HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-28, Page 7The Bachelor's Confeaalal quadruple lady she asedd net have made - more guise, or enjoyed the al.kieg of it Muer. At the .ad .•f a moil►, however, au 1 live is. • Yreuch dot. Of oourss maddest \apposed whin► turned thu our tore aro objeotium to French GP. tau rent of my whole lite there are to moat things. 1 went un • picnic. 1 don't often got I seam' silted • hotel, nod 1 detest • to affairs of that kind ; but this was an bmrdiotl image. A bachelor of 90 odd, sepecielly select affair, gutlsa op by my who has been at the mercy sal buerdimr friend, Harold Webster. how keepers all his days, can uudur- I went, and then met Barbara Willa. .lead 1►at. mid fell straightway In love with her. Ho when I tngaged • suite of roots- She wasn't exactly too young, but neither third Auer in • French fiat edifice -and am 1 -and to my taste • fail blouse rues arranged my household goods therein_, is sweeter than a bud, wherkvayyg way with • fine lookout over a green dot in End it jruwiug. She was dark -eyed, tient, and the glimmer Of the Palisades with full, cherry lips, eslio brown hair, far sway in the rear, 1 considered myself and • complexion as fresh as ruses and quite well oft. ivory. We talked -our idem coincided What is my profesaiuu 1 I haven't exactly. It seemed as if our souls were any in particular. I am an artist and two looking glasses to mirror each drew • little daily, in front of my easel other's, I on.trib.te to the press, and write when "Miss Willis," cried I, "why sa it that the divine Alan* seises me. I read we have never met before 1 I fee! as if mw when I feel like it, and draw • re- we were old, old friends," &alar income from a snug little property As I spoke I gently pressed her hand, left we by an uncle in ludic.. and she smiled such :nnutterabl. thioga. Cu.a.queotly I was able to decorate I went to my friend Webster, who was my quarters very prettily with Bagdad making up quadrilles on the upper deck. Ids, old China dragons, black and gold We were socom?anied by an excellent deputes* *cream and pictures I had bre band. picked up at • bargain. "Harold,'. mid I, "1 can sever thank idled when the fin was burning cheer- you enough 1.r introdsciag sae to that filly on the hearth, that first rainy May angel. evening, the student lamp shining softly •'I)„ you mean Barbers Willis T' .aid es the rad caned labi., sod the waiter - he. "Well, I think .h. is rather • 6e. .t. neighboring restaurant had brought girl in ley frugal dieser of a broiled bird, a we gmw oouf de.tial as w. me toge- mould of Durrant jelly, a slipe of roast Cher on the , desk end watch - bed, Ow, I oo.sider mysalf pretty Doss- , d the moonlight ripple uvea the sedate Portable. of tate tide& "Upos the whole," said I to myself, "I tether approve of Troch fiats." I rang the 601E The janitor, a respectful decent sort of fellow, in • round ja:ket and carpet ippon, answered the summons. “Janitor." said I, "who occupies the nor above r "Nobody, air," the man answered. Last party moved oat yesterday ; new y rooves is to -menu." large family l" said I rather du 7 - "Blom •'Blom year heart, sir," said the man, family M all It a. • single lady is coaling." Atthie Ioongratelated myself more a.d shall have a prospect of a Male , 1 think," I said, and I ate my is a fool's paradise magi, lady moved in them , 'vow. inset have mowed in when I was selecting soma new mill boards color tubes for the summer sketches going to make ; for when I return - fondly expecting to enter my kine' - of peace and serenity, everything cheated. en wee a banging and pounding had, a thumping and hammering - ad as if some middle-aged giantess hob -sailed shoes, was eajoyi.g herself i�the janitor. "h the house cootie( down r' I asked a raga "It's the new tenant movie' in, sir," he. "Dem ler furniture consist entirely et srrtodg's sates and 'quart, piano 1" I 'Thssn are two pianos, air," said he. .s al..isaL" "Tie dense site is r replied L "Two 1 AM does she play on both of "Don't knew, air, Tin sun," replied man, with a distressed , Dt I endured the ache until midnight, then I seat up the janitor'e wife "The third Soer's eomplimeote to the ad would like to know if this r going to go on all night." Down came the women again. "Fourth floor's complimeote to the led floor, and wishes to know if he ex - people to be settled without • , The next day the piano- only e.e w.yer L I was elaborstiag ak.letos fee a ssie.tiee essay, sod it . al. seriously. 1 endured it It 1 pomrbly oould, and . the. I roe to the janitor's wife. "Third floor's compliments to the k floor, and will feel obliged 1(1 6Y favor me with a little pasdlt ugh to deems* writing." 'Inhere wail no reply, bet the abruptly. B.t that evening whoa I was begin - to molmes myself with a little violin in the the twilight, tap, tap, Illp, Male the ja.itor's wife at my door. "Peerth floor's compliments loth* third Isar, sod will feet obliged if he will favor ;11.7 peeoeknd quietuses long e•lett"I hated that woman ! lived for a month, exchanging t missiles of warfare. I could hare gin. up that Fnach Oat e h.ek to boarding, eel, .nluek• assailed It toe • year. The loot eioeut .eksled, amid had to waled private readings, whose deeper than Hamlet's and than that of Charlene She w charitable„ and had AWNS d heavy • booted girt. there trim • wank fe drag hpas gad tan le sew. A single lady, Wised. If she had bees a 'A bachelor'. lite is bet half • lite Miss Willis," said L "el eta readily imagine that," she said softly. "I lin in a Lit," wakened L "Do you r' said Barbara (the sweet old Reglisk name was jest like her). "Why hew stracge / So do L" "Isn't it dreadful r "Horrid"' said she, closing her rosy lips as if she meant lt. "And there'. • female dragon occupy- ing the floor above ma, and K me out of my life." "Well, if this islet a remerk.ble coin- cidence," said Barbara. "Then'. • de- testable old crab of a bachelor under me who takes .11 the pleasure oast stow ex- istence." "Sboeld two lives be thus blighted r mid I, essphatin•Hy. "I -I don't think they should," said Barbara, e.thenhetieally, looking intent- ly M the bouquet of pinnies she held in hand. It was pest midnight when the beat landed. Harcid Webster gene ap. "I promised to see you home Miss Willis," mid he, rubble( his hands briskly. "You need not trouble yeomen, Web- ster," said L "I shall be most happy." I called • hack; I helped the divine Barbara In, feeling mon and mon ea if I wet* walking in cloudlaod. THE HURON SIGINAL, FRIDAY. MAY 28, 1886. "When .hall I drive w r said the. man. "No. W, Rarenal," said she, "lowed' fluor. "What '" cried I. "Nor the Feruau- Jino Acta T' "Exactly," seat: she. "Why, that's where I lire." "Are you wt the third Sour r.sb. cried out, breathless. "An you ou the fourth T' 1 quest hissed. " But you are nota crab at "Nor are yon a dragon. On the con Iraq Bat abet matters it shat we said 1 Thtugs were altered at the very login ung. I took my violin upstairs the neat day and belied my divine Barbara out with a .unata of tteelhoreu's. I summat- ed a Dew educauohal theory fur the hob- nailed classes. I listened enchanted to her recitation of Teuuyste's '•Bruck;' •Lel M the quarter's rod we ars to be married-- Barbara sad I. 8 Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron- chitis imoledi•tely relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Fur sale by J. Wilson, Drug;pa.t A. B. Khoo, of Walkerton, is the Tory eadidate for South Bruns, opposing H. P. O'Cuaoor. His show fur success is ouosidered very slim. a Free 11141. Around each bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver cure as • Medial Ouide and lta- cipe B 101 information, over 800 r.oeipes. and I by Doctors and Druggists as worth ten times the cost of the medicine. Medicine and Bonk $1. Sold by J. Wilma, sole agent. A Duo Lama.- By enact passel by the Ontario Government to the year 1884, all pits mum be moved outside of the corporatism ur kept at last seventy feet away from any bums, dwelling ur street. Even if they an Lver seventy feet away from the prohibited plates, the pens most be deaoed at resat sem • day. We far that the provision is • dead letter io this town. Persona interested should paste this on their hog pees and obey it. - Get yaw attletion sale bills punted at Tars SrosAL utfioe. They are al wap done promptly and at low rates. Irutioe is drawn to sales through Ti. Stamm free of charge, which is rad by thousand& A Sims Rankin. -For coughs, oath ma, and .11 recent colds, Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine Don't let a cough grow troublesome when it can be reliev- ed sad cured by this remedy at the small poet of 25c. Sold only .t Wilson's pre- scription drug store. 1m ; T. iter 1.dseet rrotesasa.. a.e. Mt wbem M may maces. Ph"sphatine, or Nerve /rood, a Phos- phate EJessmt bend upon Scientifiti Photo, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Masa., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the; human system. PI is not • Medecine, but • Nutriment, became it contain. no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, bat gimp; ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sutbciont to convince All Druggists sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Lowtosi. & Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 56 Front Street Beat Toronto SHORTHAND BOOKS P'OR SALE. Isaac Pilau's Pbou STILL LO W • CARLO Crauelling $utbs. y�� DRApNr) TRgUNZ • Oro1Md1Ar.j �.IIa' Mimi. 1 as eeaai q t "els down to PR Ba NT }[ & KT bittedWON. Iliaed. Ea sUw nuU. v,L V 3E„ s wucudgels, , d..ls, Irv' Ile all trots. tar aad agar If they what i. bay UOOD areletord I Lr. I ere a m I 1:11 Win •S p.m 000111 .t RIGHT PRIMLY. so call o. ear. M 1 believe Carew Care1oderk► oar. 10.*) o.u* 1.3. Rv tete.= soul be Ba11L•D ren. C.aticaaxsa. DRESS (100DS, SPLENDID \WEAN,J 124c. per port. I' FANCY DRESS MsLINS, a c. HIGGINS' QOOD SHIRTIN(;S, 11 c. Havtat4vwe bamMock is ik. variousDoes. by and ttoe E U R E K A♦Instal/ AND THROUGHOUT. rte at.,e foateawt of low prices tobe correct. --lireseft.. Is mind my menu: "West Be l.ttdereold." T_ H_ Rare'''""wA.aw,..J April nth, IMe. CARLOW. 7 s/i=ss vv The Latest Frellcft and Alliencall Stylos! HATS, BONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Sac.. Ete., Ole, The Chicago House. WO$T STREET. , Go.,eric April Oth. WM.MIr t***** **t*******it********t**•*••*ilk FOR CHEAP cooas YOMT 1�W10 THE PEOPLE'S STORE ' I f t -t tl 1tttt111ttl fttttttttttttl lttttts ttttltttttltlttltl tt w _ H_ RZDLj Y. , Mar. 11, 188& The People's Stora, Goderich. + tIitlii*1 GEO. S. BROWN, Ibacoeseor to DR. WHITELY.) PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Having lately added* Fresh Stock of Drugs, Dye Stuns, rerrumery, Eto.; to the alresdy well selected stock legs to inform th• citizen. of Goderich that ha le sow able to supply them with PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS at Reasonable Priem. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. 80LE AGENT FOR $LOAN'$ .. yJLAN TONIC, The Greatest Blood Purifier of the age. Every Bottle Guaranteed - Sunday Hours :-10to11&m.;1atp.m;6.Ototopm. Albion Block. Godericb, Feb. 4th. 1Mt. 1011641 Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runciman Bros., r _ .,, _ Ietors. CONTRACTS TAKE• FON STEAM ENGINES. FLMMINU MILLS. AND 0111E8 MACNINEMT WANTED. Flouring Kills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, etc., etc., at Low Price& .111 Kinds of Castings .lfade to Order. J. B. Rcxctnex. (i.Aericb, Nov. 1t. WIN 1010 1y 1111!. NOW COMPLETE ! R. W. Rtsclttax Every Boy and Girl should Learn NOW COMPLETE! sJEE0R'I.:. -LA N f A CHOICE STOCK OF THE PHONOGRAPHIC_ ALPHABET. DAY arlDennell CONSONANTS. 00111111111111111111. luau., 1• ▪ )f ll tat • Yseem Wr% y ; montage 111 h V0W0Ls. t r saoNT. L YO I 10 1 1 11511011 1.11.1103 11 8 1 1 L t ONO sale r L 00 • BO 't *y N B -1 sir I. am M �, 8 1. n The Tucker, 20c. ADDRESS e81i .CCL Qrro erie "_ SPECIAL LINES IN Dress Goods, Shirtings,._.r_, and Tweeds. slgho.l !rloe laid for Butter & Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. CMerbt, April 1018, 161 BOOTS & SHOES Reg t. anaemia) to the Public that they hare opened Fondness in the above Stow in the store la•ety occupied by Horace Newton Having parch/wed • 1 and well s.woted stock of Spring and Summer hoods at ekes figures we areal ursine to give the Public the benefit. The IaIIUal,40c �/re examine our goods befhasing! elsewhere. Jr'R.t.essber the plans, next door to J. Wik.on's Dreg Store. work 1l receive our special attentio.- ALL O?H>aR BOOMS IN PROPORTION.r�Nbet the hest of material ueod and fled-elmo verbose* employed. JIl'Rmpsirieg neatly done on the shortest notice MCGILLICUDDY BROS ., OOD=LIOQ, 0111T. Ged.rie Marek • 188t. DOWNING & W ED D U P S.AwZT Mit 1't'RITY, SWEETNESS. Q FLAVOR 18 UNEQUALLED DAIRYMEN 1t will 6restly improve your BUTTER & CHEESE. Agency (or ll eaten to Cassels OIIJIIdS JCI P)' llIffy, HAMILTC' N, ONT. IMSend fur Free (•ire.lar.' March Yir 1 . ISM filaly Amusements. GODERICH MECHANICS' IN3TI- TUTS LIBRARY AND READING/ X11. our. of East street and Square let, Oyes trot 1 to 6 p.m.. and fres 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOLS 1N LIBRAR1f1 leadiuy Doilyy, W'eLy a,..1 I1liafreted l'upers, Mu;uzioaes, dc., sax File. MEMBERSHIP TICKET, OXI.Y Si.M, treating free use of I.ebrary and heading Boom. Application for nou.bcnblp received by Librarian, 1n rooms. J. H. COLBOItNE, ALEX. MORTON, President. Secretary. Oodericb, March 17111. Ie55. lt11. C.A.NAIRN HAS EVERYTHING YOU WANT - -Lv - 6flOCfiRIBS, /OR He is showing • .pleadid .ssortm.et et China and Glassware. Come 1n and look, it you don't buy, No Trouble to Show Goode. C. A. NAIRN, ('ourt house Square, Goderieb Dee. Ith, 1181. CFOs B IOH PLANING MILL EMI ABUSHED 1666. Buchanan, Lawson 9 Robinson NI N VActV Melia Or Sash, Doors & Blinds D..i a a IN ALL mise Lumber, Lath, Shingles sad builder's material of every SCN•Ot FURNITvaE A SPECIALTY. IMA Order promptlylsltended to. Oederich Aug. r, 1OeM. I-ly PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. LJ A V LNG SECURED THE ed H Pianofortes, of Canada's Celebrat- ed y nofortes Maataebps - tared by Memmama 4a e- RMA of e, Toronto. 1 nut prepa,e%b'Gi d to sell , Dame at Moderate Pet terms of payment. Haring Ma thorough ums, da of lbs sas.fture off Mu s, wad what kiwi pf .material and felt* are required to peke • Aritclatsl Instrument, I•teng� 1184 if le their •d r f. age to consult me before purchas- it Orden left at the Bonk Stores of Mea. 101 Cook or Mr. torte promptly atadedrl. to. EDW'D I. BROWN. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS, fioderiob. Rept. 1118. 1116. !mitt Tu■tag and Rep.lelmg • apeealty. WAD work warranted first-class. The People's Livery for mit JOHN PIIO!, Proprietor. The sebeerlher 1. prepared to famish the pub Ile nub The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLB PRI('7 CALL. AND SZE US - Oppeslt the Gelber Mete OMerte►. Oedasteh. Feb. tut 11 the