HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-21, Page 7Household Hints, elm len Tun. Charcoal Iwwdee will be found a tiro rate tLing to vire knives • p.Itah Mare dm bottom cruet of fruit pies with whits of e0, •ud they soil mot be M'gXy- A half teaspoonful of soda in ha'f a cup ut water will reltet• sick headache caused by indigestion. A hard ould is ofitimM cured by • cup of but Ituiouade taken at beduwe, as tt produce perspiration. Teething children may he relieved of by being imtnsraed in a warms bath and cold water epphtxt to the heed. The Srwiaylk Americo& rea,mweuds a gargle of salt ■ ad water for diphtheritic =goo-, throat, with • light dint. This to the first soreness. Mao a syrup ..f onions, sugar and honey for ut,atttate coughs. Fur croup or l bruiw raw onions, lay on • cloth with powdered gum camphor sprinkled over it and apply to cheat and Tune. and Dover with hot flannel- This is • sure cure if taken i11 time. Fried bananas area pleasantIneakfast relish. Choose very firm basila. ; peel and shoe them ; sprinkle with a little salt ; dip the pieces to tbiu batter and fry in butter • delicate Mown. They must' be served immediately. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY Around h Old 8ratua Brown, the once fatal t mattes of Oraoe Church, New York, A little turpentine in the wash boiler will make clothe. very white and will o•ftem remove incorrigible stains from white goods. A tablespoonful to a large boiler, or a teasouonful to two gallons of water. There Is leo smell, the boiling preventing it. OLD AGE AND DECAY. Mew se Nasals tie atl..tp aad Titter area Lees Lire. The following geed advice is giren by Dr. Benjaruiu Ward Richardson : The rules for the prevention of senile disease aro .I1 round(. They should begin to yoga'. It should be a rule among grown- up ptts�oas nitric to subject children to medial shucks moa • griefs. Wbp, in the surrouuding of Abe child lifer seine "rare *amity has occurred, u as beet tv make obi event as light as pos- sible to the child and certainly to avoid thrilling it with sights and detail which stir it to the utmost, sold in the end only leave upon the mind and heart incurable wounds and Children shwld never be taken to funerals, Der to sights that cause a sense of fear and dread combined with greet grief, our to sights which tall forth pain mud agun n nam or in the lower animals To avoid premature old age in mato fe, the following are iutp•.rtant points remember: Grief anticipates age. Dwelling on inevitable past, forming rein hypo egos as to what might have besn if for that had or had not been, acquirin„ venae for recounting what has occurred these acts du more harm to future 1th and effort than many things con. with real calamity. Occupation d new pursuita ars the best preventives or mental sb.ck and bereavement Hate anticipates age. Hate keeps the Bart always at full tension. It gives to oppression of the brain and senses. It confuses the whole man. It robs the mash d aervua power, and, digeatios being impaired, the failure of life begins at once. Those, therefore, who aro bore with this psasion-and • good many, I fear, ere -should give it up. Jeakusy aoticipttes age. The facial ud jesluusy is old age, in holi- est young • hoe it may be cast. Jeal buoy preys upon and kills the hart. So, jealous sten are not otily utihappy, but broken hearted, and live shun lives. I have never known $ man of jlal.,sa na- ture live anything like • long life or a useful hie. The pr.v.sdioe ul je.louay is diversion of mind emu& useful and musslieh work. C.ehsatity anticipates ash. Every- thing that interferes with chastity favors vital deterioration, while the grosser de- partures from ghastity, leading to specific and hereditary dimes., are certain cause of organic and premature old age. Tutu obastity is preventive of senile decay, I antieipatea age. The more the medal causes (4 mental and phyeiesl organic diseases are investigated, the more closely the origin of degenera• Dv* organic changes leading to premature deterioration and decay aro questioned, the more closely doe it Dome out that , often not suspected by the person himself who is implicated in its Influence, is at the root of the evil. When old age has really oo,ntnenosd. its march towards final decay is beet de- layed by attention to those rules of oon- •tion by which life is sustained with least (notion and the lest waste. The prime rola, for this pnrpn.e are : To subsist on light bet nutritious diet, with milk a the standard food, but var- ied according to season. Te Mire -feed, «1 tnadeawie gp.tit , four times in the day, including a light meal before going to bed. . To ekthe warmly bot lightly, so that else body may, In all seasons, maintain its equal To keep the body in fair'seeeeiss, and Um mind active and obssrf.L To maintain an interest in what Is go- ing on in the world, end to take part in reasonable lobo:, anei plesserse,sa though old age were not present. billitake plenty of seep daring sleeping To spend ni.e hours in bed at the least, and to take care during cold wether that the teesperatan of the bed- room is naiotaised at i Y' Fah. To avoid paasio n, excitement, luxury. fuss unveil w shuw his friends an epitaph. which Le espied from a tombstone to Wales, as one of the rarest curlwitiw of churchyard literature : "Hero lies in a horisontal pnsitiou the outside ase t f George Itutleivh, watcl.- maker, whew $bility sat that low was SYS honor to his profession. Integrity was the mainspring and prudeucs the rest lator of all the actions of his life. IJ mane, honest, iudustreous, his han never stooped until they had relier distress. He had the art of dispusiug Ihis tine in such a way that he weir wont wrong except whim wt agoing 1 y (` perswa who did not know his key, s• d evert theft was easily sot aright again He departed thishte Nov. 7, 1811,woun up to the hope of being taken in lion by his Maker, thoroughly cleaned, re�u listed and repaired sed act agoing in tit world to come." A Lee WA. vac b•.ttle of t.)r Cha. L ret cure is a Medical llulde and 1t es,w $....k misnaming useful tnfur«attw , over 811(1 receives and proomencc.l b Doctors and Druggists as worth ten tier the a 11 of the medicine. Medicine an Buick el. tti dd by J. W ilau.i, sole aunt i = Get your auction sale bills printed et Tats !Motet- office They are always don promptly and at low rate, None. i e. STILL ' W ER. • CARLW. 1aecwt'uuln{tumork l .i . town l•. P 1• i 'r 7' Ai jaw2c'r VJLtJ $.. soil would turdtallt tat ice ell over( 1.1 see soar if they woof to buy tHelit tUutniea/IlttiIlT t'lllt ICS, to tat! uta 111.' r. f titlettt1LCt'Ntiit will te Gatti iu rnob Lb.1itistau. DRESS 0001)S, SPLENDID WEAM, (�`. IYIL'. per yard. FANCY I)RI':. MUsLI'li, (. .• ll e. drawn to sale. throes% Tum Sweat true (R u• of charge, v Itchy read by thuusauds GOOD SHIRTI (S, 17C' . ds ed A tit es It Kuehl. --For coughs. sash flaring this weer At11t asiu.rfed air Sim k In an the .trio rs Are b wit :frog K -Terve beer in alae lay tautw: ^N -wt fes Cafleer.0 .- A HEAy1- AND CHER' sToe i Tluwt'utiouT. 1f mea, aced all recent believe you sol Soheow a ' e• y vellum and rest. orales I)r. Hart y (•dtR 4. abate Oat ..1 sew price. to be correct. Southern Iced hue. •�Zis.t let a e.,u;th grow troableume when it can he relies sol and coved by thio remedy at the small c"at of 15.. (Sold only at Wilauu's pro- d scriptiup drug store, A },n : dTe the Nedkat resememe. sec ells mimes as ms, restore. • I Phe ,hatine. ur Nerve tune, a noe- 1 Maumee betted spm Scientific Facts, Formulates by Prufra•or Austin, M. D. of Huston, Maar., cure. 1'ulwon• e ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner• • vows Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia Live and all wa.ting diatoms of the: human system. Phorphatine is not a Meducine, but a Nutriment, because it contain no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but situp! ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements o found in our daily food. A le bottle is suttictunt to convince. All Druggists seU it $1.00 per bottle. letwuan & sole agents for the Dominion, 66 Front Pirate East Toronto. MEDICAL 'ALL tired emote. Many sufferers buying medicine hay been disappointed, don't give up, buy reliable article like Dr. Chases Iry Cure. and with it you get a recipe book alone worth the n,ouey. James Wilson, sole ageui. t/ga1 and Left Mantled. A right handed man is • man wb takes hold of • hoe, a rake, • spade, or a fork, with the right hand down and the left hand up, or nearest the bud) A man who habitually puts his left band down, or, fur instance, the man who places hi. right hand on the top of a spade, and grasps the handle or shake with his left hand, is a left handed man. And au with an ■x. A right handed man G O D E R I C H. and left handed man eau work together in chopping down • tree. 1f they were both right handed or both left handed, they could not do this unless one chopp- ed on fete side of the tree and the other on the other side. And wit is loading earth into • wagon. If the men stand face to taco, one should be left handed and the other right handed. In hoeing a now of turn, the right handed man will walk on the left side of the row, while the left handed man will walk on the right ride of it. Feer colic, unnatural appetite, fret- fulness, weakness. and convulsions. ars some of the effects of Worsts in Child- ren; destroy the -worms with Lr Lows Worm Syrup. Im Psorggrl' Cu t.ot -The property bt - longing to the estate of the late H. H. Evans, was put up by auction at Chntou, and both lots disposed of. A quarter sere loot in Sipped, with smell store thereon, was sold to James Moore, to Kippen, for $200. Tuts 833 834, Mary re St., Clinton, were bold to John It*iout, for$396. in both cases the prices was better than the vendors anticipated. The tide water pipe Co.. Bradford, PA., always keep a 'Lick of Giles' Iodide • Ammonia Liniment on band. It is a necessity and achieves wonders in all forma of horse troubles sold by F. Jordan, Goderich A REWARD, -(N one dozvu "'Trestle $T" to any roe sendinf the beet four lin- rhyme on • •t ttA0.-roar, ' the remarkable Rifle gem fur the Teeth and Balk Ask your druggist or address Seeing is Inherits Sas in the pan 's Kidney Cure, relieve yourself of pains. Your Drags aet it. Bold ltd J -'hit hl. Read the testi 1. en Dr. Van then bay a bottle all those Ogren - sot esn tell you '(son °odoraeh ]lift Ireesaafeetber drank a elms of k M lira Otlerseitbeak's lead erasing hen asked her npisiee she said it was est issavaely. ettpkised to her whew she gee ore tht she had add heea.se it was se his. LAZAR i PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT By wearing the only FRANK LAZARUS ILate of the firm of Lasarus 4i Morris) Reaoried Spectacles and Eye glasses These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been pout tor the past 31 years, aad given in every Insane unbounded satisfaction. They are Tsai atter IN TUN WORLD. They neer tire, sat Lim many years without change. -roil SALE av- Yates & Acheson, NARSWABIR NAia'NAaTyt, Gl'ODERICH_ FRANK LAZARUS, INANUFACTURER )s Maryland Road. Harrow Read. LONDON, Clete Lazarus & Mnrrt•, Hartford. Conn.) tLNo cona.etton with sae other Arm i■ the Dos.letoa et Curds. Jae. Silk. IANo. 10111111.7 klitEMAxlit WORM POWD> M$. Are rimmed to tabs. CesWe their ow. FtegatIve. I. a oafs. save, sed edell11116 dews v►r .r wavey ar - ak A. B. CORNELL, UNDERTAKER Has MentMenAs•ortaaeat .1 Firer Claes oodles, Caskets sad Uadertater, (abed. in Tows. also Mere, t Hire at 1t.se.sabi. FURNITURE! • - FURNITURE! As t'atual he Ree the CHEAP/CRT A N D Pieta moot et all Maden' Farnham. 1 Ray ter Cash amid I Oan Undersell Any Other Furniture Man in Town. 1 Alen Sell the celebrated High Armed im- proved aproved Raymond Sewing Machine ! Give me a flan aid Env. Mese) Qa.eslt' Martin s H Hamilton Servet. Oii.etei. Dee, Aird. F. JORDAN, CBOT HD DRUGGIST, Dealer in all the Popular Patent Medicines of the day. Also the following i'wprtetory Medicines: JORDAN'S CHERRY PULMONIC, Fur Coughs. Cold", Whooping Cough. JORTIA.N')g COMPOUND ARNICA LINIMENT, For 8praina. Swellings, Rheumatism, 4c. JORDAN'S • STOMACHIC BITTERS, For Indigestion and Lam of Appetite. JORDAN'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF SARSA- PARILLA, The Great Blood Punter. JORDAN'S RELIABLE DYSPEPSIA CURE. JORDAN '8 CANADIAN CONDITION POWDER, For Horses and Cattle. %*.tp..rialty) Physicians' Prescriptions and 11ranttly Isar tope. Accurately Dispensed_ NEW FHIT[T STORES G. CARDONE Takes pleasure in a that he has opened out a new Confectionery k Frait Store IN GODERICH, on WEST STREET, adjoi.lag Yatant's Barber Map. The steak M ssus amid has low heel* bete Ilse best beams. THE PRICES ARE VERT LOW. A call is respectfully invited. Goderich. )larch 25th, taw 2040 -et SOME T_ M3_ CARLOW. April rah, IJtl6. 1 Erauel;in9 roue. t ti.tNt11171 NiC . A.7, b;;,press. Meted. Mated. Ooderich I I..-, &l ave • If IA p.m i f./g him Stratford (.Ir. 1 6.lfa-s i 9..aip« I 7>Nhm wart. Mixed. E.pes.urNht' I Le.) rimes r�p.aaprto Ar. le • as I 3 s.W (e:16 pee HIGGINS' EUREKA S�E�2.T FOlt PURITY, SWEETNESS. k FLAVOR IS UNEQUALLED. DAIRYMEN M•.pe�' J t fill' 111 1 ,, t.' vv---��L-�-��Tf SON' BUTTER & CHEESE. Age'', y for 11 calcru (*auras , Tile Latest Frellch aid American Styles !�Oiiii139(1's icy c i'Dau �t r� HATS, BONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings r:t -., Etc.. Ktt, The Chicago House. WEST STREET. GODKRICIl Goderie April Ash *886, 2042 *tk * * * * * * * * * * * *tk** tk #tktktkt*t*****l *** FOR CHEAP C0008 DON'T F.111. TO ('I'.L 1'1' THE PEOPLE'S STORE tttttttttttttttttftttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt w _ H_ RZ:I3 L_� x , Mar. 11, 1880. The Pecple's Store, Goderich. untuttttttttttttttrtttttttttttttuuttttt t tttttunittuttt GEO. He BROWN, ISucce.sor to Dlt- N'IIiTEI.\-.i PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. ilaring lately added a Fresh Fto, k of Drugs, Dye Stuff13, Perfumery, Etc., to the already well -detected mock, begs to inform the citizens sat Goderich that he Is now aIle to supply theta wit& PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS at Reasonable Prices, PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOi: SLOAN'S INDIAN TONIC, TA.Tbe Greatest Blood Purifier of the age. Every Bettie ti uaranteed. Sunday Hous :-10 to I1 a.m.; 2 to 4 p.m.: 89O to LSD p.m. Albion Block. 0oderichi,b. nth, 1806. 30113-tt Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runciman Brt�le, Proprietors.,, CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR STEAM ENGINES. FLOURING MILLS. AND OTHER MACNiNEATWANTED. Flouring Kills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Moves, etc., eta, at Low }'rices. .fill Kinds of Castings 3.fade to Order. J. B. Retains'. It. IV. f:cxtt5 4.4 Goderich, Nov. 20. 1864 1040•1y HAMILTON, ONT. £I'"end for Free Circular.I Mart b21t11106 EMy Amusements. QODSRIOH MU HANIC8' INSTI- TUTB I.ISHAkli AND (READING it0021. cur. of East street and tiyurre sup stairs. Open from 1 to 6 p m . and from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 \-t11.8 IN LiIRARYI Lra.li%y /Aide, H tray olid Illustrated Paper., .1t„••,r rats dc., un File. MKMBltltS,lll' TlrKET ON1.\ .lois, `ranting free use of Library and Reading Room. Applieetion for membership received by Librarian, to rooms. J. 11. uoi.fiult X E. .A L1: C. MORTON, President. tiecrettaty. Goderieb. March 12th. His, Iso. C.A.NAIRN IIAs EVERYTHING YOU WANT - 1•; .. GIOCBRIES4 NEW AND FRESH FO 11 1886. He is showing a splendid assortment of Cliiiia and fflassre. Come in and look. if you don't buy, No Trouble to Show Goods. C. A. NAIRN, Ceart Recsetigtare, Guderich ESL NOW COMPLETE ! NOW COMPLETE ! IA CHOICE STOCK OF EN gum inaFtew 00 N That are going to be SOLD CHEAP an.c1 C-roceriee_ ---AT- SPECIAL LINES IN • CIPODICRIcii PLANING MILL Kwov,LiwuKD 5866. Buchanan, Lawson! Robinson MAxt'a'AC)t'k Its ee Sash,Doors & Blinds DEALERa rx ALL grins •r Lumber, Lath, Shi - ' lea • sad builder's material of every deers{ SCHOOL FORNITYRE A SPECIALTY. ' AiPA Order prop tly:attendd M. Goderich Aug, 2. Itet3. }Iy SAUNDERS Dress Goods, , Shirtings, VARIETY STORE: and Tweeds. Wall Paper, Decorations, Wall Tints, Carpet Lining Hanging Lamps, And • General A.sortmeet of House Fwiiis1iiiis! The Cheapest House UNDER THE SUN. West at., nett door fn the Post Office Meted .IticePail for Butter it Ens. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. BOOTS &SHOES Reg h annovnes to the Public that th hareedn oodeeh, April ley NIA the store lately occupied by H rave Iiewt.mn Having in ab large and well assorted stock of Spring and. nmaser floods at dose figures the aredetermine to gore the Public the ben.tit, QUICK SALES, 211,1, PROFITS TILL BB OUR YCTTO Jr'Pleaae sail and ezassine our goods 1 „MeeReueember the phos, asst door to J. Wilson's Drag Ston. llarCwsteln work will resolve our special attention. fiar-hotse het the hest of material weed and llret-elaus sorkwea employed. lr"Repsiriag neatly done nn the Overton notice DOWNING & WEDDUP Goderlt'h Marchf IAAt. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. IIAVINIi ti}r,4I RED Tlflsi I AgrsacI sat 1'anal.'. featufat- ed High ('bow hanntoi'1e'a. Manufac- tured by Nevar.. leasee t Elora, net b Toronto, 1 am prepared to sell the preparedpreparedmime at Moderate Prices and on easy terms of payment. Haring it thom.or!, knnwledg.of the 0 tngaattfacture ut1lanas.and whatj� e materia an felts err rlulre•ell Lo make a And ala.s lwmrument, intend ing purchasers will find 11 to their ad vantage to commit one before per, 'Itaa-' O les. Testae and Nreeivi le a %permit,, orAIi work warranted first clad.. ill , (Eden lett at the Hook Stores of Jin. Q ('ook or Mr. imrie promptly attended �O. I:DW'D I. 11R1)WIf, PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. floderleh, Sept. loth, 1118.. 11012-0 The People's Livery mire JOHN 1X01, Proprietor. Tar sullertibes Is pry.•p.rN to horn fish the pe b he with The Finest Riga AT REAlw1NANEE PRICRR CA LL A V D HER l'9 Opens.. the ember" Hot. Oederieb. Bederieh. Feh. lits is isms`