The Huron Signal, 1886-6-11, Page 2i REV. DR CARMAN. Sermon at the Ordination on Sunday Last. The hits of she mete Weis is net se be Pmreaa•ed wtta tleeey. At the ordination of the new mioie- ten of the Guelph Conference, in the ti North Street Methodist church on Sun THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 11, 1886. had 'mord his horse fur the ream0. /s IM dater in the holler, and put the fire N. mss will knew fatly what M the reply to the reproof of hie pastor for ties ender tie boiler, out cotes the water depths al sin is him salsas the Spirit of 4utug beck into the world, ohs moa said, dead, yet the power is there full of life. God shows him. How as we fully tum- •' Well, there was otiose, in i1, and I The lire makes the difference. We know prebend the eves! es..rmity df sin, who had to get it some way. ' Oh, where that when the proper awditiuos are mer will modem, the .uuvietium, and ls, that is theinks d moral easvwtioa, where r to boat down 6n from Heaven, there euovietlon upon the goal, unless the the un • el fu eviafoteg power ul the Holy is seek s thing as psycho-dywmios, and Spirit of God will do it t It could ant Oboist wheel ores will es deal with Um the mmol ,tower will •eoumpleh its toad, be dose otherwise if use was to talk for /heron'. Venal IIbee. matter of Cbristisei*y 1 There is s time joss se the physicsl powers will aaoum- weeks. The Spirit will giveou • clear when this spirit of dire sad body radii- peak their cads- We have an Milano, view of your dggro:intiun, poliotiou Sad Mr Farrow is the laughing stuck of nation is required. Thome is also sash a. where a eras would perpetrate a great mural trrplode, bemuse that is urea of eves his owo friends io the Hous., and thing as public °sstisssnt, sad this psis folly if be sheald pet a slew within • His groat oases. How seapt. make. whoa be •carted the other day that "the he s.stiuseet is • thiwg that doss taut boiler, t, aid saps the sen result u • 50 pet omit. Christ ora 10 per seat. Americans always paid the duty " en • •me suddenly, but, as • rele,is s matter when be pit water in it. A mm makes Christ 1 It is bemuse the do sot fully articles canning from there 1., Canada, of education. Sometimes it may somas- y be • great mistake when expecte to so- understand His area: work, what be has p:sh throw results without psalm/ gavel us from. it is en eternal hell, as forth the proper effort and making w denial banishment he has saved mimeo of the right agencies. The bible reed• Wending upon this eternal truth of Gud, e n beton me *re becoming more and and in lure and with tears we cry to mon impressed with the idea that Bible mon that bearer and hell reader of today are riving more Mien- are real. sod unless we have Christ then tion than ever before to the study of is no health. wealth or peace. Costly the perr,u and work and ,sewer of the buildings and easily torsos •re of little Holy Ghost. Men ars dis- account. I am not a man who despises pared to look upon thew holy truths as the of study and the nem of • sort of i Sueetimos, fur book., but I like to get them and read lack of penetration and lack of faith. we them with the Bible, and let the Spelt admit it into our practice. Queen Vie- shine epos them. Thr subject has been tuna Dever had • mon executive and hastily promoted by ins, but it is as the wrteis tnnasotiun than the offering up word of Gud has shown me. And now on the cross of Jesse Christ. He made my dear yoeog trienda,rid the preacher, the conditions of that offering is the sp.eielly addressing the tasdidates for court of Heaves, and became of that ordioatioa, • word of .dvica and moues. se had ■as•er. the Holy Ghost is come down. How &realest to you, who have signified your "A year ago my head was covered with men do distort this doctrine of the intention of becoming disciples of ,ores, sod the eruption covered my face 1! It was Meade in the and fellow -worker with the Lord gist, sod . pre, d ere, until the beaks of eternal o.e at ol Gud, Christ was the Js.w Christ. The world will allure asy hands were core. I became weak prior •oo.pfid by Gud for sin-tbe Lamb you as you go out into it. You and ill. Finding eu cure I tried Bur- stein from the foundation of the world- will see men in power, and may be duck B'uod Bitten. Two bottles per - that we find pardon and peace and tempted to env them, bat their pewee feetly cured me." Statement of bliss joy. It was met until His work •,s will perish. God give. you in the holy Minnie Stevenson, Cocaine, N. B. 2 isocapleted that the Holy Ghost was 10 word, sad roder the b•ptals of the Holy be shed is its plenitude oo men. The Ghost, a power imperishable and eternal. When • man falls down hi. temper Holy Ghe.t has authority to perform You will it in your own full geeerelly gets "libido" be dues. His function& just ea really as Queen salvation. I remember same years age 15 FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Victoria has power to orad out to the bow I cease to this that the Complaint, you have • printed rwran- °sioaiies , f Omer- Gd who save roe could gave any teas ; teem evert heals of Sbilob'. Vitaliser• al, to represent her and do liar will with I would nuw despair of mune, because 1 It weer fails to con. For gab by J. the powers she herself possesses. The saw how woodmen end f was Wilson, druggist. d the dement sow began to that greet love. Aad in this spirit let - flow. The great remedial soediae% es go out to preset) a full and free salve- Asitae r1. made , sow opened wide Heaven's por- tion to men --- tads, to aendineroy and salvation down to __________ May 27, 1886. elan on the conditions of the covenant, A nosey council msre.. The met at Finl•y's school ib. aprrit of Gud is here, under the oom- Mr. George Russell, 04 Aurora, Ont , house. All tb• members were present pd&ted covenant It is gives under the says he was • great suterer from a run. Minutes of last meeting were adopted. eusdita,s of the meanest; ,o, believing, ■mg sore of the worst description, which Bid from T. E. Caw, M. D , for atteod- we add nothing to it, we take nothing d aai tamed the best skill, d hie anal ue Miss McPherson, and petitiuo of from it Aa we go on in faith Sad lotto was •burden He was orad by B. Thus Richardson and others, ()()deinreyl Cbriati•n higher sad deeper B, B., to his great joy ead the wrpriw I that the council open U. L across the sad wider andbroader, the result. of of his fri.d.. 2 Nine Mile river, both laid over. The ewe for Sere Thresh A prompt and ettiuteut remedy for s,•re throat w well so oruup, asthma, peat to the Bide, ear oohs, deafness end many utbir smmo, and painful cuatplau:•s, r towed is H.gyard's Yellow Ool. It brought majestically to the s.rviee ma day last, Rev. A. Carman, D.D.D.D., Goner- God. Our Lord said : "The kingdom al Saperinteodeat, rel the presence of a. of Heaveu as like unto a little leaves, 000grettalion numbering about 1,500 which a woman took sod hid in three bushels of meal until the whole was percuss, preached the following sermon ; leavened." Public sentiment anneal by woe thhee because se to ut bait thought the g tot the power of the Spirt that is first pet of loud may be purchased with mossy'.`- into the heart of one or • few. Omit Acts n]0. motistag of God are not lmprego•ble to Sometimes, at least, it is necessary to pulite sentiment ; they are out inateees- get more than the etymology of • text, ible to the urdivary influences that are or its grammatical aoustructiuu, ut its • around them. Inst them to into our philological connections. It is always large cities, and ewe in the society of better, although . we are sate- the great and the wealthy, and they will fieri with lees. Bot it is always better to bel inclined W form opioioos sod make get the spirit of the teat It is rout mach apologise along the line of that " higher wonder that some of the early fathers life." Euless • emus Ise the mind sad spoke of an "inner" and an "outer" heart of Christ, if he be a area of °un- -' meaning. • spiritual meaning unseen. **double culture and social advantages, We allow sueb a principle of interprets- he will have a tendency, se he looks epos tion of some passages, especially when the poor lad the tiliby, to be inflceoed we speak of the of our Lord by a scorn and ouodmpt for them. The about the fall of Jerusalem There ars moo of Gud to • mon who in these mat - two events referred to there : the fall of ton must rule public sentimeut. I would Jeruralem and the final judgment of the like to kuuw where else are we going for world. So it is little wonder that they men who shall give standard and power should talk of an inner and spiritual to public w,timeet teaching the right meaning. However. we need to be put use of wealth, the mutual duties of the on our guard against greet errors, abom- rich and the poor, the obligations of i finable here•les,whieh some have insisted the poor one w &pother, and also the et- upon as spiritual interpretations.. There thud* of all toward men who almost do is always a deep and inner me•nini to 'pair became of their wretebedasss! the Word of God, but, after all, As our Lord Jesus Christ was • the bed interpreter is the Word of God mediator, so also is every mac of itself. However my life may appear to God io the community in which d the spirit and troth of God's he lives a standard and • mediator, and Weed, it will not do for one to pet my- it devolves upon him to 'et people right self op against the Word of flail and on these matters. There are times when say that I hale by the /Spirit a special re- people imagine that they have special iodation beside the Word of God. As influence beans they have mosey. the centuries roll by mere and more em- Sometimes it Domes to pass that the pee- phatic we demand, more and more se- pie may perish with their mosey. If yen tush and practical we find it : • '"The are io a oomsoaity of mean, illiberal Bible, the Bible, the religion of Protest- men in /ten ; • eommwity of ansm;" and there, by the grace of God, men who believe is holiness, who speak we must stand. The Bible is more than loudly of the scriptures. and talk loudly a mere :• molosy, and mon than a of holiness, yet have it in sentiment and mere history , but and history feeling only when it comes to givimg .:d it. in the - of the pats- money and substance to the cause et ages. If we would fully understand the God, the mon of Od needs to be able to particular purse* now under considers- say : "Perish with your money if you tion, we must see the snap of Peter's cannot be brucglt to give yourself sod eye, we suet have some idea of the your mousy." There u. times when IOW as he spoke. Aad to hays a pro- the man may parish with the mosey, and per idea of the of that an, the money may perish with the mac, i and the Bourn of that indignant Spurt, and the land is perhaps filled with is - we mud have some idea of the circum- stances of this state of affairs today. The stances. Our crucified and ascended indignation of Pio apostle was not be L ,rd had been at Jerusalem. and the ata money was no 0100. He didn't take apostles who then stood by Him did not that around. He didn't gay tombt shrink in the time of danger, or leave against money. The great idea was to bemuse there was trouble. They stood keep money in the proper place to rel• - by, an aposootic phalanx, and they held tutu to the man's salvation. You do not to tbeir appointed work to go and spread me teen anything against money as • the Gi.peL Philip had gone to Samaria, means and power that • man may sae. and be there stirred up the Then aro other things which ct me into of Use people. and Peter had followed un the game relation as money. But am I to comfort and instruct the brethren. much lad astray if I depend not is Then was one an there of high repute, money, but in men social influence You will find men of high repute every- Am I mach less astray it I do this flan when. You will find a good deal said if I think it is to be dcne with money nowadays about opinions, opinions, If I come with learning, and think learn opinions. A Southern preacher says, ing will do the work of God, am I much "The young men get tt eir 'opinions' less aatray than this man was when be from the old Colonel, and the old Col- strove to purchase the gift of Gd witb onel gets his opinions straight from hell" money 1 All these things am right is We are told by the best authority to be • their places and good. Who shall gay not wise in our own conceit. In Sams- anything mailed • richt social power? tis, where Peter was preaching at this ! H•,w shall a man succeed unless he has time, then was a man na cod Simon, agood social influence? How shall he secret who practiced set arta, a man L succeed unless he educates himself up to who was held of high reputation. But the best standard he can reach, so that when the apostles wont beyond what he . he may help himself sad others to that himself could do, Simon believed and high standard 1 But when it Domes to was baptized. We have the warrant of touching the things of the$pirit,we must scripture for saying that this man be- beware. We need to gut these things lievd and was baptised. The apostle clear and clean from it. We most not went on with his wonderful work, and confound justilstion by faith with Simon saw that he was about to lose he justification by say other mode, We prestige. He saw that he was about to know that them mud be clean, clear lose that fictitious esteem in which he cutting then. My faith and faith along had been held. and so he . 1 can secure the legal,tbe executive ad on the apostles, and offered them money for the part of the great God ; it is dcne jtf this.. gift ;-he wished to through the merit of the Lord Christ. buy out their business. They were the There is a great mixture of views on this for a blessed work, yet Simon offered question. People are not willing to t them money, as if the thing' of God give up everytbiag fully and clearly, and wtre to be measured by money. That eccept Christ u the only mean& of jinn- i was the principle Judas had acted upon, bodkin, Christ alone and Christ torev- Simon offered money that he might rel, We are believer, not sieve in- ceire the power of laying un ul hands deed rockers of, but believers in the and bestowing the gift of the Holy "Apostle's Creed." W. believe in the Ghost Peter turned upon him, as he Holy Ghost But lot us be careful. 1s wall deserved, and with • righteous in- it nut possible to gay very atm, "T be- -- -y el. non that we can ill conceive, with lave is the Holy Ghost," and yet deny a holy contempt that we can little Ma- the very first office of the Holy Ghost, gine, with • flashing eye and a burning the continent( of sin 1 It is not possi- lip be said : "Thy money perish with ble to my "I believe In the Holy Ghost," thee, because thou hast thought that the and yet deny the Important work of the gift of God may be purchased with Holy Ghost, the regeneration of Use ll money." humanity hes been pretty bean 1 It la Sot pougble to gay "I be_ If mu: h the same at all ages --it always woe. lave in the Holy Ghost," and yet deny sl Then is lust about as much of that the witness of the Spirit, and deny that A spirit of Simons in the world today as a man may know, and the true Christian Iii there ever was But God has written in does know, that his sins are (orgiren 1 is 0the beak of nature, in the book of social r1 not possible to gay, "I believe in the 14 scoba my, that there are some things Holy Ghost," and yet deny the great even to this world that money is not to , doctrine of entire sanctification, throw fir touch. There is a sense in which n•opey I it away as e dry husk. a roof out of the is pertectly antipodal to them and they dry ground scorned and condemned, are antipodal to money. We alt readily like the Lord who brought it from Heav- te ta tap t t ly u if v they wondered at his stupidity. if hu stateutsut is true, what is Mr. Danis, Sodome oulkd..r at %Ingham, and Mr. Armstrong, collector at Clinton, kept for; Mr. Farrow karws that his assertion is false, but thinks then aro people foolish •rough to believe hint - [C.iutun Nee Era. We are not altogether sure that the New Not is e erred in this matter. It is just as likely its nut that Mr. Farrow dom not know that kis assertion is false, and it is positive that he dues not care. The probable fact is that Mr. Farrow thinks the as.ertion will help his party, did he asserts soa,rdiugly. - (Ltndue Advertiser. that grand committal are poured oleo us. We cannot get the Holy Ghost for mon- ey, .< by tearais4, or thro;;aa social pcsitws, or by politted power or prefer- ence, all good in char place. What these lave to do is not to approach the Holy Ghost, but if the Holy Ghat so - mooches then they most some to it. Dost bring your money first to the Holy Ghost, to perchsd favor or power, bet when the Holy Ghost Domes for your mosey, glee 1t, cone.orate at ; and ee witb your learning, and your social team- mate ani your power with moo, and all thew other anflusocsa. And the Spirit of food, and the word of God, makes its demands upon men. The Spirit cf God will some to the believer, even if you are toe poor to get money, and if you an a good man if it be for your gnod. He will bad you t., where you will Rot money, Soda what is better, show you how to use it. The conditions an very el.arly set forth in the word of God "1 beseech you. therefore. beetbrcs. by the mercy of (iod that 7e present your bodies e Melee sacrifice. wholly end aoxeptabl, nate God. welch is year reasonable .envie•. Amd be sot conformed ta this world. but be ye by the renewing of your mind. that ye may prove what 1. that~ W se - moveable tied perfect will of God. Ge right on, taught in the will of God. How shall any man know the doctrine 1 If any man will do His will, he shall know the doctrine. The first oanditi,rt that is necessary is , and when the is complete, he will receive the Spint in power. This gift comes to the believer in proporton to his faith, but it is not w with the untos. vetted. Some gay to the 1, "Only believe,cnly believe." Bat be sure, brother, that you are in a proper condi- tion to believe. I do not need to go very far to show a man who believed, but who had not s justifying faith. When some gay, "Only believe, only be- lieve," they don't know what they gay. There an be ne true evangelical faith without If we preach to men convinced of sin, who are repent- ing, we may, "Believe, believe." If you can show me • man whom the Holy Ghost never convinced in any economy, I will show you a man whom Gud will send to hell. It is the work of the Spirit of God under the cosecant with Christ, to convince us of sin. You will not need to go looking after a con- viction of sin. The second condition is this : Corsrcrstion leaves a man in a condition ready to be used. But that does not bring the Holy Spirit. The earnest, kung faith brings the baptiser of the Sririt to the heart We mayprey distinctlyfur the gift of the Holy host, for the ord gays : "If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts into your children, how mirth shall your Father in Heaven give the Hely Ghost to them that ask Him." It is $ atter of asking, , faith, and then a nutter of earnest prayer ; and in these divine eleroises the man of Good will be enough concede that no man should sell ton 1 We believe in the Holy Ghat, and thoroughly equipped and prepared for his moral principle --hie religious* prinet- therefore we do believe that a man must "e'i work. plc -for money. We are all r••dy ins clearly Sad truly convinced of his sin, I will conclude with • few thoutht.on enough to concede that he i. a meat. man and must in that condition cry out : th. benefits. Who would aro to a w•r- wbo would sell his vote, and he is mean "(;oil be merciful oak, mea sinner." W. fare at his own charges, who would go who would pay money f..r a vote, direct- all believe that a powerful and wonder- net without expecting the baptism ..1 the ly or indirectly. We all know that • (ul influence is eg'ected in the heart of a Spirt 1 What does the Spirit do fur us 1 man in business should not sell his peon- man by the direct influence of the Holy in the first place the Spirit increases our eiples, and we need not appeal to any Ghost But one says, "Ah, but you knowledge. Thar is no fanaticism higher anthority, than the "Methodist cannot explain it to us." Well, my dewy about that thought. Some will say that , Discipline" for that. if • man is • Me friend, the !Saviour has given us the an- a ti , but it is truth. Philns- thodiet, if he is a Christian by whatever seer to that objeetion: ' 11.. wind ophy is what a man gains by study ; the- ' tame he may be called, he has no right blowetb where it luteth, and thou hear- mophy is divine illumination. This div - lo sell his principle for money. We can est the sound thereof, but canal not tell tee illumalion is pot in the words of Es.to west to political economy and social whence it onmeth or whither it gneth ; .eriptrn, "The eyes est «yoer end r 4 and find there that man so is every one that is born of the Sprit' standing beim opened ; flat ye may what book* esn I give you T "Well, your mo right to make suffrages, liberties It is •popular thing now to talk about know what is the hops of His falling, pocket book, for itelanosa" and privileges matters of barter, nor has dynamics. When men have made that sod shat the riches r.f the glory of Hie 16 A NASAL INJECTOR free with a woman any right to barter her virtue. thing which ie the mightiest exploays, iwheritance in the mint.." That s int- ..eh bottle of Shiloh's Oatarvh Remedy. There an some tbiwgs tun hilly fox money they call it dynamite. W. speak of pnrtaal. For if that is going to be • Priem Ifo testa For sage by J. Wilson, too toseh, and God never intended that thermodynamic*, and hydro dynamics ; t(ailur. we an a potty 5e1 oil men ; we d,,,�d they should be brought down to that low we drive our most powerful me in • queer business. But wet have matter of Iodising another polling divi- hLa7oa Township. ries will be oonshlered at mit moodier, as them u an unlawful number in divi- Hotrausctt.tt, May 29th, 1886. Siem No. 4. The following accounts were Council suet today at Court of Ravi- paid. John Methane, $377.50, value cion. Members all pelmet. Thew hay- u till den oto bridge across Eighteen ing qualified, the elers stated that soap. Mils river ; Licht. Hamilton, $7, fur be peals had been entered agsiast assess- ing inspector on sumo work ; Mrs. moat The roll was then remover, and Tbomaa, charity, $6; Thos. Hackett, sr., some dight changes made regarding ooh charity, $20; R Jewell, $2, for ditch on careened sines amassment Moved by D. L ; Mrs. McDermott, dog tax refund - S. Acheson, seconded by John Bosom, d for 1685, $1; William Douglas, $1, that the asseaememt roll having bees re- culvert eon. 4 ; W. .i. Hall, 112.50, for dried and required changes made, the eukert S. It 9 and 10. h.D.; D. Walla, Court of Revision be mow closed -Car- 1110, lumber for bridge near Harris' mill; rid. The minutes of last mooting were Jas. Millie, $1. for attendance on Thos. read and paved, and ordio•ry besides@ Hackett, jr.; J. Black, $6, fire of child gone into. Mr. Curtis was grntd lib- from deaf and dumb institute. The erty to put weigh staid on H. R. for Kinloss egg society received order fur ppubtre iota. Moved by Joke usual grant of 1125, money to be drawn Beacom, seconded by E. Acheson, that when required. The clerk was instruct - each road expend only d to notify Thos. Pentland to move $300, and nothing additional without feed off road allowance and Wm. Mc - sanction of turmoil -Carried. Moved by Kay to dig ditch to take water off road John McClellan, seconded by J. Bee Moved by D. McMurchy, seconded by c.m, that this council grant • special H. Chambers, that all persons notified sum of 1150 towards repairing side line to build wire fences under bylaw No. 4, between lots 35 and 36, leading to Clio- and who have not complied with such ton --Carried. Circular to reeve from notice, will not be entitled to be paid Judge Toma, relating to polling .rbdivi- lentil further notice is given by this ouuu- sioma, was read. The voters' 1ir1. of last ei . year we looked over when it was moo- Th. Court of revision sat 1 o clock p- d and seconded that no change* in boon- no Appeals were heard from D. Sulli- dariea is needed as • large margin re- van, Jae. Dalton, H. Finlay, Wm. Ha: - eosins before any of the subdivisions tsr. Mood by D. McMurchy, seconded reach 200 -Carried. The following •e- by H. Girvin, that the assessment of D. counts were paid, viz, R. H. Elliott, Sulkvut be lowered 110 per acro, James outlet for 112 ; the late Jo. Miller, hal- Dalton's aseessm.nt 112 per 'croon home - and bt board and attendance by Mn. stead only, H. Finlay'. $1 per acre, W. Graham, $10 ; ouftin and rough box for Baxter's $,1 per acre. Moved by H. same, $8 ; goods to same deceased frees Girvin, seconded by D. McMurcby, that Mr. Curtis, $12.13 ; News Record, 117.86; too Coast sf revision sit again Jun. 12, to George McMillan, damages for water 1881, d 1 o'clock p.m., at !inlay'e being deed back on him, $15 ; J. Mc, school bows. Next meeting of pencil Donald, fon services as Sown/hie login- 12th day Yl Jess, 1886, at commit room. ser, $7 50. Connell adjourned to moot We. Lasa, Tp. Clerk. again first Saturday in July. _ Jawnn Pavroa, Clerk. 14 SHILOH'S CORE will immediate - 00 Wert. 1] trsfieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and "I was off work for two years suffering ilia. Fur eels by Jas. Wilson, from kidneydisease, and could get no heist. relief, unlit advised by •friend to try B. Proverbs of the Talmud. B. B. I was • . •a, u- — _ — consider it • con " Thr nave iii w die. above is the substance of • - A woman spins and talks. tion from Wm. Tier, of St. Mary's, On- He who has no wife is no man. fano, 2 If your wife is little, bend to her. "Ea onomy is wealth." If the person who weeded the proverb will tall at tba cfflcs any afternoon we will present him a goodly .apply of economy for half the face value in wealth. We have mon mammy tlia.n we really need Ur H itvey's Ife.eassui 5011 rents ben. boon prep.(,wl oda /rest s rid -gra, a .d the rw.•priseur is tool trill taxi ..ii. to Cowl.' th-, riteele lee it has r• jwtl e... us the l n.Jeel btata. k'..r SAM. it t ils.•uL prow , ydwu druag .t -.re. Alra 11.'t.l, tis.,. -r... w.nb•ut. .1 C.d.lw.t.•r, tl t• , .ay :-Lk. ilii vey'e S dither.' 11-•1 P.:so is without d."wt the loot e.udli cue luting 1 ismer surd. It has 4.1..4 m .re x.••.1 the•/ o4batr, and is a h••urettuld •.srd arousal C••ldaater. lm: VE (medics. NA•-rOV �w reasr,-or SoyZle,...ses'eie- freta a .morose over. Ds. Ct loves Cues M �d a ser .d tenets rarely. ♦, NATunre RgrtOT floe SWAM of Dr. Chow's Liver Ore ruts sukip wish the J1et bb11 Maeiaase *toe liaaoatioa, combined whoa tome maremase tl►sr l.,sbeW .esus, barb moi yob, bevies i is.wtd adieu en Me Chloe" Aaesek. Tweets set Mood. 000.000 SOLD New ~der willies el Dr. arab 1s4*e Ort stem read is Camas alma Ws were every woo worm mf arid oars 6 erva.tl l wig Liver Can /Saga' ee try tai cremated rveea{p. MslTasls Iltt Ei i keen Rat Truesl aroma ae.nawyy Unto d Dr. (ass's U.asCo e is a valuable H•eashala Medical Gelds and Red* semi (oto h asMdei•a e.w sou toss -o. muni toe tad se k. ...it worth we them iks prime*, msirtea 1 tetraTil OM A mils ad puede TV!Tgoaumo thew mss Lint Pats. u!+• Pm Ms TOLD •Y ALL DEALERS rS T. ThIliaiss011 a 00-. sue Ass5 s. O sdlere •°°°'JAMES WILSON G -OI ERI CB_ oct. fled. IAA& lslaly Farmers' Attention The I ha. a t'bolce Selecting' of Pure. l' lean EDS of the following varieties: White Duchene, Lucerne, Alaike. Trefoil. Pea Vise and Red Clover, Timothy Laws aid all varietl5e eft Unser* suitable for permanent pasture. Osie. Wheat. teas. Miley. Rye. liesn.s. Roebwb.s$. Curs. Tare and !'lax ; also Fold aid Garden, deeds of last years growth true to name, A full aseert.aene of Flocr and flied. Tbe Celebrated Caton Chun- the best la the market. A of ('ink*. Fresh Teas. rem• slating of Hock, Green and Japans-wbet� sale aid retail. A large amount of Mosey to Len. R. PRICE, Masonic Rloek, East street. Geiari.1. March 11th, lig. 11t�Asit DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COWS BEST FRIEND THE KEY TO HEALTH. IIalaeka an the sotgrld swear et the Bowels. Massy* red Liver. nanny ingaff gradually without for eyslem, all the im and fool humtis.dseed the ssereaCo = at �r some Strassek eart�barn , D4.l,nren of the of ' a.ip"t t . the FD�Narvoumers, and (id• oralother similar all jtsr i Oen BLOOD ha influence a iwi-i d. �`�j$DOc1t T. ZIIItR7 A OR. Treertsys, Tenni& 1.885_ Among the thorns the ruse blooms. I-OI)RICII A woman's wisdom is in the epiodle. W 0 0 LEN The myrtle among the thorns is a myrtle still. Tokio a wife Irvin bea.•th, • hiead ALIi.I _ National Pills will not gripe or sicken, from above yon- _ yet are • thorough cathartic. 1 With her foot in the grave • woman To, the Wool Arvnorn oil fAs $trvrewtteiitay A little girl very much excited, rushed clings to vanity. We mai b say that we are to take into the puler, which was full of one- If your friend he deaf when you call, ;over Woolid I• a:esbag'ge tela wort Ii pony, and exclaimed, "Mamma, just torn your back on bent. or ren sato as o /tie folbwltag aetlelss r1s think of it." Think of what, darling 1" Be the groat white, be the goat Week, Blanll eb- ire, or F or HoLhu, •'Orr cat hat •whole kit of t+im and I Shirting's's�-dreyy or Cheek. eo she gives good milk. Clothe- P'tlll Clothe, didn't even know she was married." TNT, ,es of MH, bight or !fealty. It esti do aro harm to try Freeman's from Heaven, and • woman too nine. ' Flannels --White, (Trey, Colored. Warm Powders when your child is ailing. A woman would sooner have one Union. Plain or Twill. feverish or fretful. 1 mes.ere of f than treaty of Sheyetinge-BL'oad or Narrow. 1f the forests of this country are not taodsety. Stocking Yarn - White, Grey, reneged the time will aerie when editor Take strew k. Bs-revim (where straw Clouded or in Colors. will he (orad to take cash, instead of is • plentiful) is one of the dd. Carpet Warps trade to order. wood, is payment for subscriptions. est j.wishproverbs extant. ROLL CARDING. 9 THE REV. 010. H. THAYER, est A Fuer alga our facilities for thio work menet be ear- 13oorbaw, Iwd.14.114:81.1 , gay.: 'Both myself .nil ps.w1 we wit! tweetawce� tads wife owo Siler k•se 1. BHILOH'S CON• Around each heals of Dr, Cha*.. at the oiay H i. broaght Is. it model" SUMPTION CURL" For tale by J. Liver cure is a Medical fluid* send lie l'ootom ttpinnlr,g and Reeling, er ft,twwtwg Wilson, dr /tut. cope Kook containing us•-ful information, as requiretittu uP euurue or suer', haro or weft twlst, ' r� over 400 rewires and 11r7 segs a a p04ttew to ds all klwds of ase •'No, Charlie, i menet receive presents D„M,,,g and Urugirista as worth ten titers tan wow/, esoally der la a full Set centum teras yatng rent lsassn-that r uythi g the one/ „t The medicrna, Medicine and mill. asid we will guaraat.e to d. ter you fully Mt hooka" "Bent hooka, Nelli. t WU, Book 111. S. 14 by J. W11.na, role agent serral usn.tlw°dgs° IItW better .hiss Say In our The American micrsee al society •a- Acan regesett.I1ysolicited. sorts that the sponge is • living, hreath• ing animal. Any barkeeper could have tetd the society that long ago. Itsat Dad Will".1iltUs, 10 ARE YOU MADE miserable by Ood.rteh. Yay feu' flet indigestion, Constipation. Diminem, ,Sap's- But God's way i5 not always •n.t d...•nr greatest work with them, j :be!". !is farther aa.mr*nea "And what u A brak.man who was esorht betweew ips of Appstil., Y.11ow Skin 1 Shil,.h'. ,(ta'. way ls those important matte,. might be allowd the est the attceedmg greatnese of Hss p.,wer tn- own freight ss, th..dtwr day was d♦ Vitaliser is a p.wture circ. Fur ase by en will came bring thew sacred things osochr-dyn.mi.s, power of awl on soul, ward es who bdieve °eeordi' g to the .00hing his seffcriags to his wife. ' J. Wilson, druggist. • world of His as ht war." 80, "Why, - rhe exelaimcd, ' tbwt'. just the foto the tsatkrA. Men will soendieee .pint on Sprit, end ass this en5rgy et y iR 7 P° ' "My goosttnn ptales :Leen,' asid s sell ewes their eherehmrmhevehip for Ilia Spirit of God on man. So we brethren, it doss 1 know why u 15.15 *IMO ai an breaking in • prsdemmor, ••Nat at all," the h/ ;posey. itt. prrt.her illustrated this bora • come and effect • higher ledge. it brings the kwoeledg. nee pair of e°r.Ma rwply "it t. then •ns.er w • .Wk• *Mat by the story told bier M a umiak* philosophy . se sotto woo u eat. "tit' the man el God wed° to 11 WHY WiLL YOU weigh when en'" esid a m.mhet rif hi• etre/lush Aad tb• hearI. The., •gwiw, it brings 81rilo i'. Oar. will civ. ime5diM. r.IMf A Cr�up, Whnnping On g. end Rrna• s to 4m and loll him h. t h. as any of &ey of the philo.phics kn wl.dg. is •eelbur way Th. Sl.tr•t Pnew 10 .b., 10 eta. •0d 111. For tri. ehtli. iatmadelely riiiov5d by 14h.6tt. !J Mve to leave the ehureh, w he Can yee explain to me how, when i pet of (hod impose oar moral by J. R ileum, druggist Curu. For ssle ley J. Wilsm, Dregii.t E. McCANN, r; G�ARo s ;(5. Pc c04 i NO 1 �fr1P�ll