HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-21, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY Ql, 1886. 3
J031' IB TIME.
,Amman os "Jacost's Wtrg," "Urt.[s
Yana Pa.Tascas," ac.
CHAPTER XI% ((bntirwd-)
at*Tilt n cit*Malls L.
The fire seen burnt itself out after the
crash of the left wing, and heaps of
smouldenrtg ruins mailed the place
where once the Lockhart a hawse had
stood. Anthony found a good deal to
do. It seemed uatural to lout toasauutS
user bue, But M made Ito further m-
ower. He seemed like one slupetied.
"Cee 1 do uotbtrtt 1 ' sits asked.
"At4biny can be dens," he savored.
"But, Norwell, .het is it, What is
"It I oou'd tell anyone I wt.aald tell
you," said the Earl. looking down. •'flat
just now—nu. 1 ears my s .thug. '
''lase•ld 1• nue--need geurmured soythine now."
Beatrice, a terrible suspicion *wakening "This le simply absurd," said Lord
- -within her. Morvan in be iciest tones ; "absurd and
"Dead, iso said her cousin, with- Wise, have the goodness
drsaiug his hand (rem hen somewhat to retire 1.. your oleo room until 1 lend
✓ oe[hty and turnsug aside so that site fur you. Beatrice, may I trouble you to
could out see his face. Then with an in- aeoou.pauy her 1"
tensity of feeling that penetrated every He opened the door and bowed them
accent .•f his lowered voice he muttered, out with • politeness which chilled Lilies
the reins of —so sutural, cit- "1 wish to heaven he were!" to the Iieart. The tears Dame to her
deed, that some of the men who were "Morten ! etaculatel Beatrice, "do eyes ; she Lost her haughtiness of mien
busy about the place looked at bun curt You Lnow what you are saying t and clung to Beatrice like $ frightened
But t.. this remonstrance he mads n, child.
ously, and surmised that this wit the
master, after all, and tot Mr. Douglas. answer. Lord Marren shut the door upon them
He walked on - rather unsteadily it and looked at Bennie, who would haw
Moro than once in the day peropi. .•alis-
seemed to her —until he reached the d.".r spoken, with an air of cool authority.
mooted to his face un hu extraordinary
likeness to old Mr. Lockhart. Anthony of the little drawing•rooni which Kerrie "You need net speak," he said slight -
met the statement with the must coni- and Libss o
were cupying. There he ly raising his hand. "I understand the
pirate indifference a manner, but in- stopped. What made hug thick of en- matter. You need not apologise. I
weirdly he was annoyed by it. He had tering the room at that moment 1 Bea- only wish you to understand at once that
alto wee s woman, and a woman who
knew bow to love.
"Mr. Douglas has not Wheeled eled me,
she Yid. "He hes the right- 1 liana
promised to be ba wile." And then she
held out her hand to Bettie with the
stateliness of n y,uog priueess.
"My own darling !" said Bettie, stoop-
ing to kiss the white fingers ''1 can bear
strice hurried forward with a sudden I abwlutely decline the alliance which
grown sty with w strung a feeling cit h..s- you here the nose to ro
talky to his grandfather that it seemed doubt as to whether she had dune wisely y' good p pole be -
in a to •e sir which had tween my poor house and yours.
alums' hive almt an insult to be told of the
, e
resemblance tet weer. them never yet beam ratified by Lord Moreau's "Lord Morreu,'' maid Bertie, "you
"I suppose that at his ate I shall beto°seat ;but she was too late to present surely do not know what you are saying.
just such another," he said to himself, his entrance. She could only hope that Lilies loves me—surely for her sake—"
with arra contempt fur hie own weak- things would go well, and that he would "Ha,e the "Woes' to keep the name
nesein toting .fur en slight a thing ee a ° 't be vetted by finding Lilies without • of Lady Lilian out of the di*cuasiun,'
likenessWb.&t on earth does it [set- chaperone, said Lord Marven. "1 am sorry that
ter whether I am like sty gtwaJfather is But matters were worse than she had this question should ever have arisen ;
person or not P 1 hope that I may nut expected. As ill -luck would hare it, but *Ince it has been mooted, be good
prove as cant•kerous and tyrannical as Bettie had just persuaded Lady Lilies enough to I that I shall never
he was, although my face may resemble to give nin, one gentle, dainty little kis allow my sister to marry a small country
his ! I U take the resesiblaace e* a wale- it was to give him strength, he said, to gentleman, • laird •few hundreds • year
Ing." And he laughed as !.e went about make the avowal o.1 his love to his guard- and as im settle. The mar -
his business, but h4laugh was not par- Ian ; for neither he nor Lilies had ever stage would not be *citable. I have
ticulsrly'mirtbful. thought of concealing the state of their other views for her.'
Meanwhile Berrie Douglas. in the in. feelings fur each other from Lord Mor- Bertie tried to control his using an -
emu of his heart, was stetting himse'f ren. Bertie would have spoken out al- ger' "You forget perhaps how much
into trouble at the Towers. reiaay if he had the chance ; but Lord my 1noom. hu beenlately '
Beatrice good -naturally kept out of Murven's absence had given him no op- he said. '•I1 I might make a statement
the way of the two young lover, ; and portunit7 Accordingly, the first words of my strain to you, you would see—"
they, thinking that eterytbisg wesguing that Beatrice heard were these : "What 7ou forget that I am your guar -
well, had as thoroughly happy a morning dues this mean, Lilies." dean P' asked the Earl drily. 1 know
as could be imagined, Bertie s sense- Lord Morven'e voice had rec,ver d its your affair better than you du you know
them yourself. And I think"—with •
titans were certainly out of the plea/mot- mond tone ; it was calm and suave, but el" smile—''that you aro aware of the
est ; he felt inure and mon convinced icily cold. Beatrice *reloadis time to
that he had got obilkd and over -tired find him standing just inside the room, penalty of marrying without my con -
when looking at the tile, and that he his I.".k .-f uepression gone, his eye sent
was, as he expressed it to htvese:f, "in steadily regarding the two young people A cry of remowtrsnce escaped from
for • touch of fever.' In any other sir- who for just one moment, keep an em- Bert" Isp., "Cas you sacrifice the
. . he would have avowed illness barrassd silence. I•lertie was the first,
lcd gone to bed. But with Lilies beside naturally, to speak. He sprang ttr his
him holding his hand and bwkiug into feet. reeling a little as he did so from the
his eyes, he threw motion to the winds. dizziness that was growing upon
He was not very bad, he said to himself and then Le said his say
as he tried to fight down the conscious- "You have anticipated me," he said.
neaa of increasing alums. and Anthony "I did not mean the day to pass without
would be back soon. But Anthony was telling you that I lore Lady Lilies, and
not back so soon as his cvuatn anticipat- desire, above all things in the world, to
ed. make her my wife.'.
He confessed at last via bad headache, Then he took Lilies by the hand and
and allowed himself to lie tended caries- drew her gei.tly to his aid&
in; ly by Liliesand Bea:nee. They low -1 Lord Morver's brow grew dark. Ile
Brod the Win 1., made him lie down on looked up from Barite to Cilias
the sofa. and bathed his forehead with
"What here you to say, Li•ies 1" he
. And we trust that our ake'1 cold'y.
resders wail not amender Berrie an e1- Vi ith • quick imput,:re moyement the
ceedingly effeminate young man for ac
girl detached hereon from the clasp of
cepting these consolations with some nettle's hand and threw her arms round
it was such an exquisite her brother's neck.
sensation to be waited on by Lilies, to "Ob, Morveu, jou won't be angry,
feel her cowl hand ou lou hot forehead, will you 1" ahs whiaperwl. "1 love
and t, hear her sweet voice murwutirg hint."
pxefly „thing,in his etr : Alter his Beatrice trembled. She had an in -
long abeecce from her he felt that he was stinctare knowlrttge cit Mo
ter, which told her what the effect upon
deserving of some indu'gence.
Nothing was seen or heard of Lord himcf this avowal would las be. It re-
Scarcely anything, moreover, pe!leol him—it hardened Lim. He die
was heard of Gerald, whose presence M engaged the girl's clinging arms from his
the Towers was now known to all the neck and put her decidedly away from
'household. questioned, 1)r. Girlie That will rhe, Luisa," he said, "Will
looked • lint' grave, but replied benevo-
lently that Mr. Retbven was quite Ile
ton lewdly allow ase to speak to Mr.
well as could be genteeted. With this Douglas fora (see minutes alone 1'
ambiguous answer Berrie and Lame, in "Alone said Lilies. Her hands fell
their youthful ignoran_e, were quite
content ; but Beatrice could not rid her-
self of • vague feeling of . She
had been refused entrance to Gerald's
room, and she fawned that eom_tbing
• was not quite right.
It was nearly four &sloe' in the after
noon before Lord Home ilia& his apt
peartauea Beatrice met Idol
dents lleag *corridor, with the look of
a .s.'tweed in painful thought. She
game up to him and elm nor Dann IOU ..w
"How is het" she asked.
Lord Morren passed his hand over his
forehead, and looked away from her as
he replied
"Airli* says that be is better."
"May I go to him 1"
'."Bat, Morvan, this is very strange,"
el'iatd Beatrice tetsoastrstingly. "Who is
to nurse basal You have no one there
but Martin and yoerselvea."
"We want no one," said Mormon.
Ne spoke in a dreamy, abstracted way,
and thee walked on, as if he had quite
to her sides, her eyes turned from her
brother to her lover and from her lover
to her brother with • look of mute ap-
peal. Her face paled suddenly.
"Come dear," said Beatrice, stepping
formard and taking her by the hand.
"Come away with me for a little time.
W* own trust Ralph lod000thing apaiest
your happiness."
Lilies bid her face en Beatriae's *howl-
der. and for moment the two stood there
together -- Beatrice s arm encircling her
cousin's slender figura, her grave dark ,
floe rising above the golden head which
she supported with a look of calm
strength which gave her almost an an-
tique majesty of Lord
Molten glanced M her, then turned and
took two steps from the clinging figures,
the tight .tf which perhaps merle him for
• momenta feel himself harsh and cruel.
But the change of snood was not one
that eehtinsed very long.
"Lilies, are you going 1e leave me in
this way 1" cried Bettie. And before
Lord Mimosa *meld Monier* he took ber
from Beat, oto his own arm* and
levitation hie cousin's Twosome. This
kisser( her and unfalteringly *pa n
absence of hie usual courtesy mai. • pro-
the lips t. ..re her bother's eyes.found impreseioe upon Restricts. Morvea "Tr~ a' Lilies n" Ae said.
meet be (eeliwg deep grief and pais whoa "Mr. Douglas," Lewd Morvan Inman,
his manner to Mr of all people—women "this unwarrantable liberty—"
*hanged. the looked after him with a To kis iafIsite surprise Lilies into.
perplexed air ; then hastened to 1. /low • espied him. "Surely," she said. "it ice
bins, dipped bee head within hie arm for me to judge whether or not it is •
and walked by bis side. liberty."
"flan i mot help yoe, Morrie 1" she They looked at her he asteeheseent.
avid. Hee fags Gashed *euros, het lose eyes
Dowd Moselle tensed kis bead to look wen Might sad lase heal was lifted
et her. Then De laid out head fleetly proudly. Lilies was a child too hope ;
happiness of two litres so easily 1" i.s , rn imposing among its mean -
said. I sr neighbors. There was a scrupulous
"Tesh ! the haps Mesa of two lives 1" neatness about it, almost painful in its a
said d Mononam
with some contempt exactitude, the white blinds weirs drain %l" I M O
Lor - -
in his tune. "You will get over 4t in a down to exactly the same length ; the I I
month : Lilies in • week." strip of garden was absolutely free from
But Bertie was not so easily silenced. weeds , not the least vestige of a climb- H
Ha broke forth in eloquent protest, in ing plant was allewd to sully the Mew.- t� (4
argume:.t, even in pleading, but Lord ntate whiteness of the walls. With all "FF''1t 1 t
ed for a time but when at lest a pause gloomy. •little cold—wmelhutg even v
lesbtag down into the shallow water so
ant doing uow. 1 shell feel quite sscita-
rseutal if 1 stay here luug ; 1 must toe od
W Lustduo in • day or two—as soon of. I
see Balm settled and a,w
furtably prugreseiug with his;wooing. " lie
smiled a little al the thought as he went
soberly on his way.
But • surprise awaited hint at the oth-
er aide u1 the bridge. He had scarcely
set foot e t the pavetuitt of the crooked
winding street when M flame fees to face grave apprehensions iu Anthony s moil.
with Bent. Douglas himself, and (nom It looked to him as though the fever
an oddly set and strafed up which had prostrated Berrie after Lu
vn Burtie's face he knew that wmethiug wound in lulu sere Strout to attack him
had gone wrung. a,wu.
"Why, what's the "nicer ' ' he said. 1 orlvr[n
"The matter 1" repeated Bartle, with a
lurch laugh. "So you ars it iu my face, The e,.hstm e! aft.
du you! Weil, nothing's the matter— eh') have tried folio's Nereiline, the
"I'll fetch him for ye, .r,' said the National Pillsars twgtr coated. milt/
but thoresigh, loot ers cbe bel titomata
acid Liver Pill is use. !m
wosau with elaerity. It •aa plata that
Anthony had baud upon the ono alit w
she pa r(etred.
Anthony let her go. She was nut tory
lung away, but the time seemed lung
to bins. He was enemas uu Bertie a se
count. The youug tsan had reootrruJ
from his swoon, but begat to move un
easily from stile, and to utter toouhereut
words and wutcrteea st,;ns s ht.h roused
nothing to speak of ()illy that 0 .rvoii
refuses Lilies to me, and has turned nu
out of hu house neck and crop that's
Ile spoke in low, agitated tones, mud
elided with sumetlune between • gasp
and • groan, which excite! .Anthony's
at once.
"My dear fellow," he slid, "you're
"Not l," said Mania. with a nervous
laugh. "I11' why should 1 he ill ! I
wouldn't give Morrell that satisfaction.
And then he staggered as if he were
about to fall, and drew his hand across
his forehead.
"It's awfully odd," he said, "but my
•yseseem to be getting data, sir else it's
very dark. I don't seem to be able—
exactly—to see my way." He clutched
Anthony by the arm. ''Look here ; I
most go to the hotel or somewhere," he
went on. 1 think your right ; I'm ill."
Anthony supported him for a moment,
and looked round in some perplexity for
assistance, The one hotel which the
place contained stood on the other side
.,f the bridge. It was impossible to
drag Bente thither in the precept state,
and Anthony would certainly have found
himself in a very awkward position, but
for the help that came to him front an
1 quarter.
The to use nearest to him was rather
larger than the t rdinsry run of hose*
in the little street. It was built of stone,
and had two storeys, also a small portico
and three carefully blue -atoned steps be-
fore the front door, which give it quite
groat pain remedy is that it u "levet-fail-
nog iu pain of every description Neural
qis, toothache, cramps, pain ID the .t.uu-
ach, and kindred c plaints are banish-
ed as if by magic. Rapid aid certnto iu
operation, plesaant to tale, ."mint,e
stands at the very front rack of remedies
of this class. A trial bottle may be pur-
chased tor 10 cent[, a very small amount
in any case ; but the beet expenditure
you can lake, if a sufferer from atov
kind of pain, is s 10 or lb cent Settee of
Nerviline at dreggista and country t'I.ovkIto. Rod. 1.tr`e Irate, -ileac. White,
dealers, I.tiearne,
tilt vim Veld, Orchard Grass.
Kentucky Blue. R.•d Trp, Lawn Gress,
Dr Harvey a 1.1tITY[k!t Rao 1'n[ Hussars• and 11111et, Tares.
HEARS.--Whtle, (iulotro N'a1, Butter lkaate.
has beau prepared wtth great skill mid DATA.—White Australian, Black Tartartan,
carr, sad the 'proprietor u confident it t li uekwheat. Odessa. rife.
will maintain in Canada the reputation ( H (sada yellow, Kest Minnesota,
it has w justly won in the United States Mtuwrll's Kaertcr�•n. Horse �aonh.
For sate at Wilson's prescription drug PE.%$. —Field Peaty =tier, �laooth. t• and
store. Alex. Betel, Black Lrlea, etc., Mnlrl O'Itorerkeb. Mc.
general merchant, �,e� a Lutetium. el,.
of Cullwster, Ont., ssys : — Dr. iiarvul's FI.A X t31:Ef1. -ries Seed, Linseed Meal,
Southern lied Pita u without doubt the Gmumt. tut t'aar.
]IA\btULltai.—Nau,muth Loa tied. and alt
best cough medidine I ever sold. It has other kinds.
duce more good thou ober, m1 is a TCB\IPM.--Swede, and all other patellar
household word around Coldwater. lm: CAttnI)Ti.-White itsl�tan. Rooi Field In-
terntedtate, and all kinds of garden car
16 A NASAL I11(JECTOR free with ( Rnntlnwer Reeds. and all kind.; of FIAd ►nil
each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh lteturdy. t �a..!1•1 ?trots, carefully selected from the
•. tt dn,or!u (thyme.' (Mug there, lays,
wo..rep ill 51.5itt Iu 1sts well
xdr,-te.1 stock. �'huf.e
Fresh Grocsriee,
which .111 be Noel fe POOpar a far(retttj,
l...ot, as regenl..tualiry £Isd prio., soil
.u.l .ince attkk an tbu . fishy.
In returning thanks to my customers far
lh•-sr partnuge, 1 wou'd slot into. ant utk-
eraa' u a all, tut 11 end uute.t ity
8au1h \\'rot aide of 11,.: eruate.
Outlet it h. Feb. I+t h.
The Largest Stock in Town.
Price 50 outgo. Foo byJ. Wtlsou ' ."uses.
a A c ynN twat of Fresh Ground Quito •al
13 "HACKMETAC a lastin•' and SAMUEL SLOANE,
fragrant 1'urfume. Prion 25 and 30 eta. Hamilton Street, (}o lericb.
Fur aisle by J. Wilson, druggist.
i jest aro i.•.•ot.
Oe I aricb. a eb. fob. l itl3. sham
Z;„4 ti2
Morven remained unmoved. He listen- this naatueas there was something a little
ensued, hu interposed io a tone of cold sullen—about that house which wouldZ rl
authority. have noels Anthony hesitate behave 10 00 1
"Enough has been said. I refuse to applied to its inmates for help,
think of your propiosal. If you feel that But the front door was guildsal, Am'
you are not prepared to withdraw it. I ed, and an elderly woman •appeared utl
must take measures to prevent your the step. "Can i he of any assistance 10
meeting my sister." ye I" she said, drily ether than effusive -
“You cannot prevent it !” ly, yet with some interest in ber tune.
"I can and I will. My sister wilt re- Anthony glanced at het quickly. She
main in her own rooms as long as you was • plain. hard -featured woman be -
continue to favor us with a visit." tween fifty and silty, with straight
"You ars trying to Moult me," said .catty hair which had onre been yell tw,
Bertha hoarsely. He was stat.ding be- but was now nearly grey, tucked neatly
side the sofa, on which he had laid one away under a close cap, such as a nurse
hand as if to steady himself. "But 1 sometimes wears. H
will remember that you are Llliaa' broth- of a thick whiteness which did not look
in. 1 will leave your house at once. quits healthy. Her black dross and
"Your determination does credit to white apron, the little grey shawl folded
your good sense and taste," sail Lord neatly over her. shoulder, bore the im-
Morsen politely. "There are pleasant press of decent respectable poverty.
rooms to be had at the hotel in the town, "Wall ye no bring the gentlement V f''
1 betters. And when my sinter is in she said. "Bring him ben an' well
London—or married—I shall be pleased sone pit some life intil him. I've a drsp
to see you here spam." o' guid whisky inside. Eh, it's a bit of
• deem, like ;hell be better in a wee.
But he'll be weer afore he's better."
'•Do you think so r. said Anthony.
"I'm sure o't. I wits • sick nurse my -
e el' kr twenty year, an' I ken sickness
when I sse'L My names Isabella Pirie,
t` in the tow,. Ye. itemise
be feart to bring him in. I've use lodg-
er in my house the noo."
Anthony was glad of dm invitation.
He half led, half carried his cousin into
the house. Thew were c.nduoted into
a good-sized raids, poorly but neatly fur-
nished as a •1111m -room. and Hers tserue
was laid upon $ tors' old-fashioned sofa,
L 0
t► y
k. al a
rd 00 s ^'
C a L H S J
`ata r 4)
.c OUB,
MWS a4
.4),°,' a. 3 Q
oo oya
o pcv'
ett Z1 1
tJa H�
✓ O 141.4
o c° '3
"ti 44
Toronto Cash
Amain/ie. AND OLD 0000i SOLD AT COST.
Call and see our Stuck of
"Understand that I don't give up nay A211D AT 3302"2"03ult PRICES.
claim," said Bertie hurriedly. "I lova
her —she loco me—and I mean to stake
her my wife."
"I have do doubt of it, said Lord
Morven quietly, "—et present. You
would like the carriage in an hour's time
perhaps 1 or earlier? i should recur.
Mend the Royal Hotel —not the Iced
And thus Bertie got his dismissal.
Anthony Lockhart's business occupied while the women of the home applied
him until late in the afternoon. About vsrit.us old-fvbinned remedies which
six o'clock he turned his steps once more seemed to fail of their effect in the tate,
!miriade the Towers. Hi• face was for nine of them availed to bring the
grave and thoughtful, as usual, but young mac out of the deathlike swoon
there was a gentle look in his eyes as he Into which he had fallen. Anthony at
bestowed a last glance at the blackened last declared that he must send for • doc-
smoking walls of what had ones bees tor.
the stately mansion of the L.ekhsrts. "What do.ctr rs are there in the T T1 % i 1
Remember the sand:—TNR ' o ('.\Aft STORK.
0'7Z=A, Maziager_
ttedertch, Feb. Ith, 1001
Aid oaliLllt arrl!II all season.
OaII and See the New Goode. '
..riuGH DuisTZOP
atllN her:the Hate- West street, nest door to Rank of Moatreal.111
Ooderich. March louts. 151111.
''Ah, well !" he said to himself, as if an- place?" he asked, "and where shall i find
awering some unspoken comment ; "Bor. theT'
tie has other things to think of and tot m
"Well, sir," said the woman, "there's
hip" for. Perhaps after all he will not Dr. Simpson an' Dr. (trey ; sae young,
regret hie old home very muo!h. arts suld, an' both ween likit an rrapec-
He walked through the little town and kit—"
over the grey stone bridge, acting as he ''Whnoh is the better doctor 1"
went, with busy observant eyes, the op The woman shook her head and foul !
pearsnee of the houses, and the inhale- not or would not tell. Dir. Simpinn wit
tants, the venerable old obureh, the young and had net been (•ling in the
send of the brown waters of the river. town ; Dr. Grey hail been settled there
"It's nothi.ur bat • 'MI -looking little for twelve or thirteen years, but sponse
Santett town," M said to Muesli, with a people said that be wss ton fond "o' the
shrug of his .hoelders and a laugh, "sad draw. '
yet it seems strangely hnrae-likorto my "I'll have the young man -Simpson.
eyes. i weeder if my littler seed to said Anthony, abruptly. "Where does
stand with his elbows ae the Whip he lave '
NE w G-001)9_
The Newest Patterns in Scotch, Irish, English ana
Canadian Tweeds. The Finest Selection of
Worsted Coatinrs. Choice French Suidings, tic., &c.
B_ MacCL.j.i.�Za.c_
U isztul, fiend fits. IoM, roe