HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-6-18, Page 1)gTY-NVMtI RCf16t f to pawb►ed every Tricky Merylag.by M-, The edit.,r of the Ntur is stare free is aseareenoJ !tows., u their olee. Barth •t 1 ha conduct of this paper,either ed- GODERICH. ONTARIO editors of 1 or otherwise, than are the editor, ..( Aad he desgste hod to aU portal(•g ser vend Tea Stor.L, • fact which the public do he/ eP�trp `lee earth" YW ��a not need to be tett. The statements of Timm. -• 1.30 to edemas*. proem by►tMbBers: Sets. i paid( , �y Tea bum AL to the contrary have from *LOU tt set so paid. ThU rub will be tr mb the first been mode without the slgthtest enforced. THE HURON SIGNAL THE "HIRED MAN" A VERITY. GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, , JUNE 18, 1Sb6. bated • yeast/! ows artir!. to tam .Our" leads w to Pugin* that the rev. gentle- man believes there is • "hired than" on the editorial staff of our local .oi.temper- airy, who bee been sating the truly Rood editor into all this trouble. WHAT'S UP? fectly wrought tusttlutiuns u they are, and the air escape wasn't w putout es it now ie. The Things That Are Happening nowt told me to keep ray eye on t Around Us PPe r ester and have the air emit up, sad quite a time I put in hottest sad seientioes work. Finally Mr. Gros. !soured to Private u Pommes) Te un t. some u( Ibe .011 paueagwe an w Reese or A pe warrant, and when, it the present in- THE sUUTH ifUBOV CANDID. easretatse •bows there* erpoem,t. doing sum• fio* piano howbeit a et) tae t� ton ; three mate ppiKe )t.ee r„r •tines, out a, , !sakes changes, I -t TFR, width* crate.. emery, when all at one., in my •hatch awl (wnba. Y earls. Wf-yearly y aN professedly based on internal •,idea .. Twit ea•iAtsays `Dr Coleman,d It city, it ccurred to ma fist a little mer iso $1st AVYEARIINO�tL now geese to run at large durinip the day, t much to the dinrust •.f city viae ..rs and pro- detriment hf the appearance ..t their Ise re- •nequalled stere!•. With that defect for maedis!! Gudench is, after Sr. Marys. ens- without any exception the bandit -asset got town in Canada. Of course for Wend as .owwry our owe town is unexcelled, bet - we confess that Gudetich streets tar ear- - paw oer own fur the contorts of driving, • A net at Goderieb fora week would do t eau 01 our business men and their tam - thee as mach benefit as a month's dosing' d medicine --(Argus Y and a one*d.bl., ea'ryaW w saeto at rrdased rotas. t .Ye base haiafnet.ct•ss bot the felony of which must, or ought terek, ism be rhe C MPS pesswr to be k4uwn to no wntatw, et forfeits ail e.•th Hare• at the •oat elecl/oa v ch. asst ..t#t bat 3 1.0.tMe tidet,.,,ta( sea imi rltrM �Gt1�is� prrw —I've been en busy in the garden pontos u( the pie.., I imtaediWl pW fes merle la (ici*riela, wl•Im to be treated otherwise than as a rues cig•7sbas the Laois! caadMate tCs Dow push during the t week, and other in ray hart licks, and. quwkor than kill. w de ►asl•s.s tLt !Lae at terlo•ath•tea•uet *enrrilop and willMl lar. • • tete �•. .f . past 7 eaaogt ter • amply fuss u II Y Mel.es. K L D w daemonic ear tug gars away—1 strias that pump putter would pot volume 1.e. the M goats•. •ad Ot Qa•itt that •seam btlt iM AZ: twttty remelt/ firma i.eA w stat• that 1][ 1Ltsb than d •s beset me to such ■o a:• regulated the bellow, snapped, send the mast f teat that I had hardly time to keep up velu•tary dosed s► Tit tre•wd. — P 7 • r. ry has; hi.. It a: time that si.k�p wee . net raw, tier has he ear And anything' re* Reformers of (Mems oft. en was in ERIDA r. JUNE 18 -re, 1886 mote to do with the sloe sad tee utter aseersessiertthhe oldti@ ; w not set with tba prooarsion of *rents. You see, invites is the musical service anal _ , tutees on any subject than has M T.oa. ?Lamm has been Dominated by the Tories of Eat Heron for the Com woos. He call not be elected again. Ti. Orange rioters at Belfast appear to have been fighting not so much for Me Boyne water as for D•ffy-s whuli y. Otte of the planks in Mr. Pitmefl's 1•gialative platform for Irish home rule is a stricter kw reseeding the sale ut li- quor in taverna ea Sunday. Judging by the way the Belfast rioters raided Dety's whiskey cellar, the proposed 8eaday liquor bill would hit than hard. Goneerce towa.bip has appealed against the equalisation by the county council. The first hearing will be held es Monday, bet it wiU Daly be a prelim- inary one. The ground of the complaint is not stated. We ere sorry to learn that Goderich township is gain back in value under the National Policy. Tea large poster the pioeie in Ashfield township under the auspices of the R. C, church, concludes with the stirring words, "Three cheers for Home Bale and Mr. Glldstoaa" The Arend Old Man is a favorite with the Irishmen of Canada, and al is his Canadian fraud and oeuuaellor, Edward Blake, the in- corruptible . A ut f workers will be held in the Cheeks on Fridry n ett, the 961► hest., at 10 o'clock am., to see what steps ten be taken to were • Debits Ise the county. It is to be hoped dist then will be • large attendance. Let the p.opl. of Huron only be true to the anise and bold for the right, and rattan will come out just as tliw7 desire. D. D. Wttnotr and John McMillan are sure to receive the cungrstulatium of all good men, sad good women, too, on the stead they took in their speeches in the -000mty council in favor of appointing • police magistrate for this county. Thew gentlemen have heart as well as brains, and are influenced by both. W. wish we meld say this of more of our county councillors, more especially of *omit near at hand. Strive years ago we predicted that tho high tariff adopted by the Dominion t would have the effect, if continued, of driving the maritime prov- inces out of the Union. It looks as if the i'wottle of Nova Scotia were on the verge of secession now. The "National Policy" has given • blow to out shipping trade that it will take years to recover from. The Union an only be saved by . a 'hangs of (7 at Ottawa, and more t to Dor shipping in- terests on the unto and along the lakes. Tee friend* of "the great co stitution- al lawyer" will read the following Ottawa r'•esptch with interest :— Those ltq.or dealers who took oet 1iesewd att(Mr tee defunct McCarthy AM tawb hare their )sone fees rstarned M lisped - ors , and the in.pe- ors endear that Act ars also de- teeirThe le •ry b reload the Baseenes few and pay off the ieepsetsw has been 'ranted by Par liaessst, het the Order -in -Connell *nth- orhint the payments cannot be passed instil tie Minister of Inland Revenue re - tares from s Asking •:anion. Tutt Ftrettord &aeon thus alludes to Alm apseeh Of N. C. Cameron, M P , on Ewa the Indian question : plow Ali Reed 11. Tee Brion SiOlitL devotes itself this 1, week to • description of tinder eft vicinity, and its many attractive* as sevn*s•v rwrut. Thu ie nom was bot it is evid.eU1 •mistake to irdabi. is fires the plea of the tows eta "spider's web' —what it really is --especially when the pries of guides is tort quoted. (hider Misstatement the idea also seams to lurk that the "fly" tourist will have to wrestle wide_ lytb priced Mamas sad ether mares that beset the path seeker, but there are wont** t�btap pleasure an either—tie editor d the denial has pub- lished • parody of " Hiawatha," called "• The Heroa'a Bride." "Tourists beware: —guano News, ties !.stem. Tootles•. Gudericb is the county town of Huron, is situated on the banks of the Maitland river where it empties into Lake Heron. The plan of the town is etes•gely novel. The ouunty evert hew stands in the metre of the town, and is mauled with a beautiful park in which dowers, shrub" and shade trees about..l,faoed with •any of the principal places of business, w the park on all *idea A perk sari vended by best*..s places is rare sight. These places of business armed the court house and park here a trustees ut about • third of • mile. The roadway or street, between the park a and those beauties laces is very wide of • and levet, in fact .1f the streets are, we believe • adonis width of six rods. The s streets point from the court house in all he directions. least street, West street, ea North street and S..utb street besides of one between each of these arcking in all eiybt street* direct from the court house, re - and these multiply in boob directions as it you proceed from this *entre in • man- y, ear very seggeative of • spider web, sod 'gully se entangling to those whit fall sato its sualt s se many of the coater- eaee delegates will indign.•tl ages . at 'trade & with treat �t are woodsr(u7I clue ; t swaths wide, being .11 twelve feet ; but there 1. not half as mach wooden sidewalks in the whole of the town asthere is,taMark - dale ; the walks are gravel, and are hard and smooth ; the streets are also hard and smooth, while mud is a thing, c m- parativ.ly speaking, unknown in the place. We cannot go into general par- ticulars in regard to the public interests of the towu,such u the great salt works, the greatest portion of which have been gives up for want of a demand fur that article at remunerative prices. The has progressed from day to day, on Tuesday the 2nd and closing on Tuesday the 8th. Over 2110 delegates were pres.ut, and the various ratters of business were dolt with in 'a thoroughly practical and business manner. The people of the town have shown bl. libor.li- ty in providing for the wantsof the hun- dreds of strangers attending while all appeared t.. thoroughly .njoy their visit both in relerence to confer- ence work and society. — [ filarkdale Standard. Mr, If Dr. Coleman is the auxi candidate while I was helpi•g the Contero•ee to Gin ams behind th. curtain, minket Thomas McGillicuddy. Star, April 'a the 8ewtb Iridins, for the Lout, the gat through its bust 'shed me, and tied up the strings. I w 90.nees,atsd hcltnobbing so chop/alien at the (enure ut my. (1) Mr. rather/ hesuntie* editorialReforests* * can bring oat any cos of with the esteemed brethren—both lay no halo 7 twenty -live ewdidates that wwld beat ter the Star (2j Re . of hiss w bad be would sot know whet 8t. Sbphetes, and Mr. Alla* Etat.er, struck him. The Doctor is not • are two, gestisesen who have a*keow - goes of • fellow, bet he hes not edged that they contributed to the S4wr stevgth that George Jackson lead, any .seas- and the Liberals toad wish for a better contest. The SrueAt is a little fresh in throwing Mr, overboard, and will had that be strc.ager its the sympathies of the people of South Huron than ever beams, and, should he still desire to be their routm sanative, will be returned by• lac=er majority than ever, And we iwis w we are talking •boat, perhaps a little tatter then our coeuty tows confreres It is a welt fur Tea Stotsee tee *peak of Mr. Bishop is the way in white only thaw or tour artmeat j b+d no be.,- to did. It is time eimma t to furnish iag whatever on loos? politica, and little, . powder for Dur uppesests what there to it any, on party politics, The "win, - any reason for it, aid there osrtaiesl a a an ora all, respecting she airmail e,„_ rot in this iastaaoe. —[Clinton Now tributor to the editorial oolamae 01 the Ti. &togrt has nothing to regret. Star, are, ac far as Ism made tb. aeb jeet There are several alike men than Mr. of their referencia, as Medea and Mews,- Bishop to the Libeml ranks is smith ranted as the character of Thomas Mc- Gillicuddy is lacking in the elements of Huron' and for that reason oily we truth and common hon.sty. Aimee Erin ars have not said, nor do we belies,, that think lar. Bisbort ought to retire. We East Huron, in the Liberal -Cossey.- police magistrate, which took place al interest. Thomas isn't mach of a tght of the rete Godelricl►, Jame 70t, '811. late hour on the kat r' Dr. Cabman can best hThe Tu ced.nn it may ensu : Bletp, sMabassan, but he was sufficient of apo- June meeting of the county council, Mr. Mitchell, of the Slur, has Mown doctor s a lean of no account politieafy miss to &rail hiro.lt of his nail retourt•dpretty eta an article in Tea SweA'oil promises and blather. Bishop s P inns brcu t ut by this week. All t >, in which it far �� o[ anyT 1 as eusrtfitte nearly all hie rotations to the ght out each side are gin is asserted that I am one of the editorial Dry is Soeth Huron u f*asrwment employ fairly, and in the cane of the reeve directors of the termer jouroaL If this a rep*' The e woods are full of at large salaries, be a matter with which Tea Sweat las able Liberals in South Heron, and they 507 concern, 1 wish to state onoe fur &11, Llooe more especially in 8eetorth. tga that althuh I have cceaoaally contri— buted • gratuitous article to the .Star on amity Back in 72, the mal �rity fur the Mr. Cook is reported with subjects which are in no mess political THE RETORT COURTEOUS. editortsll on various occasions —[Tea sL tim., July L Te whose it may sower* : Tkie certifies that se tar as they relate to myself, the asaertioa' of Thomas Mc- Oillm*ddy reepe.t,ng the editorial man- amanest of the Star, are simply malici,we sad lies, oMract•rietie of their author. For two years, I have neither by pea nor by counsel contribut- ed in the slightest degree to the editorial columns of the Star. Whatever was written by me previously (at the sternest and clerical—vegetation continued to vs churcb gantet thoat r ly *sat Relate, as I remarked in my last, and is mlthio "user AIterse.d sues that 1 have told tale" or m..�tf, the weeds put In • heavy spurt to {^ to better of me. Hioetely, (if I may be whoa! I Lave rearmed will be keen wed to borrow a word (rum ex War- ane M _ t! t 1 still eontioee 1• Kelly's vocabulary) I have had to etc'1O M srytsit. AJAL ap my bigb, Gled•toniao culler, Toe >hiulta . skies that Goderich is ed to dowered hob -tailed coat, and my (our-and-otne" moat deligbthl aeemet resort is °a- bet, to take upon me once mere the blue fano.'' Ood•rrob is a ddigbtfnl town, L--- red the "Dow's breakfast," and the bat we era aatidod even ti. briefest Ise and the rake, and other emblems of paaIsble visit b Ortllla would eteAisa the ditor of Te. (3teeAL 50 admit at least btoiest industry, wherewith to straighten one exception.—[Urians NAM. up things generally upon the "farm"—aa, No, Brother Hak, that won't do. We liaeatioualy term my teen gardea patch. ' wish it to be distiscUy 1 lkat Aad having got the weeds under' 0oderich leads as a delightful seaswer dad the "garden seas" in pretty good resort. It is tat old of story "Eclipse *ape, I oan now lean over the fence and brat and the rest nowhere." Yet we do see what's going on in the outside ooaf.ss that Griffis de a pretty little spot . nears very wild wonky. —I seg Thomas Farrow has again re- - red the nomiu•tion for the Commons Tn. debate on the appointment of the 7 get bop• that none of the alleged critics Pan o red silk segl, blue "the prettiest tows is Canada aid the to apply for timber limit, ter a nun,- Blftb, the language is pot into a leo of the others. I recollect when Rrsmttsatial and coherent shape than w first contested North Huron, fell from the lips at that municipal onto I..ts••--ss anyutY else may do—I hare allvar-k•oed tenor of Bluetit/0pe l0 was op and m his eesh is rwpotuible for ami attillaPftd Ma due.g Pdtscsr, the erratic ball f ag.a87g0 ; is 74, Jobe Leckie, the R•- j sell a "meth" of totes Waal the aha - awry what're' on l tr. Mint s paper,, t ea d Aoieriah p•bhe til odasews 1 form candidata, lau!ed it down to about poiotalemt, it tieatnw speeisl attention and is no wayeditorially controlled the to have a mania for pstsuaally •hosing 150; in '7.8, Dr. 810.*, of Blyth, farther A weaker speech wee sever made by Mr. direction of te Star. Any statemeet to 34r Thos McGillicuddy, of this paper, lowered it w some 8'7, I think, and then Coo'[, or any other man- He looked the contrary, direct or implied, is fake through the columns of the Star. It cries seized upon Farrow and like a man who was sshausd of himself and ialictooa (Signed), �_ thought that his his followers Their saw that Salt Crock of the would be Thomas' nest station if came- while he was apee.kuny. Ile has done H D. Steam The above past would have been sufbcient te cure thing extraordinary were not done, and himself meek harm. Mr. Campbell's will Nitiafy the hyr Embury of hes itching for newspa- oto J. It. 8olmw, the Present 0015017 speech and his vote do not tally. He most skeptical that when the Star mid !surer, was delegated to gu to Ottawa, Mr. Allan Embnry "Ass act now, nor per controversy of a petsoea! character. and bi ups constituency that would also rude an exhibition of weakness oD • Since the last encounter of words—in elect the Tory featherweight. W. J. lea high moral question. has be ever had," anything editorially to which the ' . had to heel mission was successful, and East Honors do with the utterances of the Star, it down his Bag and retire from the field— laid out as a roosting place for the Blue - made a statement foreign to the facts, Kr Thee. McGillicuddy has let that vale statesman. But when election day The letter from Rev, H. D. Steele also worthy severely alone, He has neither came around it won fu enc that Slw.: shows that when the editor of the Star had sot within 60 votes ut capturing the Everybody Noticed "The written nor suggested anything that h.s And so mattes rear, but claimed to be free from outside editorial appeared i0 print that could is any pus. it lo..ks to me that Farrow will so..nhave Signal" Boomed the Town. influence, "politically or oti to an oppolteaity al r1F rded Lim of quitting stigmatized anyone who took exception the political arena, asdls tsbing hi les -11 .._-rW.SMThess reit Jostle*. Pt Mr. Allan Esseer7. Os dot_ tlsetrarr' to the mon quiet and congenial sada. _ to his statement as "a scurrilous and be has watched the ' of the of hie poultry yard, there to devote Our esteemed contemporary theHuron wilful liar," he was also speaking faster latter with • fraternal eye, sad has been himself to the raising ..f larger eggs un - than the circumstance. warranted. We delighted to observe that his timely re- der the benign tnfiuence .o1 the N.I', want no better proof of the truth of our proof was the means of leading the His oppuneat, Dr. Macdonald i.. bust statement than that which has been W a mire stead weak * ler should Hustlerwille—o. W. pe,.n, I forced from the Ntur't witnesses—for toure y should say—and will take the pennant aceir aid aright behavior, gad on election day, or enuring events don't neither of the persons named would the use of clasper language in public- cast their *haduws Left re - willingly giaatistlmony in our behalf, Mr T7tos• McGillicuddy has felt not • —A little bird hu whispered h Ifs, Mr. Mitchel) stands before the people rot tittle satisfaction that he had put Mr the particulars of the cuilvoontn and this section convicted of havingfalsified P d to of the lust Huron Tories Nastier, on the path that wise lading in connection with poetical creels there the record on the point at issue, and hire ones more into puhlie respect ; and once the last election. The ti;turing and having platted him its the prisoners dock was feeling that the epaode details are interesting. It turns out that in this instance, as we did in the Went- of last fail bad not been alt ether bar- one of leaders int c.nnectiun with the worth voters' list case, we are willingto `ug sonal v sasses. eh the heard s to hcir. Pea of gaud results. It u true that by • s.roal ,upsnste. When I hrthe cit• let the public be the jury. W. might series of childish snorts, erieneces and' I was forcibip reminded of further add that we can produce more am, whispers on the atrseta,in the post- the story of the Sootehman who was so editorial aasistants of the .e.ar if the two ..thea, and elsewhere, Mr &abury at phew that he always kept the tnds on. already cited are net deemed credible, an►d hinq 1.e he get hie haoro to. times ewdesvured to exhibit •rather in- —Prof.Fro(. W. N. Clarke, of Turooto. For the benefit of Mr. Allan Eaabsry salting attitude toward Mr Thea Me- had an organ recital the other evening in we add that sines Mr- Thomas MetGilli- Oillicaddy, but the latter never gave the Knox church, and gar• a very pleasing middy sent that worthy to the grass lest buffooneries more than the smile or the ot Theresuss quite a tum - November, he has not alluded to hieout of rods. tort and not • few kale" or ittdireetly in the isolations 0t pity they deserted, knowing that old of all kinds. I use •' c•f all kiwis" td - habits are hard to eradiate. Mr Thos. vieedly, for there are all kinds of must - Telt SIGNAL. McGillicuddy does not intend to again cal critics. from the talented performer And further, Toe $r.ltIAL did not say,eater into • with 31r whose acute ear will detect the slightest a the St sd.that Mesatean Ettthro slur of • nate, to the fellow who doesn't Steele and Embry were "!"thiol and h'• for the simple reason that it u know the me Anw Pea from a set r rv„n.- to say anything more about re, anti who hes to make up (..r his lack upright men." What w. did say was, that individual than has already been "t knowledge by sn stews of blah. ()ree "They are both !sore truthful and ep- !hear da •I'll thiol ire a desert "PRETTY GODERICH." said, although muck more could be ad- e 7 P right than he of the Star"—but they tion tt • eritigse by t,nee of these woe- c,nld be that and not b. vaned, if it were •-_ '--d necessary. Io thiel, and I know you'd. laugh as brute paragon+ of this meantime let us hope that the re17 over it as i did when i fide heard t rathfolness. Certainly if Mr. Asko And right here, I am wiling to admit !eschar hes not altogether that I don't know a great deal about backslidden, but has email •lipped tem- organ music myself, but you can wa plextng to • stranger. 11 is laid net in - perarily. Mr Thos McGillicuddy stilt ger that I dont give myself away when the farm of a wheel, the county court t the neighbor are discussing the .abject. hoose forming the hub and the streets . There are same kind. of musts that I'd reaching out in the shape . f spokes. Next same Mr. M. C. Cameron's ter - ride sties* os the Government for Isle- leg e.ensues-oeest and corruption is ensues- 17 tion with Ladies affairs in the Northwest. we The Government had no dolmas. Sir minion Join iodinated daieg the expiring hour of the •essiuo that ha inlep.Wishing did sd* a debase. He took precious good care efeJk that be did am team any defames os the was of atbamid parliamt where . be ala arwered. N. debt be trill make a d.- ters.tad toast to rebut the frightful ..""r ei.rgw made* Mr. Castwee, bat .h 00 ffld �e a.t make lis 441144010 is tee proper e'er 11e. ad M the prOak me 1 His hely Rouse ••O d.ftw.. le fee Howas to "Call In the B (1 tosuseme." Otaaterse of the .v.rn• VOW awe tam mad, Hasson, N. to and _MI day Iwo *OK burrs statement in reference to hie eoesection with the Staffs editorial writ- s MorenoMoretruthful than his coward - StMrA1 cd taweek fairly boiled over with laudation of Goderich in prose and verse, and the natural and artificial attractions of that town were done full justice to. Newspapers, and portico/ate ly those that take a pride in their fawn, do • great deal to build up a place, Sid should be handsomely suppera&— [Lmdon Advertiser. A teem Crteditwtbte Parer. The last issue of theGudericti BMdr*t, in addition to the usual a,nuunt of least and other reading matter, contained • vast amount of natter deecriptire of u.xJerich as a summer resort and other- wise, and altogether it was • most credit- ab'e paper and redacted well epee country journalism. It also a.utrined *double column poem, by ''r. —und,ubtedly from the pen of that clever and gifted yam( journalist, Thus McOillieuddy, of the 8/ea&t. —entitled " The Huron's Bride," an Indian legend of the Healing Waters," the ancient site et Goderich, which forma• veru attract- ive feature of the papier. When it cannel right down to genuine ability and enter- prise the McGillicuddy boys are hard to beat. —i Wiogham Times. N VAOOUVIM DHSTR.,YED. A UM.!'lay ea Me "'millet MM *wept by •ir. `lrroeta, B. 0., June 1L —The cityc+a of Vanver was obliterated by fire yest.rriay. Only four hollers are now standing. The Hating*aw al iii sawmills are saved. The loss is hall • million, ibaur.noe'.ne hondred and fifty thoussnd. FIlty live. are known to be lost. Fourteen bodies have beets r.eov- weed. The identified are JointOww•ll, %fn. Nash, George Rutley, Fewest!, and the others are not identified. MayorMcLean telegraphs for aid, for relief fog three thousand homeless people withost provisions. The mayor is forwarding relief, and n t is tiding in ems - uncles'. The Princess ?coulee brought allay two hundred who esv- ed nothing but what they had cm their persona areB taer Crab**. of M. Marra. ea eller/.b The then of God•rich on Lake Huron, in becoming mueh more • violater resort than it has been in the past, it is a beautiful flare, and its people are doing much to .dd to its natural attractions, although thty were r-rsw!iat tardy ils beginning the good work The plan of the town is unique, end somewhat per. r New Wa wt.t.rrss, It C., June 15. — Parties arriving 1r,m a Van0,ver ,tete hat at 2:30 yesterday afternoon the.w w ind roes to a pale and eaed the Area n hick were burning on the Cs*diast scone Railway metes to spewed toward' onoh. city A h .. on the extreme west ma alight fire, and the llama.pss.4 pidly to the adjam•nt banding*. At 'emelt the last base in the town was is settee. Haeting's sawmill and Regal City pl.ining twill, hiving staaMi oe w reference to Mr. Tho., Metdillieodd1, wit! play it nwhen it ie forced holds the apt u wwell a e, this gamand h. ty have twos to believe that his eon- Mr Eebery'e vi • ire folly. T. Me0. with the Sfer's loading columns not ossss with "Mere or .A,,r nett- TnwrssAwae Pfoaras aieold be held Bet in any •vent, gdito, Kitebdl all over the county this summer, at wrong own, 1a laid, We aikply whish speeches Maid be nude by men w that Mr. Embory W not now, eosv.rsat with the present position of has les aver fes. eatytbiag Lison to the Scott AU in Heron, the action of with the Moir sad its etteraswe, ow the must/ "weapon on the pollee r 044Jrrt. thea bas Mr. Thomas Me- magistrate ge*.tioe, ole The teeper- Muddy." aeee sten need to go in ter rigorous 7-th.•way, the iagee.aas m•.nsr is wep.igw this seasoner and f*11. The tier. lb. stool* bosom on his est- ligate tree are work's, all Me thea %W be bus "tiesselmially oo*ht-Let everylowest* teat o twateraaa, be willing to act as umpire on, such u a The park around the ecurt hones "me- rattanms`s refrain, a logien' hew selection, ly kept, and presents quite a cite appear• a iet.pipe quartette on different tuna, a •nee, Tie serest. ars •nasahv wide lith of July sheep/Ate belabr.rmeet, a and etone'ew, and are shaded almost P' rolling home in the eo.rning eantats, or eontineoualy with maple and other beao- str•.t ins else of a like deseripti.,n, but Life% trees, making a drive around them i drawthe line at organ recitals. 1 newer a real enjoyment. The natural 'emery qed a ehoreh 'rg.n but ones in my &nand the town is very An., and .t is itis, and then 1 worked the ttsachin• in. not to M *rendered at that the town is mere than i1 w.. worth. There were every year homonitlg store of an sttrst- too of us rimming the organ that day-- five sum,.., reset (ori American and it was a sort 0f a duet Pref. (Green, the Cantata visitors. Th. -betels ate good ..rpatat, asanipolet•d the keys in fr.nt, and well kap sed the lie ott AM is in and 1 esperin led the rainy -handle in force there(?) Ooderick has one draw - the sortaitsed teems. it's a good many hack, however. it hes not yet got twee years ago, .*d orgast tern not gash per- the backwoods idea of edi erseg Metre and v are of land outside, were saved% Five persona are reported dead, arid several seriously if not fatally injured. The firm of J. M. Clete d< 0,., leas 0,000, Th. total loss is estimated Mune millets dollars. One th..asaed po,pls are ieerre- lees. Maas Agave lewIbe yowwsest Mief Je& �.ease_ ease elet rears l m artt roan i t 4 Rlath !Mamie. Owe wem. Is. t.v, souaM1 ,.. I .e . 1 nwtr r..r, a".( ./,In., of '.',v.' .I'ifw 1, .'.t -n. -a s;