HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-7, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY 7, 1886, 7 Househotb Hire f BOW AND WRftK TO 'AT. The Rewe wt b,. I rend you • crates for dyeing /edam' Par F.rsaw Deasraea eie Avoid. {I.reee, ribbon*. silks ur s•tt(telr It will ens e.dgssae. dyes fifwfa a pale stew le . d.•ep orange Never est food when not Deeded, aim- oulot. The awn will nut fade, sloe buil- ply to save it, for in &wag so, it is twice sag saww 11 ' —Real two quarte of rain wsstW. It i• thrown sway au the su.tn wsler I"suly.. a It • pieoa..f atom the ash, as at is net transformed into health ease is • bi.kury nut. While hut, .l..p and strength but becomes • source of in it ens sea soar" leaves oo1 horese,.dJi.h,^ amass. and sufaring. 1t had better & uldtag 10 the depth off aJgc rwtutri L Mr* wit spat the land, tc reoppe.r in d • Hines the article dyed in rain water and slaw teem of vegetati„s- Airrer eat et bed time, or when vary much elhauetd, ut in .rest haste, for in .o doing the seeds of dyspepsia are easily sown. If you have not tone to yet a tair mesh pruperly, yuu trill gain by eating just whet you can eat like an intelligent being, taking it so aaaderstely that it tray be well chewed and Dtiied with saliva, sr that it may be digested, se that only is of any import -ince in the • Caster —Shake and hest it w ((Iq it t.* the fluor and tack it dem- ly I IWOwith *elan gannet, wash it over dt! .4. quart .f bullock's gall mined with throe quarts of wk cold water, and rob it of with a clean N inoel or hoose cloth. Any particularly dirty spot should be robbed with pure Balt. egstitan PUDDISS.—Three ;tope ts•e*p sweet ankh ; s pluck of salt sows promotion of health and strewth. trmatwonful cream tartar ; one half ditto sod* ; • little sugar, if preferred ; one cup of fruit of any kind. and Boar to make s stiff batter. Steam one hour, and eat with cream and sugar. Yery nice ; try it. Owenwts Rearm.—Take from ail to tea drops of the eatoeutrateJ solution of Atkinde of suds in • wuheglassfel of puss water. Taken immediately after the •bletior of the morning are oompieted will sweeten the breath by disinfesting the stomach, which, far from betas mimed, wilt be benefited by the medroiw. In some cams the o(toer from Never hat..ur the foolish rad ■h.urd elms that the richer your food is in grease. opiate, sweets and the like, the more aoirishinr it will be; Poor the plain- er food contains the most available nour- tshweot, bread being "the stall el Ile." The complicated dishes are often au diffi- cult of digestion that even lees Krmsgth is obtaimed from them than from one-half of the *entity of plain and substantial food, a le Nome lined* of so called risk f gust moor. strength—in the vats attempt to digest them—than they can afford, making an actual Iwo ! Never burry ly, or attem ( carious teeth is combined with that of to do more labor than you can fairly the etemaei If the =meth is well ries- do unless wow 04 time ed with a teaapao(dal td the Wlutltw sal in the future to rectify errors or to be aletum the infeet a amwiblell r d water, else removed. bad odor ever eat between meal., not even of be fruits, if you are at all troubled with iu- bentes, and I plies of water. P'"them [dyspeptic8 some time No umiak of Ewg .l 1• Wlltt-1 gaS144. of eider- d(Aeetion, or .Ls not willing to below• in a skid copper kit thein boil one hour, had ,fork will justify lunches, as the *bibs strain tkrouRh • we've; pier' the atoaach cannot dageat fend whew taken berries, and to 9 gallons of liquor add 28 poised. of Limbos sugar, one-quarter of • poems el Mew, pound of albeit, ,►,matter pound of cloves ; thew pat them in a dela copper; let them boil one.half hour ; then strain it again and set it to work to a tub while warm. OntoWf tablespoonful of (rood yeast is enough for this ywaatity. Pot in • wk when dose working, Ma. Crest tliogmstsa.—When acid has been dropped on any article of ct..th- tug, apply lipoid amnions& to kill the acid ; then aujily chlorifurm to restore the color. Lassos CHssa. Cattails —Pars two lemons very thin and put tis rind to soak in half • pial of tomer ; put into an es - tumefied easeepaa one pound loaf sugar. •ix Doses beteer, tittle beat- en, and the water in which the rind .cak ed ; hop this misters well atiwed ustal it besetnea a* flick es boney ; pour into a jar, and it will keep for weeks. Line dishes with puff paste and bake. Ysat. Ponouse.—Beat owe - quarter of a posed .i batter to a cream ; add s quarter of a pound of white snow; beat well four eggs and add to the rest mei well ttyietber ; line a dick with puff parts, spre.d over it a layer of raspberry jam; then poor (elthe mixture, and bake nearly three-gsac/sred an hour- This podding is to be eaten cold. W. Se Kerr,. The age at which women should as- sume lb* duties a( wife and mother has long been adebstable point. A Brooklyn mar/wine did not hope to settle the issue when it invited • number of lady writers to give their opinions upon the same but the variation of thought was never more apparent. Louisa 114. Montt main- tains that the age at which yosne wo- men ahould marry N from twenty-three 'to twenty-five, as "few girls ars ready for the duties of married life before then, wither pbtsicaliy or mentally." Rebecca meow Wish Was. Harding Davis holds it to he "vs impoe Whatever •mat► can't laugh he u in siblw to lay dew* say owner,' rule with regard to toe properate for a woman t.o1sed et liver medicine. There's some• so nor well dispose of more than throe meals esck day. Newer take ice cream or ice water at your meals ..r donee the digestion of them—withia four hours atter fading them—when satisfied that a -•cold din- ner" will prove unfavorable is your (ase, as ordinary food is never half as cold as these Mick*. I1 it not neasemery to be governed wholly by our tains. especially when that is 'whited by had babies — [Golden Rale. desalt, age sae CesearYl Poke. The gales yields scent' which cannot be outdone by the richest; but the country is alt garde to those who love it and go to it for it.: own sake. Eery ooppioe and hedgerow, bank, mea- dow sad mead teems with an ele•nee quite beyond the imitation el art. The" very earth newly turned in itself gives a perfumllaibat Tawas and Rimmall might in Teat bops to atrpaaa ; and if thus 1 etneiliniega ,army eat oar eyes and our ears we is seep die sdvaeteges to bone and mind --get nothing from leisure, short or bag—it strikes me we had bai- ter all adopt the maxims and habits of Scrooge, and her tial nese of ours, of whisk we are ss jingly proud, well down to the grindstone every day cf our life. Such spirits dears* no better fate. 1t it the hest and only tae to which they can put that feature, for holidays t.. them must ever remain a sham and • fraud.—{London Society. The Latest ides. "Johnay, are you ambitious to be a grsat soon, said have fame when yuu die "Yes, teacher." "And bow do y..0 propose to become great r "Make enough money to build me • muswment—and build it myself err make sure." mmaarresry, at to prescribe a triwersal diet which shall agree with all stomachs," but she believes that "th. time for a girl to marry lea whoa Abe meets a an who heartily lone ler sad whom she heartily loves, if ti• is old cough to be a helpmeet M Rise and not a deed weight." Madeline Vinton D.hlgreen thinks a women of twentymust bare seen s6 etwomenthe social atmosphere in which she lives to be able to diserim- inate wisely, and that the .Iaeatio0 of oarryiog should be r gul•ted the gbh and Now of the human here' Te Leer Stone the mote suit- able sage he the bride seems to be from twenty -6n to thirty. Helen Campbell lays down the principle that no man is fit for imo.y before thirty and no woman before tweaty•6ve, and is this she Inds a remedy for the chaos of married unhappiness. Julia C.R. Doer oonteads that between twenty and twenty-6ve is the hest age for a giri's marriage. Eunsce Whit. !teacher sub - mita that Ihers ars malty teA.is why marriage of girls from agitate, to twen- ty-one woold seem to promise the hap- piest unit'*, always provided that tree lore was the. foundation. Mary 1a. Booth regards immature marriages as a fruitful mums of SOb*pptnees, bat specifies no ages., I;tiasbnh P. Peabody shinks no girl *mold merry natal she tads the aatisfeetdl* of her ideal, which it pretty indefinite. Adeline D. T. Whitney does nM mord the &newer to the question as "ose to be tut in hulls ; it is a mat- ter of eirettm.tanoe and qualification, diriif heart, mind and mnsieties." From thing wrong with him. Many a fellow in this ooentry has mistaken a disorder- ed liver for religion—a .niaerable old dor it is to "arty. I don't care whether • (and laughs or cries in church. I want to know whether he's a good husband or father, or a good neighbor.—flea.. Sam. Jones. A Madero Kar ell . la a meant letterfrom R W. Doman, of Del..rmne, Ont., be slates that he has recovers& teals the Vatic form of dra- pepsia, after suffering tor fifteen years ; and when a council of doctors pronouuced him incurable he tried Burdock Blood Bitters, six bottles of which restored hie hcalth. Arab Fhtbsssh,- The following is an Arabic prc.verh, which we have taken down from the mouth of an Oriental : Men are four : He who knows not, and knows not he kouwim est, -Ba is e fool • shun him. He who knows not,awd io-.ws he knows not. Hew simple ; teach him He who knows, and knows not he know& He is asleep ; mate him. Iia who knows and knows he knows. He is wit ; follow him. Decks are stab honey Alathre that there is no profit in keeping them when the bulk et what they est met be ler- t nicked in "gala. It is for this hood Haat it is Italy advisable to beep them near ponds or brooks, where they can Alf of which it woolq mow that the procure a terve part of their food with - keg debatable plaintdobnlsbie,1,111 `fleayw•.. 'Thed14will thrive just that ne marrying standard ley be emelt-110 wofr with only a tab d ester to bathe d, that the hits and misses of married in and drink, but in rash a twee they life are eskulited to costive, until the will need an immenee .mount of food, mill/mime, if they terminate even thee. which with more ample water facilities will not be required. use. f srtr.e ee- The ,seas_.$. "Yea may .ay what jou like motheg, Beattie no Longer loves we. ' "list, child, how Jul you Leet that silly n..ti..e into your head "fib, %my •itnplr, nod only tot quwkly. When be takes me home n,.waJays he always chooses the shortest road " MEDICAL HALL GODERICH. F. JORDAN, CHEST IND DRUGGIST, Dialer in all the Popular Patent Medicines of the day. Also the following Proprle:ory ale. I-ri.eo - JORD.ZN'a CHERRY PCTLNIOYIC, For ('ou.br, Gids, Whooping (bock, JORD I .8 COMPOUND ARNICA LINIMENT, Per Sprat's, Swelliags. Rheumatism, Ra ..1-08D . '8 STOMACHIC BiITTERS, Por Itadiaestioa sad Los• of Argent,. JORDAM'8 COMPOUND S Y R C P OF SARSA- PARILLA, The Great Blood Portlier. JORDAN'8 RELIABLE DYSPEPSIA CURE. JORD.AN'5 CANADIAN CONDITION : - WDER, Por Horses and Cattle, lilpsoisltT-Pbjw5.4 a' N and Family Recipes Accurately Dispensed. GODERICH WORKS_ favui� 1 the beidases of JOSEPH VAXS1T)NE. Marble Cotter. I take this op- pwt.rlty of s rouneing to tine people of the Omni, of Huron. that I am now prepared to execute all orders in MARBLE & GRANITE 1.1(11 [Will S liaLsns,• Etc.. Etc. Havl1)ngg twelve years practiced ewer:a . I fool oosadent of givla` to 4.5055 "rheumy favor me with their orders. STILL LO VPER. CARLOW. _gtn(�nwtlaulastomeek Goods dews (e PRrs i '1' NC A. RAC JET S.V •ad would cordially Is rte all In ut far and urar If ti„t, want W buy GOOD UOIt8 at RIGHT I'Itll'F:r'. to canon use, • a 1 bet,. a the ('writ: w1U br HarrL5D visors ('art it trim:. DRESS GOODS, SPLr..Du► tS EAR, (R' I3 c. per pint FANCY DRESS MUSLIN$, Ce 9 e. " GOOD Sit IRTIN((:;, (ria 11 e. •' A HEAVY AND ('HEAL' STOCK THROUGHOUT. Has lag this week fully assorted qty Stock in all the rations lines. b) cellos( and Iiwl a tla` 1 behove you will acknowledge the abate staltmest of low prices to be correct. fa•'i'kase bear la mind my luutw 'st'ou't tie Undrr.wld.' 7_ RICi____ ..�S, CARLOW. ApwOrth, ludo MISS vv Tlie Latest French! and Mnoncau Styles HATS, BONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Ktc., Btc., etc. The Chicago House. WEST STREET. KRICK, Gedertc April kb Ilea. 1 *i111tktktktkftftftdt*tk*** e* * ff***tltk*ekIlk#1k#ttN Mit FDR CHEAP C000S DON'T FAIL TO CALL AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt w _ H_ R1..LJIT. t+; Y , Mar. 11, 1886, The Pecple's Store, GodeTioh. tttttttuntttttt hoot tttttttttttttt#ttt t MUM GEO. H. BROWN, m9ica:ese to DR. WHPtKLi'.t PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Having lately added • Fresh Stock of Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Eto., to the already well selected stock, begs to inform the chimes of Goderick that he is sew able to supply them wttb PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS at Reasonable Prices, PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR SLOAN'8 INDIAN TONIC, tat.The Greatest Blood Purifier of the age. Every Hottle cieeniateed. Monday Roars : -10 to 11 sono; 1 to 4 p.m.; 8.30 to L:10 p.m. Albion Sleek. Goderfeh, Feb. tib, ilei.. w01 -iia Widows and JIDOr Sills Goasrich Foundry and Machine Works, HOUSE FURNISHINGS. ETC., Runciman Bros., F _ ..� fetors. Supplied at Reasonable Pates. Thee intending to purchase Monuments or assd.'osas will and it In their interest to GIVE ME A CALL. RTI solicit an inspect lop of the work now in the shop. J. A. ROBERTSON Goderich, March 11th, IBM. teal -3u, NEW FflMTHORR CONTRACTS TAKEN fee Still ENGINE$. fLIURNIC ■ILLS. AND OTNER MACHINERY WAITED. Flouring Mills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, etc., etc-, at Low Pricer. ✓Ill Kinds of Castings Meade to Order. J. B. Rclnctw*lr, Goderich, Nov. W. 151 1m -1f G. CAW= NOW COMPLETE ! Takes pleasure In that t.• has opened sol a new Confectionery it Fruit Store iNN GOOF:itil'H, on VV tam+l SiiYaia.,.y, adlolning Knight's Barber Mmop. The stock is new, and has been bought from the beat homes. Rural Lady—''Is this Washington "Bromley, I'm having a wretched time . trees r with my wife. We wrangle fearfully, Bostonian—"Tea. salsa. ; what do and she's se wordy that she overwhelms you wish to Ind r me every time." R. L —"I am lashing for the observe- 'Well, Darring.r„ theme little plum tn*j, teen., are sot to be avoided, it meats 1 —The n.nuat observatory I know Dry wife mrd 1 have redeemed them le • of is le ( brdilp, /1r.. or foer miles--seeenroa. She demands his two wawa, Ermaand I gond aaIaredly let her leve theta. R L—"Well, 1 mean where slay it'. s smell ee*esesiam, Toe sea" daseisSer .tsdies meals; I reeds some '4 should Welt it wait 1 eery yen, reed sell R W e*MNM'.a, of shim► leo • fl..Riy, 'pas my sed I des (1k, I 1 will." 1 NM to tat N, .ed the tis, wet ere i4e Ms wesi 1" "The first sad the lege" THE PRICES ARE VERY LOW. A roll is regipeotfolly int lied, Godsrlch.](arch lets, iSM SCJ°Y__. That are going to be BOLD C$EAP 8T--- SAiINDERS VARIETY STORE : Wall Paper, Decorations, Wall Tints, Carpet Lining Hanging Lamps, And • Omelet Assortment et lloso --AT It. W. Ri-IVCtwali NOW COMPLETE! A CHOICE STOCK OF prtaNiri arcmonses ori d. Gioceriee_ SPICL1. LINICA IN Dress Goods, S h i rt i n gs, and Tweeds. Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Ooderiob. April >Dth, 11* BOOTS &SH ES Reg L announce to the Public that they have opened business in the abrn. !itor in the store lately 000up{.thed by Horace Newton Having p.rekaed a large sad well asnortd stook of 8priag read Summer floods at close figures we are ins to Rive the Public the benedt. ▪ QUICK SALES, MILL PROFITS TILL BI OUR ETTO pr -Please can and ,rashes oar Roods heforepurchasing elsewhere. jr'Renwb•r the pleas, fest door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. 1reisewle went will Metre nmr spatial sttentiow. 1111'IUse hot the best of material used and first-class unthaws *employed. Jlff"llepsilrimg mostly dome not the showiest notice (;oderieh lfarch fl lin. DOWNING & W ED D U P The Cheapest House UNDER THE SUN. Wed -.t., tont door In the Poet 0114... Dedert.5. Apr111ot, inti Crauetting guide. Uit.t\I1'1I:lNK Marl. Empress Wised. Ytaed. Godertch 1.T. Tie aft ItJB pm 141 pas 'Stratford l .tt.I Aimee' I t:]ep.m I Iep.m IMT. Mtsrd. Mixed. Ex StratfordLe. le aim I1ap.m PAt Uudr", h I Ar. i NlD%.m I 3.15 p.m 1 pa. 11:15 p -m HIGGiNS' EUREKA s�ax.x FOR PUH/TI. s;N'P:P:TN:ENS, at PTA VOR IS UNEQUALLED. DAIRYMEN .1 alit ircatly improve your BUTTER & CHEESE. Ag.-n.)for Western Canada : t Oikkiiid's Jens Dairy, G, HAMILTON, ONT, trsend for Free Circular:1 n March ?Stl . 1114. moo Amusements. GODSRIOH MECHANICS' INSTI- TUTE 1.1HltAICY AND READING ROOM, our. of East street and Square ter Malta Open hen 1 to d p.m.. and' from ; to is p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOL8 IN LIHRARYI Leading Unify�, W.'dJy anti Illustrated Papers, Mo•:.rtioea, rte., on Pile. MKMiontset Ttt'KiCT. ONLY 01.11, granting free age of Library and Readiair i(oo.i. Application for membership received h Libraries. in rooms. J. H. COLBORN K, ALEX. 11057014, Presideut. S.eretary. d.derk;h, March 1145. IfaS. 115 C.A.NAIRf3 YOU WANT- -IN --- 6tOCER1@S, NEW AND FRESH FOlt Ile is showing a splendid assortment of China an1ssure. Come in and look, if you don't buy, Ne Trouble to Show Goods, C. A. NAIRN, Court House Square. OudeHek Dec. OA, 1884. *ODRRIQB PLANING MILL 5.51 ABWSHED 11165. Bushman, Lawson : Robinson * tNI:r*ri 1-ltare or Sash, Doors & Blinds °BALERS IV ALL .1� 0► Lumber, Lath, ,thin Lusafiles and builder's materiel of every deo rlptlos. SCNOOL H MNiTIME A SPECIALTY. ,IIA Order t to. Underfelt Amt. t. 1111. 1.117 PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. AV ING SBCTURED THR Agency of t'arrda's Celebrat- rd M1 (Vm Piahoforte'a, llarafsr- ltstmod b, Keaare. Kaaem !Bluets. or tweasw lam pr paaad to see As, mums at Moderate Prices sad os easy lernie of payment. Harif a thorough knowledge of the of Pianos. and what kind of mat at and felts are re mired to woke a first-.•1.ea inatrameet, twewd- iaR purchaarr• a in And it to their ad. rsrtase to consult Int before pun•hae. lam Fearing and Repairers a *prelates. 'All work warranted first nasi. (leder* left at the nook Flores of \1r*. 4 reek or Mr. Lowrie promptly attended la. 11Vtt"D 1. HR(11t'111. PIANOS: PIANOS. PIANOS. Goderlsk, apt. lm h. tots. MI! t r • The People's Livery► JOHH KXOI, Proprieter. The srbserlhpr to Dre(arell to famish the pub lir with The Finest Rigg AT REASON ARUE PRICER CA1.1. AND PER I'S Opppslt the Cn ere Hsu Oedarte►. Oederleb. Feb. Ink 11 ,