HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-28, Page 4•4 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1886.
sew £4.eetbemewbVUts Wonlb
Washed Peter Adaa.ees,
Tanortstg-- J. A. Itetd t
Sas:-(remsw.p ,sad UnlessC salt.
A .•aul'a anew, tis, Cala!' motes,
A n' faith he'll peat it.
Do mot be satisfied wills •a ul'erlor photo
wiles the bent work can be had for toe souse
pries. at eteetart s, the kadtaw nbta
li I Tow ANT.
The WIngham base tall players were ad- another load, returned on Sunday with
Brower's l'Aowt/roJhir Mom,tAly kms
Ewen rewired. As usual H i• lull if in-
tereetlitg information to stolen of all
•stThor•. Thor who wish sample copies
w address H. k t -Browne, 23
Mateo rum, New Torts.
As4OM the festive picnic p. --1T bee
«Nffilleeiw with the butlertlta. T't.`
wing math will be a big picnic
month, or wise all the signs will fail. The
Methudiet pram men ars wt going to
d0 without the gull all the same -
The schooner Ariel of this port, Capt.
McKenzie, after subsiding her first cargo
( Iwuher es*led for Serpent giver with
alriag the geed chitties of our uoterb-k
swells on Monday. The host dreee(d yowls
teen iu Ooderlcb p4troalse F. k A. Pacus.M.
Dun:fliun day will be the best holiday. ►.d
a big time is expected with the champion
Sallow*, the photographer. can al-
ways bed pe p
• lad of lath and lumber, which she un
loaded iso Monday and sailed for Blind
Jobs McPherson, athlete, of [initial,
wishes to stale that he is not the person
John Thorp, of Detroit, who for the
brniaeprtsu m t sa
Tu.re.--A• .e uu
Plot lee Sn has at .pethe attention draw the attenticof oar readers who
months iv Uuderich, recently lett for the ei iuplate a trip to gurups to the low
old eeumtry, and after arriving pet up at mt., noes awed by the "anchor"' Line
the flberbrse hotel, Dahlia. He died Oleg„„ and Lit reveci services
swat Con.
suddenly st after hma
Ilia *trivet Mrs. siderwble 1lydttsthw Ite6 Itttely been de
71°T* ssa5mian 1 Win. The family in the east of • journey etre the oce•e
L-.. tit aywpatby 1.1 their mater Meads ou lite splotch(' Nrrtmers of tbIR Lilts,
in Galertc •n a h dm d Andl through the book of roars,
It will be rather hard on e elerioal published by the ,^sets Ne.sat
[entry who love angling that bees anti too Brothers, 7 iluwhug Orson, -
pickerel cannot be caught until the 13th York, will afford much woeful udoriaatiuu
of June. But such is the law- Some to those who seek an enjoyable and in -
preachers are rare anglers, and cumpottw struohve sojourn either in England,
their eaten while fishing, They I fic.4land, or Inland.
make pnew division every time they re-
new their batt, and subdivide It every
twos they cast in their line.
Mader Douglas O'Connor, a sou of H.
P. O'Connor, M. P. P. , met with • painful
accident last Wednesday de esu rid-
I,ad of lumber with Master
Ati a meeting of the Board of Trusters
of Woodstock thongs, held Thursday in
Toronto, • uew principal of that tnstitu
tern was appointed in the pintoes of The -
don 11 Itand, who, during the past
depended u m w du first-class wart• veer, has accepted a chair in the Mo-
Tbere is•acltemeat in the groceries because who laid information against revere l ing iso • !Master Hall. Toronto. The Bev. N.
0sosgeiiII is aAliag luxds ohcap. His stook hotel keepers at Blyth for selling liquor 1 Stanley McLean, when one of the boards ' Wolverton, B. A. who has served as
ticrockery and vwwoce ls the mast .ttrao-son offend Muter O'Connor with it. He principal al, Woodstock for tire years l
the in tows !rah groceries in stuck atom- tart fall. The umber Julio worMcking
in Blyth
u fell a •n.,i in the
est plies*. • blacksmith who was working Blyth Kot an ugly cut on the aide of the (ane put, has accepted • D
"Peddlers, le Or exclaimed Mrs. )tcOlaals. at that time. and the doctor was obliged to put several college, together with the position of
Indignantly. I've dune aothisit this wbuM stashes In It. -(Walkerton Herald. business manager. His services will
yawed inning bat en o• the !root taws u4 A. M. Polley, the veteran horde dower, The genual bri cam fax No. 1 thou be retained. The Board, in swept
wrier teem elf When 1 wast soothing. 1 oto left fur ri...1 ua, Ohio, on Friday. with district R•d• D inq tin rcsilfwtion t [ the prineip•bhip,
M t er psi rr t Son's..d set gsuer gu*i• a(
'sw.t pp cui teas asked ban give are ' sad a arlma of bureea. Mr. Pansy s ons tharine til me me take place
usual `the lahis atter d I 1 very stroo¢ly their sense of
Mrs. 31c4Hhefs walked tack a her poet u of the Duet Dominion,
soul handlers of horses
olio heard the frost gas slam In the Dominion, loving shipped almost of June. It is 1 that the the great value of his services, and voted
-`ieh h" -
Rev. Yr. Keeley, of Stswley, was in ei.outth horses in his day to supply ao u14 ktaapreks,
town last week. ordivary state. leen in vogue for •o many years. have
teen dune away with, and the new mili-
Aodnw Whitely is on a business trip Si. George's church aro tary valise now in use in the British
to tho Northwest. lugs congrrltatio:n next Sunday on the •11117 will be issued to the mew for the
M. C. Cameron bas returned from hie oxmioxn of the Bishop's visit. Thbus
i• bu• *.minw amp.
business trip to Ottawa nem committee are also appealing to the
Gavin streams bas recuverel from conrrwgatioa 0 pay of the last of the His Honor Judge Doyle will hold
Lia recent iudisposition. Mating debt in the of•st•ry, all of which courts for the final revision of the voters'
we bupe will be realised lints, of the West Riding of Huron, u
Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin of H,t mall, f the death at
R follows 7 East Wawamosh at Belgrave,
1\ . have lust learned o • July 6th ; Clinton at town ball, July7th;
were in
town during the week. Id, m Prom co'sgoistiun of the
Miss Elite McIntosh u the guest of la nV. frog ca Cassidy, relict of the talo (ioderieh township at Holmesvilb,
Turot.to friends for • few weeks. T.r Cassidy, Formerly of Goderioh. ohs July 8th ; Ashfield at Beck's hotel.
Bob Struthers, of Brussels, •'antic was the mother of Dr. J. F. Cassidy. Dungannon, July 1th ; West Ww•awsh
Lis parents here during the weak. Her remains wetaken to Nejaunee, •t court hoose, Dungannon. July 10th
Colborne at town hall, Carlow, July
Mrs. W. Smith, of East street, is vis- and plated hoick hes koaband- 13th, and liuderieh town, July 14th
Bing friends in Hamn iltoacrd Toronto. Tuesday last A. M, Polley reoeired Bao Bora-Un Wednesday eveW.
Will McNair was in town deritg the three handsome sew beggies from John I some lads tried to enter the stun vof
e W .
Week, combining business with pleasureHolt, lecturer Brantford,
more. Brantford, and he Sharman, North street, by the sellar
, Mrs Toms and Mise Sibyl returned is daily egpeetimg three He has wind -ow. A pane of glass was broken
imam from • pleasant vett to Stmcoe ue also ordered ten Oew sets of mow' end in the window, through which the
Tuesday last.intends to .h.xtly kava • number of five meal burgers crawled. The trap door
steppers in his stable A. M. P. is oto ;ding into the cellar was 1 rely
R Rutledge, of the Globs Cigar Man- nig to beat the record this season.
nfacturing Cu., 19etroit,was in town dur- ins -
Vets. Archdeacon Elwood returned
farmed from the top, and it was is-
itg th) week. on Wednesday from *pleasant sit week.' bible ler the young rascals to ,let at
The Meaner Ontario of the Beatty the candies or the till. There aro half •
Lite called in port on Monday on her veil t.. Nags., where ha was the guest dozen Inde now in town who ought to be
of bis datighter Mrs. Hueco Conquest. ' io 1'
downward trip. He louts well atter bis emit, and •x Vlitngo KINCARDINE. -Hr. and Mrs.
Mr. O. W. Berry, of Ocdench, Tot presses himself u better satisfied than Green, now of NCARDtou, Dakota, are ris-
a few days is the village the week.- ever with the lay out ui Coderich. Geeg at the residence of their son ie-
[Lueknow, Sentinel. We aro pleased to learn by the adver• law, Mr. John Gentles Miss Green se -
Mr. and Mn. Tanner left per the tieement which appear in another col- companies her parents Mr. Creon u
tailed Empire last Sunday for Mani- oma that B. McCucmac, the hailer, has
an old resident of Huron, when he own -
tuba and the Northwest Territorial done a fine business sumo he moved into ed a farm near Goderich, but moved to
Tom McBride returned last week from his new stand at the Toronto House, Caseelton, Dakota, • number of years
a visit to Manitoulin. He warn op on notwithstanding the dull times. W• ago, and speaks highly of the people and
tike Pacific, and enjoyed the trip hugely. like tow our business men ' resources of his adopted state. Mrs.
The Government dredge Challenge A. B. Henderson, who has been win• Watson, are Miss Annie Green, of
has been working between the harbor ning additional fame as a vocalist since Goderich, is also vieititiug her sister,
him, as a tangible
check fur 11,000.
Tea Usual' Msaislst - Ons hard-
ly the vast amount of valua-
ble and matter which is c n-
t•ined is Tte Lit/tory Magazine, it he
saes it in weekly form only; when its
several iese.i are brought together in
'monthly parts it presents an array of
valuable and timely articles that is fairly
astonishing. The part for June contains
a score of important papers selected from
the best current literature, British and
American, besides which then are the
d la of " Books and their Au-
tbers" and " Literary Notes and com-
ments," which oiuttain well-nigh 200
notices and notes. It is doubtful if any
other magazine, in Europe or A moria,
furnishes so much valuable and interest-
ing resting, even at tire times its cost,,
which is only $1.50 a Tear. John B.
Alden, Publisher, 393 Peart St., New
p en the past week A much needed he moved east, was in town last week Mrs. Gentles. -[Review.
jut visiting old fries's. He sang at a con -
Clinton, the litt'e backwoods place ort on Qmees's Birthday at Mitchell,
down the track, hu not yet arrived at end took advantage of a run on the B. &
the dignity of ranking a town sprinkling L H., to see bis friends at the terminus.
art. About 250 visitors are expected to
several days in town during the
Theaster, schooner Sligo, Carrpt. J. W. week. Let our citizens give the lay and
Greece master, ailed for Parry Sound members of the Methodist eoo-
Isat week to lead lumber fur Port Ar• claim' a heart welcowe. Godench
thus• never looks so well to the eyes of a so
Tale harbor seemed quite deserted on jeers.' esween he is being hospitably
Saturday, the schooner Todman, Victor
and Evening Star being the only Bailable t asdeo. E. Co=, of the British Exchange
vessels in it. Hotel, Wednesday last put in a hand
The schooner Garibaldi, of this port, soffit and new safe from the
John Mct'herso.n, sailed for Parry t ey ldie t McCullo h, Galt. It
fSound last week, for a (Argo of tomer the newest devices, and is ornament -
for Courtright •1 as well as useful. The "British" un•
A Couj(TRY EDITOR'* MSAL-Mr. E. dor the present t is daily
Wise left • couple of greets peas with us growing in favor.
no Tuesday ; they are pretty early.- ES•D YOU LAegt -A number of per•
Clinton New Era.
beat the record throwing the 14 Ib shot tion label wit! show up to what date you
at Walkerton on Monday last. The have paid. I( you are behind, a settle -
distance was 46 ft 10} in. went will be much '. Be hon -
The prospects for an immense crop a est with the local paper, if the publisher
frnit is good. Strawbetnrs will -bails has you on his list.
in •bout a week or two ; fully a' week Business men and t may
The Wingham Adrmttir bass ball crit-
ic thus discourses about the match play-
ed in Wingham a fortnight ago :- "Be-
ing present at the match on Friday af-
ternoon last between the "North Stars'
of W ingh•m, and the "Actives" o(Owl"
rich, I was surprised at the number of
men of the latter team that were put
out on three strikes and fouls, and same
to the conclusion that in Frank NIcCut-
cheon u pitcher and Gen. Mooney as
catcher, we have a strong battery The
borne teams took their respective places
at the beginning and never changed
throughout the whole 'match, while the
visitors were continually chatiging
around. This is a wrong idea, and their
eaptaio will do well to phos them in
their strongest positions and not change
A TINKLY Hurt -A it tf them, onions it be the pitcher, coat time
the Woodstock Standard thinks then is they playa snatch. The Goderich team
something to be said in favor of those is t»d of one man who is certainly a
who leave • concert or lecture before its good catcher, out our "wee Geordie" can
and bossy' it. He think• discount him though. It was good
that when people are in their place game and fairly wet ttended.
promptly •t the hour advertised for -
and the trouble does not anar aya ieemesiw
begin till half an hour later, the people _
are justified in leaving hall an hour be- The ministers attending the atatsoniU$
fore the close. This seems a legitimate c5mmit.ee of the Conference will supply
, and, besides, it is • voryeasy the palpits of several churches as fel-
matter to act tired at an amateur concert Iowa :-
ur lecture. Knox COCOA'S. --I1 • m. -Rev. J. W.
Fame THO FAR \Yet+T.-Mr. Thos. Holmes, of Guelph ;7 p.m. -Res. C. E.
Calbick writes his friends at Holmesville, Stafford, Palmerston.
from New W.stminister, B. C.. under Noire Smarr. -11 a.m.-Rev. A.
date of May 10. He found his brother, Cunningham. Mitchell ; 7 p m., Rey.
all right and doing well. Although he John Scott, M.A., Walkerton.
secured 1 soon after getting Vt.-roux Syaarr.-11 a.m.-Roc. J.
there he was mors fortunate than the McAllister. Kincardine; 7 p.m. -Rev. J.
Green, Port Elgin.
Wish to call Special AuteuUus this weak to tbetr
The, are showing • Splendid Raise of
i Good Suit made to order, ill -Wool Tweed, $10
i Good Scotch Tweed Suit for - - $14
A Fine Black Worsted for - - $20
Jordan's Bkek, Ooderieb, Mph May. tent
Several cur our teachers attended the
West Huron teachers' mowing at Exeter
last Friday and Saturday Fri t LET - T\Yl► HOUSES - ON!
1 brick nn Newpte street,
seven rooms hard and soft water. aced •
t:eelph orchard. The other house (raneeStan
ea *Mae
- greet. etsht rooms. gond sellar. hard awd east
The third annual meeting of th• wulllph water. Apply 10 r'. MEETH. 01141Confervacr, of the Methodist Church. will
held tD.V.I In North Street Church. Godes-kip,FINE HuUS doe
at 5 o'clock a.m., on Wedn 1 ae new taNektone Emote oat Nekton street.
Jose led 1!)86 nearly opposite St. Patrick's ward school. as
The Conference Prayer -meeting w t11 be bell offered red for salt wire !M e terms It has
from 11 to la o'clock a.m. eight targe bedrooms 00.14•. tiarhre• dialog -
Matteotti*t'ommittre wilt meet in the room library. kitchen, paned Maid*.s. col -
(, of the church on Friday. May tan. h•., all tborvtyr•ly Awl
The Conference latii. at 7.30 Special committee will property
8MEis ATH. Oodb c rtch.Ow l
meet for the purpose of disbursing tl.r mosey
of the Stutentatten rued. un Tuesday. Lt • FARM
June- at 2 o'clock p te. r
The Treasurers of the Coanexinnal Fond years. lot Wiles, fya this of Oodortek. WS
1 meet t euat 3 o'clock pro.
Dist acts by letter to the
B. t iZAft$. Stratford. if .d
For Sale or to Let.
sons are still indebted to this paper on majority. He says there are five mem
John McPherson, athlete, of Kintaii, - A glance at your subscrip- for every opening offered, and the peo-
ple aro still rushing there, but be would
not advise any one seeking 1
to go 'Imre just now at any rate. He is
getting $250 per day and pays only N.•
50 per week for his board, but the uses!
ter. from $3.50 to $600
Taking it all in all he likes British Cul -
earlier than the average. be interested in the following : It has
The Baird Comedy Co. closed a sue- been decided by the courts that if a umbo from what he has yet seen of it.
ees.ful week hero on Saturday night, partner of • dissolving firm neglects to CALEDONIAN Gana. -We understand
Tbey gave much satisfaction, and desert,- give notice through • of a that are on foot fur the
ed a full house every night. dissolution in partnership, he a widely holding of the first annual Caledonian and Scotland. They ars distinguished Eighth dour below the teat (Nees.. R est et.,
The schooner Rathbun, of this port, liable with hit partner for all debts con- games in Goderich on Thursday, July Itow ins. Post s6s6 iy , 1k) PEKSONS WASTING LOANS
Capt N. Macdonald master, sailed tut tracted after dissolution. 1st. Already a number of the best gent n holding dsplomas from the or ?rearing to change WAN-TING
Thursday for Pint Tres harbor, where A. J. Mauger, bookkeeper of the known A ttf Europe u +cell u L \YOl) V E tTu\ LDS v
ebe will load seder for Detroit. Harbor mites, while descending the har- (%
.To,hn Swansea, wee hie bawl studying icer hill on Thursday of last week,
at Toronto University, ie WWII for his sprained his ankle. On Saturday the iu-
holidays. ne ins not 1 , jured leg swelled to suck `.,, .. -
health for the past month or two. that the assistance of • medical ilea Rae
The schooner Esther, with fwd dust malted into requisition. Mr. Mwgw is
now about as well as usual,
for tit* North American Chemical works
arrived in port last Wednesday, and Tatlraa•Nrs Moo MicTISU. -A mass
_ IIt alter unloading on Friday nicht. meeting, under the auspices of the W.C.
mar old friend James tttretton, of the T-1' , will be held in Knox church on
Queen's hotel, Brawls, was in town Sunday next, at 4.15 p.m. It is ezpect-
Tueslay on business. He is one of the ed that Bishop Baldwin, and
best known mem io the trade in Nur- attending the reference, will address --the
on. meeting. An enthusiastic gathering is
)lr. Barnby, of Ashfield, •former expected. Young and old are invited.
High school student, who is studying Miss VW'ynn sang at Seaforth on Mon -
fur the ministry, preached in the Meths. day at • largely patronised concert, and
diet eburch, Luckuow, on Sunday even- was capitally received. Mies Cm ke,
_ _ , w uu in ora..,, t . .tliarent semen-
* In the °pant was with her, and
A. M. Kay, of Goderich post oOTce. M 1,
e w a (Duple of days at his old home in shared the honors. Miss Cooke also
Stuesels. Of course there were other payed the 110 the singing
attractions ; but we must not give the '01 Miu O'Connor, the Brawls oontral-
1 clrk away. to.
SUNDAY, KAT 30rtt.
North Street -ll am.. Stratford District Ite-
The great Royal Staff of English Phy-
sicians and Surgeons are making a tour
through Colloid*, and will arrive at the
British hotel Ctderich, June 3rd, and
pprarotative; 7 p.m.. Iter. John Scott.
vicuna Street -i1 am.. Wingham District 11 Oodericb. J. A. Mom
It : 7 p.m.. N alker1un Uma.. ('. iaaou, Js. F `' Lewis 1111r-
SysiDAr. JENE (Tse.
North Street Church-faro.,('ontereace Lave i, Ohre corner of tae.fern •m4 West
F,set, led by Rr,. Jasiaa Clrrewe: 11 ern.. elret, t: rte r. ch. over allele?* bookstore.
Ordination Sermon. by Rev. De. Carman, money 10 and at lowest mime lateswt
Genets] ti ` - t : 3 Rm•• Sunday -
school Addresses,DY Rata J. S. Coiling. GARROW & PROUDFO(Yl', BAR
and 11. T. Crossley ; 7 p -m.. Rev. Wesley _yye*..
ransom : Lord's Supper. Rev. 1). C. Mc- Oodencb r I 1 Altosamow. 7 W. PSroadt ITS
Victoria Street Church. -3 m., Sunday kMERUN, H:)LT & CAMERON,
School Addresses. by Hee. J. W.. Waikato
d id A Hicks 7 that.. Key N'illunt C BarristersSolieitore is Ate..
P Hen,M.
Smytl, : Lord's SnDDer. Itev. Jsmee Mc- itd b M C < rat Q C
ie er.
All t erre ams
O. Cameros. C. C. Rasa 1711-
Kaox Chureb. - 11 a.m.. Rev. James Dooley
7 pat.. Rev. W. A. strongman. Ph.D.
AtiIvenSAalss AND crntca rt'suc sans leis.
Wednesday Rve.in., Miwiooary 1.nniyerur)
-- Revs
Thursday livening. Sunday School Annivcr-
Sowers.eliA.. and C. K1Statrord. Alf. A.
Friday Keening Reception of Probationers
into hill Connection-Adeirens by Rev.
Cleo. Richardson. on 'The Duties and Re-
sponsibilities of the Ministrv." Addrs
O itec. Ur. OriMn. en "The but ie. of the
(Thumb to Her Mini.lrs.-
Saturday. 3 p.m. Theo cal Mots Lecture:
!ter. Dr. AjleswOrth. Subject : "Chris-
tianity u an Educational Force.- 8 p.m..
Meeting for ther promotion of Holiness. led
by Her. R. Sherlock.
Moodily Keening. Educational Anniversary -
Rev. Ili. Withrow and W. C. De nder.on.
Tuesday Evening. Temperance Anniversary
_Bova Cleo. Cornish, G. Noggin and A.
H. Phillipa R.D.
N. B. -All the subtle week evening services
will commence at 8 o'clock.
Knox Church will also be supplied on May
30th. The names of the preachers win be
given neat week.
C. S. by, M.A., and J. N.
D. t'. Mt i>Owtat_
T. M. ('*wale.[..
rn E. CASE, M.D. C.M., M.C.P.S.,
l` Ont. I'hyrtcian. Surgeon. Aceoeehe•i.
,f'c. ()Mee -,That formerly occupied by Dr.
Hutehiaeoat Dungannon. NIght otos-Mar
ht.'s Istel. MRS -
010 5N. Coroner kc. OAee and neidesea
Bruer :Weld. second deer went of Insatiate
Peri etumr, Sorgoas.. Aceoocbera. to
°Moe at Dr. Shannon• residence. sear fee
gaol Goderich O. C. SNA,wow, J. C. HANDL-
a rr
Loans anb insurance.
x ++.500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
to CAItEIWN HOLT & CAM EItON, 00o4.-
ricb. 1750
I ♦ x. amount d Private rands for investment
will remain until the evening of toe nth - atom-cisealions.ges. Apply
vat , wherethey be consulted free ClAKROR t P1tOLDVGOT
t e can Dentistry. `°
of charge, upon any disease the human PRi A'lE FUNDS TO LEND AT
flesh is subject to. The staff is oomprs- band 6i per cent. oat Ant-elaaafarm serer-
`I.NICHOLSON, L.D.S. ed of twelve of the most eminent phy- `V I fly. Apply to R, C. HAYS, Sol/char. Oode-
sician• selected from England, Ireland i, E N T A I. ROOMS , rich. Z01atf
merioani aud Canadian athletes,
pipers and dancers have signified their
intention of favoring Gudesich with their
pes.ence, if the town in favor
of holding games on that day, amongst
them being R. N. Harries's. Toronto.
the champion heavy weight athlete and
wrestler ; D. M. Sullivan, East Saginaw,
champion all round jumper of the world,
with five of the best records in the Clip-
per Almanac for 1886; Archie Scott,
cbampins general athlete of America ;
P. T. Howard, of Detroit ;George Gibb,
Blenheim ; champion hop step and jump-
er 01 Canada ; Robert Brown, general
athlete Guelph; Gid Perris, the famous
shot putter and hammer thrower, and
other*. A number of the member of
the Caledonian Societies of London,
Stratford, Oeelph, Woodstock and other
puints_baee igre•d to b! prsrent on
the ommeif l._ The day promisee a, oe
the biggest fee spat Mr held in Gode-
Swootrio MAT4•w.-A shooting match
at Canada blackbirds from a rotary trap,
18 yards rise took place st Clinton on
gen oma and redoes their rate of Interest. 'supply
first Universities NNate fends to say amount u per ant -
G. -eat Britain. They have had over 20 . ONItx (Md a sea hall, zona St.. N'e bare also reaelred fnstroettona hem •
in ■ll t continental, Goderich. Chargss moderate All work war- client controlling • trust fund to read out a
years ranted. limited amount on Asst class tarns merlNamse
the Brutish, the Cape hospitals, and at b 1-Q per rent. Apply a mesa q
army and navy. A them Th f
P 1 otumn H I G.f h
genial Fe. The carnia (N.arryvr says ' --"Capt.
Dr. M.Nicholson, the West street A. E. McGregor, o.f (loderich, was an May 24th at 8s. m., between the Chn-
dentist, makes the prewervati,lt of the town on Wednesday Yesterday he.tonk ton and (ioderich clubs, which resulted
natural teeth a specialty. Gas adminia- advantage of the competition between in favor of Goderich by 12 birds. Then
tend from 9 ai m. lis 4 p. ns. for the the river boats to take • tap to Detroit. were Bon each side. and each man shot
painless extnctiun edf teeth. We were glad to see that he has almost at 10 birds. Following is the wore :
A new hese ball club of juniors. the c.mpl.tely recovered from the severe at- normatcw.
Chpper', captained hJ Will Munro, u tack of rheumatism that laid trim up all C. lamer. , . , , ...0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0-4
wow in the field. The lads range in winter,"
read to
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1000000011 3
_1111011101 R
Stan from 19 to 16, and are y Mrs. G. A. Deadman, e.f Brussels, W. T. elsh
tackle any club of their size at home or
was the gnat of her sister Mrs. T. Mc- W. Elbrd
elrwd• (lsllie.ddy during the week. Rhe was W. Rotor
The United Empire called in oxo her I by two of her children, W. Latham
way up last Sosday mornine and took George and Julia. J..hn Dutton, drug- R. Votaley
a • tarps miscellaneous (renItht and • gist, of Stratford, father of Mrs. Mc R. It Watson
twin bar of The Empire had (iultcuddy, •1•n sprr.t the hohdty hers.
said' cargo of 375 sant• f..r a ranch ie They all vutod Ouderieh a most •terse
Ute Northwest. ties plea.
B. M*eOormse, the well known mer- la describing Paramount, the Komar- C. Brown
elkattt tailor, u asking preparations to dine l:. teir,r gives the following sand of T. Carling.
/11 order* from British Columbia, for hie to a young gentleman well known and C. Overbite,
(stylish clothing. Some of hie snits have esteemed in town "The sort polio, in.J. Ryder
gnaw to the Pacific province, and have stiletto's is the Cabs sehanl, which is C mer
"amended fever enderthe se hews' of Harry Horton Jr Tomei
D. A. Forrester
Jos Whitehead.
1 100001 1 1 1 -6
.01 1 1 000000- 4
Us. Rosa, son of the Provincial Imes- as teacher, w is ,e.ehed for ea owe of
MOM refereed from Kana City, Mia, nature'. noblesse. by all .esjnying his
em Yoad.y. The Donor looks more anfaalntattee, and who ie regarded •e a
Ole his twin brother Charism than aver model in uncivilly. We are sorry to hear
Sas been alertly grated by his thus, hie ft girth year, will sever his ries
11woes frank mimes kr return. 1 tons w
ith the school.
The vied was
very high during the
wet De a well-known and wexld-farmed
European Pethologtst about whom every
one has heard, and to whom 1s due the
initial and oncoe.sful treatment of several
diseases hitherto deemed incurable. The
able efforts of tam gentleman have been
highly 1 upon by the French,
English, Gorman and American press, price gall the std Jgine, west.
and no one should miss this opportunity • PETER JDA une.
Co. Clerk.
Oodericb, May Nth, INK 1t
e eop•i err
Oodu(it'h. Rlb\ov.. res..
ANTEU -40 TO 75
LAND• suitable for • site fee a Poor',
SEAUER ft .KN•112. opposite the Ceebe se
saes -r1
Howe. within • mile of the limits of the CE. iSRAL I SI'RA\Cid,
Towns of Ooderlcb, ('limos westortb aid i
Wtlegham, ox the Vlllaeea oto Exeter. Rlytb REAL ESTATE AND
Nd tlrwsels or eta ether PLce in the Conn- MOSEY U IANING AGENT.
y widths •ells a ypw OFT ry sial log
erre wt tocol eb by the ad (7ri1? ltirNw•7ab C anwpewlra /fljr7lemr•d
of eonaolti this celebrated phyeictan.
especially ,f they have received no MI -
horn other doctors. Coosa
treated in cities and towns west of
Toronto : Toronto 5,400, Hamilton
1,640, Woodstock 324, Barrie 100, In-
eeaoU 260, Chatham 860, Strathroy 670,
$t. Marys 390, Meaford 220, Listowel
210, besides numerous other towns, due.
14. 13. -Free treatment given first visit,
as it is the intention of the doctors to
nuke two 1 trips charging in
hut two.-AUW'T.
The 24th May passed t.f very quietly
ben, a few of our being the
only persons who seemed to observe it as
a holiday.
We were mioinfr,rwnel hist week when
we stated that one of our Sabbath echool
teachers went fishing The person re-
ferred to, although hs went s fishing,
has nothing to do with our Sabbstb
Genre* Burrows, after • long sojourn
in this country. Les gone on • visit to
the old coulee% He left on Monday.
We wish bis a jourtn,y.
M,•frnwaM 1. 11110111111199, oat Wedneeday.
May alb. tee tab W Vr. Melnos&M. boar
!Dodder. of • sea.
Dw.aaedt Erwdly At tbe D•rs.rrae. ever
11. M lath. 1 by the Per 8.111.
Refit, Mr. O. K. nsislitliM of Ashore. to Mins
Mary Ana IC radios. 01 H.11.t1.
Touts robe" At the 0,55gelton, obtmrh.
near wewwt111er iMac Stk. Mk M the 9 y K
B. [raft, Yr. id -•rd wear1e MM
Meer. May
her. ism •f 0dbeeM
Corporation of the County of Huron
will meet in the Court Remo. is the Town of
Oederich. on Tm.Aa the let of June next.
All accounts again* the l'orporatioa must be
want 1s before the .cooed da of nteetla(I
May whole"
the Township el West W*wanesb will
be kW 1. lbs Towe*bly Hall ea ti*turday.
Muy Mob, at the hear of N am.
*M7- R. K. MILLER. Tp. Clerk.
Take sellae, that the Court et Rea Sion for
the Tows of Oed.rlcb will be held In the
Tetra 0.4* ea Friday. May 15th. last.. at 1e
Veda*. Is the foresees. for the D.rpoee of
►wrkag sag net hing .11 oni.. i*la against
or ernes es Use Amessamet Ruhl of thaw paw
e.t ryear`` AB parties Interested are rsq.ested
Clerk Municipality.
Cleaerteb, May 1x1► IFAS. *17-15
M1JSIC. -M188 Ct /OKI, AFTER 14
yers study of tensile, le prepared to
ewssivu pupils for tie Maas, >K lemons
queitatiy. Tenor: -41 per quarter. ler
riga. traresslas atPecasoanAPHT. The
e11W11017wacea eleeleery beg
town sheetba.d.m
Wa)oae'. ooiarlek,
marinas is
M M e • paaElets to
ft at
oes. m7Eorifija'...Jo'Ni
Z A•etiomese. Ii e
if Money to Lend on straight Maas. at the
lowest rate of interest going, in any way to
suit tow oorrower.
'OFFICE - Second door from Beare.
West Street. Otderich. MVO
W. r7570
Are. L4/e and Marine laswraaee Ages:,
/)Cidt (lie x, to Colborne Rotel.
beads* maniere," 1 1 1770
Tke "National.' established (fill!
Tie "Hand-in-hand.' the only Company
licensed to insure plate glans• in the
The above .re sit first-class and old 'stab-
liebed companies.
Rials taken el Iowa( rales.
Ood/e rlch Dec. 3411, 1861. iib
to loan
moneyable ballylearly,. as money at 'Dar oat.. Dal
on fine -clam farm eocsrlty.
Apply to
( A1111000, HOLT t CAMERON
Agents for the Tomato Oemeral.
Memo ('
MeesAmnmw, note t CAw.
.nw 5.
aloe • large animist of private hawk to Isms m
en arsrefir farm security.
Oell•)a. 0,1. 4, Ibbs. 1511-f 1
VTo lead es farm and tows 5repeny, at low-
est I*tereet. Ynngare. perebalsnd. No -
mwte,i rimmed sweets few the Trost and loan
Company a c'aneda. the remade 'winded
Credit ('mnpanythe la*dta Loan Company
Of enesds. Interest. 5 14 and 7 per ee.(.
N. B. Borrowers ran obtain stoaay In alto
4ay,Y thle tatWart
1115 DAVigON )tt, oHNBTON,
ire., Oederieh
man !arra awl Tows
tomer laeg.4 Property u lowest IF
( eyealeg lines
if title 1. renewers mea,.ra a DAV leItor
•TON Barrieser• a tt