HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-28, Page 51 A 1014.,,,, .,. .. _, , THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY "8, 1886. Our grocery is doing • g.•" d business. Our teacher, W. A. Hackett, and pparu pgI.,plaut.d about teeny. Memos' ArborDay, and made a ties totter bed. David Molh.tald has erected a Dios little house ter his father and '''other. The sehuul trustees have purchased a to Guelph at $70. and John Murals Ike pae Wei lid %b, ,plus's' o! puttin,I op: l woes The above is the lame of • pest ',Bice wblob has been opened in Matthew l;haekletonS residence. 3j miles sq;,tn of Las, •ltd abut miles nwthweet of the/Ninon, with which it is connected y • weekly mail. A great many don't tike the name, but it's litelyT Mr. F. ouslittal think of any other, and so called mer lis po;nlcal fathcn at (Maws, AYA' » • queer "mew." They're that saving they could uet give us •mall taioe • week. r. Thee. Morrish,s the delegate to the Methodist contemn** loom doe cut mitt. The young peoples picnic in McOib pot's grove un the 24th was • decoded seems. Miss Driver, of Guderich township, is the guest of Mies Auuie LeTuuxel. A quantity of cedar timber hr the pia bridge I. being hauled dally from Asb6eld. News has arrived that Lewis Stevens sod his mother have arrived safely ft the Sault, and the former who eaa been ailing for the past two years, feels much better after his trip. The Rev. Mr. Steele delivered a lec- ture in Beumiller Methodiat church un- der the auspices of the M. C. S. on the 70th last. The s.bjest was "Resent Discoveries in Ancient Lards." The lecturer cleared away the mist from some obscure passage- in the Bible by refer_ oboeto rwv.letaona recently made by the British Exploration society, ead also proved the authenticity of several other M 1 from the samesource. The lecture was eert&inly a great mental treat Girls are peculiar beings -the more girl the more peculiarity. So it stems or at lead so thinks a mrtain youth ; Met they must nut be too hastily blamed ilk they are sometimes far seen and great calculators and, can as easily solve the problems "How malty lb& avoirdu- pois an a four ply spring stand going over a corduroy rued, as they can cal- culate the valve of a young mans out- fit at a wedding party. But, notwith- standing this it meet be repeated "girls are peculiar," and reminds one of the old saying which runs somewhat as follows : 'OM ha I "If tie wW. they wtLL, yon c ay depend on't. ?Aad 11 wait. lbw wea't, they wt. and there. • I es sad salt FOR A Choice Spring & Summer Dress SEND TO OR VISIT THE E$TABLIcHMKNT Or vu. RRFTHOUR&CO. ■ BRA. sir •.t'i �oRD- ♦T PRE4ENT WE A1tli O INU huVKI.TIES I`1 Fanny Wool Dress Goods all oolors. Fancy Wool Dress Foods in blaok_ Plain Lama Colths, in blank and colors. All the New Makes in Canvas, Boucle, ezo_ Rare Value in B1aok and Colored Satins. WE HAVE A LARUE RANGE OF WASHING DRESS 0001)B IN 1 et. Saw. The Queen's Birthday was celebrated in our village by boldin= the an=ual games of the St. Helena Athletic Club, and was in every respect a grand su.ees.. Early in the day visitors frogs the sur- roatding districts and •illages began to poor into the village, all eager to enjoy themselves and see the sports. The games opened at one o'clock by • grand Calithuntpian parade, which was heartily enjoyed bythe a,)eetaton, and admitted by all to the most amusing , d grotesque periurmartoe they had ever witnessed. The costumes represented in the were a curious mixture of ancient and modern fashions, to the fullest extent, and among them was a bona fide coat and vest that real ago adorned the portly form _vQO��QH of Sir Allan McNabb. j11 alld Th. games were held in D. Todd's ,Il�l %std, adjoining the village, and was well suited for the purpose as the eloping hillside in its mantle of green afforded good seats and an excellent •iew of the games. A well•!ontested game of baseball be- tween jtta0sr nines from St. Helens and Bethel majority. Oo en One 41 ts meat pleasing features of the day ems the entire absence of liquor either in the village or on the grounds, and tly everything passed off quietly, deo.sIly, and in order. The rise list is es follows Putting heavy 2t...- Geo.Std Win. \Yebb.bb lied Wm. Hetherington. For - S p ttrng light stone -let Geo. Webb, *ad Wm. Hetherington, ii John Mc- Pherson. . - (}. w ebb► Throwing light Ind Wm. Cameron, 3rd Jo`M nether- ingtor.. Towing Caber- 1st Geo. Webb, 2nd John McPherson, 3rd Wm. Cameron. Standing long jump -lent John Heth- mriwgtos, lied Wei Hetherington, 3rd Walter W.hb. Running long jump --1st John Heth- Ington, 2nd Wm. Hetherington, 3rd . H. Stuart. Running hop, stop and jump --1st J. McPherson, 2nd Wm. Ferguson, 3rd Wm. Cameron. Three stands -let Jno. Hetherington, Webb. mot W. Hetherington, Sed W. One mile rites- 1st C. Taylor, 2nd Wm. Wilson, 3rd W. H. Stuart. 100 yard race -let W. H. Stuart, 2nd Wm. Cameron, 3M Geo. Webb. Old men's race -1•t Wm. $orimgeour, tad Ed. Blaine", 3rd Thus. Joyant. Hurdle race --1st C. Taylor, 2nd Wmt Heth riegton, 3rd Walter Webb. Wb 'barrow retie -lit Geo. W PRINTS, LAWNS, ALSATIAN CLOTHS, &c. BOURRETTES, CORD STRIPS, GINGHAMS, &c. Our Oiwghams are very bus In prise. Oar Printsare very oboles 1a desists and color. CLOVES AND HOSIERY. TAFFETA (}LOVES, all colors and sizes. - PURE SILK GLOVES, all colors and size BLACK COTTON HOSE, I><11 size.. - COLORED COTTON HOSE, all sizes. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. Brantford, May 6th 1$$6. WILSON'S OST SIM 1111.N. UMW GODERICH WORKS_ SPECIAL DRIVES I . o DRESS MUSLINS fiJ O CALL AND SEE THEM• m J. C. DETLOR & Co. Ha•Iag peeeRs iU.T. 1 f Ibis op- portunity CAV Cotter. 1 take ibis oP ppoorrttunity of a.nosaciat lo the .e•pie of the County of Huron. that we are tow prepared to execute art orders 1a MARBLE & GRANITE Mounts llt1s1.anisea , Etc.. Eta. Having many years practical experience.ws feel confident of giving satisfaction to thoee who may favor a with their orders. • HOUSE FURNISHINGS, ETC., Supplied at laaaonable Pales. Throe intending to Headstones will grid It i their�in eret to or Oederieb. -M.y IOtb. MONEY SAVED BY Bt TING YOUR GOODS AT �� M.E.L. McGI New Cash Grocery Look Here ! Gamin's SCOTCH OiNOHAMS at 10 D. .lath$ SCOTCH GINGHAMS at 124.. Tut Baer FACTORY COTTON you ever saw for the mousy---bc. COTTON A DES, SHIRTINGS, AND 1'RINTS, AT Pallet TK&T WILL Aerosolise loll. All other linea in DRY GOODS c•'niplete. Feu STot•a or GROCERIES. W. Buy WOOL, Berra& AND Koos. .1 COIBORNE BROSCH, GO. Try Roaster Vic. bar 'bap isew braadl. 77 ppCbles Cap and Saucer given away with every Ib. of New Baking Powder hat can be lad in the market., .d sell ODIY the Cash at LOWESToPOSL+IBLEE s. New and ROF T. 'Cat and be oonvllncedosding .r N•B.-Highest Price Paid far Butter mil Eggs. ['Remember the Stand, Two doors mouth of Ht woo Sto!AL Office, North- .. Uoderiob. Ooderie►, May 13t1., Ila - GIVE US A CALL. wishing cemetery work done, such M Inscriptions. straightening head- 1Memr, etc.. eau rely on the work beteg done lb • MOM sa\lsfac t ory m Miro sate t an inspection of the work now 1n the •ho . Rd&ERTSON & BELL. Ooderich, March 18th, 1221. 2L -3m se 2nd A. Anderson. Three-legged race ---1st Ferguson 'lei n, 2nd Stuart and Webb, Std and W.ath.rhead. ram (under 12) -1st Donald Cgtaoron, Sod John MoCroutie, 3rd Chas. Stuart, Pedalo. ,ase -tat Wm. Wilson. 2nd Wm. Cameros, 3rd A. Joyset. Obstacle rase -let C. Taylor, 2nd f3. Welsh Walking match -1st IL Woods and A. Anderson (tie), Sed Jobe W.atherbs$d. Jedges for heavy weights and ju p ing-R K. Miller, A. DD �o ad D. R Munroe. Jedgcs for reess-A. McPherson, ft. Malawi .ad A. Stuart. Qua• Viaeria is All yeses e1d today. Next year. Her Majesty will have oceepied tin British Throe* half a Bent TtgCIREDITORS. In the matter of Patti Kaaurtt• of the Township of Wawtwh. 1. the (bent, of Huron. General The shore named PETER K has .made an ansigument to me in pent amd V lC , Chap. 11 Oaiarball. of ahis estate eMects, th trust. tin the ho.eat of bi.seedlt• °rA meeting of the Creditors of the said Prom Kta will beheld at my OMce. i the Court 110 i the Town of oodericb, ea rRll►AY, us, Tt—ty-P & Day of Nay, A.D. 1486,1. cSt P-4 MILLINERY. Hai in` been to the Markets. sad bavtat selected with are am roe an assortment of MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS as anyone could desire.ni I wW oar the er •he aemyaelat are Reas swill endeavor,leces a willensure ratite do all 1. my power to gore satisfaction. My ]tlllleery embraces all the Newest Shades of Coloring. sad the most attractive dodges. M, stook of Fancy Goods oomprlae all the Isamu things in Oriental Laces and All -Over Embroideries. la O.cven 1 have the Heat Value procurable. Tinsel in balls of MI the Newest Shades. and at prices that will Insure a sl tusk. asrThe'irimming Department isunder the management of MISS CA/AKRON. who will denote her sole attention to her Customers, and wW endeavor to please all who will sutras' ber with their orders. HATS DONE OVER IN THE NEWEST STYLES. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Yours very respectfully. Ft, EMt3V'PA. IA JOHN BROPHY Ras removed hs furniture depot to where on tthe stand on I street. next door to the Star Paulin( BEDROOM SETS MRS. C. H. GIRVIN March 231b. 1221 told Hamilton street. Ooderich 2 doors from Colborne Hotel. TO THE P u ieLIC IN GENERAL : T . i'7 1 X - Jai- U O, that cannot be beaten for good workmanship or low price on top of the earth. Brophy wont be undersold byaIona that k well and bre thees. andse audit sr.urnit.re w made expressly to too Now you know where to go. Be sore and call upon 0edeebh. May nth. ioM. JOHN BROPHY. [LATIN G R E- LI FURNISHEi) my shop In the latest style, put la fleet sew earberAsks. two of them tbecele- brated Rochester Tilting C hair.. and hired •j Barber. we are in '• position to do Mester Work than hereto- fore. eretofore. Lady'. k Children'sHaircutting made a ,pecialtyJ on all days except Saturday. Razors and Seloors ,woad. Gemmed Draper and Maberdaaber. Hat ing now received the balk of his Spring Purchases. M - - ing a Choice Selection of FASHIONABLE AND DE IRABLE GOODS, Newest Shades and Textures. All -Wool DeHei urs. Verona Serge., Sood.cse Cloths. with stripes to match. Black and Colored Ottoman Brocaded Satins. Satin. warranted _ Black. Double -Faced TricaPrints Sateen". Black and Cto olored Linen Limas. aatttehe boor of LIS o'clockot the' for the of Ms giving of directions for the ate.CD* d t. file itleiral o � �b SPRIN are required by the said Tet GIB Parasols, Glares and Fine Hosier, a larged Feature. Madras. and Nottingham Curtains in white. rotTee and fancy colorings. 1Except iosslly cheap.) White. Cream. Turkey and Fancy Tabieingr. Towels and Towelling.. Tray Cloths, Napkins, D'oyloya-round. Fqwire and oblong. AIVT1to correct thing 1n !inside and Huttons -1f2 Swim and Belgian Embroideries, All Overt and Tuokisp. Not deeming it neeeessry to enumerate the various limes in stock. the public mai rest se mired that all 1l will be ?tidy op to the if gsra"trictl y one price. /k Ooderlch. May alb. 1221. AI.,F`a bol LJ 1V R. W. McKENZIE vv alr/i_ KNIC-.i�m s MU West Street. two doors east of P.O.. Uoder(eh. Spring Millinery. MRS. BI.LKELD -Hai o.eiw d or b.r- STYLES IN MlLlwNtrir, sed has new the leter' and most approved •tyles in RihhoIs Shqs c�Fc�lhers flowers,nn& Trimmiu �' 224111 ROBES Sheriffl s SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANPR. lomat, of ilur'on. 1 R7 'bias of • Writ of To Kit : t Tier( P.aeloe muses est of ger majesty.. High Court of Jamie,. CDmz. Dlvlsdo. 11114 as alms Writ of Merl"s, jam issued not of Her Modesty" High Court of lassies. Common PMass i iv1Man. and to me dlretIed sad delivered seated the Toads and Tesemorwu of Wtwars ROCK= WWI JANE McK txtst, at the salt ofRatm.u. have seised sea takes In xoeuta ; le sad eine for Rale. d mer.. Is the Desert How 1• the Toww d 1eb• w TM' 4 or ALL imps. Inspection of the latestnave/Han i7 IhItw • which she W now on view, Osderieh. April ?Ind. ILMI. Mkt IMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SHELF .AND '. HEAVY HARDWARE, SPRING MILLINERY 1 MISS GRAHAM Hu.w at )r li *Large amid w.II+ssortad mask of TRIMMED k UNTRIMMED line=a�l.~trrtg every'! tm •wHnd is • Mrlu.ery : MAitea •ea - PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, GODERICH. RETIRINGRETIRINGRETIRINGFROM BUSINESS t� w II,ZIAM ggY WILL SELL OFF HIS LARGE AND VARIED STOCK AT nre•ds, (looking,, Ulslerinq,, Drees Gonda, • tarp.. .wrtmest. Prints, it VERY Mist caw ha sadw►,, Tweuday, the Sixth Day ''/ JULY, 1946, 1/ ga. per yard. .� d tee eloek�, Flowers. Shapes, Egrets, �i"", l Ie leer el Ek Feathers, w►Ile and Meted. McE� is t whew sem[ Emus- Loi�'i'' a.tv, d.eesssd, her 1 husks h Vilk I'd.vb, Member Shr,, tee is the t••• re &FANCY TRIMMINGS IN PROFUSION. ,,,,,,,,,t,, the H ..r.. mere k wed eeteros. ver y and 10 J the tights. Mw wed �� �. ^��_ wtiwa wwe st Jaws R txtsv IS. to or sr sr I piZO• at ( �� et the said 11�I�a a�118. RRR(((111M�� taasaw'M� f. Huron. Wows tide Court How's /gwsee. text deer t. Mtmro a Dry Ooeds rut 1� rthsrifT'. 0tmes. Godseleb, Uederich. April Rb, IoM Maeeh Mt . 1�. 121111 TD. Inches of Ued.rieb and vtetaiiy are cordially Isvltod to • (lemon Pfannela, Table (lotAa, ■d Wool. nn,,t , Towel., Mirtinya, Napkitu, Mids.(\'amass, Shswia, Nettle, knitted sad plain. Pura, Parasols, /fabjulern4( (rmhrrUas, (�a*a l�irta, VAeef /►rawer•, Wlu1.•wa, Ladir.' l est*, Faetnry i.Ib,w, (:owtitiwofimt ;Iwifs, Ynrw., fTfatvAvta, Ar. , A -e. , .Fe. Grills. UUkt omesa (uveas. End Cashmere.l.lak. and Cotton. CONSISTING or Wia�ya, Holland*, re, LIMP. Beltdl rreA t a j,, MIR Lison, Cotton. Ties, Lama. 14 , swlbr.idvrte., Plannele, Salle Commences Saturday, 27th March Dederick. March 111th. 11M Met