium J. B. ECNCINAN. Goderich. Nor. 20. UM 1180-17 C.A.NAIRN 51.k.4 EV Fit N'TIIINO YOU WANT - CIOCERIES NOW COMPLETE ! NOW COMPLETE! 4 ...of that dens drelsureart • epos • Ie. or ellemil ...asied by , inakessand Pal- ' NMIVIZE..,,,d ....14.e. 1 4 th. Prompt mobs mll seiskig Own Low . Acme er Ctiowie 6sWris ass ialettinitedm Ishosstke Diestek sod le imakoms titat iimariably ocaeweeadas Me reesvary frow Write( Tema I ....rxr., nelof .41,D=111111owL..sof Amain 71Z.tla . ar I Voliesev, sod is allows, Mt.. • lir. sr ernicvere • clairr•la Is "P\Osordi urma.v• AIWA. A CHOICE SlOCK oirz NEW AND FRESH 1886 He is showing splendid assortment of China anq Glassware. DVDVCI-C3C) 1E31 G-ioceries Ns tome, _ SPECIAL LINKS IN Come in and look. If you don't buy, No Trouble to Show Goods. Dress Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds. gge-all Driers he Alesiirimes. D4Ya& LLII1UMOB 00. aoliSO4) Sow Amer%60• 7. C. A. NAIRN I 4511111 110118e 14quare. Goderich lo,.. i.si. 4:3-C311D3331:t CaEl P 1_ NING MILL E141 A FiLlsliND 1053.1 BushananiLawsoniRobinson WANCY•Cit MMUS 015 Sash,Doors & Blznds °Laurie. IN 411.1. KiNes or Lumber, Lath, Shingles and bulkier's mutt rial of r ery deerriptise. --- SENOR FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. /NIA Order pnUmpll)tatIcluded to. Goderich Aug. 2. 1E83. 1-ly Highest Price 12634 ft-3MM* Eggv. EORGE ACHESON THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Ooderieh. April 2055. Ifle PIANOS. PIA/408. PIANOS AVINO SECURED THZ a Agency of IrMitisda's CelebraD d High (Um Pianoforte's, )4anufom snarl by Dew.. Daiwa & Dem*, at .61' :aeons°. • am prepered to sell Mei ..siunit at Moderate Prices and on easy! Firms of payment. a thilroinrIt feneewtedgeof tbel est I illaneartura of lianas. and what 1 in4 Ili material and felts are required to. I Nele a Ors( clime instrument, intend-! IA* urcharers will Itnel it to their ad-, to consult me before perches -I 0.i. /melee wee Itreetrteg • iperietty. WAS work warranted drat claim Orders 5.11 .1 110 Book Stores of Mrs. oh rook or Mr. Intrte promptly attended KDW'D I. 1111)W11. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. aahwatie.seet. leib. INA 11111.t1 BOOTS &SHOES The Peolle's Liven' "C‘ Wit3 C/a:Lir Beg L. &nominee to the Pieiblie that they have °puked business in Om above Star in the store lately ocsoopied by Horace 'Newton Having purchased a large and wen eimovted stook oftlpring and Summer floods Mamie figures we &redetermine loaf 4=111 to give the Public the benefit. QUICK SANS , Yi1L 11.0111S ilL II (Ill ItI10 ....-Please sell sea eyeetine oer gond, before purchasing elsewhere. /01PReuteseher the *es, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. Tbsillubscriblie leliroparrie to funnel the pelt ple•Oentiemi week will receive our apeeial attention. Ile witb 111,41kilDe but !helmet of material need and first -ekes woeknees employed. The Finest Rigs parlispairias neatly done no the shortest notice Af SINAION•Ititk PR1C1111 (10104. Marsh e inf. DOWNING & WEDDUPI"it teg-rx-0-" 'het* 'het* - Veto. letb IS JOHN INOI, Proprietor.