HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-6-11, Page 1EV 01. coUN KRtlt.[T-it Q]tltii iaL 1THE dHLT$ON 122 {$aIGtNAL 11'HAl'S UP? u t z.uu.K (iuDERICH. ONTARIO Airy 11%. ti.1 t s. t 1; NEWS ._ :: `_ No GENERAL INTEELIGE N ,rw:wawuiae A GODERICH.ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1886. M°'"»'4 ? air �"• leggin : he has had so allege training, kEFORMERg .4TTA.VTIt IS. 'Who Walker, formerly a compositor! It will ba of in:!rest generally, nut &u4 he e1ucauuu is the product of weary Examine the voters' hats which an in this ultja, has goer to Cincinnati. alum to wllrelwen, let k, the owner tot • vivid tool enervating mental toil after potted upiii ur iocaltt . 1t The Methodist Conference De• p 7'^ Y Miro Reynolds, d•a,hter of Sheriff other vehicles** •rids N. know that • any namsa Gibbons. who has been very ill of Isis, ,a twiner ea* Hued to Strwilurd for running Attention. full hours ,.f labor had been exacted by of Reform voters hate been left uff,utake gndwuy into a bicyclist. The reit of the wheel ataig■ -5I.5* in advance, postage prepaid with Lout and rau0eut Hu library C. Stager, t:oniuricL 1' (i. Th. not preached by Yr. M. Pi Blakely on the notoria, and ilia utas with a h__- br puhluiher•: Sino If paid before months Tb.athts ea MO •.)..,..1 taw I,t.Ntrt 11 Lur�J 1" aalaaee Ila tiKhta root eh),yed by thtl 11 .OD if nut so paid. Th rule wUl be gristly comprises a foe books. which have best Dominion election will he held on the •Day +vetoieg next at...n a dock i mtoi who funusko 5 his own mruti re tree aret•rea mW •emerlles tet tee.. Pe' s And r despatched to alt parts otter overwind tllands other avocations t , supply bun and his men to the road has bets lard down in gwustra by the earliest mall. and Irwin. ,'p Y a nate of the fact and end particulars to -• The O...p.1 d find " will (U \') Az in the " Meeting Roma,' Orabb's block, eahfsub•evnentinseetion. Yearly. half -yearly --- Well, the Guelph Methodist Confer cuotvnos toy ro.ty, hu pertxltcal lit I1(n Camphefl, muthir,A tM Rev. T. I THAT I\INAN t;LMITtKY. --A'e are la- theireed puarterh contra. to at red rale.. ecce for It3A1. has closed its eater .o, auJ torture a,waiats of Ike ueatnat local pa- formed 6 E. \\ uadcu.. that thew was M Y. laampbelI, died in the Methodist i Y oturced. read so often bybout that he can retreat for hta vehicle. R sTrti e• / . . �alRht ream pe hunser ktdley a sloe. o Voters list of 188:. fleece the neces- sity fur immediate action. TOWN TOPICS obht no insuwneatlon.a.dprrr+•o the members theruuf 1ay.to.1 betaken tk.la- n „ air error in our an>t..uut of tie Indian neeru foie alert the river mouth. The cadets aMA ger, intim' Rotes. Aw',ralth •."11 Mescal a. J rsrltTay.1 -« A e bre also a d presar• � per and the Jsuou uauutal weekly of parsonage n \Yordtaeeday mo,arihnq A � the moslcuupNteeut-atgtwd►.•at■eihtte•. m area taller robteno. to thri Id. of this 1 g Tairttutageat wort in 0o4m,etch. 1 selves ti. their homes and habttatiotas, ea_ kis church. His circuit avers I burl ung grouuu, he says, was art un the t. dahoNwaeatschit 1iwea1prtaothataaanvt of nue hundred miles sq usre, is sparsely I t t of departed saint will appear in our next lower data or the island• in Ike titer, se teams. and of a views flint eaaaot he to•fied iu their heart o[ hinds that, u I W Y e urpas..d. Terms Casa Ili. 1yieewurth nwarked at the meeting wttletd, Sud Meteorite many Met. pedoatri- tree- I but on some sevsti ur eight acres on the The schooner Julia Willard. CapL A. level atom: thirty ur forty feet higher, un ay griming, since • coilhu. . lilt Weis art Is still keeping, o. the style pf htot. card's, loth album and cabinet See Omni. n1. tmeots. His get is be orad o um- Tte f h towed brat fl•U t* port during Sunda Milo and coinmeuc ..flirt old seltlrrs kwve neva interments FRIDAY. JUKE IITI., ISEG T1tl'tl tb W f anew only cw be used fur pastoral visits Cs h d 418 Tex Grand Old Mao looks assay amore temporary triumph• ur defeats. Home, Rule is at Erin's doors, in spite of the adverse vote of M. n isy. Tat Sim has stoped calling M. Cameron vile, names editorially, but it Carter with a cargo wronsung , un the point now occupied by Attrili'. .rase was osis .hied uu mute pleasant and pteaehings at widely seldllrated ap tuns of coal for Joseph Kidd, arrived in salt derrick and uttor butldiuga He and conference u r town, e tarrying place than Goderich bad been Pula P • • y 1 ed t auraon aJu11d found to all thew years. The week that tion, his faith is saucers, his awl is tar amt hu aunloading •y. by Indiana in these grounds, and watch- tarrying bet his has been au uphill bight is Dr. M. 'Nicholson, the West street ed them with u.tersst as they deposited has para.! has been our tot pleasant ars,- p x dentist, maker the preservation of the w,th the meatus vsrioua little trinkets oration all accord iu with ilia the service of the Master. Compare- Take t thew ��Wi natural teeth a specialty. Uta gramma- and wliu. Conference. and it tartly wormed my old Itvely isolated and shut nut from the ful- p►otuttrwptar. still keeps ondoinoexe•Ilant work as his ltwe. t'..11 sen news sty lee of picture*. FINE TAILORING. lust arrived. Rolal Rine &irenn truth rat s. The swayed s in the ittarkmt, r • Nolen sad cheap. 0. 11 A.CuRtt AC. x n. tot Erg -moray, Mal. McGillivray. of the Now (last ureaery. ea Meetly street and *guars. tireoeisse Dodo lower is prate than au) In the t e. rye . town fora week ur two, atteodttog her eaamuuuous. the following treat men totted from 9 a. m. to 4 p- w. for the Stec;.gent:. i'TL•DI.YT*. - Our Yoh heart to see w many of the brethren do- - lmwahip sod iulercotuiuuniun of Itis more F t V parolees tlxlnclivm o[ teeth. School students hare agwin been distiu- ing the hest they knew bow to even 1("nitwits brethren, be tread* the wine cadI care, sola !r Mr. Yike, of Cliatue, has been in guishingt themselves u tbg University The Highlander on the bit posters Is ■ !net mother, Mrs. John Sturdy, who sou ►u- have pulsed( their second year in the 7 1 y still hunts up brutal abuse of our pian w harmony together. Of course, ber from the speeches of Haggart and every now said then the Old Adam would others, trop up somewhere, but • weight u( wood Tete Dominion electiuus are likely t•. natured fraternal feeling quickly sat upon be held this tail. Let Literals and all the Old Man, lied effectually squelched 1 owe/ trait' honest him fur the tiwebeing,and happ.ness,and adesiaRtratian of northwest •liters unite I joy, and peace and felicity again reigned to ~the guilty Ottawa G . wesament, supreme. -The opening services, which were largely attended by spectator*, will not soon be forgotten by those whu witnessed them -the power of prayer will ever re- Tett Globe has the fairness to insert M. M`C. Cameron'• charges and Sir John A. Maadunald'a reply side by side. The Mail has not dared to insert Mr. Camerons charge in full. What is the inference? Tn. at•.ban of W Conference like to read a paper with fee news botching their wont. Aboot 140 extra copies of this twee of Tas S1t:SAL were ordered by ministers and delegates before they left ter home. We commend their we'd taste _ press alone, save that, by God's grace, Christ lends His . the -labor. By -and -bye his worth wilt be reoognize:l fully, and "Well done flood and faithful sertsut'' will be his portion. These thoughts glanced through my wool as the list of stations was read, and as I looked upon the brethren when their scenes of labor were tinnily allotted to them, I could easily dowers an *xpre.- •ion tot "Praise the Lord '' upon the faces of some whose path was in the main as • sweet incense, awl the tar- meanest, ar• goon pastures and by the still eaten ; nestner of the tinging seemed to be a and just as perfectly was uutlfned upon foretaste of that which is outlined in the the E•oea u( the tarots who were called Revelations of John :he Divine. filar• apo yet • little longer to bear the Cr. w heard many of the great singers of the to the barren dntricts, a calm reaigna- oay }-ears ago I hoard ten amasser! tier and an im1lioit trust which ltd voices welcome with Owl acclaim to Bri-. sob P1�Y than words, "Thy Will be ash 'North America the son and heir of Del° 1 our beloved Queen, God ideas her : l "dere are • number of other points saw the disbandment of nae of the diva- 1. connection with the services •.1 the stone of thedrand Army of the Potomac, Conference that 1 would kike to refer to, and heard their "Tramp, Tramp, but 1 have been icformwd by fay friend THE prohibitiuoist whq i• true to Lia Tniu and "John Brown," raised and I the editor that tf soy article u to appear principles will net vote fur any rhea Pr , this week it must err on the short side. who vetei wail. the salaried „Hee pored forth in earnest volume by 20,000 \Ykfle I was seting my old friends,Father magiatsmt., orale** a la►flry prenunneed' wen who had taken their lives in their hands and gone forth to fight for their against eandidate'(oe obs losersebusiness runs t.od, their homes and the triton; I have against him. Let June's b'aitre.d bo re- heard tbe pathetic song of the a!iuu from membered in January. the home of his fathers iu prates of the Tia Hoot lit LE Brio, has beet de- land from which ha was a voluntary or feat..( in the British House of Commons enforced exile: 1 have beard the rollick' by a majority of 30, oft a vote of 311 to Ing soots' the.savtvmtl feast when the ling that I may be privileged 341. The dpi et Ireland's tresdots and flowing bowl had been the order of the i.ceasium tad artificial eshihntiou had to re -open the subject on • future ,.o0a- e.ltalit� i near at bead. however. The if I so desire, Ajax. principiesf 8.sl. Buie is so just that is been attained; I hare heard the song of rejoicing over the return of the prodigal - over the lost one tutted ; I have heard Ir John Beacom, the voluble deputy - the pselw of rapturlua thal) kali Vial( rete of Goderick township, had as mach from lips moistened by dm dews tt death , sense u he has fluency, be would be in when the Shadow of the Dark Valley parliament at the nett election. He n ?Ha- wes lifting, and the expiring Christian a 1• talker, an orak,rial nee getting a glimpse of rho Glory. But � gars, but, in the language of Hun. J. H. oyer, rine at Mother'* Wee 1 heard i Popp, "There's notkit,g to it." her sweet voice attuned to the songs of 'Zion, and sow Heaven reflected upon THE Canada Presbyterian heels mak- Tau Poor How question 15 fart a her dear face and in the calm depths of ing elders eligible far the Moderator's preaching a settlement. The more the her mild eye., he,. 1 been so thrilled u matter u 000atd.red the more the fc•ai- when the ('uuference roiled forth its Wily, yea, the necessity, of the iwtitu- opening song the other day. It may in, Fear, L U. Rice, W. Savage and oth- ers, and attending to the regular and special meetings, the weeds sprang up in my garden patch, and w that I may have an opportunity to resort to reme- dial measures in this behoof, 1 bow to the will of the local Archimedes, on the must prevail very a .n. Tat Guelph =union goat Act case has been settled by the magistrate bold- in; that the coupons trafficked fur liquor were just as much a commodity of ex - chapati and puvehxee u taoney,snd fined the defendant, Tosty Griggs, /60 and costs. chair. It says that eeeh men as John Charlton and O. W. Roes Bo01d preside in the Commons or the Legislature, and tion becomes apparent. Keep our jails that these things effect me more than that many alders could fill the Modem - for the criminals ; let the poor and the when 1 was • yoiuger man, but then so tot's chair quite as wet u anon who unfortunate be tared for in a different dtw. the rheumatism and lumbago and have already occupied it. The Preahy manner. Other ailment. And if the pains and teruan is correct. aches, and sorrows and afflictions make ?.e C of Weal Huron their power more felt as the years roll hour • meeting in town tut week. is is by,why should our experience be differ - to beloved the prooe,diaga were ant of opt with regsr' to joy, and rapture, and the dyke Welted is at Smith's Hill cat thanksgiving and hops 1 swig.. *dam* ws.n/hr ttgw, whim were of -There were men Of all Linda and cam- eo strange a nature that even • synopsis diatom pres*mt, from the man who, with of the „maw were not published.Tbr ° • power, u a ruler over thousands om the hole and mow pohities looks suspicion• city oosgregatioa, to the meek and lowly M. C. CAtasaotr,�i P. for west Rema, minded brother who is ssbitisive to the is getting fell .sseeence of victory daily. llseter's behest asi p111pM0i-he do Hte will in the most react. const .1 the to 4 featCeshim, and are (..ling fur • tarn viayrd. where "twu or three gathered to defeat bin, aid dmd th. riding beat together comprise the satin following They are now tinwnding the riding to see of the Saviour --the Christ. But joy how .1. m. Robes ts, of Dungannon, would kr. Roberts u • nice Ifttl* man was in their soots, happiness in their veno in the d.1 but he has too mach sense to nn the het• aid b.'r frisk of seek • bating se N. C. Cameron Poise that rolled forth from their (fps would give ham. on the occasion. Oh ' it was • grand and beer Wawa" IL G. Caroms. de- ebores, and each and'v*ty one present poty reeve, is just as deep in Ike mire Tat meanest village council in On- tario sits at Blyth. The lowest tender f.or the municipal printing was put in by the publisher of the village paper, the -4deoeafr, but the job was sent met o.1 town to Clintes to a higher tender sod yet we have seen the mouth of the reeve of Blyth open likes mammoth ave will* he shouted for "Protection to honorindustries." Tea feeling of the whiskey party over the vote mi the polio. matter on Friday is summed up in the enthus- iastic ejaculation of a touter for the or liqucause, who cried as h. joyonely -wrung Reeve Joikeston a hood : "Wall, Fred, this is about as good . the wine looking fellow. ive, ref be cud• wear tau M weed bya kick from a colt. Hes. University of Toronto :-J. Elliott, wutdd 0. varum to torts Id. panto vas 1. 1 y0Un ( Y .! A. dbau. the tasi.totable talo.,. turd is deaahl r.oumerityy, statn"..g 3rd in the Lt elm in math.• At the Cash *lore you can boy a nice lot of The schooner Garter, with ':40.000 teat matins toad 1st is 1M 1st claw to English; .otab baser 124 cis. each poor bow A aloe treat lot o1'gelatu.s to nage utsaap,warr eted. God sugars and teas a aprtlalty. ti. Li. UW, the Reece,. Square. sweeten d'tett have Just received the finest Stook of wldew diodes. Demise poly sod yynature atuuldityt ever brought into town. 'Twenty thousand feet of nem moulding un hand, put up at Hottest totter. They an setdiagg alt gouda down at hard pan. The cheapest house under the auto. R. S. Chilton took a few days vacation last week. The Kultage w.0 caulked while iu har- bor last week. The harbor mills are ague room 3, after a rest of All works, C. C. Crabb was in Tureato last week on businw and pleseure. • Mr. and Mn. Bev, of Seaforth, so- journed in town daring the week. Mrs. James Robles.o and her sister, Miss Holmes, ars visiting at Flint, Michigan. • Bort Johnston, of the Woo.latuck Sent:nrl 1:rr:cic, u visitiug lags relent** hereabouts. of lumber arrived in poet last Wednes- day. After unloading at the U.T. duck, she left en Thursday fee Thermion riser for another cargo for this port Ktncar1ine Firetoeas T on June 23-4 prover to 1w s big thing. They generally do that matter in nice style op in Kina►rdine. We return thanks for a Leaky pees, badge. The t" tug Trudeau, with the dredge Challenge sad baryon in tow, left for Southampton on Saturday. The work et dredging between the pi trn of pe•ntwlytng, and nus health haring be. Goderich hartor has been completed, and curve ""parol thereby, his mot a bst too, 5000. have rrannnerded an ocean trip and • E. S. Hogarth, with honors in Lin/halt, history, French and Italian. J. D. Swanson, who had to give up in the mala of the examin'tion through ilinees, has beeu allowed his year's standoog, with honors iu mental science and natio. Mn. George Serum n, • 1 by her awn, J. D. Swanson, one of the el.verest students who bate entered the University from our Hai,h School, have left for Quebec, to sail on the Sardinian for Europe. Mr. :Swanson has been J. A. McIntosh, of Port Arthur, s rest If he returas in good tram, we would not be surprised to see the Cot - former resident of tioderich, was in town rerstty gold mean! come too Goderich once during the past wok, combining business aro Mn Swanson las been exactly with plessore. He is ow has way to the 19 years absent (rant Auld Scotia. Her old country, and heap with hum our best sister and • neieC and a nephew memo. wishes fur • pleasant 1owrne7 and a safe /Any the party acres► the r,cean. return. List week, at the meeting 10 Ton-mtu A FAtsrrL 1sy:1ty.-A number of of the medical as.ociatiou tot Ontario, J"utha, enure of whom are safd to hays Dr. Mcii Dint t•, formerly of Goderich, been under the influence cf Iiqunr, or Jin J. U. Richards, of Calow, bees read • paper on lite identity tot eeuup tad pretending to be drunk. while funoasly been 'rending a meet or two et- her std .1 s• in which Ito e*pregwd tM driving around the *guars Sunday before home in town „pingo" that ntewbranw• croup aid bier, ran over Lachlan Campbell, an old Fannon who want a rood soda cheap laryngal diphtheria are the tame. resident who was going W church, and machine oilshould try tt Doers' "Peerless" knee -bed him in a dazed condition to the vii. Ask (uric A Ko Rtat.,mra.---The perern who gamed. Mr. Campbell wasassisted to L. E. Dancey, of Seaforth, paid a runt sou roof enough to take an umbreil■ and I bit feet, and his head bathed with cold as to old 1 lenda sn town lt week. e d H circular not their oweg from the porch o wasn't delegate to the .. • Yuut church lecture room •t the WeJ- nestay evening ling, is re - Mn (leo. Parke hes gone on a visit to ,toeated t•, ruturi the articles- to the mare -- friends un Behoove. It os to to hoped taker of the church, es soon as possible. that her health will 1e improved by the Me Crm i,elt'. rx tows are not paid, trip Air. and Mee James Sheppard here the young Lucks should�bre prosecuted. Remember then n recital at Knox 'much sympathy in the death by accident y'1' from scalding cf their youngest daughter The "Id "tan ought to he treated In a de - church by Prof. Clarke on alonday.cen Etlu! klberta Msy which sad event cent fashion by the young fellows who water. He was painfully bruised about the heal, shoulder and chest, and has been laid up for about thirteen days. Some of the young fellow* live in (lode. rich, soil some were from Clinton. If Ing next. See program "i another sol- umn. occurred last week. The flood tributes injure.' him �.'ati'AtT - Goderich vs Clinton -The 3ti,d asuociation cricket match 1.1 this season was played here Monday last be- tween the above clubs, and resulted in favor of Goderich by 4 wickets. The home team won the toss and elected to send the vmaiton to the bat, whs put to- gether a score of 67 before the last moat was put out. A Kennedy sod J Harland were numerous and exquisite, and batok Have you seen the big psteis kr our ened deep sympathy for the afflicted par - games on Domini •n day. They ars the snm most attractive ever hung out to this Durum the thunder storax en Wednes- day night, about nine o'clock, • house occupied hy • Mr. Webb, sear Sanford, was struck by lighluing. 91r. Webb was gIuuned, but not seriously injured, the stove was broken, awl other eoceutriei ties were playa -1 hy the dootric fluid. It was a close call. Alex. Saunders is off on Frtreatry basi- ns'*, at several , ti. is • good delegate, for he is ale• s euer•ge ons enough to talk richt out iso mooting, he be & h court or • A wedding party on Wednesday gut the usual serenade u the carriage whirled the joyous couple to the station on their k ,., trip. gnat- a C•'s show will exhibit in Odfeich 011 Turf.sday, June 22ttd. P are popular, and the praise speaks eel the performances D. C•seaday, of Itichwoo d, Oxford county, has been visiting relatives in Gude- richduring the were. Ha thinks ude- rich a pretty place indeed. „atm Ir Tat IMn oxsL wea whisky omen, ntid housefly believed that the Stolt Act tinder • paid pot tltagtstrate would still b. a failure, we ',maid say : '• Give than a ponce tmegisteite, sad thea when tie rote on npsal o41nsa w. will say that those (alk have had all they wanM1, and pet w to tM .x paw of an extra 11,000 for a salary for m a polies rgi.trato, and still the Act is • failure." We would be age to make more vino .at of tintiro t het tas .oedd by weedss lo sok ler a pollee sagiatedds Wry. RM do Komar petty bums that with • paid as pee fat ti al• tba Ad n be mash Wier ealsread ibis Wawa l Mata der kink. Yoe critwf� newt 1• t.• b •• ve retards /M Aird a M AM td* 4.61. ( did Peter at the transfiguration is e1t, as K ow this inportamt moral gaastww me " "It is good to be here'his ool*agne. __Aad then there wee the reading of cuntsibated respectively 28 and 16 too thus more. Goderich then went to. the bst and were dismissed by a score .t43, the only person making a stand being MrDrummond,Drum,nd, who succeeded in scoring:21.r not out. In its sernd venture Clinton whether an • neo was disposed of fur the small score of benevolent society convention. The 20.0 Lar The b(ioowdliengricanh d fiwaseldinAg1. Nas11"r in this i0- • The schooner Ariel, Capt,McKenzie, .delegate from U ertdt" wtl! nut .sass ni mntL• mud Holmes Ming the bawler,. made port with her thud cargo this sea- to talk up this town se • summer resort Thi. lett 45 runs for Goderich to make son on Wednesday. After unloading the 1 while he ie on the wiog- to win, which they succeeded in t»king Ariel sailed for another curgo. Wingham offers an attractive program for Friday, June 25th, at its Caledonian games. The committee has our thank. little trace of it could be seen by nine for a complimentary ticket. o'clock. A Targe tree in front of Mr. The tint ezeuraiun rtf the season will Jon+au • residence was blown down by the gale, having .napped o some into tioderich from Parkhill and off • few ted paint. eco TAuralAlt emit the ground. On Wedweedsy .*5, prevail. The visitors will tinct the town looking erstiwg ' more beautiful than ever. .d. version, of firw•ela, and bis Sicemen A93orreene RIVAL OF OEM* Sarn•s a "rare oaf the 1 towns A heavy rain- ion $son- with the /use of 6 wickets, tearing them day night and Monday murrain;. Th* victors by 4 wickets. Mr Drummond rein polaroid in torrent, although bat was also the batter in the innings,scoring 17 not rout. Mr Starke and Mr Meioses batted well for their score of 7. each. Turnbull and Kennedy bow'1d well thrneghout fair Clinton. The batting tot 9 Drummond sou the festnaa of the try, ke Mring hatted K leodidl1 throughout, having only pegs YIN Ounce during his 2 innings. 80.5001. BOARD. -This Sohswl Beata Vignette's, ware in tuwm 4411114 the week' in ..n Monday evening, Raiment, tad were the wisest of 1t'm. Bissett. 00 Cantona " When it ,. captained that (rwbh, Morton, Butler, Fall, Acheaoo, nobody whu ha sect ee.n the nlao. be Nicholson, and the chairman. The Fos TB Otn Corgi -ay. -John. F. hereto...n,t been brave .1100th to scone Andrews, of Aahfiekl, and John Align, Kernig of beinc even paw•11y handsome, t.f L.cknow, left on Wednesday last for the birth degree of morel ...grecs which a three mouths' trip to the ()Id Coon• the Gnsdiwn exhibits in 'oakumthead- 11'y• mi.uul will be universally admired." Harry Rothwell, the well- boys and 278 `tele, Wit mutton, Hiss kt".wsl ass- RAW J A McGillivray, B. A. who Qurd.m waa o.rder'4 tm.tweeiN salary for daughter, sirs. (iuod aid the Agates The hernia Onnedsen admits that minute. rot previous m.wfog read and confirmed. The Principiglorepart read showing 394 boys ant Mt, girl: roll and an average ateendanc. of 300 rings painter, now travelling for a Mon- treal fire handling paints and ills, was church, Goderich, u an mutant to Rev. in t..wn this week, a. happy looking u Dr Cre, will leave today and by absent ~••' for eivkt weeks, wpplygire the pulpit of N m. Leo • vessel, the Rathbun Capt. 1 Rey. A1tiilemisa, of mos. wins McDonald, reached this port nn Sunday zM absence o1 that geot'emao. 1111,. evening with * call" of NNI door John MeG llirray'e place here will he supplied the stationing eoveruitteis report, which, Haaisor CAl s's eetttas*n on 8o the gift 1nbis. The Rethhun i In by Rev. Chas. A. Webster, B A., during after all is said and dune, is the teal test of the Holy Ghost, which In given very loading nn Monday. the next two months. I1r.\Vebster will of faith that the itinerant pastor is sub- folly in this week's issue, excited much The Brussels Caledonian Games, which each hit first Berm rn on Sunday noxi. will come r1Q on Tuesday, June 22nd, will likely attract a big cr fwd. The game. in Brusseis hare gen.rally given much satisfaction. • jested to. Here and there steeds • man favor,bls eomtmeet or Ssaday• II q of gr'at intellectual 1, height rather out of the line of the ordinary erudition, practical -s maw ordination sermon ; bet there w a 'tater, of strong powers and fall six cubits and a • maniere. e. *boot it %Mt task's it tater- WMrs. N Kerr and of thetor Ifni. Iwa1ePoet, -span fa Might in the eyes of his fellows. "Mimi to those who lite practical Christi- Mer Kerr the weak. Bros Karr t..un in Th... are they who are looked uproot anity. W. still salt the honied Dv. in the the pretty eosuery, with eneetoeas eyes by the boards of Canaan "Bishop" 0,0 ilio prineip* of sod Taa 8Iii'sst otos. the more wealthy or.ngregatinite, vibe one. a bishop always a bishop ; and. be- Th. steamer Osterio, of the Roo sty pot forth strong shines an.l.oflee *sake tidos. that term w more scriptural •d lin., rammed the si T dock early on •nsesetl7 wrangle to got them f rr less elemey them "General 9 I. radar Noting with • eerie 11 tw.oty tko.sasd kwabls of wheat front Port their pastors Yonder stood. smother .wt." This 1..7 rat le wrtbad0z Gee Arth'r. it was uakoad.d it the .levator be.*h.r. R. W tot reg.ived the ears dirn or British Metbrrai.mi, bet if is • h 1'teroday .,ening .he. the (hirci. fol .stt',e of his more (ortusate got. - prodigal view of the bishopric quashes. left for fine* the time she conduct galoMisaBlalr'aclam. Tb. question of p•yi.g • substitute for etspducting Mir \\room's class, daring her sickness, was referred ti school men- acing ..,mmittes. The .ecretery'a re- port showed the espendiUtn for April tc be 1376 01 nma! for Missy tl3Mk M. The following are the estimates for the car- rett Year : 11M•eipts, Harald school P gresI, Ont-, $1700 00; Model school t'a'ts Ret [Tato - An °star deals i Rel• cn'tnt}, 11110 00 ; li(trdel •chvnl will be gfren in Kin x eheroh, rel Mat- fee•• 1135 Oil . 100017 rebate. 140 00 day evening next by Professor W. M. f 1 grant, 1447,(0. Municipal, Clerk* of the Rayl Aadeney of Ma•ic. 14,100 OQ Total. 1b,yR 00. liapeadi- tA elver eoll.etion will be taken up at - to», taaeh.ee' edari*, 919,79u ; extra the ef.o.*. Warsaw11x100; officers sod caretakers.rarwwaMr u. $58L. ea; printers sedsaretabera, 960 00; )tlwrrh. wool and es/ttint, Ia 00 ; repairs and t'estlmMlnw..ltt.Pa•tl'sOrater4..MI�d.� hs balance. 1837.01) Aadmite... ...+�....... ...... sora aa ooerstt.il......rerailaw 1t.gswtem,......ttNa ,;etw* that 0.5.54 d.wte . _... �w sol yyarn►. JaL. Nareatu►M et Ryrts alel.e5 Metter'. 8th Mem . nowt tial nave the Q1006 T, rnmeirir.e at A u'eI.eh. The emmnty e,.wneilbw were photo- graphed by Stewart last week. TM groep .111 he so histoeieal w.. All the mesa - bore will wrier again d takes together tit • Jsae session. We expect to ase greS% ehongss io no it year'* * runty eottrci'.