HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-7, Page 84 8 IRELAND'S FRIEND. THE HURON MONAL, tuft)**.. NAY 7, 1886: leen e I the tilt MOW .of tiviag a del 101 Tt,e wnttee TM. Most atktlisels ~t* ...e in/ swum in a tldtM of she Nees." 'this! j t bet desisted be swill m ens I Th to tow d a tastily The yid► ii d PittlegL il;di3t lt la BARRISTERS, au•ec 18• I Is motion in 1 1° Kuaag In O sad well t uppamphlet caul ' Irw 1'a N ., .1 ttfiwr*A debt are tbaukfUly ac- rlodeebl, Hpt;. Merited Blaine Shows 13ie wl'Ply' the game as Mr. athCastles had s, of reviews cntlealat Mr. J. C ksuwledded ' l'.L+ttaoatl Jr J. A. Memos utw A Hr.rer. on arc i, j A tib 1882. He ,cc.ptmd the slsttsa Dent • "Story of the t'p,•rr C./tadat R Ch 1 h E. N. Lawns MK - Big Irteh Hrnrt. t,,,,, of the !calor "f the (duvernme"t, Rebellion " It also cont•tina the letters , T thouvh he thought that at might have which appeared to the Toruutl pew tw Me. ""ih Y A Friend, d l C. HA YIN, o►L[t:ITOR Aa, C. A. Humber b John Andrews, 20 O/ee curlier of tae pwro gad Wrst sett over Bailer's bigot oden. M a•►. ler 4 meet.• +ruleoIby ter Mase , beszI “..de in a bettor *pint, because hie the llrekeasN lta.lph anntnt•I.f4y. Jaa N'dlawe, b Mr. Evans, 2 nM• 1 r Mole t.. Ir. -lard. ! oi,j-ct wag to ste•ute the unaware W • Tbes. are connected G eth i with • tts•sey to moist !sweet mime/ interest Q 'R 11•e.o Morrow, MW. tomnam, b _ t 1 f the H••use to this nntk a. H• 1 t account .,t the sad {r d (1 Alt se P1101, b (ill1T, ISA R IK KMS Ai N n+Ittw+, ate pi.ot ., it •nor A Friend, .r A r ora. ws!tnt( lis c.'"for with Nt l • bt1lrn are (ullutwad by a lengthy entitles oil "r R T 1 throw A, Ma) a ( b u John lime Kubt Thompson, L A Friend. a {?water:, h. J.1'. (farrow 11 . Pruden•. Ira or ant 4411..1 h t Mr oa igati her n .. 'uenihor a t. t d orm „ The New Story, y r u 4 ' lien. A'•hr•nn, 5 J 0 !Sturdy, 2 He would roe to Thu 1 A. klrrnater Berlin, who ala.. e•w- 0 ,n b da4 a4 the d.y tier discu*uou tribute• au The publics John 1YLi sly, M l' t h v I a trlritra. t" the uo••tnou ag M. , PKnrII, nattier that he irk still :u fat•tf lohi hmox, May .r Horton, , , of House !tale fur lit lard and roh-se- W. A. E•Iward, b p ;:ewes• now uniNl and the bpeakrr ,tion uI the p•iaphl'rt s justiheA 'ori tier And several smaller sums. ro more Ing It. spook for 111*111u0t..n the I)••'um left the chair. Mr. B'ste • women and ►ou I'rrla•mait. Mown•. It.owell, \\taco had created a decided sensation, ground that the pthe Ie given the pudic will r..utplete th. sum sokrd he.. the Story ofthe Kobelt.>n would 1,. J. N. Euwato, ea behslf of Trustees. mots -el olio . that gad .t►rt Tory limiters would not, a and Lytle groups f••roned m "mit" parts 1 •written Soni.! • "Ldb,eral but non-partisan ..eats, permit Mr. Ciotitrion„ortt. W produces of the chamber dtsrui•tng the matter. 1 point o1 view'• has nut been k„:4__that H Rule ree.•luUub,tt,,r to ilk to a {iter roc'... Ir Cwticau angrily M' "the faith blighted tit the word hu bro., mealier .1 the Goverionent tit favor .,f ouwd Mt. Blale .•f 1'11'4uid•entxd by Ix.•keu iu the deed," especially i4 for the pnneiple of Home Rol. , w Slim Mu panty lives iu this matter, and three. author • estimate of 11'illaw Lyon Mac Isar Ester of Inland by'e ., g a tura t. c cord IatN'M to final' nn a tuutttra d hip ketone and John Kalif. Issue is joined his skirts by s•ndu g 4 11u,1 glow tyle- own en this q••etiott "'htostMt11.11M Now it hap -with Mr. Dent on thew potuts, as well gram on hu ora account Neked was there for this motion 1 M o any others w his narrative. The pens that Mr. Cv'Sig+a lin no right Mr. Lister Because you 14JYId not de, pamphlet as a whole is well written, end whatrtcr 7o speak on torhelf of the Irish it la eery Wadable and Iaterealln4 ; no He men of the prevent Parlament. biro Ceatigan said they had curve to doubt it will have teeny readers. It may tut as the awuthpie.t . ( a few j'•b- the conclusi•ei that the sable message e ire giros • geed idea of Mr. Dent's book, bers and place heelers, oho are 'Inch• had tint t" \Ir. 1'arnall last night would criticises pointedly and puog.otly Biome men by ueeupntion," but Mr. teatigeo turn the t parts of it which Lee writers eoncetve c 1 hu fath- ts now repudiated Ly almost every spirit- 11r. Cage made • speech to Show that in 1863 or 1864 when Riel est ed In•hmeii ail Putuueut .toil the •y Pe11C be fairly open to criticism, and furnishes ere to whoa' he was much attached, and when m 4 ►pp..s'twn Sir John mored nt a g.xa1 deal .11 now •/:d twportait lnfe,r- wh'.ae death &dotted him for a long tin S. country. The rewlutioos of 188' were the Lmtellinr msattor by melees air lira manors on the whin' sub Mr. net passed by the pr..eut Parliament atavism.RL.,. Roes t►a a eey that up G, the time of meet w goiwg into supply. King's critique u a slashing and racy re- Risl's cun6neanent ,a Berup..rt Asylum The T'•ry leaden' w Ireland profess to Fir John said he would guarantee to ties bya Liberal of lir. Uent'a narntirr, have the •yu,iiathy ..1 the whole Cana Mr. Blake w o rtuau ou Thurs a io 1876 es uta.. he sura eeryrelent, u.d dian population in opposing Mr. Glad 1'p" y 1 and without beteg s, avowedly, is s j,., states that if h• had not been w stone It is now clear that the object of W make his motion • whstnttttve ons, strung vindication of thge character '.f violent he would have been kept in lits tmtt¢rn and the Canadian Tinos in and in reply G. Mr Bhke, ailed he William Lyon Meekenzsd. Those who .,own home. While atayimg with him 1882 was wall the tires ..f 0mhwrttwing would here it made the ti order ailed the ha„ read the "Iitory" should o'etainly Itiel Sur. all his clothing, remaining the Liberal Gorrnto.rnt . f Groat Bn day read thio reply, and th.se who harts not naked, and cried out that he was a pro Mr. Blake said his ohject wt• sidely read it may. firh great tdyahtage, reed phot :chat God had tiveo him • mi•.i.n. tads. Now, when Mr. I:Ldth ne has the success of ehat be had ria much at i what the oritRS say about it. The prier) _ introduced a H• nee dui.• 1:,11, the Cwn'' heart, and Le would withdraw his mo. la the pamphlet is 25 cents. than Tories refuse to. rzproas •ppro tics in order to giro every John McKenzie, formerly of Kinear- of his course. to the Hou1111 to adopt the speak eat. Jean dine, and brother nt Capt. McKenzie. of • OTTAW'1. May :+- reaoltµi',o. The maters wee withdrawn. What has tome over Hoa. Mr. Costa- the North Line, died at Otter Tail, In the House today Mr McLelau buoy ed that the 11. u., go into e,,mm,ttee tit Lh__ti how Tlstl1/aaJ' M Biers Bsnas4sy. Montreal, Ap'il 27. -New documents have been pP.4UO.d on the vexed ptles- ti.m of the sanity 01 Rist. His •nae, John Lee who has been returned as aki•rwau for St Joao Baptiste ward, has made an •fli•lat it before C010111 01111. nner C A. Lavelle 1.. the effect that Kiel was lin reality quite triad. H. says that the •ttlictinn first became perooptil.le tats in the matter of Houle Rule reap Bruce Mines, on ttrrday last. !•tion• T 11* surely hos 1r4.1 gone back iso dismissed had been up at the Brace Mines int of supply. -- himself to each an extent as to Wheys shoat 3 years, bat was un tlss Po Mr. Blake roe amid cheers and said We re,tret to have t.. announce the that Huai Rule is Iris desirable now removing back to Kiat.rdine, when coir ho desired to substitute for that cwt ;on death .1 John McLennan, an old and than it was in 1882. His present line tit' sumption claimed him sea victim. The another on the Irish '1"""t1"' „n mach respected resident of this place, conduct is apt to ors rase to the belief body will likely he interred there. w "tech which conk Flats on Saturday morning that his sympathy with baked bid Ht Han Hun Tutus -"Can you toll honorable gentleman ih' n delivered eech Instinl only fifteen minutes' but lee aumthanaed by an attack of inflamore in his mouth than in his heart.- what kind of weather we may expect one which will i.e read thro-lgh all Cana-' tion of the brain, resulting from an at- [London Advertiser. next month 1" wrote • farmer to the di Be said that 110 herd nut reiterate tack of sunstroke last scanner Mr Mr. Blake has since forced Mr. Curti- editor of his country paper The editor hu views on this *object a:preowd at McLennan was well and favorably . gag to speak out. -4Eu. Sweat. replied : "It is my belief that the wrath• length in )I4)42 Since then a now Par known, quid the vary largo funeral which er next month will be very mach life lumeut had mot, gad .Sono then the took plaO4 on Mooday afternoon, 26th aatslkttk•t'• rider. year subscription bill." The farmer wen - Irish people had pr.mounced in favor of inst., shows in a tanner the degree in Itis just • little bit en the mash aide dered for an hour what the editor wail Horne Rule. He did not admire 1441111 which he was respected. He was a for our esteemed tate driving at, when he heppeoed to thiuk of the details of the measure now before staunch Liteerel, and was s member of Guderich SIGNAL to point out that Par- of the word "unsettled." the Parliament of England. but the vital the committee for pnaing division No. well. Devitt and other patriots were lock- principl. now at stake was .etf-govern- 5, Ashfield. He was in the fifty fourth ed up Iu Kilmainham jail fur using lee. Awestwa doses. ment for l.oca: affairs in Iroisud. ("No, year of his ago The sympathy of the disloyal Ism/wigs thea is now beteg em - no," from the Ministerial benches) The community is with Mrs. McLennan and played by Haltykilbetg Jubreon. Still. attention ..f the world had been aroused family in their vreat alllictien. Tug Sweat is right enough as to the and every ear strained to catch the echoes of the great det•s'e and to learn The :Sabbath school in a(act.- G,mdw Advertiser.. msectien with _ the issue of the mi¢hty struggle Mr. the C'. P. church tion was ro reopened on- Gladstone regarded the. resolutions of 25th ult , with John Armstrong as super- i t„ . CLIPPINGS. sympathy ss very helpful to him, and tntenlekt• they knew what the tone of his repay Spring work and seeding I Meuse Rasa all hers of Enron tee en the would be. The (. 1 d Great are heirg busily prsecuty in this arc- New. taeh.stse. Britain had acted in the spirit of the .d• bon. The tall wheat is looking well, vice given in 11182 by the Canadian and indications so for are iu favor of so Parliament, and now it was only noses' abundant harvest. eery to offer moral support. Raisin¢ his - vnice the honorable geatlr'nan asked i'itt0valt, "Shall we to silent now when our silence will he hurtful r The new hall has teen presented with 'Yes '•ea " from the Ministeriala bet a window shutters. YICTORII OPBRI 1101181. For ONE WEEK t,HE1tIFF'S DALE OF LANDS. fu,t•ty of -Heron. • Ry virtue et • Writ of Wit it : • Pieri Peruse imasd net of ]t Her ajeatr's High roan of Justice. l'han- cery i►Iyt Sun. and an alias Writ d fieri Pion..• issued out of Har Misty!. Murk Court of J est ice. Common Pima I N • tabs'. and to me dirsjee and delivered agate* the Leads• Tenement• of W11.4.1•11it•p•t:vit end JAM•M.kaNLzt.atthesuitdf it/NUALL Ron.' 1 An. e• wised and taken in Eo• aeut ion and will oder for Sale. a Mace. lvei Ir. the Court House, is the Town of Goderk•h. ea T..,ar.ry, tih....,tli Day .,f J 1'1. r, Dew:, a the hour of Eleven of the clock. la the fore4 noo,tbe richt of *feast of the efesdaneJ 4,41 aN-eivigr. as the widow of Ronson M. -ki'- t.aM. deceased. her late hueban 1. In that par cel or tract air lend and premises. being Int Number Sit, w the Elevrutb (' .,-,•sur of the Township of Manley. le the County of Berea. containing one hundred acres. mon- or less, and all other the rights, tine and interval of tt.e raid JAsa M. 411' ST1m.1e.r out of the said lands and premiers. -. KOBE1IT UIND. )IC& Sheriff's Office. Ooderi.h. 1 rieg March sS(h. IBM tNai1R Ed. Si.mm„n, et Ethel, a wolf -known .cho.,l teacher, has been nn the sack list improvingfor months, but is improving iso nicely e• that he contemplata visit to California before 1no4 with a view of atr.ogtheuiug ( d up tin Monday everting last one of Lie- ben_tee. ! The precentor'• box in tate Preshyte- ter a must respected citizens passed away Mr. Blake -I say no. We are bound ri.n church is still unfilled. in the eers':n of Mrs Hamlin, relict of to speak. I oak whether we, a demo- A concert is talked of for the 21th ; the low Wm Hamelin. acted 73 years. cram people aid the kinsmen of that Alai a picnic is being dscussed. She had been seized with a paralytic very populati,m to which Mr. Gladstone Knbt Duff has very greatly impn'yed stroke on the previous Thursday. in his recent manifesto aptxwl*. shall be his remises by neatly sodding it. The thin Tho.. Calback, F. Kelly and silent 1 I do not bring this up ass P yparty question oras a party leader. I Thus. Stewart has been his F. Hittite. of Brussels, had been travel have waited till the -last moment, hoping dwelling house by the addttion of a new ling i y•1 t toearr San Francisco, and which COM a1F. ( Int; MONDAY. A - - 17 The Prow... Popular Young Carme dillif Roit.H,B_►IND ppeu Loire o blf t hati,ce excellent Company with the beautiful emotional lemma Cast Adrift 1DiI33IDH, - 10 Coate, atuttay Ba OR 4Tt, w •'rata. ror Sale at Frame 41 Porters. tionf . J tic JOHN KNOB, t3ENERAL A17C- e TM)![KK and Land Valuator. Oodeslol, tint. Raving had considerable expertise's is Ow suetimmenuugg trade. be Is in • pwitlea to discharge with thorough eatlsfact Ma all eons - moistens entrueted to hits. Order's left at Martin's Hotel. or bent by mall to my a44 s, lioderich P. O . carefully attended to. JOHN 1LNOX 14wm AurUosterr 108-lf TO TEE PUBAdIC IN GENERAL : u N O, All parties getting their sale bilk misted at this office will get • tree mottos ltassrted io this list up to the time et sale. , Important gale of livery dock, the property of A. M. Polley, at his stable, South street, Gedericb,.by John Knox. anct tonere. 1 o'clock, P. m., on Tuesday. 11th May, 1886. This is a genuine gale, a• Kr. Polley is ¢sing out of the livery business. See posters. Auction male of farm sleek and imple- ment, the pr'psrty of Mrs. Hussey, on the premises, lot 5, Ashteld, one mile north of Port Albert. by John Knox, auctioneer. at 1 o'clock, p. m., on Thursday. May 13th, 1885. See posters for her, teras, A•c.- ■A00IEle. On April fish, b Hee. W. Johnson. ae.as- tent minister of tit. Georgy s, G,der%eh. rean- ri, Ashton steered), to Mrs. Yraocee Cattle. both of Guderich. On JOtl of April. byitev. J. Markham. at tbe residence of Mr. Isaac ri.ber, Colborne. Mr. Hamilton Yemen. of Wawano.h, to Mus Clem ?reit. of Colborne. that someone on the other side ••f the coat .of paint- oke a faster train, ran over Ns,. James Timmins has opened out •new an embankment and some 18 persons in raederich. nn Monday. May M. 1144. House would bring it up. The Mints-in1 aired or killed. Listowel. Isabella, beloved wife of Albert 1). White. of tot of Inland Revenue has, I see, de- stock of furniture, in the old stan41445.0 d torn- stowel. aged years. I The bite egg seamen is not over yet, 29tb. Donald Neil. .mars eon of Mr. Joha •to with a white McY u:ar, aired le years and t Inootbs. aie.erwl grape, mod w Haying now received the bulk of ►1s Spring Purchases. 11 - - ons a Choice 8 1.014oa of FASHIONABLE AND DESIRABLE GOODS, Newest Shades and Texture*, All -Wool lleBetgea. Venous Serves. Mondanese Cloths. • with strilw to match. Black and Colored Otwsaa etrored.d Satins. Black. Double-F'.ued Tricoliee satin, warranted not to rut. !'rods, Sateen& Knack and Colored Linea Limn.. + IN 1 curled to Wring it up, but has cabled Mr cloy occupied by Mn Conover. MR. FARR"ws C4)N.TTTI(i . In nderi' h ow ThuttaSal afternoon, April Parnell his individual assurance of sym A detachment of the Savage band are pathy for the Home Itule measure. But hero at wort in the Methodist church, what is required is not the assurance of under the t of Capt. Wood - a :Minster of the Criwn, but of the hug They hold two meetings every Commons of Canada; not the assurance day of the Irish Catholics, but the assurance Jos Jenkins, oN et the graduate* tit of all nationalities and creeds. 1 speak Mutual. school has succeeded in teeing as a Canadian. This is hot a Protes- tanta e"1161•14 in the Slate of Michigan, air Catholic question. They are and started teaching on Monday, the 3rd 0111.101.1• of their county who would instwot. snake it sr. Today Int us be united for nits a number .1 farmers and others the retirees of wn.ng and the adv'ancte- ment of liberty. 1, therefore, move cams into the ttltage on Satorday last that a' humble address ho presented to expecting to attend the sheriffs rale. Her Majesty to rupoctfully assure Her But they all went home again, seeu'g MAlpl.ty that the interest and concerti nothing sold worse than they were t'trnt- fnN by the Commons of Canada and the selves. people they reere*ent on the condition Thos Smith has gone to the land where of lteland, and theirthat seam the rebellion was, to take charge of the maws may Us -hound opting the es• mails. By all accounts he wail, pressed wishes of so many of her Irish have nothing to do, But wish hon every subjects fur a measure of fecal self -goy success erument, still continue as warm and The turrets have been placed on the earnest as in 1882, when they were new cheese factory, and tt ie)uet neennt humbly siLeotfie'1 t. Her Majesty by an completion. John Scott of Vt Inghan has address; gad to humbly inform Her sons the purchaser of the whey of Majesty that this Heusi, hails with joy mimeo., factory tnis veer. and iitend* the submission by Her Majesty's Gee- won to begin buying stock. sentiment to the Parliament ..f the Veiled There were notes. than thirteen teach - f re. grilling the p th others rut I *' Relic .n cr p,` t u :nwwsuro may Ste amrmtra, .a' bon, Our leacher paid • s to friend• forma basis for such • settlement of this out of town. great question as shall conduce to the town - mace. h•'ppine*e and prosperity of the Labor r WeetMe. Keepers. " Bir John M•cdcnald ridiculed Mr. Thelon 'wing froom the pen of the late Blake's claim that in this matter he was J. G Holland possesses the weenies' not acting as • party man, and asked elements of pathos and tiu h: Libor is why the h..nnrahle ¢entlemtn had wait. the h .storable thing among men. There •.1 so long before moving his resolution, is not a neatly -graded lawn, a pretty and why had he not given notice of It. garden ora w -trained tree tl at dies He mid Mr. Blake had taken the counsel not tell of it It builds rnavitifcent least likely to benefit the tau,• he hsd cities, and creates navies, end bridges at heart. He would not rote for the riven, end lays nilr•a•1 intake slid in- resdution, but he promise! Mr. Blake fuse. every part of the dying loosened, e tl he would withdraw his motion to give Wherever a steamer plow• the eat' e, fum a day for discussion '.f this goes. or the long canal hears the nation's in - tion. when memhets would he prepared land wealth; wherever the wheat fields to discuss it and come to 411011 a conchs. sate and the mill wheats Nva, own, the great interest. involved labor u the eongneror stud Ib. King. Parasols, Gloves and Fine a larged Feature. Madtw and Nottingham Curtains in wklle. ce:re and fancy .olortag,. t*xo liptltmally cheap.' White, Cream, Turkey and Fancy Tablehop. Towels and Towelling,. Tray Clothe. $apkimss 1i'Oylerys- round r, nary and °Moog. il/'t'he correct thing an ) id. ►ad Buttons -7,x Swim and Helena gmbroider es. All Overs and Tuekings. Not deeming it secessary to enumerate the various' !toes t• stock, the public may reel m e eared that all d will be fatly up to the -. zcrariiTar`Sirlt:ily eau price. Guderich. Ms, lith. 18gi, AL.Ta b . .. - . • fs mov. s. JOHN BROPHY Hes removed hu turaitare dept to the stand on west street. nest door to the Stair Pristine Office, wbere'he has en echtblt,ea KIIIc'l,nl o n measurer erg in town dunegr Easter week, among rinciple of local self-government tar r 4)141 teacher A. Musgrave and relaid, and humbly to express a wife, John King, Jas McCracken, Thoe 11e of this House 411.1 the in maple of D l+: W. Siewert Mr Thom - Mort •• T , wherever it spreads its swotted. Bit John oely spoke fora he PrBa moats rim ter. wise*, (wars the impales of toilers Mr. C.stigaa etpeesod the optni•'fl hands Should not the laborer he well that they had a right to send such en ad housed, should he nM have the hest doses tm the hecto, but he •qu.stienrd wife, and the prettiest children In the tM propnety of the pm...nl ,cors. Ha world' Should got the man who pr, - i1882 in honored! To a there s more tree titn in regard to the put hisimo ion o puntr about the I•I o er'e life am41 loot tie Ess, and said he had put his muton 1,n than any other Sitare wider heaves. it the paper. matters not to abet colli • wean toile Mr. Blake tone it ea* Ione ofhpot s ,f he toila manful! howestt and a.n motion on the toper, but the *notion he y placed in Mr. Speaker's hands was a d'f tentedly, the lit tin pail should be • jOrye t net*. badge .of nobility everywhere, and in the Mt. Coatigan denied this. Ile waked "R'o'od time commie, boys,' K will be. Mr, Bette to withdraw has motion and I the proceedings hs took nn, daoer all that he ran amt End wear he ambit with nth I. members of the House Alarming news maw fn an flara►ah of M•tal'y int.revtel in this l . sooners. the rapture of Randal. by11..ult%, Blak rept •, bn y to ill John r, se. Ilss..ted by the friends of ibis We KieKieft. Mr. „'_ Quintin McBlaln calla Leigh .rn's Ogg that measured 61 x 8 c.wrvtrslaHtet. inches. It was • double 'calker. The N. P. is doing great 'hiuga for the haus (B.ponrd by Telephone from Hart t Mitis l in Sha, i►ecti• n of the county, Ea,A .4mgittc,4. ]lay 4, Ied Huron is iu clover. 1 tuts•. Post. I Wheat, t Fall) • bush IM -7 *31 M 7: List week James Smiley and wife and' Whear, fired wt"t.n to bush ..t. a Qi tp 0a t\-heat,'.prias' 1r 144,,11 . 0 4AI b 0 70 Thos. MIcLeschtn, al of Grey. left , wnerat,lactie Ybuse . ...... 000 si rise Brussels for the 4 /1d C oi°try. Mr. Mc- rlu Ir. ,fait is c wt. 1 IB r 1 tri ; ne is intends lock cwt .... ! la tis ! !t These We hate Old Goternment J_ova and P;aotation Ceylon. fee IT ]M. PER rot%r. p'IJif, ret resg tsalters. w 041t.... ! w ! 1.1111 • that Ptour• opat,•nth per. cwt 1 Wu*. J 1r ensured. Try Samples and be osavisced. 0.ts- Y bash . Pen..Yhu.lt 4J0le 0w BEDROOM SETS that wrist be beaten for stood ' or low pace on top of SIN van h. Brpby wentndersold by gay mea Sha breathe*. and his furniture is Web etpre.sly 10 look well and Gaud wear and tear. esu you know where to go. Ile sure. sad call nano... God. -rich, May 4th. Ike. JOHN BROP'1 Y. SPECIAL ATTEN'TI-ON ,,.,, •ed to the exceptionally good yalur. now being efIered In TEAS %%e hate Young Hysnn.. t'nngot'*. Japans. Oolongs. sad Assam•, ranging In pn•-er Iron. tic I de. per 1♦ \ Our Young Ilysoa M Sec.. acid Heat black .se. biemd4 8Nc„ are teeny geed talues. OFFEES iw hl tend fetchingI ck a number of fillies and porhap* a few hones with him. P. Certain, of Aden., left lest Murday, for Sjotlan-1, for the purpose of inip,rt- P`N ty Ism bush a 31 ..r o 1. H:. -ni., wm ing a number of Cly'Iesd*W horses. Mr. Mutter. I4 ........... Y lb v 0 17 sea ss Bassa C has been to the h•i,in 144 for several ht•dos ..... • 10 r 0 11 t F -r y\T( .} , ) v rr V m Vmmra tai • I! *1 a 14 rem I .4. V s Barley. a bosh .......,..... a !M es 0 1i Estate of GEO. GRANT. years and he. Leen oxe.enintlly fortunate. skana.'1, owl ......... 0 M is 070 He hart imported some •'f the vert best Bran. o cwt ON s 0 to horses in tits (mtres -I lizeter Ited.atttt ct"•r'p"tet aro, cue, - 1: " 1 90 Nereeninge bosun ........... • • " 0 I'0 Rev. Jas. ('armieheel, jun., has ac. Perk. v own b M S hi MILLINERY .. YVo,d s Haring lova to the Markets, wet lieste.Rleeti'.1 with -are u ins • Stoamortmrnt of ceptcd the rectorship of Bergner. Mr. ;Lira • SO 4 i0 ..t Montreal. He will commence rrsi _--_ -_ . -- - • .‘nm MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS deuce in July. The Ilerthier people are J rDTCIAL BALE OF VALUABLE Mr. C.rmiehsel as their rector iN THE MUM COURT of JUeTIT'S. Quebec !Dews. Canptohael is the oldest not .•f the Dean atren•alns...................... Gibe httartlly Congratulated on soc'lrin} • )1111A. AND "ARM PROPERTY THF BAIat, Cottvuv C4). - Speaking of the Skied C 'mpn'.y'a performance of "Cast Adrift." with which they open hem Ant ALutday Kt.ttnius. 11L!J...iie11, the Si. Th ,moa T. re . says : "There was a crowded sudtenee leen 'debt, aid those who went to sae a good representation id "Cast Adrift," were in no way dimsp- pointed. There hava been rainy emo- tional actors in this city, playing a prim• cipal part in the tiler of fast night, hut none have Cape! Ole part of 'Netto Heath' se well as Mr. Baird. While he played hie opening scenes well, it woe not till he reache•1 the third and fourth acts that his artistic abilities were fully displayed. Mr flinty Hervey gave • eery natural Niel carefully ..:ted inter- pretation of 'Frank Lawton,' and the part of 'Mabel Heeih' c.•ul-1 not fall t•' a better actress than Miss Mamie Homey. Mr. Erwin Hematites, as 'F•edimusit Simkins,' suis genii. .=4-tt Hon. Mr. Fielding hes gives notiee of s mrtion in SIN Nees Sonia Legisla- ture, declaring it .Mnletely necessary for the Province to ask the permission ,f the Imperial Perbament to seoerle tram the Canadian federation. Mr. W. O. FadennhrHitr, Dr. Adewl Wright and Mr, W. A. Foster have heal .forted members of the Lnirweity Ren- ate by the graduates, sat Mr. J A. Cat- hie*. by the hilh school mast.t4. Th. Mark eels E.-o.o.rnid regret* to record the failure at the fall whist crop in One of the hest wheat reunite sec- tions in Outarin. "Fully twn thirds or this ernp in Markham and Resrbnro' la wieler killed, and will be pinugh.d 1p, and the land sown with spring wisps." etwe is oar cte otrmtote. Ceti. n ee Hclsoti re. Hamra Parses*. to the J tan 1011:114%sal. .wade in thin otiose will as ow andxs18 e1 at Marti! s Hotel. Ot8miammem. ,4'dxr.l''i. *A.- !iel /Sort o1 V.'v. /.44*;, S t nne o'clock In the forenoon. the followlug 1'Ate-*t. 1. ('nneiatfrhe of flee mill property of WILLIAM IIA 10114. 111 1h.. Towndits of Ashfield. in the t:0*n- , of II iron. 1 1 01 portant Ip'a and A. in the nh .onov%I••n. FAN ern I ►i vbslo1. of mil 1 1.. wnah t p. t-oi tat ni g Martel d land. more or Iris. the buil is elderly • Arty loam. There are on the premiers t frww.e odorwbonosa. a two store`, trick dwelling house..'. frame dwelling Loos.'. a frame Moe,. tri v Suede., and Mabe.. also n 4144 and ahingle mill. There haslet. an .ru hard of shout S arra. and x arn•a of hush land. Thle parcel will be endd •blit rt to • lease of which ha*.brut 11 Tears to ren. Th . Is • gond opening fir any per.on dale. Ing Ngo Into the milling beelnosa. the pro perty Seim • dealt -aid. owe. mid In • good section of the eniniry. 1•2 HUM. 410. rt. A farm of ISO screw mew* or Irmo heh,t parts of the shove mewl 4.11.14 lona T1s soil is Monne one haW ,-(y loam. and the hslellee • needy Mem. There is about tet scree of bosh land. Umber ed rhieey with maple. tweets. white ash. has.. Iwr'k awl ..lar. There is erax'tel on this parcel 1 trance Sarna sad 2 atal.lw. Ther propel it* ere 140th 'neatest 21 wake frog. Dungannon II ig144 from I.oeknow mad Is miss hues (tes)erte as anyone could desire. i will offer the same at *Itch Reasonable Prices as will ensure satia- tion to the Purchaser and myself. and will endeavor. as in the poet• te do all to my pewee le at t. sasiefaPHew. Ity Millinery embraces all the Newest Shades of Coloring. and the inn* attrartire designs. My stock of Fancy Goods comprise •11 the latest things in Oriental Leese and All -Over Embroideries. la nice', 1 have the hest Vallee procurable. Thwart Iry Lille of all the Newest Slade', and at rNeea that will insure • mosey toe. "•*The Trimming I►epnrtmeat is ander the of MINN CAMERON. who will devote liar sole attention to her l'ualunt.r*. and will endeavor to please all who will entrust her with their order*. BATa.._DQNE.-DYKE IN TEN NEWEST STYLE& FARM 1'RODt'CK TAKE% IN RXCHA'OE. YOURS very resueettelly. MRS. C. H. GIRVIN, *web Veh. !Sgt. •Mlle- Hamilton street. (loderich 1 doors from Colborne Motel. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS ! w II DI AM .AYw WILL SELL OFF Hi9 LAR,E AND VARIED STOCK AT €;-j: 1 .1 'f OV 7bve'fa, I Mnsien/. ' Wiltllpa, - Hnihrw.f., r 1oah,p., 1 1111. Cashmere. Lisle, ono,* p„„,,,,, raw, i fnetu, Corbels and Wool. I rlsferittpa, Motes, ( ,wfa, oo, lino li60,48, i KW. (•aahm•r.. Lisle. •vA i rti aya, I NkNapkins, ns, gloms aseerttaeM. I and ca usR Shirts. t Orrfairss, Priinntts,,, , Cor5/M a *u,,,. a, 1t•11fr ( iii 18ei u, FI1MMno, knitted and plata. Agog. On. seder Per yard. 1- Etvw,fjrfr,Aiff, reread* - - if iii rsreew tw nae. 'Nw VIM. !Ston (:e1lNn i mArrllo. Ten per cwt. dews ea the day of wan, •M th v halal** into court within TO dant there. after. 1Nas awl primed.; file., ' VA i rf s /.www., I• 4 .`Kik 1'efrefa, Meati ; Urn..er,, 1►I1i14 GlA1M V.fwMrw..'' Led„' t'..t. e N 1 0)osM*.4u . Xtrita, P"r/ary 411.ta, klsek at►A celeee'l, tM'rwkef., w,;aitltwrt.f I Qleur, /•r•, Else, Ibis 0 roe fen particulars are lance pepaent er 1 pl,y t.' ' emirs 04dd •looses 0.0111M011.01se' Mtiwwa M • ilolapr. fes.+tarva Clem task or the Plalatifre $eltettoes. timed r1• tlftb Axl et AprU 1ith S. itALCOlidkint. IOW Master at 0ed.r4o6. OARROW t PROD ITo(l?. Plotatt8"s B ama ts !0110 Sale Commences Saturday, 217th X&Oh liodeeich• March 11414. 1215. a A 4' RTH T4 WHOLE NUMBER BER . TSN _I1 JRC 1s psbiisbl every Fri GILL m Ste, Woo.. et OODERIC H , Kell Irdeer4tcl'd 10 al nag oeeetrl by the earl) Teel•, --81S0 is ado ubhaberi:ll.,$. if gv if • paid. Tb .t10 en forced. KA it/ o/ ADy imTl Iry for int insertion: each subsequent Indent, tied q.arterly nenLX&CY ear w'T1416.-.71 'ebmenu Io' tag the department rat tke moat for taming out 410(14 to to do business in Stat It be°ia` n. asd of • .1 ters.-Term. Cas FRIDAY. M, Jcuur4u by his without judgment editor of the Star re a parrot. He ie a "Pretty Poll." O'Bara:4 said he gun'* motion, bed likely f., hare the O'Brien Is an Ors Cooties'''• traitor* !wetly. Has it out yet da the chance to know Hume Rule, and his reeolu:ion in would encourage th }3gpTH•R MIT.'e not yet apologize. M.P., for the tali published and end. Cameron was a ' same. • - Bro. Mite church, and Mr. member, yet the and journalism is and cowardly Wei The (:oderich !S'4r for alluding to the 11 t' mer•• s .0.44..) Mouse Itself. We the Ooderich Heron good graces for Mr. him well in the eT !Exeter Times. The jyrposif•r, not published in !Huron, and, in tt an "organ. Lti independent Lib is why the Wadi so nd ed Tory organs d that. As 1.o w means by "sacs really don't uncle Ir a Canadian few characters, s the incidents dee in his speech uu en in this wcek'i scribed in "Item yet de for our r dill for the slave to do for the 1' n in any event th has made an ins that points to t for our Nordin Christian man ment that pet state of •flair s Tea polities is being revel trend of sym wards the Lib Blake and CI a watchword i more potent t de cry. We agree with Sts ors to back ur the Reform little to add attwtion to l solid four B1 men whc 41 Reform are Toryism on I Puff which of an *dv0 home and el Aiwa' • Mr. Fen home indel of hen Ire from Otte, gat k wimdawihmbidtrghhat oBmb.ile*•cham 41 11 The her ,v o1 Virg ar.d motto