HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-6-18, Page 6A r 6 THE BELFAST 1110TS.1 A Drunken 'None )fob Fight with the Yolios. tier ..std Names. al.grarr Tbesavl• r. 1•►e ireeps t oiled net se rre.rr•e she react. Warier, Jute) 10, 188t:. ft a t.f the 1 Toter, who were wounded by the police in yesterday's not died t day. Four others are dying. The Orroyeo.eu are making large purchases of ants and ate declaring that they will hate revenge ulnen the tellies Her tiring tote :t.eir ranks. At a meeting of Pro. testat.ta held on Shaul Hill road, reso- lutions were adopted denouncing the actual of the Hie* from the outlying districts in couuou to Ilelfasl aud attack• lig ;.twt.eful clll<ens, aud demanding their withdrawal. A number of police- men are on duty in 1:elfast this after - SWIM. At3p.rn 1,300troop* ftom Newry also arrived to goal the p.Jice in main• tailing or.Itr. The Megisarate has order •.l all taverna in ijte city to be ch red to• night. Nu mobs are to be allowed to uokgcelode i.t the streets. i • sal trye.Wtltat.a' lin 'penitents e f the riots on • Wed- nesday IP, tee the Plotting description .•f the scrapes alit -tiding the mob's attack on the Ileum' Hill Police Station : "Wo melee with I.•IIer4 pried tip pia ing stunts and broke thew thio suitable sizes fur the use ut the nesters when they ran short of mistily -a. Women ked young girl. desper- atrly retreated it.. serIi to r,ntinue the fiztaiu t whenever they flagged, filing their aprons full of fresh .tooter, and when ealrealy failed the erosion and arida drove the wen on by near throats. Thu ;talky statioa is • tnuderete sized dwell. ing hoes*, and when the mob attacked the bis ding the p .lice responded with a toile, tired from the du.away Cut the ti.•tr.a s..uu drove the ulficers in, and 'they retreated upstairs and renewed the girt by shouting from the window on u second floor. They held their pi- tit'i for half an hoar, .purine which the bat e was hot and savage en both sides, when they were reinforced by the arrival of see ty fresh officers. The increased energy the police warfare served but to &geese e the mob aud tl;ey became ferocious. \They were maddened by the eight of theiwuuudel comrades, writh- ing aud Nowlin with agony in the streets. I hate since h d old officers say that they never lee • mob show greater victuusaess, vicle , Nuck and deter- mination. The riot hurled their mit• ✓ iles with r.'gularity nd precision, as if they had been drilled ill atone throwing. When tete wen its front had exhausted their amtuureitrnn they old retire to the rear to receive � ?mean AA ti:1 L'• FROMTet i)$ '4, and thus make way for their domrades with new supplies. Rome of the stone thr.,wieg was quite extraordinary. i saw a w to throw a scene with such vigor that it treaheol thruugh • wiud.,w, struck a rear wall, and rebounded with such force that it struck and hurt a policeman. eman. The better armed If the rioters carried what we call here "Belfast kilueys' These are attunes aliatt tive and a half iuches forte. three and a half inches wide, and Neit;h on an average about (mooted a half pounds. There were many boys among the rioters, and they were a! desperate and plucky as the men. The battle at •tatit,n waded a n'y when two hundred and fifty soldiers came tc the aid of the police. The soldiers were from the High- landers and the Ft Pliers, and they soon drove the mob away." Mr. Herbert Gladstone, speaking at Leeds lately, attributed the Belfast riots to Lord Randolph Churchill's vio lent speeches. The riots were not due, he said, to religious antagonism, but were deliberately planned attacks upon the police and the Executive. roues cave WAY To +OLIHLR4. 5.50 p.m. --The nut of town policemen have been withdrawn from the streets of the city in . . of the hostility manifested towards them by the Belfast workmen, and soldiers have been told off te take the places of those retired oloers and assist the city police in case thoy should nee') help tonight. A witness belonging to a tavern ad jacent to the Rowers Hill Police Sta- tion oto shut through the brain. A youth standing at the bar in •tavern op laterite the station was shot. A girl nam- ed Minnie McAlister, who was nut in buy a pair of shoes, was shot in the cheek. A buy named Kale was shot in the Abreast. A b.rmaiil named Kelly wasIlliot through the skull. A strange boy was found shot dead in a house into which he had the riot. The corpse when found was 1 by a lot of gossips who were bending over it and peering into its face with th3 aid 41 • lamp. The people hy- ing in the vicinity where the noting be - the polies under a mistaken bnpreasion molesting and ea'elin o some rdealy workmen leav- Wi foundry. Acbordltlg to their envy the populace got angry a1 the police, and attempted to mule them desist, when a couibet became immuesut. The story goes, the mob offered to behave if the police were withdrawn, but net other- wise. MTh HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1886. eels am.,n wo1nN at the fact' tsea at Lerman. Al tote factory the Protestant females have struck w.,rk, deuteedtng the dismissal of the Catirrbca. a/OT1iw ataiwan Lear iWNT. Itiutiuk watt renewed tonight. Au in• furiated meth held p.sses.sori of the streets, and wrecked and pillaged the! taverna. The 'oboe wane misspelled to tire buckshot loot the mob. Su tar u 1 r.uwu no cue is fatal) in.itireJ. Many 01 eke police were badly hurt by mimics. The appeals of the clergy to the rites. to disperse were futile. Eventually the fro. pa cleared the streets. The Bt , N Weds. 1:ctrAMT, June 11 --The omit: and prem reporter oho ass detailed to re - aim on the segue of the rots at 5 ..'el wk, Luis noruieg rep..i.e.! as la lows ; " 1 itmaiued au.oit) ti:t rioters all tieht. The t matte' d.,u..;;e 111 wreclin and looting was d•.ue alocg Sea•t:hitl and Yur: rea.'. The fight• it g of both thorough/arta .as desecrate , and c,ut nuous ;.the melt sas compo...d of the Wiest rtttiens. 'Incbayortata of I Ic the police, had et..errors for thew, and I i 1 meaty case. l sae toe is u•,, in over- whelmit•g uu...bers, press up aeaitt.t the hay. rel .,t toe police aud drive them Bai.ro , . _1. —The on'y mitten - CO* in whish Ilse police drove the nett at all so far as 1 obeer.ed were those iu which the wears in compact lilt r flied at close rat a rapid . t Heys .,f uuck.hot These the rioters could nut stood moi they mere driven hack. Ru. even urJcr such a g�:ng tiro the rioters would drop to the pavement and rush upon the police while they were reluadhul;. Fight tog of tine kind --at • vch cine range as t . be practically hand to hand—sas e.:u- tioued untii 2 u'cl tcl. this ruoreiltpl, w.tea twilight began to detail and to mtey of the rig era diapl.vared as t•, leave the mob of in.ufficiert stretnkth to k-oger cope with the armed pa lice, who succeeded in di.persirg it. My obser- vation alluvia that the into, ref lest idyl.' was c• mpvsed .ear the SCUM Of 110' fast. I saw nue of them throw paying att.ne. weiehimc 13 and 20 pounds. 1 seen saw fieeds hurling rock at tine gallant firemen who were imperilling their lives .n attempting to save the dwellinl,s front destruction by iuceediary tires, And the helpless iten..es front a horrible death. if suything else were wautiug to pprove the character of the mob it would be furnished by dozens of ruffians I ewe during the 'eight sneakier! away !rein w recked or beating biehlings laden th.orn with loot. It is impossible the & tateof terror under which. he respectable Catholic people of Belfast are row lir lo: ill Wuetgvence of i; a pre.Atent aurrchy. The bratea; .f them hardly •'a14: '.emote out of doers in daylight even. I know that scores of ',toile were shot during lot ni;h.'s Sleet. I saw ten taken to the hospitals this mors] i.,e. It i. feared that e.ety funeral if the •ricliu:s of the riot 'trey provoke fresh outbreak. The law aotdit:g citi• :ens demand of the government the ap- pointment of a special commission to in- quire iota the causes of the disorder. Hugh C. Childers, home secretary, replying in the House of Commons this evening to Mr. DtCabain, (Conserva- tive) member for Belfast, who asked if the t would take steps to prosecute tha police who shut down the iah•oitanta of Belfast during the trou- bles of the last few days, is elated that the t was not informed that there had been arty miecouduct on the part of the police in Belfast. The secretary said the t had the fullest c,utidence in the c.enstabuary, and did not intent} while the present dis- orders continue tremove theta from Be!fastand subetitist the military. TSRC1t..1 t1Fi. BtL►AwT, June 11.-- ri..ting lot nimbi was lees disastrous t an ..n Wed- ne:dey. After their day* labor had ended, theweeds of workingmen gather- ed in the vicloity of the Bower Hill polic. liar:eels. They execrated the police and cried out : "We will have ten lives for everyone of the wee murdered girls." They were dispersed on the ar- rived of 300 infantry. Another -mob on York street wrecked the wine ahup of a Catholic named McKennna, McCloskey's tavern after • stubborn fight with the police) and a number of other drinling houses. The rioting lasted till midnight when the wreckage at McCloskey'* was bred. The police fought their way with buckshot when going to quench the fire. McCloskey and his family and a num- ber of his Catholic neighbors were res- cued from the fury of the mob by an Orangeman, who took them to his house and there gave them a sale refuge. n'L+TER r!.nta MARTIAL LAW. iecouto', June 11. —The government, has placed the districts terrorized byy' mob. in the prorinee of rider under martial law. }touseholb hints. HURON ANO BRUCE A lady says in 1:,..•f liunselerpOei: Further observation autuog the kitchen goods reveals au opsit wtrk loose' ..f wire, useful ter frytug erapwttes, fish balls, or boiling .vise. The haslet am- miume the prepared balls is immersed in hot fat 111 a kettle of suitable sine, and they ate evenly and .yttekly done. The tea and coffee balls are soutetliut new. They Are wade of file/y' •Otek wire, like It attaluer, and have tide which ht closely. The uncooked tea or coffee is l ut into one of the balls, and is then steepled iu the put an the u.....f way,and no etraiuiug is necessary. 10 AIF YOU MADK miserable by Indigestion. Constipation. Dizziness, Logs of AppetiteYellow Skin 1 Shiloh's Vitalizer ia a positive cure. Fur ante by J. Wiliam', druggist. 14 SHILOH'S CURE wilt immediate- ly relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Fur sale by Jas. Wilson, druggist. TH► POl,lt,'f 4041N ATTAt•tsl', CHAPTER 11. The le •t Shankhill road meeting "Malden. Mar.. Feb' t' lees. Oeetle�es— It.pp R 1 eadbrvd with •garb of slek haadao he,' today attacked the pollee. The military Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in were summoned and the crowd diapers- the most terrible and excruciating man- ed. It is mew stated that the meeting ner. was summoned to denounce the puttee No medicine or deetor could giro me and also, all other persons fur attacking relief or cure until I used Hop Raters. the house and property of peaeaaele 'The first bottle people, and to urge upon the (lilac.* Nearly cured me ;' their duty to do the utmost in their pow- The second made me o well and strong er to bring the disturbers of the peace to as when a child. jostle., irrespective of creed or party. 'And I have been on to this day.' The meeting appointed • deputation to My husband -ram an invalid for twenty ask the Mayor of Belfast for the nausea years with a serious of the officers is dirge nt the Rhankkill 'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, polies barracks yesterday evening. 'Provo nne.d by A..•ton'e hest phyei- n•LLannee'S rutotAL. Mans— 'Incurable ' The funeral of Thnrnae (lolla!g�.�r� /h* Revoke bailee ofour bitten cured irsageman who Ilse shoe sod killed der- him, and 1 know of rte itsg the riot at Langan on Tu.eday, took Ili,. of *ill penooi plass today. Th. funeral promotion was Jr my neighborhood that have been protected by 100 soldiers and 900 police- by yaw bitters, W NW A mob of Catholics jeered the And moi mora ars tarn♦; than, usewsters sad threatened to stop the g,a leans, bet the p intoe held then, in I man abeam Aga. The notitiaal and religious et- Do eilla.I.s !• efferent ie leaks' to dangerous gear In with Mrs. 1 . D. /rel. A •uuig the several vegetah:e mashers the favorite is made of stout wire 50 all upright woo lrrt handle, the mashing part Wing simply the wire tent back *id forth in several curve* which lie horizon tally, and are effectual i and wuulg potatoes, etc. In another style. which seemed senaih's', the masher ea* d with a nuitbrr td nI ID.Ia 1, 1 holea. This was bed by wires tar an up right handle, like the other. An article worthy of uientr:n is a sten- dard, which may is used with a common kcruseoe hand lamp, to keep any liywd hot aithuut clanger of its butting ote'. Shia is mums:rod et two round, open- work shelved tar brackets if matt, welch are connected by a shift tau chi', which fits into a socket or tube on the other. The bracket with the tube is placed flat on the table, the lamp set on it, aud the other bracket adjusted to a certain height, just a trifle abuve and exactly over the chimney, and held iu piece Ly a t) . This is touch harder to describe than to 1 and use when seen. Water may be brought just to the b..ilin;, point in a covered tin dip- per, but it will not buil, whisti is some- times' au advantege. For the trifle it coats one should keep pr..vided wall a sink-:leaner—a blade of t-a'vauize.l robtner in a ahurt handle—it b• ow its we.rk so and neatly. Etat in careless hands one should last several months. A small brush fur cleaning vegetables may also be pound at the feceitt counter, and is well wurth having. Not *mon; the "must hares," though useful, is a cake-cooler—a sleet of tine wire net, which ie raised a little by short legs. The air has r chance to circulate about the under side of the loaf, at.d prevents it (runt becoming soggy or heavyFu^. a small kitchen, • set .4f clothes. bars which are fastened to the wall in a group, aud which may be shut up and out of the way when not in use, would be desirable. One bur or half a dozen may be,let down from their cruse quarters, and are htld at a convenient angle to re- ceive the freshly ironed clothes. The farina steam kettle must be rec:.- oned among the hies. It ie a duuhle t of saucepans made of tin •.r granite ware, and s.tmeti,ues..f iron, in which case the inner one is per- eelain lined. The granite is by far the best of all, and fully worth the dttferenee in price, which is euasrderable. The boiliug water is put tut) the outer recep- tacle and the food to be reeked in the inner one. For long. steady coaling, like that required for oatmeal, hominy, and many other things, or for the vari- ous cf milk, it is invalu- able, only one must be sure not to allow the water to bol! away from the larger kettle. One thing I would urge, that is, if any one is provided with 'unmet these latter - saving articles, that she should use them and have the good t f them. It is an rr- ritation to one who appreciates the help of such practical aide as are here enum- erated to see a woman laboriously beat- ing eggs in a heavy crock, with a lar_e iron spoon, while the Dover hangs idly in the pantry. The same nay be said with resard to a good sewing machine, wringer, carpet -sweeper, bread -mixer, etc. Du accept the help if you can ret it, and allow ingenuity and machinery t'. save the wear and tear of the superior human machine 13 "HACKMETACK," • lasting and fragrant perfume. l'rice 23 and 30 cid. For sale by J. Wilson, druggist. Pieecze Armee—Choose green, hard fruit ; if perfectly dry windfalls answer very well. feel, core and quarter ; if large divide again. Have ready some vinegar in which ginger, allspice and a bade ..f mace have been we'1 boiled. Lay your apples a few at • time into your jar apd pour on vinegar sufficient to cover trr�tl, thin more layers and vinegar; dividing y.'ur lane Vie. and scattering it amongst the apples- When your vee- n l is full over down close, and in three months you will have a splendid pickle. Some put the vinegar en cold and do not peel the frail ' l...itteit sine- w and the rinds removed. The fruit must he perfectly dry and also kept in a dry place after pickling. New Life fee rwaetlews Weakened by HI- seane..eballry eel M.alpa*Nst. The (creat German Invigorator is the onlyspecific for impotency, nervous de - bili), universal taunted*, forgettulnees, pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may he from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great German Remedy will restore the feet functions and secure health and happiness. $1.00 per box, six boxes for $4.00. Sold by all druggists. Rent on receipt .4 price, pKlstage d, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole rg,nt for Milted Stales.. Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. !sold by Geo. Rayne., sole agent for Gode- rich 3m : NE FRIIIT STORE G. CARDONE Takes pleader. 1n pwrwnetne that he has opened eel a new Confectionery & Fruit Store IN GODERi(H, o. WEST STR MET, aoyjoldes Keldbs's Barber fibnr. y"as M w, and how bought frac ins THE PRICES ARE VERY LOW. • ,all to rwegaetfwny Melted. oath rielk Marva Mh, i01. *Wit LOAN ANS INEBUTUNT COMPANY rt. : s(paisissis is Lr.nlnie/ Me clic inn! &cu .fy of Lurtwt Ruler soI,tiMw4 MIORTUAOES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. unci .; per Cent. Interest Afluw,l ort Ikptwfs, sow/dirty fu utnownt dud time left. OFFI.'F. • Cor. of Market agtare and North Litrt-vt. tiuticrfrh. 11')1t.1t'R 11011:i'''. 111*N.t..N. Oodrrlch..tug. Stb, INKS. ISA - maw tat: or ca i LANE Liniment Iodide Ammonia. FARMERS AND THRESHERS Use nn your Machinery only the Well-known The speediest and most certain medicine in the world. ALL rAmiitiE=) USE IT. Weak Itack. lin:arged J,ints, 1'arsl)sis. Rheumatism. Neuralgia. U:phtheria. Sciatica. Prolapsed 1 tcrei Female W'eakarw. The best and only certain r ,ncdy to relieve pain 01111 kinds, no natter of how long strnd- 1nR. instant relief guaranteed cripples. Swollen Joints, Vartrttee Veins, Hits of In- • sects or Seek Heeds.. hr. N . oil or armee; is clean and swis/ a will net sol. I tag .r tr. .ldney. trsgltr'. Mwe. esDin tries. Iseontitence of truss 1s the only Liniment in the world pna.o•s..ing alterrtii a powers. Can he taken iuternally cures Cramps aad t:u4c, Diarrhea Sud D rentery. by ai11eneuse, a. Tent .assn., ter. Write Dr. (:ILE. box :LIN: N. Y. P.D. who will give advice un all diseases fr.e of c��r�e. '$•.ware of •inscrupubus dealers And -oim terft•its. The itenuutc at the lam•• bl..wn in the glans and fae-slmile of the dtacovrrer n am. tat er each .ort. ila' Improved Malinke Pills Safe. sure. reliable and effective. Do not gripe. Purely .e S`'Tl.ctable. No mercury. anti- mony or alma)' can be relied on for all Disorders of the Stomach. Liver, Bowels, etc. Sold by all drygxlets at Ia. per cos. Fall supple of It. (:tie( Remedies at F. JORDAN 33 drug store. Goderich. Oat. Wir-y 11IL107S.it.Si, Clzz/NESS, ClSF:P3:A, DROPSY. fLUTTER/NO JAU.•.'OICE. OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS. ACIDTY OF LALT RMEUt1 CHE 8 0EfACH, HEARTBURN, DRi VES8 NEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every apsclas of Mame. arisie haw disord.red LIVER, KIDNEY& $TO�AQ BOWELS OR 81000, T. MILBURN & C4.. "r'T=,yro West Stfee Meat Market. Allth1es & Jolillstou MEATS Carefu Attention and Prompt Delivery. A CALL SOLit'ITED. lice lith. INKS n- >Ea3 VORZIE POWDEIZE. Are flearnet to 11ke. rcatafn their men For ■ti'e. :s a ern, sari. and .rr.eteat destroyer er warms 1s. C -;thea or Adelha >, tr. Whir-lele 1 4r. '•,l A 44 r- •R . '8 86 g le •11 . rre. .1ot "'�'("tretIratne.rtsr.M `sH,db. ...I rL waR alt mf . w. lailaketai 101an. ."FERfiC 1 er a HARKNESS HAll PALM Restores prey hair t3 tot na tura) colo:, re- move. Dandruff stops the hal frees falling out increaeea it trowt.h, and wit not soil the skin. As a hair drat *intr. tt has ne superior. Guar aateed harmless. Prepared Harkness & Landes, Qct .d hews Deakin ?EEILESS OIL. Ove linea award.d .. darl the SIX IJULD Mt()ALS ale our rarsLlsea • alit.! theyou TIT and HorsePowers. Honore. lured at d...• stay NI Warts, by yams SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. For Side by YATES & ACHESON, Goderich. Tomato, Jutta• Ilk b. &ILS Agricultural Implements. C. H. GIRVIN Has Roar into time Agricultural hook -Inca! buNaeas, acrd r. present. the following ti. t..,t _ IIAltRIS k SON, Brantford, Branum. MoWEH.s and RE.i1Ett.. COCKSHI'Tl', Brantfnrri, PLutts, HAYLi ADEM. and St't'FrLEa.. MASSU■N� MANI'FAUi'l'RINl; CO., (Wilma, SLED Dall. LAL'i anti WN Mon Ent. Alt INT FOR 011llu18 New York S!ller SollI Ichuiios., 13eatf 0- ii_ C�IRVIN, Ilamtlton street. a fat* doors belays the Collar HoteL Keep Your Feet Dry! You can do chie ata ver) trifling our L) bis) ing your BOOTS & SHOES AT TUE STORK Or E. DOWNING Crablb'c 3:31©c1m.. 1 hare now on nand the longest stork ever shown In Goderich. and coeptisre ever, fiat es gaup found Ina gni-.lase thee store, trent *tae llnest kid, through all the este: mediate grade to the hoar teat cowhide. I will sell az Prices that Will Snit Everyone. Lathes' Boots, in Button or Laced, from $1.00 to $5.0 Misses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up, Boys do,, $1.001 up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap. 1 tan sad w ill suit you, loth in gouda and prices. E_ O w 1VING- 7 Crahb's Block, C. rtser East street, and Square. X.H --To the trade . heather and dna iair* in any quantity at Lowest I nice.. EASE AND SECURITY Th;s cut represents the double tram without the twit Note the position of the4. ! pen GaprfngEsifu*i. In the lint, eyRHYNwhich a CON.TNT bit easy i (WARUPWARD D and UIAD February31 h, IO i GE�AS.A- Druggist, SOLVF..GO�7E raj -'r, IDRIOH_ A I DANIEL GORDON, CABINETMA AND LIIAUING UNDERTAKER. R it will pay you to buy your Furniture from the undersigned, as i have bow o templet an assortment as there t. 1:1 the county. I do not adopt any gunrk acA,wte of advertlateg a cheap specialty, but will on yon • gea aril oatflt at prices that cannot be sorp•ase4•ci Mathis considered. & In the Undertaking 1 burr stork eat tad f(F the $enF as we as rte 1 have Moo added the prows of ICmbalmine. so that parties kavtnt 142 send bedis. 01 friends to • distance cin do 50 at rrasonabM cost. DANIEL C+0RDON, west street. Ooderieh, between the Poet °Wire and 1Mk of MoetreaL Sept. Ili h. 1185. 9111440 Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. OEO • ��FthIiYs C,1I3INEr - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER. Hamilton Street, Goderich A good assortment of Kitchen. Bad -rooms, Divans Room aad Parlor Feratt•re sack as t Alen. Chairs their, cane and wood seat.dl. (.,boards, Ned -steads, Mallreeses, *s.b-etaad Lounges, doles, W Kat -Hots. Look ing Oleeeee. V. A.- A completeassot of Collins and Shrouds s)wars e• sand aisle Hearse ter sif at reasonable rate . Picture Framing a spertalty.—A call solicited 1711 ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER ?low the time if ysn wish wee or two glee rams •i home, to tae But ler em t. H. bee ever 20,000 Rolls of the Latest liesstitu oilers sad at p,k' elese tbaa very meek Inferior gisl*dds. Cal sad see bees. !>t are tM beet velvets teen. sed must behold The Latesl Srtig Bazaar Pa1tcs & Fashions, 411..T BU TIalliCi4.11p COUNTY COUNCIL R ✓ wrtkalara of Mstersa roan m/r5r. F.Jlowing •re a number . t of eummitteee aid utters at aeeaiues.•f the Count.' cuultcil .rowd.d out last week TA. fOOR HUL's' The tollowlug repel) tat tit. biesjllee w >. read aud ado ooeetri.lee wpe Mc't'au, • Csmetwt and MK tlsuti. Your-un,wtitire beg lea that baton•; od.ertieed for t ►ole ri e for a poor hoe Wetted 24 .ceder, and euutw 1 alit ado .0 es.aWtalt a fey this ..u,unty, we re:.•.iltee tion of one of the fel ow, cost .of wh•ch ase an toil•'•• L-4 7, Hu.wr rt'ad,liuder. at $ oar a''.re. I tt'3 3, c' t. 2, li„derich t •e es, .t $lib We acre. Lot 23. oto. 10, Honest, $fi5 per acre. I,ot 24, or,n. 10, Hut a t, $63.b0 per acre. Lot part it ciliac and Wwwauosh. 70 acres.. at $70 Your curtwittee hare all, with the clerks of .he ork, Middlesex. %Vete.t•o.,, ton, as to the pleas a ..1 building_, enc, mod ti .l follows : County of Tork.. Cunn.y of Mt Adlese . )Ccouny uuf Wt11ealtlein• g NtauI, Iru0 a. ac )rout the come poudeno ta. following facts in refs' LuddinAs and cost of teat tie ■taee : 'fkmall fano tita,a,liAnatalaar.ge; thatal while nut eta iterate/ as a II > see, !s coon sfr,niultahlele.ohfur o estates, and that the tout of each i iconic per year, for Waterloo was $41 1 1, tuctt - • - .e . J? . MrMi' Ax, ir.tcit oYt. Iii'. C. AI" sSY4e,—Dint tai 'Ted every ache.ul to the and a large uunther of then owirre to i!I health in the t the year watt suable to La' second ,ti.e. 1 may stat. 1 era) rule I sake two schools under no circdttu1anto,a d. more than (tat ni her 1` 1 have taken only one, elm aria ►t larbe licit all .-•ruinwedas in half •day. The gnlst majerttity of trakiag ve y c,editai.le p•'u: Isrly where teacher* 10.11ai4 years in i;te 141110 section. tiros •het* there it • const tensile.; tete% year, tie pros astbditctory se is to be testi i)ut.l'g tie Tsar • lore esaditla.es wrote at the et inn:ions :or admimaiou r, tli of the ct•uoty, and a arty was successful. About `. ).are s+gnttied their ioteuLP. the a1•pr..acLine exam'nai Tiffs .,t itsell is • good ev i•ereasiac interest taken + Qt.•,tess. SCM :T or I 'rANk 3 ei 1. Recommending pay lowtnc : Otaario Rifle Ase $10; Blyth Adruon'e, $5.1 ate, $3.50: Cho Meyer, t roadway, $5: Bruseeis Po Gibbon, revellitig appy 'd e, $10.00; IV A Pa tc Hale'• bred;e, *4 70; �1 t i, pump rspatrs, $1; A et: $3; Citation :Veer A Ws. ler, relw.rs to coati 1 Fraser at Porter, ttstionel Barker, half year's hoard teat, 5416; James Mahe" )'ort Albert bridge. $7; books fortel;iatry o Mee, 1 for county clerk, $1.50; for county t-esaarer, $2 tont, (*rota' er of tools, 1 liahidg Co. Ca r.: err, 55 king, plaste.i'ig in jail, 1 land, wo:l iso L udeale'v Wos )Murphy, do, $4.1i0 bell, 20 'teaks' board of sane iodiceut. $62; Chris tionery, $2 '0; Sraforth Exeter I:ylrr:.o. $650; lst.o, sand' i a $0.31; Wu ing Mait:and bridke, e15: $6.62; Nr -r. Rerx••, $7.1 AAL, $$; P. McKsatam, e bridge, $2; Ssaferlh S. ward, repairs to bridits, _' elu, printltlg *nitrite., tits' Institute of Ita.t 1 .goivalett to the Got Janes Johnston, $25; rt 11019i- fes ; Janie* Gillel prea.itflelkn of bis claim to L.rdssbrtro k NM in fell of contract ba Cu ,]t'r3 97; grpretMhSS ro Y1• b Ione, jail *applies, $7.9 repairs to Crediton bee, pM*ypieoe, Wingbant e$0,Magistrates' irate t Queen vs. Chafer, re hs Lis' bylaw, $30. o 2. hat the follnwin Ferguson, as caretaker up for ISttb, $20; Dr R emitting lunatic before eller, 5460 for pc ADC naemoch as the fu 111 b Lw has been pair i, (a) That the de eras the License C. &eel Heron be Ltd ova session ; and if the C West and South Ridii demands, that the cleso time .ffeet. (b). That IS cents each volunteer of the 3 cam deriag proem pree (c That no action /err lbs appoint Peal . Mst�t�Istrete (dl! We reeeomma viers stalemsnls M seenutes, aid that he ),.row the sus of $1 —asposalewe. tad t11at brresbot nos have etamisd the to and find them all IM '47. (4 The retimaa