HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-6-11, Page 5SOMS ODD NAMES& tatted few the Leas .f Member..( the Coyish Aaiun:: the rietwrs to Goderieh last week attwed.nlg the Guelph Cwdarencc were the followieg : Fruits and vegetables were represented by a Berry, • ll.•u, bellesyi and • Pep - The n'n by Moss, and Grimes lluw- etc. The &stinal kiusd ha • Crone, • Crabb, a Hest. a Lecha Sturgeon, tato b.attos and • Whale, led by a learned cik.amiable Grithis. AI.. a Noble • Savage, and • Etrongnian. be various occupations were repre- sented by a Carman, a Fisher, • Ola'ier, lire Stui. a Potter, a fl....per, a See- man and • Tornio. A Fair IluabMnd, rather inclined to put un Ayers, sith a Tongue, Edge Sharpe, not without signs of Wear, also turned up. The convention did not es- cape without a Scratch, and after the tint tlresiun t1e Years were doubled. A Hall. with god Walt.. Popped by • Flagg, a Hill and threw Mills sere Ids. observed by the side of • quiet Like. Ireland and Holland were specially re- presented. So were both Yuen* and 'ray. BRO. HILLIARD'S VIEWS. The tele Loy *Assets from waterloo rats • ■r Iteapre.a to e:MrrirY. Froin the waterloo Chroaiele. This plesea•d old town is beautifully *Hosted on a co,n.andiag bluff uverluok• ing the great lake Huron. its cool aim mer breexees, which blow pretty con- stantly (rutn lbw great northern lake, render it a very desirable summer resid- ent* for people of warm climes, who in couaiderable numbers spend the hot )uo.ths at the Point Farm and other summer t stela. The town is laid out on the general plan of a spiders web, which is eery confusing to a stranger, for, like other spider webs, though the way in ma be found emaily enough, the way out is ap • to be eery entangling. Very appro- priately, the court house like the ardor, Occupies the centre et the w.b, and is surrounded by a park of ,boot five cr six acres. well shaJed by handsome trees Tba park is hounded by the principal stores and hotels, disposed along the periphery of an octagon, from the eight corners of which streets are projected into the surrpueding country. There streets are well lard out, and tot.k very pleasant at this season, with their tin, shade trees, and conifortab:e and in a number of instances, quite stately res- idence. We were surprised, however, to notice ber bovine majesty, the Cow, in full possession of the Queen's high- way in this enlightened and county seat. As we passed aounu tine, healthy specimens of her majesty, chew- ing calmly the cud of contentment and sweet gram, and dropping her visiting - card on the sidewalk with silent dignity tor the benefit of incautious our memory reverted instinctive! Jhe day. of :.ur bondage ie Witt happily departed, when to go er dark impited a jub fur the bootblack in the mors ing. Tac StosAL mei, Dan and Toni Mc- Gillicuddy, bright, racy and clever, with- out a fault except the interminable length of their cognotnesi (which ought to be halted by act of Parliament, to permit lockjaw among their friends) have bees doing a big thing this week In the shape of a special edition of Tss SIGNAL, in which Goderich is written up in the t Rost elegant style. The business men of the town owe Ina Sweat. • debt of gratitude for this effort, which theyou{ht to pay in the shape of a rich crop of ad- vertisements. Glory r gond in its way, but as • steady diet it is not fattening. S• Mashes Se.ses.wts. iIV following letter explains itself .-- OfrAwa, 7th June, ISO. Stu.—With refere.lce to the petition signed by you and others on behalf Of the convict, Henry James Beamed), I lin directed to inform rue that His Ex- cellency the Governor leneral is g -leased to order that this convict be released front the Kingston Penitentiary, and that the proper °Seer is this da in- etarctedoo suroiwly. I have the honor to be, Girt your most oSedient servant, G. Powell, Under Secretary of State.--- Iioa &ei Howros, Esq., Mayor of Gale - rich, Ontario. Saam1ller. Ger pastor got bis pulpits supplied last Funday by ministers from the con- jerence. 1). McLaren and his jovial gang of men have been busy this last week mov- ing 13 ita ;lace the house reseitly pur- chased by Charles Walters. A very welemesfuI eat.rtakreet t tjslt _eyes in the school house last Friday evening, >d I fester, of the program being a lengthy dial„ f(ue en- titled "Frm Punkin Itidge. The charaetera were ..11 suitably dressed sad acted their parts like ea 1 trage- dies.. Although the ,arission fee was eel? lbo. and .Il the school children weirs let in free the doorkeeper took in $11.25, which will be applied as a payment on the melodeon recently purchased for the THE HURON 810NAI., FRIDAY. JUNE 1. 1886. Fi/lt A (• 1' Choice Spring & Summer Dress 8kND TO Olt Tie!? TUE KBTAllL18ll BENT o: H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. BRAN •1•r•OR].J wk; .tltr: H..)‘‘ :N I'anoy Wool Dress Goods all colors. Fancy Wool Dress Goods in black. Plain Lama Colths, in black and colors. A11 the New Makes in Canvas, Boucle, Bic_ Rare Vlue in Blaok and Colored Satins. Ivy li-t%'k A I..titGF: RANGY OF WASHUNO 1►ItES13 (100118 IN PRI TS, LAWNS, ALSATIAN CLOTHS, &c. BOURRETTES, COD STRIPS, GINGHAMS, &c. - Our Prints are very choice in design and color. Our (..n;(haraa are v• -r) !ow in priest 4L0 ES AND HOSIERY. TAFFETA GLOVill all color and nise*. - PURE SILK GLOVE S, all colors enol BLACK COTTON H E, alt mixes. - COLORED COTTON HOSE. all sizes. ftrantfor.l, ]tae 6th. left H. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. 2041 ::rat WILSON'S PECIAL DRIVES I N SS MUSLINS;TAILOR&DRQ_ & CLOTHIER. 10 v Goods, CAL AND SEE ?'HEM. N Styles m J. C. ETLOR & Co.' Look Here! GewvINi SCOTCH G1N011AMS et 10 c. Oeficise SCOTCH GINGHAM; at 121c. Tis herr FACTORY COTTON you ever sew for the mt racy - i.c. COTTON A DEI+, SH1RTlN(;S, A\u PRINTS, AT Parrot► T1t►r .t'II L A+miaUH► 1 oc. All other lines is DRi" GOODS complete. F► u. $soca of GROCERIES. We Buy WOOL, Bt,'Trtn .Nin Eo.•s, COIBORNE BROS, GODERICH. ABRAHAM SMITH, %+wee' t.. GODERICH atkagYLISig woR.gS_ Revise ppuwrrhard the tontines. of JOSEPH C.iNSTONI. Marble Cutts r. I take thin op- portunity tilt annouup ing to the people of the County of Huron, that we are now prepared to execute all orders in MARBLE & GRANITE 1llll1lllltS, Ste.. Etc. Having limey years practicalexperienee.we feel confident of gfronw satisrtc,fon to those wns may favor ate with their orders. blows and Door Sills HOUSE FURNISHINGS, ETC., Supplied at Itea•onable Pales. Theme is est . i Monns+ent.-et liradstoaea wffi mad It in their interest to GIVE US A CALL. i�u.weie wishing. cemetery work done. rich a• e►Irf.� inarripti..ns. straile • 11111.4 head- aN,tiM, ere y can reit ..a t he work bong dune in a mast M'Islactor) manner. so -we snh••it an inapeetiou of the work now in the shoo. ROBERTSON & BELL. Oo.Ie.kb. Mara IMab. 11181. 11139-1.0 TO MAC KI N AC. The floor D.ftastnat SUMMER TOUR G..lerlc•h, 3day Nkb. FASHIONB.BLE TAILORING ! SPRINC GOODS diQ RIVED, And wilt be relying all treason. Gall and See the New Goods. �uGH Du±TD0P, FASHIO�TABL� TAILOR_ at rlteateabertthe Place—West street, neat floor to Bank of Montreal:1n Oodericb. March lath. lass. Et MrID AL Li JOHN BROPHY it as rcmoi-ed his farnn ure depot to the stand on Weat street, Next to the titter Printing Lure tie has on cahiba tun BEDROOM SETS that cacuot be beaten for good workmanship or low pt .,e on top Of the earrh. Brophy won't be undcrsokl by any man that hrraobes. and his furniture is 1pa.le express!) to kook well and stand wear and tear. Now ypu know nhere to go. Be Imre tad call upon 6e�s-alai. Y11/�. It>M. JOH1`wBR0 1�ff4VIN l F't'UXi RE- HEi► my shop in the test •Tyle, put in ♦ew Narttert'ha two of there the e - lasted Itochest.r filtis►gl'h•i:s.an hired a hancwr. we are Ina position to do Netter W • r t than hereto- fore. lady's A Children's ifair.'ulting made a .pe.•ialty on all days .except Saturday. Razors and Scissors around. vv atm_ Irr..N'=G gr..4w , W. at Street. two.tooreeast of P.G., Goderick. • Itiidow Prices_ Gents' Furnishings, at and Caps, &c. if 3 on want a cheap. yet stylish salt. ea!! at A2312.AI3.AM 8Ad. TH'B. Goderich, June 3rd. ISM. TO THE tic u: LIC IN GENERAL : u ..LSJ ±O, .eaeeal Draper sad waberda.aer. Haring now received the bulk of his Spring I'ur• base.. M - - ing a Choice Selection of FASHIONABLE AND DEI RA E LE GOODS, Newest Shades and Textures. All -Wool 11elteigra. Verona Sorgee. Sendanese ('lothe, with strips to match. Black and colored ottoman Brocaded Satins. Black. Double -Faced Tricot Satin. warranted not to rut. Prints. Sateen,. Black and Colored Linen Lawns. Parasols, Gloves and Fine Hosiery a larked Feature. \t.draas and Nottingham curtains in white. entree sad fancy colorings. IYsceptfunally c3.rap.l W' hitt., ('ream. Turkey and Fancy Tableinss, Towels nod Towellthg*. Tray Cloths, Napkins. 1►'(►yleye- round. a uarc and oblong. Tbe cpr•ct ti inif in braids and Huttons. !a Swiss and ltelgl.n ItrrH ..V! Orem and Tucking,.. Not .teeming it necessary to enumerate the canons lines in stork, the public may rest as sured that alln will be fully up to the �/ ga gee'Strictly tae price. /� DETO.TnAnMa CNC 1 spring Miiii-nery. _ _ t stool. Siagebridg.. His Lordship, Bishop Walsh, of Low' don, will hold • confirmation service in the R C ch.rob, on Kingabrid,te, on Wednesday neat, J.ta. 16th, at 9 a o. The celebration promisee to be unusually irfwsdisL, grad will doubt Imo attract a I.rg..osRr Mion- Aakflall The anneal picnic ander the auspices of the Ro.tzn Catholic enneregatien of Ashfield will be held is 1►f Dean's beau- tiful grove, Lake Shear Ruud, ow Sae or - day, Arms 26111. (bites and sports of se intermits( clarmesr will be provided, and every ,feel will be .rade to make it ch. beet yet held In the township Mot Deem Went Day Hslusss DETROIT AND CLEVELAND •' Ineter.eque Msokisle," Mostrated. feweees fan tastiosami. sura fees. Detroit & ONvetsnd Steam Neto. CAN C. 0. WHITCOM.. Air PASS. AST.. •S11NOIT. MICH. MRS. S A LXE D — iias opened our her -- SPRIN STYLES IN MILLINEFY, and hu now the lateat and mute approved styles in Ooderich. ]ray Ph, 1105. ..A. -1..P 1 Mitts... �...rt.o_ R. W. McKENZIE IMPORTER, r• .. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SHELF '.' AN D'.' HEAVY . HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, GODERICH. Feallicrs, Flawer� Rihl���, laps & TrumpRETIRING FROM BUSINESSo,.�..�,. ,, w ILLIAM ggY tfirAn i.spetten of the latest novelties in headwear. which she has now oat view. i, cordial!) le. ited. WILL SELL OFF HIB LARGE AND VARiED STOCK AT SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. (lodertoh. April ttt,wl. It11M 1044 — county Wren. 1 Ry vlsi.. of"'- Tevi fa`ttn(nn` SPRING MILLINERY I' Her Hajs•M)'s sigh t`oart of JwMI.Y. chan- oe a Division si an slim Writ of Pa "eke Is11.,d Dalt of less R11R► Cert of Justice, t)o aortas tv ante m me divested deny sera est the Idapits and Tenements of Wit.uiM HocKIM sMd .1410111 M,•K tiL►T. at the mit of It •NPA .L t Room. 1 have wired and taken in Narcotism sot will offer Mr Sala at sty s*rs, 1. the ()edit Howes, 1n the Town of (inderlch. os Tuesday, the :Borth bay of JULY, 1x41, at the beer of Memo of tier Moak. la the rows. netis,Iberight of4ewerdeb.1te sMiAn Mi -K !MOAT. as 1►e wklew of Hoa.w•r M.1 tv levo dee.ssrd rt.r baawstaJ Irl Nat par eel es greet et Irind prewkies. ang Dol Melee aswl t �= tet 4 gpCsb 0. mi`y ef Hamm eeetel The unit.d Holies gelled is Two ber =ow. ow. owpwerd trip '1.51 wisdom/ay, • el h T t� !jR•.Hure•. oeiri k, Pere Mogi Rqwars. nest door to Hs.ro s Dry Geode Stere a gallMAI oflariaialM s�. r UN 1St wllln MISS G -RAP AM Has Dew at her RMwroes, a Lorne and well -asserted Steck of TIRIMMII) R 1'NTRIMHLD MILi.INKIIY comprisingrverything shat ran he obtalaed in • i''iro Class Millinery HNaMLhmost. Feathers, Flowers, Shapes, Egrets, & FANCY TRIMMINGS IN PROFUSION. The L..is,ef O.dsrteb awe rli inity are medially limited to C A T T SEE Q-003ZS OM llealietri f 'tsfe ri awls, Dress (hind,, • large sosorttwe.t. Prints. t9impitoe a, Se. .MIle. per yard. Medina, white sad gelated. borers, mak Yrls.rfa, reiretrenu, week mad colored. inflate, CO.Y1S18T1NiI OF Hiwtiery, • illi. Cs.bes.rr. 1.1ele. (cues and Wool. LKL Cashmere. Lisle. and Potton. Crepes, i�tiAb.otu, Hew4krrrAirfs, •lk. Leen. cotton. Tisa, (:rto..tm, Lona, MOP• �1w«wtls, li'i n.•eya, I ionto* Pfannrh, W i Tri raga, YAir?., As via, knitted sod plain. Poniards, t'ssArelles, 1'(Airts, Il rn arra, Lod i's' *Nib, 1'01014Nshows h, 141,,,tlrf., (enrolls, Tnhlr f f..ti.., nsr.1., .V.dpthnA, f 'tarts/ins. .Felts, Peers, Ifats, Cap, serf iites, Whitt its. Poring, Cullens, Tares, de., de., d'r. Bale Oommences Saturd.sy, 27th March 0°dertch. 'Wee feth. INS. fey