HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-6-11, Page 44 • tag e T it bet nee) ly u THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1886. GUELPH CONFERENCE. TWO 3611111188ni From Guelph District Congi e- gttte in Goderieh. Tee slwdMaa Wed ea Tweedy -Tae SNtaall.s 4 •weds•, -persona t/Nes r .aI UN ee teisitewe On this page will be found a clear synopsis of the business dont, at the ('o,nferi nce, day by day, and On the first page will be .e'en • quaint and touching erticle by our special contributor ,Ajax; who took in some of the proceedings. A few notes are also given here, to serve as • sort of intrtxhiction to the final list of stations. The Conference on the whole was • mast pleasant and sucebssful one. The town was incest inviting looking, and the umbrageous trees lining our broad streets, under the genial and fructifying influences of a June sun gratx- fully put on yet more leaf each day until the admiring visitors took their leave. The hospi- tality of the people of Galerieh was favorably commented upon. There was no visible friction in the Conference between the various bodies forming the Methodist union_ 1)r. Aylesworth said it was one of the bappies:tconferences helmet atendel in thirty years, and mal.y of the happy brethren said "Amen : " THS ORDINATION CEREMONY. The ordination, which ceremony took place in North street church on Sunday morning, was a solemn and attractive service. To the people of Gotlerich it had a peculiar interest, as two of the candidates fur the ministry had been stationed iu Coderich, and the third had relatives 'in this neighborhood. The sermon by Rev. A. ('arman, D.D., General Superintendent, who preached on the occasion, wa.s vigorous and practical (See our report of it on2.) The platform was tastefully dwi ecorate• th flowers:, the choir was a large one,the building was packed to the doors until neither ingress nor egress could be hal by way of the aisles, and a hush almost as deep as that which once prevailed in Heaven for " the space of half an hour," rested on the assembly as the hands of tive of the " brethren were laid on the heads of the three candidates for the work of the Gospel. The yotmg men who took the ordination vows were : John H. Car- son and G. F. Salton, each of whom have served t-. one year in Goderich, and R. C. Burton. They all enter the work with a hopeful record. PERSONAL NOM. Dr. Griffin, president of the Conference, grows o1.1 handsomely. He is rather of fuller habit than when we knew him nearly a score of years ago, and his wavy hair is now silvered. His face was made to wear a smile, yet he can be quite severe at, times. His rather drawling tone is just the vehicle to Farry- the quaint humor and irony'.hich bubbles forth continually from him. D. C. McDowell, ex -president, is a man who appears to take life seriously. He is rather spare in tauild, but full of vigor. He is a good moan T. M. Campbell, the new secretary, needs no description. He i.a roan throughandthrongh, and is one of the most earnest and useful ministers_--- in the conference. J. W. Holmes, ex -secretary, is an Irishman by birth, descent or education, for " his speech be- wrayeth him,' /He is above the middle height, and wears a sanity beard thin at the sides. He is a good preacher, and a capital man of business at a conference. To know him is to respect him. Shrewdnees and gaxl-nature. unite in the ex- pression of 1)r. .4ylesworth's dark eyes. His auburn hair falls backward in luxuriant curls, and his appearitnee-is-- etriki rand commanding. Ile is a veteran temperance worker. The following is the final draft of stations : I. THE GUELPH DISTRICT. 1 Gt [.ru la Norfolk `treet)-Joseph W. Holmes; Hugh T. l'r.aley, left without an app.intment at his owe request. in view of evuogenstic work. 2 Gt•E.rH Revs (Dublin Str,K)8.-8--Gritlig,D.D.4. Alex. K. Birks. B.A. 3 G,tE1.va 3en - Paisley Street' --William Savage. 4 Po%..osaty-Isaac Crane %Weiden . 5 EwRA-James Braley ; Samuel Far, superannu- ated. 1. Fsaoes--Juseph S. Collin:. 7 Maim -lux -Wm. Willimott. s Bitwoop-Thonias Grandy. 9 BRAVO/A-Jame Walker. 10 Ro.•awooe-Franc$. Swann ; Wesley S. Kerr. It Aw.vsts•••4iiebeot Philips 12 (ittososrows-J. Walker Shelton, B.A.; Geo. H. Cobbledick, R. A. ;) .lames Gray, Treasurer of Superannuation Fund, permitted to reside in 1'n.nto (286 Ontario street ); John C. Pomeroy, B.A., (Oakwood.) Nelson Burns, M.A., SapsR- numerary. 13 ERIN AND BA,.uxarAu-Joseph Markham ; Edwin L Flagg. Sept 3. W. Hittites, Financial Secy. 11. GALT DiSTRICT. 14 GALT -W, C. Henderson, M. A. 15 Rhus -John W. German. 16 WATiauxt-Wm. Mills. 17 Pewee . -Wm. H. Htncks. 18 HEsrintee-Richard C. Henden ; James White, Superannuat 19 Nasseisw[TA -Wm. Birks ; John J. Rapp. 20 ELMIRA -Thomas J. Snewd..n. 21 New HAxn lea -John W. Robinson. 22 Ltewoon-Thos. J. Smith. 23 H AwasaTTu,R - Henry A. Newc-lmbe. W. C. Hasutsate. M.A., District Supt. Wu. Mini, Financial Secy. I11. STRATFORD DISTRICT. RTRArroan (Erie Street; -Andrew C STaaTroat• rWaterinn Street) -Jo►a H. Crateea Mtrcaau. (Trafalgar Street) - - Waley Conon. MrnrwaLL (Toronto 9tr eti-Matthew Swans ; J. Williass, A 1. Mitvsmyos-Cbristopher Hamilton. Mosarow-David A. Mar. gram --Jobs W. Gilpin. Fretsarow--Jona Caswell ; Jahn 11. Dyke. Bsalanwr-Janie McLasitlin, M.A. 8a.arsuvtt.Le Gorham A. Clifford, M.A. lease R. Wahine, Victoria College Wm Hayrides, 1 (itrsntpton)- Ataa. Cvtlsnsnwax, District Supt. Wal ire Camisole, Fitswctal See'y. IV. RT. MARTS DISTRICT. MAara-A. lel. Phillips, R. D ; Rickard Ser- e* 1. Ogr.IIIIC I* Or 36 (1iAsro11--Jo4n C. Stevenson. 38 Leu•K-goblet Davy. 37 Musa Casio -David Rotten - 38 Kratro$-ktohert H Ha1L 30 Wuuu•*M--Fara A. Fear. 40 Ntaaot'at-Juwph W. Pring, (St. Marys`. 41 Klsroas-Henry E- Hill. 42 Ywsso-Ditwt Sharp 411 Tnenslleoau- AlexanderiSawteh. catrraaaara THI RSD tl IRev. 1)r. Griffin presiding. After devo- - uoal ez.reu.s the rtiututes of th., pre- , seen area le ere read and confirmed, seed the eyes of tie coolary were • po i Tiudr4 avd J Webs:4r ; Icy, Audr. w these Cuncr tnreeee le see wh ,t ant n le Mon rut, Thv.■tss Wltds, J J George. would le taken upon the tenipeta ,ce culLoalnee trete The moraine sea,;' -in opened at 9 a m.. , 4uestw's. He also referred t , the le 411 -lis the alt.nr.r.u, Huy O B agetin, tretettnriva ul !lethodnanu it d,arin• andsurer.4 the Childleu's Fund. presented Chemet pulley, euuuse ling latthfulnees his*ti :. w. s ad..pt.J. Th too vee and loyalty tv the other. assesetueet net wethltet reeo.uwes en u NLLR.:[ 1!T[at+Tet. oout, The Rev W J Shaw, L L 11, wad nitro - THE tar..,, rezeeeeartox Fru.. Hugh J. Fair left without a station at his own I Thu Rev. Mr. McDowell, the Pre(l THE Lla;t-oE ThA1TTl•. ducrd and addressed the Couferene• up.Rev Jamie* Uray, 'reesurer of the resyuest, for the l.urpuee of attending Collette- deut, to opongee the bonfereocu, toad• A. M. P$ILLlrn, 11D , District Su(,t,the following remarks :-The ligator trtl J C. t�Tsv'sxsox, Financial salty. I tic, long a powerful obstacle to the •d- vancemeut et truth sod rehgtou iu these V. THE (l(IUERICH DISTRICT. lards, is bea.wiug iucreasiugly distaste- ful to the masses of the community. The 44 GotsaIl•H 'North street} le'rre R. Turk. attitude of the churches e4 Christ, re - 45 Gotteastm (Victt re' street) -lieu. F. Salton. apatite( this burette( question is nue of 41i Curette (KatWubury street, - Edmund 5. lin the rnooura4iug signs of the Imes. The Port. M A• els of God,desire and pray that the 47 Cuxros (Ontario street William W. Sperling. 48 SsiroaTM-Jacob E. Hewell, M.A. Ota Hotararv,u.s---John 5 Fisher, %%alter M. Tattoo. W BAynaw-IL L. Hutton. 51 VARNA-Alfred E. Snaith. 5.2 HZ-YsALL NORTH -Williann Torrance, Reber' H. Hereby; 53 Hartnett Sorra- Robert Godfrey, 54 Lososssotu.'- -John Hewitt, 55 Dc . _es-Wesly"le. Campbell, Arch.MoKibb:,n; Luther U. Rice, Su rsnnuale4, permitted to reside at Hobart, Lake Co., Ind , 56 Atht'as- John Turner. 67 Barnattia-Jemes Kestt*. J. T. Lrgesr, Victoria College. J. E. Hewett, M.A., District Supt. J. S. Flame. Finan .ial Gra•)•. u the work dune by the Collette to Suuperauuu.nou Fuu 1, wad Lotroluced Montreal, to ino conference and sp eke at a oosider. 11Ur Burwash, 'O \-.ct,ata Centred,. tile lennwth upon the reuemg,ls and di+ - was also entrodunel s..'•1 requests.' tv , but..wente vl the bout. WS rut, .rt Kir? In. vwws upon the pe .... sapecl 1 wad, upon utotiee, ad'q.lwl. h l d noon Kane*, , I+o ouch light upon the subject While a tr,duced to the co ference, and and autunite or l e t Cr rev bit w1Ttl aOw He did so at euuaderablu length, throw lug w it he counselled tare yet he wanted the spoke of the perit.dicals under his *di- dsueslx+as. item! management, ahem ino their great legislation of the D,niniuy relating to moreureut W ue ieltti■■ this giant evil. may be the Iegulation of Resolutions d.okriu. the loyalty 1 prosperity and develupweet, the laic Prohibition --that it may be a came to the Confereuce to thele educational n'- year ru being +o''st psperuwr+ , subscribe cake and sell alcboh• I, rposes G.r meth the nu matter what might be the to the magazine being more numerous issue of federation, were sd..pten. I than ui te, sod the Sundey s:h...l papers dual and wechanic,.l purposes. 'rho reao:utiuu favoring fes1eraaou al -belting • ouculation • f zeete) cops... THB t:oMtITTBL.. ready reported was adopted. Ibelting which $. not confined t.. the 1>,estuiun 0f Canada, but estenda t.. A bis ('tinted States VI THE %%INGHAM DISTRICT. 58 WIsOHAx-D Creighton McDc*eW, 59 Lszscaaulse--James McAllister ; Joesph H. Superannuated Streets iIle). d0 RrrLsv-William Baugh. G1 Awsaate--George Lound.. 62 Lecasow - Francis E. Nugent ; John Welker, Superannuated. 63 AsnnaLD-Wm. H. Moss(Lucknowr. G4 Bavrs-Samuel Salary, B.L., John Kennedy, James Geddes, Supernumerary. 65 Tstewirw -Austin Potter. 66 BeessEr.•1-William Smyth ; John L Kerr, Super- annuated. 67 "Tem. -Richard Paul. 68 Naxos -Thomas J. Sabine. 69 BLVTH-Alfred A. Bowers, B.A. 70 13Ruteava-Nathaniel 8. Burwash. 71 Bomvete--J.' Ipll 8. Cooke. 74 WHIT[CH1 icn-'Phonal C. Sanderson. 73 Setsx-.l..hn H. Watt i,Teeswater). D. C. M.•Doweet, District Supt. A. A Bowman, B.A. , Financial Secy. VII. THE LISTOWEL DISTRICT. 74 LurrowEL-George Richardson. lit PAuiEisTeos-Charles E. Stafford. 77 Pina tasroe Circuit--Joeepb R. Gibson. 78 DaiyTos-George Reggie ; Henry Berry, Supe annuated. 79 Atue -- Abraham W. Tongs ; Henry Irvine. 80 Peat -James Harris Glenallme. 81 Snares -Jabez Waal. 82 TsowBRltas-Chae. W. Lake; John Armstrong, Suierannuated. 83 Arwoon-James Ferguson. 84 Haxrays-William J. Brandon. 86 WALL/XI-John R. Isaac ;Listowel). 86 Moosanato-Andrew M. McCulloch. Hilts, r - The report of the nominating c mines was read. The followiiu coutuut tees were reported Contingent Fund, Education Fend, Memnrwb, Church Property. Conference Relations, Chil- dren's Fund, State of the Work, and Conference Agencies. A .'1-A15. The settlement of tion financial claim of Edward B. West, who retired from the ministry at his own request, was re- ferred to the Superannuated Beard. memo: ABS LAURA. Rev. Dr. Sutherland addressed the Corfureuee upon the missionary work and upon the contemplated susteutatw$ fund. Dr. Eby also addressed the Con- ference open the Work of the Church, present and prospective, in Japan- AF7aa$00N slaiROOY In the afternoon the following probe- a ENERtL l..\'BRINcE UBLIWATEA. The report of the lay delegates to the and lis' to Attstrsluu. C nnfeteuas adjourned at 5 p. un, General Conference shows that lease E ' TUESDAY. Bowman, Wm Cushing, and Wm J Lam- bort were elected in addition to those I Al the educational alerting last uighI prrciuw rep •rtrd. the chair was taken by the Rev James seforwTICS, iGray. Et:ellrut and timely addreeese The Statistical committee's report were delivered by the Revs Ur Withrow showed that the iueiununhip had itnc.ras• I e and .4 11 Phillips,, 13. A., one on mental od during the year 1,'905, waking the culture required by flee tames in .he S. .111 cut. lmu...try and the other on the elocution• present membership ':.,.tl( n•:ional funds were in advance.dry training thereof There was a very The Sabbath schools report indicated I large meeting, the aho►roice evnGa:otww vezesitse the prr.eerthu;s with chof sung, healthy progress w S..bbath school wore. The attendance, t: creased .1,G36 *ud 1,572 e.,uversous are repotted during the year. ar-rolam AnulTat- The chair of the conference was taken rtieowe1 LL 171I0Y, at it a.m. today by the Presidest. The The Theological l'ni..n met at 3 p.m. report of the Coutimtent Fund commit - Rev J B Ayleswurth, LLD , gave an tee was toad by Rev G H Cornish sad able lecture epee Christianity as an edu• adopted. Report No 2 of the a,manMtee on "lemons!. was read by Rev N S boned requested to be allowed to attend eating force. allege :-J. B. Wsllwin, James T. Le- A holiness meeting was held at night, Reinvests and sat pled. Report Ne 2.w oouducted Fry Iter l3 Sherlock. C onferencc ayeyrcies era read by Rev T J Snowden and adopted. Rev W Cas, SUNDAY. son and C 8 Eimuuds, B D., were ap- Goderich, Ont., June 7. -The eon- p.,iuted to prepare a pastoral address fur terenw Love Feat was held yesterday nett year. The Educational Fund re - from 9 to 11 a.m., conducted by the pert was real by Rev W C Henderson, Rev Josiah Greene. It waa large, fu:l ; 11, A , and adopted. The report of the of interest, ata marked with great spirit- t committee on T . era read by nal unction. The experiences, chiefly ' th. Hee B, ‘e• Wtlltama. aged ministers, were clear, besutdul, THE WWI Aa T. and joyful. THE .[ aVOtr. p An expression of thanks to members of the House of Commons who fitted against the mutilation 4/1 Ake Scott Act as designed by the Senate, and also to The sermon was unique. clear, PP the Provincial Government for the aid lips, B.D., David Rogers, Thoma Ger,' t which they hare Rivers towarus its en- Wm- Smith G Buggin Charles V. prate, and delivered with gamed energy. foreetnent in counties niers the Act has gear, Henry Colwell, J. J. Cnwkshanks, J. W. Grutmll, Edward H. Shaw, John F. McLaughlin. LAT RE'aial..TITIVIts. The lay representatives elected by dis- trict ireetnngs t.. the Conference Mission- ary Bon! are : Thus Hilliard, R. W. McKenzie, O. Lan►rage, Thomas Stur- geon, J. E. Carson. R. G. Lambert, H. H. Perdue and J. W. Armstrong. 'ABBATH M'HOOL 4vxx*TT66. The following ministers were elected n At 11 a.m. General Superintendent by the districts as members cf the Sett -Carman entered the pulpit, and aunounc- bath School Cvmroitteet : A. M. Phil- I led bus tett after preliminary exercises. lake, Joseph Edge and W. Ayers and was enjoyed by an immense audi been eutrnea, and an appeal too all frauds Conference adjourned at 4 p m., to al- low the venous committees to tweet. ...tenant 5/11001 d5ETIS.+ The Conference Sabbath Scheel meet ing at eight was largely attended. The the young men received into full am he chair esu ooccupied by the President. In- eleven were ordained by Dr. Ca enc• collected (nom miler around the of temperance to juju hands at thio town, as well as of Inc town itself. It supreme luecture tc assist in the elec- ts ear] toll] rsp•rtrd by us the week, tion ••f candidates to Parliament ■rad on our addend page After the sermon, ,other ,.8icen of State who favor pruhibt- J. H. Carson, U. F. talta)n, and Burton, tion, and commending heartily the wore •,f the Dominion Alliance and t Carman. Women's Christian T union. teresturg and iwtructire addresses were and Dr. Onttiu, assisted by several given by Revs. A. A. Bowers, B. A , C. were among the parts in the report of E. Stafford and J. E. Howell, M. A., in• actor mennxers the coamine•. It wad adopted enthu- ice 87 Tavnernat.z-Wm. Shannon (Rothman.aAseirH P. Hoot AaallOaR. exceslant Il Thos. C. Bell, left without a station for one year �b.,ir of erspersedidnrcR.11eirt music from the The S•hbath echo"! of North street aUl'•' TIORAL . oY1lITTBB'!t IMPORT. at his own request.church assembled u stairs at 3 o'clock, G[oaus Rlid•Ru.,os, District Supt. FRIDAY. 1 I'The report of the Educational commit - Geo. Beware Financial Secy. Conference opened at 9 a.m., Her. w i the scholars, and teachers .,ceupytng tee was read, and the following students y both sides of the centre aisle and sinters were • inlet( to Doll Victoria 5 Griffin, 1) ll., in the chair. !Minutes' n the rides and in the eatery. The Cdleee.I hese B Walwin. J W Frisaell, VTI. THF Mot -NT FOREST DISTRICT. of former session were read and ap- church was fairly811.4. After the prove! J T McLaughlin, J T Legyar, J J Cevok- ,TMr•rHv• Pe R sercicea, which wereconducted shanks ; \Iootresl College, H Cvlw.il, j by It W McKe•rzae, suprnutendent of Fly A Shaw. A Inter from Dr g Inslas, of Mut- the eehool, the Item G A Geta+rd, M.A., treat College, regretting hu absence ow- was called upon t.. address the 'whittlers, .OA IEa[�cC a[LATIOYn inn to the recent accident, was read, and *via he- diad in the mom able manner, The 'committee on Conference Rola a teaolutien of sympathy in ansesueuw and the clear and interesting way t• tions recommended as new of his affliction was unanimously adopt which he presented his subject, proved ate* Wia Herndge, D Auld, and U. him to be an adept in the art of talking Perry 'RATERNAL GREETINGS. to children, holdii g their undivided at- :NEST ('•,xr[Raxct. 88 Movwr FoRssT.-Isaac B. Ayleswortb, LLD" Thomas Dudley. Superannuated. 89 Doanas-Thoma Geo, Wm. T. Miller. 90 Hourrsnt-Robert J. Husband- - 91 Heaaitrroe- John Mills ; John H. Holmes, Steer. numerary. 92 Gotten -James Charlton. 93 W itozsri*-feamuel H. Edwards. 84 Foanwis n -%%un Ottawell. 96 Currosn-Edwin A. Chown, B.D. 96 GLtman's-John Pepper, B.A. 97 Ansa -Benj. Sherlock ; Reuben J. Tyler, Super- at.nbated. 98 KaelLworrn-Findlay M. Smith. 99 Omen Veuse-William M. Bielby ; Franklin C. Colbeck, B.A. , left without a station for one year at his own request. 100 .-/edam Glazier. Da. AvLttiw0RTH, District Supt. JIM CHARLTON, Financial Secy. IS. THE WALKERTON DISTRICT. 101 Waussrote-John Scott, M.A. ; David D Mitten, William Tindall, Geo. Watson, Superann aced. 102 MILDtAT-John Webster. 103 Haiaov'sa-Joaeuh Edge ; Andrew Clarke, Super- annuated. 104. ELMwoou- Thomas Legate ; John Garner, Super- annuated (Lamlaah). 103 106 107 108 Aaawaru,T-Wehater W. Leech, Robert C Bur- ton ; Henry Hall. Supernumerary. 109 PAtauT-Joseph Galloway. 110 Lew Gaol's-Thooa R. Fydell. L13N,TITFayoat-Tbgpwbt. Alg)y, osi 112 PORT En- (elan Greene; Uamilton Leith, Superannuated (Saogeen,. 113 Sat'nsaa-James Hannon. ' Henry Caldwell, Wesleyan Theological College Montreal; J. Johnston Crookshanks, student 'Victoria J. Berm, M.A., District Supt. Jolson GALLOWAY, Financial Secy. X. THE ftWEN-BOC.tiD IM.MTRiCT. 114 Ovine Sot so. -Thos. M. Campbell ; William 13. Danard, Superannuated ; Sylvester L Kerr, Supernumerary (.Annan,. 115 CIATtiw•oarel -John Hart, 116 Woouroae-Jahn Rall, (one wanted). 117 Ba,oenots-Ebenezer Teskey. 118 Kttzrsea-George Smith. 110 Atte/swum-SA. C. Edmunds, RD. 110 Hsrwoars-Jabez J. Noble. 121 WIAayo$-John W. Sanderson. 122 COLPOT'a BAT -Philip Sperling, 1 123 Laos's 11 sae-Roba•t Carson. 124 ToasaMos•v--(One wanted`. 123 Can Cao1-*n-Thorax Culbert. T. M. CAxreatt., District Rept. 8. C. Euxrsns, R. D.,Financial Seey X1. MAKKDALE DISTRICT. 196 MARROALI- Gen. H. Cornish. 127 Ptaaasaws--W. Ayore. 128 Venerable Archdeacon Elwood, of 1 tention throughout. w After singing a Requests for the nest efsreace were the Episcopalian Church. and Rev Dr. hymn, the Rev J S Pollan, was called resited tram Kincardine, Seaforth, lire, ..f the Presbyterian Church, Goder-1 upon, and giro an instructive address Mount Forest, and Galt_ Galt was ich, were introduced, and brietly and to the people present The entire ser- selected. Conference to begin at 9 a in. happily addressed the Cuufrrence. vice was a decided sumo's. i un the lint Wednesday in June, 1887. A resolution expressive of the plea- sure it was to the Conference to see and hear these distinguished heethat• was In Victoria street church in the after- 1 Rse zerAT10x TO Tai noon the mass meeting of parents and children was addressed by Rev W Il The ordination class „oic,� H ado - #imaoka w a very iutesestiri,t, iiutructiyu 1 resident with a ... . nee �wRamw . y Vt�- and lively manner ; by Ree 3 W Rubio- 1 the same, which drew forte a Wilfla •"nLL[ua /[eitAT1UY. ' ackuowled meat. w son, :1 , also gave an able and instruo- R A resolution in favor of the federation tive address, and by Mr J J Crabte, of 1 ALMA 1's,LLG.L scheme of colleges now before the coon- the St Mary's .4nns., who was brief and I The report of the Alma Ladies' Col - try as a live and living question, was m- p•.intesl. Item G F Salton, pastor of lege was read by Rev A M Phillips, and traduced in a speech of great clearness the church, occupied the chair. Theis resdution adopted expressive ed th and force by Principal Miles, of the attendance was Kneel. interest the conference las in the Col - Agricultural College, Guelph, ane sec- THE 1%551x(5 +tarn [rat. lege. ended by Rev as.--11L_Phtlhps, li U, of At 7 p.m the pulpit orf North street- Arrtasaos •salols. Galt. church ,was occupied by Rev Weary On motion it was resolved that t`• DELSUATLI TOe.MtaaL c,,Nriass, R. Casson, who delivered a sernnun of greet Conference Special committee d$.tri- w e[ CntsLIT-John Kenner. The first business atter the e+inutes of beauty and power upon Isaiah zl. 6 S bete the Suatentatio n Fund. Dossorrox-Geo. Hartley (one to be seat. the previous ,rasion had been read and (iter the public service the sacrament The report al the Board of liaassin• IxvtaIAY-Richard W. 'illiams. approved, was the election of delegates •,f the Lord's Supper was administered en was read and adopted. A sen.s .d resolutions relating to General Conference legislation was iLtro- d used and adopted. Rev Dr Griffin was elected representa- tive to tb. G«oral ilasatenary Board. Key W C Henderson was elected to Transfer committee . .. arate'1A1. The President nominated the Presi- to the General Conference, with the tel- by Rev U, C McDowell, assisted by lowing result : Ministerial delegates --%V several others. Rev Win Smythe preach- y Orittin, W C Henderson, D C Mc- ed in the Victoria street church at the Unwell, J B Ayleaworth, George Re- same hour, and Rev Mr McAllister ad- cbsrdso Qz(f,Cornish, J F�li•e.trell.K T ministered .thy sacrament. The puled. MH (t::aa 1H� of the ether churches in town were also occupied by ministers attending ce n- ference. Dt'sn*la -W. A. Strongman, M.A., D.; J. W. Mahood. 129 Et•nauu-John S. C orenran. 130 Pluenetu.s-A. J. Parker. 131 Wiiva-Alezr. Thihade•et 132 %Nebo•.. FALL. -Robert Jubnetoo Ince sent!. 133 Ks PRIAau -- Robert Waking 'Markdsle). 1. W. Primal. (J. F. McLa lie), Victoria Collage ; Ed. A. Shaw, Wes. okiRtoal Cat- lett*. Mratveel. Ed. A. Wset,r tired for coo year no seeoeut rat ill health. David A.ld, David Perry, R 1. Gan. H.' Cotentin, District Rept. W. Ayes", Plnaneisl Secy. LL.i3., Ph. to be Rupert, i mpbell, J % elm", M Phillips, J McAllister, John Scutt, A Cunningham, James Hannon, J Kenner, J Herndge. Alternate -J Gray. lay Delewane-Thos Hilliard, James Hil- liard, .Tames Mills, M A, A Frust, (j C, Dr Chriatie, Dr Williams, R W McKen- zie Wm M Ora., W Yount/ 11 H Per- !FOND_%%-. .lune 7. -Thu morning the confer- ence opened at 0 o'clock, l'resident Grif- fin in the chair. The report of the ooe- doe. _no oGtbett�_J ,f �Crabbe,_ femme Special committee was read by • Hoed, Riobard Babb, Peter HepinstalL ruimii tel' Church 1 rugrorty committee was read by rt'HUMMING INTIM aim Rev J Galloway and adopted unameed- Rer Dr Dewar, editor of the Christian ed. I'pnn 'noting of Rev D C Mc- asterdient, was introduced. He read a Dowell, est -President, seconded by Rev report of the I3ook Steward, Dr Brines, .1 (fray, the thanks of the relating to the book establishment in were presented to Dr Carman for the Toronto. sermon he preached at the ordination SAT(•ItDAY. services. The meeting last night for the reoep A nsrt TAMP tion of young men into full connection from the Woman a Niesionary Society, was very lance The Prem. -lent occupied was received. An appropriate and the chair. He referred to the great tn- bssutitul address, referring to choir work terest the Methudut people twee in the' and its necessity and asking the hesrty service", an interest which never abates en -operation (4 the eoaferrnee wail read, as the years coins and go. The Metho- dist Church always insists upon a ene- vested sinutry as well as a ministry of mental gifts and culture. The r, ung men, Reber; C Borten, John 11 Ciliate and Oa■rge F. Salton, were _ stalled upon to relate their religious ex- perience in a divine call to, the ministry. Their reception into full connection wee coved by Rev 0 Richardson, seconded Scott, of Owen Sound, wee received, and by Rev D C McDowell, and supported a reply 01 condcbnee wad rsg4sssd by by Rev W 8 Griffin, D D, President. the cnnferenae to be eonveled to hilt The lotion was 13, adopted. hatiy. The President conveyed to the deputa- tion the pleasure it was for the confer- ence to receive them, and assured them of Go el.ep interest which era taken in their work. i•YWRU'OMI Sawa. A telegram reporting the death sine* the (peeing of the of Rev J 1111.0RTA r ler'sja1'ni. PA dThd•%. AtDtaaa- This morning General Superintendent The pastoral address wee read by Rev Canaan neeupied the chair. In &.i. so J L Howe', M. A., and adopted. he referred to important matters which ALM$AYR naLMlATta, are likely to come before the waning The election of a ter.Ms delegates in General Conference for aonenlerati.n, the General ,wwnot sleobd arr- 1►► such as the Veleestional work and the for. loth place ibis fy.se, tied e,utespirted 8 Ftti•4. He salted as follows : �Mdmistsn.l, Ws dent and Secretary el , Super- intendents of distrtete, and Revs Wm Ilenidge, J McAllister, James Hannon, and W H Holmes as the Conference Special committee_ Seperintendeuts of districts were per- mitted to employ Simon H Pentland, W U Treleaven, ane. Albert Renton. It was ordered that newly forked dis- tricts elect laymen to the Conferenee Miesionsr; Board at the financial dis- trict wettniet ELINiwn t•IR$MO5IRx. After the reeding of stations, election of district is and financial , the conference closed its 1 sessions by prayer. offered by Rev Dr Ayleswotth and W C Mc- Dowell, awl the I by the President. TSR TRM►SRAwta xi1Tlr4i. The two speeches made on the tem- perance question on Tuesday evening were sac& ezealent in their way, titd one was the eos,Aesent of the other. Mr Wilkinson's dry humor and hard facts were well placed ; and the seething t of that effete and irrespea- bible body, the 8eyate, by Mr Keefer, wee one of the the Inset pieties of deeendatory oratory we ever listened W. fioderisb says to this Conference -- Come again. Mew £J.wlsR....ts Ibis Ween. Waate4--I>ov OM W=1t Herm eessiese ou - I. salter raw M Y} 0 . T.r. ter