HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-6-18, Page 34
Atomism or "J mins
Wire." • Urtiaa
F1uts I'I:aTaat'ti,' .\X.
t'II.S:'TEI: XVIII. (('..ori"'r'1)
"If 1 tell ye," she said et last, "
Idearhe a word f Ye 11 promise ''
tis ass's' term% fur youreeT auye. . bun-
ny I,+sf:d set' lased Mur+en-fwl.y t1.e
loot i.est', which yell iwybe fi td • htur
Gerald Rutholia let i . Three's gibe
1101 .he sham: is ser.. a gaol
,,u.'0..0, t•a.
thiol so. Foe the boa, • 011 its ouutputs "And it is always to remain is Iteett.'s
et u..i.n y and jewels, wb,•ls Autbuny possession 1"
bad c^entified to the polios ui,t'r's Anthony was silent for • m•zmtnt.
elven•, had been placed I,.cL and Ley He looked down, and crushed the fern
at ,It, teed U..k. a •J bud passed loth- under his foot with some imp•t euoe.
out no tit:el.: antics as sits o1 it.. few "Before I answer you,' he said, "let
Would the
va'u,'. • 1
L...11- 1110•11k you oust q,aestur0.
c.-wsshu••a wbwh Aad
us. sly escs,.otl DN ammo/. Mrs Patio, ownership ur non -ownership sit Uleutwr-
CHAPTER !C1C 11 is. emu,.. with the seas.+I pu•,lc, rte street Lord Mutdems decision with
loomte,..,iw r of it, su.i J ') ar..•,•, ce ant ref/poet to es It
Lady Lilies inn
a w'Aa\.!IU. nage P'
Bei ,ie w+. c•.•natw:Jn1. Be sae rule 0c 1.1'"''5""'t of i•.s1"* .r1,..' '�I du nut kuuw. I suppose that it
"I we i +rstt.ely like t.. say, •i., she
t^ .•t wp (sit , old
td -F a of .ash doer on,tu •..(•steel at Lie , with c••u.iou. '1 has would- -to some eateut. Morten would
l be i • broad, 'old-fuh (the sgtt •.i be, ••,rs- 1 ••e moat' folk that I Ilion* •uiu.1. nu. b• any the more likely le, give his
drdrxw and 1 alt out •t the x,51(1 red• I Mia , ,s Do••:Ja'. she wad bee been the consent to the marriage if poor Berths
deletes etude a ,d puipliug L•*tl►ur ie, I pram i v, tell ye, lust she'. diel, puir i was oil even the laird of Oleubervis.
Way, rat' Mr Berrie •r• o+e ).,on.. to' But that consid/traitors uuttlit not to
wee h whtb you.'
b.' • ' ice u' :lose .biome," g wit$u1 his ower -good,
bad, or indif er-
"Ot c ..• --," guild A ,tl•.••,y. "Ah, "It due. weigh with me-- to some ex- p K
weft, i• Il•o•-.a't ti; ,i "y. Tha.sk jos, lent, as you say," rejoined Anthony with • tont."
lire Pie e ' And .bees be d;ossiw.ed the a smile. "Ilut I have auutlier reason I "Moreton trusts bio implicitly," said
to delay tug my decision. After all, 1 Beatrice in a doubtful tone. But An -
"I d Letter tell ye, nit) br, ' said Mag• tile dis,to a -even to toe mowed into los
gig, ss if still *noting the matter with •'i1io'-ruuun n3 the count dour au•i to •e•
hers. f, "and then yell uuderstaud. bis factor add his Lawyer oil ota"leaa
Chantey, ys mi, J the time when Auntie 1"1""e' Bot there wass
& great we""et
Bell an' tae tweet to Olenbervie. Attune s11 L"'luur stout him eta It teemed
Bell we, a nurse then, ye',I mend, an' t • Agtat.iJ r•nsUwa Ir if • eh•ht
she we, sett frau the hospital to tend an Wmia edhn j (if mental .05117 and rill
auld geutlrmau that heed duan Stubs'
lases (,,t owed up..a the lots of p!lysial
way 'r" strength ; he cuull not tell how ..r s fit
"1 DMA." i. etas, Lot he thuu;ht hi u.. 11 conscious
"He'd been l.a.ki.s( t..r Itis grandson of stens want sit resolution ani steady
in Giaakie, se,' the grainsoo was ie, jail. liwpose to the character•.f! his Vousin=s
The auld man get •stroke when he heard Want which he had Lever observed 1* -
.re. Bettie was an loca•,le as urea, but
u't. Ile visa ill iti the hotel for •dry or Authouy could not help thie:title that at
twa, sir' when he was to tln awn' to II'.
taunt he was a little week.
Perhaps, however, Authuny judoe.i
h'm harshly. In Berties place he would
c,r:aiuly not have been as easily depress -
el and disheartened as Certie had been
by Lord Maness dhswtssal of has suit ;
hilt thea Anthony was made of'tenter
stuff than his cumin, cud had been
w,ulded by adverse circum•ta.tces into a
"1 wind, 1 mind. I thocht there was very different character. He grew into
rotor hong wring. I ,peered at her no,o:,. tits habit 6f treating Brrtie in a protect-
• shute *tat geed on at UIsmbervie, out trig, a:derly-brotherly kind 4 way, which
she sada* say. She caro' awe' at 11:e had its charm fur the young mean, al-
auld laird's death no a penny the rich- though he did not quite understand it.
aiu h:ao:s, Auntie li.11 geed wt 'w. '
"N'har's a' this to do wt't r" inquired
old Mn L.tau.
"Wait a let an' ye II hear. .auntie Bell
hides inti there own long wheat she
sent up for me to gee an' help her. She
teetotal a blame to vin errands, she said.
I weal the sec.' day, but she had •lueer
ensrt), fcr me to dae "
"Stec au' the laird's duchter, Mn.
Douglas,' said Maggie, "wauted me to
spy 011 the auld man's doing. --me, a wee
bit Imaie u' twat' year Auld. it warns lit
wank f •r rue as I hie tall my Auntie
Anthoay took to himself, almt.at unc on-
sciuusly, a certain amouut 4 authority,
and, as if N. counterbalance i:, a certain
aoount of resput:sibihty. He made it
hie bustaees to see that Bettie did the
right and the sensible thing on every oc-
Bell. No fret what I did it owl enrich. u" iou. And, while this treatment was
''he laird never suspeckit a wee oratur a n"vci'y a1 least,
Benin bore it with
wi' ha:r lite geed and cheeks like roach, great good humor.
as t:e used to say. Au it cam' to this, It came perhaps from the p•uessiunof
that he hid a box :u' of gowd a.1' jewe:s the paper which Beatrice had placed in
an' notes in a place whaur nei.her Mr.. Anthony's hauds. Old John L•ckhart's
Does las nor Auntie Bell could find it, will gave to his elder grandson the whole
an' I 1 out u't a' the time." . 1 the (llenberrie estate ; laving to Ber-
Au' ye never telt yen Auntie Bell f" tie only • small income, of which Ac -
said the old woman. thong himself, in conjunction with Lid
"No me." Morten, was In be trustee. It was an
"Nur bin. Douglas 1' extraordinary will, considering the little
"Na „ that Mr. Lockhart knew cf Anth 0y,
"Then-ye'11 hie the box -beside ye ?' mid Anthony himself was fully alive to
said Mrs. Logan, in • voice of suppress• its strangeness& He tried to learn every-
thing possible concerning the old laird,
"No, i•ve no the ba. Maggie pawl_ and heard some queer stories about his
ed for a few moments, as if she were
(Adios*. his freaks of ulativacy and weir
luctant t.. go on with the tale. "I daurna fulness.
say a word. Th' auld laird cursed me if ''It looks t•, me sometimes as if there
I said unytlting to any leevia sow!, au' I were a streak of something mere than
keep my word -until - ental-" eccentricity in the old man,' said An -
"Until what ?' thony to himself. "As if his mind had
'• Until Gerald garred me tell him," been disutdered by some shock, or weak -
murmured Maggie, with an irrepressible ened by grief and anxiety. But I don't
sub. "Au' hoo could I say him nay 1" hear anybody giving this explanation.
"Yo mean that ye keeoit the secret ( By the by, Mrs. Pine, our landlady,
said that she knew him III have a talk
"Yew And M had great influence
come Ruthven. Mus ILesilmurtt,
I would out for the world say suytbiu.t
to disturb your ountJence unneua•arily,
but believe W., t» Airlie's tuduenum is
nut always an t■/u.iiot for gum!. I
have known a case"-- Anthony's voice,
become a little agitated ss he spoke "a
OMR --in which that tuduence was ft. ut.' •
•d upon -s crime ''
"Mr LM:khart ? 1t cunt,' not at any
rate be founded up .o wrung-dui°g to this
instance, ' said Beatrice, with some
"1 did out mean to say so," replied
Anthony mons humbly than usual ; "but
I wanted you to understand that Dr.
Attie would use nosy useaus that fell
Se ►set a bis ...hill ea s0 stir• 17 un -
1 .;•11 •1•i..
Ma. Poi. hoist after Lim •Oh a
i' • a'4d exteevout as 1,e towns. 551,7.
"Na s a it -top aur," wan her cooclw;nate awry, as if con.idrnuse what to say next.
'_ t$s'.1No1. 1. • sio plr.ie an' Li. ai.• devi- Beatrice listened and watched tout sag•
ee% A , hs.'11 never c"Jae .t. wait.. Mr etly-
Ra r for user.- , el Li. rage•r1 eyes an' "Ye.?" she *aid at last.
y •
.toe lit. 1. f ••'tee r"•ire : e •n•.tisd "I know I may trust you, said Au -
+i' )1t., Ja.., ate used to Dome s',00t thooy, wa,h deliberaliuu. "I know that
ode to," -i,a,, I wsa a Liao. Ay, Mr 11014Y tell you what I would nut tell any•
hare known Berth, fur a very s6',rt tbuny returned no answer. His eyes
th sae ' were fixed upon the pall - way he was
He ttoplwd sudleitly and !nuked I treading. There we, • frown of per-
plexity upon hitbrow. Hew much or
bus little ought he to tell Beatrice Es-
ailmunt of the story that would show De
Airlie in his true outer*:
And while he hesitated the opportun-
ity we, lost. A turn to the pathway
brought them fan to face with the very
man of whom they had been speaking
Dr Airlac was also taking his walks
a M.u, p.unerty, 1 thiol no mea be, • abroad, and had come -by accident or
riot.. i , it who cannot use it rightly. I design 1 -to the spot which bliss Eeil-
5t 0 •h1 ,itis swat wh,b•.ut • train of moat loved to !request. Ile glae:eed
e,e•,,,ouocii•.,, even acre of lend fru se, the quickly from one to the other ; hhs face
toot .:.o aero:, ie, it nt•litinti tut a mea* wore A keen and even a suspicious ex.
of amusement. He should eke it fur the
promotion as he did too ; but in ores ma
yo.nl sal L;e
wawa,. the kta•d of the moot the sl.* p look we, .cue, and noth-
eou.•.•t ret lar1.e. er he timid(' not have 1°>l t ut ""x
oteat used b.nert lent inter -
it r, ,it. Nee I ate wi Lias to wait. I est t,tatned from his sett biw eyes.
B ' we 11+ I, ,e Ir, o„, . • sit* t e b''dr' else. You will not betray ole.
t Mel • h' .k. I'd ga. th:uagI a Well, I ;told what ars called cad views
ti • i! wormer to lest, Mr
Id, .1 tat I,;_ n' I "sib'. D. Ai•lie .ed
h• open .Isis t.t1.:'.•r day ; Cm j•,•, •ra-
1/'J' to has a c.•.k wi' him a e. It i
.ere the •ts. A .' be toll( me the. he
t't s:.- lea hos t.e•,d o' 10.".;
1,111:1 111:.‘10 A "I. t-ty bad goate out f",•
a ♦,.t., . ••1 ors iia l; 'it; his way ler art.b
a we, • 1 +Isiah eats ..lid sur sr 1,e di.-
iv:mice on esc;t ?trek of toe ri,er outside
•'N s•' t ., In t'.h, .140d he ,.uJde,.ly
don't kitties• id tut slug my coc,iu out .
for .1.eoat e of any own tight*. I d.s't
(coterie t' so)
w tuts' .b. Itse T
.aea4. r,h; u: • w•. o.•.,'. ti3ore r .•..••,at u`.e ' 0..r /11 ,4301 prr•pet.y, rod I have tVhy suffer a eioi;le moment, when you
',e ,,. Hs s •,vp,d shoe , a•od re- no re icy t . ket.'u down id the► amour ; can got immediate relief from internal
- - p. on 1' t;e•' �e we, a to pen. , nite,t:f a 1aa1 or .zternal pain by the use of Pi's.u'.
>(a-.Ir.i i, its•. lye foo, w moue of sae - '_\tor time, the great pain cure .' Net-
' • banally Itylie•4 the •esti two/
sit usr.e•, • IixJ (a-rdlatd-.,r if be atesvl' saline has never been kbown to tail. 'fry
W s east otos. A It .le ri,lllo,i bu.o
to 1 1 ...Jab ilk* e,..1,, o: the b:a`e't a.
hie feet :a of there, jar: '*yo 'd i., s.o.'1
Be ce Ead-uont. She did not see
b;•u ; she was le•wino aaai• e. a ,ere,
hni i' -or a hook in her hand, but her
tries *4.0 h ;rel on a hit of blue sky t
irte he• ;toe'. VI• merle n,ia' bra•ic'•es
of the tree*. Sloe was dressed In h'ack
to .ar ,ia: for plias Gerald Iluthven -
bo. the s!iawt that she had thrown round
ber bra .441 shoulders was of her fav,,Jr-
jos c•;•u.•..t, pod evert in that moan." 4
k beet -- ion Anihu sy .,.,.61 not
used his real,! roe h's own ,i sato:. and C 10 cent 'ample bottle. You will fled
wait, as so ro.e.•y ••'cc do Poe a•.11rys- is joss as . L Neuralgia,
*he, tl:e.•, I Wets I khou d tell him to tou1hache. cramps, headache, and all
.eta' -e roeo a • rise I stn urn o+ 14 to similar complaints disaplrear as of by
maktc wheu Ner•iline s used Laigs
s.tnd I,y e•••. ,r.- .1,y m": ty, "sy I up- b.t,le* 25 cents. Test bot,les 10 toots,
e►.y w *,. e. • .1,- . here an t:' -"s*. ,'. of at druggists and country dealers.
sari;.•, t't,i * -1 .ick thh'd en •ted
tr•,dde • d• ern •o oen in .1.e Le,nolty 1 Serest. the s'1*arems Aaw wtliF•rnded.
✓ '.on I a.ot•I :..ter h.l,,e1 tt 1 h.,d bad i Mr. Cameron, M.P., bay.ng exposed
the ..,1•..1." 1 the vile practices of so many of the Tory
)on rre oat a Saratis•, see M 1'.'s in grabbing timber limits, coal
•a ? s -u d B -vireos id rather w Kava I lands, etc., as the price :.f their subset-
vieney to the Guvernment, the whole
• ria• brood is in full pursuit, calling him ill
A ,,:.o .r 'matched. "i rove t'•0 pts. names mid throwing mud at him. Why
3 Sleepless Night., made miese.bie
that terrible ouegh. Shiluh's Cure as
remedy fur you. F..r sale by J. W.
as there are many tatertee
``u•..ts, eordea with ju�
hemp..te.,titssed and sofa
as Combas by sans im-
prine.pled ears\saM treL-
aa on the re5u*slhee et
an warn noMales mama*
such Imywt_...n by draw-
ing thr,r attention 10 IDA
vi 1.4..414 WM um
ts ►tamped on Inner side of all C oveltaegoode,
Without which assts tow / asiat.
Next dour t. Ithynat Moe Atare, (..flow
constantly adding •0 hie welt -
selected stuck, chore
Fresh Groceries,
which writ be found to compare IsvorsWy5
both as regards quality and price. with
any other stuck in this vicinity.
A 131'El'I.\LTY.
in rcturnintt thanks to my customers for
their patronage. I would also Invite any oda-
ere woo w ill. tomtit and inspect ney stock.
seutb-Went aide of the Square.
thoier..1., •eh. Iath.:Sea.
at eft u
6.'0 noticing how briahayethe dianemas Ph, " he .ri.c ••, 'd 1 *mot them to 1 ave d.tt't they disprove his charges 1 It would
••eir,'• 1,.s. .1.04.0 for yoterasif wb,ah-I be wore effective tier calling battles- --
or upon her slender, unglovod LlImcksille Recorder.
baud. Ile paused. spellbound, neither er .4-i 14 �oco1'-,u o. not. T cell ii
iiki•t( to advance nor to retreat. It C'•r'►.I•nh•y. Q.- v- •t loud torts.
seemed to Lim that her face wa+ ler, She w►• sheat-imt.reteed, alin. st is leu:. '.:e ,, the p.•pu•ar cureforchilh fever,
s i e of he.,e r, wi.h a view o1 life and Lot I1 t1. t• sat A'w*ce cure. &quire
thimorr than it had been when he saw P • 1'r ,' 1,..•I l;..as L*' r, Micloivar, salt
is le,; ; bo: the.i he had not often seen cuoduct.lrcl.differ.•d strangely from any i , sl. GUQ �*ans if yu.tnne for ebral
it beari•,g that expreasioo of thought, that bed torr 14011 presented to her be- , »I, n, n ,uals,i*I reser. *r•er ibat
alemat of sadceas, which now distiv- I "11- u d tenow o.trr Iemed•ee had settee,
guished it, and which used to la strange !11 ''So yon see," he a•niiuned cheerful- 6•r 1•• t,�r. of b:rnlutk f".»•t. Uitt.ta
rIe tared hon. 2
inlee'1 t.. Ba'.rice's animated features. ly, "I wean to wail a few weeks or -
A great deerhound was crouching at her il'''n't" before I decide. Even if 1 were Cora :.hewing on her last csramel)-
si de, ,nothing -perhaps the dog's to lake my own rights I should not lease What `uaakkes you always
twirlJohnny cane,(wour ho
low bowl when Anthoay tni.ved his band
him peoale,s, y, n know, Miss Euil- 31,. arritt 1 -Because he ain't get any
--cause l her to turn at last. Then she ^'^°I Rs ber( a" ',,c6,t ' mustache.
time twat' year se,' main t" said the old saw him. She changed her posture, let ' •Bevies k kiwi hearted and getter- A foie r..�«ter••.
with bar wme dxy
fortune. "A secret that wad hr mads the hand with the book in it fall to her DJs," said Beatrice in •low seise. "i There could he n,' oiler ma • fair than
Tris opportunity soon occurred. An-
i Ye Pule :" ' P° yside, an 1 smiled with • frank friend?i- don't thiol he sill do anything to injure that of the toot ries 'rs of Hatryard s
tivny met her as he we, walking through a Yellow Oil, who have long offered to re -
The contempt of her tune avoid nut be Hess which mule his heart leap- -he know t1. 1 h charge."
lig ► passage f the house on hit
e people in is c age.
t ower v "So meth the better. That will; f 1 step et." expendeel Inc that rein(
t into wools.oot'why. •
dy, if it fails to girt aoistnctiba on fair
"I wuh I had kept it lan>;rr," said way to the door, and she stopped him „G•Md morning, Mr. L.ckhart," she relieve me of a great rep,nsability." (nal. 2
Maggie passionately. "H
req a question about
The Largest Stock in Town.
t I.tllNILS. Iced. large Laie, Alsike, White.
OltAtat4B-Timothy street. Orchard (true.
Kentucky Blue. Iced Top. Lawn Crass,
Hungarian anti Millet. Tara.
BEANS.- White. (Widen Wax. Hotter Beare.
VATS. -White Australian. theca Tartarus.
WHEAT. - Buckwheat. Odessa. File.
CORN. -Caked* Yellow Earl • Slinseaota.
tStowell's F:venrreen, Yellow,
PEAR -Field Peas. White Marrowtat. and
Slack Eyed. etc.. Itaniel O'Rourke's. Me-
Le ia'e Little Utast.. tc.
FLAX 8EP:lr. Flax Seed. Linseed Heat.
thrombi. Oil rake.
MANUOLIki.--Matumoth tong Red. and all
other kinds.
TUI.NIPS.--8wede, and a/ other popular
CARROTS.- White Belgian. Red Field la -
S ermedtate. and al! kiwis el garden car-
:Wallower Reeds. and ell kind, of Field and
Garden r4,•ds, carefully *elected !nm tire
heat houses. .
A consignment of Fresh Oro01.d Oatmeal
Just arrived.
Hamilton (Street, Oaletich.
Uo ierit+. Feb. 11th. teal.
some of Berrie e
requirements. It was easy for him to sa'1' "You have found out my favorite "Mr. Lockhart, " taut Beatrice, "I -
! h- f ed
i f Tab [.stir don't kuuw whether to think j]o11
• said he would
Sty -ase what los i - retreat. Is at not s pretty p A
punish me if I t•uW 1 1. ful'ow her into h awn little sitting=
happened ! Gerald is deed -deed, au' i I care -the brook is between us."
room, and to say with an excellent ae-
through me. He timid me to tell him I "May 1 come over 1'
wmptida sal "Certainly. 1 Th will get my
Wert for should• I thocht hear it ' theae hairm. • "You nursed my grandfather through
What he no u' laird's � his last illnee, did you not, Yrs.
.biding -place -he might as weal hie the' Pane 1"
box as for it to lie by unknown an' un- ..Yet, sir." Nes Pirie lifted her eyes
tboeht u' -bet halm has cease tit, the
warat beim o' •', war's me fer'R. ♦ed to
s face the and thengroudropped
op sd them
& -
Maftgie burst into teen and hid ber fan were remarkably expressionless ; Antht-
in her hands.
"Was it a' gowd an' jewe's, Maggie 1 ' °y said to Mermelf that .bey looked as
if they were carted in wrwnd.
asked her grandmother hungrily. "A "Wu it a Tong illness I'
box(ti 1 them. She offend him her hand with a
r A m•iiter o' three months, sir, o[
"There was papers," said Maggie,look which told of seme gladness at khs
tbernwt,rot I canna exactly mind."coming; and then they both stood silent
• silence wbieh wee full t.f • strange
double conciousness a*ilenee charged with
suggestion, which neither of them cared
to break. Was it merely the knowledge
that they shared the secret of Mr. Lock -
hart's will which gate them that feeling
4 standing alone and separate from all
the world 1 Surely so trivial • cantle j jo ag t . Switzerland for change of air
would nut produce that result ? and sine. My cousin Lilies has ant
it was Beatrice who -woman-like- I been well ; she bas grieved over this sep•
arat ion -- and over Gerald e
the doctor has ordered her •
"Dr. Airlie 1" -
"Ala i thought as much."
"Do you not like Dr. Ahrli', Mr Lock-
hart 1- said Beatrice, Bruck by the tone
of his yoke.
"I do not trust him. i have reason O.
dislike and dsstreet. 1 thought at ene
time, Miss F.seilsaont, that I could tell
yon the whole story, but my lips are
roiled now. There is no reason why 1
mold tell you a story that would give
pain. Rut this I most say --do not trust
Dr 1i:lie He is a saes that would hee-
l. rte at nothing to further his own
"1 have sometimes thought so," said
Beatrice, rather releetsntly, "bet I hat•
never feed him psreroaally s.ythinr tat
kind sad •eree•hle• He has (teat in-
/seaes over lewd Noreen. it seems es -
r. t
to history u medicinal no preps
io° has received such universal coin
very generou* or— memiwtiou, for the alleviation it affords
"Or a Iowa: hypocrite 1" sail Anthony and the permanent cure it effects in kid -
with one of his rare laughs. "1 ddn't ney diseases as Dr. Van Buren's Kioneya
.maim y. en you wt Cure. Its action in these distressing
potent of view, ' chins 1 a,1, either 0.11 or the other. I am d
oomplainta is simply wonderful. Sol
"Which things are an allegory," said only tryi',g in be just " by J. Wilson. 2m
Anthony, with a smile as he strode over ''And that is a tooter matter than to -
Ileywnr.' w. sth Stay. 1586.
the brook. He did not know whether he ei.her.' rejoined Beatr•ee with an an•
she understood hies: probably' stn mould 'merino •mile.
nt t understand all that -vas in his mind the begot to walk 'lowly throu,rh the
at that moment, fur by the brook he wood, and Anthony walked at her bide.
was .ymbolhsipg to himself the line of Pke.en.ly else ep'ke ►train.
seperatiun which society drew between "I must tell yeu what onr movements.
are likely to la during the next week or
two. We era going abroad."
"Indeed 1 Berne will be sorry."
' irliam n army too. It is blorvell's
-wearily "An' I think -though I never
thocht amain a like thing at the time -
that it was eke papers mair nor the gowd
an' jewels that Mistress Douglas wanted "While.," she said sigutficantly, and she
to get a grip o' ; sad Gerald thocht roe
tom, 'RertaieloV family an' a' theher tongue.
held ,.W"Wild's*" repeated Anthony. "He
' sols J'r td he. wed has likit *eel
' Wes be cuuscious -and steno b:e--the
whole time 1" said Anthony.
Mrs Pirie looked at him again.
tris an ' varied from time to time then 7'
to se Ulissbervia f hi the •mid laird's.
eldest madam, tine Anthony Loekhon, ,
indeedo' the young Mr th
Domes, at "He meld not walk from room to
has it t weeks ..f his illness?' Anthony was
I rang not riehtly mndsestand &bout • wondering where that tin boa from wl ich
erratic that he had done to Anthony when
the will had dropped ort could have
Ise we, •laddie, an' he wad be eine- k been concealed err long. He had ex•
hHe said something that t'u'n". 1 suppose, during the last few
o woo
if he could gee Anthony
wish --not ours. You see I have not the
influence you attributed to ma."
"I am sen sit your ¢.sett sdl-your
good washes at any rate."
"}'es, you say be sure of that. You
will tell Bartle what I say. We are
broke the silence, glowing restless ander
its thrall sooner thanthe mon massive
naturn of the man was apt to do, She
turned a little towards him as she sp •ke
his aaied m stair telt air than that, in. !twinned the room in which it had been How is Bettie 1' site salted.
plohe grew .sir thoehtfu an' troubled like ; found, but the fire had worked its way „ He . growirg stronger. But his
then st Iasi he borrowed Dsuvid lilaird'• a ,w
r well a0ngsl the bookshelves and the
elites se' set oft without tellies' me pre• disjointed masonry that mo trade of the I Do Hisses his (teen ..nett. '
i o
think ink that his health is gen-
meaty what be uses p." to dila Bet I erasing in the panelled wall we, disoo
smelly de:leate i' said Beatrice, with •
issued_soeeRl I wtllne say •' that I stable. And he knew that Mr Lock -
resolute plunge into prosaic detail.
he.. He west at eta' • leach •n' • pot Ihart's bedroomh
was •eated on the other whish yet she felt herself lily
es his way w•& ,Goodbye, Maggie,' , side of the •
home *names to set aside.
maybe 111 Dome bask • rich "Did hs never get into his study after I "Not welly. He has hal • creat
says be,
sus and 'maybe no, bet rid' oto puir I'll hie first attack, for instance 1" deal to try it -his wound in India, his
he ye till i des-yoe as' the bairn'•.' Mrs Pirie deliberated. Rhe saw --tor illness kfterwsrds. then the excitement
As' that war the lest i'II ever see or hear fancied she sew -that Anthony had got of coming home, the burning of his
Gerald." IOWA inkling of the way is which the old home, and Lord Moreton • rejection of
There obs a lore silence, broken et man's mial has worker! during the last hie proposal it has all ten'fed to pull
WI by Mos Irgaalee neieerug Voles- days of hie life, sad she wosdered how him down ."
•'111 las' ye the tend' pea, Maggie," numb or how little 'Asked better let him ' Tee speak of his hnu.," sa14 Boa_
Ate said is est. /salty amlsbletnses. "As' know. Would he pay her anything for tete.. •her • momenta ruAeetl ,n.
r shall ems Mit rim ye require it. yen the story of Mr Isoekhart s vain repent Ye& Why not 1
N Oh-tareis, yell tae a pelt asses dew t It was taatrHl that elle sheekl
wale Odra tree testis' et Oleetet+i• assts t Probably not. Aad the mhasing "It as -tet bis."
M iss Eastleeerl." pickily greet just now."
Ova se' yelp be glad M help yet Lase bort meet have bees destroyed its the "Pussesek» is nine pouts d 155,
death --and
1 ran say with rowfidence that t
derived very great relief from ler.
Jou • Medicine. 1 had been ill for
over She months with concretion
„f the hires, and was reduced to a
very low ebb. when a friend in -
laced me to try this medicine. 1
-stetted very u, eat benefit from tt
sod attribute my rapd recovery
✓ aTe., measure to Ilse
,rfir4etb Kuar'v.
J. IL --
That are going to be
Iles w, hand • full stack of the follow:rt
reasuuaLle art :cies :
Paris Grin,
London Purple
Insect Powder
Guaranteed 1'rea2, and 1'e,: e, and at lowest
S•riees. •
Freah Bottled Lime Juice,
Assorted 'iWe•
Apnea Oar the Toronto Hues/l,110
.nit Co
Wall Paper,
Wall Tints,
Carpet Lining
Hanging Lamps,
Aad s General Assortment of
Mueilage, Liyuid Glus, Sic
ilouse Furus1ius!
T ---
The Cheapest Home
West -at, west drew to the Post Ofiee.
eedaetsa•, April Ire►, ilia.
Convenient and !tellable, and a: Reduced
Also agent :ur the Celebrated
cine and Pills
%CitIt • Physicians Prescripti4M sat
, Recipes Areurately I)tapeseed.
Oaly Pure and Reliable Dregs used -
Hy wearing the •Illy
IL.te •f the firm of Lazarus & Seoawisl
il Eye
R•rb0.e. q�p•Mae�,Masses level's
meed for tw. p�r•aatt M years, awl af ren is evwq
Iastan'e unbounded zatlsf etlow. 'key se
tae weir IX Teta wow.. nay hover tent
and last many years willies' ekatra♦r.
row sits sT-
Yates & Acheson
mAlley, AUK maim' *11Ta.
M Marry W Rand. paras Read.
11.,ate 1 asarse & [lorvt& Hartland. t etlm.1
fishes .ww•eetlew tritt=brin 1rm ell
Bell. ale• of
Jas. Hu. t✓rb. ter