HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-6-11, Page 61
b▪ ei
A Second Sketch of Petrolia and
Its Oil Trade.
Tb. Tasklag Sr.erlbed T. Water sap.
NO Tb", BelIdless A \naseeake •f
••f• Utter. -
reels Our Owa a .
The twat of the work of eseaystiny
and kerbing underground tanks has been
done under the supervision a • man w
from Iiia youth has brew engaged In the
speal hue, and at the early age of six-
teen years he began coitrecting . n his
.own behalf, with sometimes a go.vg of
thirty men under hint. During the past
few years he has utilized about two mil-
lion feet a lumber in kerbing and fully
thirty tees of nails in the same work.
When "tanking" is dune by steam, as is
generally the case, some sIStttett men are
required to keen things 1001911g,tt uvuig, ten or
terve man filling the buckets and the
others emptying, and to Lark doers Dori
w n
one of thetaints twenty feet aces
and of .n unpleasant depth, is•noueh to
make ordinary .nurtals careful 0 their
footing, and fill them • desire to with-
draw as early as convenient without be
fraying that nervousness which men dis-
like.o much to give way to, or rehibit. cost st of rzoavatiag these tacks is
from twenty two to twenty-five cent per
barrel, au $ nine thousand barrel tank
would take about two thousand dollars
to complete it ready for the reception
of the crude. The process of
W y(
IOthat arti le, lay ome oar frost
street frown tied t.; d, mortar 111.• is
the evrnttrei of its quality, and thin
enough to least,uu loan ut asupine*
! p iessesed of nerve sulkiest 10 venture
Brough. Two ul ter well Looms bomb
ens two iambi uut resist the uppurtuui-
ty to to. fishing, accordingly they soonappeared armed with a lambuo poleeach, and with • deal worthy of a better
cause began tc cast in their lines tutu
mid -stream or mud -mud and anxiously
lawait a bite. For *onto minutes they
euounued their sport eu:.ch t.. the auluse-
Min,t of the crowd of on lookers, and
hu I reflection wwhether our towu fathers felt that a
t it tact un thew by this, ..r
•hrthrr it wit ib, effect of • petition
praying that august body to take ramie
action regarding the lettering of our
principal roadway, tenders are pow
being advertised for, for a ce.lat b1.,ck
pavement on tuaiu street front (tear
Creek to the Canada Southern railway
track, • distance of probably an eighth
of a mile.
"airtNJNt► ANL TIL,TIN.i"
is ratitur too intricate to describe from
beginning to end, but the mode of coon
carting the crude into refined is on much
the mine principle ea that by which dis-
tilled water is made Large "stills" bt It-
er shaped, are filled with oil in its crude
,tate, and beneath each still is • hot 6n
of tar or gas, that in ttuie noon a "light
vapor" to arise, shich to run off into
tsuks, constituting the chemical known
as "benzine," winch ns, h ;waver, subject
to further processes of purification be-
fore it is brought into general use. Af-
ter the light vapor passes off from the
crude, • heavier vapor is formed, which
is carried off from the stills through trun
pipes to the ''coudeu.e,s," These aro
lung w.wden tanks, box shaped, filled
wits cold water, through which the iron
pipes run. containing the vapor, and the
latter is by this process again restored to
liquid form taking the name of "refined
oil." Before it can be placed upon the
market 'or sale, it has to be subjected to
other courses of treatment in order to
make it safe tc, handle, and non -explos-
ive, up to a certain tempersteret It
takes about three barrels crude to make
one barrel refitted oil. Refined is at
/ present inactive, car lots 14i tents per
gallon, according to report for the week
ending May 13.
nuUT1?C alit?.
It is no doubt thought by many. and n
without apparent good reason, that th
t it region would be a veritable hot bed
for the production of "fires," but strung
to say it is very seldom we are rutted
by anything in the shape of an erten
sive blaze. Our refineries do quite u[
get ablaze, and send forth dense velum
.of elate c .lured woke, which in th
daytime presents a magnificent appear
ance against the light colored heavens
We have two steam tire engines in tow
and one hand engine, two fire halls an
two companies, and judging by tb
manner in which they reach the seen
of a fire and subdue it, one natural)
concludes that no small amount of etti
ciency has been arrived at by the mem
ben of our protectors' corps Besides
this our refineries have applians o
their own ; which on the first alarm are
immediately brought into use, and i
rnore thantone instance hare done good
service in extinguishing what migh
.otherwise have proved a very distruc
tiro conflagration. On the American
side, that is, in the Pennsylvania oil re-
gion, much more danger from fire is in-
curred, coving to their tanks for storing
crude oil beiog constructed ah.ere instead
of under ground, and thunder storms
accompanied by lightning are often the
rause of much serious lou and damage,
in setting ablaze the c,tteuts of their
tanks which are only ton easily ignited.
Speaking of tires eccewrily leads on
t.. the question of waterworks, with
$ Very vital question indeed, as we are
depeudeut nearly ahogether on under•
evaunt tanks, though ..f considerable
capacity, for our total supply
Tis WATER sumo',
;Our railway acoom..datiou is excellent.
Five passenger trains each way daily on
the Western devalue (lrsnd Trunk, con-
neoting at Wyoming/ with Sarnia !trench
from and to London, and during part of
the year what is celled the •'Prtrolea of
special" la run daily between here dud
London. The Canada Southern given um
four trains daily each way, coarcting
i with trains ou the Si. Clair branch
TUX carulmr�t.
For our epir'itdsl adva lage and well
being we have churches of all the loading
three being situated on
1 "the flats," lying between the east and
west end and which are watered by (tear
Creek. Thus stream at tunes seems to
j possess considerable oft he "bull"el•aeut
the way It raises things in general during
the rainy ses•on, completely encircling
all the churches, oucaswually to the
depth of two or three feet, with those
situated on the lower portion of the hol-
low. Aptly or irately thew eats have
betel called "The A alley of Dry Boned,"
)n account a the number 0 dead
Christians who cougregete there Sunday
after Sunday to worship The reflection
u not very but with new
blood in our pulpits, Of which four were
' but recently vacant we may expect •
waking up among those dry bones, and •
livelier interest manifested in things
1 sec by notices pied around town that
a Mr. E. McGil icl uidy is Secretary ,.r
President of the Liberal Conservative as-
sociation for this riding, and I presume
he is possibly from a different part of the
Emerald Isle, from which his
the staunch advo..tes of reform priuci-
plea come, who weekly endeavor by the
influence of TBa SIGNAL to uphold such
men as the leaden of the right loyal Op
positi in at Ottawa. Wishing you von -
t tinned success, I remain, yours,
G. 11. R.
e DY -a positive care for Catarrh, Dip-
theria and Canker Mouth. Fur sale by
e J. Watson, druggist.
Merchants can wet their Biu Heads. Letter
Heads, kc.. Ac. printed at this once fur very
ten little more than they ,generally pay for the
e• per, Sad it helps to advertise their besiaeaa.
• Call and see samples and get pries•,
4 Catarrh Cured, health and sweet
breath secured, by Shituh's Catarrh Its -
n medy. Price 50 cent*. Nasal injector
d free. For sole by J. Wilson, Druggist.
The cheese faveory is in full swing
now, making .1, ut twenty cheeses •
f day.
Last Sabbath the sacrament of the
n Lord's Supper eau dispensed in the
P church, Rev. Mr. Rose, of
t Brttsscls, . n Thursday, and Rev. Mr.
• Younc, of Clifford, on Saturday, can
ducted the preparatory services. Mr.
Young preached on Sunday both morn-
ing and evening.
The 24th was loyally celebrated here.
All day, our streets teemed with the
busy throng, and at night they were nut
deserted. The day's program, which
consisted of the usual sports, were fully
carried out, and a grand concert was
given as a final. The proceeds, which
were for the benefit of the bond, were
about M0.
On Sunday the Savage bas ander the
of Mr. Woodhull, had
their Toni promised field meeting. Th.
neighborhood was well represented, both
morning and afternoon. In the evening
Mr. Woodhull preached his farewell ser-
mon About one hundred and sixty
converts are the result of the Hand's U
work. U
Bear ('reek is close at hand, but at cer-
tain seasons of the year it is almost a
bare creek also, along which a stream of
not doubtful impurity pursues its tier-
fiefilti(b coffee, carrying with it very
discernible traces of having passed
through oil territory. For household
uses and other purposes the majority I
tiara say of our inhabitants, are depen-
dent for thio supply of "Aqua pure' nn
the waterman, or "Aquarius" as he is
designated, who makes daily trips with
his tank wagon dealing out w
pail his non -intoxicating b.Terage, W
the cold water inhabitants "f Petrolia,
the Scott Act now beim; in force here.
In consequence of this lack ..f an un-
limited supply of hard water, rant or
soft water is trade good use of, almost
every house having one and
two wooden tanks close at hand in order
to receive the water, run 09 the build-
ings on the promises. Others have that
tank so arranged that the water is Alter-
ed as it us run in and by this means
becomes quite palatable and very well
adapted for conking. eta
Roamed Ann anew
our houses as a rule are frame struc-
tures, and owing o' the acareity of steno
the fenndatiuns ant mostly cedar poets
set nn end, said that, coupled with the
fart that our .yetem of drainage is fiery
distantly related to perfection explains
the want, greatly felt, in the non-ezut
once a cellars under the large propor-
tion of dwellings. "Med" forma a very
important feature In the general ap-
pearance of things in this horality t `tough
tt doers not by any means add to the
beauty .1 the surroundings. T.. itlrs-
teste this euhject snwewhat. and also to
give you an idea of the realer elewtevtt
teed tis in the average Petro -
lime. I will relate an incident that cie-
ewrved nn later tban the poet spring.
Mad is gttaatitie• to gait the most cove-
eased Isla..
Ueay searrr,s l ,,yi.g medicine have
beau dwpool,.t..l, don't gi.e eP, buy a
1 reliable arid.- lite Dr. Cltaas• Lnrr
Uure. and with it you arta recipe bawl
i ahem worth 1lie uwney• James Wilwn,
Solo agent
Ji 'art -Some rustic swain pet.nel a
very puerile and scurnl,.us article in
your juurr.al lent weak placing our ytiaug
writ and peaceful village in as unfair
light Ws are •m.•ug the o'dest resi-
dents, and can truthfully say the gentle -
tummy demeanor, drew uw and temperate
habits of our young men are not excelled
in may %iarker w our province.. We will
always be pleased to see weekly ;tense al
interest trent our vit,aye and locality in
y.•ur paper, and there is nut a latter
field for • local co to the
rouuty. 11 this ....mkt be literary luiui
nary would routine himself to thew
things moused of trying to stlgm.tize
teen whom 1.e uugbt well eery, and in
wh-rte footsteps he might creditably fol-
low, he would lea taking a atop iu the
right directi.ai This meddles..we wise-
acre ■1e. epeek• of early shop closing,
and impert;neut'y asks, "What dose this
meat' 1" Why, toe great sophistical got
hag, there t. nota shop here but what
is "pen from twe:ve to fourteen hours,
and in •filer plans we hear of them
striking for the eight hour system. • What
be should have said is : Our shnpa ought
t.. adopt the early cluing wovemta t for
the summer mouths. We would remind
' hien gently of the old adage a►v.ut "0611 -
droll playing with edged tools,- because
if he use• his quill again slinging mud at
his tit -edition 11 is quite puesiole for loin
to gel unpleasantly surprised.
Say* Dry &len :
She knows her man,.vod when y ru rant
and wear
Can draw you to, her with a single hair.
Qat it mus; be beautiful hair to have
such power ; sat: beautiful hair can be
ensured by the use .of CINOAaass Hats
Ri zwta. Sold at Wets. by J. Wile. .i
ries sere.
The House on Thursday was astou.,J-
ed by a robes of charges made by Mr.
Carneror, of Huron, against the Goren -
merit in reference to the conduct -,
Hugh J..hn Macdonald and Mr. Stuar
Tupper, the one the son ,d Sir John Mac
donald and the other the eon of Charles
Tupper These young ten have been
wing their influence with the Goreru
rneut for making l.rge fortunes from
companies in timber limits, coal lands
and other public enterprises It is said
that enor us fees have been paid Mr
Tupper for operating before his father es
agent' for some railway corporations, be-
fore has father's retirement from the
office of Minister of Railways. It would
also appear that influence was wird t.
deprive a Ieadiug law firm in the North -
ewe of the law agency of the Hudson's
Bay Company, which was taken from the
firm referred to and giv •n to Macdonald
and Topper, each tit whom receives
23,000 a year from the Hudson's Bay
Mr. Cameron trade many other
charges equally astounding, and comes•
ively established charges which he had
before made against twu other members
of the 11 use, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Ilag-
aart. :London Advertiser.
Thief uatpuny is Loaning Afoueg ea AllnP
Stelarlfy ut Lomat Rola of Emden**.
S, 4 and . pet Pant. Intered Allowed ue
IJ:�►NIt., Irrfur.11ny f.r dMN.eat
owl riot, left
of -Pies: -coy. o< Market :•quare and North
Strain. Oodrrie h.
M\I bit.
O.elerich. A itg. Sib. IBM.
aaw►aa M cut s T L itri r :. '
Liniment Iodide Ammania.
The speediest and twat certain
medicine in the world.
Weak Rack. Enlarged Joints. Paralysis,
RAeumarion. Neuralgia. I►iphtherbs,
Sciatica. Prolapaw t'terei,
Tersab Weakness.
The best and only .-errata remedy to relieve
pale of all kinds. no metier of how long stand-
ing. Instant relief guaranteed cripple*.
Swollen Joints. Varicose Veins, nitro a In
sects or `tick Ileadachr. No oil or grease : u
dens and awry. ; will net still.
balbuossanollon or iter kldaty•. lartab1'.
Mse..r. Diabetes. lncontineace 4 Urine
Is the only Liniment in the world p.wsei wing
alterative lumens. ens. Llan be taken internally
cures I'ramps and Colic. Miarrh.ra and
Mali by .11�yh
.. Trial Mot,, tie.
Write Dr. OILKrt, box LIMM N. Y. P.O.. who
will sive advice on all dia.-as.-s free of
trIteware of tla&lers end roun-
terfeita The genuine be. the name blown in
the glass and f& --simile of the discoverer
name eseh cork.
gilts' r Ir rural Mandrake Pills
Sale, sure, reliable and effective. Do not
gripe. Purely vge�rv.-able. Nu mercury. anti-
mony or aloes. They can be relied un tor all
• I Disorders of the riteeach, Liver. Bowels, me.
t Bold ray all druggists Se
at c. per box.
Full supple o Dr Odes' Remedies at F.
- JORDAN'S drug store, Ooderieb, Ont 14124
Ir. the history .1 medicines no prefer
ration bas received such universal cart
mendatiuu, fur the alleviation it affords
and the permanent cure it effects in kid-
ney diseases as Dr. Van Buren's K.ioneya
Cure. Its action in these distressing
complaints is simply wonderful. Sold
by J. Wilson. out
New Life tee reertisa. Wy ��jpp bepl•
4 qli diff 1a..
The Creat (German Invigorator is the
inly specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or .ides, no matter how
shattered the system may 1.e from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the l..st functions
and secure health and happiness. 11.00
per box, six boxes for 25.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt of price,
pilotage paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole resist for United States Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Rnynas, role agent for Gude-
rich 3m :
Matter A\eod.
There is danger ahead from neglected
colds. A tight Dough and irritated throat
are the warning signs of lurking danger 5
to the lswgs. Haryard's Pectoral Bal
sem cures colds, sore threat, •tubhorn
coughs, and all bronchial and lung trou- 8
Chrystal 8t Black
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Wes. 2 -
llentaios to be wen -any day at the
13 "HACIUIETACK," • luting and
fragrant perfume- Price 23 and 30 eta
For sale by J. Wilson, druggist.
" W.ltle,. Mem., PMA. I. Inds. Dentlesnen-
1 suffered with attacks of tick heada.-he,'
Neuralgia, female trouble, fur years in
the most terrible and eIemuciating man-
N. medicine or doctor enuld give me
relief or cure until I used Hop Bitten.
'1'he int bottle
Nearly cored nt• ;'
The second made me se well and strong
as when • child.
'.And 1 have been so to this stay.'
My husband -ra• an invalid for twenty
year. with • serines
'Kudney, liver and urinary complaint,
'Prntsounted by 1-.ston's bust physi-
cian• -
'I„curable !
Seven bottles of your hitters eared
him, and i know of the
'laves of eiglt persons'
in my neighhorhood that have been
saved by your kitten.
And many mann are teeing them with
gnat hwnettt.
'They alma"!
fin miracles !'
lss Hrs. R. D. !link.
and ail kind. of Sheet Iron work.
atrial AND WATS. ries nTTs%4
constantly nn hand.
On hand, muff fot &tidier,
1 so ■.r. grew Merl S.IMr.
1 a M.P. \eve Seller.
A Eoiplettt 2ffd-band Tbresbiig Outfit,
Moiler, rugine, Srparatot. ate , all In s.w1
working *nine. Will be .old cheap.
Mail orders w111 receive prompt at testier,
Weeks r Opp. t. T. S. Start...
P.O. BOX 361.
(loderich. May Mb. Isla.
'rakes $seer_ in that he bas
opened out a new
Confectionery & Fruit Stare
1!f eopkni(:lt, eau
s.Vdwlee Watcht', barber ak.1..
The Monk 1. am. W be. bees hissr\t from
the tort hoar,..
A call le reepesatelly 1•viMe .
Osderle\. Mate\ 1545, ISYS. Wig
And every species o1 disuse• frost
rl•M'U•red LIVER, KtOHEra, BT - -_
----- --- aOWEL8 OR BLOOD,
T. ■iLLBURN & cc.,
West Street Melt Market.
AIldrBVYS & JolillsEoll.
1.11... KIN tf ..t'
Carefu Attention 131 Prompt Delivery.
Iter titb. Mill T'.
x al, A .,r- nlri k
WO$�� i O?DQE....
Age glnanattoLAM Costal%nate c.
riff wwr s L a seas. a•:ro, .t4 eMeet a f
ilsel1trn► eI tst/sls is C:S:aren of Adult&
M be be egbetr..y sr .a wwelbsw«
wa retarrue
a iii t sorrs.. seeete away ►a re o.rstw abet. ps
see nevi i a dleLeezl.a�,R%l! +tog
. ui ..p.,.,. Test wt ar rt.
1.N. FEIi��' & co.,
Restores gr
hair to its na
tura) color, re-
moves Dandruff
stops the bei
from falling out,
In it
$'mirth, and wil
not soil the sk
As a hair dreg
slac tt has n
saperier Guar
tweed Harmless.
Prepared by
Lesko. :Oat
tial Mime
yits lssa
Utlte on yc,ur Machinery only the Well-known
SIXGOLD MEDALS bite been awanied it during the last three retie.. Try
_ also our raaaa . 11111.1t bar rear Waggons
Foe Bale by
YATES & ACHESON, Goderich.
Toronto. June lin h. las.. I flit'
- Agricultural Implements.
llaa gone Into the Agricultural Implement Loaners*, and rvpn:beata the emewlaa moria
HARRIS & SON, Brantford. fi1Nl,Elts, Msswi:its awl RM&
COCKSHUTT, Brantford, PL. ►w'., 111. Ai;Elt.. and St'UFFLZttll.
MASSON MAN['FAlTURINti l,'U., (}.haw -a, 'tEED DRILLS and
.tun. r TOR
Genuine New York ZLner Sowillgliachilles.
aw I . c�rR.vrN
Ilamite. tlfrimsh s flew tlsses h•Mw tN Lw ;ease ;yl.
Keep Your Feet Dry
Y.rt ran do this •t a real triagngrus by beyloayour •
AT THE ttTOitk OE'
Crabb's $1oca
i have now on nand the largr.t .stork ever show,, in (iudertrh. read routinize, every I1a• tin
mall (Quad to a tint- -lar .h,* mum. from 11.e flout std. through all tie natsrirsdlats pada
to the heaviest cowhide. 1 will sell at
Prices that Will Suit Everyone.
Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, from 11,00 to 15.00.
Misses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up.
Boys do., 11.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap.
I can and will suit you. both la reels and price,.
]D O w N=N G,
Crabb's Block, Corner East street and Square.
LB.- latbsbals. Leather and endings in any Qu its_ at Lowest Prices.
This cat represents the double trios withoii• the M.P. \enct ti,r itis of the 31 *hapset
spring striated in the Pad. by whi, h . (' tN -. rot NT 1.,a! is.; IN WARD tied 1. PW&R1)
GEO Ghernavbenthe, ,a,i),,.,eyl_
RHYkNAS, Druggist,
February &h. ISR;
11 will Pay yon to bay your Furniture frees The undentened- as 1 burs now as esseplet
sn as•erameal u there la In the county.
i do ant adept ea_ s artwr k erataw
real matltst WOW nue cannot be eurgesnd Nuality coneideeedt. • mit will sell you a roe
In the Undertaking 1 have stook spatted fbr the poor as welt as rich.
1 have also added the process of Embalming. w that partiee having to Bead bodies of
friends to a distance can do so at reasonable von
Wast street. Oode 4.$,.Intro tba Patellae asd Renk of Montreal.
Rept. tlth, 1141.
s felt -fns
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
GEO. zsAmirt.sr,
Hamilton Street, dodericb
A gees of Klte\ss. Ravi room. ihn'ag Room and Parlor Vomit ere," int at t
klem, (Ahaln.hair, ram. amid wood aestadI, t'upboard., heed -steads. Matresses, b►as\-staae
Lwwgcr,Soraa. W kat -Neta Looking Maoism.
'roost or ('ons. and Shroud. always on hand ales Rearees for 51
Picture Tramline a emelalty.— A eon "elicited
N. R. - A
le rate .
N•w thip titre tryes Irish oe.ortiro ale. reeves .1home, tosee Pullet
H. taw. itemo now t.
120,000 Rolls of the Latest Dd/n
ass.0'smell t• colors and at pvlew.lme tae very ae'smelllafortergam! Cal ..(.�
aro the beat vane 1s tetra. and mut basalt wed •.wbow T\
The Spiag Bazaar &