HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-21, Page 1rH1B?Y-NIWTH YRAlt.
WHOLE N U M MA 11111. 1
every bider Morales, -b7 Me -
Sams.. et their O/oe. ort b si
♦.4 hi despatched to ail parts of W. serrewitd
tit e:water bribe earliest toads and trains.
Ttiltrn.--$t.9e la edemas, postage pro -paid
Webers; 41.7x, if paid before eta mouths
f set to paid. This rule will be trtotll
O OW 4..—Eight seat. pe
L Met et lasertto. ; three seats per line for
eso►adtssemtat lasertlos. Yearly. ball -yearly
sad quarteety etreete at reduced rates.
aims rmunium— We bare stsoa *nt-elass
jobbing dgorteteat a eeaneetlea. and poasses
1•s the mesa o.mptete net -1t sad beat facilities
for terming inn work is Ooderich. are prepared
to de b.elaess to that it.. at prloestbat team*
be baste., sad of • eaality that aaa•et be
amassed.— Tema* Cee*
FRIDAY. MAY 21.1e, 1S$S.
?news are looking brighter for the
Hume Rule party in (-treat Britain.
Ir the cry of "Canada for the Cana-
dians" b. • loyal watchword, isn't "Ire-
land for the Irish" just as luysl 1 Let
MR Tory N.P. shouters reply.
Ten Dominion G t can give
Asndte& of tbottttande 4 dollar to
parliamentary bots, but .wdbats ars al -
law/ to accumulate at the *moth of
Gederich harbor without any action be-
ing taken by the Marine D to
speedily tweedy the matter. Then will
be a dem led i . t In the ship-
ping prospects of Ooderich when the
Liberals get into power, as they will at
the next ebioties.
Brett= Mr. Cameron, of Huron,
spoke on Sir John Msodugald's North
west Representation Bill and pointed oat
tkat for years the G t had op-
posed such s measure and only yielded
after the people bad rebelled, Mr. Thomas
White's urgan, the blonereel Govette, says
the Opposition impired the granting of
lion to the Northwest Terri-
tories That is • fair ample of the party
exinnetes Ministers regard for truth or
hencsty. [Hamilton Times.
A mutilate of the iguorsnt Tory edi-
tors are busily engaged in stating that
M. C. Cameron, M.P. for West Huron,
dared not formulate his charges against
the subsidised Tory members and their
friends on the door of Parliament. One
of the know-nothing sheets
this week that Mr. Carrern wee still • r, savagely upon biro in the present
"dumb dug" on the question,•1theu*h I crisis. When in 18e3, O'Donuhi.c came
The setter to the i)wordwa by tb'e rem. Tog Tvrento Week says : "The Op-
o{Mratimili• Klee. A. Aedrewtofrom wblcbTga
etetiAL takes as extract. was never 1•t.aded position seem to have adopted new tat: -
asap attack s• the Ooverswe•t dote in their contest with the lluvern-
.uoW bare 1,. reader. warm."... but nmrty
t0 IIIuM►ate the way 10 w►tcb tea ludtaw magi. Instead of making • gamed
are treated by the un.rtaelD{M white settlers
1a the vaunts I. {Exeter T rasa assault, akirmiab►n; parties aro sect out
That's just what we elates. Mr. Came- t -i attack smite points of the Govern -
roe has got hie strongest points vain' ment's Northwest policy ; and although
the U from those who at that they were driven back by superior force.
time had no ides that their srideaoe they eontrised W espew tkr manifold
was the C Mr.
Andrew's teonoto•y and that of the Go.-
erement officials agree as to the neglect of
the Indians, by G t official.. A
lawyer has a strong caw who can prove
the guilt of the prisoner by the evidence
rot the prisoner's own witnesses.
Tes editor of the Star is an elder of
Rrox church. M. C. Cameron is a bel-
low et. The elder loess no
opportunity of +basin: his fellow weekly,
likens him to Ananias, accuses him of
falsehood, and in every wry leads the
public to think that Mr. Canter/4i p1 one
devoid of all claim to respect and confi-
dence. If the pious elder really believes
this, why does he nut seek to purge the
church of this untruthful man 1 It Mr.
Cameron is all that the elder in his
paper states him to be, the elder's duty
is clear. If the elder, sad not Mr.
Cameron is the liar, as the Seaforth Kr-
positor clearly and decently shows him
to be, then the elder i. • di.grau to his
olio*. It is a scandal to the church
that a man holding office in it, should
publicly, and in the most foul bad in-
decent manner, abases fellow member,
knowing and believing, as the editor of
the Brpouh.r has shown, that the otleo-
airs articles are "absolutely untrue."
It's an ill bird that fouls its own neat,
and long prayers are of little avail to a
man who weekly bean false witness
against a fellow church member.
S.!r1Tos John O'Donohue disclosed
some of Sir John Maodonald's double -
destine Friday Last iu the Senate. Par-
tieulars of the case are given elsewhere
La this issue. We do nut draw attention
to the matter to ay • solitary worito
the praise of John U'L)unohoe ; he bas
made his bed and he should now lie in
it, so far as his barter and sale in 1882 is
concerned. But we do ay that it is •
little hard to see his Orange friends turn
nearly three months of the seven had
expired. For the benefit of the igno-
tent Tory editors and that portion of the
public which receives political held (1)
from them, we might say debt Mr. Came -
net took the earliest epportusity poesi.
We, May 4th, to repast the charges of
against the G t, and
to arraign the "Forty Thieves" on the
floor cf the House. The able speech of
the member for West Huron will be
found in the "House of Commons De'
bates" tJ May 4.
to this section under the enmities of the
orange party, and to further the inter-
ests of ex -County Master Johnston kr
parliamentary honors, he was cheered to
the echo by the loudest sow of William
we have an our midst. In Gudutich town
hall he received a perfect ovation, so far
as noisy cheering was concerned, from
the meu;lwrs of the ()range body who
were present at the meeting. He went
to Kingsbridge in company with Brother
Jobaston, and did his level best to make
things solid there fur the °range nomi-
nee. Ueda thew circumstances it Mmes
with a bad grace from the Orange Tories
is this locality to WM a solitary word
against John O'Donohe.. We admit
John sold himself in 1882 to Sir John
Macdonald, but he fulfilled his part of
the obntrac ly deeaiv.d
by Sir John Macdonald for his pains.
Hie crime now is that he was not willing
to continue io the trace. atter Sir John
had proved faithless to his solemn
le is a satisfaction to know that al-
ibottgk tea Irisb section of every com-
munity j ss bean Icotei
turbulent to a very large degree, events
are fast proving that the Irish are
not habitual 1 , hut, on the
contrary, can usually be found arrayed
on the side of Lew and order. The re-
cent Chicago riots ars an instance of this
regard. Not only were the Irishmen
ocempinuous by their absence on the *ids
of lbw rioters, but most of the gallant
policemen who suffered and died to
maintain the law were sone of the
Emerald Isle. The police force in many
of the Canadian sod American cities are
conspicuously Irish. The following is
the natlet al crimple:Om of the "buys in
Mee" of the New Yuri force:
Of the 2,934 of the New
York police force, 1.746 are natives of
the United Rtates, 974 of Ireland. 30 of
England, 14 of Scotland, 13 .1 Canada,
and 136 of Germany.
' adaptability of the away in
incessant and prolonged sato be fir more
effectual than would be one set batik, —
wbich, murever, with the r.t
majority, could end in only one way and
would so leave on the mind of the coun-
try the impreaiva of • decisive Oppni-
tion defeat that is now *voided."
Tes Mail is c,nlinsally esrping at the
policy of the Minister of Kducstios, and
That Aro Happening
Around Us.
A rreeadtr •tai wnaa Tier ear abw■a ■.
C. C.'s ewes* en Me Sadler t.esatea -
Sea. Jeer's Desetesar w - 7N seen
)s,Otl.LICCDDY BRUs eteu.nass
mature and careful consideration, but Sretaad's K.essIes J■b/loat.
when I rolled all • double-barrelled and As we expected, the enemies of Home
emphatic "No "' the buys took to abet-
Rule in l.'anada are iu easter nes user tea
ter for fear of • thunder scuta. A pa- .unities of the Costigen-Curran-Sir John
anion without salary dotsu't suit my W
triotus instincts, and Maw. Ajss would combination, iu preventing the Parka -
like to `e indemnified fur the wear and' meta of Canada from expressing an upea
tear of my if I undertook to and unqua6hed opinion in favor of Home
deal out law on emailIulstiuris. \"1o,( ' Rub for Ireland. The Toronto Week,
you don't, and don't you fanjet it. !
1 do, than you may chawff toe : ' What's
wanted is ter the people of
—I see the Growler of the west street Huron to memonalie,e the county cuun•
Almoner is analogs to imbrue with me . rl s4 the Jure meeting to tusk* provi-
are behalf of the Big Boum sion for paying the police ts•gistret. a
11 be bee a grain d sees. left be won't suitable salary, and thou couggeteut men
try on that game with sue.1 bare no, will offer cur the awn. Mre Ajax
ambition to wash any of his dirty linen might eseo bo wit tug to sacrtb a me 19
1. public but I ovoid oaks even the self publicinterim the salary was suftl•
constituted Growler, dance meetly large, But it requires something
to lively music, if I w desired. I give
tangible to make a men accustom himself
hies (qtr warning, however, that t1 he to ynamite explosions, a la Fuher Mon -
Is an able speech in the Houma .4 - *ikes any more tying redectsone upon ro at Orangeville This bolding of u81 s
Commons last week John Charlton, ' ei7 hitherto • I 1'11 without sufficient salary tc bey an soei-
dent policy ee • piece of malty, and there
is no health in it. It may be patriotic
and all that, but most office -seekers are
patnotictor revenue purposes only. And
the one who isn't bus a lop sided brain.
—1 don't wonder .t magistrate Boat
quitting the beeinese, atter .IL In the
Wm place, he had Ge salary—it very seri-
ous . Then, neither be nor
his law partner were allowed to pra.tice
in the *rimiest court—another serious
n. And again, b. had re-
cently married a wife—yet another, and
a very serious considerativa. Any unit
of these caamie would impel • man to
throw up • nu salary job in • hurry ; but
it wasn't until it was settled upon that
magistrate Scott had to try oases its the
vicinity of the violations, and until ma-
gistrate Soult's bettor half decided that
his worship should not go galavanting
from Umbers* to Ashfield, that magis-
trate Scott wade up his mind to retire
from the bench. I commend the little
woman for her geed sense in hindering
bier sp.uae from teoomini migratory in
hie habits without corresponding bene-
fits. Lees than half a century ago I was
yeti, d from public life in s similarly
summary manner. I didn't like it at
first,hut I gradually became reconciled to
my fate, and today I rejoice that I was
thus stored from becoming as great a rad -
shout as the worst among you. "If I
don't, then you can ehawif rue.' Some-
how that " obey" business in the mar-
riage e:remony often gets kiud of twisted
--However, I think magistrate Ssott
should have closed up the cases he had
in hand before retiring from of •c..
That's what I'd have done if I'd been the
p. in. and the p. nes. had been A,.ntf.
11.P., peeseated • lengthy list of mem
bore of the Senate and Hoose who had
&PDlied for and obtained timber limits
for themselves and friend•. In the list
of those who had applied "tor their
friends" we find the following :--
•'Thomas Farrow, M.P., appliatioe
for Joseph Leech, Miasmal*, (tat.,)
March 8, 1883; order ie -council for Jus.
Leech, 50 square miles, Alberta, April
29, 1884. On account .4 application
Asher Farrow, (Blu.vale, Ont.); order-
iD-council to Asher Farrow, 50.euare
miles, Alberta, June 9, 1883. Appli-
cation for George Le.•"G, Brandon,
Man., May 25. 1883; order -in -council to
Georg. Leeson, 50 square miles, Alberta.
Jane 7, 1883."
A COCPLI of months ago the Loyal
Orange brethren of Canada were whett-
ed to provide a fond for the defence of
Ulster. Cuntribetions have rolled in so
rapidly from the panting and patriotic
loyalists that this week the aggregate
hu swelled to 8250: We dou't know
how many 1►rangemw then stein Cana-
da, but we don't imagine the above re-
sult will make a good average. And
then, you know, Canada is to furnish
200,000 lighting men, if wears to believe
that blatant "Loyalist' M. P., B.11y-
kilheg Johnston. This would average
enc -eighth .1 a cent • head, for the Can-
adian invadint force, which would cer-
tainly be a small capital to begin the
war upon. It looks as if this "loyalty '
business hasn't yet got down as low as
the pocket-1t's still lip -loyalty. As
Powderly has said, "In the hands of moa
all mouth, the gun is as barmiest as the
A newt deal at talk is at present
going on with regard to the question of
Home Rule for Ireland. Some of the
"Loyalists" have got to ranting about
tea guarding of the right. of "Protestant promises to Sir John in regard to the unless he was "knucitng things down,
so to speak, after he became • practical i Which, under present circumstances, it
f31slor," rad one would think to haversupport of their people. It was fur pohucIun. Ha was one of the kicker almost a dead wesilht un their hinds. I
them talk that Ulster was a part of the John Macdonald met wsnced iijj<at1Ut tion. A{ew.ndee Mackenzie iu }aaclu.anyt_jmtus_uand addynsa .
Green isle when Catholicism had never the Catholic rote bought and sold for a 1878, and in 1882 he sold himself, body 1 i ata, air, your very obedient serrans,
taken rout or sprouted. Such is not the price, and the bishops were innocent of and sleeves, to Sir John Macdonald., It Lucanow. May 12, 1886. J. Y.
wasn't • caah trams/awe, however, sad
case, w the Protestant and Roman any complicity are that they received a the buyer 1.11.1 to comply with the
Skew. 7t.►
Catholic bodies are very nearly equally letter from Sir John h(.dunald. The terms sit sale after the ;foods were deli, -
1 in the so-called "Protestant' I storm is fast gathering around the head *red. Time was given for the payment,
province of Ulster—standing about 52 of the perfidious Premier. but John, notwithstanding hos auction -
Protestants 1'. 48 Roman Catholics ofd , neglected to obtain an
approred joint note front the wily Pre -
"When the official bead of the ;Catho-
lic) church in Outario stoops to barter
and sales of votes in politics, h••w1hall
the laymen rise above so base a doctrine,
or consider themselves anything better
then chattels t"—(Toronto Mail.
The above from the chief Tory crgan
is another gratuitous iusult to the pre-
, i • f the Catholic church in Canada,
and to their people. The O Donohoe
disclosures have lost to the Tory party
ail future bops of support from the Irish
Catholics of Canada, and the Mail is
Might .a bun like a bee en a poste, and
take the sweetness mat of him, too. A
word to the mos sasgodas a kick to
a fool.
—And cow 1 reckou I'd better take a
gate at the horoscope, and look for poli-
tical p(o)hnts and uauuicipal quarts, and
ether things that may•louse, edify end
instruct my friends In the back tsan-
sbmps and elsewhere. By -the -way, did
yoe notice where they put my rations -
twee in last week's paper 1 Of 000rse
you did, for you'd have read my column
if they bad printed it on the.. margin and
lapped it over on the Gest p.ge. 1
was going to rive the editors a bit d my
mind—said • mighty caustic bit at that—
when I discovered my old friend, 81. C.
Cameron, was at the bottom of the af-
fair, es usual. You sea, be got on to
the G t cn the giseetian of the
illtrsatwent of the nation's wards by tite
gang of thieves who are in the employ of
the lndiau d , and he showed
lop their rasealttier iu great shape and in
short metre. It seems that front Dowd
wry down, they're a set of rascals from
the word "Go."—only they moat ge.
Cameron made it hot fur them, and did
not leave them a leg to steed on—but
what's the uw of going over the story
when you're read it in Tali SIGNAL 1
The Alnwnine.s Growler will say that it
was • "sett- " speech, I
suppose, but h.'U take oars not to pub
lisle it, all the same, as he aid in the
esse of C.weron's "suicidal" remarks ear
theLuadry motion. For myself, if M.
C. C. never did anything during the see
cion but make his speech on the illtreat
went of the Indians by the ( t
I'd feel bound to stick to bar
back until he wiled , • . through
West Huron tit the next election.. And
from what I know of the neighbors they
aro all going to du it, too. Old John
Calvin brought hie a copy of the t'reaby-
te,iaa the other day, and the religious
editor of that paper was standing by
Cameron like a stalwart, and I'd kardly
got through with the article when John
Wesley, who live. on the corner lot,esm.
'along with the (lirufein Guardian, and
showed me a leading article when the
writer was patting Malcolm Colin Came
eon un the back with both hands. I
haven't sees old Hirom Hardshell yet,
but I guess he'll tote round the Baptist
in due curse, and let me see that the
organ of the dipping friends is also in
favor of having the In -lien weeds traded
with common decency by the Govern
meat of this Christian country. And it
Oat a bad thing to have the mural sop -
port of church organs when • man doss
his duty. It shows that the seed has not
willing to go its way to cast odium uplift born cast upas stony ground, or swat -
the hierarchy. This is not the first time lowed by the fowls of the air, or choked
the Tory organ has endeavored to cast by weeds, but rather that it has germin-
slime upon a Catholic prelate, but its std, and waxed strong, and brought
efforts will again prove as un.esiting as f"nth gond fruit. alio mute it be.
—But it's Senator Jub. U Donohoe
when it elated that Archbishop Lynch's that has "made Dwngarvia rise' duwu
brains were inferior to those of a "poo- at the chain . l .he spooks—the $en -
di. dog." The Moil is only trying t- ate—•t Toro.tto. I recollect when Juhr.
prove that Sir John was rigt.t when he wielded the auctioneer's hammer an Tor -
• gaud hand he was, toou. Atilt; he "had no confidence in the breed." 11er that be alodid taw, and bseame the
Bot the Mail and Sir John will chant* tf "talented Irish barrister." John de
their tune between this and election served credit for working up the way he
Ba this as it may may, the above did, but his !raving to do wutb the see
tioneeruag busioees tin bon tk. spoiling
tract u • falsehood out and oat for 1 11 1 h sit t t
ex at him, a ter a uu see s g t in o
the Jfoil cannot show that the Catholic his big head that everythune si d every -
bishops made any overtures or gars any body was saleable, and he wasn't happy
We do nos hold oareeives responsible for thus
opinions sit mar Correspondents- Contribu-
tere tt this department must confine tbem-
selees w public questions, ant be brief.
To the s:ditor of The Signal.
Dot Mi. Sarum, -It would appear
(rues the that the people are
wakening up to the necessity of getting
more railroad aec,mmtdatiou for this
section of the Province. Wtughem has
been at it for several years. Wroxeter
and B ytb are now striving in tho matter
also. But I have another proposition to
make on this subject, worthy of the con
sidsrauun of the Fsilrut4 committee and
of the poople of Goderi-h and that is, a
line from Teeawater, by Lncknow, Bel-
fast, Dungannon and the Nile, to some
desirable point for creasing the Maitland
river to the harbor at Goderich, which
the G. erum.nt has selector! as the best
harbor of refuge and lifeboat station to
be found on Una side of the lake. Fur
the wisdom of this se;ection I, as an old
alt, and of several years' on
the lakes, can give buy most hearty ap-
proval, for the moment you leave the
end ut the pier at Gudench you are in
deep water, and free front all danger
from rock or shoal of any kind, from
Sarnia oar the one hand to Cockburn Is-
land, at the very head of Lake Huron,
on the other; and free also from the
fogs that w frequently endanger the na-
iigation of the Georgian Bae, is addi-
tion to rim many hidden dangers front
sunken rocks, and reefs, etc. To the
the C. P. R. Cu. this hue would be a
very great aJvntage, as it woppld utilise
their line from Glenannon to Toeswater,
Gotdwin Smith's paper, says :
"In criticising the action of Parlia-
ment, however, we must not be under-
stood to suggest that the Puriiamset or
the Ministry are resp' nimble for the in-
troduction of the subject. It was just
the kind of thing that aC t de-
tests, and that only • factious Opposition
would think of bringing forward. Ws
aaa SUR% rt. AT 7111 MIsr.TsaS wOCLD
GLADLY NAVA a*sLriD IT, had that been
possible. As it was net possible, rase
DID Tett$ NOT Tn Ix1 W,r fr. ADD rain
•UelLI $I.Y This gJ
has been .Wade • ground of esosurw it
is, in tact, • reason for admiratio* and
approval. When they eo.ld nut entire-
ly preemie the mischief they did their
best to minimise it, and they etroceeded.
There u something almost cootie in the
wind-up. Parturient mountains never
brou*ht forth a more ridiculous moose ;
and the mountains looked every serious
indeed when their labor began."
A ata.d.rer 1155 $ se facet.
It u now over a month since Mr. Fer-
gttase, M.P. for Leeds, rept lag to the
telling speech of Mr. M. C. Cameron on
Northwest , made the
following insinuation in regard to Rev
James Robertson, B t of
Missions in the Northwest :—
"The hon. gentleman made reference
to the statements that appeared in dm
of • Rev. Mr. Robertson. I
happen to know something about Rev,
Mr. Robertson, which I do not are to
disclose or discuss here, and which, to
my mind, dues nut add ranch to the
weight of Isis statements. I am rot go-
ing any further on that subject."
Messrs. Fairbank, Charlton and Witt -
eon, who said they were personally ac-
quainted with the rev, gentlemen refer-
red to and had gond reason to believe
that he stood high in the estimation not
only of his own Church but of other
churches in the Dominion, chall.ngd
Cdr. Ferguson to be explicit in his state -
taint conceal nothing. Mr. Vermi-
lion was dumb. 14e has had ample time
to make gool his assertion, and if he
cannot he should be compelled to with-
dnw the cowardly insinuation, confess
him•elt a slanderer and apologise. The
(awnda P by - is none too severe
un this • tire 4 Leeds when,
referring to his tnieer►We conduct. it
mys : -
"Mr. Ferguson now s�►nds before the
people of Canada as a meatber of Parlia-
ment who uses his privileges to stab by
insinuation the reputation of a mission-
ary .•f this church, and who when called
upon to make spec.ac charges or with-
draw his insinuation. is tea, cowardly to
do the one or the other. We direst the
attention of the Christian people of
Leeds, especially the Presbyteriaos, W
the conduct of theft represeubtive. —
[Hamilton Times,
•:..what candid friend --the Tory Sen- of every 100 of the population. Thebes •iwere.a Itrai.ds. inter. It's •clear caw of "(.u.ng, going,
nowt.Ylwr, of (obocrg -gives it •biking another strange phew in this gnsetiou, The Democratic party of Now York gone so ler as t YDuquhee u Mnccra•
o. to believe that his
to thus : — and it is this. that those who are most lbw been purging itself of the boodle ed. i have reason
"Wail not someone kindly induce the blatant about the ''rights of minority hi aldermen, but as yet we hear nothing of (►range friends in this section will herrn
Inland" were as dumb as oysters when the Conservatives of Canada ly sympathise with him now that be is ni
Mai! to arks an cod, for a while al leant. dee • action, for he worked all he knew
of its foolish and pay gambling at the Ireland was ruled Int the last 33 years ', James Beaty, Jahn Whitt or Wood- P
Rdueation Departtrent1 We get column ����y� worth, men who have been expn.od as h'e'r to do thew•g•td turn in Huron ie pi
after adman of senseless and foolish _121 P,wrw•,.•, end when "the rights of members who sought their personal act 1883; they rejoiced with Aim then, end t.,,,k pro.o.t. fie proved That aro the du who war mid by Tupper and Macdonald
twaddle that N *opposed to be erases—sin the majority" were templed under foot. granditement at the expense
of the case to le hoped they'll weep with him potent territories at Unbrio the Down -
to be unworthy to get any contemn, was
of Hon- Mt Rosi work. Then Aave Following is tea Protestant and Roman p�e they preteeded t.. mar... end lob, new that he weeps ever the perfidy of ton Government had sold 175 limits since r given the eontrsct fur lbs new beitdiep
very y (,scholia population d l Islet by coon- trafficked in public lands and railway air John. the decision of the Judicial c.romittea Iby Langerin, who now ear Nut M has
been wetly end serious 141aodera —So dies magistrate Scott, of Con- They went upon the Provincial domain ,.ed hitoselt a good and ,.1604. elms
ated, in the department, bet the very cheroot. Dalton McCarthy rad Thoma P' `pv •
�� by the Nail, with its ties : Whits weld have been hatter employed t"n. has re"gn'd• and thyro. a recency and dealt with it as though it were her tractor. Thus the last vestige od exams
P' R C than in hrlti:ing fur John Whirw and f•.r some man cal a radi.tal minion property. Literally, they tried for Topper's deal woe t)nderd.s.k is
0*.childish andignorant hall-6edieg,tr6kss 10716 73,093 bent. I've been lookia t around to sus t.. steal that which belongs t.. 5 h.t$rb., .w.pt sway. --f Melee ese Times.
theme Mandan possible. Oer.deestin•al Donegal
, his bad tongue. (Toronto World.
1 • allay instills- Londonderry
10,719 173,095
who'd be a suitable person for the billet, amt arcsl it nut among Meir �.
!r nsNtrmri! • pot Mt the crop of es�. Jo• n nBeattie has lowedot • good 11 , the rascality of the (1c sentiment had not 1oc,oa rel; The clerk of Berlin town averse* the sewn. 1c.nncil hes
been shelved, and I don't think Charles sad its supporters would n.4 be tolwst- written to, the Godeneh tows elm*
Seager would accept under existing nit- d for any time, but • gored many of the to decd out what kind of carpet is wool
.uwtausst A lot ..1 the nets/lnbw a people are bestowing as demoralised as rya the Goderioh Loon hall. Tuve
thm ght it would just soil ms, as I wee the Government, and ion en wrong in what comes of a town hsnng s tern
well mad to giving matter and things actioas of thy tical. —{New lira i tation for neat aul hawing.
Cearrw/es of P,aed.
Parliament en Irriday viten ■ 1
money to pay Mr. Charlebois for his work
un the erection of the new D
buildings at Ottawa
Sir R. Cartwright asked if this was the
same Mr. Charlebou whom Sir Charles
Tupper Bud wse not to be trusted with
any contract. and whose name appeared
as one of the t.: west tenderers for the
contract in Brutish Columbia given to
Mr. Ooderdouk.
Sir H. Langerin said he Wes the man,
he believed, and had prove bbarslt •
good and reliable co•ntracter.
Sir R. Cartwright Then he ought to
have got the onntrect, the refusal at which
to him cart the country $209,000.
Ondetdonk had grade his bargain with
Tupper to get the onntract for coswtruct-
tag the. British Columbia end of the
Canadian Pacific Railway. Bat Cherie -
buts' tender was lower than Underdosk's
by j'd09,2:t3. Tupper tried to get out of
his difficulty by pretending that the
cheque deposited by Ckarbb,is as secur-
ity war not roomer, but the @eidetics was
all ateinst him. Then be stunned and
raged and declared that Charlebois was
not $ lean to are . t a.. w, ....t flit' /Tolima
Noel/maid aid hacked up the ,se.rtion. It
cost $2,r9,213 t.. give the job to °nder
f'.werea ere m �• dont, who proceeded to import tho •-
When fir. Cameron, in his hrucefirW t ends ul Chinamen to work on the read.
$n.1 tt'initham speeches, ch.rje 1 men• Ilore touch t)nderdouk ggre to help the
berg of parliament with being applicant* Tories carry the e'ectina of 1882 will
for limber limits, the Cuuservative PrP i never Ire known unties Tupper and Mac-
eu il.serted that his statements weir.) I clonal(' happen to quarrel The people
without foundation, and he dare not of camas had in earn that $'409286.
make them en the 8.,.r of parliament. Itall item etmpared to bone ell
Well, he has reiterated abevery s • star ,
the of the Moedoosrs.id
statement cauls on the stump, on 11114 Tupper combination, lett the Onder osik
fl`or ul partlament, and ettepting in se Ij traneacuon was such a h..relaead swi ale
or two instances where a ,mistake in date
8188 made, sup •rted his charges by blur I public memory. ('harleb••ts, the man
that it made an impression epee the
time, to some *stoat now. Th. •encs Aetna, 114,619 100,166
of tate Mod is aloe tending to iwaveove Down . 169.246 00,671
mstteea into MR A little prtctis•l knowl- Antioch .$6.3144 75,437
JN es the part of the writer of the Mnn•sban 48.806 76.417
*theles, would probably pretreat both Tyrone 117,146 109,084
hien sad the paper being made a latagkiag t.gk rmaa•.000,000 000.000
4luik 4 throir M M
MIerry•'. Cisme ..11462 106,338
Colleen, Cavan, of Stretford, and Of
leer Nichol, Walker/4.4i, arrested An-
thony ".hart and had him sentenced to
pay POO rad go to gaol L.r ono esunth
ler 'reeking an ttlioit still ma the towisship
of C&►rw.s,