HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-6-18, Page 44 TOWN TOPICS J. Aikettter cli this joie s.tar..ti • Mens Delplsitt, when he has hems viit- asl ee during the Peet .ioa k. H. I rte•,, Mr, &We' violas, IMI the vru►ibilwa muvswent i• I' ear P' M' sad fast the t3tat• ticket will /tewart'• Noun Will lake the /emit be fele rtes ea that woe time fall pradecie• some of t►* Asst work that hes W. ere •sl•d w wars that Joseph Bas . Mer Item owe is this oodles. sou (( „sere, who returned noes_ t mem and ram are the 1iest re. eon god t t eat. r. a A. Pr Woodstock are bone irons Wostock very ill several makise a M w tram of flea sad weeks ego, m •able to be *bout again. sus sir Jue is • good young man, sad much ss FINS TA A.-]tT arrived, tibial RIM Orson lrlsh srps, The newest p000ts tseated by all who know bun. in die mazket. T.ks • took at thew. hobbyTben will be a very large Dumber u[ sod mem. B. llsclsoanac K:astte caKoorr,_I4a1. McGillivray. or orentriesand dancing for ptpiW[ g st the the New Cask Groosry, ea North street sod ' tl.derio► Caledonian games on Donsiuiun Day, judging frons the letters coming frons those who desire to enter fur pns.s. "Diana ye hear the slogan 1" 1•.•r., ogle ftr*t-eLm_gosds, lower is prim Ikea Sal is the trade. rad The lithminaps of Donald Diastole is the Csl duslsi bUUr is • les work of art. but for first-close,it. Mellows Mill teem up at the haaul teem lee procession. A the task tltor'. lou ma til • nice let of beset 1!i da Cask per tams A stem lei d tomatoes In roes cheap, warranted. square sad teas a specialty. 0. H. Old. tracer. Renate A cable order ter 1.300 Kern organs shows that It isleading the van .t the Isteraulosal. seders a Moe are ire aerate for Ooderich. f lwast to purchase en °rem or plasty Cresson them sad save imam. A lee lot of .lstles direct froom Paris. -Tie Cheapest Besse ander the rias.` John M.Leren, of L•nsi.ig, Mick., is Visiting relatives in Saltturd. We regret to learn that Prof. dePeed- ry is laid up by • seven illness. H. L Widgeon loft by the United =spire fur Winnipeg on Saturday. Mrs. J. D. Hayhurst and children, of Pelmerstoo, are the Resets of Mrs. 8. Platt. Mrs. and Mrs. Tanner gave Gederich a ball lad week on their return from Winnipeg. Read the .d t of the Sagin ow VaUey steamer. Further nest week. John Morvan, of Colborne, has pun cheated Jonathan Emiwb's grueery Wei - se's in Blyth. A large quantity of interesting corres- pondence has been unavoidably crowded out this week. THE HURON SIGNAL, W. N. Blakely, an evangelist,peach- ed in the meeting roonse over 1 idley's More en Sunday eveoiui There was • kir attendsnoa Mr. Blaokley spends • good deal of the summer in ti.derich, which is • favorite resort with him. The Strsthroy Ar in its amount of the Cabdcuiest games in that town says : "D. M. Sullivan gave an exhibition of bit dexterity by Jumping over • horse 17 bends high, using dumb bells." Mr. Sullivan will repeat this feet in ()Wench on the lot of July. Tsrrsaescl Mamma -A teener - &ace convention will be held in Clinton, on Friday next at 10 a. m. We hope (letterset), Colborne sad Ashfield will be tally repreaeuted. Lot the as. turn out strongly, All supporters of the Scott Act are invited to attend. Seaewaaaat FssrlvA.1..-A strawber- ry festival will be held this (Friday) evening seder the anapiess of the young people of Visteria street church. In ad- ditsou to and =Teem then will be • very entertaining program. To at 8 o'clock ; admission 1bc. t, FRIDAY. JUNE i8, I881. Our volunteers have beer &t dies star• ittg the past week or two, getting ready fur the Lowdou camp, which will opeu ea Ceiling's heights on Jose 22nd, and will coutprtse the following volunteer Corp. front No. 1 military district '- Ludue bold battery, Twenty -Fleet bat- talion of Essen. Twenty stub battslion of Middlesex, Twenty -Seventh battalion of Lambtun. Twenty -Ninth battalion of Waterloo. Thirty -Smoot battalion of Bruce, Thirty -Third battalion of Huron. The Gtdegich company will have a lot of recruits. Mise Etta Crane, who W been visiting In the States the pate. low tatlethe return- ed home last week. Miss Morena, of 8•n Peewits, Oslo, and Mins Gibson, of Se. Louie ante the guests of Captain Gilson. Mrs. John Venetia, of Stratford, .eoonspied by her daughter, paid • visit to her son here during the past week. The members of North street Metho- dist choir are requested to meet in the church for pesetas Saturday evening. Hamilton Wysle, of the London mo- istener, a former student of the Gude- rich High School, is the guest of George Cox. Mrs. Adams, wife oft Dr. Adams, of Ebro, with her little eta, is ependiog • few weeks in town with her sisters, the Mimeses McKay. Mrs. W. H. Ellis, of Toronto, .n old friend of Mrs. Wm, Cox, spot • few days hi town this week at the British Xscbange Hotel. The Schooner North Star with a cargo of lumber for Securd d Co., reached port on Thursday evening and unloaded at the firm's dock. The Ashfield R. C picnic on Saturday, Jane 26th, is attracting le at- tention, and a big turnout of Goderiich people is probable. Mn. H. M. Cowan, of Exeter, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Gavin Struthers. Her husband is studying medicine in Europe. The schooner Garibaldi reached this port n. Sunday, and after taking on a cargo of salt on Monday and Tuesday • sailed for the Georgian Bay. Dr. Hamilton, formerly of Godericb, is recuperating .t his old home, being • little run down in health. Hauges breeds. eine found to be Ws 1 that Robt. Routledge, f elf Oodericb, will leave for the bid shortly, when the papoose 1.1111A/100 business on hie auu ninst l& by pirates, and on one time fuerht them and beat thele. off. His ship, the Cano- pus, awpus, had the honor of being the vessel which brought the brat cargo of tea Ines Shanghai after tb•t port was made free in 1843. He afterwards spent some years its the S.41111 American sod Brazil , trade. While its command of the ship ludas, In 1848, crossing the Bay of Bis my, be saw one night a r,Ueditw in the sky which came frnw the burning Mown - sr Amazon of the Itollal West India Mail Co , but beiug beim meal was unable to ascertain the cause oe go to her asstet- ssce. He left the sea in 106, and acme to Canada and settled in Toronto. Ho infested his mvtnga in oil lands lot Pe- trous when cal was just discovered then, but owing to the rescahty of some whom he trusted he lest nearly all he H. then went into the hotel osinem in Toronto, and continued in it ten years. He came to Goderich its 1870 end bought out the Huron Hotel, then kept by J. J. Wright. This hotel was burned in November, 1871. The Captain then tun lot out the British Exchange f rt m J. Calloway in May, 187.2, which he kept until October host when he retired on aocuuttt of failing health in favor of his eon, the pretend proprietor. Fur mote years previous to his demes be suffered severely from sciatica in the hip caused by en accident, which su weakened him that heart dis- ease waa superinduced. For six months beton his death he had lou the use of his both legs and had to be serried about bia roma the wife and eon were un- remitting in their attentions to him to the last. His end was • peaceful and • one, for trust in Christ had robbed death of its sting •rd grave of its victory. In the words of ono who know him well :-"Hu death was • hap- py release from suffering. Hu weary long watch is at last over, and he hos gone to rest until the last great muster when he shall answer to the call of '`A11 Hands.'. HnslbeAL-At St. Peter's church, G.dench, on W.du..d*y, June 9th, by Rev. B. J. Waiters, Patrick Austin, of Askield, wee married to Miss Aggie, youngest daughter of Mr. James Young, orf Gudench. The bride wore a hand- some dress of bronze green surah satin, with hat to match, trimmed with nch yellow plumes. She was assisted by her mice, Miss Chisholm. The 1 was aided by his brother, Mr Austin. After luncheon at the Park House the happy couple left for Toronto ou their wedding trip. At the regular meeting of the 11 S. L 8. last Friday evening, nominations were made for the various oftiose in coo- neaion with the society. The followine program was promoted .-Solo, Mr. S. P. Halls, B. A.; reading, Mr. Struthers; solo, Mr. Heddle : recitation, Mr. Young ; quartette, Misty Idlard and Heddle, and Messrs. A. Moore. B A., and Heddle ; reading„ Mr. Wygle ; question drawer, Mr. It I. Strang ; chorus, the members. Al the cresolesiun of the literary portion Mr. 'i P. Halls expen.uented with the electric battery to the great 1 of all present Cuo.l or Time Taman -The G.T.R. aft.raoos mail train now reeehem berm at 2.4b., which gives meek satisfaction to the Weiuw plblM. The time is likely te be plowed at 2.30 shortly, which will give still farther setielaetioe. W. are clad to see the G. T. IL bring the daily papers slim, at • reasonable time. Walter McDoweall. carpenter, of Heos&U, was charged by W. H. Rey. noble, of the same place with the larosny of a jack pleas and other tools. The care was tried before Judge Toms on Tuesday, but as then wee nothing to show that the premier istesded theft, he was discharged, with a matins mut to borrow his employers' tools again with- out permission. R. C. lhcxfc to Htn.Lsrr.-A picnic under the •napless of the ladies of the Hullett Catholic church will be held in tb• shady grove of Owes Flynn, Hullett, 0o Wednesday next. As ather Wa- ters, of Gederich, is also pastor of the Hallett church, the people of this town will be pleased to sore it a .occes. No seat wiU be spared to make visitor's happy. Remember the date. The Schooner Carter, Csptsin D. 11ite, loud, arrived during Thursday night who had subscribed towards its pur- with s cargo of lumber for the G. T. dock. The Carter left again on Friday evening. From • letter, dated May 24th, and writes by Hugh M late of that vicinity, but now a H. Y. Attrill's Ridgewood Stock Farm, Ooderich, the Drayton Videttr gives the following : "We have some fine stock here, and to Rive you an idea of the value of the stock, I need only my that we had • • a•1e of shorthorns so the 13th ult. , one oow selling for $3.250, ani the other for $3,203. The 13 heed sold realized $12,000. and some of them were calve& This sale took place in Chicago. We bass ane oow here which Dost $12,000 in England, but we have been unfortun- ate eoough to lose her calf this year, she stepped on it sod killed it" We see by a circular just sent us that our old frierd and townsman, J. W. We•ther•Id, is in the employ of the People's Co., Toronto, who make • spe- cialty et pianos organs and sewing ms - The following frons the 8•gisaw eves refers to a meg lady well known is Coderich : "Mins Minnie Wilson, for the past nice e•esths the teacher tot the district school in Saginaw Town, left Saturday for her Mamie Ooderich, Oat. Miss Wilson has bees very suoocaslal anal satisfactory to thegsople of this trict u her week, and carries a high re - from the district board. Lightning struck the rewdesee of Ira Lewis, county crown attorney, ons'Wed- neday of last week. Then were a few friends visiting the horse, and the ladies were much alarmed. The lights were extinguished by the electric fluid, but happily no other Injury wee done. A quiet game of cards, no stakes, between the Crown Attorney and the County Treasurer was Interrupted by the shock, and left unfinished. The organ recital in Knoz church on Monday evening was well attended, con- sidering the short notice. Prof. Clarke ap- pears to be • thorouvhly trained organist, and he brought out the resources of the In • way that pleased those Messrs. Gray, Young ! Sperling, malt manufacturers of Blyth, are putttiog in a new kiln for making Balt. The kiln was purchased from Chrya1*I £ lack, Goderich. The t of Knox church KS. are arranging fur a grand strawberry fes- tival, to be held on Friday evening next, June 23th. Proceeda,in Cid of the 8. 8. organ fund. A , mass meeting will be held at tmith'. Hill next week which will be addressed by Rev. Messrs. John - Mon, Salton and Webster, of (ioderich. chase. The evening was very warm, nevertheless the performance was much 1 Mr. Belcher sang • bass solo during the evening. Olrtoo yr Bt*artrltan Ise Oonsetrn.- W. H. Ridley announces that be is orie- nt Goderiek. He has •••d• le to remove to Paris, Ont., in • mouth or two, sod in the meantime he will clear off his stock at a perfect slaughter rate. The earliest com- ers will, of course, get the best bargains. Ridley is in dead earnest, and the clear- ing sale is genuine. We are sorry to lope so good • citizen as Mr. Ridley. CANADIAN HsNDDons. - We ars in reoeict of the "Canadian Handbook" I. For particulars see bills. from the department of Agriculture, W. N. Blakely will (D. V., again Ottawa It deals very fully with Cana - preach the "Gospel of God ' on Lord's da at the Colonial and Indian Exhibi• Day evening next in the mooting room Um, and goes largely into the history, over Ridley'* store at seven o'clock. All Qrodwetiot • and natural 111•°°"" u1 t are affectionately invited. Dominion. It has been prepared under Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street direction of Hon. John Carling, minis- ter of Agriculture for Canada, and is • dentist, sakes the preservation el thevaltlal informs - natural teeth • specialty. Gas adminia- don. tend from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. for the Tile Paas Horse, Ooderich, is a painless extraction of teeth. hotel especially adapted for the econfort A. J. Manger, bookkeeper of the liar- and of tourists, being situa- bor mills. is on • holiday trip to New ted at the west end, adjoining the large York. He will likely return next week. pb•wre grounds from which a splendid Mrs. Ma ager and the children are visit- view of the lake can be had. We @pent flag the old home at Paisley. a week at this hotel together with 40 Mrs. Will. McKoy, (Maud Moor- other deleptes to all ret home) of Pfnoonuing, Mich., is spending whom wen m eased with flu treat - a portion of the seamier season under went received, that they paoosd • enan- the parents) roof at 'Mayfield, and is slot imnns reeolntioe of thanks to Mr. Doyle, visiting old scenes and odd friends in and proprietor, Inc his attention and h.spi- tlgeand Gooieeieb. tality. --1 Markd•le Standard. J. 8. Maedo.gsll, the affable 1,tisvtn P,-LLWA• & C0.'. WORLD OF WnN Hatt .lark, brought ams in a couple of near.---e)er readers will bear witness lustrous sinwberries Thursday that wee. that it is not our custom to over -prole* felly e es ripe peaches Large pabbc .n ,bet when we see as Wire strowbowvise and big potatoes are •Iwejs • really good one, we demo it bialy just in Mr. Macdougall's line. to may so. Ws can and do, therefore, leis Honkie, of the Hesse Rod, the Pellm•n k Co. Combiu•. hod tin este tarried recewtl]• Oen tiro which exhibited here y.etewlay the WWisg, •t Virden, Man., to Mies leon. best of its kid that welaveewerattend wis Dias, sad et Ooderieh. John, r., ed. It was each feature with ve meed and J honesty, each feature advertised was to Min Jane Kerr, daughter of • former prevented and • very liberal aoiwirale.t peptise grocer of lioderieh. returned for the pries of sdmismown. The Totts to EeoLANn, ieRI.ANI, AND Human Leopard Family and the Electrie Scort.aon.-From the office of the An- lolly are certainly sarong the rarest to Aar Lime Rte asaht,o Co., we have re- living I ; the trained home. gulped • very handy and beautifully docs and goats wonderful, sad the arenie Moshytd book of town, which we would performassees the bed of their kind. ilepmee epne all vi.itnv. b Kerope to How the mmta6ensewt can stfowd to .e eyrie to their heel assets for. The work- so mesh for so little money is a t samooldp Ant ekes and the intonese it will Ned -sad pleasest m tr (M. i Thomas Jaunts . it' Mee Tb. Lade Mrs. tampbeit. Mrs. Margaret Cross Campbell, relict of the late Juba Campbell. sad mother of the Rev. T. K. Campbell, died hen, and the residence of her son, on Wed- nesday the 9th June. at 5:30 a.m. The deceased was born in the county Farewell, Ireland, on February 13th, 1816, and was therefore at the time of her death 71 years and 4 months. She was brought to this country at 8 years of age, with her family, who settled or. the bank of the Ottawa river near the village off LOrtgaa1 Her mother was a lady of eduction and rosboensent, who, chinessaline to the people direct retail in the abloom of schools, gave her owe at wholesale prices, and offering to ship I children, at the fireside, • good English their goods on approval, freight prepaid, to any reliable person, be it 1000 mike away. Those requiring such gods need not hesitate to test their offer From what we know of Mr. Weather•ld the goods, must be first-class, or he would have nothing to do with them, and be- sides their system of doing business is such that it could nut be carried ue go - lens the geode were first -clan Rape. -Arthur Wyatt, of Hullett, • laborer, was brought to jail on Wednes- day last, on the charge of having com- mitted • rape upon the person of Mary Anne Gorbutt, a girl aged 17 years, os. the 1st day of Jane, inst. The baso was tried before " , . M. Young and McKinnon, who sent Wyatt up for trial at the assizes The offence occurred about 24 miles from the village of Blyth. The girl had just arranged to take a place with a family ns,.ied Watson, and met the primmer, who said he was look- ing for work on the road. She had seen him before. The evidence given is unfit for publication. Wyatt, who was not captured until a week or so after the offence was committed, claims w be able to prove an alibi. Gonssus CALEDONIAN G*Net. -Ar- . l have been made by the Citi - greed athletic 1, and series of l tosveried under 16 Teen of age, and Caledonian WINS els the ap•cuous sod I always locked forward in faith to a see- mnvenient lacrosse grounds, on Thorn- ful life for each of her children. That day, July 14. Already entries have faith has been rewarded. been received from • large number of About 22 years ago the greet sorrow Ole most celebrated athletes. such as R. of her 111. fell upon bar, when a toying N. Hnrrison,the heavy weight champion; sod devoted Christian husband was D. M. Sullivan, the champion jumper 1 taken away. Sines then she has leaned of the world; Archie Scott, the great all upon the cants of her eons and with • around athlete; Gideon Petrie, the well -I sublimer 0006sa demupon the arm of known hammer thrower and wrestler; C. God, He shelf=- Wal 1.1111. by fragrant t:urrie, the champion stove putter; and in Goderish, fid amen, the Methodists other well known competitors. The ea- I of Ontario. notary has also received entries from • Bar remains weinterred number of the best known pipers on the I n Guelph cemetery on Friday. continent, together with dancers and I _ boys and girls in Highland costume. One - of the greet events of the jay will be Parsaimiat. $ standing jump, from grass to grate edecatioa. Mrs. C. them her childhood wee a dili- gent reader, and besides the library of home read many borrowed books, u that bar mind was well stored with in. formation at an early day. This habit ef reeding was kept up through all the tares of home life, and even into the days of her Wt Meknes. Kra C'a. Cbriatian life began with her at six years of age, *bees ac- cording to her own testimony, she clear - 17 and rassivd pardon of sin. A t about 20 years of age her life became more fully devoted to Cod, sed enriched with an that gave power to her word, and made her labors fruitful. Her whole Christian life was one of rsre excellence, and those who knew her only throegh her stay in Godench will tar witness to the swest- n as•, sentiment, and spiritual power of for ps. Clife. Mrs. C.life. leaves nine children, six daughters seed three sous, two of whom are in the Methodist ministry, sod the other J J. Campbell, of Michigan, was • lay delegate to the Inst conference of that State. Of her five sows -in-law, one is in the ministry (Toronto conference), and the rest are all lay officers is the Methodist Church. She was atm beard seri Committee of Gudeneh to holds to pram God that all her children were JA.REID& BRO. yl fAY tt!aD'lest.! 411 9,4•1 th!* wegk to thole TAILORING DEPARTIZEn. Thcl ere *bowing a ttplrndtd senile ut TWEEDS AND COATINGS I good Sait made to order, ill -Wool Tweed, $10 1 good Scotch Tweed Suit for - - $14 1 Fine Black Worsted for - - - $20 SPECIAL. PINTS NIDE TO ORDER, ILL WOOL, $2.20 FIRST-CLASS TRIMINGS USED, AND A 0000 FIT GUARANTEED. JAS. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's likck, Godericb, 10th Mai, is.. 6n boos, was soon got under subjection, BRealcal. but not until every moveable article, even to the blinds. wen removed, was the danger thought to be over. Mr. Tennison'• property was insured, but he will still low considerable. It is our painful duty to record the death of Jame Agnew, who died at her home on Friday, June 4th, .t the early age of 22 years. More than seven months ago she contracted • cold which settled os her lungs turning to consump- tion which .t last carried her off. Janie was • favorite with all who knew Mennd up to the very last had • cheerful word .ad pleasant smile for the tiny friends who called to bee her. During bar long sickness she seemed happy to the bright thought of forever reeling in the seen of her blessed Saviour. When spoken to about the of death she said she could see so gloom and was only p••sug ea a little while beton. The whole community mourn her loss ; but while we miss her welcome on earth we rejoice in • more blessed welcome to be received from her in beaten. Her funeral, which took place on Monday last, wee attended by • large concourse of sy.patbisaag friesda About 80 brothers seed sisters of Dewdrop Council , of which she bas long been • member, wisted .t the burial. Her funeral ser- mon will be had is Hope Church, by Rev. Mr. ]loss, os Sunday morning next .t bolt -past 10 o'clock. over the back of the highest horse that eon be procured, by D. M. Sullivan, the Champion jumper of the world, %peeisl railway rates on .11 lines. For particu- lars me bilis and programs. THE LATE CAPT. W. COX. A NMI -snows FIeere reline* ranee ally .away (1 .nim 14.1„ One of the best known men in the county of Huron was Capt. Wm. Cox, late proprietor of the British Exchange Hotel, who died on Sunday last in his 72nd year. Capt. Cox was born in the city of Canterbury, England, on July 14, 1814, and came of an old Kentish family. He was the youngest of six sons, and in with English custom the eldest inherited everything while the rest had to make their own way. Capt. Cox chose the navy as hie profession, and went to sea in 1828, .t the ate of fourteen. A. the long war was over and half the navy out of emu - mission, there was little or no chance of in the naval service ; he ac- cordingly served in the Barbadoes trade in • West Indianian commanded by his u ncle, Capt Robert Branford, nee of the smartest minim of hie day, who had 1 • privateer during the war, and had three tires escaped from French prisons. His brother, iieut. Jas Branford, R N., was Flag Lieutenant ander Sir Edward Boxer, and was severely woneded in action with • French frigate. Capt Oox served severn years in the Wed bilis trade, rtes tbroagh the venom grease until he °h- I et .4 eommead of • *hitt, when he was for MON yeses in the East India and China trade. While asking in the e►ise sea he was several times chimed in the Mica Nellie Goble, of %Ingham, is spending • couple of week, with her cou- sin. Martha Clarke Robt Pickering is at present enjoying the health giving breezes of the North- west. Blacksmith Gordon Is ahead of .11 other competitors in the early potato line. You would almost imagine be had been warding new til • 011 them they are so long. --- Martha Murdoch is taking in the do- fighded scenery of the sunny south down at Belfast. Emaja Belcher, so old resident, was re -visiting ths achene* of her childhood We week. Statute labor is the principal work of our citizens this week, John Clarke, though small of stature, makes • good patbsn.ster, and in order to keep hie men order stricter diecip.its warned oat only part of them the first day. The Murdoch Bro. have completed the stone foundation of Alex MoDi•r• mid'• barn. Alex's better -half will fled it more congenial c.,at winter shoo pail- i1d the sows. Filth-Mood3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Jane 2d, the residents of Mr. Tennison caught fire, bet by bard work was apparently put out. The Ire although seowtinely subdued gest Isave been eating away in the hoes* for about 12 o'clock the some night when the fami- ly were in bed the fire again heoke est with greater fury that ever. The eeigh- bor, were alarmed and gathered as quiekly as possibk,bat found it imp000i- Itle to m.. the hens. They got out all the 1arwitsre they could, and them tam- ed their attention to mein the asked whish was hardly] twit rods from the burning Mase. The large Brand whit had by this lige gathered worked with • will and although the •shed saibA as .11111Ti. MO r E. CASE, M.D., 0.11 ., M.C.P.s., rill . G4hRs.l. O110e-Tatfnsrmed, eepfe ► Dr. Huteblsao.t Dungeo s's. Night .li.s-Illar- tla's hotel. 1r1- DMCLEAN, PHYSICIAN, BUR- L/ GLON. Coroner kc. Odes sad rs. dose. Brood Street. .mooed door west of ?keens Direct JUL 1IRK SHANNON & HAMILTON P•ytlicians Surgeon*. Aecoacher,, to Mice at lir. Mamma's .eekteme. seer the tool Ooderloh G. C. Summon. J. C. Buret, Tor 1711. Theunion Sabbath school picnic, held here on the lith, was a great emcees. Painters are busy impniving Mr. Tin- dall* sod Mr. Yungblut•s dwellings and Aals• • number of young people were en- joying themselves floating about on the over upon a scow belnogtng to Mr. Cel- li. which was somewhat leaky, it nearly foundered before its condition was notic- ed. 7 , they all got off before it went down. Never judge • woman by her com- plexion. It may be .11 put on. Dentistry. Legal. J) . C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, die. 11 Ole.- emraer et News ;irk, West stew, Ocd.rkb, over t..Jm isph sine. Prl- vele rued, to lead el 8 per Deet. INR SEAOER a LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Goderieb. C. Summa. J.- J. A. Monroe Z. N. lista \ 1111- '1j 0. HATES, SOLICITOR die., Jl li O/oe corer et tae squire end amt MM. Ooderleh, ever Butler's boskaten. imam to end at lowest rases se Istereet. GARROW & PROT/DP(1OT, BAR itiITERS Algoma", 8.11.1tees, its Gederich. .1. T. Osnow. W. Peeedteet. 178 CAMERON, H;)LT t CAMERON, Ilarristers. Solicitors Is Charesey. &e.. 3oderich. M. C. Q.merea, Q.C.; P. Bolt. M. O. Cam.ro.. C. C. Rees 171i. -m. NICHOLIli07Ee L.D.& URIC 'l int ROOMA, 6►ghtb door bb. wme Fbst O/n, Vt-tslaa., (ieSSatca. 11011.1, WL WOOLVERTON, L D. 8. . 0S.. -04d renews Hall. North St., 0.derlch. Charge, moderate. All work war- ranted- ills She People's Column. N OTICK Tenders wIU he resolved by the wad,rsiemed until Saturday, the rth Instant. for ceiling with narrow lace pine lumber of good itnib ty. dressed and matshedtytits (Mices a the CoeCoenHowse. vis :-Jsdesoi' Chambers a) stairs. County Att.rn'a aid Master i. Cbsnosry's O/asa Barristers' .ad Petit Jury Rooms. A Ilestisee may be sees in sayoiler Tenders will also he r.oeived orlpalating thec.osilltlle•4/. with two heavy costs .t geed Bide w71te Ioweor e say teed., sot .soramrily.e- e.pted. PETRA ADAMSSON. Cr Clerk. Jaw IBA, ISM Balk TWO THOROUGHBRED BULLS for Aare cheap. Good pp od, ,s,, Threeglees11. JOHN WABHHIINOOTON, A1111111111. MSL6U .-Mi88 04 se OKE, AFTIR 1. Zvi years study of music, is prepared to receive pupils for the Plana 1e. lessne.o quarterly. Terms : - M per quarter. Seth SHORTHAND. -ISA AC PITMANS PHONOGRAPHY. The most tLayette. 1. lestrectlbook. for em7o MM TN, M- imi ken short 1,1111N Li. ernes. 'Everyboy ..d ilrIthould For Bate or to Let. TO LET - TWO HOL'SE8 --- ONE 1 brick ea Newgate street. eeat•Islue neves roomshard mrd sett water, sad • Beed seeker& Tho saber home frame es Stanley b io geed o.e liar, herd and seriwater. a pp . RYtiRTH. lLLtf Loans aria insurance. Q*000 000 TO LOAN. APPLY Ti) rP C.i>rKRON HOLT a CAMKRON God.- rieh. IVO MONEY TO LEND. -A LA R G E •.enst et Print. Fuses ter laweetmesi ut lowest rafts ea cant -clam Meetmyse. Apply to°ARROW & PROUDFOOT DRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND AT 1 u and at per seat. ea drst-etaoo forte nicer - lir. Apply t. R. C. HAll Solicitor, Gale - Ash. >r1►te MO PERSONS WANTING LOANS 1 1 or desiring to drags their mersgeg s sed reduce their ram of Wentmt,evW...ppl7 prtvele funds to my amww` per asst. We here also received 1 from $ dI iiI confronts, • treat fend le load out • limited amouwt os fret els. Arm mwtp im at t3 1-3oast. A at epee t. dam; lilt & LKWIN, the Cabers* Hotel- Goderteb. i ollerich, litb Nov., lite. 115.1 Lt.RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCIL, REAL ESTATE AND MONEY WANING AGENT. Gary First-class CMrywwi o Rrprreuwted I Mosey to Lead oa straight loss* at tiro lowest rote of Interest gulag. In my war to salt tie servower. I (*Melt - nomad deer trues tinware, Was Street, Gederich. 11fa-it INSURANCE CARD. %V. T. FOOT. P8r.. Left sad Mortise Isswrswer Agent. OODXR/CH. I OM eeppeetts Cottons, Hotel. The -' Lambdas A swswranee' incorporated IT! The " xettowal." established ISM. The ' Hard-Is-h•ed,- the sea Compass Seemed to Insure plate glace, is the Donsi 'M rtmvsnloe. w all Sem .leas e.4 Md .Mab I iked sempanIea. Malta Mire at lewaf rates. OotdeAeh Doe. ilia. Irl. ti/L 50,000 LOAN AT d PER t TORONTO a J zR4L TRCMS CO'Y are to lop mesef MMI par beat.. pay able b earl , en TERlll8 TO SUIT BORROWERS, w ars-eblti farm amem'tty. Apply to CAMERON. HOLTit CAM/HON. Amato for the Teraeto B Onleterhwste"10. y. Meows. CAarswow. HOLT & Cars•mw 1111.o i se a terms animal of private tends to lest ow gest-clam farm seewrity. Oedarte l.. oche. 11M. 1011.11 $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS '1'o lend ea farm and town property at low- est I.1*.sst. Mori sura pwmyssd eom- Minilimm shard for °Mihail recta. the 1=2 I t rest. S. el ad 7 emit. gaw. the Leadea Leen er' . R. --Borrowers eau ws Moos me, 8 see dor, If cilloLOON DA V LOON a .1 )1ttTON. 1170- %renters, le., Oedorleb It'ARM TO LET -FOR A TERM 01 ad err 110,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LICND ossstea 1 the Toowe. tore. a Oma..p.*y tweet. M erteosese Purektel d .. crad Tema Premesty t M wsaimstrlaM- h7 Isrt., to J 8. I.ILARA, Meettord. I0 .if - Cemvwyenoolag *'res m@eaaIM. x. 8.- w strata mens la seedy Cries estls/a•M.y.-DA V 1SON a JOHN - WON' i.rrhaste. ie.. O.deseb. fit 8trayea Animals. (IATTl.R ELTRAY-CAM ON MT ` / premises stoat the beirlai sat et Mv. two resellag hymns, both gryls` 7Se °weer is is0..1 te prove presort,. pt7 es- parto and take thew • Meta SULLIVAN. lom 7. Lake Ranee, A.hleld. K l atohrides. P. O. 110114t. HOME EITRAYR D-CAMZ INTI) AIheri. e. Tweedafr r San* tai MK • Ille .mpe4 e' .fgMsdeeltkg. peri. rr w ora AYi<A R ttlY Aucttoneertrg. J ORN KNOX I'IENERAL AUC- Owt.TiHa4. •rd nae -ilustsrg bad. espowieweOrderiedi. 5 dlseha.es wentthe mot tsuww he is a position t missleM ft M kilns.er sent a Mikis esretelly AustMmesr. Tome saes, surae • girl wbo Awn .e stsrrimea will work jest 111111111M•1 AF Lo flint t#e A Matnen threw a Ant DAM. I intermit tl pry hair +6w •ttra, rt. en weee u' ould it brief ace clime Y • ly bo There is eupaat 0 this m1p It h•pp enmmer DOW awn though y WOW' e.e ►Cowin« would y to make fug fell patent m ee1L'') W.II,I .roe, Chi Godericb often be go south g eeenlll warmer Thereto( slob, roc resort hi Misers We haIsod seized k in all dii It bed 10 • YamR The an the app is hero f the bob. robin, ranch al rwpo*ien crow. This 1 isnot • trsdicti in it summa Now U it is po MK II This totbl Benno district niers, I once a sass th Droner bat if mesa I Potash that ti eta We of min from. four is health ese en n ot m by n' levo), sod 1 • not t easily borsel Geo Aero To a (meet egret( pod« teal prove MO IP will ciiizr Fo dram seam reit rog spin ed Age can l Akio sed 1 snail have noun tUi vitt era the ll• see Thi tem hay W• I fro oil to WI situ amu M• ie lit me ►i1 Ti T1 1i1 se lr er le oo R b 11 dl • If •