HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-28, Page 3JUST . t., b. o•rta114that 1 had muu
N...d him I .es w ill and dizzy
time that I can't help Ianeyiag that i
have •saggersted the matter—I d
BY ADELINE SERGEANT,know. iso fur me, there's • good fel
and try to get at the bott�oo of his
ACTaus OI "JivOar'e Wires," "t'atDan lecrlona."
Fouts Purrauuas,",otc, :3 Anth ,ny *wit.
It was twilight .Then h..alked up
drive, and the yellow glow of snset
CHAPTER XViI. ifading to the weer.
Dr. sieve**
g o ase s tau, Ii ht-hair.d I ' 1 shall see nobol
7.�� thought ♦mlh.
man with a fair, pigment !amend a keen- to himself ; "they will be at dinner.
ly obeerrwt hark in his bright blue (rya yea 1'11 for Lord Morten. 1 must to
oder- hart." die said. "I have sated as Lund !odfl
!found some doulty in turning the eesa
at the Morveu's secretary fur warns years. Bier-' knob, Beaute* ruse to Ler feet. There i' rrlorohabaly sus tatter reLxiug
u "There u Maven,"" she said hurried
remedy for stiff joints, eer.lracted weds.
and punkt oonKestioo, than Hrl
t Yellow til, 1t cured Mrs. John Sidten dell, of Urtou, flat, who was afflicted foo
you a yeah with of the bronchial
pipes and tightness of the chest. It . th
great remedy for iuteruai or external
7 peas. e
e ar to k
me ly. . Yoe wanted to see hila Say w hs
- you ah, = for BertI meet go. ''She did nut give him her hand ; ah
.camel) looked at him as she gathered ad up her papers d took her departure b ro
a aide dour which led to another moan
r Anthony stood stupefied, bewildered
woaderiIg whether he had offended her
and not at all well prepared ter win-
terview with the redoubtable Lord Ma-
But before the Earl had made more
than Iwo slope auto the room. Anthony
was struck by the chwg.
which had passed over his face during
the last few days. Hi. features seemed
to have became pinched and old ; there
was a curious greyness of completion
which ,wade him look almost ghastly :
and his sunken eyes had • dark troubledw
as of a own who wse suffering
from pain either of body or of mind. At
tint he appeared not eves es to nhis
visitor ; and when Anthony spoke W
him, he looked up with a start which
told .f shaken nerves. Anthony stood
amazed ; it seemed astonishing to him
that a man of Lori Mower's character
and physique should have Seen so com-
pletely broken down by a few days'
watching ar-d anxiety at a brother's sick
But after the first moment Lord Mur-
ven seemed to collect himself, and to
make an effort to recover his usual calm.
He received Lockhart courteously, and
mitered at upon the subject which An-
thony had at beam.
"1 am sorry to hear that Mr. Dooglaa
i*. been unwell," he said. "1 trust
that the excitement of our late Lie iu-
tsrview ha nothing to do with his at-
"I suppose that the fever had been
coming on forams time," said Anthony
bluntly ; "but I have no doubt that his
pto. have been aggravated by .
citement and distress of mind-"
Lord Murata did not immediately ro-
"Miss Bssilwtont was anxious," he said
at last, with deliberation,"that he should
return to the Towers. I hope I need
not ay that had I kuown of his illness I
should never have permitted him to go.
1 an afraid that at present he is to ill to
be removed fmm his lodgings."
"Even if he were well enough to be
removed what good would it du him to
come here, unless your Lordship were
prepared to give what he wanta ?"
"I am certainly nut prepared to Jo
"Is that your last word on the sub-
ject 1r'said Anthuay quickly. "is there
nothing that would induce you to change
your mind P'
"'Nothing, Mr. L,ckhart."
"I am aa loss," said Anthony, after
• pawl, "to know why my cousin should
prove so ineligible a suitor--"
"Mr. Lnckbsrt,"' Lord Murree, inter-
rupted, "will you have the goodness to
understand, once for all all, that I am
not wishful to discuss the matter with
any one. My decision is made.. My
sister and Mr. Douglass must abide by
i t.. ,
"Excuse me, Mr, L ipl;hart. I do not
feel eyedto much conversation This
evening on this or any other subject
y sows very wel/ that if I ante i
tei't Morv.n's nor it is exactly the ea
1ow, thine u it /dorvw himself bad writ
ob- It mi/ht not be the same flung to
tot Bente understands."
Anthony bowed, "I do sot wish to in
tho terfere,- he said. "We are todebted W
. as you for the way in which you exert you
powerful inflames'•
my The color in Beatrice's face rushed
ut oboe more to her temples "You mia-
ow take ; my ibgu•nee is 0.4 at all great,"
she said hurriedly. ''You do not speak
generously, Mr. L,ckhart, you ---Olt,
why an we not talk without quails'
ling !" she broke off to exclaim. "1 do
nut know why you should delight in
taunting me. I bane not known you
very long, but you seem to ha.e plea-
sure in saying the that hurt and vex me
Anthony assumed hie moot rigid at- i
titude of attention.
• "I amus you that I was guiltless of
t any attempt to hurt or vox you," be
said. ''What you call teuuta are not
>t taunts at all to my thinking. 1 spoke et
• your influence. Everyone knows that it
x is great."
"Great !" she repeated contempteous-
ly. "Great, indeed, when even Ic'n-
not prevail upon Mona to allow Lilies
to icy in the hoose if Berth comes
Anthony sono tilt that he had dune the the truth.'
right thug in sending fur him. He was tie foaled that the man who admitt
a clever young 'aloe who had studied in bin looked at him oddly when he ask
Edinburgh and Paris, sed was rather to see the Earl, and hesitated before a
pleased than otherwise W bare a zoom,- 111 swerieg that his L"rtisbip was at horn
what ouwpliated ase banded over fol Aethumy, however, not being apt
him. He 'atoned attentively to the facts I trouble himself about details, took litl
that Amtbosy bid before biro and exam- I, notice of the man's face or manner, at
the patient with groat are, but said I to/lowed him tranquilly into the library
Here, to his great surprise,
nothing rery definite. Indeed it would L• conte fa
have been next to impossible to may any• to face with Beatice Eesilmont,
thing definite at that point in Berth's
illness. The nail evident thing to do
wee to keep halm perfectly quiet and poi.
vide Man with good nursing.
She was sitting at • table in the middl
of the room and was writing in gra•
haste. The windows were as yet uushut
tered and uncontained, and the aoleui
"I'll get you • nurse from Glasgow if 1 everting sky could be seem tbrrugh th
you like," be said. mullioned panes. The game of a wen
"I mused him through his lilmeas in male gave Beatrice the light that she
India—I and hie servant Donald ; I will
sty and nurse him now," said Aathouy.
"He as be moved, I suppose 1
"Moved'" sail the young doctor, look-
ing at him in surprise. "Why do you
waist W move hum 1"
required for bet Ione. She
looked up when Aathoby entered and
then nits to her feet, uttering aa ads -
nation of surprise.
"Mr. Lockhart, is it you 1 I was won-
dering when to fiud you. I wanted to
Anthony looked back in equal amaze- °l»" t" P -u.
meat- "Can I do anything for you, Mise
"We are not staying here," he said.tlmunt i
"Where are you st•yiug then, Mr.
Loathed% 1 At the Towers 1"
"pre have left the Towers," said Au-
diosy. "We wanted—ludgings.'.
He was relating on the fact that their
.udder departure from the Towers was
certain to ptevuke Commit, and be
palled his lomg moustache doubtfully,
ail ii tc cover some 1, But
it the doctor divined this . ,hale
summation he elbowed no of+ of ip, foreign enough to the
it. He looked from Lockhart to the woe I habits generally held by them. Certain-
ly the under which they
had lateiy met were likely to prt -
duce either a great hostility or a greet
'.How is Bettie ?' she asked eagerly.
She had held out her hand to him, im-
pulsively, as it seemed, with • freak
fn•odlinees which could not fail to
please hint. He held her hand as long
as he could safely do w—a little longer,
perhaps than • lady's hand is generally
held by a new acquaintance— and Bea-
trice did not draw it away with soy el-
pearance of anger. Indeed those two
had leaped almost at one* into a kind
can of the house with a smile of inquiry
and then of
"Mrs. Pirie wanted to let these rut.ma
last week," he said. "I don't know if
they are still disengaged.'
"Yes, sir," said Mr, Pirie. ''Do you know why he left the Tow -
She had withdrawn herself to the door ;ars 1
of the room in which turd. was lying "I believe I do." he answered. "Since
Dr. Simpeon tollowed her thither and that time, however, Berrie has been
spoke in a low voice-- seriously Ill, and is now in lodgings near
"Perhaps you would object to a sick
the tows, and not able to be removed."
person in the house," he said. "Oh, poor Bernie !" egad Beatrice
'Asa general rule I wadma are tdr't, "Poor boy, I am sorry ! But why—did
or. But I've no objectioo to Mr. be choose to speak that afternoon of all
uglaa. I ken the Douglass** weel, an' others !—just when Afurr•a eau so ans.
Lockhart. tux" ious and troubled abort Gerald ! What
Do you T' said the doctor. '
'Wby, could he expect 1"
I thought you were a new resident, Mrs.
"I was, Aurae to you young gentle-
man's greed fat her in his last illness many
a year syn,," said Mrs. I'irte, indicating
Sortie with a nod ..f her head. "An' it's
tell ute.'
Beatrice gave him a short account of 1
tha events of the afternoon on which
"For all that," persisted Anthony,
„your influence is gloater with Lord
Monea than that of anybody etre. The
whole place knows 11, 1 have already
been told of it half • dean of times.
'Aak Miss Iiasilmont' ls what is said to
me 'on all .ides with respect to .eery
little matter connected even with Bet -
tie's estate."
"Maven consults me sometimes," said
Beatrice in • low tone : "but he does
not take ay ad vice. "
"He is influenced by it. no doubt.
And that is joat what I said ; your infiu
once with him is great, and I tbaak you
in Berta.'s name f..it exerting it in his
fa rex. "
She looked down at the latter that she
had been writing, and seemed disinclin-
ed to answer. But after a few minutes'
consideration she lifted her handsi:me
head with a somewhat scornful gesture
and met his eyes . ly.
"Do you net wonders little,' she said,
"that 1 should have any influence at all
I have not much, as I told you, but the
email amount that I have—don't you
marvel how I came toputtees it 1 I have
no wealth, nor great standing in the
world, no authority. But ; if you
"I see," said Anthony, gravely, "that
prvcticahly you rule the whole house. ',
"Yes. It is a good training fur me-
-ou do not know ---in fact, veryfew po-
le know. and the matter is not to be
Iked about as yet—that I have pro-
ieed—at least it has boon arranged,that
should marry Lord Moreton."
The stoppage, between her sentences
seemed the result of deliberation rather
than t.f t, And yet she
was 1. Her fingers twitched
SS Ike t el and the color wonted to
her brow.
"I thought as much," said Anthony
sim7ly. "I trust that you may be happy
with him." Then he paused and looked
down ; in the dim light his face seemed
to hare suddenly turned pal.. ' I am
glad you told roe," he went on, in a
scarcely audible voice. "For if nut --if
not—I might--",
What was he going to say 1 111e eyes
blazed u he raised them to her face. She
half nose, stretching out her hand to him
entreatingly. "Don't go on,- she cried ;
"don't say any more, I moat not lis
ten." Then she remembered what she
wee ayem
iag, what she seed to imply,
and the color rushed in scarlet torrents
to the very roots of her hair. She rink ch
back in her air and shielded her half
averted face with her right hand. "I beg
your pardon," she seed, almost mechani-
cally, bat with all her old dignity of bar-
ing, "1 thought that 1 heard somebody
attl.. door- Yuonderitand that my --
my t has nut been male gen-
erally known."
Anthony did not speak. A sort of
dumb anger possessed his soul and seal-
. ' his hps. He knew noir what he
would hays felt, would have said, if
Beatrice Essilmont had been free.
Would have felt !" He felt it bow with
very fibre .,f his being. He had lost
a Mantel', mastery oMantel', suddenly,
—and u h• bitterly told
lanai imtrievably. H. had fallen in
ve with a woman whom he had known
or just four days Wee there ever such
foul 1 he *aid angrily to himself. And
she was worthy of his love ; she had
proved herself brave, faithful, generous ;
and she was very beautiful. if he had
know,, her for years instead of days, he
could not have had better rea.i.n for has lose^ prepared with "rest skill soul
loving her. are. and the rs confident it
will ,maintain in Canada the r•p.tation
He did not .peak. Perhaps he had it has sn justly wnn in 1/11,l-nd fo.
"Justice," raid Anthony briefly. "But
I hardly know what happened. I should
like to know. He was scarcely able to pa-
glad an' proud that I shall be to wait oBerth's disastrous proposal had occur -
him." red. 'I took Lilies upstairs and waited
Accordingly Dr. Simpson lost no time with her for some time," she continued,
in proposing to Anthony that he 'build
"expecting that• Alurcem would send for
take up his abude with his cousin in Mrs her, d cnly say good bye to B. rtie —I
l'irie's Poems. The bombe stood alone,
and, although it fronted the rod, war
not in a position where a patient was
likely to be disturbed by the sound of
wheels or voices. They could have the
whole of the upper storey, to which there
was a separate entrance from the back of
the house. Mrs. Pirie undertook to help
in nursing and cooking ; a woman was to
be found to do some of the other work
of the house, and Anthony engaged that
he and Donald would wait upon Berth,
"The illness may riot prove senow
after all, surely," he said to Dr. Simpson
*ilk M attempt at
But the doctor shook his head.
"I'm afraid itir. Duals,* is in for a
'pretty at, ; 'I ;,' he said.
hardly thought he would refuse his con•
sent altogether—but we waited more
than an hour and no message came.
Then I left Lilies and made inquiries
To my great surprise and distress I found
that Berrie had left the house."
"You are on bis side then 1" said An-
thony warmly- '•I am glad of that."
A faint blush appeared on Heatric.'s
pale cheek. "He spoke to me about it
before he went to India,' she said. "He
war only a bay then ; but I trusted him,
and Lilies trusted him 1)0. My poor
Lilies ' She is very much distressed."
• Did you speak to Gerd Marven about
it f
"Yes, I arced him what had happen-
ed, and he toll rile. Bat I think he
Before sunset Berth was installer, in ,gas sorry that Berrie had left the
Mr, Pirie's largest and quietest room at
the top of the house. Donalil had been
sent fur, and arrived with the first in-
stallment of his master's luggage. Berth's
delirium was rapidly increasing in vio-
lence—it was not sate to leave him for a
moment alone, and Anthony would not
Tod him. His own had
been sent up to theTcwet with Berta.'s
boxes, but he knew that there was no
need to trouble himself about them. They
would he sent down with Bertie's things.
was almost sorry that he had no ex
"That is not much :o say," remarked
Anthony with irrepressible sarcasm.
•ss.+ •• ar u ,teniae aeai—irom alco-
ves," Mid Beetri e, looking at him earn-
estly. He does not often say that ho is
sorry for what he himself has done. 1
grow h..peful when i heard that."
"Hopeful 1 that he would allow the
marriage i"
"1'Itintately is a dreary eon of word ;
net one that is likely to bring much con -
efur going hack. He hail • lingering fan to poor Bettie in his
present stats. b
dishy to see Miss F.ssilrnont stain. Per- However, I am mock obliged to you,
haps, he thought, he might induce her Miss Kusihnont, for your sympathy with k
to d with ., my cousin.- M
- "1 hare not finished," said Beatrice f
with • senile. "1 was writing when you a
mane in did you not see ? W.11, i was yet
wnting to Rath. Marven wished to
t plea Lord Koren
on Berta. s
behalf. And indeed he could hardly be
11 bine that he had rightly
B•rti•'s story. Was it possible that after
all these years of friendship Lord Mor-
ornen )tad forbidden his ward the hour*
thong amid not I it.
` three or four days he knew noth
tug more clearly: then Rertie woke up in
Ids ngh mind, and, though still weak in
body, was *ode to explain to his friend
s11 that had taken place. It was at his
request that Anthony eonsentd, titer
Cisme demur, to walk ep to the Towers
bald se* Lard Maya for himself.
"1 don't want you to plead for me,
you know," said Berth, with • laugh,
whisk had in it • psiaf.1 ring that went
lo his ,sash's beset, "let 1 should like
1 apologise for any harsh or unkind ex-
pression that he might have need, and
to beg that Hord• would return to the
house. And you too of course."
"Lord Marva w very kind," mid An-
thony with onmpneure. "1 do not lino.
how he treated Berth, but i shook' im-
a;in• that as apology fee disonorteay
ehocld come from the otltinder's own
hand and not from another pereew,'s
even though that tenon were Mime Emil -
meet herself."
Satirise adored bhrhiy. "You hard -
14 lb* petition, Mt. Lock -
My brother--"
He paused for a few seeoadnrtttd
turned perceptibly paler during 0*.
pause. Then lie resumed in a low but
perfectly even voice --
"My brother Gerald," he said, "died
at seven o'clock tbia evening. I bare
come straight to you from him."
TO rex
It may h.• -Ireful rt
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A RSWARD—01 one duzeu "Taman
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Es cree a et t eme la Cl.fidrem or Adtdta
National Pills are sugar coated, mad
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Fresh Groceries,
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In returninx thaaka to my customers fen
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0. L. l[cINTO$H.
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Uudericb, Feb. Iah, Is.. -
The Largest Stock in Town.
CLOVERS.- Iced, L rgs Late, Alslke, Whits,
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OAT'S. —White Australia, lttaok Tanana*.
8gekwheat- Odessa, /IDa.
CORY. --C nada Yellow, Carly M
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PBA&—Field fees, Whit* ltarrawtlu, eel
Stack Eyed, etc., Dana& O'ftourkes. Mo.
Leas'* Elate Gena, atte-
FLAX SEED, Ms dead. Liaseed Mw,
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MAVGOLDS.—Mammoth Loan Red, cad alt
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TURNIPS. and as other popular
CARROTS.Belgian. Rea Medd 1.-
te lata. sod all blade of Slultsa car-
✓ ots.
dant Mods Seeds. all ads at Mold sad
roes/ Ae,eteSeed n
carefully selected Is the
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ALIVE, ALT ....... _. . tRSt.-;-/E14-
Remember the stead :—TRIC TORONTO (*ASH ATORF--
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Seeing is believing. Read th• ytgj
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and relieve yourself of all those distress-
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I That Hackiog Cough can be aro quick-
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tee it, For sale by J. Willem, Drnttgte .
The tide water pipe Co. IIr•dSbrd
PA , always keep • stock of (ales' Iodide
Ammonia Liniment on hand. it is a
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Jordan, Gederich.
2 Will You Suffer with Dyaeepaia at d
Liver Oomp'aint? Shiloh's N italiser ,e
1 to core you. Foe .ale by .1
Wils.,n, Druggist.
i)r Hervey'. Snavasa s Ran Pier
acid enough. Beatrice, at any rel*, by a I For male at lV neon'. preecriptinn drag
gash of gromanly intuition, had read his ofoCu. Ale:. ret., renersl .Harvey',
weaning. of Coldwater, Ont. ,says : — Dr. Harvey's
SOW her% Rd Pine is without Bosh the
Before rifle, of them said ann'her beat remelt medidine 1 ever sold, It hes
word, the sound that Beatrice fancied donee mole to.el than .other amd w a
.he had beard nude Obeli more distinct.
A has 1 tree bid sport the handle of the
library doer. it fumbled lase a Wily eolith. Shiloh's Qom i. the + R �g .��a�,.�,.�
as if the perms to wMta lr bdeseed ~ 7� rye alb y 1. Weiss, i - .`1. `.ItO
ilektiab Marsh MIS, iia, +iii��r-
I **hold word around Coldwater. lets
ONBBLB T TrnR7rtrs 1
.t:. ! b. arr;, 'nor a': '• n-
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