HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-21, Page 5ROLL, JORDAN, ROLL. A Methodist M,P , on tea. "Fight iug" Tories of Ulster. T ielr Threats e11 Meskstan Lasd/eeds Ad steed 1• stay t0 ye roomer sod. Uk. - eeker Feep .. ray the Neel et sp. 4 ly THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY !1, 1886. volt A Choice Spring & Summer Dress A Ladoga cablegram says : Doris' the ilebsto In the Howse of Commons, os hursday nlghl.a heel) speech was orad. U by Mr. Jordan, the Nationalist me."1'" fur West Clare. lir Jurdsu, who is • prominent taenaber of the Methodists church, Imolai gsnishillen, w :be Tuwn Hall of which Isng the banners taken at the batty of the 13..yue, owl where, _nearly two hundred years ago, , ecurred lhe famous battle. Mr. Jordan is a tettantlfsesorraa well as losing engaged in trade. One sees its his eyes a reservoir of ready humor, and this overdowed when, rising late in the debate, be said : "I have lived all sny life siaorg the I later peasantry. Ir it contended that this Bill places the Protestant popu- lation of the North under the control of a Parliament elected by the National League. Those who argue thus seem to forget the nature and constituent ele- ments of an Irish Parlumaat. It would net be a Parnellit. Parliament, and the National League, having anower. d its purpose, would, is the natural order of • things, dissolve. (Cheers.) The mem- bers would not be slowed on tiny quer• dun as to esoar•tion, but Irish issues, and the previews's as to the two orders would afford ample security It was said," the speaker continued, "that time Protestant people would bare to leave Ireland, but they might go further and tare worse. Why should the landlords leave the country if their incomes were diminished by f 1 'lh.y would tuts find any country .o cheap se Ireland te live in- ( ter) --and they would still have their but all the talk abost leaving Ireland was onneen.a If even an Orangeman wee ask- ed whither he was wafting randy to 110 b. answered with a twinkle is his eye 'Not yet.' " (Iaog►ter.) The people had no notion of going, and the more they assured those Orangemen in the Muth of Ireland of their safety the greater wise they kicked up. He did not believe that they had any fear for w their lives, their liberties or their pro- perty. As to their religion, prnp.rty was a Tory large part of it. They prayed alternately to Prneidenee and to the noble Lord itandulph Churchill, the member fur Paddington. (Laughter.) One could nut tell whether they put their trust in God, or in the grist Tog party, or in powder and hall, bion..e they used the phrases indiecrio,inately. .Imught.r.) Protestant ladies and the , farmers' wives said they had no f.ar,and why should the stalwart majors sad mili- tary men pretend to be more apprehen- sive? •ruts, NOT Teak. The truth was that it was passion and not fear which actuated them. Thine peo- p1e had been pampered all their liver. They had enjoyed and mono- polised place and pones, and they did not wish noir to be pot nn an equality with the other people. The loyal mie- esity, as they were called, were enraged beamed they would have to go into eotslipstitiv• examination with Chair Ratratr Ciitbelic and get only their fair .bare of anything that was going (1 iaupb.) If, however, the Bill became a law he was satisfied that they wnnld he quite prepared. from the greatest to team least among them, to snake the best of it. It there was discontent or disloyalty it was landlordism .lose that incited the feeling. It was against paying tnbu•e 1 ..'_to England the Orangemen of Ulster would fight, and if they would tight against paying that tribute to England, why, it would bo all tight. (laughter.) A eery worthy minister had said that it would be unjust to send English aid Scotch soldiers to shoot the Ulster Wit - ere i + wee they mold not pay the tai. ben they met dig so. 6ib.rwii tbio10 1 mems ty wedges. pay up. (Latplhter.) Mai Tear noel 1 The quails* is, would these °rstago- mem really fight! (Laughter and cries of "No.") Of rouse they would not. They Mad no notion of lighting. 'Laughter.) The honorsblo member for Southern Belfast -Mr. Wim.. Johnston - re- minded him of a vision in the Apnea - 1 • about like an angel with Bible ender one wing and • rifle un- lIer the other. (Laughter.) 1 never could quite I whether the hon- orable member was going in for death or VOTICE TO „ . R8. for glory. (Laughter.) The Ulster t the matter of Pevea K SEND TO OR VISIT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF W. BRETHOUR,& CO. BRANTFORD. AT t•Kb-ill\'T WE ARE ISHi)WINO NOVELTINS IN Fancy Wool Dress G-oods all colors. Fanoy 'Wool Dress Goods in black_ Plain Lama Colths, in black and colors. A.11 the New Makes in Canvas, Boucle, Azo_ Rare Value in Black and Colored Satins. Wp: HAVE A LARGE: itANUK OF WASHING DRt)i8 600118 IN PRINTS, LAWNS, ALSATIAN CLOTHS, &C. BOURRETTES, CORD STRIPS, GINGHAMS, &c. Otte Prfats ars very chelo. In design and color. - Our Glagbasu are very low is pry e. CG -LOVES AND HOSIERY. TAFFETA GLOVES, all colors anti sizes. - PURE SILK GLOVES, all colors and sizes. BLACK COTTON HOSE all sizes. - COLORED COTTON HOSE, all sizes. Brantford, Mai 6th, 1t6 Z 0 _a Ft 0 W cc d ■ WILSON'S W iii_.. .�_, -. clulT NSUmaw H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. '3NO18 onaa GODERICH aglieaK3 aag WOR88_ Harbor entrekomed the business of JOSEPH sstrroulE. Marble Cutter, 1 take thta ep- portunity of eanouncing to the oeople of the County of Huron. that we are now prepared to execute all orders 1n MARBLE & GRANITE Moouiueots lladstos, ite., lite. Having many - "est exorrtenes.we feel ooandent of giving aatl.feetlon to these who may favor us with their orders, NmdorsanaDoorSills HOUSE FURNISHINGS, ETC., Supplied at P.eaaonable ]'ales. Those intendingto uecbaar Monuments or Headetowea willnd It 1a their interest to GIVE US A CALL. Permit) wi.hiwg cemetery work dose. such as reentries in.cri •lona. etrelghtening head- smen's etc.. can rely on the work being dose Is a moat sa'Isfactory manner. if/We solicit an inspection of the work now in the shop. ROBERTSON i BELL. Goderlch. March lath. Mee. Effikem Conservatives never could tell whether they were going to. Ise lieutenaate, cap- tains or majors in the new Ulster army. (Laughter.) •Oarl(MT TWO Qt -tint's AMT. If they iutended fighting they would want arses, ammunition, a ootntiliiariat and a medical t, and thou they would have to borrow an English gener- al -laughter) -and when all was ready they would have to fight the Moran'. army. (Laughter.) that these eteen did not intend to fight at all and that their defiant language was mere bunkum. (laughter.) "I never cb- jected lac what was fair rent. I have been onosulted by thousands of tenants. and have never given advice which I e lsowld feel . to est platted before thin Houm i deny that the Methodists of Ireland are against the Bi1L I admit that a majority of them antagonistic, but her., as with the antagonistic, bytecians, there is a thinking sad wing minority in favor of Hoots 1 have letters in my pocket from ' no who have changed their views sine the last .lection. I ate the Hoose to give a large me..ur. ;of Home Rule, and not to repeat the blondes of the land legiel.tinn 1,y giving hare mea - . ares, which would cooly keep the agita- tion allva" We regi to have to annoonee 1he death of Joie Little, who died soddenly May 22tk. D.eseesd was a young was agd twenty • is onaarrled sad highly esteemed by al� wbo knew him. 11. died after only twwt -far bean' shit - e ra His parents .*d friends have the satin sympathy of the eommonity at of tie Township of 'Vawanesh, in the County of Huron. General Storekeeper. The above noised Perna Kz neffr W made an zeatgw,neat to tae taireseaseessef Y Vie.. Utsap. !, Ontaria of W his eMale.ad effects. in trust. for the besewt of kis credlt- o A meeting of the Creditors of the said Preen KzAtwrtu will be hens at my Omte, iso the Court How, Is the Town of tloderich, on PI1I DA Y. the reveler -First [)any of Moe, A. 1). 1RRIi, at the hour of Lino'clocko'clock p.m.. for the pur- tke tloTlf tlg Of all Inspectors.of aerosol of toe sae. C,adttors are requested to die their claims against the said estate with me es or before the day of meeting. T rred by amdavite to are required by the Act. ROB .RT OiRBONB. Sherif of Huron. sen ; -t't Trustee. SREItIFIr'S SALE OF LANDS. ---- tamer of Heron.. Ry virtue of a Writ of To Wit trim -0' "Lemma le.oew out et Her Majesty's HIgle Court et J.M{ee, Mos - eery DO Sion mid ea Wise Weft .t pert "etas morsel out of Her M High :burr of Janice. Commas Ptw DlvietA. and to Inn dlrette4 sand dallv_LA=MOM Ya1Mt the Lands iced Tttwwwsts of WI MOM sad J ansa M.•K,* si. at the emit et RAND au. k Itoos, 1 hove .Hard and takes to £treatise sad will Odle tsr Bale. at why imam 1a the Court Row. to the Towarof Ondertett. on Tuesday, the Birth Day of JULY, IRRl., at the beer r eet�neves ' s t. fare- th .u.ii ▪ ' rp.treeed21�tiAe.r to tMe p..a� F F. r....t may` sS Hems .ewtslniwg .w. asses► re 1041 -Sm RE v OLUTION PRICES_ CALL AND SEE THE— TRE�IEly tt . OVS —BARGAINS— NOW BEING oP'rKEIl) AT IMRIE'13 001 - STORE jilfrAfrjeffifelff-MV-pfle-Alle-Mff-ths "MVIlletillititst -116 -War nuc T al Will Cour�cc. FIRST-Ql.Ai1B GOODS AT LOW PRI ll[l Q CK SALES +•1111,1r-�r-r�,>rr"'+t-�t�t�lt-.E-s4-a4 us JAS. IMRIE, Moorhouse's Old Stant!, Court House Square, C -OE RICH. a Look Here! Osavteg 10018 01110HAIM$ at le a Gast-Iwg 800TCH OIItOH111g at Ilia. Tat Bear FACTORY COTTON foe ever saw for the m..aey—le. - COTTON A DES, SHIRTING$, AND I'Rl'vTB, AT Psi. CI Te.T WILL Aaroalail 1'OV. All otter lines in DRY GOODS • n•pbte. Fru. STot•t or GROCERIES. We Buy WOOL, Brrrs:a At Eu..a. COLBORNE CROS, GODER,ICH. ..vc+ MILLINERY. Hating beta to the Markets, and haring tick -ilea with arc set:u.• au a.wrtmeat of MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS as anyone could desire. i will offer the same at such Iteasotoble Priors as a ill ensure matte - Oen to the Purchaser and myself, and will ea.L•a�i.r, :.r in clic pro.' to do all in my power to give sari -tat tlot . ,. My Millinery embraces all the Newest Shades of Colorise. and the wast no metier deaigaa My stock of Fancy Goods comprise all {jg �3.eel )I.:ua. w Oricutal l..:e. W All -Over a1" le Chorea I have the Beet v aloe pnw-nrabee. Ttnoel la balls of all the Newest Shad lied at prices that will insure a •pprryed sale. �T5,Trtmmiag iw•gartesent is ander the sas.agrment of MISS t'AM1:RO . who will devote hoe role attention 10 her Customers, and will endeavor to )Arnie 1111 tt bo will entrust her with tbeir orders. HATS DONE OVER IN THE .h t,, i t .'..s;, . STYLES. FARM . TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Yours very respectfully. Keret* lith. laM. IWls- MRS. C. H. GIRVIN, Hamilton street, (leder. 1. t ,1 , e trout Colborne Hotel, TO TEE ttr u a a.dIC IN GENERAL : ALS; �._ . u . O, cewetal gaper and iMaedasaw. Hay Ina .ow received the bulk of his Spring Perelman, M - - .ng a t'ho.ca Selection of FASHIONABLE AND DESIRABLE GOODS, Newest Shades and Textures, All -Wool DeBeiges Verona Series. Soutlanese Cloths. with stripes to match. Black and Colored Ottoman Brocaded Satins.. Black, Double -Faced Tricot Satin, warrantexl not to rut. Prieto, Sateen, Buck and Colored Linen Lawns. Parasols, glens and Fine Hosiery a Marked F tare, Madrass sad Nottingham Curtains in white. roof. -e and taco} .:oiurings. (Eaeeptlosally cheap.) White, Cream, Turkey and Fane Tablelege. Towels and Tuweilings. Tray Cloths, Napkin., D'OyIys-round..goars and oblong. 1 The correct trig la Braids and Buitoni --ra1n� Swim and Belem.' IImhnideetee, Ar Ovens raw T..ki.as. Not deeming it .aceesary to esumersto the trgt - l� -11f mar ran as. sired that .11 departments will be rutty ogle to tllsr"atetly one prlee. Coderich. May sob. ISM. X. M'U'o. R. W. MCKENZIE IMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SHELF*.*AND ': HEAVY HARD w ARE. --Has opened our her - SPRING STYLES IN MILLINERY, sad Ma new the latest and most approved styles In Fealhcrs Flowcrs, Ribh�o� Shapes & Tm�ing OF AI.i. KiNDS. IiAn laapectlon of the latest novelties 1n header's?. which rhe bas sow os view. M cordially Melted. Oodnrlch. April `Ind, OM. ret SPRING MILLINERY 1 MISS c� R.a$AM Inas now at her Bbewrsem • tame and wetlmrworted Sleek of TRiKMsn ft ('NTRiM)IID MILLINERY._ nomnrt�mg everything that as h. *maimed is a FIrst-i Mllllsery Zetnblls►a.et. ea ars, Flowers, Shag* , Egrets, & FANCY TRIMMINGS i '.N PROFUSION. et levan, and all ether rlgbtw, tltts saw The Ladies of Gedaricb sod vier t.,wrust .0 tea. ren Jana Mr .wine 1. ter At, wen eeril•My Invited to not of the said RARKRT Pam C.A T T '� //�s��-O�\O�.�7D�1 smelt,Huse.. 1 1. .,i�.i.i �s,T �.w�`� V SW ah.ilfI.meows rob, IGf� h. 1 VIM IM Rist Pins Owl Heave, *snare. nest deer to Meaner'. (Dry Geews tits Oda.wt. AeoAeonh, 1 '62 re gINTS, OILS AND (}LASS, GODER1CH. \ RETIRING FROM Bis w =ZLIg� g�.Y WILL BELL OFF 078 LARD' AND VARIEi) STtC.., T,nrefs, (lookitoss, 'Istertn e, Prod 00 .-6, stare ssasetw,eot. Prints, Givtghatru, he. sad toe. ter yard. Medias, white sad printed. Silk Velerb, vdwrteett., YiGos, Week ase °sieved. 5115 Qaab� mere, Lisle. (otter and Wool. (slows 1 id, csahwtvre. 1.lAe. ed owes,. BennikrreAir fa, Mlh. Lime.. Cettes. Tia, (Aretn.wrs, draw. Ewakro.4,vsa a, Arawbrhe. ,f ., , 4.r., dr. Matta., a1t.db, A\ or Winery.. Aellrrads, (Avalon Flannels, 1 Table Clog Corsets,Towels, 8ltreis,9., 1 Xarkisa, Shirfa, 1 (whine. .Mussels, Mussels,i Betts, knitted and plain. Fora. Perusals, Rab, Umbrella., for. Shirts, :ge tiw9., Drawers, White (bffows, Ladies' rest., r Factory colt.., C rManu, Man .. - Bale Commences Sahrlay, 27t1i Mauch fiedertea. Mesa 1515. late. 7111