HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-21, Page 21 n THF, HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1686. COUNTY NOTES. 01K..d vtW ;4t'' ' ''t; y.;; i�:l till O'D01101113 DIAL e LDoal News From Many Sources - germs frees alt tares .f Berea see •n fes hews Embossr. there weak be a ta.etleet (.f the Cocenel nmmedtat ly. Mr. O'Dunuhu• said he mass! was • former resides&./ a �- did not read manyu( Sir J.du'• loiters,:01.81:404:11.4hiesiluintiewliiiie:eapitukuirrreagullagetn to file ju A lad weuwl (roes liesskeew, - Lean, eud officiated w • mieistof - - Frida 1 I 1 des • u( stray pemi.a e Preabytenai church for many yea 8. �sdalous Revelations Made to owWentel. Ou tM 1ttA cat 0,►Io,ber, W thathe M '' 1e n ■ r John aw owl the amour of the held or dstsr thereon* Loge jeriisg ou the area► tg isa the tlenatro Gbamber. main riots ►1ttm• trot We belie", £vise..J moa kI.c.brsege. because they were Dearly all marked , t sue w it failed to h.ou.., b..1 cue ••f hat brttpn brtekN ►y t • ,s„d „p 1883 1 at rt,te Si J h de °d &after* have extended a '.all t Rtv, intp an explanattuu of Ms views uu the the (roes ruowraig to th• was►k atria°. Attu bo I,st two other Ur. Howell of Owen Su a.tt t b.wtme - subject, iu aback he made Leo following ■cauda a n.at4 cat ahadx crew for that nm�e,, by playu►g with auesa •aplwive Le their pariur far the "a% year, and he has T\e rve.stero a*wNe-wuas wee seas- 1 r+msrk�: "lriah n will t returned 1 7 Dr. A. M. Sloan p going to consented, subject to. tM etatsttneng cuss- ter ere•s*Dae saes air J•ka es.•rvrr u 1m ed tel fur the w ,c,e, mtttea Germany nt a y, { O time aaewes le ata sh Ike reap se lea - of taking • higher degree in he prole,- Hut -tart f ,•ATtsrtite-Tb. following , seems. nos. particular°. (nim lbs mossa--rs' roll for John McQueen, formetly of Stanley, this two .ebip, will be of interest to our but who is now reudts% at Cresswell, trade' • : Number of acres cleared,' ("trees•, May lt.-Sir John Macdon- Mich., whore he has been keeping more, 37,r4'p 72.100 ; acre, tf woodland, 8.701+ aid leaked wut upon the Senate frau bo- om re.otly burned out, narrowly nose 5'L 100 ; act's of swamp, 5984 76-100 ; I kind the Speaker s screen when it met ing with his life, At the recent examinations of the' -►n. t trio Agricultural College. W. R. R ,,hoop, of Htussels, was one of those wl.o rimed their examination in all subjects, Roo Fatereaan.-One ;ray last Werk Mrs. W. Davis, et Cli•.,to,,, mei with ether s painful aceide,(it. She was en- gaged in taking down some window blinds, when .he fell a¢auist s door, breaking several obs. Although she s well up in years, she is dung as well u could be expected. A meeting of the lintel io Creameries Association was held at Toronto, last week, when ]mfr. John Hanna, of Sea - forth, was chosen President ; the pro- vioee was divided up into districts, divi- sion No. 10 being East, West and South - Huron, North and South Bruce, North and South Grey and Mr. G. Browning, Formosa, formerly of Lundesb.,ro cream- ery, chosen director of this division. WZNeHA1x STATtanca-Anneasor You - hill has completed his work and relent- ed hia roll to the clerk. The total value o1 real property in town is placed at 839'2,395; personal 848,900; income $C,• 900, or a grand total of $448,195. The population is 2,500, and there are 105 dogs and 9 bitches. At the last regular meeting of the Oili- est Beard of the New Brighton Metho- dist church, the financial report was so satisfactory that the Board presented the pastor, Rev. R. J. Treleaven, with the sum of 8100. [Mr. Treleaven is one .of the most popular and promising young ministers of the Methodist church, s na- tive of Ashfield tuwnehip, in this county, and for one year was the young men on Bayfield eireuit. Geo. McKibben, J. P , who recently went to Toronto to settle, returned to Wingham on Monday nn °'visit and wilt remain until nett week. Mr. McKibbon has purchased a lot with a frontage of 35 feet on Wilcox street, west ot the Uni- versity, io Toronto, for which he paid $1,800, and upon which he purposes proceeding at once with the erection of • white brick residence, trimmed with Credit Valley' stone, which will cost in the neighlx•ncuod of 85,000. Aa soon st Mr. MCKibbnn gets properly settled in Toronto be will enter largely into real estate speculations. Hullett township lost an old and respected resident, nn Friday last, by the death of Mr. Robt. Sly, of the Huron Road, 'a short distance from Clinton) after a short likes. Deceased had lived there for thirty years, lording a quiet. industrious life. He had a great deal of affliction, losing three sons by consumption, and his wife dying sev- eral tears apo. He was 81 years of age, a memberof theEpiscopalchurch, though he has not been able to attend moch lately, and leaves hut une son. His fun- eral, on Saturday afternoon, was largely attended. germ,pin rw'Jent, 179 38 100 ; total ay. rare Sag was seeu a an •u - acres, ',',443 37 100. value of reel thence iu the Senate Chamber. A couple property, re,iJe.t, 8'!,109,857 ; sable l of wore, of members of the Continues of real property, nun resident 8'd 1300 - 1 ware present, wale elargym•n cat Ottawa total value reel property, 82,m02,457 ;' •rod • apriukhng ()f goners! ettia'n'o. Ki- val.. of persumal property, 8154,200 ; era meta were brought to un the fluor of total value of teal and personal property, i the House. S2,356,657. 2,3;.6,657. Persons between 21 dud Mr. U'I)uo,hue epoko for about an 60 years cat age,673 ; between 1' and 16 'hour, cc wmeucuig by moving the fellow• 6i6li, ; between 7 and 13, 96 ; over 16 and mpg resolution under 21, 226 ; population, 3.083 ; cattle, ; "That an address be presented to the 6,495 , sheep, 2,453 ; hogs, 1,063 horses, 1,683 ; dogs, 295 ; bitches, 9 ; scree of orchard, 1,134 ; acre, fall wheat, MARt1ND P . --A meeting ..f the Presbytery o.1 Maitland was held in Melville church, Brusnels, on Toeeday ..f last week, for the purpose of discuss- ing the proposed translation of Rev. J. Ross, pastor of Melville church, to 8ear- boro. Rev. Mr. McKay and two olden from the Scarboro congregation address- ed the Presby[ and gave their reasons for calling Rev. Mr. Rule and why be should go. They worn followed by *ev- ent members of Melville church, who, in a forcible and feeling manner, ex- plained why the translation should not tal:a place. The congregation were eery deeply moved, and when Mr. Rum was called upon hia decision was waited most anxiously. When, el ter • few remarks, he stated he felt it his duty to dechce the call and remain in Brussels, the clouds dispersed and atter . toy remarks from Rev. Messrs. McQuarrre, of Wingham, and Brown,•( 1Vrozeter, iu moving and seconding the resolution that the call be not sustained, the Presbytery was dismissed by the benediction. At the close of the meeting • general eon- gratulatory time was put in and enjoyed by the maiy friends of Rev. Mr. Roes. 1lielvillo church is to be congratulated in retaining the services of Mr. R•,es, who u an able preacher and • popular man. Mona rveabytery. Huron Presbytery met at Londesboro on Tuesday, May llth, at half past ten, the Moderator in the chair. There was a Large attendance both of miuisters and elders. Mr. Duncan Buchanan, Knox college student, applied to . ' . to be re- commended for the first year in Theolo gy. In view of the fact that Mr. Bu- chanan, though not having spent the full time required for the literary course of study, had yet paved with an excep- tionally high standing all the required examinations with one exception, It was agreed to ask the Assembly to recom- mend him for entrance into theology, with the understanding that the remain- ing subjects of the literary course be •leo taken ere he 6aiah. Mr. John Young, Colborne, graduate of Quern's college, Kingston, applied to be taken on trial fur license. After examining Mm and fihding all satisfactory, it was agreed to apply to the General Awmbly for leave Wixanom. - Quits a to hoose. stir wax created among the church folks A call was presented from Brucefield last Sunday evening on account of the • , • • largely signed, in favor of Mlle ringing at 6 o'elnek instead of 6.30. �D Simpson, from Knox college After Nearly everybody concluded that their hearing it was mored watches and clocks were just half an that the call be sustained and transmitted hour slow and a grand rush was made to in Mr. Simpson. As come doubt was get to church on time. It seems that entertained whether he had complied the w:ton at St. Paul's made the mistake with a regulation of last Assembly ie g from each student sax months' as to time, and started the bell grain¢, Sabo ° in the mission field after comple- The man who manipulates the town bell lion of the ordinary atone, excepting on Sunda) when he Meed the other bell going, let his�se Ily &ea, hence tau when a . period had been to dune tAesbl.r months of the stir. -[Times.- A MEANT COUNCIL -The majority of the council resolved at its last meeting to let all the printing in connection with the Blyth municipality ley tender. This may be a step in the right direction and may suit the views of a certain clique, but it does not accord that support which is essential to the prosperity and iontintanoe of a weekly journal new m. ---eabliabed in the municipality. If the people of Blyth d.. not want to see the Advocate Sourish, or wish to have that paper discontinued, and desire its expul- sion from among them, all they have to do is simply too let us kuow,for,as we have said before, we are prepared to pull up stakes at any time. -Blyth Advocate. Reference was recently made in these columns to several peopled charters to the circuits of some of the Methodist chortles of this neighborhood. Among them was the proposed change of Turn• crs appointment, Tockere pith. The people of this appointment naturally think they have been knocked fmm pillar to pod long enough, cad are satisfied to street circuit. They first of all belonged to Goderich circuit, when Methodism and the enmity If Huron w re both in their infancy ; then they became part of Holmes% ille circuit, then part of Clinton, then part of L•ondwhnro, then finally settled down where they are, and the people naturally object to being moved around any more. Aoao•aie Mgrnnnrt Cncar e. - The quarterly meetine services of this church were bold last week, and were well at - leaded. ()n the following day the Board met fee the transaction of its biennium. Tho finances) e.wditioe of the circuit was found good. it is expected every claim will be met, though the missionary is anm•what behind. Through removals, deaths, etc., there is a heavy drainage on the , and a slight de- grease in membership. The spiritual esnditise, and numbers attending Divine movies, were highly A ttsiaaisoss and strong wish was express ed ler the return of Rev Mr. Caswell for a third year, but in view of having a sad eorrliel invitation to the F.11arton circuit, with superior ad vsateges Inc the education of his ehil- lrea, the invitation was respectfully de .lined. The members and friends no tide eirewit will he left with regret by tie wtinieter, and the eery hast wishes Ie, their happiness and prosperity. -pet R soon, an amendment was offered to hold the call in abeyance until advice was reeeired from the General Assembly at its regular meeting next month. Th was voted down, and the call sustained and transmitted, several members re- cording their dint ea account of the abuee doubt Provisional I Mire made /sir ileductiew io ettls et as. IliVerepoet.1 the delegation appoint- ed to visit BMW, . was given in. Af I . . t was to postpowe further action until next meeting of Presbytery, and counsel all concerned to pray to the great Head of the church, that in His providence He may cpen up the way to a satisfactory solution of present difficulties Governor-General praying that his Ex- cellency will aster to be kw before the Howe the patent of - or • copy thereof of John O'Dun.hue to the Privy Council ; a copy of the letters of the Bight Hon. Sir Jobe Macdonald to their lordship*,certain bishops of the Province of tTsterio, and all other letters and papers, dud • copy of all orders is Council in reference to said appoiotmeot ur the wnoelisttun thereof." Hu subject was the treatment .f Irish Catholics in Ontario by the two politieel parties and the treatment of himself by Sir John Macdonald in 1882. In 1878 the Irish Catholics Toted against Mr. Mackenzie for revenge and partly because of the National PJlit-y. H. himself sup- ported the Conservatives up to the time when the general elections of June 20 were Doming on. He then proceeded to reveal the of the Chestnut Park compact, by which the Irish Catho- lic vote of Octavo was sold to Sir John Macdonald. He was offered a seat in the Cabinet and accepted This was in May, 1881. Shortly after Sir John wrote him • letter offering his a seat in the Senate. He did nut understand this change in the Premier's intention. Then followed oonaiderable tween him and Sir John On the 23rd of May in seely to his letter, Sir John wired him "I will write on the 25th of May." Mr. O'D000hna wrote to Sir John "Your letter received. Does change mean that no one from Ontario shall re- present the Irtah Catholics in the Cab- inet 1 1f so, their protest will be prompt." Then Sir John came to Toronto, invited him, Smith, Boyle and Shields to meet at MacPherson's residence. Sir John then signified his fell adherence to the t he had made with O'Donu- hue, and actually presented the patents of appointments signed and executed by the Marquis of Lorne. Everything was dune and perfected. In return these Irish Catholics undertook to do their ut- most to return Sir John to power. They desired to communicate with their leah- ops, and Sir John wrote the following letter to the bishops of the Roman Catho- lic Church : "Tosottro, Jane 5. -My Dexr Lord, - Mr. O'Donohoe will tell you of the tee pest that ha. been raised in Toronto, on account of the that his views are extreme as to the Irish ques- tion. uer tion. This might destroy his future, and it has been, therefore, arranged between Mr. Smith and Mr. O'Donohue that the former will represent the Irish Catholics in the Cabinet, while Mr. O'Donohu• will do so sort the Senate. Mr. Smith is to make way for Mr. O'Donohue when the time is opportune. Thos two gen- tlemen are acting io perfect accord, end it is desirable 1 should explain this to your lordships. It must, however, be kept • profound secret ter the present. "Joni A. MAcD0!tALD." That i had been broken by Sir John *.Odonald by reaaos et the pressure of the O _mime ()Donohue, and Smith, haviejt bees ap- pointed to the Cabinet by favor of the Orangemen, he t them and not the trial Catholics. The Orange- men had said to Sir John, "We will fake Smith but we wno't accept O'Dono- hoe-he's ton Irish." He asserted that $math those he ls.caae 80 per tent. of the t the Toronto Street railway were Orange- men, which accounted, perhaps, for the strike. It was the Orange body that Smith . 1 in the Cabinet. Si, John leaned upon that body for his main support. (►'Donohue violently attacked Smith, who, he said, came to Ottawa when it was neoewry to bonus the rail- way that he was interested in, or when • change is be made in the tariff or excise Tie import ef the ettmmtttee ew eMtisoolitieay for no man knew better that he tics was received, and ordered to be printed and distributed to the familim of the different ons. The report of the con 1 the Home Mission Committee was also re- ceived, Mr. Pritchard, the retiring con- vener, was. thanked Inc his service,, and Mr Muegrare appointed coneaner fur the ensuing year. The i adjourned to meet in (:oderich on the second Tuesday of July, at 11 a. m, Since the meeting of Presbytery it has been learned that Mr. Simpson has ac- cepted the call. The induction will take place nn Tuesday, June Id, Mr. For- rest, Moderator, to preach in preside, Mr McLean to address the minister, and Mr. Musgrave the people ■r. elaki • a\amree\s. They were laid en the desk by fi, Irish Association of Ottawa. It was a sort of Decoration Day. But it was the living, rut the dead, who were decorated. Some one as erted that Mr. Blare had a right to wear the shamrock on 8t. Pat- rick's Day. He won it with honor, and last night he wore it again with all the honors, because it was presented to him by the Irishmen of Ottawa - [Montreal Pout. • aeeret Per TY* ladles. The Frost secret of beauty is pure blond. Eruptions and all bkotehe, that diefg■re the fees, may be quickly eared by Heretoek Blood Bitten. Annie Heath, of Poetised, certifies that she was eared by this remedy, aft.' suffering for two yeses 9 e va u• of a little information. This Insinuatior., Mr. Smith after- - wards indignantly denied. Mr. O'Donohue proceeded tee surfer that those of his creed were not suffi- ciently . 1 from Ontano in the Parliament. They did not share in the public ufttces, fur the customs and pest - ...Ace depii'i'etinf. Wife tiothing lent than Orange lodges. Corning back to his owe. grievance O'Donohu. said Sir John had In his own house and pressed him to w Smith to go int() the Cabinet in the eantime to hedge over this Orange tempest. He did not know what to make of Sir John's resent statement re- garding this matter, torn to the open- ing of this session Sir Johnrprofessed aniiety to carry out the with him, and he had done his utmost to end the matter. Rut Sir John'. last word was gospel itself, he would make h,u believe. On the 14th of July, 1883, e wrote Sir John as follows : "1 hare promised to call a full meet- ing of th• Council with Smith present. Not hearing from you i met Smith and Boyle. and Smith said he was no party to the t mentioned in your Tetter. You will easily judge my sur- prise st his taking such an attitude. He seemed loth to admit that there was • telegram from the Goversnr-Oerieral to you that he had signed my appointment to the Cabinet even when 5y1. !old him he bad seen the document signed and mated. He answered, 'i do not want to be eetrrsered ' it will be useless to ex poet the Irish sippart merely os amount of Smith warming • mat in the Cabinet. Rush a thing would be considered a sham.'. To diet letter reply was md. that Pres" you Ian Kn,und. Hut's tinselly stir int,' 8 Quaid hos from Toronto e es" cat it les w iuterpru• of the loud with great ru bespital, south improved by as, tl'est- t►tni•aa and zeal. A weron, • •pan of w•ut 81 ihat 'nametape. horses, a few axes end spades comprised the outfit fur the uoouwo ; and, Mede.l 11 \\`H T \\' ILL YOU aragb when by Mr. Nereus. their such rttrpeot«l Shil.oh'n Con well true immediate r.ltef. teacher, started • group of buys al IWY Price 10 ccs., 50 cta, sod $1. Foe mle as could be found in all Canada Talk by J. tvilsuu, druggist. llarypar4LOet. L•,to of timber from our sawmill is being drawn away for Attrill s barn kuow was the aim ; thtravesty lasted twig euuagh." H. did nut blame Su John fur iguoring the breed in which he had no coufid.uoe. Cuucludiug with au eloquent peroration h. said "Belur. Iuug this corrupt O will have to go to the people, aid that will be the last of them. They stand to day as a stranded old hulk about to be doabetd to piece, by the storm. A country like this doe, nut want • Govern - went austeined by plunder, bribery, ohartet-eillsns and every sort cf corrup- tion. Canada will find among bier own sots one to load them who will not lean on any secret society, who will not buy suppurt or hold his followers by interest, but who will do justice to all -a man, a native of Canada. of an old illustratrious family ; a man Canada can speak of with- out fear of trickery or mean device. Such a day is owning to end one of the must corrupt of Goverumeuts-nue which will be known as 'the bloody Administration of Sir John Macdonald.' " Senator Smith replied, speaking in an excited manner with evident hostility to O'Duuobua He gave his version of the compact of May, 1882. Sir John sent for him and offered him • mat in the Cabinet to represent the Irak Catholics of Ontario. He declined on the score of uubtness and want of time, and the question came who should be meow mend.d, and he led O'D,uo- hoe, which turned out to have teen • great mistake lneh Catholic*, as well as Protestant and Orange members of the party, protested against O'Dunohoe's appointment, Mr O'Dosolto• challenged Mr. Smith to name any Irish -Catholics who protest- ed await his ' t. Mr. Smith -h is not necessary. 1 will call a meeting in Toreoto, if necessary, and show you. Co'itjnoing, he said O'Donobes was preened tai withdraw and cotmsented. Smith was the again offer- ed the position and he o.neented to ac- cept, only m °oudiuon that O Donohoe would get a senatorship. "I said to Sir John,' said the speaker, "I want not only • promise of this, but I want the appointment tonight, and if we don't bring this C back to Ottawa with at learnt fifteen majority I shall nev- er return to the Senate. Mr. Macpher- son said that Is • bold utter. I replied then, and I say now," Mr. Smith ..ntin- oed, excitedly, "I am not a bit afraid of the peuple in this country." Alluding to his interest in the Catholic repre..nta- tion, he spoke of aiding in drawing up the Home Rule of 1882, and referred to Mr. Getman as the beet representative Irishman in the country. Mr. Dever, who is • New Brunswick Catholic C senator, exclaim- ed warmly, "It's not true." Mr. Smith, continuing, related that Boyle and O'Donuhui came to hi. Date and asked him to resign from the Cabi- net. H. asked why, and they said it was the understanding. He denied this, and refused to accede They pressed him a second time, and O'Dunehoe asked him if he would resign if Sir John asked him. He said no, he would not. If to- day the Catholic Bishops and priests asked him to give him a hint to resign he would do so. He claimed that six Cathoiic Cabinet Ministers, as at present, were enough in all . . He challenged O'D•.,nohue to resign, and thea declared he would not find • constituen- cy. Coming again to the compact, he said there were several in Toronto who would have been acceptable to the Irish -O'Keefe, Foy and nee or two others. Coming t. O'Donohoi n personal refer- ences, lie said he asked his l- ent as to the creed of his street car em- ploye.., and learned that about 80 per tient. were Protestants. Mr. O'Donoboe-Did yea not say Orange 1 Mr. Smith-No-W.U, I maid Protest- ant and Orange. Breaking cut again into great excite- ment Mr. Smith cor.tiao•d : "I am going to .tend by my Imaperty Mr. O'Dcno►o.-It'a not yours; it's • com a. Mr. Smith (loudly) -Yes, and I am the head and ruler of that company, end I am not going 4, allow a lot of thieves to take that property (roar me. I have the law of this countryat my back, and will bring it into orce it necessary. Turning to the original subject again, he said : "Is it because John O'Donohoo can make a good stump speech to an Irish crowd that we aro 4, have him fc r a • r After alluding to Mr. Mackenzie as ignoring the Irish Catholics in his Cabinet, he stated in effect, that what was askid flab in the motion was destroyed, and es to the pat- ent of appy he denied that it ever was lilt The debate tees sdllssee.d at 6 o'clock till Monday. 12 SHILOH'S CATARRH REME- DY -a positive care for Catarrh, Dip- theria and (hanker Mouth, Fur sale by J. Watson, druggist. Tie Toronto MAO, independent, with a strong squint toward Macdonald - ism, is candid enough to say :- "The esteemed Moil professes to be shocked that anybody should go fishing for Irish Canadian vote, at this juncture, but when Mr. Costlgan moved and Sir John supported the famous of 1882 the chief Tory organ was per- fectly content thee Irish Canadian vote should be fished Inc. and was not parti- cular as to the kind of bait used. Neith- er of our parties has done itself mach credit in with this Irish ques- tion, but Mr. Blake can at lomat claim that he has wily iotas what he did be font.' 14 RHiLOH'S CURE will imm•dial.- ly relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. For sale by Jas. Wilson, dratjptist. 16 FOR DYSPEPSIA and Livor O•mplaint, yoe lav a pprtinted truants tee ea evert hottie rat Shiloh'. Vitaliser it wooer fails to sen. For edit by J. Wilms, druggist di; diligence of beaten ' Upon ar- ra • at dor desired bush, no bearers err applied . so asstdu.ously to the uprooting or tearing down of tree, as those boys did. Ono haodlr.' • spade, ai.utlwr au sae, a third inclined Levid Green is home again atter a the septum iu a wanner favorable to the course •.f study at Owen le mud C,muier- wielder of the axe, the fourth bore off cal college He looks well, the tree in itt..0 to the edge or the l'uite • number cat thus& folks en- dearing and there left It to await further , ed • s omelette,' at (Cedar CUE last manipulating and transport. In this reek. way • large numbers of trees was mourn" Phe scholars at the $beppardtoe Sun - and the hummer.' journey entered on with much satisfaction aid an occasional dal School see now able to modest bus - debate as wbu procured the beet trees. inose alon., end some of the teachers go What about the girls all this tune 1 In- deed, were it out for the action of the girls, Mr. Editor, I would not troub'e you or myself in recording these obser- vations. It was resolved by them, and faithfully they carried out their resolu- tion, that out a spec of dirt should re- tain within the walla of the school rooms. Every board was then subjected to such • scrubbing process as made it look pale : yes, actually white. Was the w ork iinisbad then 1 O, no : tilde have I Miss Hall will return to Muskoka this • great tote for the beautiful, and arc week seldom void of capacity to occurs the Baas Ramiro. -Then was a rally of means of gratifying tltist taste. The I our sturdy yeomen, divided into sides levying of a contribution was at ones 'led by W. (i. H. gie and K. Dulanegw, at decided ou tot the purpose of providing ;Janhisbulm s, one day last ween, to dower -pub and a variety of houhouseplants; ie, l' for the school rooms. 1 need not tell refer baa new barn, 36 z Ii0 fret. 'ire l you, Sir, that complete success attended acontractur, "'in. Morris, bussed the job Milling un the Sabbath. The Greet Source of Consumptioo and many wasting forms of dies..., is scrof- ula lurking in the system. The tree specific for this condition is found in Burdock Blood Bitten ; that medicine purities the blood and builds up the en- feebled (nine. 2 LisImre. the scheme ; fur you already know that whatever girls undertake to do their efforts are invariably crowned with sue- esas. A nice rim was quickly raised and well invested in the manner cuntemplat very efficiently, and also caught a 16 year old IaJ named Oke, who fell from the t.,p plate, aid held him between earth and say until asistan.e came. Dnluaage s side was victorious. A boun- teoused A number of pots of different sizes meal was presided by the ladies, most • variety of tlnow of the t urned to Hugh Chtsholm's, when title moat facir.ating Delors may new be seen 1" in the windows and nn teachers' desks in the Kingsbridge school. I c,mgratu- take Mr. Novena and Miss Keefe on the of their school rooms and hope thst they may lung c,otinue to be the chief . of said rooms and en)uy the confidence of parents and pupila. Yours truly, \-IATon and all voted it grand. The party ad - Left over let week. The Sabbath eel is making arrage- menta fur • team** '°g soon. The Bible clam is in¢ well unler the abld t of , Cobbledick. Some e1 our friends went over to Cot tto n-Centttil east se May Ism. Auburn Sunday afternoxon • • hear the After routine buttes a fres changes were made in pethotasten' list as prepar- ed at be meeting. The as•eeaor s roll was accepted. The assessor ossa regn•st- .d to Inert the assessors of adjoining townships with a stew of the different union school sections in the uotcipaiity, the clerk to prepare acre - e., Ac., of the different *nouns. Mrs Welsh, to whom grant was given at last meeting of council, having broken her leg, an additional grant of rte. wee given 4. Mr. Gordon for her. The clerk was instructed to nctity Jobs C. Wilson to remota tree topsetc., teem the big drain. Messrs. Habkirk and. Monroe asked council et impose license on transient contractor footed • reel in fine style. During the morning John Chisholm dis- located his leg, and was out able to join iu the Lazy duce. Ware\ ■ 'There is probably no better relaxing remedy for stiff louts, contracted cords, and pru,fi:p , than Hagyard Yeliow Oil. it cured Mrs. John SW - dell, of Orton, Owt, who was afflicted for years with contraction of the brunched pipes and tightness' of the Chest. It is the greet remedy for tolerant or external Win 2 West Watranosh. Rev. Mr. McCosh preach to ere. They might have told y bow they gut along and that ka merino° they heard. 1 Wei also were surprised' to hoar t one of our stylish young men tiad th im udenc. to insult our minister an the puebtc• last Thursday evening. He used some very strong language, unbe- coming a member of any church, toward the minister. If the young man was what ha pretends to be he would not do it tier village tram thrown into S *es e/ excitement by some of our r en- gaging in • war of words recently. The traders -left over till June meeting. Th. place selected was our p.blic some. poundkeepers who served for the poet Both parties were in good condition, and year were reappointed, with the ezcep- ono of them had • backer, but the other tion of John Plunkett, in whose place thought he could manage alone. Loud Hugh Morland was appointed. An ad - and wuehty names were ezchanged,uglf ditiunal p undkeeper,vtz., Seemed Scott, name, called, ant as nobody interfered, was also appointed A , con - they fired away until each thought he silting of the reeve, d and had mit satisfaction out of the other. clerk was appdut.d to let job of cutting They were • sweet pee,. Grierson's ditch, on Monday, May 31st, Last Friday evenir.g three men might at 10 a.m. The f•dlowing accounts were ling their way to- uraered to tie paid :- J. 1 •Dung, culvert ward a well-known resort. They became and nails, 82.12; W. Stewart, lumber. so drunk that two of them having got$1.73; James Smith, roadway to W. i.mith'v, 810; Thos. Bagley, ditto, 110; John Gordon, for Mrs. Welsh, $25; Wm. Wat.on, keep of James Barron, $39. Council adjourned to meet as Court of Revision, on Saturday. May 29th, at 10 o'clock a. I. into the cellar, were unable to get out in the usual way. One of them was un- able go home until the next day. The ether got tangled op in a set of iron harrows. Since that time he has lost all the hair of has herb Wei, disgraceful scenes as these ought to be stopped at once. Louis, 1 you do not look outur house will get • bed nen.e; you had better Battle dews sed hay. all iii. ik CALeDneIAN GArsa,—A aeries of Cale- donian game, will be held hero on Mon- day, May 24th, ..der 41 Kintai) Caledonian Society. There will also be heating competitions. The prize, are liberal, and will doubtless draw many athletes to our plucky village. Lae year theorem's here were must sne- °essful, and it is believed this year s sports will far surpass all precious gath enngs. Donald McMurchle, the deputy - reeve, is out with a challenge to pull a tug of war against any ether polling sub- division in the township. A good plat- form lanform is on the groends for the benefit of all who wish to take pert in the many. (hood dance music and excellent bag pipe straits have been provided for the uooaaion. Some time ago it wax known to the neithbors that a family of foie, took up their residents in the bush adjoining the lake side, Kintail, arm that Mrs Reg- nant made no erupt.. in appropriating to her dinner table some young woken, which, like herself, prowled through the bosh in quest of victual& Last week, however, John McKenzie, sr., the great Nimrod of Kintsil, scented the matter, and coming op to the foxes young and old prescribed some of his patent pills for them out of his double-barrelled gun, w hich took such deadly offset as to result death in the caw of fire, whilst some of the others are said to be eo reined in constitution from the fright and so impoverished from want of provender as to die of vexation or leave the district. the 10 ARE YOU MADE miserable by indigestion, Constipation. Disiees, Ions of Appetite, Yellow Skip f Rhiinh'n Vitalizer is • monies eerie Fur sate by J. Wilma, druggist. R K. Mitten, Tp Citrk. a metal poet. It mar he useful for the raider N know tlo..t the popular pnpration knows as Hagyard'a Yellow Oil has proved a snvereittn remedy fur deafness, many certified cures Ming on record Hegyrd's Yellow Oil also cures aches, pains, and lameness, and may be used internally to well as outwardly. , 2 IMPO RT A T TO Danns or RTneg. r 1 Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammoi a• Removes all !•sightly Racine. Cares Lmait... b Cattle. Spinal Meningitis. 1, vender. Weak 1Jmtteh sprung Knee*. Quitter. Ptavin, R Wrgtit \e Mahle should be witiewt 1t. Railroad wlnins and expense companies all w Oileel Uj,{wlmest.a•d IN the great racier atableaof Belmont and Lorillard it boa achieved woad - en. Oar trial will coavisoa Write D. It (lILKB, Rus *1$3 N. Y. P. O. who will. without °barge, glee dvky ea alt diereses and aloe ow the masegeseset dome. ahe•.dtel by arts st Je, druirciete Is ewbk b the. aell ere ie ggrretat teroarn I Tit.en e llwft Ie, white wrappers la 1 w ; that la yellow Inc catU.. eases Bedell* •ssonna Muse and cense Powder.. rem by di tie l_mtdMg bereersee_rie Jerome nark. attest nnec �Tool . Alarretve sad DI"'et10lay end Bagoad. Never 41 w Cures I R • r w e°e bm ams8 serasto 1e Pun5si " eateeaw s. Meta ill, td b M F. JORDAN. trecetiw tiss{e8 le